First Presbyterian Church Volume 53, Issue 2 January 21, 2015 PRESBYGRAM A covered dish lunch and informational gathering hosted by the Finance Committee on February 1st after the 11:00 a.m. worship service. We have good news and challenging news, and want to be sure you know exactly what’s happening. Bring a dish to share, and get caught up on the current financial picture of our church! Music Music in Worship January 9 a.m. Early Service Music January 25 Jen and Chris Tuft, duet February 1 Jennie Hughes, Mimi Williams and Elizabeth Gulley, trio February 8 Donna Baker, soloist February 15 Audrey Puschinsky, piano February 22 Solo handbell ringing by HPU student Madeline Herzog New Year Choir Rehearsal Start-Up COVENANT CHOIR Open to anyone with an interest in singing for our 11 a.m. worship services Begins Wed., Jan. 7 7:30-9:00 p.m. MEMORIAL HANDBELLS Adult Ringers, some music-reading experience helpful. We have openings from time to time. Please contact Elizabeth if you are interested in ringing. Wednesdays 5:15-6:00 p.m. CHAPEL CHOIR 2nd-5th grades. We are preparing for a spring musical and invite all children to participate! We have begun work on our musical for the spring ‘The Puzzling Parables’ to be presented in early May. Rehearses Wednesdays, 6:30-7:15 p.m. YOUTH CHOIR 6th-12th grades. Preparing for Youth Sunday, March 22 and for the SC Youth Choir Festival at Springmaid Beach, April 24-26. Sundays at 5:15 p.m. YOUTH HANDBELLS 6th-12th grades. We have openings for ringers! Contact Elizabeth for information. Rehearses Sundays at 4:15-5:00 p.m. K-1st grades. Preparing to sing this spring. Rehearsals through end of March. Sundays from 5:15-6:00 p.m. CHAPEL CHIMES 3rd-5th grades. Learning to read music & ring; play in worship this spring. Begins Sun., January 25 5:15-6:00 p.m. CHERUB CHOIR GLORY TO GOD The Presbyterian Hymnal Newly-published hymnal from the PC(USA) ♪ Over 800 hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs ♪ Approximately 50% of included hymns are from the 1990 Presbyterian hymnal ♪ Remaining hymns are from former Presbyterian hymnals, other denominational songbooks, individual authors and composers ♪ Music covering all major historical and contemporary sacred genres, including approximately thirty-five African American/Gospel hymns and music from six different continents ♪ worship aids and printed liturgies for Sunday services (including baptism and the Lord's Supper) and services for daily prayer A new hymnal has been published by the PC(USA)! The hymnal, titled ‘Glory to God’, was over 5 years in the making beginning in 2008 with the appointment of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregation Song (PCOCS). This group analyzed hymnals from other denominations, praise and worship trends, global music, and previous Presbyterian Hymnals. The result of their work, ‘Glory to God’ has been highly acclaimed and well-received by churches all over the country. In the fall of 2013, our Worship Committee voted to review the newly published hymnal. The committee felt it was appropriate to review the newest hymnal being put forth by the PC USA denomination. In the spring of this year, the Worship Committee formed a review sub-committee consisting of: Sally Tarolli (chair), Joanna Davis, Meagan Lewis, Gene Beazlie, Billie Porter, Beth Workman; and staff members, Ken, Elizabeth and Judith. The sub-committee found many positive attributes in its review; perhaps the most salient quality being that ‘Glory to God’ bridges the gap between generations, both old and new. The consensus of the Worship Committee is that the new hymnal has broad appeal . In addition to containing great hymns of the Church and very familiar older hymns that are not in the 1990 hymnal, it includes more contemporary songs and global songs which are more sing-able and represent musical traditions of our wider Christian family. We are excited by the contents of the new hymnal and feel it will present the opportunity for us to expand our musical experiences in our worship services while maintaining our musical heritage and traditions. The Session unanimously approved ordering ‘Glory to