EXHIBIT G Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program What is the Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program? The NELA Hillsides Work Program is the directive that resulted out of the adoption of the Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) by the Los Angeles City Council in December 2006. The purpose of the NELA Hillsides Work Program is to review and assess issues such as the minimization of grading and soil erosion, protection of ridgelines and landforms, protection of plant life and wildlife, appropriate scales of hillside development, and, adequate access for residents and emergency vehicles in the Northeast Los Angeles hillside areas of Mount Olympus, Paradise Hill, Rose Hill, El Sereno, and Monterey Hills. The goals of the NELA Hillsides Work Program are to identify issues and opportunities in the hillside communities, set objectives, and develop land use regulations that promote policies and objectives of the Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan for development in the hillsides that: • are appropriate in scale and minimally disruptive of the natural terrain, vegetation, water courses and wildlife; • ensure that future developments improve the identity and appearance of neighborhoods and communities through scale, height, bulk, setbacks, design, and landscaping parameters; • give consideration for the steepness of the topography and geological stability in any proposal for development; • ensure the availability of adequate infrastructure and access to emergency services; and, • promote the protection of natural resources. Focus Group* Purpose: • The focus groups help identify the issues and opportunities related to hillside development and conservation. • The focus groups explore ways to promote good planning principles by soliciting community input that will be used to develop land use regulations which will promote appropriate development in the Northeast Los Angeles hillsides. For more information, please contact: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] *Please note, more specific materials will be provided at the focus group. Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Focus Group: Issues & Opportunities Issues: ·Issues are important unsettled matters or problems that will be identified and dealt within the Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program. ·Issues must be well‑defined ‑ think about the range of specific concerns such as scale, streets, subdivisions, wildlife, native trees and vegetation protection, etc. ·What issues can be identified? Opportunities: ·Opportunities may be identified as potential resources, programs or solutions. ·Opportunities can be combined with planning tools such as specific plans, community design overlays, etc. ·What opportunities can be identified? What happens now? ·After the focus groups are completed, the issues and opportunities identified within the focus groups will be compiled and used to develop the first draft of the NELA Hillsides Work Program Recommendations. ·The first draft is shared with the neighborhood councils, the council offices, other city departments, and the general public at the first public workshop where input and comments are collected. ·Subsequent drafts will incorporate the input and comments received from the neighborhood councils, the council offices, other city departments, and the general public to finalize the draft that will be pre‑ sented to Planning Commission, and ultimately, City Council for adoption. For more information, please contact: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] *Please note, more specific materials will be provided at the focus group. LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program Partial Summary of Existing Hillside Related Ordinances Citywide Hillside Ordinance This Ordinance governs development of hillside lots for new construction, additions and remodeling and establish‑ es regulations and definitions for height, front and side yards, fire protection, lot coverage, parking, street access, sewer connections, and grading. The regulations include the following: • Height ‑ On any lot with a slope of 66% or less, as measured from the lowest point of elevation of the lot to the highest, the building or structure shall be limited to 36 feet. If the lot has a slope of greater than 66%, the building shall be limited to 45 feet in height as measured from the natural grade. There is an exception for lots with exist‑ ing structure(s) where the exterior wall of the main building is within 5 horizontal feet when measuring the slope of the lot, height is then limited to 36 fee • Parking ‑ Single Family Dwellings which front substandard streets and exceed 2400 sq. ft. of combined FAR require 1 additional parking space for each 1000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof for a maximum of 5 total spaces • Streets ‑ At least 1/2 of the width of the street is required to be dedicated for the full width of the lot to Stan‑ dard Hillside Limited Street dimensions prior to issuance of a permit for new construction of or addition to a single family dwelling. • Front Yards ‑ For lots fronting Hillside designated streets, a minimum of 5 feet front yard setbacks are required. • Side Yards ‑ For any main building on a lot in the RA, RE, RS, R1, and RD zones, the required side yard shall be increased 1 additional foot for each 10 foot increment above the first 18 feet of height of the building. Retaining Wall Ordinance This Ordinance limits the height and number of retaining walls and has landscaping requirements for retaining walls 8 feet or higher. This ordinance is applicable to A or R zones (including RA) in designated Hillside Areas. The Oaks Neighborhood Study and Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) (proposed) This study examines the issue of new development in the hillside community of The Oaks for the purpose of estab‑ lishing permanent regulations in this community. Some of the community concerns include out‑of‑scale structures, box‑like structures, parking, disruption of the neighborhood character, and loss of private open space. Protected Tree Ordinance This Ordinance protects 1) all oak trees, except the Scrub Oaks, 2) Southern California Black Walnuts, 3) Western Sycamores, and 4) California Bays from being removed or relocated. In addition, each tree needs to be a certain height and trunk width to be considered protected. In some circumstances, a protected tree may be removed, but it must be replaced with new trees at a 2:1 ratio of the same species. Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan This Specific Plan sets standards for environmental protection, vista point protection, utility construction, and building and grading within defined inner and outer corridors of the Parkway. The Specific Plan also established a Design Review Board. San Gabriel/Verdugo Mountains Scenic Preservation Specific Plan This Specific Plan sets standards that ensure prominent ridgeline protection, biological resource protection, scenic highway corridors viewshed protection, and equinekeeping district standards, equestrian trails, and domestic livestock. For more information, please contact: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan Key Elements 1. Why should we look at the Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan? The plan, adopted in 1993, has guided development in the hillside areas located within the Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan(MWGPSP) boundaries. The topography, natural vegetation, land use concerns, and public safety issues within the boundaries share very similar traits to the issues addressed by the Interim Control Ordinance (ICO). 2. How does the MWGPSP currently guide development within the Specific Plan boundaries? An important guideline to regulate development is implementation of a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) cap. FAR is the ratio of building square footage to the square footage of its site. This calculation creates a number that determines the maximum floor area of all the buildings on a lot. The MWGPSP has multiple FAR calculations to use based on a particular lot size: For a lot that is 5,000 SF or less, the FAR is 0.5:1 (0.5 times the lot area) For a lot that is 5,000 to 10,000 the FAR is determined by this formula: For a lot that is 10,000 to 15,000 the FAR is determined by this formula: 0.5 - 0.4 - (area-5,000) x 0.10 5000 Example: 0.5 - (area-5,000) x 0.08 5000 Example: (7,500-5,000) x 0.10 5000 Creates an FAR of: 0.45 A second standard is a restriction on height for structures. The Specific Plan utilizes a building stepback system which is measured from the front lot line to discourage high sheer walls that are too close to the public right of way. The Plan uses two different stepback maximum heights: 15’ of height 6’ away from the lot line, and 24’ of height 12’ away. Under no condition can a building exceed 45’. 0.4 - (12,500-10,000) x 0.08 5000 Creates an FAR of: 0.36 Front yards should be a distance that is equal to the average depths of existing front yards 200’ on either side of the lot lines of a proposed project. The homes 200’ away from the proposed home in the shaded lot have front yards of 14, 14, 18, and 20 feet, therefore the new home has the average of the 4 homes, which is 16.5 feet. 3. How does the MWGPSP ensure grading and site planning is performed with minimal disturbance to the natural topography? The Department of Building and Safety reviews all grading projects to gauge conformance to the building code and also the Planning Guidelines for Landform Grading Manual. The Planning Department performs environmental review which includes standard industry practices of minimizing the environmental impacts of development in hillside areas. 4. Does the MWGPSP apply to small projects as well as large projects? Is there any project exempt from the Specific Plan? There are some projects that do not fall under the review of the Specific Plan. These include remodeling and restoration work to a residence that does not add any height, floor area, rooms, or second units to an existing structure. Further, most room additions are exempt. However, additions that exceed 200 square feet or increase the height of the structure require a review through the Specific Plan. 5. How does the MWGPSP protect native vegetation? The Specific Plan restrictions and regulations for the removal and replacement of native or significant trees located on privately owned lots and not within the public right of way. Each tree must meet certain criteria to be considered native or significant. In addition, there are restrictions on grading and other construction activities that may occur within the dripline of a native or significant tree. The Mount Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan is available online at http://cityplanning.lacity. org/. Click ‘General Plan’, then click ‘Specific Plans’. For more information, please contact: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Focus Group Survey Northeast Los Angeles Hillsides Work Program Please complete and return ((if by mail, to the address below) the following questionnaire to help us create future development guidelines for your hillside communities. The Department of City Planning appreciates your input as a concerned resident, businessperson and/or property owner in the Northeast Los Angeles neighborhoods What neighborhood do you live in? (Please specify El Sereno, Mt. Olympus, Rose Hills, etc.; an exact address would be appreciated.) What is your vision for your hillside communities? What do you consider the most critical land use concern(s) in your hillside communities? Evaluate the Northeast LA Hillside ICO boundaries. Please be as specific with street names, address, etc. as possible where you believe changes are appropriate. Please continue on the reverse side. Do you have any specific suggestions for future development regulations in your hillside communities? Give us some specific examples of areas, projects, resources that you consider a real strength/asset in your hillside communities that you would like to see be used as a model or prototype What city services would you like to see provided and/or policies and programs promoted in your hillside communities that you think are currently missing (please be specific)? What other issues or general comments would you like to share? Please return to: Gabriela Juárez Community Planning Bureau Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring St., CH Room 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 978-1222 Fax: (213) 978-1477 LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program Public Participation Process BACKGROUND PHASE Review Existing Hillside Development Regulations, Prepare Background Materials, Maps, and Conduct Land Use Survey IDENTIFY ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS AND FOCUS GROUPS D E V E L O P M E N T Conduct Staff Analysis & Coordinate with Other City Departments REVIEW POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS WITH NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS AND FOCUS GROUPS P H A S E Status Report to Council Offices, Discussion of Options Formulate Draft Recommendations, Ordinances, Code Changes, Plans, etc. PUBLIC WORKSHOP Conduct Staff Analysis of Public Input & Coordinate with Other City Departments REVIEW CHANGES TO PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS WITH NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC HEARING IN FRONT OF HEARING OFFICER Planning Department Recommendations AREA PLANNING COMMISSION (APC) REVIEW AND COMMENT CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING PLUM COMMITTEE City Attorney Review Public Input I M P L E M E N T A T I O N P R E S E N T A T I O N & H E A R I N G P H A S E CITY COUNCIL In-House Review & Analysis Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 lans Submit P • Plot Plan n • Floor Pla n • Elevatio Building & Safety Counter Preliminary Grading Inspection For Geotechnical And Soils Report If Site in Designated Hillside Grading Area then Check Plans For Minimum Code Requirements Consistency Plan Check mc:037_05.31.06 Is Grading under 1000 Cubic Yards? Yes: Continue Building Permit Process No: Apply for ICO Hardship Exception with City Clerk Is Project Below FAR Thresholds? Yes: Continue Building Permit Process No: Apply for ICO Hardship Exception with City Clerk Correction Sheet if Needed Building Permit Northeast ICO Process GENERALIZED SUMMARY OF ZONING REGULATIONS CITY OF LOS ANGELES Maximum Height Zone Use Required yards Minimum Area Minimum Lot Width Parking Required 2.5 acres 300 ft. 2 spaces per dwelling unit *6 2 acres 1 acre 150 ft. 17,500 sq. ft. *1 17,500 sq. ft. *1 70 ft. *1 2 covered spaces per dwelling unit *6 40,000 sq. ft. 40,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. *1 *1 20,000 sq. ft. 20,000 sq. ft. 2 covered spaces per dwelling unit *6 *1 *1 15,000 sq. ft. 15,000 sq. ft. *1 *1 11,000 sq. ft. *1 11,000 sq. ft. *1 70 ft. 9,000 sq. ft. *1 9,000 sq. ft. *1 65 ft. 20 ft. minimum 7,500 sq. ft. 7,500 sq. ft. 60 ft. 15 ft. minimum 5,000 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 50 ft. 2 covered spaces per dwelling unit *6 10 ft. 3,500 sq. ft. 3,500 sq. ft. 35 ft. 2,500 sq. ft. 2,500 sq. ft. 2 covered spaces per dwelling unit 3,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 4,000 sq. ft. 4,000 sq. ft. 2,300 sq. ft. 2,300 sq. ft. Per Stories Feet Front Side Rear Per Lot Dwelling Determined by Height District 45 ft. or *6,*10 20% lot depth; 25 ft. max. or 10% lot width; 25 ft. max. or *6 25% lot depth; 25 ft. max. 5 acres Unit Agricultural A1 Agricultural One-Family Dwellings, Parks, Playgrounds, Community Centers, Golf Courses, Truck Gardening, Extensive Agricultural Uses, Home Occupations A2 Agricultural A1 uses RA Suburban Limited Agricultural Uses, One-Family Dwellings, Home Occupations *10 *6 20% lot depth; 25 ft. max., but not less than prevailing 10 ft. or 10% lot width < 70 ft. + 1 ft. for 3 stories or more *6,*7 *6 One-Family Dwelling Units RE40 RE20 RE15 Residential Estate One-Family Dwellings, Parks, Playgrounds, Community Centers, Truck Gardening, Accessory Living Quarters, Home Occupations Determined by Height District 45 ft. or *6,*10 *10 20% lot depth; 25 ft. max., but not less than prevailing *6 10 ft. min., + 1 ft. each story over 2nd *6 10 ft. min.,+ 1 ft. each story over 2nd *6,*7 25% lot depth; 25 ft. max. 10% lot width; 10 ft. max; 5 ft. min. + 1 ft. each story over 2nd *6,*7 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min. + 1 ft. each story over 2nd *6,*7 RE11 RE9 RS Suburban One-Family Dwellings, Parks, Playgrounds, Community Centers, Truck Gardening, Accessory Living Quarters, Home Occupations R1 One-Family Dwelling RS Uses, Home Occupations 20% lot depth; 20 ft. max., but not less than prevailing 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min. + 1 ft. each story over 2nd *1 80 ft. *1 80 ft. *1 *1 *1 *6,*7 *6 RU One-Family Dwelling Factory-built Homes, Mobile Homes, Parks RZ2.5 Residential Zero Side Yard Dwellings across not more than 5 lots *2, Parks, Playgrounds, One-Family Dwellings, Home Occupations RZ3 RZ4 RW1 One-Family Residential Waterways One-Family Dwellings, Home Occupations 30 ft. 10 ft. 45 ft. or *8 10 ft. minimum 30 ft. 3 ft. *9 0 ft. *3; 3 ft. + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd 10% lot width; 3 ft. minimum 0 ft. *3 or 15 ft. 15 ft. minimum 30 ft. w/ driveway, 25 ft. w/o driveway; 20 ft. w/flag, curved or cul-de-sac 28 ft. Footnotes: *1 “H” Hillside areas may alter these requirements in the RA-H or RE-H zones. Subdivisions may be approved with smaller lots, provided larger lots are also included. (Section 17.05 H 1 of the Zoning Code.) *2 Section 12.08.3 B 1 of the Zoning Code. *3 Section 12.08.3 C 2 and 3 of the Zoning Code. *6 Height, yard and parking requirements for single family dwellings may be governed by the Hillside Ordinance, Section 12.21 A 17 of the Zoning Code. *7 Side yard requirements for single family dwellings not in Hillside Areas or Coastal Zone may be governed by the “Big House” Ordinance, ord. 169,775, which has been codified in the yard requirements sections for the relevant zones. *8 The side yard on one side of the lot may be reduced to zero provided that the remaining side yard is increased to 6 ft., in accordance with Section 12.08.1 C 2 of the Zoning Code. *9 Specific requirements for open space, rear yards, and projections into front yards are in Section 12.08.5 C of the Zoning Code. *10 Refer to Height District Quick Reference Chart. (Section 12.21.1 through 12.21.5 of the Zoning Code) Maximum Height Zone Use Stories Feet Determined by Height District 45 ft. or *6,*10 Required yards Front Side 20% lot depth; 20 ft. max., but not less than prevailing 10% lot width 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd Minimum Area Per Rear Per Lot Dwelling 15 ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 2,500 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width Parking Required 50 ft. 2 spaces, one covered Unit Multiple Residential R2 Two-Family Dwellings R1 Uses, Home Occupations *10 RD1.5 RD2 RD3 Restricted Density Multiple Dwelling One-Family Dwellings, Two-Family Dwellings, Apartment Houses, Multiple Dwellings, Home Occupations 15 ft. 