Important Dates:

Volume 44, Issue 10
 Monday evenings First
Place 4 Health
 Wednesdays at 2:10
Confirmation classes
 5th: 9:30 4 year old
Worship Books/
Appreciation Picnic
 7th: 7:30pm Elizabeth
Circle, A-M serves
 8th: 7pm Preschool
Task Force
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First Lutheran Church
Non-Profit Org.
 11th Wedding
 12th: 9:30
Kindergarten Prayer
Cube & Placemats/
12pm HS Youth Group
The mission of First Lutheran Church is Inviting people to know
Jesus Christ, connecting a living faith, and growing in ministry.
Find us on Facebook!
Thought for the day…
A little girl was wearing one
of those medical alert
bracelets. Someone asked her
what the bracelet was for.
She replied, I’m allergic to
nuts and eggs.”
The person asked, “Are you
allergic to cats?”
The girl said, “I don’t know...I
don’t eat cats.”
It is not in doing
what you like, but
in liking what you
do that is the secret
of happiness.
 13th 6:15pm Lit Wits
 15th: 7pm Boards/8pm
 17th: FLC @ FLC
2pm -??
 19th: 9:30
Faithbooking, 10:45
Kids Sing 12pm MS
Youth Group *Dakota
Sun *Prayer Walk & Pot
 25th: Turkey Dinner
Items due in the Church
 26th Military
Recognition both
 27th & 28th quilting
 26th 10:45Confirmation
 Nov. 1st Turkey Dinner/
Country Store
October 2014
Pastors Notes
Communication has been a
key focus of many of the
councils and boards during
this past year. As a group,
the leadership of the
church has been
intentional about adding
social media and
technology to the
repertoire of
communication tools. We
are continually working to
stay connected to you, our
community of believers.
The most recent addition
has been an update to the
website. You can view the
new interactive website at:
We also have a Facebook
page which is continually
updated with pictures and
day-to-day announcements.
This is listed under First
Lutheran Church of Volga.
QR code scan is
using the app
“QR Code
As always, you can reach
the pastors or the church
office via email or phone.
With all of this technology
talk, the following devotion
resonated with us, as we
hope it does for you.
Upon the death of Pope
John Paul II, Rogers
Cadenhead, a
self-described “domain
hoarder”, registered
before the new pope’s name
was announced.
Cadenhead had the name
before Rome knew it was
even needed.
Catholics and my
grandmother, “ he quipped.
He did want something in
return tough: First one of
those hats, second a free
stay at the Vatican hotel
and finally compete
absolution, no questions
We can say, “Good
communication is
priceless” but now we can
also add “forgiveness is
priceless too.”
Pastors Dan & Laura
The right domain name
can be lucrative. Another
name, Pope Benedict secured $16,000
on ebay. A Catholic
himself, he was happy for
the church to own the
name. “I’m going to try and
avoid angering 1.1 billion
Sunday School Tid Bits...
Thank you to all the
teachers and the board
of education! You guys
are making it happen
and are appreciated.
176 Kids have
registered for Sunday
School age 3—8th
grade as of the end of
August and more
continue to register.
Welcome into the season of Fall,
preparing now for the long winter
nap, as they prepare once again for a
new life. As we gather are we
preparing for our new awaking?
Ellen and I were able to go to Badger
to the retreat.
Pastor Herb lead us in a Bible Study
base on John 14:12, A wonderful
example of Christ and relationships.
What is happening to our
communities? *Be present where you
are, Heart, Head and Mind. *Pay
attention to the other person. *Relate
to each other, in your Community,
home and church.
Our main speaker was Phyllis Cole
Dai, speaking on living as a homeless
person. A very emotional talk.
The silent auction monies around
$1,500 went to United Lutheran
New Officers were elected at our
general meeting. They are as follows:
Present; Dorothy Weisser, Secretary
Ellen Young: Treasurer: JoAnn
Orcutt: Asst. Sect. & Treas.
