An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Survival of Escherichia coli in Sea Water' III. Antibiotics A. F. CARLUCCI2 AND DAVID PRAMER Department of Agricultuiral Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey Received for publication December 7, 1959 biotics on the survival of cells of E. coli in sea water were described previously (Carlucci and Pramer, 1960). The following methods were employed to measure the biological effects of antibiotics in sea water. Growth of E. coli in sea water. A quantity of sea water was supplemented with 0.5 per cent Bacto-peptone9 and freed of microorganisms by filtration (Millipore). To each of a series of sterilized Bellco nephlo-flasks,'0 water was added aseptically and solutions of the antibiotics that were filter sterilized were added at appropriate levels to the flasks. All flasks were inoculated equally with a suspension of cells of E. coli and incubated at 28 C on a rotary shaker. Growth was measured turbidimetrically using a Klett-Summerson colorimeter" with filter no. 6. Growth of the native micropopulation of sea water. To each of a series of sterilized Bellco nephlo-flasks, 50 ml of sea water were added and each flask was supplemented with 0.5 per cent Bacto-peptone that was sterilized separately. The antibiotics were added, and the flasks incubated and tested as described in the preceding experiment with E. coli. Growth of the bacterial population of sea water on agar medium. Sea water was plated on the surface of sea water nutrient agar prepared to contain the antibiotics at various concentrations. Colony counts were made after 7 days of incubation at 20 C. Effect on ammonification. The procedure used was identical to that employed to determine the effect of antibiotics on growth of the- native micropopulation of sea water. The production of ammonium from peptone was determined using Nessler's reagent and a KlettSummerson colorimeter with filter no. 42. Effect on nitrification. A nitrifying enrichment culture was obtained by adding 0.1 per cent (NH4)2SO4 to samples of sea water and incubating at 28 C on a rotary shaker. When nitrite was produced, transfers were made to fresh water samples containing (NH4)2SO4. By repetition of this procedure an enrichment culture capable of oxidizing ammonium to nitrite but not nitrite to nitrate was obtained. Samples of sea It has been repeatedly suggested that sea water contains heat labile toxic substances (ZoBell, 1936; Krassilnikov, 1938; Ketchum et al., 1949, 1952; Nusbaum and Garver, 1955; Orlob, 1956). Although the source and identity of these substances remain obscure, they are believed to be of microbial origin and have been described as antibiotics (Rosenfeld and ZoBell, 1947; Vaccaro et al., 1950; Richou et al., 1955; Greenberg, 1956). Therefore, the production, stability, and some biological effects of antibiotics in sea water were investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS The antibiotics employed were chloramphenicol,3 chlortetracycline hydrochloride,4 neomycin sulfate,5 oxytetracycline hydrochloride,6 potassium penicillin G,7 polymyxin sulfate,8 and streptomycin sulfate.7 The replica plate method (Lechevalier and Corke, 1953) was used to provide information regarding the occurrence of antibiotic-producing bacteria in sea water. The surfaces of plates containing nutrient agar prepared with sea water were inoculated with 0.1 ml of a freshly collected water sample, and the plates were incubated 7 days at 28 C before replication. Plates which contained approximately 50 discreet colonies were replicated, incubated 5 days, and then flooded with a suspension of Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis. After storage at 28 C for 24 hr, the plates were examined for evidence of antibiotic production. Procedures used to determine the influence of anti' Paper of the journal series, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers, The State University, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, New Brunswick, New Jersey. This investigation was supported in part by research grant E1437 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service. 2 Present address: Research Department, United Fruit Company, La Lima, Honduras, C. A. 3Parke, I)avis and Company, Detroit, Michigan. 4American Cyanamid Company, Pearl River, New York. 5 The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 6 Chas. Pfizer and Company, Brooklyn, New York. 7E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 8 American Cyanamid Company, Stamford, Connecticut. I Difco Laboratories, Inc., Detroit, Michigan. 