01. 2-5 출처•Do Love, Andrew Rankin 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Feelings are unavoidable. Healthy emotions give a person a sense of well-being, even during difficult situations. Positive emotions feel great! And feelings, even bad ones, are preferable to a life without any feelings. The primary reason, however, that love is not to be based on emotions is because feelings fluctuate; they are unreliable. . Emotions may provide a fantastic spark, but they are short on fuel. If you doubt me, did you know that the national divorce rate still hovers around fifty percent? Need further proof? How many people want the benefits of being married, but without the long-term sacrifice and commitment? Still not convinced? Why did you not marry the first person you were attracted to? The answer is that your feelings changed, and this is the main point here. Feelings alone will cause us to love short. ① Love is the faithful objectification of feeling ② Never seek to tell your love; love that never told can be ③ To be in love is to touch things with inner feelings ④ Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary ⑤ Feelings may be good servants, but are bad masters 24 김찬휘의 EBS 변형 독해 2015 Volume 2 02. 2-6 출처•Collabetition: 3 Principles for the Creative Person in All of Us, Taiwo Odunsi (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [듄我일체] 1) 형광펜으로 표시한 plant가 상징하는 의미를 영어로 써라. 2) 밑줄 친 부분이 상징하는 의미를 영어로 써라. Pretend a farmer gives you ten seeds to 1) plant. Since you’re not a seed expert, you decide to get planting anyway, perhaps the only productive action to take. With each passing week, out (A) come/comes the tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, and on it (B) continue/continues . In the same way, all ideas are seeds that are planted when you record them. Just as a farmer wouldn’t toss aside seeds that may one day provide food, you shouldn’t throw away ideas simply because you aren’t sure what will grow out of them. Don’t concern yourself with their current validity. Most ideas arrive like unlabeled seeds, without an indication of what they could become; this is simply due to their need for the gestation period. But in order to gestate, ideas must be captured, 2) taken from the mental realm and brought into the realm of reality (C) which/where they can grow. “We remember what we record,” notes Rick Warren, author of The Purpose-Driven Life. Write it, record it, and wait for it to grow. ① come – continue – which ② come – continues – where ③ come – continue – where ④ comes – continues – where ⑤ comes – continue – which 25 03. 3-2 출처•Sport Psychology, Britton W. Brewer 3-1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? 3-2. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Sports performance is often ① impaired when athletes experience levels of arousal or anxiety that are ② appropriate for their personal preferences or the demands of the sport in which they participate. (A) , performance on tasks such as shooting a rifle or attempting a free throw in basketball can be ③ hampered by excessive levels of anxiety and the psychological as well as physiological effects that they have on athletes. , the performance of athletes who are not sufficiently ④ energized before (B) or during competition may also suffer. In these circumstances, sport psychologists work with athletes helping them to cope with the stressful situations they inevitably encounter in competitive sport and to identify and achieve levels of arousal that are ⑤ optimal for their sport tasks. 3-2. ① For example – Similarly ② For example – Therefore ③ For example – In short ④ In addition – On the contrary ⑤ In addition – In the same way 26 김찬휘의 EBS 변형 독해 2015 Volume 2 다른 출제 04. 3-3 출처•Power: Why Some People Have It ― And Others Don’t, Jeffrey Pfeffer - 연결어(형광펜) - 다른 빈칸 (형광펜) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? The fact is that people like what they remember ─ and that includes you! In order for your great performance to be appreciated, it needs to be visible. But beyond visibility, the mere exposure research teaches us that . Simply put, in many cases, being memorable equals getting picked. An Italian executive who has worked in numerous large multinational corporations and has risen quickly through the ranks is an outspoken and provocative individual. Consequently, he sometimes irritates people. But as another manager told me, “decades from now I will remember him, while I will have forgotten most of his contemporaries.” It is obvious whom that manager would choose to fill a position ─ the memorable Italian leader. You can’t select what you can’t recall. ① remembering your boss pays ② invisible harmony is better than visible ③ performance by itself is sufficient ④ the best memory is not as good as pale ink ⑤ familiarity produces preference 27 05. 3-5 출처•Insect Ecology, Timothy D. Schowalter 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [듄我일체] 이 글의 원 제목은 Reconstructing Ancient Landscape이다. 이 제목의 내용과 같은 부분을 찾아 형광펜 으로 표시하라. (세 군데) Every amber fossil tells a stoy and is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that can be used to reconstruct the natural environment at the time the amber was being produced. (A) There will always be gaps in the puzzle because there are many life forms that are too large to become entrapped in amber or have a lifestyle that does not normally bring them into contact with the sticky resin. (B) However, the habitat that existed in that ancient world can, in large part, be reconstructed by studying select insects that can be typified as phytophagous, bark inhabitants, or parasites, and identifying the associated predators, vertebrates, and special habitats. (C) The challenges are to identify the inclusions, determine their biology and ecology by researching the habits of their extant descendants, and then make inferences regarding the original environment. ① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (B) – (A) – (C) ③ (B) – (C) – (A) ④ (C) – (A) – (B) ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A) 28 김찬휘의 EBS 변형 독해 2015 Volume 2 • • • • 듄我일체 3-6 출처•No Contest: The Case Against Competition, Alfie Kohn 다른 출제 - 배열 < 1. 토론대회가 부추기는 cynical relativism(냉소적 상대주의)에 해당하는 내용에 형광펜으로 표시하시오. 2. 토론대회가 이루고자 하지 않는 것에 밑줄로 표시하시오. > 부분 Competitiv debate is an activity as consuming and, in its own way, as brutal as football. <Students spend their days preparing for tournaments in which they will debate a major issue of public policy. These tournaments require them to argue in support of a resolution in one round and then against it in the next. The practical emphasis in debate is on tying logical knots, sounding persuasive, and even speaking so quickly that an opponent cannot respond to all of one’s arguments.> <The point is not to arrive at a fuller understanding of the question at hand or to form genuine convictions. Debaters develop considerable expertise as a result of their preparations, but this is only a means to victory. As for convictions, a premium is placed on not having any; believing in something could interfere with one’s ability to win on both sides of the issue.> <This arrangement may force participants to see both points of view, but it does so in a way that promotes a kind of cynical relativism: no position is better than any other since any position can be successfully defended.> 29
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