Donavieve Tofte: Mission Growth:
Helen Peterson: Asst G: Gladys Lee:
Mission Community: Marilyn
Hesby: Asst. C: Barb Hillestad:
Mission Action: Gerri Weinacht: Asst
A. Joan Trenhaile.
Sending Packages for the Lutheran
World Relief will take place on
October 13th. Please call Gerri at
627-9370 if you would be willing to
help in getting them ready to go.
Looking ahead, please start preparing
for the Country Store, which will be
held on November 1st along with the
Turkey dinner. 90% proceeds from
the store will go to World Hunger and
10% to Keep Kids Camping.
Thought for the month:
“Let us consider how to stir up one
another to love and good
works.” Hebrews 10:24
Shalom, Dorothy Weisser, President
Sunday School and Family Milestones
October 5th: 9:30 4 Year Old worship books. FLC Youth Board is hosting a Congregation appreciation
Tailgate Party after 2nd service. Lets gather for Food, Fellowship & Football! We plan to be outside, depending
on the weather, and the Board will provide all the food. Please bring your family, your lawn chairs, and wear
your team’s colors! We hope to see you all there!
October 12th: 9:30 Kindergarten Prayer cube & Placemat class
October 19th: 9:30 Faithbooking for grades 8-10, 10:45 Sunday School Kids Sing during worship
October 26th: 10:45 confirmation
*Middle School Youth Gathering: November 7th-9th at Joy Ranch for 6th—8th graders. The Youth Board
approved $30 scholarships for each youth who wants to attend. Total cost will be $65/pp. Registration and fees
are due on Friday October 31st in the Church Office. MS Youth and chaperones will travel together to Joy
Ranch. Additional information to follow. Please contact Kerri Wagner with any questions.
2nd Week HS Youth Group 12:00-1:30
3rd Week MS Youth Group 12:00-1:30
***Board of Youth Ministry – Matt Wagner
Their goals are:
30 day – FLC picnic
hot pack fundraiser
high school group event
60 day – middle school gathering at Joy Ranch
Detroit trip planning
90 day - possible youth event for Christmas
winter youth group events
***WELCA –Ellen Young represented Dorothy Weiser.
Their goals are:
30 day – general meeting with election of officers September 18th
prepare crafts and food items for country store
60 day – turkey dinner/country store November 1st
thank offering service with installation of officers November 9th
90 day – Mission Community Secretaries visit caring homes and shut-ins with gifts
Welca Christmas Festival December 13th
***Board of Education – The Council celebrated with Amanda Larson the amount of money raised from the Noisy Can
Their goals are:
30 day – organize Christmas program
evaluate curriculum
move 2nd grade classroom
update website
60 day –order additional curriculum
work on Christmas program
teacher workshop
90 day - Christmas program
***Board of Properties – The council celebrated with Todd Vanderwal that safety strips were installed on the balcony
steps and railing was installed to the balcony.
Their goals are:
30 day – sprinkler compressor
60 day – cable TV in fellowship area
internet in basement
90 day – begin parsonage remodel
Evaluation of meeting/build agenda for next month
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 15, 2014.
Wendi Peterson, Secretary
First Place 4 Health
“The Bible App For Kids”
First Place is up and running with
13 members participating in the
Bible Study "Start Losing Start
Living". Each week the members
will be challenged to memorize a
scripture verse, complete the bible
study, and try to make one
healthier change that they can
live with for life.
Peanut Butter and Jelly
1 Cup white flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 TBLS baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup nonfat milk
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 TBLS butter melted
1tsp vanilla
1/4 cup strawberry jam
1/4 cup egg substitute
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine all dry
ingredients. Whisk together all wet ingredients
except jam. Stir together until just moist. Spoon
batter into 12 sprayed muffin cups or use paper
liners. Top with 1 teaspoon jam and then remaining batter. Bake 20 minutes, allow to cool 5
minutes before removing from pan. Each muffin
185 calories.
