DESERT CROSS Weekly Newsletter Sharing | Loving | Serving Mission Statement: As a missional congregation, we celebrate Christ’s presence, invite people into a growing relationship with Jesus and equip them to serve in a broken world. Welcome to worship! All are invited to participate in Communion. During communion you are invited to kneel as you are able. Grape juice or gluten-free wafers are available. We love children worshiping with us. If you prefer, there is supervised nursery for ages four and younger. Friendship pads are used to stay connected. Please fill out the pad to let us know you were here and how we can keep in touch. Fellowship opportunities on Sunday: 9:00-10:45am in Tempe and in Gilbert following worship. Prayer of the Day: Dear Lord, you have so much to show us and tell us. Your promises are like shelter in a storm. May we have the mind of Christ, so that we may know and understand your truth. We wait as empty vessels, ready to be filled with your living water. Reveal your love to us through Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. Today’s Hunger Jar Offering will go to support our Feed My Starving Children packing event on May 8. ATTENDANCE April 26/27 - 415 HUNGER JAR $590.26 NEXT GOSPEL John 10:1-10 May 3-4, 2014 Third Sunday of Easter WEEKLY CALENDAR TEMPE SUN (5/4) 8:00am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:45am 11:00am 12:00pm 7:00pm MON (5/5) 7:00pm TUE (5/6) 9:30am 5:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Worship Fellowship Worship Sunday School Worship Lunch served by Mission Team Congregational Meeting H.S. Night Ringing Praise Joyful Noises Songleaders Band Rehearsal Basketball GILBERT SUN (5/4) 9:00am 10:15am 11:15am WED (5/7) 9:30am Sunday School Worship Fellowship Joyful Noises WED (5/7) 7:30pm THUR (5/8) 9:00am 2:00pm 7:00pm SAT (5/10) 5:00pm SUN (5/11) 8:00am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:45am 7:00pm THUR (5/8) 10:00am SUN (5/11) 9:00am 10:15am 11:15am Sanctuary Choir Coffee Fellowship Book Group Book Group Worship Worship Fellowship Worship Sunday School Worship H.S. Night C3 Group Sunday School Worship Fellowship CHRISTCARE GROUPS Contact Denise McClellan at [email protected] or (480) 730-8600 for specific group locations. Sun 7:00pm Mon 9:30am Tue 9:00am, 10:00am, 2:00pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm Wed 7:00am, 8:15am, 9:00am, 7:00pm Thur 7:00am, 6:15pm Flowers: The flowers on the altar in Tempe are given by Buck and Suzanne Seeley with love and blessings for 31 years of marriage. STAFF CORNER Dawn Collins, Office Manager In October, Desert Cross will celebrate our 30th anniversary. Over the last few months I have noticed that we are seeing the children of those kids who grew up here being baptized. We, as a faith community, are promising to love these children, as we have loved their parents. We are promising to teach these children as we have taught their parents. We are promising to provide a place where they are accepted and valued just as we did for their parents. I am so thankful to Desert Cross that the folks who made those baptismal promises over the years carried them out so well. They put their energy, their time, and their money into nurturing the children of this congregation. Although my kids were not baptized here, this family of faith incorporated my children into this caring community. Vicki and Matthew were loved, taught, and valued by some incredible servants of Christ. Tim and I were also loved, taught, and supported through the ups and downs of parenting by those same folks. They were our lifeline when our families of origin were thousands of miles away. Desert Cross has strived to do the same for almost 1500 children and close to 2300 adults who have been members over the years. Our Desert Cross children have grown to serve in this world in a variety of ways, and I am sure they are making a difference in the lives of many. The love and service that has been modeled here has influenced the professions of a lot of kids over the years. So, as our “second generation” of kids comes to the font in the coming weeks and months, may we continue to be the best of Church for them and their families. Those of you who were around for my family certainly were the best of Church for us. SUMMER WORSHIP TIMES Beginning May 18, Sunday worship in Tempe will adjust to a summer schedule. The new times for worship services will be 8:30 and 10am. Saturday evening and Gilbert worship times will remain the same. