DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: ENGLISH Sl. No 1. 2. Month April May No. of W.D. 18 12 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic How I Taught my Grandmother to Read(F), The Brook(P), Verb forms (Tenses), Letter Writing The Road Not Taken(P), People(MCB), Comprehension, E-mail Adventure(MCB), Determiners, Future Time Reference, Editing, Omission, Re-ordering, Article 3. June 11 Writing A Dog Named Duke(F), The Solitary Reaper (P), Modals , Debate, Speech, Environment(MCB), The 4. July 22 Class IX Radio and Video Show(MCB) Villa for Sale(D), Lord Ullin’s Daughter(P), Notice, Short Story , Reported Speech, Editing, Omission, 5. Aug. 19 Gap Filling, Newspaper Headlines 6. Sept. 20 REVISION for SA-I 7. Oct. 13 The Seven Ages(P), The Man Who Knew Too Much(F), Connectors, Editing, Omission 8. Nov. 18 Keeping it From Harold(F), Mystery(MCB), The Passive, Comprehension, E-Mail, Gap Filling 9. Dec. 18 Oh! I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth(P), Children(MCB), Best Seller(F), Debate, Editing, Omission The Bishop’s Candlesticks(D), Song of The Rain(P), Reported Speech, Prepositions, Sports and 10. Jan. 18 Games 11. Feb. 20 REVISION Books Prescribed: Interact in English: Literature Reader: Class—IX ; Interact in English: Main Course book: Class—IX; Interact in English: Workbook: Class—IX; Three Men in a Boat (Novel) *As per the guidelines from the CBSE, Long Reading Text/Novel should not be taught rigorously in the school. It will be covered as per convenience. SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 Max. Name of the Assessment Syllabus Marks 20 1. How I Taught my Grandmother to Read (F), 2.The Brook (P), 3. The Road Not Taken (P), 1. Weekly Test-01 4. People(MCB), 5.Adventure(MCB), Comprehension, Newspaper Report Editing, Omission, Re-ordering, Reported Speech FA1 5 2. Tool-01 Quiz on Literature Reader [Parameters: Twenty questions carrying ½ mark each] 10 Book Review: The Story of My Life(5) [Parameters: Knowledge of the Text- (2), Analysis of 3. Tool-02 the Text- (2), Presentation- (1)] 20 1. A Dog Named Duke (F), 2. The Solitary Reaper (P), 3. Environment(MCB), 4. Weekly Test-02 Comprehension, Article, Gap-Filling, Editing, Omission, Re-ordering 5 Writing an open letter of appeal The President of India to set up qualification criteria for FA2 5. Tool-01 the politicians so that our nation can prosper holding the hands of qualified leaders. (Ref. MCB : People) [Parameters: Content: (3), Fluency: (1), Accuracy: (1)] 6. Tool-02 10 ASL (20) LR: F.1 & F.2, P.1 to P.3, D.1. ; MCB: Unit- I to IV ; Long Reading/Text Novel—Three Men QP(70) in a Boat—Ch.1 to 10; Comprehension Passages, Writing & Grammar: Formal /Informal SA1 7. SA-01 Letter or E-mail; Article/debate/speech; Notice/short story; Gap filling, Editing or Omission, Sentence reordering or sentence transformation 20 1.The Seven Ages(P), 2.The Man Who Knew Too Much(F), 3.Keeping it From Harold(F), 8. Weekly Test-03 Comprehension, E-Mail, Gap Filling Editing, Omission, Re-ordering 5 9. Tool-01 Spell Check: Ten spellings to be asked from the MCB unit: MYSTERY 10 Weaving a Yarn: Six of you went out in search of “Mountain of the Moon”, the mysterious FA3 mountain. After a long expedition through forests, deserts and rivers you all got 10. Tool-02 exhausted. You decided to return back. But suddenly something happened… What happened next? Make up a story and write it. [Parameters: Content: (6), Fluency: (2), Title and Accuracy:(2)] 20 1.Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth(P), 2.Best Seller(F), Comprehension, Debate, 11. Weekly Test-04 Editing, Omission, Re-ordering, Reported Speech 5 Re-writing History; Group Activity; (Inter-disciplinary Activity with S.St.); What would have happened if India wouldn’t had faced rampant killing of tigers. Give Historical Background FA4 12. Tool-01 and facts that led to the drastic declination of the number of tigers in India. Refer to Ch. – IV— “Forest Society and Colonialism”. Social Science: India and the Contemporary WorldI. NCERT Class-IX 10 Book Review: Wings of Fire: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ; [Parameters: Knowledge of the Text- (6), 13. Tool-02 Analysis of the Text- (2), Presentation- (2)] ASL (20) LR: F.3 to F.5, P.5 to P.7, D.2. ; MCB: Unit- V to VII; Long Reading/Text Novel—Three Men QP(70) in a Boat—Ch.11 to 19; Comprehension Passages; Writing & Grammar: Formal /Informal SA2 14. SA-02 Letter or E-mail; Article/debate/speech; Notice/short story; Gap filling; Editing or Omission, Sentence reordering or sentence transformation Note: (i) 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour), 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. (ii) FAs & SAs syllabus will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: नवीं SUBJECT: हहन्दी Sl No Month No. of W.D. Chapter’s Name (स्पर्श भाग-1) Chapter’s Name (संचयन भाग-1) Chapter No. and Name/ Topic (व्याकरण) 1. April 18 धल ू हगल्लू वणश-हवच्छे द, अनस्ु वार, अननु ाहसक, नक्त ु ा, अनौपचाररक पत्र, अनच्ु छे द लेखन 2. May 12 रै दास के पद ---------------------- महु ावरे , अपहित बोध, अनच्ु छे द 3. June 11 तमु कब जाओगे अहतहथ ---------------------- औपचाररक पत्र, सवं ाद लेखन 4. July 22 दख ु का अहधकार, रहीम के पद स्मृहत वणश-हवच्छे द, अनस्ु वार, अननु ाहसक, नक्त ु ा, उपसगश-प्रत्यय, संहध, हवराम हचह्न 5. Aug. 19 एवरे स्ट मेरी हर्खर यात्रा, आदमीनामा, कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी अपहित बोध, हचत्र वणशन, संवाद लेखन, हवज्ञापन लेखन 6. Sept. 20 पुनरावृति पुनरावृति पुनरावृति एवं संकतिि परीक्षा-1 7. Oct. 13 वैज्ञाहनक चेतना के वाहक ---------------------- उपसगश-प्रत्यय 8. Nov. 18 एक फूल की चाह, कीचड़ का काव्य, मेरा छोटा-सा हनजी पस्ु तकालय संहध, हवराम हचह्न 9. Dec. 18 धमश की आड़, गीत-अगीत, अहननपथ हाहमद खााँ अनौपचाररक पत्र, हचत्र वणशन, संवाद लेखन, हवज्ञापन लेखन 10. Jan. 18 हदए जल उिे वणश-हवच्छे द, अनस्ु वार, अननु ाहसक, नक्त ु ा, अनच्ु छे द लेखन 11. Feb. 20 पुनरावृति संकतिि परीक्षा-2 की पुनरावृति र्क्र ु तारे के समान, नए इलाके में, खर् ु बू रचते हैं हाथ पुनरावृति Books Prescribed: स्पर्श भाग-1, संचयन भाग-1, व्याकरण SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 Name of the Assessment Max. Marks 20 Syllabus धल ू , तमु कब जाओगे अहतहथ, रै दास के पद, हगल्ल,ू वणश-हवच्छे द, अनस्ु वार, अननु ाहसक, नक्त ु ा, अनौपचाररक पत्र, अनच्ु छे द लेखन FA1 2. Tool-01 5 पक्षी की हवर्ेषताओ ं पर कायश-प्रपत्र 3. Tool-02 10 हमट्टी की आकृ हत हनमाशण (धल ू ) 20 द ख का अहधकार, एवरे स् ट मेरी हर्खर यात्रा, रहीम के पद, आदमीनामा, स्मृहत, कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी, वणशु 4. Weekly Test-02 हवच्छे द, अनस्ु वार, अननु ाहसक, नक्त ु ा, उपसगश-प्रत्यय, संहध, हवराम हचह्न, हचत्र वणशन, संवाद लेखन, हवज्ञापन लेखन FA2 5. Tool-01 5 पयाशयवाची र्ब्द लेखन (दख का अहधकार) ु 6. Tool-02 10 घटना वणशन : ‘जब मैं डरा ...’ (स्मृहत) SA1 7. SA-01 90 अप्रैल’14 से हसतबं र’14 तक पहित सम्पणू श पाि्यक्रम वैज्ञाहनक चेतना के वाहक, कीचड़ का काव्य, एक फूल की चाह, गीत-अगीत, मेरा छोटा-सा हनजी पस्ु तकालय, उपसगश8. Weekly Test-03 20 प्रत्यय, संहध, हवराम हचह्न, अनौपचाररक पत्र, हचत्र वणशन, संवाद लेखन, हवज्ञापन लेखन FA3 9. Tool-01 5 कायश-प्रपत्र: वगश – पहेली (मेरा छोटा-सा ...) 10. Tool-02 10 हवज्ञान प्रश्नावली हनमाशण (वैज्ञाहनक चेतना ...) 