Available from You Version.
It’s a free download with interactive stories of the Bible.
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - unapproved
President Erik Schlimmer called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm.
The council members participated in a fun team building exercise. Brief discussion followed in which all agreed that it is
important to work together and keep God in the center of everything we do.
Worship Helpers
October 5th 8:30 Erik & Amy Schlimmer
B. Sunday school room shortage
The council discussed options to make room for all of the Sunday school classes. The discussion will continue at the
October meeting.
October 19th 8:30 Kelly Jo Swartos & Family
10:45 Phil & Tara Vander Wal
***Pastor’s Report – The Council celebrated that Michael Busby, Nicaraguan missionary will be at FLC on September
28th and a harpist will also be performing at both services.
Their goals are:
30 day – visitation
Fall Theology Conference in Pierre September 21st -23rd
computer systems
60 day – mural in hallway
organist meeting
90 day – middle school youth gathering at Joy Ranch
***President’s Report
The President’s goals are:
30 day – continue to assist chairpersons as needed
90 day – budget
***Treasurer’s Report
Julie King provided the Council with a report of the financial condition of the church. The Council celebrated that FLC
continues to easily meet the budget.
***Board of Hospitality/Worship – The council celebrated with Alecia Burmeister that the tables and chairs for the
fellowship area will be here very soon.
Their goals are:
30 day – set up new tables and chairs in the fellowship area
60 day – I Spy bags for children’s activity bags.
90 day – order new pens
***Board of Social Concerns –Kathy Heylens
Their goals are:
30 day – continue hygiene drive
60 day – food drive
90 day – angel tree
***Board of Stewardship – Deanna Wilson
Their goals are:
30 day – continue abundant produce table fundraiser
mount defibrillator
defibrillator training
60 day – Giving Celebration November 23rd
October 26th 8:30 Kathy & Bill Heylens
10:45 Donnie Tofte
October 5th 8:30 Keatyn Moad/ Kodiak
Mc Clure
10:45 Kashas VW/ Tessa S.
October 12th 8:30 Keatyn Moad/Gwen
10:45 Madaline & Natalie
October 19th 8:30 Keatyn Moad/ Gwen
10:45 Austen King & Gwen
October 26th 8:30 Parker Loban/ Jada
10:45 Macey Blum/ Keatny
Bob & JoAnn Orcutt
Wendi & Jim Peterson/ Deanna
Wilson/ LaVonne Riechers/ Kim Dahl
Mark & Rosie Wagner/ Dottie
Johnson/ Harley & Sharon Jamison/ Carol
Keith & Candice King/ Carrie
Papka & Tiffani Lebert
10:45 Need someone
Coffee/ Goodies
Harley & Sharon Jamison/
Kevin & Deanna Wilson
October 12th 8:30 Dan & Ann Howell
A. Turkey dinner proceeds allocation
After some discussion, Kathy Heylens motioned that the turkey dinner proceeds be used for the parsonage remodel
project. Keith King seconded. Motion carried.
Dustin & Lindsey Heylens/ Lucas
& Meagen Lembcke
10:45 Keith & Candice King
The meeting began with prayer by Pasto Dan.
Council Responsibilities
Melissa & Eric Bothun/ Dale &
Wanda Swartos
Sally Pies/ Kay Ziegler/ Cheryl Granum/
Virginia Schlimmer
Tyler & Brianne Bolstad/ John &
Amanda Larson
Dan Howell/ Kent Vostad/ Jim &
Wendi Peterson
Carri Papka & Tiffani Lebert/ Deanna
Wilson/ Curt & Doris Knutson/ Deb
Curt & Doris Knutson Michelle
& Howard Beito
Power Point
Communion Blessings
Brooklin Vander Wal
Alyssa H
McKenzee Mc Clure
Natalie Gunderson
Kaitlyn Bassett
Mercedees Vander Wal
Brooklin Vander Wal
Tayt Vincent
Natalie Gunderson
Tayt Vincent
Silas Larsen
Tanner W.
