C O N V E NO R S Dr Spiro Raftopoulos Consultant Gastroenterologist Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Gastro-Intestinal Simulation Training (GIST): Introductory GI Endoscopy Course Friday 16th & Saturday 17th January 2015 Dr Hooi Ee Head of Department of Gastroenterology/Hepatology Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital The GIST: Introductory GI Endoscopy Course has been designed for practitioners embarking on a career requiring the regular use of GI endoscopic skills. CO-CONVENOR Dr Nick Kontorinis Head of Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Royal Perth Hospital SU I T AB L E F O R Gastroenterology and General Surgery Trainees about to commence GI Endoscopy training AC C R E D I T A T I O N This educational activity has been approved in the RACS CPD Program. Fellows who participate can claim one point per hour (max. 17 points) in Category 4: Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills towards 2015 CPD totals. VENUE CTEC The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway (Entrance no. 2, Hackett Drive) CRAWLEY WA 6009 T +61 8 6488 8044 E [email protected] H O W T O R E G I ST E R Register online at www.ctec.uwa.edu.au FE E Registrar/Trainee $1570 (inc. GST) Numbers are limited to 12 to provide participants with the best opportunity for maximum practise time. Lunch will be provided for all participants. Course content, date and convenors may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. For more information contact: John Linehan Senior Course Coordinator T +61 8 6488 8049 E [email protected] *Please note: use of the animal part simulators is not compulsory. The major emphasis of the course will be on gaining practical experience. The course will focus on the basic techniques necessary to safely carry out a gastroscopy and colonoscopy, and will provide frequent opportunities for supervised practise of these skills on endoscopy simulators. Course Content This two day course features hands on endoscopic experience. Practical stations include: Endoscope handling and troubleshooting of common equipment problems. Basic methods in gastroscope insertion and examination of the upper GI tract. Basic methods in colonoscope intubation and examination of the lower GI tract. Recognition of upper and lower GI common pathology. Pre and post assessment using the EndoscopyVR Simulator. Endoscopic treatment of: GI bleeding (injection, diathermy and clipping) Oesophageal strictures (oesophageal dilation) Mucosal polyps (polypectomy) Foreign body retrieval Post Course Practise To achieve the appropriate level of competence in these techniques, the Introductory Course must be followed by a period of supervised clinical practise (in accordance with the recommendations of the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) *Please note: the use of animal part simulators is not compulsory The acquisition of the EndoscopyVR Simulator was made possible due to funding provided by Participants will use animal (porcine) tissue* models (Koken model, EASIE, Endo-trainer) and the computerised EndoscopyVR Simulator. These simulation models enable realistic and repeated practise of a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques under expert guidance. The EndoscopyVR Simulator offers superior force feedback sensation and physiological and anatomically correct simulation for the Trainee. Limited sponsorship is available to WA participants from the WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network. Upon completion of this course, WA participants may apply to CTEC for a 50% rebate of the course fee. CTEC acknowledges the following support:
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