DEFNET - Ruhr-Universität Bochum

DEFect NETwork Materials Science and Engineering
Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network
Funded by the European Commission
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014
Grant Agreement Number: 641887
A Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR)/PhD position is available at the
Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ), a joint center of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
(UPV) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain, within the
framework of “DEFNET-641887" European Training Network (ETN).
Project Title:
Catalytic properties of mixed-valence defect engineered analogs of
Early-stage researchers (ESR) are those who are, at the time of recruitment by
the host, in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers. This is measured
from the date when they obtained the degree (M.Sc or Diploma) which formally entitles them to
embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country
in which the research training is provided, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate was
Mobility Rules: ESRs are required to undertake transnational mobility (i.e. move from one
country to another) when taking up the appointment. At the time of recruitment by the host
organization, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies,
etc.) in the country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years
immediately prior to their recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.
English Language:
ESRs must demonstrate their proficiency in English language (ability to
understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English)
Starting Date:
Host Institute:
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,
Avda. de los Naranjos s/n, 46022 Valencia, SPAIN,
36 months
Llabres i Xamena (ITQ-CSIC), Muhler (RUB), Larraz (CEPSA)
Collaborations & Secondments: University of Utrecht, Ruhr-University Bochum, CESPA, Spain
Short description of the ESR Project:
Objectives: Comparison of defect HKUST-1(Cu) for catalysis requiring either Cu(I) sites,
Cu(I)/Cu(II) or mixed-valence M-Cu pairs with Cu-exchanged zeolites, feedback data WP1-3.
Description & Tasks: Samples of [(M:M')2(btc)3-a(DL)aXb] (M = Cu, Ru; M' doping: Zn, Co; Pd & Ag;
DL = defective linker; X = counter anion) delivered by ESR-1 (WP1, D1.1-D1.4) will be evaluated
for catalytic properties, benchmarking against parent HKUST-1(Cu) and Cu-exchanged zeolites
1styr+2ndyr: M = Cu, DL variation for NOX, and CH-activation (e.g. CH4). 2ndyr: M = Ru, DL
variation for CO2 reduction, alkene hydrogenation/isomerisation/cyclization, 3rdyr: M:M’ & DLs,
multifunctional systems for adsorption and catalysis. All yrs: Support / share tasks of WP2.
Expected results: Contributions to SQ5 and SQ6: Identification and characterization of unique
catalytic properties of defect engineered HKUST-1(M:M’).
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 53 (2014) 7058
Job Requirements:
Good education background either in Homogeneous / heterogeneous
catalysis, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry,
Materials Science & Engineering
Scale of pay:
According to the MSCA-ITN rules; € 3110/month (adjusted to country
coefficient) + Mobility + Family Allowance (if applicable)
How to apply:
Please send the following documents via email to the DEFNET
coordinating office: [email protected] as well as to the project supervisor
(Dr. F. X. Llabrés i Xamena, [email protected])
A complete CV (personal details, academic/education history, research experience,
experimental skills, publications etc), Certified copies of University Diploma or MSc
certificates and other relevant transcripts, Proof of proficiency in English language, Two
letters of recommendations, Letter of motivation (research interests, reasons for applying for
this program and the host / host institute)
Closing Date:
For further information:
Contact project supervisor
Dr. F. X. Llabrés i Xamena
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +34 963877806; Fax: +34 963877809