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 12:00pm • Tempe Community Center The purpose of the meeting is to address the agenda items listed below. We hope all will attend the meeting to address these important matters in the life of Desert Cross. Childcare will be available. AGENDA I. Land sale update and plans for sale proceeds II. Election of one Church Council member (Laura Krizan) and two Endowment Committee members (Bob Rose & Sharynn Jennings) *3 year terms for these positions.* III. Discussion and consideration of calling a third ordained pastor (follow-up to previous Congregational votes on June 24, 2012 and August 5, 2012. IV. IF a decision is made to move forward with the calling of a third ordained pastor, then election of a Call Committee V. Architect Will Bruder’s preliminary facility update. This is a follow-up to Will’s presentation/ information gathering session on March 2, 2014. Our constitution calls for publication of the names of people nominated for Council/Endowment Committee, prior to the Congregational meeting, May 4, 2014. Council: Laura Krizan. Laura and Kurt Krizan and their 3 children have been members of DCLC for about 2 years. Laura is a Sunday School teacher, serves in worship and is a member of the Gilbert Hospitality team. Endowment Committee: both nominees currently serve on the Endowment Committee and are eligible for re-election. Sharynn Jennings and Bob Rose have each been members of DCLC for 16 years. FUNDRAISER LUNCH FOR MEXICO MISSION TEAM Sunday, May 4 • 11:00am • Tempe Grab a bite to eat, stay for our Congregational Meeting and help the Mexico Mission Team raise funds for their trip. Hot dog lunch will be available beginning at 11:00am. SPECIAL HUNGER JAR OFFERINGS Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix distributes tens of thousands of water bottles to the homeless throughout the hot months. All hunger jar donations the weekends of May 10/11, May 17/18 and May 24/25 will be donated to Grace Lutheran for this special ministry. TODAY IS COMPASSION SUNDAY This weekend, each of us in our church family has the opportunity to change the world for one child. During the offering, Joy will share her family’s personal experience with Compassion. After worship in Tempe, visit the Compassion table in on the patio where you can view packets showing boys and girls who need a sponsor right now. This is your opportunity to release a child from poverty in Jesus’ name. You will give them a future and a hope through the loving intervention of a Christ-centered program run by a local church in their neighborhood. For more information, contact Joy Petroff at [email protected] or visit PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our prayer shawl ministry is sustained by volunteers who create beautiful handmade items to give to those who are in need of prayer and comfort. As a person crochets, knits, knots or weaves a Prayer Shawl, he or she is in prayer for the person who is to receive it. “May this gift made for you with love be a mantle and sign of God’s sustaining presence. May it refresh your weariness; Surround you with comfort in your suffering. May it encircle you with healing for your pain; Consolation for your loneliness. May it bring you joy in sorrow or gladness.” Our supply of prayer shawls is low. If you are able to create a shawl, we would be happy to receive it. If you need suggestions on how to create a prayer shawl, contact Parish Nurse, Denise Viker at (480) 730-8600 or [email protected]. She will match you with someone to get started! GRADUATE RECOGNITION We will be recognizing our graduates at the 10am service on May 18. If you would like your high school or college graduate listed in the newsletter, please send your graduate’s name and where they are graduating from to Christy VandenBerg, [email protected], by May 13. CHILDREN’S BOOK DRIVE It’s just a book but a book makes so much difference to a child’s success in school. To benefit families who are getting their children ready for kindergarten, we are partnering with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. Part of their program, Family SPOT (Strength with Parenting Opportunities and Teaching), focuses on helping families grow their home library and they welcome donations of children’s books. Anything from board books to picture books to chapter books (for older siblings) are welcome and they may be new or gently used. Please bring books to the bookshelf