Need 2 kids
Chloe Larsen
Brooklin Vander Wal
Natashia King/ Haylee
Silas Larsen
Nate Christensen
Chloe Larsen
Tanner W.
FLC Events
September Weddings:
6th Emily and Brian
27th Samantha & Lane
November 1st
Turkey Dinner &
Country Store
at FLC
Thank you for all the
thoughtfulness and kindness with
the recent passing of Bud. It is our
church families that do keep us
going. You are all appreciated.
Thank you, Dorothy Weisser
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - unapproved
President Erik Schlimmer called the meeting to order at 8:20 pm.
The meeting began with prayer by Pastor Laura.
The May meeting minutes were briefly discussed and all CPC council members approved what was printed in the
June/July edition of The Voice.
Council Responsibilities
A. Nicaragua Missions donation
They are changing missionaries in Nicaragua which requires substantial funds. After some discussion, Deanna
Wilson motioned to give an additional $500 to Nicaragua Missions. Matt Wagner seconded. Motion carried.
B. Church website
The FLC website is up and running but additional information is needed for completion. Keith King requested
that the board chairpersons to provide information for him to update their parts of the website.
C. Undercover greeters
President Schlimmer reminded the council members to wear their lanyards and introduce themselves to
newcomers and visitors.
***Pastor’s Report
The council celebrated that the sabbatical provided Pastors Dan and Laura renewed energy to have a fresh
approach to their ministry at FLC. They informed the council about the team building curriculum that they
worked on with Jim LaDoux and training that Pastor Dan did at Joy Ranch.
Their goals are:
30 day – new confirmation curriculum and new team building games
Fall Theology Conference in Pierre September 21st – 23rd
90 day – Choose theme and plan Advent
***President’s Report
The President’s goals are:
30 day – contact chairpersons and assist as needed
90 day – budget
***Treasurer’s Report
Julie King provided the Council with a report of the financial condition of the church. The Council celebrated that
FLC continued to easily meet the budget over the summer months.
***Board of Properties – President Schlimmer represented Todd Vanderwal. The Council celebrated that the
carpet, secretary’s window, and balcony railing were all installed over the summer months
Their goals are:
30 day – eliminate ants
sprinkler compressor
60 day – outlets and cabinets in preschool room
90 day - stain glass replacement
carpet frays
***Board of Social Concerns –The Council celebrated with Kathy Heylens that the backpack program was a success.
Their goals are:
30 day - hygiene drive
60 day – food drive
90 day – angel tree
***Board of Stewardship – The Council celebrated with Deanna Wilson that the defibrillator is ready for use.
Their goals are:
30 day – abundant produce table fundraiser
defibrillator training
60 day – update website
90 day – consecration Sunday
***Board of Youth Ministry – The Council celebrated with Matt Wagner that they had great success getting donations
for prizes for the golf tournament.
Their goals are:
30 day – golf tournament
middle school youth events
60 day – middle and high school youth events
90 day - finalize Detroit trip details and sign up
***WELCA –Ellen Young represented Dorothy Weiser.
Their goals are:
30 day – begin fall/winter 9 month Bible study
Medary Conference Retreat / officer workshop
general meeting with election of officers
60 day – prepare crafts and food items for country store
90 day – turkey dinner/country store
thank-offering service with officer installation
***Board of Education – The Council celebrated with Amanda Larson that the Sunday school teacher and aide positions
filled amazingly fast.
Their goals are:
30 day – set up classrooms
finalize calendar/class lists
online registration
encourage free will donation
teacher meeting
first day of Sunday school with group picture September 14th
60 day – organize/start working on Christmas program
evaluate and order additional curriculum
evaluate class sizes
schedule children to sing in church
work on connecting with Dakota Sun residents
90 day - teachers meeting
Christmas program