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd, not to exceed 16 ft. *6 5,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 8,000 sq. ft. 4,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 12,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 25% lot depth 25 ft. max. 20,000 sq. ft. 20,000 sq. ft. 15 ft. 2,300 sq. ft. 1,150 sq. ft. 28 ft. 15 ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 800 sq. ft.; 500 sq. ft. per guest room 50 ft. *6 RD5 20 ft. 10 ft. minimum 25 ft. *6 RD6 RMP Mobile Home Park Home Occupations RW2 Two-Family Residential Waterways One-Family Dwellings, Two-Family Dwellings, Home Occupations R3 Multiple Dwelling R2 Uses, Apartment Houses, Multiple Dwellings, Child Care (20 max.) RAS3 Residential/ Accessory R3 Uses, Limited ground floor commercial R4 Multiple Dwelling R3 Uses, Churches, Schools, Child Care, Homeless Shelter RAS4 Residential/Accessory R4 Uses, Limited ground floor commercial R5 Multiple Dwelling R4 Uses, Clubs, Lodges, Hospitals, Sanitariums, Hotels 45 ft. or *10 20% lot depth 25 ft. maximum 10 ft. 10 ft. minimum 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd 1 space per unit < 3 habitable rooms; 2,000 sq. ft. 10% lot width, 10 ft. max.; 5 ft. minimum, RD4 1,500 sq. ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 1.5 spaces per unit = 3 habitable rooms; 2 spaces per unit > 3 habitable rooms; uncovered *6 1 space each guest room (first 30) 80 ft. 2 covered spaces per dwelling unit *4 15 ft.; 10 ft. for key lots 5 ft., or average of adjoining buildings Determined by Height District *10 15 ft.; 10 ft. for key lots 5 ft., or average of adjoining buildings 15 ft.; 10 ft. for key lots 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd, not to exceed 16 ft. 0 ft. for ground floor commercial; 5 ft. for residential 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd, not to exceed 16 ft. 0 ft. for ground floor commercial; 5 ft. for residential 10% lot width < 50 ft.; 5 ft.; 3 ft. min.; + 1 ft. for each story over 2nd, not to exceed 16 ft. 15 ft. adjacent to RD or more restrictive zone; otherwise 5 ft. same as RD zones 800 sq. ft.; 200 sq. ft. per guest room 15 ft. + 1 ft. for each story over 3rd; 20 ft. max. 400 sq. ft.; 200 sq. ft. per guest room 15 ft. adjacent to RD or more restrictive zone; otherwise 5 ft. 15 ft. +1 ft. for each story over 3rd; 20 ft. max. 5,000 sq. ft. 200 sq. ft. Loading Space is required for the RAS3, R4, RAS4, and R5 zones in accordance with Section 12.21 C 6 of the Zoning Code. Open Space is required for 6 or more residential units in accordance with Section 12.21 G of the Zoning Code. Passageway of 10 feet is required from the street to one entrance of each dwelling unit or guest room in every residential building, except for the RW, RU, and RZ zones, in accordance with Section 12.21 C2 of the Zoning Code. Footnotes: *4 Section 12.09.5 C of the Zoning Code. For 3-5 lots the interior side yards may be eliminated, but 4 ft. is required on each side of the grouped lots. *6 Height, yard and parking requirements for single family dwellings may be governed by the Hillside Ordinance, Section 12.21 A 17 of the Zoning Code. *10 Refer to Height District Quick Reference Chart. (Section 12.21.1 through 12.21.5 of the Zoning Code) Zone Use Maximum Height Required yards Stories Feet Front 6 75 ft. *10 *10 10 ft. minimum Side Rear Minimum Area Per Lot/Unit Minimum Lot Width same as R4 for residential uses; otherwise none 50 ft. for residential uses; otherwise none Commercial CR C1 Limited Commercial Banks, Hotels, Churches, Schools, Business and Professional Colleges, Child Care, Parking Areas, R4 Uses Limited Commercial Local Retail Stores < 100,000 sq. ft., Offices or Businesses, Hotels, Hospitals and/or Clinics, Parking Areas, CR Uses Except for Churches, Schools, Museums, R3 Uses C1.5 Limited Commercial C1 Uses–Retail, Theaters, Hotels, Broadcasting Studios, Parking Buildings, Parks and Playgrounds, R4 Uses C2 Commercial C1.5 Uses, Retail w/Limited Mfg., Service Stations and Garages, Retail Contract Business, Churches, Schools, Auto Sales, R4 Uses C4 Commercial C2 Uses with Limitations, R4 Uses C5 Commercial C2 Uses, Limited Floor Area for Mfg. of CM Zone Type, R4 Uses CM Commercial Manufacturing Wholesale, Storage, Clinics, Limited Mfg., Limited C2 Uses, R3 Uses Determined by Height District 10% lot width; 10 ft. maximum; 5 ft. minimum for commercial lots adjacent to A or R zone or for residential uses same as R3 for corner lots, lots adjacent to A or R zone, or residential uses *10 15 ft. minimum + 1 ft for each story over 3rd 15 ft. + 1 ft. for each story over 3rd; 20 ft. max. for residential uses or abutting A or R zone same as R3 zone for residential uses; otherwise none same as R4 zone for residential uses; otherwise none none none for commercial uses; same as R4 zone for residential uses at lowest residential story none for commercial uses; same as R3 for residential uses same as R4 for residential uses; otherwise none same as R4 for residential uses; otherwise none same as R3 for residential uses; otherwise none Loading Space: Hospitals, hotels, institutions, and every building where lot abuts an alley. Minimum loading space is 400 sq. ft.; additional space for buildings > 50,000 sq. ft. of floor area. None for apartment buildings in accordance with Section 12.21 C 6 of the Zoning Code. Parking. See separate parking handout. Footnotes: *10 Refer to Height District Quick Reference Chart. (Section 12.21.1 through 12.21.5 of the Zoning Code) Zone Uses Required Yards Maximum Height Front Side Rear Minimum Area Per Lot/Unit Minimum Lot Width Manufacturing MR1 Restricted Industrial CM Uses, Limited Commercial and Manufacturing Uses, Clinics, Media Products, Limited Machine Shops, Animal Hospitals and Kennels M1 Limited Industrial MR1 Uses, Limited Industrial and Mfg. Uses, No R Zone Uses, No Hospitals, Schools, Churches, Any Enclosed C2 Use, Wireless Telecommunication, Household Storage MR2 Restricted Light Industrial MR1 Uses, Additional Industrial Uses, Mortuaries, Animal Keeping Determined by Height District *10 5 ft. for lots <100 ft. deep; 15 ft. for lots >100 ft. deep none for industrial or commercial uses; same as R4 zone for residential uses none for industrial or commercial uses; same as R4 zone for residential uses *5 *5 none 5 ft. for lots <100 ft. deep; 15 ft. for lots >100 ft. deep none for industrial or commercial uses; same as R4 zone for residential uses *5 none for industrial or commercial uses; same as R4 zone for residential uses none for industrial or commercial uses; same as R5 zone for residential uses; *5 *5 M2 M3 Light Industrial M1 and MR2 uses, Additional Industrial Uses, Storage Yards, Animal Keeping, Enclosed Composting, No R Zone Uses none same as R5 zone for residential uses *5 Heavy Industrial M2 Uses, Any Industrial l Uses, Nuisance Type Uses 500 ft. from any Other Zone, No R Zone Uses none none Loading Space: Institutions, and every building where lot abuts an alley. Minimum loading space is 400 sq. ft.; additional space for buildings > 50,000 sq. ft. of floor area. None for apartment buildings < 30 units, in accordance with Section 12.21 C 6 of the Zoning Code. Parking. See separate parking handout. Zone Use Required yards Maximum Height Front Side Rear Minimum Area per Lot/Unit Minimum Lot Width Parking P PB Automobile Parking–Surface and Underground Surface Parking, Land in a P Zone may also be Classified in A or R Zone Determined by Height District *10 10 ft. in combination with an A or R Zone; otherwise none 0 ft., 5 ft., or 10 ft., depending on zoning frontage and zoning across the street Parking Building P Zone Uses, Automobile Parking Within a Building Area regulations of A and R zone apply for residential use 5 ft. + 1 ft. each story above 2nd if abutting or across street and frontage in A or R Zone 5 ft. + 1 ft. each story above 2nd if abutting A or R Zone none, unless also in an A or R Zone none Open Space/ Public Facilities/Submerged Lands OS Open Space Parks and Recreation Facilities, Nature Reserves, Closed Sanitary Landfill Sites, Public Water Supply Reservoirs, Water Conservation Area PF Public Facilities Agricultural Uses, Parking Under Freeways, Fire and Police Stations, Government Buildings, Public Libraries, Post Offices, Public Health Facilities, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools SL Submerged Lands Navigation, Shipping, Fishing, Recreation none none none none none none none none none Footnotes: *5 Section 12.17.5 B 9 (a). Dwelling considered as accessory to industrial use only (watchman or caretaker including family). *10 Refer to Height District Quick Reference Chart. (Section 12.21.1 through 12.21.5 of the Zoning Code) HEIGHT DISTRICT QUICK REFERENCE CHART Height District Zone 1 Height A 45 ft. RA 36 ft. † RE40 45 ft. Hillside or Coastal Zone 1-L FAR Height 1-VL FAR Height 1-XL FAR Height 2 FAR Height 3 FAR Height 4 FAR Height FAR RE20 RE15 36 ft. † 45 ft. RE11 RE9 RS 33 ft. † 30 ft. RZ 45 ft. RW1 30 ft. R2 3:1 33 ft. † 3:1 RD RMP RW2 45 ft. No Limit No Limit 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ not to exceed 3 stories or 45 ft. ‡ R1 RU No Limit not to exceed 6 stories or 75 ft. 45 ft. not to exceed 2 stories or 30 ft. ‡ 3:1 R3 RAS3 50' R4 not to exceed 3 stories or 45 ft. ‡ No Limit RAS4 3:1 No Limit 6:1 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ No Limit 10:1 13:1 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ No Limit No Limit No Limit 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ 75 ft. or 6 stories ‡ No Limit No Limit No Limit 50' R5 CR 75 ft. or 6 stories C 1.5:1 CM MR No Limit not to exceed 1.5:1 3 stories or 45 ft. ‡ 1.5:1 No Limit No Limit M P PB 3:1 No Limit 2 stories 6 stories 10 stories 13 stories CNN (Century City North) Height District - Sec. 12.21.2 CCS (Century City South) Height District - Sec .12.21.2 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Height District - Sec. 12.21.3 EZ (Enterprise Zone) Height District - Sec. 12.21.4 CSA (Centers Study Area) Height District - Sec. 12.21.5 † May exceed height limit to meet average height of 40% or more of dwellings on both sides of same street for the length of the block. (Sec. 12.21.1 3rd unnumbered paragraph) ‡ A building designed and used entirely for residential purposes shall only be limited to the number of feet in height. (Sec. 12.21.1 5th unnumbered paragraph) and 12.21.1 A 1 Exception) NOTE: Specific Plan, HPOZ or Tract conditions shall take precedence over the height restrictions and may increase or decrease the maximum height for a given property Transitional Height: Portions of buildings in C or M zones within certain distances of RW1 or more restrictive zones shall not exceed the following Height limits, in accordance with Section 12.21.1 A 10 of the Zoning Code: Distance (ft) Height (ft) 0–49 25 50–99 33 100–199 61 Zone Prefixes (Section 12.32 of the Zoning Code) (T), [T], T Tentative Zone Classification City Council requirements for public improvements as a result of a zone change–see Council File (Q), [Q], Q Qualified Classification Restrictions on property as a result of a zone change, to ensure compatibility with surrounding property D Development Limitation Restricts height, floor area ratio, percent of lot coverage, building setbacks Supplemental Use Districts–to regulate uses which cannot adequately be provided for in the Zoning Code (Section 13.00 of the Zoning Code) Other Zoning Designations CA Commercial and Artcraft ADP Alameda District Specific Plan CDO Community Design Overlay CCS Century City South Studio Zone FH Fence Height CSA Centers Study Area G Surface Mining CW Central City West Specific Plan K Equinekeeping GM Glencoe/Maxella Specific Plan MU Mixed Use HPOZ Historic Preservation Overlay Zone O Oil Drilling LASED LA Sports & Entertainment S.P. POD Pedestrian Oriented District OX Oxford Triangle Specific Plan RPD Residential Planned Development PKM Park Mile Specific Plan S Animal Slaughtering PV Playa Vista Specific Plan SN Sign WC Warner Center Specific Plan THIS SUMMARY IS ONLY A GUIDE. DEFINITIVE INFORMATION SHOULD BE OBTAINED FROM THE ZONING CODE ITSELF AND FROM CONSULTATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY. CP-7150 (7/31/03) (Rv 10/23/03) Plan De Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles ¿Qué Es El Plan De Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles? El plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles es un directivo cual resultó de la adopción de la ordenanza de control ínterin (ICO) por el Consejal de La Ciudad de Los Angeles en deciembre del 2006. El propósito del plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles es para revisar e identificar problemas como la reducción de graduación y erosión de los laderos de los cerros durante construción, protección de los cantos de los cerros, protección del fauno y los árboles en peligro de extincción, escala apropiado para desarrollo en los laderos de los cerros, y acceso adecuado para residentes y vehiculos de emergencia el las areas de los laderos de cerros en el noreste de Los Angeles de Mount Olympus, Paradise Hills, Rose Hill, El Sereno, y Monterey Hills. Las metas del plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles quieren identificar problemas y oportunidades en las comunidades cuales estan en los laderos de los cerros, hacer objetivos, crear regulaciones para el desarrollo que promueven polisas y objetivos del plan comunitario del noreste de Los Angeles que: • Son apropiado en escala y disruptan mínimamente el terreno, vegetación natural, caidas de la lluvia e agua, y el fauna; • Aseguran que el desarrollo que venga mejora la identificación y aparencia de las vecindades y comunidades através de escala, altura, bulto, límites fronteros y laderos, diseño, y parámetros de jardines; • Dan consideración para la altura y escarpado de los cerros y estabilidad geológica en proyectos propuestos; • Aseguran la disponibilidad de infrastructura adecuada y acceso a servicios de emergencia; y, • Promueven la protección de recursos naturales. Proposito del Grupo de Enfoque*: Los grupos de enfoque ayudan identificar los problemas e oportunidades con respeto al desarrollo de los laderos de los cerros y conservación. Los grupos de enfoque exploran maneras para promover principios de planificación buenas através de solicitar opiniones de la comunidad cuales se usarán para crear las regulaciones para el desarrollo que promueven desarrollo apropiado en los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles Para más información, favor de contactar: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT *Favor de notar, materiales más especificos se distriburán durante el grupo de enfoque. Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Grupo de Enfoque: Problemas e Oportunidades Problemas: · Problemas son asuntos importantes que no se han resuelto o son asuntos que se pueden identificar y se pueden resolver dentro del plan de procedimento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles. · Problemas tienen que ser bien definidos – piense en areas específicos como escala, calles, subdivisiones de terrenos y lotes, fauna, árboles nativos, vegetación protejida, etc. · ¿Cuales problemas puede identificar? Oportunidades: · Oportunidades pueden ser identificados como recursos potenciales, programas, o soluciones. · Oportunidades pueden ser combinados con programas de planificación como los planes específicos, zonas de diseño comunitario, etc. · ¿Cuales oportunidades puede identificar? ¿Qué pasa ahora? · Después de que terminen los grupos de enfoque, los problemas e oportunidades identificados a traves de los grupos de enfoque serán agregados y usados para el base para crear la primera versión de las recomendaciones del plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles. · La primera versión se presentará a los consejales vecindarios, los distritos consejales, otros departamentos municipals, y el público en general en el primer taller público donde se solicitará comentarios e opiniones. · Versiones subsiguentes incorporán los comentarios recibidos de los consejales vecindarios, los distritos consejales, otros departamentos municipales, y el público en general para finalizar el redacte cual se presentará a la Comisión de Planificación, y finalmente, al Consejal Municipal para adopción. Para más información, favor de contactar: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT *Favor de notar, materiales más especificos se distriburán durante el grupo de enfoque. Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Plan De Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles Sumario Parcial de Ordenanzas Existentes de Desarrollo en los Cerros Ordenanza del Desarrollo en los Laderos de Los Cerros en toda la Cuidad (Citywide Hillside Ordinance) Esta ordenanza dicta las regulaciones para la nueva construcción, adiciones, y remodelos de los lotes que estan en los laderos de los cerros y difina altura, límites fronteros y laderos, protección de fuegos, bulto en un lote, estacionamiento, acceso a las calles, conecciones a las alcantarillas, y graduación de los laderos de los cerros. Las regulaciones incluyen: • Altura – El edificio estará limitado a 36 pies de altura en cualquiera lote que tenga graduación de 66% o menos, medido del punto más bajo de elevación del lote al más alto. Si el lote tiene una graduación más de 66%, el edificio será limitado a 45 pies de altura. Hay una excepción para lotes con edificios existentes donde la pared exterior del edificio principal esta dentro de 5 pies horizontales cuando estan midiendo la graduación, la altura en ése caso esta limitado a 36 pies. • Estacionamiento – Viviendas para familias sencillas cuales enfrentan calles más estrechas que lo normal y exijen 2400 pies cuadrados de la proporción de área a piso requiere un espacio de estacionamiento adicional para cada 1000 pies cuadrados adicionales o una fracción de la calculación con un máximo de 5 espacios en total. • Calles – A Lo mínimo la mitad de la anchura de la calle esta requerida ser dedicada por toda la anchura entera del lote a las dimensiones de calles que estan en los cerros limitadas (Standard Hillside Limited Streets) antes que se pueda obtener un permiso para nueva construcción o para adiciones a una vivienda para familias sencillas. • Límites Fronteros – Un mínimo de 5 pies de límite frontero esta requerido para lotes cuales enfrentan calles designadas como calles que estan en los cerros (Hillside designated). • Límites Laderos – El límite ladero se agregerá un pie adicional para cada incremento de 10 pies sobre los primero 18 pies de altura del edificio para cualquiera edificio principal en un lote que esta en las zonas: RA, RE, RS, R1, y RD. Ordenanza de la Paredes de Retención (Retaining Wall Ordinance) Esta ordenanza da límites a la altura y al número de paredes de retención y tiene requisitos de ajardinamiento para las paredes de retención de 8 pies o más en altura. Esta ordenanza es aplicable a lotes designadas laderas de cerro (designated Hillside Areas) en las zonas A o R (incluyendo RA). Ordenanza de Control Interin (ICO) y Estudio de la Vecindad “The Oaks” (propuesto) Este estudio examina los problemas del desarrollo nuevo en las comunidad de “The Oaks” en los cerros de Hollywood para el propósito de estabelizar regulaciones permanentes en ésta comunidad. Algunos preocupaciones incluyen edificios fuera de escala, edificios muy cuadrados, estacionamiento, interrupción del carácter de la vecindad, y pérdida de espacio privado. Ordenanza para Los Arboles Protegidos (Protected Tree Ordinance) Esta ordenanza protégé 1) todos los árboles robles (Oak Trees), menos el especia roble de fregado (Scrub Oak), 2) los árboles de nuez negra del sur de California (Black Walnut), 3) sicómoros occidentals (Western Sycamore), y 4) Bahías de California (California Bays) de ser quitados o trasladados. Adicionalmente, cada árbol tiene que ser de cierta altura y cierta anchura para ser considerado protegido. En ciertas circunstancias, se puede quitar un árbol protegido pero se tiene que ser reemplazado con nuevos árboles a una proporción de 2:1 de la misma especia. Plan Específico de la Carretera Ajardinada Escénica de Mulholland (Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan) Este plan específico pone estándares para la protección ambiental, protección de vistas, construcción de utilidades, y construcción de edificios y de graduación dentro de los corredores interiores y exteriores definidos de la carretera ajardinada. Un comité examinador de diseño tambien se estabilizó con éste plan específico. Plan Específico de las Montañas de San Gabriel y Verdugo Para Preservación Escénica (San Gabriel/Verdugo Mountains Scenic Preservation Specific Plan) Este plan específico pone estándares cuales aseguran la protección de la altura y escarpado de los cerros, de los recursos biológicos, de las vistas de los corredores y carreteras ajardinadas escénticas, de los estándares de los distritos y rastros ecuestres, y ganado doméstico. Para más información, favor de contactar: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Formulario del Grupo de Enfoque Plan de Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles Favor de llenar y regresar (si lo va regresar por correo, favor de mandarlo a la dirección al reverso) éste formulario para ayudarnos crear el plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles. El Departamento de Planificación Urbana aprecia sus comentarios como residente, licensiado o propetario dentro de las vecindades del noreste de Los Angeles. ¿En cual vecindad vive Ud.? (Favor de especficar El Sereno, Mt. Olympus, Rose Hills, etc; se le apreceria darnos su dirección exacta.) ¿Cual es la visión para sus laderos de cerros en su comunidad? ¿Que considera ser el (o los) problema(s) más grandes con respecto a los usos de los terrenos dentro de sus cerros vecindarios? Evalue los límites del ICO para el plan de procedimiento de los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles. De su opinión de donde piensa Ud. que los límites deben de cambiar, si piensa que deben de cambiar. Favor de escribir nombre de calles y direcciones, etc. Favor de continuar al reverso. ¿Tiene sugerencias específicos para regulaciones de desarrollo para los laderos de los cerros en su comunidad? Dénos ejemplos específicos de areas, proyectos, y recursos que Ud. considera beneficios positivos en su comunidad que quisiera ver como modelo o ejemplo para desarrollo en el futuro. ¿Cuales servicios municipales (como areas potenciales para parques pequeños) le gustaría ver proveado o polisas y programas integrados en su vecindad que no tiene presentemente (favor de ser específico)? ¿Cuales otro problemas o comentarios generales le gustaría compartir? Favor de enviar a: Gabriela Juárez Community Planning Bureau Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring St., CH Room 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 978-1222 Fax: (213) 978-1477 LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Sumario de Regulaciones Para Desarrollo en los Cerros Calculaciones Para Pies Cuadrados Maximos Factor(es) Usados para Regular Pies Cuadrados P-1 Metoda para Calcular Pies Cuadrados Maximo Ordenanza del Desarrollo en los Cerros de la Área neta del lote Máximo 300% de la área del lote neta, excluyendo yardas requiridas Los Cerros del Noreste Varea desde 27% de la área del lote total a 50% de la área del lote total Área total del lote (incluyendo yardas requiridas), dependiendo en el tamaño del lote Plan Especifico de Mt.Washington /Glassell Park Varea desde 27% de la área del lote total a 50% de la área del lote total Área total del lote (incluyendo yardas requiridas), dependiendo en el tamaño del lote Mansionizacion para lotes planos en La Cuidad de Los Angeles Propuesto Área del lote total, Zona Cuidad de Brea Área del lote total, Cuesta media, Densidad Varea desde 40% de la área del lote total a 70% de la área del lote total, basado máxima en la cuesta media y densidad máxima Cuidad de Beverly Hills Área total del lote, Área de la planta al nivel (grado terminado), Cuesta media Varea desde 20% de la área del lote total a (área de la planta al nivel pequeña, cuesta media >20%), a 40% de la área de la planta al nivel + 10% de la área de la cuesta Cuidad de Pasadena Área total del lote, Cuesta Media, Zona Varea desde 20% de la área del lote total + 500 pies cuadrados, a 27.5% la área del lote total + 500 pies cuadrados, si la cuesta media del lote es menos que 15%. La parte de cualquiera lote con una cuesta de 50%+ esta excluido de la área del lote total. Para lotes con una cuesta media más de 15%, área total aceptable esta reducido através por una función de escarpado del lote. Para cada 1% aumentado en cuesta media (mas de 15%), lo máximo área total de pies cuadrados es reducido por 0.5%. Cuidad de San Rafael Máximo 10% del la área del lote total + 2,500 pies cuadrados (con una capa de 6,500 pies cuadrados). Excluye primeros 120 pies cuadrados de garage/edificio Área total del lote acesorio. Varea desde 35% de la área del lote total a 50% de la área del lote total (incluyendo yardas requiridas), con un 20% sobresueldo para articulación horizontal o vertical Varea de un máxiumo de 2,200 pies cuadrados (lotes pequeños menos de 4,000 pies cuadrados) a 1,200 pies cuadrados + 25% de la área del lote total (lotes medianos en tamaño) a 2,500 pies cuardros + 12.5% de la área del lote total (lotes grandes). Área total aceptable esta reducido a 85% de ésa calculación para cualquiera de lo siguente: lotes con una cuesta media de 30%+, edificos con altura más de 25 pies, o para proyectos con 500+ yardas cubicas de escarbar afuera de la huella del edificio mayor. Máximo pies cuadrados totales incluye cobertizos para vehículos y edificios acesorios. Cuidad de Santa Barbara Área total del lote, Altura de edificio, Cuesta media Cuidad de Pasadena del Sur Máximo 35% el la área del lote total. Excluye garages menos de 500 pies Área total del lote cuadrados, o cobertizos para vehículos menos de 400 pies cuadrados. Cuidad de Torrance Área total del lote Máximo 50% el la área del lote total. Incluye garages. Cuidad de Rancho Palos Verdes No porcentaje fijo de la área del lote o capa de pies cuadraos explícito. Tamaño Altura y limites de máximo de edificio esta regulado através de una combinación de altura y límites lotes medios de coburtura de lote. 山坡地開發法令建築面積計算 控制面積要素 洛杉磯市山坡地法 令 P-1 最大面積計算法 建築地淨值面積 減除四周庭院最高至 300%建築地淨值面積 東北臨時控制條例 建築地總面積 由土地面積大小(包括庭園)來算建築地總面積的 27%至50% 華盛頓山丘 /葛拉紹 公園社區詳細法 建築地總面積 由土地面積大小(包括庭園)來算建築地總面積的 27%至50% 洛杉磯市豪宅約束 法令 建築地總面積, 土地使用 由土地面積大小(包括庭園)來算建築地總面積的 35%至50%, 可能增加額外20%的高度或面積 貝雅市 建築地總面積, 平均坡度,最高 密度 由平均坡度和最高密度來算建築地總面積的 40%至70% 比佛利山莊市 建築地總面積, 建築整土面積, 平均坡度 建築地總面積的20%(小於20%平均坡度的建築整土面積 )至40%的建築整土面積加 10%的坡地 巴薩迪那市 建築地總面積, 平均坡度,土地 使用 界於建築地總面積的 500平方英尺加20%和27.5%之間, 當土地坡度小於15%. 坡度大於50%的地可不算在建築地總面積之 內. 平均坡度超過15%的土地必須以每超出15%以上的1%來減0.5%的總面積. 建築地總面積 不包括車庫和客房的前 120平方尺, 建築地總面積的10%加2500平方尺(有6500平方尺最高限定) 聖塔芭芭拉市 建築地總面積, 建築物高度,平 均坡度 界於2200平方英尺(小型土地), 到1200平方英尺加25%的建築地總面積(中型土地), 或2500平方英尺加12.5%的建築地總面積(大型土地). 當土地坡度超出30%, 建築物高度超出25英尺, 或整土超出500立方英碼時建築地總面積與室 內面積比例須減低至85%. 總面積包括車棚和客房 . 南巴薩迪那市 建築地總面積 小於500平方尺的車庫或是400平方尺的車棚除外, 最高至建築地總面積的 35% 建築地總面積 建築物高度,建 築物覆蓋面積 包括車庫最高至建築地總面積的 50% 聖拉法耀市 托倫斯市 派洛斯牧園市 無硬性規定,建築物大小由建築物高度和覆蓋面積來計算 Page 1 of 3 Environmental Impacts Associated with Hillside Development Cumulative impacts of individual projects are not considered in the environmental review process. Slope stability is being compromised by weather cycles (drought, flood, fire). Soils reports are not adequate under current regulations. Construction activity mitigation measures are not adequately addressing the physical impacts on the affected neighborhood. Grading is excessive and destablizes the hillsides. Current grading regulations do not distinguish between topography (upslope vs. downslope.) Existing building foundations and retaining walls are sliding. Environmental studies are not sufficiently identifying and disclosing major environmental existing conditions. Flood and drainage issues need to be addressed, especially with regard to retaining walls. Current hillside development regulations such as the Citywide Hillside Ordinance and the Retaining Wall Ordinance promote grading and limit landscaping. Lack of landscaping contributes to the slope instability in new development projects. More effective erosion control methods to help slope stability. Emergency Access Safety considerations should be priority concern in all aspects of hillside development regulations. Narrow roads are an obstacle for emergency vehicle access. Emergency services are compromised because of narrow and/or unimproved roads. Adequate Infrastructure Insufficient sewer access, street access, sidewalks, fire hydrants, utility lines. New development will need increased/expanded infrastructure. New development is occurring without necessary street improvements Septic tanks are privately maintained inadequately. Sensitive and appropriate hillside road planning and building such that new development is encouraged. Inadequate street network and paved streets do not allow for street parking. primary land use categories to help guide development of the final text. *Please Note: The following is a summary of land use issues broken down into DRAFT NORTHEAST LOS ANGELES HILLSIDES WORK PROGRAM This summary was compiled from input received by community members who attended focus groups meetings held in June and July 2007. If you have any questions, would like to be putLand on theUse mailing list, or have comments you would like to share, please Focus Group Summary Table* feel free to contact the lead Planner for this project, Gabriela Juarez, at (213) 978-1222, or e-mail at [email protected]. Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan Concerns & Comments Grading impacts were not sufficiently addressed in regulations. FAR should continue to include garages and extend to carports. Increase linkages from Mt. Washington/Glassell Park area to existing parks. Recent changes in application procedure for Project Permit Compliance have noticeably aided in producing good projects. Page 2 of 3 Protection of Natural Resources, Vegetation & Wildlife Landscaping should be fire-resistant, drought tolerant, and stabilize slopes. A biological survey should be conducted to identify ecosystems (wildlife, plant life, etc.). An in-depth survey is needed to identify natural and cultural resources such as underground springs, Native American caves, natural watersheds, and horse trails. Balance development with preservation of open space. Create and maintain linkages among open spaces. Require vegetation that support existing wildlife (i.e. specific tree species). Protection of viewsheds of the hillsides and from the hillsides. Protection of the ridgelines in the area. Neighborhood Character, Identity & Scale DRAFT Tall box-like homes are not reflective of the neighborhood character and scale. Current hillside development regulations that address grading, height, retaining walls, and parking requirements do not account for up- or downslope parcels resulting in development that is incompatible in bulk and mass. Height measurement according to the Citywide Hillside Ordinance does not result in desired architectural designs. Hillside development regulations lack urban design requirements that address aspects such as modulation, architectural definition, and landscaping that ensure compatibility with neighborhood character, identity and scale. New development should have a 400-square foot allowance for garages and/or carports that does not count towards the FAR calculation. Favorable development would promote reduced height limits and permit terracing. Regulations need to vary based on lot typology in order to create compatible development in the various neighborhoods of the hillsides. Ridgeline development should preserve neighborhood character by lowering height limits and adjusting lot coverage. FAR should be reflective of the neighborhood scale. Affordability is key in preserving the historic neighborhood identity and development regulations need to be sensitive to issues of gentrification. Complicated and long permit processes will deter many of the long-time residents from building and cause a shift in the historic neighborhood identity. Pedestrian linkages, including the historic stairways, need to be preserved and given access to in new developments. Preserve the mixed-income aspect of the community. Page 3 of 3 Miscellaneous/Other Concerns & Comments Existing hillside development regulations are outdated now due to the rapid advancement of technology. ICO boundaries need to be reassessed by analyzing slope and contour. Citywide Hillside Ordinance is not clear in its descriptions and definitions of regulations required (i.e. instructions for measuring height, setbacks, etc.). Better interdepartmental coordination is needed to effectively enforce regulations. Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan Concerns & Comments (cont'd.) DRAFT Downslope projects not sufficiently addressed in current regulations. FAR and height requirements are yielding desired type of development with minimal lot coverage and open space preserved. Native and protected trees requirements have been a positive addition. Regulation enforcement is not strong enough and is key for implementation. The Mt. Washington/Glassell Park Specific Plan has been an effective tool in guiding development but has opportunities for strengthening regulations (i.e. enforcement, construction activities mitigation, grading). Summary of Hillside Development Regulations Floor Area Calculations Factor(s) Used to Regulate Square Footage P-1 Method of Calculating Maximum Square Footage City of Los Angeles Hillside Ordinance Net lot area Maximum 300% of the net lot area, excluding required yards Northeast ICO Total lot area Ranges from 27% of total lot area to 50% of total lot area (including required yards), depending on lot size Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Specific Plan Total lot area Ranges from 27% of total lot area to 50% of total lot area (including required yards), depending on lot size Proposed Baseline Mansionization Ordinance for Flat Lots in City of LA Total lot area, Zone Ranges from 35% of total lot area to 50% of total lot area (including required yards), with 20% bonus available for horizontal or vertical articulation City of Brea Total lot area, Average slope, Maximum density Ranges from 40% of total lot area to 70% of total lot area, based on average slope and maximum density Total lot area, Area of level pad (finished grade), Average Ranges from 20% of total lot area (small level pad area, average slope >20%), to City of Beverly Hills slope 40% of area of level pad + 10% of area of slope City of Pasadena Total lot area, Average slope, Zone Ranges from 20% of total lot area + 500 sq.ft., to 27.5% of total lot area + 500 sq.ft., if average slope of lot is less than 15%. Any portion of lot with slope of 50%+ is excluded from total lot area. For lots with an average slope over 15%, the allowable floor area is reduced by a function of steepness of the lot. For every 1% increase in average slope (over 15%), the maximum square footage is reduced by 0.5%. City of San Rafael Total lot area Maximum 10% of total lot area + 2,500 sq.ft. (with overall cap of 6,500 sq.ft.). Excludes first 120 sq.ft. of garage/accessory building. City of Santa Barbara Ranges from maximum of 2,200 sq. ft. (small lots under 4,000 sq.ft.) to 1,200 sq. ft. + 25% of Total Lot Area (medium-sized lots) to 2,500 sq. ft. + 12.5% of Total Lot Area (large lots). FAR is reduced to 85% of the above calculation for any of the following: Lots with average slope of 30%+, buildings with height greater than 25 Total lot area, feet, or for projects with 500+ cubic yards of grading outside the footprint of the Building height, main building. Total maximum square footage includes carports and accessory Average slope buildings. City of South Pasadena Total lot area Maximum 35% of total lot area. Excludes garage of no more than 500 sq. ft., or carport of no more than 400 sq. ft. City of Torrance Total lot area Maximum 50% of total lot area. Includes garage. City of Rancho Palos Verdes Height and Lot overage limits No fixed percentage of lot area or explicit square footage cap. Maximum building size is regulated through combination of height and lot coverage limitations. Summary of Hillside Development