20 धमश की आड़, र्क्र ु तारे के समान, अहननपथ, नए इलाके में, खर् ु बू रचते हैं हाथ, हाहमद खााँ, हदए जल उिे , सम्पणू श 11. Weekly Test-04 व्याकरण / PSA FA4 12. Tool-01 5 कायश-प्रपत्र : स्वाधीनता आदं ोलन (र्क्र ु तारे के समान) 13. Tool-02 10 स्लोगन (धमश की आड़) SA2 14. SA-02 90 अक्तूबर’14 से फरवरी’15 तक पहित सम्पणू श पाि्यक्रम Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. 1. Weekly Test-01 DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: Mathematics Sl No Month No. of W.D. 1. April 18 2. May 12 3. June 11 4. July 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Real numbers; Rational numbers; Recurring decimals; Representations of rational numbers On number line; Irrational numbers ; Representation of Irrational number on number line; Polynomials Co-ordinate Geometry Herons formula (Mensuration) Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Lines and angles; Triangles Congruence of Triangles Inequalities in a Triangle Revision for SA-I. Revision for SA-I Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals Linear equations in two Variables Area (Geometry) Area (Contd.) Constructions Circles Surface Area Volume Statistics Probability Revision for SA-II Revision for SA-II SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 MONDAY TEST SYLLABUS FA-1 Real number & Polynomials FA-2 FA-3 FA-4 Heron’s formula ; Triangles & Congruency Of triangles Quadrilaterals; Circles ; Area & Constructions Surface area and Volumes SA-I/H.Y SA-II/ ANNUAL TOOLS Math’s Lab Activity;- Quiz/ oral Making model question/paper Math’s Lab Activity; Mathematical puzzle Data handling & Analysis Math’s Lab Activity; Assignment ; Group project Math’s Lab Activity; Viva; Chart /Model Making Lessons Completed up to the month of August 2014 Lessons Completed from the month of Sept to Jan 2015 DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: Physics Sl No 1. 2. 3. April May June No. of W.D. 18 12 11 4. July 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Month Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Ch:8/ Motion Ch:8/ Motion Ch:9/Force and Laws of Motion Ch:9/Force and Laws of Motion Ch:10/ Gravitation Ch:10/ Gravitation Revision of SA1 syllabus Revision of SA1 syllabus Ch:10/ Flotation Ch:10/ Flotation Ch:10/ Flotation Ch:11/ Work and Energy Ch:11/ Work and Energy Ch:12/ Sound Ch:12/ Sound Ch:12/ Sound Revision of SA2 syllabus Books Prescribed: Science Text Book For Class IX (NCERT) . SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I Weekly Test (07 Marks) Phy: Ch:8/ Motion. Weekly Test (07 Marks) Phy: Ch:9/Force and Laws of Motion. Tool-1 (5 Marks) Phy: Tool-1 (5 Marks) Phy: (30 Marks) Phy: Ch:8/ Motion. Ch:9/Force and Laws of Motion. Ch:10/ Gravitation. TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 Weekly Test (07 Marks) Phy:Ch:10/ Flotation. Weekly Test (07 Marks) Phy:Ch:11/ Work and Energy. Tool-1 (5 Marks) Phy: Tool-1 (5 Marks) Phy: Summative-II (30 Marks) Phy: Ch:10/ Flotation. Ch:11/ Work and Energy. Ch:12/ Sound. Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY Sl No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. April May June July Aug. No. of W.D. 18 12 11 22 19 6. Sept. 20 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 13 18 18 18 20 Month Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Ch-01. Matter in our surroundings Ch-01. (Continued….) Matter in our surroundings Ch-02. Is Matter Around us pure Ch-02. (Continued….) Is Matter Around us pure Revision SA-I Ch-03. Atoms and Molecules. Ch-03. (Continued….) Atoms and Molecules. Ch-03. (Continued….) Atoms and Molecules Ch-04. Structure of Atom Ch-04. (Continued….) Structure of Atom & Revision Revision Books Prescribed: NCERT Science - IX SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I MT (6 Marks) MT (6 Marks) (30 Marks) Ch-01. (till page Ch 01(Pg. 6 to Ch-01. Matter in 6) 13) & ch-02. Till our surroundings Pg 17) Ch-02. Is Matter Around us pure Tool-1 (5 Marks) Tool-1 (5 Marks) TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 MT (6 Marks) MT (6 Marks) Ch-03. (till Pg. 35) Ch-03. (Pg. 35Pg. 45) Tool-1 (5 Marks) Tool-1 (5 Marks) Summative-II (30 Marks) Ch-03. Atoms and Molecules Ch-04. Structure of Atom Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: Biology Sl No Month No. of W.D. 1. April 18 2. 3. 4. May June July 12 11 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Cell: The basic unit of life Cell organelles Plant tissues: meristamatic, & permanent tissues Animal tissues: epithelial, muscular, connective & nervous tissues. Improvement in food resources Improvement in food resources (Contd.) Revision SA-I Taxonomy: introduction Plant kingdom Animal Kingdom Why do we fall ill? Why do we fall ill?(Contd...) Natural resources Biogeochemical cycles, O3 Revision Revision Books Prescribed: SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 Summative-II MT (7 Marks) MT (7 Marks) (30 Marks) MT (7 Marks) MT (7 Marks) (30 Marks) Cell: Fundamental unit of life Tool-1 (5/10 Marks) Simple & interesting assignments Tissues Cell Tissues Food Diversity in living organisms Why do we fall ill? Diversity Why do we fall ill? Natural resources Tool-1 (5/10 Marks) Gr. Assignment & project Tool-1 (5/10 Marks) Presentation of Sc. Concept/exp Tool-1 (5/10 Marks) MCQ’s on hands to practical. Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: History & Civics Sl No Month No. of W.D. 1. April 18 2. May 12 3. June 11 4. July 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic History : Chap-1 French Revolution Civics : Chap 1-Democracy in the contemporary world History : Chap-1 French Revolution Civics : Chap 1-Democracy in the contemporary world History : Chap-1 French Revolution Civics : Chap 2 Why is Democracy ? History : Chap III Nazism and Rise Of Hitler Civics : Chap 2 Why is Democracy ? Chap 3 Constitutional Design History : Chap III Nazism and Rise Of Hitler Civics :Chap 3 Constitutional Design SA-I History : Chap IV Forest Society And Colonialism Civics : Chap 4 Electoral Politics History : Chap IV Forest Society And Colonialism Civics : Chap 4 Electoral Politics Chap 5- Working Of institution History : Chap VII History Of Sport : The Story Of Cricket Civics : Chap 5- Working Of institution History : Chap VI Peasants and Farmers Civics : Chap 6 Democratic Rights Revision Books Prescribed: India and the Contemporary World (I) , Democratic Politics (I) SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I (45 Marks) MT (9 Marks) MT (9 Marks) Hist : Page 3-11 Hist: Page 12- 24 Hist : Chap-I , III Civics : Chap Civics: Chap Civics : Chap-1,2,3 1(up to page 10) 1(page 1019),Chap 2 (page 23 to 28) TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 MT (9 Marks) MT (9 Marks) Hist: Page 77-84 History: Page 85Civics: Chap 4 (up 95) to page 65) Civics : Page 6674) Tool (5 Marks) Tool (5 Marks) Tool (5 Marks) Tool (5 Marks) Project Debate Quiz Project Summative-II (45 Marks) Hist:Chap IV,VI,VII Civics: Chap: 4,5,6 Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: Geography Sl No Month No. of W.D. 1. April 18 2. May 12 3. June 11 4. July 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Ch-1- India- Size & location Ch-2- Physical Features of India Ch-2- Continued Ch-3-Drainage Ch-3- Continued Revision Ch-4-Climate Ch-4- Continued Ch-5- Natural Vegetation & Wild life Ch- Population Revision Revision Books