January 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 Sm 3:3b-1 0, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 I Jn 1:35-42 ST. MARY CHURCH 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 ~~ ~~ ~ Sa£1ta11Wtt of, 91aptimr,: Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, ORE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant Phones: Rectory: 594-2210 Parish Genter: 594-2225 Relgious Education: 594-2284 ~ ~ E-mail: [email protected] www.carlylecatholicchurch.com Fax: 594-4638 Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: www.materdei.breese.iLus All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: WYnv.asasaints.com Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 to register. Saturday: 3-3:45pm Please make an appointment at least six months in advance, preferably a year. Wednesday, 12Noon ·we ask that all new residents register with us by filling out the form located on the radiators or by stopping by the _Parish Center. Liturgy for the JtVeek ... Sat.. Sun.. 17.. 18.. 4:00pm .. 8:00am.. lO:OOam .. 4:45pm ... Mon .. Tue .. Wed .. Thu .. Fri .. Sat.. Sun .. 18 .. 19 .. 20 .. 21.. 22 .. 23 .. 24 .. 7:30am.. 7:30am .. 7:30am.. 7:30am .. 7:30am.. 4:00pm .. 8:00am.. !O:OOam.. Mark & Leona Feldmann Our Parish Family Fern Wobbe Adolph List Jerome Guiab & Eufrocino Gumiran TEC Reunion Mass at St. Dominic, Breese Wm. Kueper Jr. Family Henry Wilken Gary Crouse John Montacue Leland Lovell Our Parish Family Dick Gray Personal Intention ~ ! Respect Life Corner• !I 9 Days for Life -January 17-25 ' 2015 ' will mark the anniver- i. · sary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which legal- ! ; ized abortion throughout pregnancy. The "9 Days for Life" ! · novena encourages nationwide solidarity in prayer for daily ! : intentions, including for couples experiencing infertility, those ! i mourning the loss of a child through abortion, children in need ~ i of adoptive homes, and for an end to abortion and use of the j death penalty. j Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Ways for you and your family to i participate in English and Spanish include the "9 days for Life" app. Go to www.usccb.org for more information. ! -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· 1l1ASS SERVERS ... Jan. 18th to Jan. 24th Sun: 8am Allison Diekemper, Molly Diekemper, Bryce Moyer lOam Tyler & Brayden Voss, Blake Holthaus Mon. thru fri: 7:30am: Bob Buchheit Sat: 4pm Alan & Audrey Schlau, Brayden Henss Jan. 25th to Jan. 31st Sun: Sam Chase, Claire & Carly Kampwerth lOam Shaun & Alyssa Becker, Drew Edwards Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Stan Gezella Sat: 4pm Haily & Hayley Leath, NicholasChrist j If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank ; you. I Schedule of Events ... Sun.. 1S.. (Sam-Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake Breakfast--benefit retired priest & nuns 18 .. (8am-12Noon) St. Rose Youth League Breakfast in St. Rose Gym, St. Rose 18 .. (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation lS .. (2pm) St. Augustine, Breese Quilt/Cash Bingo. Fried Chicken Luncheon llamlpm Mon .. 19 .. Holiday ... church office closed 19 .. (lpm) St. Anthony's Bunko & Dessert Party at St. Anthony PC, Beckemeyer 19 .. (7:30pm) RCIA meet in St. Anthony's, Beckemeyer Wed .. 21.. (6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation 21.. (6:30pm) Confirmation Parents Planning Meeting Thu .. 22 .. (12-1pm) Pro-Life Prayer Vigil at the Clinton County Courthouse--Come and pray with us for a few minutes or the hour in solidarity for our nation to end abortion and a respect for all human life from conception until natural death. 24 .. Sat.. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation 24 .. (7:30pm) Relay For Life team, Greg's Gang Euchre Tournament at R Bar & Grill in St. Rose. Entry fee $15/person. Sun .. 