Regulations Height Limitations P-2 City of Los Angeles Hillside Ordinance 36' (45' with a variance or if slope is >66%); except if lot is 33' higher than the front lot line at a midpoint 50 feet back on the lot, then max. height is 24' within first 20' of the front lot line. Height is measured from lowest point on lot within 5 feet of building. Northeast ICO same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Specific Plan 45', 45' with building stepbacks required (max 15' height within first 6' back from front property line; max 24' height within 6'-12' back) City of Brea 35' (measured as vertical distance from the existing or planned grade of the pad at the point of the building foundation to the mid-point of the roof. For split-level construction, each building component measured from its own site pad area) City of Beverly Hills 26' (may exceed this height if structure is max 22' at the front setback line, increasing toward rear of site at 33° slope to max height of 30'. Also, for portion of structure located more than 40' from front setback line, max height = 22'. Special height rules apply for uphill lots, construction over fill, construction over slope, and small pad lots.) 28' (for any point on the site), with 35' max. when measured from the lowest elevation on the site where the structure touches the grade to the highest point of the roof. Height measured as the distance from the existing grade to a line located above and parallel to the grade. Also, max 6' height between point City of Pasadena where foundation meets grade and the lowest floor line of structure. City of San Rafael 30' for dwelling, 15' for accessory structures. On a lot with a slope >25%, is measured vertically from the existing grade to the uppermost point roof edge or other feature perpendicular to that grade. height of the City of Santa Barbara 30'. Guidelines state that building should be set into the hillside, and house should be stepped up and down the hill, and height limited to prevent shading of neighboring lots. Vary height of building elements. Minimize areas of maximum height. The max. vert. height of a building or structure is based on natural grade. City of South Pasadena 28' to 24' depending on slope of roof. Terrace building to match grade. Vert. building walls should be max. 15' above grade. Any vertical walls above 15' should be stepped back from adjacent lower walls by a min. distance of 10'. Flat building walls over 1 story in height and over 25' in horiz. dimension discouraged to minimize unarticulated wall mass. City of Torrance 14', 14' measured from the ground at finished grade. City of Rancho Palos Verdes 16'. A variation permit to 26' may be granted after review of setbacks, views from neighboring lots, and the percentage of project that exceeds 16'. Height measured based on lot typology (upslope, downslope) and the extent to which a structure slopes with the lot. Summary of Hillside Development Regulations Lot Coverage Limitations P-3 City of Los Angeles Hillside Ordinance 40% maximum Northeast ICO Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Specific Plan Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance City of Brea 35% maximum for all buildings, 30% of front yard except driveway, 50% of rear yard except a pool/spa. City of Beverly Hills Depends on the size of the lot and the graded building pad. The following figures regulate all buildings and structures: 20% lot coverage if pad is 0-750 square feet. For lots 15,000 sq.ft. or less, lot coverage is 40% of the pad area , plus 10% of the area of the slope. City of Pasadena 35% maximum City of San Rafael Min. 25% of the lot area + the % of avg. slope, not to exceed a maximum of 85%, must remain in its "Natural State" City of South Pasadena 40% maximum for structures. Also, 25% of the lot area + the % of average slope must remain in its natural state. City of Torrance 50%, 50% including garage City of Rancho Palos Verdes Varies by lot size: 52% max. (8,000 sq.ft.), 50% max. (10,000 sq.ft.), 45% max. (13,000 sq.ft.), 40% max. (20,000 sq.ft.). Includes all structures, interior courtyards, trellises, decks >30" high, and parking & driveway areas. Summary of Hillside Development Regulations Grading and Retaining Wall Regulations Grading P-4 Retaining Walls City of Los Angeles Hillside Ordinance Extra review required for import/export of 1000+ cubic yards of soil One 12-foot retaining wall allowed, or two 10foot walls; landscaping required for any walls over 8 feet tall; ZA can allow higher walls or greater number of walls Northeast ICO Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Specific Plan Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance Same as L.A. Hillside Ordinance City of Brea Grading prohibited on lots that exceed 30% slope over an acre in area, with any horizontal dimension of 50 feet. Grading is also prohibited within 100 feet of a recognized ridgeline. No specific limit to amount of import/export, but grading required to be sensitive to natural terrain. City of Beverly Hills Formula used to determine maximum cut and fill for any site (including basements) over a 5-year period, with overall max of 3,000 cubic yards over a 5-year period Not available. City of Pasadena Regulations limit height/width of cut slopes (20 feet tall, including retaining walls, and 20 feet max. width beyond the width of the dwelling), to ensure maximum concealment of cut slopes by a proposed structure. All cut slopes should be contoured to meet abutting slopes, and must undulate in a manner similar to natural topography in the vicinity. Drainage and terracing are also required. Not available. City of San Rafael A minimum of 25% of the lot area + % of average slope of the lot, up to a maximum of 85%, must remain in its "natural state." Natural state is defined as undeveloped and undisturbed, with no construction allowed and no grading, excavating, or filling permitted, unless incidental to planting and landscaping which enhances the natural environment. Not available. Maximum cumulative height of retaining walls on a single slope is 6 feet, but "living wall systems" may be between 15 feet and 30 feet tall. Retaining walls limited to 50 feet long and 6 feet tall. Stepped or terraced retaining walls, Recommend minimizing the visual impact of grading by with planting in between are encouraged. doing most of the cut under the buildings, and avoiding Additional review required for: 1) Retaining wall on a lot with average slope of 15% or more; 2) excessive removal & fill. Preserve slopes over 30% by avoiding grading and clearing. Grading immediately Multiple terracing retaining walls not separated under the house is encouraged, with up to 500 cubic yards by a building or horizontal distance of at least City of Santa allowed beyond the footprint of the house without Planning 10 feet where the combined height of the walls Barbara exceeds 6 feet. Commission review. Extra review required if grading more than 1,000 cubic City of yards of combined cut and fill. Construction on "extreme Rancho Palos slope" (35%+ grade) requires special permit, with a few Verdes exceptions. Not available. Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program Frequently Asked Questions / Key Definitions What is an ICO? ICO? ICO stands for “Interim Control Ordinance.” An ICO is a planning tool that allows a City to temporarily control new development in an area. While the ICO is in effect, planning staff does research and has outreach programs designed to find permanent alternative solutions for the development issues in the ICO area. What is FAR? FAR? FAR stands for “Floor Area Ratio.” FAR is the ratio of the total floor area of all structures on a property to the square footage of the property itself. For example, if a person has a 2,000 square foot lot, and builds a 4,000 square foot house on that lot, the FAR would be 2:1. What are Q/D Conditions/Limitations? Conditions/Limitations? “Q” and “D” conditions and limitations are planning tools that allow the City to hold individual parcels to more specific standards than the general zoning designation. Q conditions are used to make sure that development is consistent with the General Plan and community interests, as well as provide mitigation measures for possible environmental effects. D limitations affect height, FAR, and setback requirements; again, D limitations are a zoning tool used to ensure communitylevel compatibility and compliance with environmental mitigation measures. What is a Specific Plan? Plan? A Specific Plan is a planning tool that allows a city to regulate land use and development on a small, community scale. Specific plans are special zoning regulations that allow a community to retain its character, preserve a sense of place, and give developers incentives to build projects that will fit in with the community. What do up/down slope mean? mean? Up/down slope refers to the slope direction on an individual lot, in reference to the location of the hillside and the street. In the drawing, the house on the right is built on a “down slope” because it is built on the side of the street where the hillside runs down. The house on the left is built on an “up slope” because it is built on the side of the street where the hillside is going up. Up Slope Street Down Slope Chöông Trình Coâng Taùc Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài Ñoâng Baéc Los Angeles (NELA) Toùm Taét Moät Phaàn cuûa caùc Saéc Leänh Hieän Coù Lieân Quan Ñeán Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài Saéc Leänh Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài Toaøn Thaønh Phoá Saéc Leänh naøy quaûn lyù vieäc phaùt trieån caùc maûnh ñaát söôøn ñoài duøng ñeå xaây môùi, xaây theâm, söûa sang vaø thieát laäp caùc quy ñònh vaø ñònh roõ saân tröôùc vaø saân sau, baûo veä traùnh hoûa hoaïn, phaàn söû duïng treân loâ ñaát, choã ñaäu xe, loái ra ñöôøng, heä thoáng coáng raõnh, vaø xeáp haïng. Caùc quy ñònh naøy bao goàm nhö sau: • Ñoä Cao - Treân baát cöù maûnh ñaát naøo coù ñoä doác töø 66% trôû xuoáng, khi ño töø ñieåm thaáp nhaát cuûa doác cho ñeán ñieåm cao nhaát treân maûnh ñaát, giôùi haïn cho toøa nhaø hoaëc kieán truùc laø 36 feet. Neáu maûnh ñaát coù ñoä doác lôùn hôn 66%, giôùi haïn ñoä cao cuûa toøa nhaø laø 45 feet ño töø möùc coát. Coù ngoaïi leä cho caùc maûnh ñaát treân ñoù ñaõ coù (caùc) keát caáu xaây döïng maø töôøng ngoaøi cuûa toøa nhaø chính naèm trong voøng 5 feet theo chieàu ngang khi ño ñoä doác cuûa maûnh ñaát, khi ñoù ñoä cao ñöôïc giôùi haïn laø 36. • Ñaäu Xe - Nôi ôû cuûa nhaø Gia Ñình Moät Caên ñoái dieän vôùi ñöôøng phuï vaø quaù 2400 sq. ft. cuûa FAR phöùc hôïp caàn moät choã ñaäu xe theâm cho moãi 1000 sq. ft. hoaëc tính theo tyû leä töø ñoù ñeán möùc toái ña laø 5 choã ñaäu xe. • Ñöôøng - Caàn ít nhaát nöûa chieàu roäng cuûa ñöôøng so vôùi toaøn boä chieàu roäng cuûa maûnh ñaát cho kích côõ Tieâu Chuaån cuûa Ñöôøng Giôùi Haïn Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài tröôùc khi caáp giaáy pheùp xaây döïng môùi hoaëc xaây theâm vaøo nhaø gia ñình moät caên. • Saân Tröôùc - Ñoái vôùi nhöõng maûnh ñaát maët ñöôøng chæ ñònh cuûa Söôøn Ñoài, phaàn xaây döïng phaûi luøi laïi vaøo trong saân tröôùc ít nhaát laø 5 feet. • Saân Beân - Ñoái vôùi baát cöù toøa nhaø chính naøo treân maûnh ñaát trong vuøng RA, RE, RS, R1, vaø RD, saân beân phaûi taêng theâm 1 foot ñoái vôùi moãi 10 foot taêng theâm treân ñoä cao 18 feet khôûi ñieåm cuûa toøa nhaø. Giöõ Laïi Saéc Leänh veà Töôøng Saéc Leänh naøy haïn cheá ñoä cao vaø soá töôøng ñang duøng vaø coù caùc yeâu caàu xaây döïng caûnh quan cho töôøng xaây töø 8 feet trôû leân. Saéc leänh naøy coù theå aùp duïng cho caùc khu vöïc A hoaëc R (bao goàm caû RA) trong Caùc Khu Vöïc Söôøn Ñoài chæ ñònh. Nghieân Cöùu Khu Laân Caän The Oaks vaø Saéc Leänh Kieåm Soaùt Taïm Thôøi (ICO) (ñeà nghò) Nghieân cöùu naøy xem xeùt vaán ñeà xaây môùi trong coäng ñoàng vuøng söôøn ñoài cuûa The Oaks vôùi muïc ñích thieát laäp quy ñònh laâu daøi trong coäng ñoàng naøy. Moät soá lo ngaïi cuûa coäng ñoàng bao goàm kieán truùc quaù phaïm vi cho pheùp, nhöõng kieán truùc hình hoäp, choã ñaäu xe, phaù hoûng tính chaát cuûa vuøng laân caän, vaø thieáu khoâng gian rieâng tö ngoaøi trôøi. Saéc Leänh Baûo Veä Caây Coái Saéc leänh naøy baûo veä 1) moïi caây Oaks (Soài), ngoaïi tröø Scrub Oaks (Soài Buïi Raäm), 2) Black Walnuts cuûa Nam California, 3) Western Sycamores (Sung Daâu Taây), vaø 4) khoâng laáy ñi hoaëc di chuyeån caùc Vònh cuûa California. Hôn nöõa, moãi caây caàn coù ñoä cao vaø chieàu roäng thaân caây nhaát ñònh ñeå ñöôïc xem xeùt baûo veä. Trong vaøi tröôøng hôïp, coù theå dôøi caây ñöôïc baûo veä, nhöng phaûi thay theá baèng caây môùi cuûa loaïi caây töông töï vôùi tyû leä 2:1. Chöông Trình Cuï Theå Mulholland Scenic Parkway Chöông Trình Cuï Theå naøy ñaët ra caùc tieâu chuaån ñeå baûo veä moâi tröôøng, baûo veä caûnh quan, xaây döïng tieän ích, xaây döïng vaø xeáp haïng trong phaïm vi xaùc ñònh cho caùc haønh lang beân trong vaø beân ngoaøi cuûa Parkway. Chöông Trình Cuï Theå cuõng thieát laäp Ban Xem Xeùt Ñoà AÙn. Chöông Trình Cuï Theå Baûo Toàn Caûnh Quan San Gabriel/Verdugo Mountains Chöông Trình Cuï Theå naøy ñaët ra tieâu chuaån baûo ñaûm baûo veä ñöôøng chia noåi baät, baûo veä taøi nguyeân sinh hoïc, baûo veä caûnh quan toûa ra töø haønh lang, vaø tieâu chuaån giöõ gìn ngöïa cuûa hoïc khu, nhöõng ñöôøng moøn ñi ngöïa, vaø gia suùc. Ñeå bieát theâm thoâng tin, xin goïi: Gabriela Juaùrez Sôû Keá Hoaïch Thaønh Phoá 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978 1222 [email protected] Jason Chan Sôû Keá Hoaïch Thaønh Phoá 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978 3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich Sôû Keá Hoaïch Thaønh Phoá 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978 2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Do Sôû Keá Hoaïch Thaønh Phoá Los Angeles bieân soaïn • Ban Dòch Vuï Ñoà Hoïa. Thaùng Naêm, 2007 Bản Thăm Dò Ý Kiến cho Nhóm Tập Trung Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi Đông Bắc Los Angeles Xin điền đầy đủ và gửi trả lại (nếu gửi qua thư, qua địa chỉ dưới đây) bản câu hỏi thăm dò ý kiến dưới đây để giúp chúng tôi soạn hướng dẫn trong tương lai cho các cộng đồng ở sườn đồi. Sở Kế Hoạch Thành Phố coi trọng ý kiến đóng góp của quý vị với tư cách là cư dân, thương gia và/hoặc chủ tài sản trong vùng lân cận ở Đông Bắc Los Angeles có quan tâm đến vấn đề này Quý vị sống ở vùng nào? (Xin nêu rõ ở El Sereno, Mt. Olympus, Rose Hills, v.v...; nếu có thể xin nêu địa chỉ chính xác.) Quý vị thấy tương lai cho các cộng đồng ở vùng sườn đồi như thế nào? Quý vị thấy (những) điều đáng lo ngại nhất về sử dụng đất trong các cộng đồng ở vùng sườn đồi là gì? Xin đánh giá vùng sườn đồi tiếp giáp Đông Bắc LA với ICO. Xin nêu rõ với tên đường, địa chỉ, v.v...nơi mà quý vị thấy những thay đổi là thích hợp. Please continue on the reverse side. Quý vị có ý kiến cụ thể nào không về các quy định phát triển trong tương lai cho các cộng đồng vùng sườn đồi của mình? Xin cho biết những ví dụ rõ ràng về khu vực, dự án, tài nguyên mà quý vị cho là sức mạnh/tài sản thật sự trong cộng đồng vùng sườn đồi của mình mà quý vị muốn được sử dụng như là khu vực mẫu mực hoặc muốn các nơi khác làm tương tự. Quý vị muốn thấy có những dịch vụ nào và/hoặc những chính sách và chương trình nào của thành phố hiện tại đang thiếu trong cộng đồng vùng sườn đồi (xin nêu rõ)? Quý vị muốn chia sẻ thêm những vấn đề hoặc ý kiến nào? Xin gửi trả lại cho: Gabriela Juárez Community Planning Bureau Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring St., CH Room 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 978-1222 Fax: (213) 978-1477 LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared by Cüy of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 T o ù m T a é t c a ù c Q u y Ñ ò n h P h a ù t T r ie å n V u ø n g S ö ô ø n Ñ o à i T í n h T o aù n D ie ä n T í c h S aø n (Caùc) Yeáu Toá Duøng Ñeå Quy Ñònh Dieän Tích Vuoâng Phương Pháp TÍnh Diện Tích Vuông Tối Đa Saéc Leänh Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài cuûa Thaønh Phoá Los Angeles Dieän tích thöïc cuûa maûnh ñaát Ñoâng Baéc ICO Toång dieän tích Trong khoaûng töø 27% ñeán 50% toång dieän tích cuûa maûnh ñaát (bao goàm caùc saân baét buoäc phaûi coù), tuøy theo kích côõ cuûa maûnh ñaát Chöông Trình Cuï Theå Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Toång dieän tích Trong khoaûng töø 27% ñeán 50% toång dieän tích cuûa maûnh ñaát (bao goàm caùc saân baét buoäc phaûi coù), tuøy theo kích côõ cuûa maûnh ñaát Saéc Leänh Ñeà Nghò cho Ñöôøng Coát cuûa Khu Nhaø Lôùn trong caùc Maûnh Ñaát Baèng ôû Thaønh Phoá LA Toång dieän tích, Vuøng Trong khoaûng töø 35% ñeán 50% cuûa toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát (bao goàm caùc saân baét buoäc phaûi coù), coù cho theâm 20% leà ngang hoaëc doïc Thaønh Phoá Brea Toång dieän tích, Doác trung bình, Maät ñoä toái ña Trong khoaûng töø 40% ñeán 70% cuûa toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát, döïa treân ñoä doác trung bình vaø maät ñoä toái ña Thaønh Phoá Beverly Hills Toång dieän tích mieáng ñaát, Dieän tích ñöôøng ñeäm (möùc hoaøn taát), Doác trung bình Trong khoaûng töø 20% cuûa toång dieän tích ñaát (dieän tích ñöôøng ñeäm nhoû, ñoä doác trung bình >20%), ñeán 40% cuûa dieän tích ñöôøng ñi boä baèng + 10% dieän tích cuûa doác Thaønh Phoá Pasadena Toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát, Ñoä doác trung bình, Vuøng Toái ña 300% cuûa dieän tích thöïc cuûa maûnh ñaát, ngoaïi tröø caùc saân baét buoäc phaûi coù Trong khoaûng töø 20% cuûa toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát + 500 sq.ft., ñeán 27.5% toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát + 500 sq.ft., neáu ñoä doác trung bình nhoû hôn 15%. Baát cöù phaàn naøo cuûa maûnh ñaát coù ñoä doác 50%+ khoâng ñöôïc tính trong toång dieän tích cuûa maûnh ñaát. Ñoái vôùi nhöõng maûnh ñaát coù ñoä doác trung bình hôn 15%, neàn nhaø cho pheùp seõ giaûm tính theo haøm soá cuûa ñoä doác cuûa maûnh ñaát. Cöù moãi ñoä taêng theâm ñoái vôùi ñoä doác trung bình cuûa doác (quaù 15%), dieän tích vuoâng toái ña seõ giaûm 0.5%. Toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát Toái ña 10% cuûa toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát + 2,500 sq.ft. (vôùi choùp toång theå 6,500 sq.ft.). Khoâng tính 120 sq.ft. ñaàu tieân duøng laøm nhaø ñaäu xe/nhaø phuï cuûa toøa nhaø. Thaønh Phoá Santa Barbara Toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát, Ñoä Cao cuûa toøa nhaø, ñoä doác trung bình. Trong khoaûng töø toái ña töø 2,200 sq. ft. (caùc maûnh ñaát nhoû döôùi 4,000 sq.ft.) ñeán 1,200 sq. ft. + 