God’ with funding for the purchase to come from donations and gifts given in memory and/or honor of loved ones. The hymnals will be purchased when enough donations and gifts have been received. We estimate 500 hymnals are needed for the congregation and choir at a price of $20.00 for a pew edition. Other purchase options are available as well. Please consider purchasing one or more hymnals! Your honorary/memorial hymnal will be marked with a bookplate on the inside cover and used by many worshipers for years to come! Copies of the new hymnals will be in the gathering space for your perusal after worship and committee members will be on-hand to answer questions and take orders. Articles about the hymnal and much more information can be found online at: QR code for online list of hymnal contents Glory To God Hymnal Order Form Please complete and return to the church office. ______ 9780664503130 Pew edition $20.00 ______ 9780664503239 Enlarged Print $25.00 In Honor of ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Given by____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission Main Street Coalition ~ Fill the Bus The “Fill the Bus Campaign” is an ongoing food collection project focused on providing canned goods and other non-perishables to local food banks. In January we are collecting peanut butter and jelly. Collection baskets are in the pantry (the former choir robe room). Career Connection meets each Monday morning from 8:30-10:00 in the Session Room of the Church. A workbook that covers fundamental job-search strategy is provided each participant. Trained facilitators lead the discussions along with having at least one guest speaker each month. This mission was started about four years ago. Many have attended and many have found employment. ACTS Ministry The unsheltered homeless in High Point are in need of tents, sleeping bags, small portion food, water, and paper products for their nourishment needs. Members with items to donate can call Dick Becker at 869-3145 so he can pick it up or drop them off in the gathering area. Mobile Meals Needs Your Help Are you between jobs? Newly retired? A young mother who can spare an hour or two? Mobile Meals needs volunteers on Tuesday mornings! If you can possibly spare an hour and a half each Tuesday or one time per month, please consider helping with this local mission. The rewards are immeasurable. Please call Pat Hudspeth at 6870923 or the church office at 884-2248 if you are interested in volunteering. Upcoming Events Reading Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00am in the church library. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion of any of the following selections: February 11 – My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman March 11 – Jesus, My Father, The Cia, and Me by Ian Morgan Cron April 8 – Open Secrets by Richard Lischer May 13 – Just As I Am by Billy Graham Discover FPC If you are interested in learning more about the various opportunities for growth, worship, and serving, join us for our next Discover FPC class. Discover FPC is a gathering hosted by the staff of First Presbyterian Church on a quarterly basis. It is held on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the session room, in the adult classroom suite below the sanctuary. Here at FPC, we want you to have the opportunity to discover the various ways you might engage your life of faith here. This class will give you the chance to get to know us and learn more about our church. Please register for this 3-week series of “Discover FPC” by contacting Erin Bowers at 884-2248 or [email protected]. Discover FPC will be held April 19, 26, and May 3, 2015; and July 19, 26, and August 2, 2015. Flower Calendar Dates The following dates are available on our church flower calendar: January 25, February 1, March 1, 8, 22, April 12, and 26. If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary on one of these dates, please contact Lynne Ledford at 803-2186. Bettye White Women’s Retreat Mark your calendars! The Bettye White Women’s Retreat at the river, a church-wide event, will be held Saturday, March 21st at River