Prescribed: SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I (23 Marks) MT (7 Marks) MT (7 Marks) TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 MT (7 Marks) MT (7 Marks) Ch-1 & 2(half) Ch-2(half) & 3 Ch-4(half) Tool (5 Marks) Tool (5 Marks) Map Presentation Ch-1,2 & 3 Tool (5 Marks) Ch-4(Half) & Ch-5 Tool (5 Marks) Pen-paper Test Project Summative-II (23 Marks) Ch-4, 5 & 6 Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: ECONOMICS Sl No 1. April No. of W.D. 18 2. May 12 3. June 11 4. July 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 18 9. Dec. 18 10. Jan. 18 11. Feb. 20 Month Chapter No. and Name/ Topic Ch-1-The story of Palampur Ch-1- Continued Ch-2 People as Resource Ch-2 (contd.) Revision Revision for SA-1 Ch-3-Poverty as a Challenge Ch-3 (Contd.) Ch-4-Food security in India Ch-4(contd.) Revision Books Prescribed: SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 TERM-I (APRIL’14 to SEPTEMBER’14) Formative-1 Formative-2 Summative-I TERM-II (OCTOBER’14 to MARCH’15) Formative-3 Formative-4 Summative-II MT (4 Marks) MT (4 Marks) MT (4 Marks) (22 Marks) Ch-1-The story of Palampur Ch-2 People as Resource Tool-1 (5 Marks) Assignment Tool-1 (5 Marks) Debate (22 Marks) MT (4 Marks) Ch-3-Poverty as a Ch-4- Food Challenge Security In India Ch-1 & 2 Tool-1 (5 Marks) Tool-1 (5 Marks) Assignment Ch-3 & 4 Picture Reading & story Writing Note: 5 marks is compulsory for each assessment of FAs which complies 2 marks Discipline (Attitude & Behaviour) and 3 Marks C/W, H/W, Assignments. Any one Social Science teacher of the class should evaluate the same. SA Question Paper will be as per CBSE. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT:Computer Science Sl No Month No. of W.D. 1. April 18 2. May 12 3. 4. June July 11 22 5. Aug. 19 6. Sept. 20 7. Oct. 13 8. Nov. 9. Dec. 10. Jan. 18 18 18 11. Feb. 20 Chapter No. and Name/ Topic 1.Computer System; Hardware 2.Computer System: Software Continued 3.Communication Technologies Continued 4. Operation Systems: MS-windows XP Continued Revision Revision 5.Application Software: MS Office 2003 Continued 6.MS office 2003 –MS Word Continued 7.MS-Office:MS PowerPoint 8. MS-Office: MS Excel Continued Revision Books Prescribed: Vision in ICT Education SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT 2014-15 Class Test-1 (20 Marks) Class Test-2 (20 Marks) Summative-I Class Test-3 (20 Marks) Class Test-4 (20 Marks) Summative-II (50 Marks) Ch-1 & 2 Ch- 3 & 4 Ch-01 t0 04 Ch-05 t0 06 Ch-07 t0 08 Ch-05 t0 08 Tools (5 Marks) Discipline -02 Class Works /H.W./ Assignments -03 Tools (5 Marks) Discipline -02 Class Works /H.W./ Assignments -03 Tools (5 Marks) Discipline -02 Class Works /H.W./ Assignments -03 Tools (5 Marks) Discipline -02 Class Works /H.W./ Assignments -03 Pract=20 Marks Q.P.=30 Marks (50 Marks) Pract=20 Marks Q.P.=30 Marks DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NTPC FARAKKA SYLLABUS BREAK-UP FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 CLASS: IX SUBJECT: Art & Craft Sl No Month No. of W.D. Chapter No. and Name/ Topic 1. April 18 Composition with water colour (Child labour) 2. May 12 Opaque colour in the pastle paper 3. June 11 3D work by shilpkar(craft work) 4. July 22 Oil painting (Landscape) on the canvas 5. Aug. 19 Composition (City Life) with colour 6. Sept. 20 S.A. 1 7. Oct. 13 Oil painting (composition) on the canvas 8. Nov. 18 Fabric design on the table cloth 9. Dec. 18 Portrait study with light & shade from life 10. Jan. 18 Composition study (Street seller) with colour 11. Feb. 20 Composition(In the studio) with colour
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