1 11 Bellco Glass Company, Vineland, New Jersey. Klett Manufacturing Company, New York City, New York. 251 A. F. CARLUCCI AND D. PRAMER 252 water containing (NH4)2S04 and different levels of the inoculated equally with the nitrifying antibiotics amount of nitrite produced after 6 and the culture determined was quantitatively, using Griess' days and a Coleman Junior spectrophotometerl2 reagents at 540 m,u. Effect on oxidation of thiosulfate. A culture of Thiobacillus thioparus was added to sea water supplemented with 1.0 per cent Na2S203 -5H20. When pH indicated that the culture had developed, transfers were made to flasks containing fresh sea water supplemented with Na2S203 and the antibiotics. The reaction of the solution was pH 8.0 and the extent to which thiosulfate oxidation by T. thioparus was influenced by antibiotics was determined by measuring pH electrometrically after 6 days of incubation at 28 C on a rotary shaker. RESULTS AND DIscUSSION Production of antibiotics by marine bacteria. A total of 200 bacterial colonies that developed on sea water nutrient agar was examined by the replica plate procedure but in no case was evidence obtained for production of an antibiotic active against either E. coli or B. subtilis. Although these results indicate that antibiotic-producing marine bacteria did not occur commonly, their presence in sea water has been demonstrated by other investigators. Rosenfeld and ZoBell (1947) tested 58 species of marine microorganisms for antibiotic production and found nine that were antagonistic to various nonmarine forms when cultiwere 12 [VOL. 8 vated on agar media. However, little or no antibiotic was produced by these same organisms when grown in nutrient broth prepared with sea water. Antibioticproducing actinomycetes were isolated from marine sAdiments but it was doubtful that the organisms were indigenous to the sea (Grein and Meyers, 1958). Stability of antibiotics in sea water. The persistence of six antibiotics in untreated and filter sterilized (Millipore) sea water was determined. The antibiotics used were chloramphenicol, chlortetracycline, neomycin, oxytetracycline, penicillin, and streptomycin. Each compound was added to provide a concentration of 200 ppm in separate 500-ml quantities of untreated and sterilized sea water in 2-L Erlenmeyer flasks, and the flasks were stored at 28 C for 30 days. Samples were withdrawn periodically and their antibiotic content determined by a streak-dilution assay (Waksman and Reilly, 1945) using E. coli and B. subtilis as test organisms. No loss of chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, TABLE 1 Influence of antibiotics on the survival of cells of Escherichia coli in sea water Survival after 48 Hr Antibiotic* None.16.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~N 16 .2 N one Chloramphenicol ............ ......... Neomycin ............................... Oxytetracycline ......................... Polymyxin .............................. Streptomycin ........................... Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, Illinois. * <0.01 16.5 13.1 <0.01 <0.01 Added at a concentration of 200 ppm to sea water. TABLE 2 Some biological effects of antibiotics in sea water Concentra- Antibiotic tion (ppm) None Chlortetracycline Chloramphenicol Neomycin Oxytetracycline Penicillin Streptomycin 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 Growth in Sea Water Plus 0.5 Per Cent Peptone Colony Count on Ammonification Total population ea Water Agar (% of Control) coli S E. coli Total population (% of Control) (% of control) (% of control) 100 104.8 83.5 26.1 87.8 1.1 0.5 96.3 72.3 0 97.9 92.6 20.7 42.5 4.8 0 96.3 83.5 1.6 100 83.7 73.1 11.9 98.0 87.8 8.8 89.1 93.9 85.0 93.9 87.8 81.0 111.6 80.0 62.9 89.1 93.2 102.7 100 32.3 1.6 0 16.4 8.2 1.4 109.6 12.3 16.4 23.3 4.1 1.4 35.6 12.3 1.4 39.7 20.6 5.5 100 84.0 73.1 23.1 90.9 77.3 15.9 67.1 62.5 61.4 59.1 78.4 67.1 80.7 64.8 42.1 72.7 75.0 51.1 Nitrification S203- Oxidation (% of Control) (pH) 100 91.3 82.6 4.4 95.4 87.9 12.6 69.6 0.5 4.8 95.7 91.3 5.6 21.7 16.2 16.2 13.0 4.8 5.3 5.0 4.8 5.3 8.0 5.9 8.2 8.0 5.0 7.9 8.1 5.2 4.8 8.0 5.5 8.1 8.1 7.5 8.1 8.1 19(;0] SURVIVAL OF E. COLI IN SEA WATER. III ineomycin, or streptomycin activity was observed, although all but neomycin have been demonstrated to be unstable and susceptible to microbiological degradation in soil (Pramer, 1958). Chlortetracycline and penicillin were rapidly inactivated in sea water. The former was less stable (90 per cent loss in 3.4 days) than the latter (90 per cent loss in 9 days). No significant differences were noted between the persistence of the antibiotics in untreated and sterilized water, indicating that the inactivation of chlortetracycline and penicillin resulted primarily from chemical rather than biological factors. Biological effects of antibiotics in sea water. The influence of 200 ppm of each of five antibiotics on the survival of cells of E. coli in sea water is shown in table 1. Neomycin and oxytetracycline