25 .. (7am-12pm) St. Ann Preschool Pancake and Sausage Breakfast in St. Ann Gym, Nashville 25.. (Sam-Noon) Breese Squires Breakfast at Breese KC Hall. 25.. (1 Oam) Pre-K Faith Formation 25.. (10:30am-5pm) Highland KC Chicken Dinner at Highland KC Hall. 25.. (llam-2pm) Messiah Lutheran Church, Carlyle, Pork Chop Dinner in the Messiah Fellowship Hall (lpm) Euchre, Pinochle & Bunko Social 25.. at St. Dominic PC, Breese. $5 admission includes lunch. :Quest Retrea7Weekend a-;; 24.&l5-:-201Sa~S~James Pa; I I I ish in Millstadt. Quest is available to anyone who is a FreshI m~n in High School or older. For more info contact Marty I D1ekemper 526-2923 or email [email protected]. I : I L-----------------------1 r----------------------~ Basketball... Stewardship ...•.. 1-11-15; Envelopes: $5826 Cemetery: $24 7 Loose: $484 Messenger: $25 Online banking; Weekly-Envelopes: $130 (4) Our weekly budgeted expense for the current 2014-15 fiscal year is $9421. Weekly envelope/loose target is $8462. 1 I Jan. 19-25, 3rd Gr. Tournament here 1 1 I Jan. 24-25, 4th Gr at Salem Tournament I I Jan. 24, 5th Gr at Hillsboro lOam 1 .IKCINFO... .· 1 -----------------------··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-, j ... BINGO every Wednesday at 7:30pm : ... Fish & Chicken Fry every Friday 4:30-7pm. Lunch is 1 served from 11 am-1 pm Monday thru Friday I Llfark your calendars ......................................... ... Ladies Sodality Basket Bingo, Feb. 8, 2015-1 pm .........................................................................LifeTouch photo sittings 1\-lar. 3-21 ......................................................................... Reverse Raffle, 1\-Iarch 7, 2015 ......................................................................... Confirmation, April 21, 2015 at Germanto"vn *************************** *~ * ifo * ~ We welcome Tessa Anne Beckmann (Parents: Brian Roger & Cassie Lynn) as we baptize her this '1<~ Sunday at St. Mary. May she grow in wisdom, age and grace. Let us be great examples of faith to her and all our children. ~ Kudos to Irma Bach as she celebrates 90 years of life this weekend. May you enjoy many more, Irma! ~ The sign up for the parish Pictorial Directory begins this weekend. As always, it would be great if we could get everyone signed up for this so that the Directory is complete. Please take some time to sign up. For M._ doing so, you get a free picture and a copy of the Directory. If you want nothing else, just say "no" like I do. ~ Samuel's call, along vvith the call of the apostles, reminds us that we are all called by God. What does Samuel's story say to us? First it reminds us of our baptismal call and commitment that we share to follovv God, .J:.!L the Father, Son and Spirit. Secondly, the story ofEli and Samuel invites us to think about our religious expecta~ tions and how we listen. Have vve, like the people of those days, become convinced that God is not calling? Are we simply going along with the idea that being "spiritual" is replacing being "religious, " without communal M._ ties or expression? That popular concept seems to go quite well with "American individualism, " but leaves ~ something lacking in the tradition of the God ofIsrael and Jesus. -Mary M McGlone We remember Dr. King's call as well this weekend. His call for justice rings true today: "Now let me suggest first that if we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone; no nation can Live alone, and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in this world. Now the judgment of God is upon us, and we must either learn to live together as brothers (and sisters) or we are all going to ~ perish as fools." A Christmas Sermon on Peace, 1967 Don't let the dream die! ~ Peace & good, Fr. George * * ir * ** * © ~ 7~ * * * * ** * .J:.!L ~ ~ ~ .J:.!L ~ M._ ~ Yo~ ~ * * *************************** INFO... The Breese Knights of Columbus are again selling their famous chicken wings for your super bowl parties. Hot, BBQ, Plain or Honey Hot at 25 for $18, 50 for $35 or 100 wings for $70 from 12noon to 4:30pm on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st. Pre-orders