25% Toång Dieän Tích Maûnh Ñaát (maûnh ñaát côõ trung bình) ñeán 2,500 sq. ft. + 12.5% cuûa Toång Dieän Tích (maûnh ñaát lôùn). FAR giaûm ñeán 85% cuûa tính toaùn beân treân cho baát cöù nhöõng thöù naøo sau ñaây: Maûnh ñaát coù doác trung bình 30%+, toøa nhaø coù ñoä cao hôn 25 feet, hoaëc cho caùc döï aùn lôùn hôn 500+ meùt khoái (cubic yards) cuûa doác beân ngoaøi chaân töôøng nhaø chính. Toång beà daøi dieän tích vuoâng toái ña bao goàm choã ñaäu xe vaø caùc toøa nhaø phuï. Thaønh Phoá South Pasadena Tổng diện tích mảnh Toái ña laø 35% cuûa toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát. Khoâng tính nhaø ñeå xe khoâng roäng quaù 500 sq. ft., hoaëc choã ñaäu xe khoâng quaù 400 sq. ft. Thaønh Phoá Torrance Toång dieän tích maûnh ñaát Toái ña 50% cuûa toång dieän tích loâ ñaát. Bao goàm caû nhaø ñeå xe. Thaønh Phoá San Rafael Thaønh Phoá Rancho Palos Verdes Giôùi haïn ñoä cao vaø dieän tích xaây döïng Khoâng coù phaån traêm coá ñònh cho dieän tích maûnh ñaát hoaëc dieän tích vuoâng cuûa choûm hoaøn taát. Côõ toái ña cuûa toøa nhaø ñöôïc quy ñònh baèng haøm soá giöõa ñoä cao vaø caùc giôùi haïn dieän tích xaây döïng. T óm Tắ t các Quy Đị nh Ph át Tr iển Vù ng Sườn Đ ồi Giới Hạn Độ Cao Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi Thành Phố Los Angeles 36' (45' với độ chênh lệch hoặc nếu dốc >66%); ngoại trừ mảnh đất cao hơn đường viền phía trước 33' có trung điểm 50 feet lùi vào bên trong của khu đất, rồi đến độ cao tối đa là 24' trong khoảng 20' đầu tiên của đường viền phía trước của mảnh đất. Độ cao được đo từ điểm thấp nhất trên mảnh đất trong vòng 5 feet của tòa nhà. Đông Bắc ICO Tương tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Chương Trình Cụ Thể Mt. Washington /Glassell Park 45', tòa nhà xây cần phải lùi vào bên trong (độ cao tối đa 15' trong vòng 6' lùi vào bên trong của đường viền của bất động sản; cao tối đa 24' trong vòng 6'-12' lùi vào bên trong) Thành Phố Brea 35' (được đo làm khoảng cách thẳng đứng từ độ dốc hiện tại hoặc lên kế hoạch nếu đường đệm ở một điểm của móng nhà đến trung điểm của mái. Cho các cấu trúc có tầng phân chia, mỗi thành phần của tòa nhà phải được đo diện tích vùng đệm riêng) Thành Phố Beverly Hills 26' (có thể cao hơn độ cao này nếu cấu trúc đã lùi vào tối đa 22' so với đường viền phải xây lùi từ phía trước, tăng thêm về phía sau với độ dốc 33° đến độ cao tối đa 30'. Tương tự, đối với phần kết cấu nằm ở cách xa hơn đường xây lùi từ bên ngoài 40' , độ cao tối đa = 22'. Những quy định độ cao đặc biệt áp dụng cho những khu đất trên đồi, công trình xây dựng lấp đất nhiều, công trình xây dựng trên dốc, và những mảnh đất đệm nhỏ.) Thành Phố Pasadena 28' (đối với bất cứ điểm nào trên khu đất), tối đa 35' khi đo từ điểm thấp nhất của khu đất nơi kiến trúc tiếp giáp với dốc của điểm cao nhất của mái. Độ cao đo làm khoảng cách từ điểm hiện tại đến đường nằm trên và song song với dốc. Tương tự, độ cao tối đa 6' giữa điểm tiếp gắp giữa móng và dốc và đường sàn thấp nhất của kiến trúc. Thành Phố San Rafael 30' để ở, 15' cho các cấu trúc phụ. Trên một mảnh đất với dốc >25%, độ cao được đo dọc từ độ dốc hiện tại đến với điểm xa nhất của lề mái hoặc những nơi khác thẳng góc với độ dốc này. Thành Phố Santa Barbara 30'. Hướng dẫn nói rằng tòa nhà phải đặt trong vùng sườn đồi, và nhà phải được có tầng cấp lên và xuống đồi, và giới hạn độ cao để tránh những mảnh đất xung quanh của khu bóng. Độ cao khác nhau của những yếu tố tòa nhà. Giới hạn diện tích có độ cao tối đa. Độ cao tối đa thẳng đứng của một tòa nhà hoặc kiến trúc dựa trên độ dốc tự nhiên. Thành Phố South Pasadena 28' đến 24' tùy thuộc vào độ dốc của mái. Sân thượng xây để sánh được với độ dốc. Các tường thẳng đứng của tòa nhà phải được tối đa 15' phía trên dốc. Bất cứ tường thẳng đứng nào cao hơn 15' phải xây lùi lại từ tường nối thấp có khoảng cách tối thiểu 10'. Không khuyến khích các tường phẳng của tòa nhà có độ cao hơn 1 tầng và có kích cỡ bề ngang hơn 25' để tối thiểu hóa khối tường khớp nối. Thành Phố Torrance 14', đo từ đất đến dốc được hoàn tất. Thành Phố Rancho Palos Verdes 16'. Có thể cấp giấy phép thay đổi đến 26' sau khi xem xét lại phần lùi vào trong, tầm nhìn từ miếng đất xung quanh, và phần trăm của công trình quá 16'. Độ cao được đo dựa trên hình khối (trên đỉnh dốc, xuống dốc) và mức độ trên đó các dốc cấu trúc của mảnh đất. T ó m T ắ t c á c Q u y Đ ị n h P h á t T r i ể n V ù n g Sư ờ n Đ ồ i Giới Hạn Diện Tích Xây Dựng Trên Mảnh Đất Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi Thành Phố Los Angeles Tối đa 40% Đông Bắc ICO Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Chương Trình Cụ Thể Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Thành Phố Brea Tối đa 35% cho mọi tòa nhà, 30% sân trước chưa tính lối lái xe vào, 50% sân sau chưa tính hồ bơi/hồ nước nóng. Thành Phố Beverly Hills Tùy thuộc vào cỡ của lô đất và đường đệm dốc của nơi xây dựng. Sau đây là những con số quy định đối với mọi tòa nhà và kết cấu: 20% xây dựng trên diện tích nếu đường đệm là từ 0750 square feet. Đối với mảnh đất từ 5,000 sq.ft. trở xuống, diện tích xây dựng là 40% của diện tích vùng đệm, cộng 10% diện tích của dốc. Thành Phố Pasadena Tối đa 35% Thành Phố San Rafael Tối thiểu 25% của diện tích mảnh đất + % của độ dốc trung bình, không quá mức tối đa là 85%, phải được giữ ở "Trạng Thái Tự Nhiên" Thành Phố South Pasadena Tối đa 40% cho các kết cấu. Và, 25% của diện tích mảnh đất + % độ dốc trung bình phải được giữ ở trạng thái tự nhiên. Thành Phố Torrance 50%, bao gồm cả nhà để xe Thành Phố Rancho Palos Verdes Khác nhau tùy thuộc vào cỡ mảnh đất: Tối đa 52%. (8,000 sq.ft.), tối đa 50% (10,000 sq.ft.), tối đa 45% (13,000 sq.ft.), tối đa 40% (20,000 sq.ft.). Bao gồm mọi kết cấu, sân trong, giàn cây, nóc cao >30", và diện tích đậu xe & đường lái xe. T óm Tắ t các Quy Đị nh Ph át Tr iển Vù ng Sườn Đ ồi Các Quy Đ ịn h về Độ Dốc và G iữ L ại Tườn g Giữ Lại Tường Độ Dốc Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi Thành Phố Los Angeles Cần xem xét thêm để đưa vào/lấy ra 1000+ mét vuông (cubic yards) đất Được xây một bức tường rao 12-foot, hoặc hai bức tường 10-foot; cần cây cảnh cho bất cứ bức tường nào cao hơn 8 feet; ZA có thể cho phép tường cao hơn hoặc nhiều tường hơn Đông Bắc ICO Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Chương Trình Cụ Thể Mt. Washington /Glassell Park Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Tương Tự như Sắc Lệnh Vùng Sườn Đồi L.A. Thành Phố Brea Cấm độ dốc trên các mảnh đất quá 30% trên một acre diện tích, với bất cứ chiều ngang 50 feet nào. Cũng cấm độ dốc trong vòng 100 feet của một đường lề được thừa nhận. Không có giới hạn cụ thể cho số mang vào/xuất ra, nhưng cần có độ dốc nhạy bén với địa hình tự nhiên. Độ cao tính gộp của tường bao trên một dốc riêng là 6 feet, nhưng "hệ thống tường thực" có thể cao từ 15 feet đến 30 feet. Thành Phố Beverly Hills Công thức dùng để xác định mặt cắt tối đa và lấp đầy cho bất cứ mảnh đất nào (bao gồm cả tầng hầm) trong khoảng thời gian5 năm, với độ cao tổng thể tối đa 3,000 mét khối (cubic yards) trong khoảng thời gian 5 năm Không có sẵn. Thành Phố Pasadena Quy định giới hạn độ cao/chiều rộng của dốc cắt (cao 20 feet, bao gồm tường bao, và rộng tối đa 20 feet bên ngoài bề rộng nơi ở), để đảm bảo che được tối đa các dốc cắt bằng một kết cấu được đề nghị. Mọi dốc cắt phải có đường viền tiếp giáp được với dốc, và phải được gợn sóng theo cách tương tự như địa hình tự nhiên trong vùng lân cận. Cũng phải có cả hệ thống thoát nước và sân thượng. Không có sẵn. Thành Phố San Rafael Tối thiểu là 25% của diện tích mảnh đất + % dốc trung bình của mảnh đất, tới tối đa 85%, phải ở trong "trạng thái tự nhiên." Trạng thái tự nhiên được xác định là chưa được phảt triển và chưa làm xáo trộn, không cho phép xây dựng và không làm đường dốc, đào bới, hoặc lấp đất, trừ khi trồng cây phụ và trồng cây và cây cảnh để làm nổi bật môi trường tự nhiên. Không có sẵn. Thành Phố Santa Barbara Khuyến cáo hạn chế tối thiểu ảnh hưởng bên ngoài của độ dốc bằng cách cho hầu hết các đường cắt vào bên dưới của tòa nhà, và tránh dời đi & lấp quá mức. Bảo tồn độ dốc quá 30% bằng cách tránh làm dốc và dọn sạch. Khuyến khích làm dốc ngay dưới nhà, cho phép tới tối đa 500 mét khối (cubic yards) bên ngoài móng nhà mà không cần xem xét của Ủy Ban Kế Hoạch. Giới hạn tường bao dài 50 feet và cao 6 feet. Khuyến khích làm tường bao có bậc hoặc sân thượng có cây cối ở giữa. Cần xét thêm cho: 1) Tường bao trên mảnh đất có độ dốc trung bình 15% hoặc lớn hơn; 2) Nhiều tường bao sân thượng không tách rời nhau bởi tòa nhà hoặc khoảng cách nằm ngang ít nhất là 10 feet nơi độ cao kết hợp của các bức tường quá 6 feet. Thành Phố Rancho Palos Verdes Cần được xem xét thêm nếu độ dốc hơn 1,000 mét khối (cubic yards) kết hợp cả đường cắt và lấp. Công trình xây dựng trên "dốc đứng" (dốc từ 35%+) cần có giấy phép đặc biệt, có một số ngoại lệ. Không có sẵn. Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program What is the Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Work Program? The NELA Hillsides Work Program is the directive that resulted out of the adoption of the Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) by the Los Angeles City Council in December 2006. The purpose of the NELA Hillsides Work Program is to review and assess issues such as the minimization of grading and soil erosion, protection of ridgelines and landforms, protection of plant life and wildlife, appropriate scales of hillside development, and, adequate access for residents and emergency vehicles in the Northeast Los Angeles hillside areas of Mount Olympus, Paradise Hill, Rose Hill, El Sereno, and Monterey Hills. The goals of the NELA Hillsides Work Program are to identify issues and opportunities in the hillside communities, set objectives, and develop land use regulations that promote policies and objectives of the Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan for development in the hillsides that: • are appropriate in scale and minimally disruptive of the natural terrain, vegetation, water courses and wildlife; • ensure that future developments improve the identity and appearance of neighborhoods and communities through scale, height, bulk, setbacks, design, and landscaping parameters; • give consideration for the steepness of the topography and geological stability in any proposal for development; • ensure the availability of adequate infrastructure and access to emergency services; and, • promote the protection of natural resources. Focus Group* Purpose: • The focus groups help identify the issues and opportunities related to hillside development and conservation. • The focus groups explore ways to promote good planning principles by soliciting community input that will be used to develop land use regulations which will promote appropriate development in the Northeast Los Angeles hillsides. For more information, please contact: Gabriela Juárez Jason Chan Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING *Please note, more specific materials will be provided at the focus group. DEPARTMENT Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Zone Change Frequently Asked Questions Second Public Workshop July 26, 2008 July 2007 Is the City going to build new houses? No, this proposal is not for a particular project or proposed development. This proposal is to change the rules and requirements when property owners decide to build new construction. This will not affect property owners who do not plan on any new construction. Property owners will not have to comply with the proposed regulations if adopted if they do not decide to build new construction. Will this increase density or upzone the hillsides? No, the underlying zone of properties inside the boundaries will not change. The existing zone (R1, RE-20, RE-9, RD1.5, etc.) will stay the same and not change. Additional requirements will be added to the existing zone to change hillside development regulations in this area. These additional requirements will be the form of [Q] conditions and [D] limitations added to the existing zone. (Ex.: [Q]R1-1D, [Q]RE20-1D, [Q]RE9-1D, [Q]R1.5-1D, etc.) Why is there a Two-Phased Approach? A two-phased approach is proposed because it is difficult to require improvements in the public right of way from private entitlement requests. Many of the issues and concerns associated with hillside development spill into the public right of way. The Planning Department and Department of Building & Safety regulate development on private lots, not the public right of way. Having a second, long term phase will allow for more interdepartmental and interjurisdictional coordination to better address the issues in the public right of way that result from hillside development. Why are 28 feet of roadway access being required if my street is not that wide? When parking is allowed on the street, LAMC 57.09.03.D1 requires 28 feet of clear roadway width to provide access to for emergency vehicles. It is common that most hillside projects fronting substandard streets seek variances to reduce the 28 feet of roadway access to 20 feet. Currently, when parking is not allowed on either side of the street, 20 feet of clear roadway width is required fro emergency vehicle access. How Are Retaining Wall Regulations Changing? The maximum total height of all retaining walls added together on a lot cannot be higher than 12 feet. No individual wall can be more than 6 feet in height. Each freestanding retaining wall cannot be longer than 50 feet, nor extend beyond one lot. Walls shall be separated by a minimum horizontal distance equal to the height of the highest wall. Freestanding garden walls 36” in height or less will not be considered retaining walls under this proposal. How Are Ridgelines Being Protected? Structures within 50 vertical feet of identified ridgelines, as shown on attached map marked ‘Northeast LA Ridgelines’, are limited to one story or 12 feet in height. The 50 vertical feet must be labeled on all plans accordingly. How Is Lot Coverage Being Regulated? Lot coverage will stay consistent with the current Citywide Hillside Regulation of 40% lot coverage for R-1 zoned lots. A New FAR (Buildable Area) Calculation with A Sliding Scale Approach Is Proposed: Using three factors used to calculate FAR: • Zone • Lot size • Slope of Lot (Slope Intervals: 0-15%, 15-30%, 30-45%, 45+%) How Do I Calculate FAR (Buildable Area) for My Lot? Plan View: • • • • • 5,000 sq. ft lot 50% is in 0-15% Slope Interval 25% is in 15-30% Slope Interval 25% is in 30-45% Slope Interval 0% is in 45+% Slope Interval Calculation: 0-15 % Slope Interval Section: .5 x(50% of 5,000)=1,250 sf 15-30% Slope Interval: .4 x(25% of 5,000) = 500 sf 30-45% Slope Interval: .25x(25% of 5,000)= 312.5 sf 45%+ Slope Interval: .025 x (0% of 5,000)= 0 sf 1,250 + 500 + 312.5 + 0 = 2,065.2 + 400 sf garage = 2,462.5 square feet Why was the minimum FAR determined at 1,100 square feet + 400 square feet for a garage? Approximately 65% of the lots in the expanded areas consist of properties built with structures ranging between 860 sq. ft. and 1,000 sq. ft. The 1,100 sq. ft minimum seemed to be in keeping with the existing neighborhood character and scale. Due to the lack of infrastructure, a fair balance seems to be that a 2-car garage be exempt from counting towards the FAR/buildable area. Why Hasn’t the Draft Changed and Included Our Comments? Legally the draft language proposed cannot be changed before the staff report. (It also becomes difficult to track who has which version of the draft language.) The staff report will include all comments submitted for this proposal and respond to the comments. Changes to the Draft Ordinance will also be included in the staff report. Where Can I Get A Copy of the Staff Report? If you have signed in legibly on the sign in sheets, a copy of the staff report will be mailed to you. Where Can I Submit My Comments? Comments can be submitted in writing today on a Comment Form. Comments can also be sent in by mail, fax, or email. The Comment Period ends on 8/13/08. For More Information, Please Contact Planning Staff: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Plan De Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles ¿Qué Es El Plan De Procedimiento Para Los Laderos De Los Cerros Del Noreste De Los Angeles? El plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles es un directivo cual resultó de la adopción de la ordenanza de control ínterin (ICO) por el Consejal de La Ciudad de Los Angeles en deciembre del 2006. El propósito del plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles es para revisar e identificar problemas como la reducción de graduación y erosión de los laderos de los cerros durante construción, protección de los cantos de los cerros, protección del fauno y los árboles en peligro de extincción, escala apropiado para desarrollo en los laderos de los cerros, y acceso adecuado para residentes y vehiculos de emergencia el las areas de los laderos de cerros en el noreste de Los Angeles de Mount Olympus, Paradise Hills, Rose Hill, El Sereno, y Monterey Hills. Las metas del plan de procedimiento para los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles quieren identificar problemas y oportunidades en las comunidades cuales estan en los laderos de los cerros, hacer objetivos, crear regulaciones para el desarrollo que promueven polisas y objetivos del plan comunitario del noreste de Los Angeles que: • Son apropiado en escala y disruptan mínimamente el terreno, vegetación natural, caidas de la lluvia e agua, y el fauna; • Aseguran que el desarrollo que venga mejora la identificación y aparencia de las vecindades y comunidades através de escala, altura, bulto, límites fronteros y laderos, diseño, y parámetros de jardines; • Dan consideración para la altura y escarpado de los cerros y estabilidad geológica en proyectos propuestos; • Aseguran la disponibilidad de infrastructura adecuada y acceso a servicios de emergencia; y, • Promueven la protección de recursos naturales. Proposito del Grupo de Enfoque*: Los grupos de enfoque ayudan identificar los problemas e oportunidades con respeto al desarrollo de los laderos de los cerros y conservación. Los grupos de enfoque exploran maneras para promover principios de planificación buenas através de solicitar opiniones de la comunidad cuales se usarán para crear las regulaciones para el desarrollo que promueven desarrollo apropiado en los laderos de los cerros del noreste de Los Angeles Para más información, favor de contactar: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Jason Chan City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Nick Maricich City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT *Favor de notar, materiales más especificos se distriburán durante el grupo de enfoque. Prepared by City of Los Angeles Planning Department • Graphic Services Section • May, 2007 Cerros de Los Angeles del Noreste (NELA) Cambio de ZonificaciÓn Pregúntas Frecuentes Segundo Taller Comunitario 26 de julio, 2008 July 2007 ¿Va construir nuevas casas la Cuidad? No, el propuesto no es para un proyecto en particular ni ningún proyecto de desarrollo. El propuesto es para cambiar las regulaciones cuales aplican cuando propietarios deciden que quieren construir nueva construcción. Esto no afectará los propietarios cuales no tienen pensado construir nueva construcción. Propietarios no tendrán que compadecer con las regulaciones propuestas si son adoptadas si los propietarios no deciden construir nueva construcción. ¿Va a subir la densidad de desarrollo o cambiar la zona para más densidad en los cerros? No, la zonificación existente de las propiedades adentro de los límites no cambiaran. La zonificación existente (R1, RE-20, RE-9, RD1.5, etc.) se preservará y no cambiará. Requisitos adicionales se agregarán a la zonificación existente para cambiar las regulaciones para construir en los cerros de ésta área. Estos requisitos adicionales serán en la forma de condiciones [Q] y limitaciones [D] cuales se agregarán a la zona existente. (Ej.: [Q]R1-1D, [Q]RE20-1D, [Q]RE9-1D, [Q]R1.5-1D, etc.) ¿Por qué se propone una solución de dos pasos? Se propone una solución de dos pasos porque es difícil requerir los mejoramientos el la vía pública como parte de aplicaciones para derechos privados. Muchas de las preocupaciones asociados con el desarrollo en los cerros caen dentro de la vía pública. El Departamento de Planificación y el Departamento de ‘Building & Safety’ regulan desarrollo en los lotes privados, no en la vía pública. Un segundo paso de más largo plazo déja que podrámos tener más coordinación de varios departamentos y a través de más jurisdicciones para poder solucionar las preocupaciones cuales caen en la vía pública que resultan del desarrollo en los cerros. ¿Por qué se ésta requiriendo 28 pies de anchura para la calle si mi calle no esta tan ancha? Cuando es permitido estacionarse en la calle, sección LAMC 57.09.03.D1 requiere 28 pies de anchura para la calle para proveer acceso para vehículos de emergencia. Es común que la mayor cantidad de los proyectos en los cerros cuales enfrentan calles más estrechas que el standard archivan una varianza para reducir los 28 pies de anchura de la calle a 20 pies. Cuando no esta permitido estacionarse en la calle, el requisito es tener 20 pies de anchura de la calle para proveer acceso para vehículos de emergencia. ¿Cuáles son las regulaciones propuestas para las paredes retendientes? La altura máxima son 12 pies en total de todas las paredes retendientes sumadas juntas en un lote. Ninguna pared individual puede medir más de 6 pies de altura. Cada pared retendiete sola no puede medir más de 50 pies, ni extender más sobre de un lote. Las paredes serán separadas por una distancia horizontal mínima la distancia igual a la altura de la pared más alta. Paredes de ajardinamiento que mide 36” en altura o menos no serán consideradas paredes retendientes abajo de éste propósito. ¿Qué tipo de protección estan dando a las cuestas? Estructuras dentro de 50 pies verticales de las cuestas identificados en el mapa, marcado ‘Northeast LA Ridgelines’, estan limitados a 12 pies de altura o un piso. Los 50 pies verticales deben estar marcados en todos los planos archivados. ¿Cómo se está regulando la cubertura del lote? La cubertura de los lotes se quedará consistente con las regulaciones existentes abajo la ordenanza de los cerros de la Cuidad de 40% cubertura para lotes con la zona ‘R-1’. Se propone una nueva calculación para la máximos pies cuadrados (FAR) con una escala cual desliza: Usando tres factores para calcular FAR: • Zona • Tamaño de lote • Cuesta del lote (Intervalos de cuesta: 0-15%, 15-30%, 30-45%, 45+%) ¿Cómo cálculo los máximos pies cuadrados (FAR) para mi lote? Calculación: Vista de Arriba: • • • • • 5,000 pi. cu lote 50% esta dentro 0-15% Intervalo 25% esta dentro 15-30% Intervalo 25% esta dentro 30-45% Intervalo 0% esta dentro 45+% Intervalo 0-15 % Intervalo de cuesta: .5 x(50% de 5,000)=1,250 pi. cu. 15-30% Intervalo de cuesta: .4 x(25% de 5,000) = 500 pi. cu. 30-45% Intervalo de cuesta: .25x(25% de 5,000)= 312.5 pi. cu. 45%+ Intervalo de cuesta: .025 x (0% de 5,000)= 0 pi. cu. 1,250 + 500 + 312.5 + 0 = 2,065.2 + 400 pi. cu. garage = 2,462.5 pies cuadrados ¿Porque se ha determinado un mínimo de máximos pies cuadrados (FAR) en 1,100 pies cuadrados + 400 pies cuadrados para un garaje? Aproximadamente 65% de los lotes en los límites consisten de propiedades con construidas con estructuras que miden entre 860 pi. cu. y 1,000 pi. cu. El mínimo de 1,100 pi. cu. parece guardar el carácter y escala de la vecindad existente. Por la razón que hay muy poca infraestructura construida, un balance justo parece ser que un garaje de 2 vehículos sea exento de contar hacia la calculación para máximos pies cuadrados (FAR). ¿Porque no ha cambiado el propósito para incluir los comentarios que hechos hasta la fecha? El propósito no puede cambiar antes del reporte presentado a la Comisión de Planificación. (También es difícil saber cual versión es cual si hay varias versiones.) El reporte presentado a la Comisión de Planificación va incluir todos los comentarios que se han recibido para éste propósito y responderá a los comentarios. Cambios recomendados a la ordenanza propuesta también serán parte del reporte. ¿Dónde puedo obtener una copia del reporte? Si ha escrito claramente en el registro en la entrada, se le enviará una copia del reporte. ¿Dónde puedo presentar mis comentarios? Puede dar sus comentarios escritos hoy en el Formulario Para Comentarios. También se pueden mandar por correo, fax o correo electrónico. Comentarios se aceptan hasta el 8/13/08. Para más información, favor de ponerse en contacto con: Gabriela Juárez City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Hillsides Zone Change Frequently Asked Questions Second Public Workshop July 26, 2008 July 2007 洛杉磯市城市規劃局 洛杉磯東北(NELA)山坡區變更常見問題解答 2008 年 7 月 26 日第二次民衆研討會 洛市要建新的房屋嗎? 不是。本提案不是爲了特定項目或者提議的開發案。本提案是改變物業業主決定建造新的建築 物時的條例和規定。這對不打算建造新建築物的物業業主沒有影響。如果物業業主決定不建造新的 建築物,則不需要遵守提議的條例。 這會增加山坡區的密度或使之區劃升級嗎? 不會。分界綫内物業的區劃不會改變。現有分區 (R1, RE-20, RE-9, RD1.5, 等) 維持不變。對現 有分區添加額外規定,即改變本地區的山坡開發條例。這些額外的規定就是對現有分區加上 [Q] 條 件和 [D] 限制。(例如,[Q]R1-1D, [Q]RE20-1D, [Q]RE9-1D, [Q]R1.5-1D, 等等) 爲何採用兩個階段的做法? 提出兩個階段的提議,是因爲從私人權利要求角度對民衆通行權提出進行改進的要求很困難。 山坡開發相關的許多問題和擔心都涉及民衆通行權。規劃局、建築與安全局管理私人地塊的開發, 但不管理民衆通行權。設立第二個較長時間的階段,可以讓不同部門和管轄機構進行協調,更好地 解決山坡開發中產生的民衆通行權問題。 我的街道沒有那麽寬,爲何要求 28 英尺的行車道? 在允許街道停車的情況下,洛杉磯市政法典(LAMC) 第 57.09.03.D1 條規定街道路面為 28 英尺 寬,以便緊急車輛出入。大多數山坡項目全面低於標準的街道試圖把 28 英尺出入路面減少至 20 英 尺,這種現象很常見。目前,街道兩邊不允許停車的街道,要求路面寬度為 20 英尺,以便緊急車 輛出入。 擋土墻的條例有哪些變更? 一個地塊上的所有擋土墻的高檔加起來最多不得超過 12 英尺高。單獨一面墻不得超過 6 英尺 高。單獨一面擋土墻的長度不得超過 50 英尺,亦不得超出一個地塊。36 英寸高或者以下的獨立花 園墻不屬於本提案中的擋土墻。 如何保護山脊綫? 指定山脊綫 50 垂直英尺以内的建築物限於一層或者 12 英尺的高度,如所附地圖中標示的“洛 杉磯東北山脊綫”所示。該 50 垂直英尺必須在所有規劃圖中標出。 地塊覆蓋是如何管理的? 地塊覆蓋仍然遵循現行的全市山坡條例,即 R-1 區地塊的地塊覆蓋為 40%。 提議採取一項新的 FAR (可建造地區) 計算方法,使用滑動比例的做法: 在 FAR 的計算中使用三個因素: • 分區 • 地塊規模 • 地塊坡度 (坡度分爲: 0-15%, 15-30%, 30-45%, 45+%) 如何計算自己地塊的 FAR (可建造地區) for My Lot? 平面圖: • • • • • 5,000 平方英尺地 塊 50% 屬於 0-15% 坡度 25%屬於 15-30% 坡度 25%屬於 30-45% 坡度 0%屬於 45+%坡度 計算: 0-15 % 坡度部分: .5 x(5,000 的 50%)=1,250 平方英尺 15-30%坡度部分: .4 x(5,000 的 25%) = 500 平方英尺 30-45%坡度部分: .25x(5,000 的 25%)= 312.5 平方英尺 45%+坡度部分: .025 x (5,000 的 0%)= 0 平方英尺 1,250 + 500 + 312.5 + 0 = 2,065.2 + 400 平方英尺車庫 = 2,462.5 平方英尺 爲何把最小 FAR 定為 1,100 平方英尺 + 400 平方英尺車庫? 擴展區域中大約有 65%的地塊中的房屋的建築面積在 860 平方英尺到 1,000 平方英尺之間。 1,100 英尺與現有街坊特色和規模相稱。由於缺乏基礎設施,折中做法就是 2 車位車庫不計入 FAR/ 可建造地區。 爲何草案沒有變更並且納入我們的意見? 從法律角度講,提議的草案文本在發表工作人員報告之前不能變更。(要分辨誰掌握了草案的哪 個文本也很困難。) 工作人員報告將包括本提案所收到的全部意見以及對意見的回復。工作人員報 告中還包括對菜案法令的變更。 可以到哪裡索取工作人員報告? 如果您在簽到表中工整簽署您的姓名,您會收到工作人員報告郵件。 我可以向誰提交意見? 今天可以填寫意見表來提交意見。意見也可以通過郵寄、傳真或電子郵件發出。發表意見的截 止日期是 8/13/08。 有關詳情,請聯絡規劃工作人員: Gabriela Juárez 洛市規劃局 City Planning Department 200 N. Spring St., Rm 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] 로스앤젤레스 북동쪽(NELA) 산지 조닝 변경 자주 제시되는 질문 제 2차 대중 워크샵 2008년 7월 26일 July 2007 로스앤젤레스 시가 새로운 주택을 건설할 계획을 갖고 있습니까? 아닙니다. 본 제안사항은 어떤 특정한 프로젝트나 제안된 개발을 위해서 만들어 진 것이 아닙니다. 본 제안사항은 부동산 소유주가 새로운 건설을 하기로 결정할 때 적용되는 규정 및 요구사항을 변경하도록 제안하는 것입니다. 새로운 건설을 계획하지 않는 부동산 소유주들은 이에 영향을 받지 않을 것입니다. 새로운 건설을 하지 않기로 결정하였다면 본 제안사항이 체택되더라도 본 규정의 조항을 준수하지 않아도 됩니다. 본 제안사항이 산지의 밀도를 증가시키거나 건축기준을 변경하나요? 아닙니다. 경계선 내에 있는 부동산의 근본적인 조닝은 바뀌지 않습니다. 현존하는 조닝(R1, RE-20, RE-9, RD1.5, 등) 은 계속 유지되며 변경되지 않습니다. 지역의 산지 개발 규율을 변경하기 위해 현존하는 조닝에 부가적 요구사항이 추가될 것입니다. 이러한 부가적 요구사항은 현존하는 조닝에 [Q] 조건 및 [D] 제한사항 형식으로 추가될 것입니다. (예: [Q]R1-1D, [Q]RE20-1D, [Q]RE9-1D, [Q]R1.5-1D, 등.) 왜 2 단계로 나누는 방법을 사용합니까? 2 단계로 나누는 방법을 제안한 이유는 개인 권리 요구사항 가운데 공공통행지역의 향상을 요구하는 것이 어렵기 때문입니다. 산지 개발과 관련된 많은 안건과 문제들이 공공통행지역과 관련되어 있습니다. 시 기획국 및 건설 안전국은 공공 통행지역이 아닌 개인 부지의 개발을 규제합니다. 제 2 차 장기적 단계를 갖게됨으로 산지 개발로 인한 공공통행지역 문제들을 더욱 확실히 대응하기 위한 부서간 그리고 서로 다른 분할구역간의 협조를 허락합니다. 제 길이 그렇게 넓지 않은데도 불구하고 왜 28 피트의 통행로를 요구하는 건가요? 길에 주차를 허용할 경우, 로스앤젤레스 시 법(LAMC) 57.09.03.D1 은 응급차량의 진입을 위해 길의 넓이가 28 피트이도록 요구합니다. 기준 이하의 길을 정면에 두고있는 대부분의 산지 프로젝트는 28 피트의 진입로 넓이를 20 피트로 감소하기 위한 변동신청을 합니다. 현재 길 양쪽에 주차가 허용되지 않는 다면 응급차량의 진입을 위한 진입로의 20 피트 넓이가 요구됩니다. 옹벽에 관한 규정은 어떻게 바뀌나요? 부지에 합쳐진 모든 옹벽의 총 높이는 최고 12 피트 이상이 될 수 없습니다. 각각 다른 옹벽의 높이는 6 피트 이상이 될 수 없습니다. 각 버팀없이 서있는(freestanding) 옹벽은 한 부지 이상을 뻗어나갈 수 없으며 길이가 50 피트 이상일 수 없습니다. 벽들은 가장 높의 벽과 동동한 최소 수평거리에 의해 분리되어야만 합니다. 36 인치 이하의 높이인 버팀없이 서있는 정원벽은 본 제안사항에서는 옹벽으로 간주되지 않습니다. 능선은 어떻게 보호되나요? 첨부된 지도에 ‘로스앤젤레스 북동쪽 능선’ 이라고 표시된 것과 같이 능선에 50 수직피트 내에 위치한 건물은 1 층건물로 제한되거나 또는 12 피트 높이의 건물이어야 합니다. 50 수직 피트는 모든 설계도에 알맞게 표시되어야만 합니다. 부지 포함범위는 어떻게 규제되나요? 부지 포함범위는 현 시 전역 산지 규정인 R-1 조닝의 40% 부지 포함범위와 일치할 것입니다. 신축법으로 새로운 FAR (건축할 수 있는 지역)을 계산 하도록 제안되었습니다: 3 가지 요소를 사용하여 FAR 계산: • 조닝 • 부지 규모 • 부지의 경사 (경사 간격: 0-15%, 15-30%, 30-45%, 45+%) 제 부지의 FAR (건축할 수 있는 지역) 은 어떻게 계산하나요? 설계도: 계산: 0-15 % 경사 간격 섹션: .5 x(50% of 5,000)=1,250 제곱피트 • 5,000 제곱피트 부지 15-30% 경사 간격: .4 x(25% of 5,000) = 500 제곱피트 • 50% 가 0-15% 경사 간격 30-45% 경사 간격: .25x(25% of 5,000)= 312.5 제곱피트 • 25% 가 15-30%경사 간격 45%+ 경사 간격: .025 x (0% of 5,000)= 0 제곱피트 • 25% 가 30-45%경사 간격 1,250 + 500 + 312.5 + 0 = 2,065.2 + 400 제곱피트 차고 = 2,462.5 제곱피트 • 0% 가 45+%경사 간격 차고에 관한 FAR 최소 1,100 제곱피트 + 400 제곱피트는 왜 결정된 것인가요? 확장된 지역의 약 65% 는 860 제곱피트 에서 1,000 제곱피트 범위의 구조를 가진 건물로 구성됩니다. 최소 1,100 제곱피트가 현존하는 지역 특성 및 규모와 맞는 것 같아 보입니다. 하부조직의 부족으로 인해 차 2 대 공간의 차고는 FAR/건축 가능한 지역으로의 계산에 제외되도록 하는 것이 공평한 균형이 될 것 같습니다. 왜 초안이 변경되거나 의견사항을 포함하지 않았나요? 법적으로 직원 보고서 전에 제안된 초안 내용이 바뀔 수 없습니다. (또한 누가 어떤 변형된 초안을 소지 하고 있는지를 찾아내기가 어렵습니다.) 직원 보고서에는 본 제안사항에 관한 모든 의견과 그 의견에 관한 답변이 포함되어 있을 것입니다. 초안 법의 변경 또한 직원 보고서에 포함될 것입니다. 직원 보고서는 어디서 받을 수 있나요? 서명란에 알아볼 수 있도록 서명을 하셨다면 직원 보고서는 귀하에게 우편으로 우송될 것입니다. 제 의견은 어디로 보내나요? 의견사항은 의견 양식에 작성하시어 오늘 제출하시면 됩니다. 의견사항은 또한 우편, 팩스 또는 이메일로도 보내실 수 있습니다. 의견수렴 기간은 8/13/08 까지입니다.. 추가 정보를 원하시면 기획부 직원에게 연락하십시오. Gabriela Juárez 시 기획국 200 N. Spring St., Rm 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi Đông Bắc Los Angeles (NELA) Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi Đông Bắc Los Angeles (NELA) Là Gì? Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi NELA là hướng dẫn tuân theo Sắc Lệnh Kiểm Soát Tạm Thời (Interim Control Ordinance/ICO) của Hội Đồng Thành Phố Los Angeles vào tháng Mười Hai năm 2006. Mục đích của Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi NELA là xem xét và đánh giá những vấn đề để hạn chế tối đa sự phân loại và xói mòn đất, bảo vệ đường luống và đất bề mặt, bảo vệ đời sống của cây cối và đời sống hoang dã, phát triển sườn đồi hợp lý, và, tiếp cận đầy đủ cho cư dân và xe cứu cấp của khu vực sườn đồi ở vùng Đông Bắc Los Angeles trên Mount Olympus, Paradise Hill, Rose Hill, El Sereno, và Monterey Hills. Các mục đích của Chương Trình Công Tác Vùng Sườn Đồi NELA là xác định những vấn đề và cơ hội cho các cộng đồng ở vùng sườn đồi, đặt ra các mục đích, và phát triển đất đai sử dụng những quy định để xúc tiến các chính sách và mục đích của Kế Hoạch Cộng Đồng Đông Bắc Los Angeles cho sự phát triển vùng đồi núi: • Thích hợp về quy mô và tránh phá hủy đến mức tối thiểu địa hình tự nhiên, rau quả, dòng chảy của nước và đời sống hoang dã; • Đảm bảo rằng những phát triển trong tương lai sẽ cải thiện đặc tính và phong thái của khu vực lân cận và các cộng đồng thông qua phạm vi, độ cao, tổng thể, chỗ đất trũng, thiết kế, và tham biến trong cảnh quan; • Suy xét độ dốc của địa thế và sự ổn định địa lý trong bất cứ đề nghị phát triển nào; • Đảm bảo sự sẵn có và đầy đủ hạ tầng cơ sở để tiếp cận được với các dịch vụ khẩn cấp; và, • Phát huy bảo vệ các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên. Mục Đích của Nhóm Tập Trung (Focus Group*): • Các nhóm tập trung giúp xác định những vấn đề và cơ hội liên quan đến sự phát triển và bảo tồn vùng sườn đồi. • Nhóm tập trung khảo sát những cách để khuyến khích các nguyên tắc kế hoạch tốt bằng cách thu hút ý kiến đóng góp của cộng đồng dùng để soạn các quy định sử dụng đất đai để xúc tiến phát triển thích hợp cho vùng sườn đồi Đông Bắc Los Angeles. Để biết thêm thông tin, xin liên lạc: Gabriela Juárez Jason Chan Nick Maricich Sở Kế Hoạch Thành Phố 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] Sở Kế Hoạch Thành Phố 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-3307 [email protected] Sở Kế Hoạch Thành Phố 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2666 [email protected] LOS ANGELES CITY *Xin lưu ý, có tài liệu cụ thể hơn để cung cấp cho nhóm trọng tâm.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Do Sở Kế Hoạch Thành Phố Los Angeles biên soạn • Ban Dịch Vụ Đồ Họa • Tháng Năm, 2007 Thay Ñoåi Vuøng Söôøn Ñoài Ñoâng Baéc Los Angeles (NELA) Nhöõn g Caâu Hoûi Thöôøng Gaëp Hoäi Thaûo Coâng Coäng Laàn Thöù Hai 26 thaùng Baûy , 2008 July 2007 Thaønh Phoá coù saép xaây nhaø môùi khoâng? Khoâng, ñeà nghò naøy khoâng daønh cho coâng trình cuï theå naøo vaø cuõng khoâng daønh cho khu phaùt trieån ñöôïc ñeà nghò naøo. Ñeà nghò naøy nhaèm thay ñoåi nhöõng quy taéc vaø yeâu caàu khi caùc chuû nhaân taøi saûn quyeát ñònh xaây môùi. Ñieàu naøy khoâng aûnh höôûng ñeán caùc chuû nhaân taøi saûn khoâng coù döï ñònh xaây môùi. Chuû nhaân taøi saûn khoâng phaûi tuaân theo caùc quy ñònh ñöôïc ñeà nghò neáu hoï khoâng quyeát ñònh xaây môùi. Vieäc naøy coù laøm cho vuøng söôøn ñoài daøy ñaëc coâng trình xaây döïng hoaëc ñoâng ñuùc theâm khoâng? Khoâng, vuøng nhaø cöûa caên baûn beân trong ranh giôùi seõ khoâng thay ñoåi. Vuøng hieän taïi (R1, RE-20, RE-9, RD1.5, v.v...) seõ vaãn giöõ nguyeân nhö cuõ vaø khoâng thay ñoåi. Seõ theâm nhöõng yeâu caàu boå sung ñoái vôùi vuøng hieän höõu ñeå thay ñoåi nhöõng quy ñònh phaùt trieån vuøng söôøn ñoài trong khu vöïc naøy. Nhöõng yeâu caàu boå sung naøy seõ laø daïng giôùi haïn ñieàu kieän [Q] vaø [D] theâm vaøo vuøng hieän höõu. (Chaúng haïn: [Q]R11D, [Q]RE20-1D, [Q]RE9-1D, [Q]R1.5-1D, v.v...) Taïi sao laïi coù Hai Giai Ñoaïn Tieáp Caän? Ñeà nghò coù tieáp caän hai giai ñoaïn vì raát khoù ñeå ñoøi hoûi caùc caûi tieán ôû nôi thuoäc quyeàn coâng coäng ñoái vôùi nhöõng yeâu caàu cho pheùp caù nhaân thöïc hieän. Nhieàu vaán ñeà vaø lo ngaïi lieân quan ñeán vieäc phaùt trieån söôøn ñoài rôi vaøo nôi thuoäc quyeàn cuûa coâng coäng. Sôû Quy Hoaïch vaø Sôû Xaây Döïng & An Toaøn quy ñònh vieäc phaùt trieån treân caùc maûnh ñaát tö nhaân, khoâng phaûi laø nôi thuoäc quyeàn cuûa coâng coäng. Coù moät giai ñoaïn hai, laâu daøi seõ cho pheùp söï phoái hôïp nhieàu hôn giöõa caùc sôû vaø cô quan phaùp luaät ñeå ñeà caäp tôùi vaán ñeà toát hôn ñoái vôùi nôi thuoäc quyeàn cuûa coâng coäng bò aûnh höôûng cuûa söï phaùt trieån cuûa vuøng söôøn ñoài. Taïi sao caàn phaûi coù 28 feet ñöôøng vaøo neáu ñöôøng phoá nôi toâi ôû khoâng roäng ñeán nhö theá? Khi ñöôïc pheùp ñaäu xe treân ñöôøng, LAMC 57.09.03.D1 yeâu caàu coù ñöôøng roäng 28 feet khoâng bò trôû ngaïi ñeå coù loái ñi cho xe phuïc vuï tröôøng hôïp khaån caáp. Thoâng thöôøng haàu heát caùc döï aùn vuøng söôøn ñoài ñoái dieän vôùi caùc ñöôøng phoá döôùi möùc tieâu chuaån coù theå xem xeùt cho pheùp phöông sai giaûm ñöôøng vaøo töø 28 feet xuoáng coøn 20 feet. Hieän nay, khi khoâng ñöôïc pheùp ñaäu xe ôû caû hai beân ñöôøng, caàn phaûi coù ñöôøng roäng 20 feet khoâng bò trôû ngaïi ñeå xe phuïc vuï tröôøng hôïp khaån caáp coù theå tieáp caän. Caùc Quy Ñònh veà Töôøng Ngaên Thay Ñoåi Nhö Theá Naøo? Ñoä cao toái ña cuûa moïi töôøng ngaên coäng laïi treân moät maûnh ñaát khoâng ñöôïc cao quaù 12 feet. Khoâng böùc töôøng naøo ñöôïc cao quaù 6 feet. Moãi töôøng ngaên ñöùng moät mình khoâng ñöôïc daøi quaù 50 feet, vaø cuõng khoâng ñöôïc keùo daøi quaù phaïm vi moät maûnh ñaát. Caùc töôøng ngaên ñöôïc taùch rôøi bôûi moät khoaûng caùch chieàu ngang toái thieåu baèng chieàu cao cuûa töôøng cao nhaát. Töôøng vöôøn ñöùng moät mình cao töø 36” trôû xuoáng khoâng ñöôïc xem laø töôøng ngaên theo ñeà nghò naøy. Ñöôøng Choûm Nuùi Seõ Ñöôïc Baûo Veä Nhö Theá Naøo? Caùc kieán truùc trong voøng 50 feet chieàu doïc cuûa caùc ñöôøng choûm nuùi ñöôïc xaùc ñònh, nhö ñöôïc minh hoïa treân baûn ñoà keøm theo ghi laø 'Ñöôøng Choûm Nuùi Vuøng Ñoâng Baéc LA', ñöôïc giôùi haïn ôû möùc moät taàng hoaëc giôùi haïn chieàu cao laø 12 feet. Phaûi aùp duïng 50 feet chieàu doïc cho moïi sô ñoà töông öùng. Dieän Tích Xaây Döïng treân Maûnh Ñaát Ñöôïc Quy Ñònh Nhö Theá Naøo? Dieän tích xaây döïng seõ giöõ nguyeân theo Quy Ñònh hieän taïi cho Söôøn Ñoài Toaøn Thaønh Phoá laø 40%. Tính Toaùn FAR (Dieän Tích Coù Theå Xaây Döïng) môùi vôùi Tieáp Caän Ñoä Doác Ñöôïc Ñeà Nghò: Duøng ba yeáu toá ñeå tính FAR: • Vuøng • Kích côõ cuûa maûnh ñaát • Ñoä Doác cuûa Maûnh Ñaát (Phaân Ñoaïn Doác: 0-15%, 15-30%, 30-45%, 45+%) Caùch Tính FAR (Dieän Tích Coù Theå Xaây Döïng) cho Maûnh Ñaát cuûa Toâi Nhö Theá Naøo? Tính Toaùn: Hình Sô Ñoà: • • • • • Maûnh ñaát 5,000 sq. ft 50% thuoäc Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 0-15% 25% thuoäc Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 15-30% 25% thuoäc Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 30-45% 0% thuoäc Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 45+% Phaàn Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 0-15 %: .5 x(50% of 5,000)=1,250 sf Phaàn Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 15-30%: .4 x(25% of 5,000) = 500 sf Phaàn Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 30-45%: .25x(25% of 5,000)= 312.5 sf Phaàn Phaân Ñoaïn Doác 45%+: .025 x (0% of 5,000)= 0 sf 1,250 + 500 + 312.5 + 0 = 2,065.2 + 400 sf garage = 2,462.5 square feet Taïi sao Dieän Tích Xaây Döïng toái thieåu FAR ñöôïc xaùc ñònh laø 1,100 sq.ft. + 400 sq.ft. cho nhaø ñaäu xe? Khoaûng 65% caùc maûnh ñaát trong caùc khu vöïc môû roäng coù nhaø cöûa ñöôïc xaây