had little or no effect but viability of the test organism was decreased greatly by chloramphenicol, polymyxin, and streptomycin. When these same antibiotics were added to sea water at a level of 50 ppm, no significant effects on survival of E. coli were observed. The results of studies of the biological effects of 1, 10, and 100 ppm of chloramphenicol, chlortetracycline, neomycin, oxytetracycline, penicillin, and streptomycin on microorganisms in sea water are summarized in table 2. In general, the antibiotics reduced the number of colonies that developed on sea water agar to a greater extent than growth of E. coli or the native micropopulation in sea water broth. Escherichia coli was more sensitive to increased levels of chloramphenicol, neomycin, oxytetracycline, and penicillin, than was the indigenous marine microflora. Chloramphenicol and penicillin had the greatest effect on the development of E. coli in sea water and growing cells were more sensitive to antibiotics than resting cells (table 1). Although the antibiotics influenced ammonification, the effects were not great. It appeared that relatively high concentrations of antibiotics were required to cause marked inhibition of growth and ammonificationi by microorganisms in the sea. Nitrification and thiosulfate oxidation were more sensitive to antibiotics than was ammonification. The nitrifying bacteria and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria tolerated relatively high concentrations of chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline. Their sensitivity to streptomycin was reported previously (Starkey and Pramer, 1953). The only previous work describing the influence of antibiotics on marine microorganisms is that of Cviic (1933). He studied 41 bacteria isolated from sea water and found that 70 per cent were sensitive to penicillin and 75 per cent were sensitive to streptomycin. The growth of 97 per cent of the species tested was inhibited by a combination of penicillin and streptomycin. SUMMARY The production of antibiotics active against Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis was not demonstrated 253 in tests of 200 marine bacteria. Chlortetracycline and penicillin were rapidly inactivated in both sterilized and untreated sea water, whereas no loss of chloramphenicol, neomycin, oxytetracycline, or streptomycin was observed in samples of water that contained the antibiotics at a concentration of 200 ppm and were incubated at 28 C for 30 days. The biological effects of antibiotics in sea water varied with the nature and concentration of the antibiotic tested as well as with the process investigated. In general, antibiotics reduced the numbers of colonies developing on sea water agar and the growth in sea water broth of E. coli and the indigenous bacterial flora. Nitrification and thiosulfate oxidation were more sensitive to antibiotics than was ammonification. Some antibiotics added to sea water persisted for long enough periods to exert a biological effect. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that antibiotics are produced under natural conditions by marine microorganisms and contribute to the death of cells of E. coli that enter the sea. REFEREN-CES CARLUCCI, A. F. AND PRA-MER, 1). 1960 An evaluation of factors affecting the survival of Escherichia coli in sea water. I Experimental procedures. Appl. Microbiol., 8, 243-247. Cviic, V. 1953 The bactericidal and bacteriostatical action of antibiotics oIn marine bacteria. Acta Adriat., 5, 1-32. GREENBERG, A. E. 1956 Survival of enteric organisms in sea water. Public Health Repts., 71, 77-86. GREIN, A. AND MIEYERS, S. P. 1958 Growth characteristics and antibiotic production of actinomycetes isolated from littoral sediments and materials suspended in sea water. J. Bacteriol., 76, 457-463. KETCHUMI, B. H., CAREY, C. L., AND BRIGGS, M. 1949 Preliminary studies on the viability and dispersal of coliform bacteria in the sea. In Limnological aspects of water supply and waste disposal, pp. 64-73. Am. Assoc. Advance. Sci., Washington, D. C. KETCHUM, B. H., AYERS, J. C., AND VACCARO, R. F. 1952 Processes contributing to the decrease of coliform bacteria in a tidal estuary. Ecology, 33, 247-258. KRASSILNIKOV, N. A. 1938 The bactericidal action of sea water. Mikrobiologiya, 7, 329-334 (English summary). LECHEVALIER, H. A. AND CORKE, C. T. 1953 The replica plate method for screening antibiotic producing organisms. Appl. Microbiol., 1, 110-112. NuJSBAUM, I. AND GARVER, R. M. 1955 Survival of coliform organisms in Pacific Coastal wN-aters. Sewage and Ind. Wastes, 27, 1383-1390. ORLOB, G. T. 1956 Viability of sewage bacteria in sea water. Sewage and Ind. Wastes, 28, 1147-1167. PRAMER, D. 1958 The persistence and biological effects of antibiotics in soil. Appl. Microbiol., 6, 221-224. RICHOU, R., NEANT, M., AND RIcHou, H. 1955 Surle pouvoir bact6ricide de l'eau de mer a l'egard du staphylocoque. Rev. Immunol., 19, 64-68. STARKEY, R. L. AND PRAMER, D. 1953 The significance of streptomycin in soil. Intern. Congr. Microbiol., 6, 344345. ROSENFELD, W. D. AND ZOBELL, C. E. 1947 Antibiotic production by marine microorganisms. J. Bacteriol., 54, 393-398. 