Landing. More details will be disclosed as the event approaches. Deriter The Deriter Club will meet Wednesday February 11th at 12 p.m. in the FLC and High School Sunday School room for lunch and a movie together. Wednesday Night Bible Study Come enjoy our weekly Wednesday night dinner and Bible study. Dinner is at 5:45 p.m. so be sure to RSVP! Bible Study will be at 6:30 p.m. and we will review how the Bible came to be, and how that affects the way we read and interpret it; different understandings of the concept of the Authority of Scripture, and what it means to call the Bible “God’s Word;” and, we will look at some ways Scripture can shed light on some of today’s issues, using the various understandings of Scripture’s authority. Nurture Children’s Ministries News Sunday Afternoons - for Children K-5th Grade – Children in this age group have an opportunity every Sunday afternoon to participate in a world renowned Montessori based program called Godly Play where children can explore their faith through story, wonder and play. Kids of the Covenant - for 4th and 5th Graders – We still meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, but for about a month now we’ve been meeting upstairs in the Youth Room where we have access to the foosball, ping pong and pool tables. These older kids, often called ‘tweens because they feel too old for the children’s ministries, and yet, they are too young for the middle school youth groups. Activities are usually service projects or games, and always FUN. Parents, mark your calendars for the second and fourth Sundays through April. There’s definitely room for more participants, and friends are welcome, too. Come and see! Dates of Upcoming Events: After Godly Play, children can go to music classes for Cherub Choir (K – 1st grade) or Chapel Chimes (3rd – 5th grade). Parents are always welcome to stay and be a helper. Most parents use the two hours to do other things knowing their kids are safe with trusted church leaders. Come and see – we have lots of room for more children! Jan 25th at 12:00 ~ Kids of the Covenant (grades 4-5) Jan 25th at 4:15 ~ Godly Play (grades K-5) Feb 1st at 4:15 ~ Godly Play (grades K-5) Feb 8th at 12:00 ~ Kids of the Covenant (grades 4-5) Feb 8th at 4:15 ~ Godly Play (grades K-5) th 4:15 p.m. – Godly Play (K-5 grade) 5:15 p.m. – Cherub Choir (K-1st grade) 5:15 p.m. – *Chapel Chimes (3rd-5th grade) Sunday School - for all ages is from 9:40 – 10:40 a.m. every Sunday – Children are to be taken to and picked up from the following classrooms: Ages 2-3 – Preschool room 103 Ages 4, 5, K – Preschool room 102 Grades 1-3 – Upstairs room 203 Grades 4-5 – Upstairs room 205 Service Opportunities – If you are interested in being a helper in any of the following ministries with children: Sunday School classes (9:40 a.m.) Wee Kirk/Junior Kirk (during 11:00 a.m. worship service) Sunday afternoon Godly Play (4:15 p.m.) Seasonal activities – Lent/Advent Vacation Bible School Contact Director Kristina Gilbert, [email protected] “There are no volunteers in the church – only servant priests fulfilling their ministries.” – Rev. Dr. Ken Broman-Fulks Our school collected 161 cans of food for the Fill the Bus Campaign. The Four Year Old Class wrote a Thanksgiving litany that was used during our chapel time. An annual event at Christmas is making gingerbread houses. The children really look forward to this event. This year we used foam so the house can be used again. We put an LED light inside each one. Parents helped the children with this craft. Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women Tea - Monday, February 2nd at 11:45 a.m. Nursery Available Program: Storyteller, Liz Samuels. She will tell stories she has written about her family. Make or cancel reservations by calling the church office 884-2248 or emailing Ashley at [email protected] Are you working or have other commitments? Come and leave as your schedule allows. Lunch $6 – small tea sandwiches, scones, cheesecake and chocolate nut mini tart, pound cake, teas: Earl Grey, orange herbal, and regular black. Upcoming Events 2015 Dates February 2 11:45 a.m. March 2 11:45 a.m. April 6 *6:00 p.m. May 4 11:45 a.m. Program Speaker and/or Topic Liz Samuels, Communities in Schools Coordinator at Northwood Elementary and former teacher at Ferndale Middle. Liz will share stories she has written about her family. Come join us for a Tea/luncheon this month. Estie Culler Bennington, author of Insanity on the Road to Glory Former Clerk of Superior Court in Guilford County Cathy Weaver, Executive Director of Guide Posts of Strength, Inc. GPS is a nonprofit resource designed to help local cancer patients and their families better navigate their cancer journey. Cathy is a former columnist for the Greensboro News and Record and the author of, a blog about her breast cancer journey. *Note: This is an evening meeting Annual Meeting including Honorary Life Membership and Installation of Officers Nominations for PW Honorary Life Membership An Honorary Life Membership (HLN) in Presbyterian Women is conferred upon a woman or man in recognition of faithful service in some area of the church’s work. Moderators, teachers, leaders, officers, pastors and missionaries have been among the recipient of this honor. You should note past recipients of this award so as not to nominate one already honored. Then prayerfully consider nominating someone with the qualities indicated in the description above. Write the name of the individual in the blank provided below and return this form by March 15, 2015. You can mail nominations to First Presbyterian Church, 918 North Main Street, High Point, NC 27262, Attn: Deborah Lucas, Spiritual Enrichment Moderator; or you may leave it in the church secretary’s office. All names will be considered by the Life Membership Committee who will make the final choice. The following persons are former recipients: Mrs. Roy Watts, Mrs. James Hogg, Mrs. Felix Miller, Sr., Mrs. John Womack, Sr., Mrs. John W. Herndon, Mrs. MacLean B. Leath, Mrs. Robert G. Culp, Jr., Mrs. A.B. Croom, Mrs. George E. White, Mrs. Ralph J. Cox, Mrs. Winfred Douglas, Mrs. Carl Bailey, Mrs. Tom McNeill, Mrs. Ed Post, Mrs. Curtis Glenn, Dr. & Mrs. Kirk Allen, Jr., Mrs. Eloise Taylor, Mrs. J. Edward Pleasants, Mrs. George A. Cooke, Mrs. B. Guy Shivers, Mrs. Richard D. Meisky, Mrs. Marie N. Sloop, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Frances Fraser, Mrs. Ralph Brimley, Mrs. Murray White, Jr., Mrs. Richard Bosch, Mrs. Dan Mellinger, Mrs. Laura Boyles, Mrs. Sara Ledford, Mrs. Frances Hollahan, Mrs. Joann Jones, Mrs. Maxine Miller, Mrs. Phyllis Robbins, Mrs. Margaret Peake, Mrs. Carolyn Morgan, Mrs. Lyl Clinard, Mrs. Paula Hunt, Mrs. Sally Tarolli, Mrs. Betty Recoulley, Mrs. Willa Grey Connor, Mrs. Dorris Koontz, Mrs. Sarah Glover, Mrs. Katy Bobb, Mrs. Sara Kelly. """""""" PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, please exercise this privilege and responsibility. We have so many in our congregation who have given of themselves to our church and its work who deserve this honor. Please place the name of ________________________________ in nomination for the highest honor given by the Presbyterian Women – an Honorary Life Membership. Submitted by ____________________________ Offices held or services rendered: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Birthdays! In an effort to be the friendliest church in town, the Congregational Care Committee is including a monthly birthday list of our members in the Presbygram. Happy February Birthday! If your name is not listed, please call the church office and tell us your birth date so we can add it to our records. William Robertson, III Jack Farrar, Jr. Jessica Fraley Steven Owens Terri Post Samuel Magill, III Cadence Rainey Katelyn Bilton Chris Tuft Adam Ellis Alex Garrou Libby Grein Doris Blue Stacey Hanf Ed Henriques Karen Perdue Lauren Biddy Edward Wright, Jr. Fred Teague John Cooper Caryn Peksa Beth Breece Candace Icenhour Lindsey Owings Sue Robertson Shannon Bruins Brian Kemp Hailey Post Marcella McInnis Murray White, Jr. Mimi Williams 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/6 2/7 2/7 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/9 2/11 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/15 JD