döïng vôùi coâng trình kieán truùc khoaûng töø 860 sq. ft. ñeán 1,000 sq. ft. 1,100 sq. ft toái thieåu coù leõ thích hôïp vôùi tính chaát vaø quy moâ hieän taïi cuûa khu laân caän. Do thieáu haï taàng cô sôû, söï caân baèng hôïp lyù coù leõ phaûi mieãn tính moät nhaø ñaäu xe cho 2 xe vaøo dieän tích FAR/coù theå xaây döïng ñöôïc. Taïi Sao Baûn Döï Thaûo Chöa Thay Ñoåi vaø Khoâng Bao Goàm Nhöõng YÙ Kieán Ñoùng Goùp cuûa Chuùng Toâi? Theo Luaät, ngoân ngöõ cuûa baûn döï thaûo khoâng theå thay ñoåi tröôùc khi coù baûn phuùc trình nhaân vieân. (Vieäc xem laïi ai coù phieân baûn naøo cuûa ngoân ngöõ döï thaûo laø khoù khaên.) Baûn phuùc trình nhaân vieân seõ bao goàm moïi yù kieán ñoùng goùp ñöôïc noäp leân cho ñeà nghò naøy vaø traû lôøi cho nhöõng yù kieán ñoùng goùp naøy. Nhöõng thay ñoåi cho Saéc Leänh Döï Thaûo cuõng ñöôïc bao goàm trong baûn phuùc trình nhaân vieân. Toâi Coù Theå Xin Baûn Phuùc Trình Nhaân Vieân ôû Ñaâu? Neáu baïn ñaõ kyù teân roõ raøng vaøo baûn ghi teân ngöôøi tham döï, baïn seõ nhaän ñöôïc moät baûn phuùc trình nhaân vieân göûi qua böu ñieän. Toâi Coù Theå Noäp Baûn Ñoùng Goùp YÙ Kieán ÔÛ Ñaâu? Ñoùng goùp yù kieán baèng vaên baûn coù theå ñöôïc ñeä trình hoâm nay trong Baûn Ñoùng Goùp YÙ Kieán. Cuõng coù theå göûi yù kieán qua böu ñieän, fax hoaëc ñieän thö. Thôøi Gian Ñoùng Goùp YÙ Kieán keát thuùc vaøo ngaøy 8/13/08. Ñeå Bieát Theâm Thoâng Tin, Xin Lieân Laïc Vôùi Nhaân Vieân Quy Hoaïch: Gabriela Juaùrez City Planning Department (Sôû Quy Hoaïch Thaønh Phoá) 200 N. Spring St., Rm 667 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1222 [email protected] GRADING A standard unit of measurement to measure grading is a cubic yard. For example, the City of Los Angeles requires haul route approval if 1,000 or more cubic yards of soil are being removed from a project site. One cubic yard of earth is shown below as the small box. 1,000 cubic yards is the large cube that easily dwarfs a passenger car. EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ACCESS Hillside streets are of substandard width in a large portion of the area under study. Parked cars or oncoming traffic can easily pose emergency access challenges. LOT CONSOLIDATION 2 contiguous subdivided hillside lots, each approximately 4,000 square feet in area with dimensions 25’ wide by 160’ deep. With standard setbacks, the house is forced to be only 19’ wide at its widest point, creating a challenging space for a habitable room or garage. Same 2 hillside lots, tied together to create a lot of 8,000 square feet in area, with new dimensions of 50’ wide by 160’ deep. This wider lot makes it possible to build a more typically sized home. SAMPLE FLOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATION FOR SUBSTANDARD SIZED LOT Parcels that are substandard in size (“legal nonconforming”) are proposed to be guaranteed a minimum floor area allotment of 1,100 square feet, regardless of the floor area calculation. Below is a 2,000 square foot lot that is zoned R1-1. Here is the same lot with a 1,100 square foot structure: SAMPLE FLOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATION FOR LOT IN RE20RE20-1 ZONE Parcels that are zoned RE20-1 are proposed to receive lower Floor Area Ratio (FAR) values for each slope interval due to the low development intensity that is intended for this zone. Sample calculation for this 5,000 square foot lot in the RE20-1 zone: Slope interval (%) 0-15 15-30 30-45 >45 Total: % of lot area 0% 52% 31% 17% 100% Lot square feet 0 2,610 1534 855 5,000 x FAR 0.35 0.25 0.10 0.010 = Buildable square feet 0 675 177 10 862 1,100* *Since the FAR calculation results in a maximum floor area that is less than the minimum 1,100 square foot allowance, the lot would be permitted to build 1,100 square feet (plus an additional 400 square feet for required parking). SAMPLE FLOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATION FOR LOT IN RD3RD3-1 ZONE Parcels that are zoned for multifamily uses are proposed to receive a higher Floor Area Ratio (FAR) value for each slope interval because they are intended to yield two units or more per lot. Sample calculation for this 7,500 square foot lot in the RD3-1 zone: Slope interval (%) 0-15 15-30 30-45 >45 Total: % of lot area 24% 56% 20% 0% 100% Lot square feet 1,800 4,200 1,500 0 7,500 x FAR 0.75 0.50 0.35 0.15 = Buildable square feet 1,350 2,100 525 0 3,975 DRAFT Adequate Infrastructure Issue Existing infrastructure (Public ROW) is insufficient to support new development Existing street network does not allow for adequate street parking Insensitive and inappropriate hillside road construction Proposed Solution(s) Solution(s) Q Conditions • Require plot plan to include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20’ in width; all structures must be within 300’ of an approved fire hydrant; and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150’ in distance horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. Plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: 1) Any construction on a lot with a vehicular access from a street improved with a minimum 28 foot wide continuous paved roadway within the Hillside Area, provided: (i) the roadway begins at the driveway apron which provides access to the main residence and ends where the roadway intersects a designated collector street, or a secondary or major highway where the collector, major or secondary highway roadway also has a minimum continuous paved roadway width of 28 feet from the apron to the edge of the Hillside Area boundaries. (ii) the area within the vehicular access does not contain any encroachment which would prohibit the passage of emergency vehicles.; 2) All structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant; and 3) Entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance along the path of travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane, unless a complete sprinkler system is installed consistent with LAFD and LADBS requirements. • Require all construction materials be stored on-site and not on the street to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles. • Construction materials and equipment shall not be permitted to be stored in the public right-ofway in any manner that reduces roadway clearance to less than 20-feet in width. Storage of construction materials and equipment on public property requires a street use permit from the Bureau of Street Services. • Require street parking for projects be subject to and comply with “Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking” program that prohibits parking at designated and posted locations during Red Flag Days. • Construction vehicles shall be subject to the restrictions established by the Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag - No Parking Program. Restricted parking signs shall be procured and installed along the project site at the owner/developer’s expense when required by the LAFD and/or LADOT. Administrative Solu Solutions tions • Environmental review should include roadway improvements. (DCP) Q Conditions • Exempt only 200 sq. ft./required parking space from total Floor Area calculation; any covered parking area above that shall be counted towards the maximum Floor Area for a lot. • The first 400 square feet of required covered parking area shall be excluded from the total Floor Area calculation. Other Recommenda Recommendations tions • Limit circumstances under which variances are granted. • Development Impact Fee or Assessment District for infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and street paving. Other Recommenda Recommendations tions • Modified Street Standard for Hillsides. (DOT/BOE) • New overlay tool for hillside development to address inadequate infrastructure more comprehensively. DRAFT Emergency Access Issue Narrow roads are an obstacle for emergency vehicle access Emergency services are compromised because of unimproved roads Proposed Solution(s) Solution(s) Q Conditions • Require plot plan to include the following minimum design features: fire lanes, where required, shall be a minimum of 20’ in width; all structures must be within 300’ of an approved fire hydrant; and entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150’ in distance horizontal travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane. Plot plan shall include the following minimum design features: 1) Any construction on a lot with a vehicular access from a street improved with a minimum 28 foot wide continuous paved roadway within the Hillside Area, provided: (i) the roadway begins at the driveway apron which provides access to the main residence and ends where the roadway intersects a designated collector street, or a secondary or major highway where the collector, major or secondary highway roadway also has a minimum continuous paved roadway width of 28 feet from the apron to the edge of the Hillside Area boundaries. (ii) the area within the vehicular access does not contain any encroachment which would prohibit the passage of emergency vehicles.; 2) All structures must be within 300 feet of an approved fire hydrant; and 3) Entrances to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance along the path of travel from the edge of the roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane, unless a complete sprinkler system is installed consistent with LAFD and LADBS requirements. • Require all construction materials be stored on-site and not on the street to preserve adequate access for emergency vehicles. • Construction materials and equipment shall not be permitted to be stored in the public right-ofway in any manner that reduces roadway clearance to less than 20-feet in width. Storage of construction materials and equipment on public property requires a street use permit from the Bureau of Street Services. • Require street parking for projects be subject to and comply with “Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag No Parking” program that prohibits parking at designated and posted locations during Red Flag Days. • Construction vehicles shall be subject to the restrictions established by the Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag - No Parking Program. Restricted parking signs shall be procured and installed along the project site at the owner/developer’s expense when required by the LAFD and/or LADOT. • Require landscaping palettes for required landscaping plans shall be comprised of drought tolerant, fire retardant, erosion control native vegetation. Administrative Solu Solutions tions • Environmental review should include roadway improvements. (DCP) • Installation of more “Red Flag Day” parking signs. (DOT) • Additional Fire Dept. review for hydrant access. (LAFD) Other Recommenda Recommendations tions • Modified Street Standard for Hillsides. (DOT/BOE) • New overlay tool for hillside development to address inadequate infrastructure more comprehensively. Q Conditions • Exempt only 200 sq. ft./required parking space from total Floor Area calculation; any covered parking area above that shall be counted towards the maximum Floor Area for a lot. • The first 400 square feet of required covered parking area shall be excluded from the total Floor Area calculation. • Require landscaping palettes for required landscaping plans to be comprised of drought tolerant, fire retardant, erosion control native vegetation. Other R Recommenda ecommendations ecommendations • Carefully review and limit circumstances warranting variances and include public input in all variance requests. (DCP). • Development Impact Fee or Assessment District for infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and street paving. • New overlay tool for hillside development to address inadequate infrastructure more comprehensively. DRAFT Environmental Impacts Associated with Hillside Development Issues Proposed Solution(s) Cumulative impacts of individual projects are not considered in the environmental review process • Require expanded environmental assessment for 2 or more contiguous lots. (Administrative). Slope stability is being compromised by weather cycles (drought, flood, fire) • Require expanded environmental assessment. (Administrative) • Q condition to require approved Soils & Grading report letter from LADBS – Grading Division. Soils reports are not adequate under current regulations • Review current soils standards & permit inspection methods. (Administrative – LADBS) Construction activity mitigation measures are not adequately addressing the physical impacts on the affected neighborhood (i.e.: Haul Routes, traffic, parking, etc.) • Move jurisdiction of Haul Routes from LADBS to Dept. of Public Works to allow for more frequent review and centralization of haul routes in NavigateLA. (Administrative – LADBS/DPW/BOE/DOT) • Map haul routes in NavigateLA to centralize scheduling & coordination of projects and increase public access to information regarding route information. (Administrative – LADBS/DPW/BOE/DOT) - Excessive grading destabilizes the hillsides - More effective erosion control methods to help slope stability • Q condition to require grading to be done in accordance with the Planning Guidelines Landform Grading Manual adopted by the City Council. • Q condition to require all new graded slopes shall be no steeper than 2:1 (rise:run), except when the Grading Division has determined that slopes may exceed 2:1 as part of an approved Soils Report. • Q condition to require a Geotechnical Investigation Report that evaluates the proposed project’s soil and grading. shall be submitted Require submittal to the LADBS Grading Division for review. Figure 1 • Q condition to cap grading through the following formula: 500 cu. yds + 5% of lot size with the maximum grading allowed be limited to 1,000 cu. yds. total under all circumstances. Any deviations beyond what the limits of this standard establishes shall be approved in accordance to a variance process under LAMC §12.27. • Grading shall be limited to a maximum of 500 cubic yards + numeric value equal to 5 percent of the total lot size, up to a maximum of 1,000 cubic yards total. Any deviations beyond these limits shall require a Zoning Administrator’s approval under LAMC §12.27. Figure 2 • D condition changing the way height is measured in this defined area: The maximum allowable height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the existing grade of the site to an imaginary plane located the allowed number of feet above and parallel to the grade. (See Figure 1 on reverse.) • D condition changing the allowable height: No structure shall exceed a height of 24’ for flat roof tops and 28’ for roofs with more than 25% roof slope as measured with the vertical distance parallel plane and shall not exceed an overall height of 36’, as measured from lowest elevation on the site where the structure touches the grade, to the highest point of the roof. (See Figures 2 and 3 on reverse.) • In addition to the height limitations contained in LAMC Section 12.21 A17(c), no building or structure shall exceed 28 feet in height from adjacent finished grade, measured as the vertical distance from the adjacent finished grade of the site to an imaginary plane located above and parallel to the finished grade; except that when the roof of the uppermost story of a building or structure or portion of the building or structure has a slope of less than 25 percent, the maximum height shall be 24 feet above adjacent finished grade. Excessive grading negatively impacts views • Q condition to require grading to be done in accordance with the Planning Guidelines Landform Grading Manual adopted by the City Council. • Q condition to require natural features, such as prominent knolls or ridge lines, shall be preserved. • Q condition to limit structures within 50 vertical feet of identified ridgelines, as shown on attached map, to one story oor 12 feet in height. The 50 vertical feet must be labeled on all plans accordingly. Q condition to require second story setbacks or terraced structures and other design articulations be used to ensure that new development is compatible with existing neighborhood identity, character and scale. Current grading regulations do not distinguish between topography (upslope vs. downslope) • Revise environmental standard conditions to account for up/down slopes. Building foundations and retaining walls are sliding • Q condition for freestanding retaining walls to be limited to 50’ long (linear distance) with a maximum overall height of 12’ of total retaining walls with no one wall measuring higher than 6’ and 6’ as the minimum distance between freestanding retaining walls. (See Figure 4 on reverse.) Figure 4 • Q condition to limit the maximum total height of all retaining walls to 12 feet, with no individual wall measuring higher than 6 feet on private property. Each freestanding retaining wall shall not either 1) exceed 50 feet in linear length or 2) no freestanding retaining wall may not extend beyond one lot. Walls shall be separated by a minimum horizontal distance equal to the height of the highest wall. Freestanding garden walls 36” in height or less shall not be considered retaining walls for the purposes of this regulation. • Q condition to require stepped or terraced retaining walls have appropriate planting in between them. • Q condition to require retaining walls and building understory areas be fully screened with plantings in a reasonable amount of time, as shown on approved landscape plan. Environmental studies aren’t sufficiently identifying & disclosing major environmental existing conditions • Q condition to require a Geotechnical Investigation Report that evaluates the proposed project’s soil and grading. shall be submitted Require submittal to the LADBS Grading Division for review. • Q condition to require approved Soils & Grading report letter from LADBS – Grading Division. Flood and drainage issues need to be addressed, especially with regard to retaining walls • Q condition to require approved Soils & Grading report letter from LADBS – Grading Division. • Q condition to require that all retaining walls provide a standard surface backdrain system and all drainage shall be conducted to the street in an acceptable manner and in a non-erosive device, as required by approved Soils Report. Current hillside regulations such as the Citywide Hillside Ordinance & the Retaining Wall Ordinance promote grading & limit landscaping • Q condition to require grading to be done in accordance with the Planning Guidelines Landform Grading Manual adopted by the City Council. • Q condition to require landscaping palettes for required landscaping plans shall