will be taken by calling 5267898. ~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· Please remember those who have asked for our prayers: Rose Novak, Jennifer Buehler Wallace, Murray Fauke, Sharon Gustafson, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Bob Nowak, Luke Woltering, Jeremy Long, Emily Reese, Kris Huckshold, Jim Mouldon, JoAnn Loepker, Dennis Bach, Sandy Kirksey, Don Carman, Marla Howard, Luke Letica, Kristen Stiles, Richard Self, Barb Varel, Bill Warren, Vinnie Valencia, LeonildaDiekemper, Richard Salmon, David Schmidt, Rick Perry, Cindy Gomez, Darline Johnson, Belinda Beine, Marge Pax, 'Mary Jane Lampen, Rev. Steve Goodin, Lucille Foster, Lynn Robke Crutcher, Bill Horstmann, Stella Q., Jerry Williams, Clark Kauling I DVFO... Free for Clinton County Residents1 j employment & training program. Requirements: Not in j j high school, age 16-21, unemployed or under employed, . . meet income guidelines. Contact WIA Youth Services, ~ 951 Fairfax St., Suite f, Carlyle 322-2328 or 979-0351. 1 ! 1.-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·j St. Mary's 2015 Pictorial Directory An opportunity to sign up for your photograph session is available after each weekend Mass. There are informational pamphlets at the sign-up table. Sign-up is also available online from Sam Monday through 8pm friday by following the link found on St. Mary's homepage in the lower right hand corner_ For families/groups of seven or more, please schedule two consecutive sessions. Photograph sessions will be held for three consecutive weeks, Tuesday-Saturday beginning March 3rd. The first sign-up will be for the week for March 3-7 & March 10-14. Photographs of military and nursing home residents may also be sent in for the inclusion in the directory. For questions, please call Denise Nordike (267-6746) or Barb Crouse (604-5256)_ Need a 2014Charitable Contribution Statement? ! If you are in need of an income tax statement for your .\ \offertory gifts to St. Mary Parish, please fill out the fol~ lowing form and drop it in any offertory collection basf ket or mail to St. Mary's, PO Box 179, Carlyle, IL ~ 62231. Pl~ase mark "Income Tax Statement" on your j envelope. We will send statements as soon as possible. ~I am interested in receiving a charitable contribution !statement from my parish. Please Print ~Name: _________________________________ January :Address: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :Phone: ( 18 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time He said to them, "Come, and you will see." John 1:39 ) ___________ Envelope# _ ___ \ Notice: IRS Rules-In the case of a charitable contribu- i : tion of money, regardless of the amount, the donor . !must maintain a cancelled check, bank record or receipt : from the donee organization showing the name of the donee organization, date of the contribution, and the !amount of the contribution. The latter necessitates use ofparish envelopes or \Internet Banking! Messenger Renewal Weekend is February 7-8, 2015 i Please stay//connected/1 through asubscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through aparish envelope or on-line at www.bellevillemessenger.org. ..............................................................................................................................; [SUBSCRIPTION COST: Print· $25.00, Electronic. $25.00, Both. $30.00] :. January 24 • Januarill Lector Carol Loepker Arnie Wobbe Shirley Etter Skip Etter Mary Ellen Hughes John Verstegen Mary Verstegen Jennifer Wilkerson Joe Wilkerson Jane Beckmann Stan Gezella Judy Doerr Linda Peppenhorst Darlene Rodden Dave Rodden August Rose John Rubsam Pat Wesselmann Marlene Hoffmann Bill Wylder Laura Anderson Paulette Evans Cathy Guthrie Brenda Knolhoff Bonnie Kueper Linda McNurlen Keri Mitchell Susan Winkeler Kay Wylder Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 8:00AM Sunday, 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister
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