254 A. F. CARLUCCI AND D. PRAMER VACCARO, R. F., BRIGGS, MI. P., CAREY, C. L., AND KETCHUM, B. H. 1950 Viability of Escherichia coli in sea water. Am. J. Public Health, 40, 1257-1266. WAKSMAN, S. A. AND REILLY, H. C. 1945 Agar-streak [VOL. 8 method for assaying antibiotic substances. Ind. Eng. Chem., 17, 556-558. ZoBELL, C. E. 1936 Bactericidal action of sea water. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 34, 113-116. An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Survival of Escherichia coli in Sea 'Water' IV. Bacteriophages A. F. CARLUCCI2 AND DAVID PRAMER Department of Agricultutral Microbiology, Ruttgers, The State University, New Bruenswick, New Jersey Received for publication December 7, 1959 d'HWrelle (1926) suggested that bacteriophages contribute to the self-purification process in natural waters, but ZoBell (1946) reported that they occurred sporadically and only in the littoral zone and concluded that there was insufficient evidence for bacteriophages to be considered of importance in limiting the bacterial population of the open ocean. Nevertheless, it was repeatedly stated in the literature (Carlucci and Pramer, 1959) that bacteriophages contribute to the rapid death and paucity of bacteria in sea water. Recent studies (Kriss and Rukina, 1947; Spencer, 1955) have shown that bacteriophages are not limited to the littoral zone but occur at points distant from land and at depths as great as 2000 meters. The bacteriophage isolated (1955) and studied (1957) by Spencer was active against several strains of the luminous marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum. It caused lysis of host cells on sea water agar but not on tap water agar and appeared to be indigenous to the sea. The present report describes the occurrence, persistence, and activity of some bacteriophages in sea water. MATERIALS AND METHODS Various methods for the isolation of bacteriophages from sea water were tested, but the one that proved most successful was similar to that used in a study of the occurrence of bacteriophages in soil (Carlucci and Star' Paper of the journal series, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers, The State University, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, New Brunswick, New Jersey. This investigation was supported in part by research grant E1437 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service. 2 Present address: Research Department, United Fruit Company, La Lima, Honduras, C. A. key, 1956). Portions of freshly collected samples of sea water were added to flasks that contained nutrient broth, and separate flasks were inoculated with cells of Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, and Serratia marinorubra. The flasks were incubated for 48 hr on a rotary shaker3 at 28 C after which their contents were filtered through Morton sintered glass discs of ultrafine grade (Morton, 1944). This primary treatment caused multiplication of phages present in the sea water sample, enriched the preparation, and increased the probability of phage isolation. Each filtrate (1 ml) was added to a tube containing 5 ml of nutrient broth. The tubes were inoculated with appropriate host cells and incubated on a rotary shaker at 28 C. The presence of phage was expressed by clearing of the culture medium. When lysis was observed the contents of the tube were filtered through sintered glass and an aliquot of the filtrate was tested for its ability to produce plaques. To obtain plaque formation, approximately 10 ml of nutrient agar was added to a Petri dish and permitted to solidify. A 0.5-ml aliquot of the filtrate being tested was added to the surface of this agar layer and thoroughly mixed with an additional 10 ml of nutrient agar that were seeded with cells of the host bacterium and poured at approximately 45 C. When the second agar layer had solidified, the plates were incubated at 28 C for 24 hr and examined for plaques. Phage titers were measured by the same layering technique using aliquots of appropriate dilutions of filtrates. Plaque counts were made after 24 hr incubation and the number of phage units present in the filtrate was calculated from the plaque count, the volume of filtrate plated, and the dilution used. Procedures employed to measure the survival of 3 New Brunswick Scientific Instrument Company, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
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