be comprised of drought tolerant, fire retardant, erosion control native vegetation. Lack of landscaping contributes to the slope instability in new development projects • Q condition to require landscaping palettes for required landscaping plans shall be comprised of drought tolerant, fire retardant, erosion control native vegetation. DRAFT Neighborhood Character, Identity, and Scale Issues - Tall box-like homes are not reflective of the neighborhood character and scale - Hillside development regulations lack urban design requirements that address aspects such as modulation, architectural definition & landscaping - Height measurement according to the Citywide Hillside Ordinance does not result in desired architectural designs - Current hillside development regulations that addres grading, height, retaining walls, and parking requirements don’t account for up/downslope parcels. - Ridgeline development should preserve neighborhood character by lowering height limits and adjusting lot coverage Figure 2 Proposed Solution(s) • D condition changing the way height is measured in this defined area: The maximum allowable height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the existing grade of the site to an imaginary plane located the allowed number of feet above and parallel to the grade. (See Figure 1 on reverse.) • D condition changing the allowable height: No structure shall exceed a height of 24’ for flat roof tops and 28’ for roofs with more than 25% roof slope as measured with the vertical distance parallel plane and shall not exceed an overall height of 36’, as measured from lowest elevation on the site where the structure touches the grade, to the highest point of the roof. (See Figures 2 and 3 on reverse.) • In addition to the height limitations contained in LAMC Section 12.21 A17(c), no building or structure shall exceed 28 feet in height from adjacent finished grade, measured as the vertical distance from the adjacent finished grade of the site to an imaginary plane located above and parallel to the finished grade; except that when the roof of the uppermost story of a building or structure or portion of the building or structure has a slope of less than 25 percent, the maximum height shall be 24 feet above adjacent finished grade. • Q condition to require second story setbacks or terraced structures and other design articulations be used to ensure that new development is compatible with existing neighborhood identity, character and scale. • D condition to regulate the height of the lowest floor level such that the vertical distance between the lowest point where the foundation meets the grade and the lowest floor line of the structure shall not exceed 6’ feet. Figure 4 For other Figures, see reverse) New development should have a 200 sq. ft./required space allowance that does not count towards the FAR calculation • D condition to regulate the finished floor elevation directly above an exposed underfloor area shall be limited to 6 feet above finished grade. • Q condition limiting attached decks such that no portion of the walking surface of a deck with visible underpinnings shall exceed a height of 6’ above grade and decks shall be integrated into the architecture of the house, and not appear as an add-on to the primary building mass. (See Figure 4) • Q condition to require building materials match architectural style of new development. • Q condition to require that the architectural design elements of the front and rear building elevations vary from the adjacent/abutting buildings. • Q condition to require design of new structures to meet one of the following standards: (1) The total residential floor area of each story other than the base floor in a multi-story building does not exceed 75 percent of the base floor area (See Figure 5); or (2) The cumulative length of the exterior walls facing the front lot line, equal to a minimum of 25 percent of the building width shall be stepped-back a distance of at least 20 percent of the building depth from a plane parallel to the lot width established at the point of the building closest to the front lot line (See Figure 6). When the front lot line is not straight, a line connecting the points where the side lot lines and the front lot line intersect shall be used. When through-lots have two front yards, the step-back shall be provided along both front lot lines; or (3) The buildings of the project shall consist of 3 or more building elements, each with its own associated roof form. A building element may also be a major horizontal mass, setback, or forward from the face of other masses. An additional square footage of 20% of the entire FAR will be allowed for structures that are in substantial compliance with the requirements for the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) for Homes program at the “Certified” level or higher. • Q condition to exempt 200 sq. ft./required parking space; any covered parking area above that shall be counted towards the total calculation of Floor Area Ratio (FAR). • Q condition to exempt the first 400 square feet of required covered parking area shall be excluded from the total Floor Area calculation. - FAR should be reflective of the neighborhood scale - Regulations need to vary based on lot typology in order to create compatible development in the various neighborhoods of the hillsides • D condition to limit buildable area with new Floor Area Ratio calculations that use slope, lot size and zone as follows: Figure 7 Complicated and long permit processes will deter many of the long-time residents from building and cause a shift in the historic neighborhood identity • Adjust interdepartmental processes to be more efficient & expeditious. (Administrative) • Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address pedestrian linkages more comprehensively. • Recommend: Revise §12.21 17A (e) to remove full street improvement requirement. Pedestrian linkages need to be preserved & given access to in new developments • Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address pedestrian linkages more comprehensively Preserve the mixed-income aspect of the community • Recommend: Non Land use solution for Council Policy/Action. Calculating Buildable Square Footage Example: Residential (zone R1) property of 5,000 square feet Slope Intervals of Property % of Poperty with given Slope Interval Floor Area Ratio Multiplying Factors Square Feet in property with Slope Interval Buildable Square Feet Allowable .5 2,500 sf (.5 x 2,500 sf) 1,250 sf 15 - 30 % slope 25% (a quarter of propery) .4 1,250 sf (.25 x 2,500 sf) 500 sf 30 - 45% slope 25% (a quarter of property) .25 1,250 sf (.25 x 2,500 sf) 312.5 sf 45% + slope 0% (none of property) .025 0 sf (0 x 2,500 sf) 0 - 15% slope 50% (half of property) (2,500 x .5) (1,250 x .4) (1,250 x .25) 0 sf (0 x .025) 2,062.5 sf (1,250 + 500 + 312.5) + 400 sf (for garage) Total buildable sf = Illustrations Standard R1 Residential Zone (same property used in example in the table above) View from Above (plan view) 5,000 square foot property Side View (section view) Distribution of Slope Intervals on property 2,462.5 square feet DRAFT Protection of Natural Resources, Vegetation & Wildlife Issue Proposed Solution(s) Landscaping should be fire-resistant, drought tolerant, and stabilize slopes • Q condition to require landscaping palettes for required landscaping plans shall be comprised of drought tolerant, fire retardant, erosion control native vegetation. An in-depth biological & cultural survey should be conducted to identify ecosystems (wildlife, plant life, etc.) • Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address biological & cultural resources with an in-depth environmental assessment. Balance development with preservation of open space • Q condition to require open space for multifamily projects such that Open space for active and passive recreational purposes shall be provided on the subject site as follows: a. A minimum of 100 sq. ft. of Usable Open Space, located approximately at ground level shall be provided for each dwelling unit. Automobile parking areas, driveways and the required front yard area shall not be included as open space. 1) Pedestrian access ways, building separations, courtyards, etc. (with an average of 20’ in width and no less than 15’ in width at any point) & side & rear yard areas (which are at least 15’ in width) may be included as Usable Open Space, provided these areas are landscaped or improved for recreational use to the satisfaction of the Director. Stairs are not Usable Open Space. 2) A private patio or enclosed yard (located at ground level or at the lowest level with a habitable room) which is part of a dwelling unit may be included as Usable Open Space, if it has a minimum area of 150 sq. ft. & each side has a minimum dimension of 8’. 3) Notwithstanding the definition of Usable Open Space, recreation rooms may be included as open space but may not count for more than 10% of the total required open space area. b. Each common open space area (for use by more than one dwelling unit) including recreational rooms shall be a minimum of 400 sq. ft. 1) A maximum of 50% of the common Usable Open Space may consist of hardscape features, such as swimming pools, spas, walkways, patios, courts, fountains & barbecue areas. 2) Common rooftop open space areas are not counted towards the required open space. c. Common open space areas shall incorporate recreational amenities such as swimming pools, spas, picnic tables, benches, sitting areas, etc., to the satisfaction of the Department of Planning. Amenities that meet the Department of Recreation and Parks specifications pursuant to LAMC Section 17.12 F may be credited against fees. Q condition to require that developments of 2 or more dwellings units comply with LAMC Section 12.21G. Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address open space linkages more comprehensively. Q condition to require landscape plans be submitted to Bureau of Street Services Urban Forestry Division prior to to filing for review to DCP clearance. Upon satisfaction of the requirements set forth under LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees) & other landscaping requirements deemed necessary by the Urban Forestry Division, an approval letter will be issued by the Urban Forestry Division and submitted with new development filings as part of submission packages. will be issued and submitted with new development filings. Upon satisfaction of requirements set forth under LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees) & other landscaping requirements deemed necessary by the Urban Forestry Division, an approval letter will be issued and submitted with new development filings. Q condition to require landscaping plans be submitted to Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division, and Department of City Planning for review and approval consistent with LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees). Q condition to require the filing of a signed Certificate of Compliance with the Department of Building & Safety prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to ensure that landscaping plans are fully implemented. Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address open space linkages more comprehensively. • • Better enforcement/regulation of Protected Tree • Ordinance • • Create and maintain linkages among open spaces • Require vegetation that support existing wildlife (i.e. specific tree species) • • • Protection of the ridgelines in the area • • Q condition to require landscape plans be submitted to Bureau of Street Services Urban Forestry Division prior to filing for review to DCP clearance. Upon satisfaction of requirements set forth under LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees) & other landscaping requirements deemed necessary by the Urban Forestry Division, as evidenced by an approval letter. will be issued and submitted with new development filings. Upon satisfaction of requirements set forth under LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees) & other landscaping requirements deemed necessary by the Urban Forestry Division, an approval letter will be issued and submitted with new development filings. Q condition to require landscaping plans be submitted to Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division, and Department of City Planning for review and approval consistent with LAMC Ordinance No. 177,404 (Protected Trees). Q condition to require the filing of a signed Certificate of Compliance with the Department of Building & Safety prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to ensure that landscaping plans are fully implemented. Q condition to require natural features, such as prominent knolls or ridge lines, shall be preserved. Q condition to limit structures within 50 vertical feet of identified ridgelines, as shown on attached map, to one story or 12 feet in height. The 50 vertical feet must be labled on all plans accordingly. DRAFT Other Issues Issues (Miscellaneous & Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Taskforce Identified) Issue Proposed Solution(s) Solution(s) Expand boundaries of permanent regulations beyond ICO boundaries • See new map of proposed boundaries based on topography, slope and field verification. Citywide Hillside Ordinance is not clear in its descriptions and definitions of regulations required (i.e. instructions for measuring height, setbacks, etc.) • Q & D conditions proposed here explicitly describe height measurement with definitions to minimize confusion and/or misinterpretation. Better interdepartmental coordination is needed to effectively enforce regulations • • Create permanent interdepartmental hillside taskforce. (Administrative) Recommend: Establishment/Creation of a Hillside Enforcement Unit. Limit granting of variances from the required 20' min. width for access roadways in hillside streets • Recommend: Carefully review and limit circumstances warranting variances and include public input in all variance requests. (DCP). Recommend: Revise §12.21 17A (e) to remove full street improvement requirement. • Temporary Parking Restrictions in Hillsides not well implemented • Recommend: New overlay tool for hillside development to address open space linkages more comprehensively. R2 zoned properties not covered by Citywide Hillside Ordinance • Recommend: Revise Citywide Hillside Ordinance to include R2 zoned lots. Need for ongoing citywide hillside taskforce • • Create permanent interdepartmental hillside taskforce. (Administrative) Recommend: Establishment/Creation of a Hillside Enforcement Unit. 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Systems and GIS Division March - 2007 7 600 Feet R ZA MO R R VA NA BUTTERFLY LANE MANITOU AVE MOZART ST E1 0 E AV 300 BALDWIN ST NU 600 UE NS DE E AV JETTY ST NOR TH M AIN N AVE L GO ST RIO PL D ST LA G 1 0 8 N Lincoln Heights PE PR ZANE ST N OAKLAN DR N TO E LL E2 E2 E1 BIO AL VALLEJO ST ACADEMY ST HU G TIN BE NU NU NU G MANITOU AVE ST ST OC BL 2 E AV E AV E AV RIN HOLGATE SQ 9 E2 Lincoln Heights PARKSIDE AVE NU NORTH BROADWAY PAULA ST KEITH ST E AV E1 SP INYO ST LINCOLN PARK AVE AY DW NU H RT NO ST SU WORKMAN ST OA AVENUE 24 TR E AV Northeast Los Angeles LINCOLN PARK AVE ALTA ST FRWY GOLDEN STATE ALTURA ST ALTURA ST SU IS E D PL 25 3 AS ST AYLESWORTH PL E2 HE RT A NU NO NC E AV D OA BA A RR GEORGE ST E N O OR FAR E 1 OR E2 ND ST EMMA AVE EMMA AVE NU NA T MINNESOTA ST VG NO KE Northeast Los Angeles Hillside (ICO) AL IN AL DA AG LE EV A T E POMONA ST E AV ER LD T S T EB ST CA NU NF BO SAT TWINING ST HICKS AVE T RM QU O M ER ALMADALE AVE ET ST IE S T ON ST ST PY R EW TO U FLORA AVE INDIANA AVE CT Y NE WA TI A ND FO PASA US G PR E ST EVA TER DE N ST ST ST FE R ES TELL URID E AV SA M HU ST TU R N TO IF CL Lincoln Heights HY TO PA Z 28 ST E AU UE 27 U EN ASHLAND AVE CA S T BAR 26 AVEN AV ALTA PL A AV E E RAN UE 29 ST S N ST AVEN CAS RI TE GILLIG AVE MA HN JO AVENUE 31 O ST OL ST ST N TH O PL SIAN ARTE UE 31 UE 30 NEG VO E AV NU M AVEN CAR NO K E AV Y HU BO T LD BOUNDARY AVE AVE HILL REYNOLDS RA YN ROLLE ST AM ET 22 ST N EDIS RE IC RW WA E TE AR A SI AM ET 33 N FE AVEN ST L ST BORE ST ST R ST E HE ST HY ST NU N FLORIZEL ST FLORIZEL ST E URY AV MERC PL AVENUE 32 C LA JUNIPERO ST UT AVE UE 34 LU T TER E ORIN VICT ST BER YL S PYR T ITE S S ON T YX DR ST SIAN R ARTE DO AL W E AV ST E AV LUPIN ERTA WADENA ST IE S T E AV Northeast Los Angeles Hillside (ICO) UE 35 UE 33 IA AHY AN VE RI AVEN CUD IM ST NU Y AVEN Northeast Los Angeles Hillside (ICO) RR R E AV C LA AVEN ST HA VE RI PAS KUM IA ROB Y WA Y FRW NA AD E NZIE A LA TO N YORBA ST M NEWTONIA DR HENDERSON ST E AV VD BL NEG LATHROP ST R S T AD N CAR SINOVA ST COLUSA ST 41 39 ST 28 N RIECKER AVE AV E AV E E NIC RE E REYNOLDS AVE RUTHUPHAM AVE ST R ME NU E RO NE ROAD MONTEREY LATROBE ST VI A E MIO LATHROP ST AL ST TA YOA N S T CAMINO VERDE ME LO BUR CA C 36 AR MOFFATT ST NU TO NU HU ST WA Y WA Y AVE LOD GE FR WY A BL VD AV E R 43 38 37 OL DA PAIGE ST E AV E E RIS L A VE E AV ST RE LO E AV R MA BO LA MA DAL SE RO SA NU NU ST O RE ST AV E INS PIC E TH AV E E AV E HO AV E 39 37 CO E ST IGE 41 E EL SE NU NU BE E ELK AD DR AV E D NU AV E KEN OT A ST ON T MO RE AL TA M LO OS PA S K HE 42 LA N NU N A VE L A VE VIA AR EN RO E EMA M TA E AV AB AM YO RO NU COL DAL PUL LMA MO S E N A VE RL 44 ST NU MID 38 CT ST AR E 45 ST 40 E AV E E AV ES E NU ST ST FF L I FR EF NU E AV E RT S TLE UR ILL AVE EMA D A VE KEN L AV E VI A PA UE O SE ST ST H SH NU E PA R CA AV E AV E FIG N ST BE AVENUE 27 44 NU MO RE A CT RN EL BU SH AV E EL R A IS ID J E AV E CA Highland Park D YS UL EC S ME BE JA E AV ST DA ST L 45 ST ON AG CE ST EL NU AV E OUR SEYM AY G E ST S ST ED E AV ER O IC AR RC ME PP ER TER R N S T VERDEMOUR AVE RA N SA ST O M ST REY NT DAL FIEL VIA DEL REY E AV E NU ST TU LO RP VO AL NT AY W O M TE MON AV E ST EY ST O TH PE ER N MA NT N COL AV E AV E BY AL O M O CE EN GL AL 43 RE E O AV E NU C IN AM BY AL DR SY O REAL E AV ST D JONES AVE L FA E 6 O CE CAMIN IEL KEN ROWAN AVE AV E E4 E AV Northeast Los Angeles Community Boundary A M ST E OR DR M OS LO Mount Washington - Glassell Park ST N LE G A ST AL Mount WashingtonGlassell Park SP E AV EW DR NU W VI NA VI ST MONT N LI Lincoln Heights HPOZ SE RO T O Highland Park HPOZ R VE RI RIL L ST NY CO PL Northeast LA Hillside ICO EW VI TE R PUL LMA CA GLENALBYN CLER N MO DF RED BO ER CL 37 Legend Lincoln Heights CDO 49 IN UE AVENUE 52 RA AVE N E BU E AV BEAUVAIS AVE NU SH AV E UE DR VIS MA Northeast Los Angeles Hillside ICO RE IA LA D EL YR BERRIDGE ROAD GRAVOIS AVE
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