located in the narthex during the month of May. Since 1970, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) has ministered to the urgent needs of people in our communities. Programs are developed and services delivered through partnerships with Lutheran congregations, other faith-based and community organizations, and government entities. Learn more at Questions? Contact Becky Endres at 480-862-3137 or [email protected]. Note: Books will be 50% off at Hidden Treasures Thrift Store May 5-10. NEW GROUP IN GILBERT C3: Coffee, Conversation and Christ 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 10am • Gilbert Campus You’ve been asking, so it is happening. Coffee, treats, and YOU. Gatherings are 2nd and 4th Thursdays (May 8 and 22). Group meets for fellowship, mutual support and fun. Ages 18 to 98. ADULT FELLOWSHIP Shepherd of the Valley and Lunch at Mandarin Buffet Wednesday, May 7 • Carpooling from Tempe Campus at 9:15am The Adult Fellowship Group is going to visit Pastor Harold Stromer at Shepherd of the Valley. Shepherd of the Valley has a display of crèches from around the world for us to tour. We’ll also visit their Mission of Mercy outreach program. Mission of Mercy is a mobile medical van providing free health services to the uninsured. We’ll meet at Desert Cross Tempe for carpooling at 9:15 am. Please RSVP by Monday, May 5. Contact Ormal and Margie Saathoff at 480-883-7736 “UNSPOUSED” GROUP 2nd Tuesdays at 7pm • Tempe Community Center Youth Room Are you going to a movie by yourself? Are you staying home wishing you had someone to join you? Get connected to the “Unspoused” Group. This is the Desert Cross mature members group who are without spouses and have a desire to meet others without spouses on a social and spiritual level. If you would like more information or to be added to the group email list, call the office or email [email protected]. HALFTIME MEN’S GROUP May 15 at 7pm • Tempe Community Center Youth Room CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Field Trip of Faith: DCLC Packing Event at Feed My Starving Children Thursday, May 8 • 4:00-5:30pm Kids ages 5 years old and up can attend with an adult! This is a fun way to serve as a family! We havea few spots available so please RSVP to Shannon Fossett ([email protected]) as soon as possible. The Feed My Starving Children Packing Site is located at 7965 S. Priest Dr., Suite 106 Tempe, AZ 85284. SUMMER FUN! Mark your calendars for two weeks of fun at DCLC this summer. Registration forms are now available at You’re never too old to enjoy the fun of VBS and Music Camp — volunteer! Each program depends on older students, parents and grandparents leading our crews. Have fun while making a difference! Vacation Bible School Music Camp Weird Animals Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace June 9-13 9am-12pm June 16-20 9am-3pm For children ages 3 years - entering 5th grade For children entering 2nd - 8th grade SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Desert Cross Students – Scholarships Available If you are a high school graduating senior or continuing college student and are a member of Desert Cross, the Desert Cross Endowment Committee will be considering scholarship requests at the May meeting. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship please submit an application form to the committee by May 7th. Forms are available in the church office. If you have any questions please contact one of the committee members. Bob Rose, Jim Mathews, Sharynn Jennings, Sue Eberle, or Mari Johnson. YOUTH MISSION TRIP Missionary Tree Look for the “Missionary Trees” in Tempe and Gilbert. These trees carry pictures of our Desert Cross Summer Mission Trip Missionaries. We will be traveling to Tijuana, Mexico to build homes for families in need. Our hope is that you take one of these ornaments off of our tree, pray for the chosen missionary and if possible, return the little red envelope with a donation in that persons honor. Any donation you make will go to help the entire team of approximately 40 people. 9th Annual Desert Cross Lutheran Golf Tournament Saturday, May 24 • 7:30am Shotgun Start Foothills Golf Club 2201 E. Clubhouse Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85048 Join us for a day of fun and golf. Tournament proceeds will benefit the Youth Mexico Mission Team. Register in person at Tempe or Gilbert services or online at UPCOMING EVENTS MS Bike Ride As many of you know, many of our own Desert Cross members are affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Help fight MS and join the movement by supporting Art Krzyzewski as he rides up to 150 miles on May 17 and May 18, 2014 along with the team he is on, “The Main Street Mashers.” You can go to to donate directly or see Art at the Tempe site. If you have any questions, you can call him at (602) 292-0663 or e-mail Art at [email protected] Craft Night Friday, May 17 • 6pm • Tempe Fellowship Hall Bring a craft, bring a friend, get your projects done! If you have questions or need directions, contact Shelley at [email protected]. Five B Barbecue Sunday June 1 • 4-6pm • Tempe Come for an evening of fun and friends to benefit a great cause! Burgers, Brats, Beans and Bars—the fifth B is bring a friend. The Five B Barbecue will benefit the Mexico Mission Trip . HIDDEN TREASURES THRIFT STORE 610 N. Alma School Suite 30 • Chandler, AZ 85224 Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Sat • 9am-6pm Thu (480) 857-8310 • Thank you. Your donations help make the store successful. Your shopping and volunteer hours keep us going. You are essential. Mother’s Day is May 11th. Hidden Treasures has jewelry, books, clothing and décor items for Mom. There may be a specialty item in Silent Auction – check these out now. The store also has a large variety of basket to help you create a unique gift basket for Mom. Summer is approaching and many volunteers will be gone. Please consider helping out a few hours a week. YOU ARE NEEDED. Donations Needed: Jewelry (including broken pieces), greeting cards, kitchen items, craft items. Clothes: Maternity and scrubs. 2014 SYNOD ASSEMBLY The Church Council is seeking two additional delegates, one male, one female, to attend the 2014 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly June 13-14 in Tuscon. Overnight accommodations will be provided. If you are interested, please contact the church office. THE DANIEL PLAN 40 Days to a Healthier Lifestyle We ended our first session with a small but enthusiastic group of participants enjoying wonderful food and uplifting stories. Not all the groups reported their weight loss but for the several groups that did, the grand total is 267 pounds. Everyone at the celebration agreed that they had made steps toward a healthier lifestyle and most of the participants will continue on and hope that others join us. At least one group will continue to meet during the summer. This group will begin its summer session on May 10, 3:15-4:45 pm in the Adult Classroom in Tempe. Contact Jacky Kinneman at [email protected] for more information. STEPHEN MINISTRY Stressed? Feeling Down? Need Encouragement? Stephen Ministers don’t just provide care for people experiencing a major crisis. They also provide care and support for people weighed down by the little things in life. If you’re feeling down, lonely, stressed, or discouraged, you could benefit from the care, support, and MINISTRY encouragement of a Stephen Minister. It’s free. It’s confidential. And it will really make a difference in your life! To find out more, talk with one of our Pastors or Stephen Leaders: Denise Viker or Deb Christiansen. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care! STEPHEN LOCATIONS TEMPE 8600 S. McClintock Dr. Tempe, AZ 85284 (NW Corner of McClintock/Warner) GILBERT 3225 S. Lindsay Rd. #101 Gilbert, AZ 85297 (SE Corner of Lindsay/Pecos) CONTACT US 8600 S. McClintock Dr. Tempe, AZ 85284 (480) 730-8600 • MINISTRY STAFF Senior Pastor Dan Megorden [email protected] Office Manager Dawn Collins [email protected] Associate Pastor Matt Dobyns [email protected] Parish Nurse Denise Viker, RN [email protected] Operations & Property Doug Bjotvedt [email protected] Worship Coordinator Jacque Jecker [email protected] Adult Ministries Denise McClellan [email protected] Youth Ministries Chad Diegle [email protected] Children’s Ministries Shannon Fossett [email protected] Children’s Music Janet Katel-Johnston [email protected] Tempe Worship & Music Jane Yost [email protected] Gilbert Worship & Music Michael Lottes [email protected] Communications Coordinator Christy VandenBerg [email protected] Pianist Aimee Fincher & Janet Norman Church Council [email protected] PRAYER CHAIN Please send requests to [email protected] or fill out a prayer request form. NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Please send submissions to [email protected] by the Tuesday prior.
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