White, Jr. Chase Redding Melissa Tatum Pam Coldwell Deborah Parker Deb Mabe Nieca Sharrard Starla White Dalton Grein Kyle Setliff Samantha Bridge Van Harris Cortland Roberson Karen Icenhour Rusty VanLandingham Ann Bump Randy Jones, Jr. Rebecca Rutledge Ellen Barnhardt Lyn Chandler Lisa Murray Katy Bobb Ray Bretzmann David Cook April Jones Billie Porter Charles Brockmann Gary Icenhour Scott Bethune Addison Bruins 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/24 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/28 2/28 2/28 2/28 Memorial Gifts Memorials have been received from Ron & Linda Greene Dr. Maria Puschinsky Martha, John & James Millard Jerry & Phyllis Robbins Brown & Betty Cumby Sara McClure, Frances McClure, & Martha McClure Wilson Leon & Anne Dulin Joyner Judith Millar Cynthia Beardall In honor of: John & Elizabeth Gulley Chuck, Lynne, Jessica & Carly Ledford by Ken & Lois Freeman Ralph & Marliyn Shore Bill & Jo Ann Leist by Ken & Doby Frazier Tammy L. Wright John & Eleanor McGinty by Ken & Doby Frazier Ken & Lois Freeman Willa Grey Connor by David L. Connor Helen D. Congdon Bruce & Nancy Laney by John & Elizabeth Gulley Bob & Leah Martin David L. Connor Lynn Hamilton David & Karen Perry Beth Breece George & Jaclyn Fouts George & MaryAnne Smith Drew Nealeans Circle 4 Memorials have been received for Jay Van Kleef Carol Courts Bill McDowell & Billy Tarn Ted Ramsay Kathleen Bell Paul Corsentino Vann Nealeans Dan Mellinger Kathleen Minchak Bettye White Billy E. Connor Congregational Care Congratulations to Eric and Kathryn Cottone in the December 28th birth of their daughter Eliza Jean Cottone and the new grandparents David and Jean White. Congratulations to Ken and Suzette Broman-Fulks in the December 29th birth of their granddaughter Eaddy Hazel Broman-Fulks. The sympathy of the congregation is extended to… … Sharon Stover in the December 17th death of her husband, Jay Van Kleef. … the family of Carol Allen in her January 3rd death. Hospitalized: Wayne Veach, HPR. Recovering at Home: Carl Adams, 3518 Langdale Drive, High Point, NC 27265. Continuing Prayer: Nelle Bailey, 1575 John Knox Dr. PB215, Colfax, 27235; Ryland Redpath, 910 Northshore Ct., High Point, 27265; Hazel Long, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. C204, Colfax, 27235; Lois Blue, McEwen House, 1315 Greensboro Rd., Room 8012, High Point, NC 27260; Nelda Hylton, 1575 John Knox Dr., Apt. 136 Muirfield, Colfax, NC, 27235; Jan Cheek; Loretta Hoppe, 3808 Blairwood St., High Point, NC 27265; JD McGuinn, 220 Westdale Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Sadie Martin, 1575 John Knox Dr. Muirfield 230, Colfax, NC 27235; Skip Queen, 1206 Devlin Ct, High Point, NC 27262; Dorris Koontz, 1575 John Knox Drive, Apt D205, Colfax, 27235; Etta Walser, Westchester Manor, 1765 Westchester Drive, Room 413, High Point, NC 27262; Marc Mann; Ann Levina, 619 W Lexington Ave., High Point, NC 27262; John McGinty, 1575 John Knox Dr PB125, Colfax, 27235; Priscilla Davis, 1765 Westchester Drive, Apt 320, High Point, NC 27262; Judy Haworth, 1575 John Knox Drive, PB118, Colfax, NC 27235; Kay Hodge, 2680 N. Forrest Rd. Apt 240, Getzville, NY 14068; Mike Postler; Hunter Davis, 301 Pineridge Dr., High Point, NC 27262. Military: Seth Hall, 91-1139 Kamoaha Loop #3-G, Kapolei HI 96707; Mitchell Kiser; John Cooper, Lcpl Cooper, John D., 129 Acorn Way, Richlands, NC 28574; Lance Corporal Charles D. Peksa, 300 Village Drive, Apt. L7, Jacksonville, NC 28546; and Colonel Scott W. Kelly, 135 Gorgas Rd., Wahiawa, HI 96786; Gary Burnett. The Workingest Church January 2014 Please make note of the date you are scheduled to serve in your area of ministry Acolytes January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Logan Hanf and Maddie Brown Trip Muray and Khloe Roberson Meredith Harron and Mallory Cook Communion – No Acolytes Wee Kirk January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Marianne King Kelly Wesney Hollis Bethune Daphne Roberson Infant Nursery Schedule January 4 Jeanne Lassiter January 11 Casey Lowe January 18 Meagan Lewis / Jen Tuft January 25 Alison Grein Ushers January 18 January 25 Bill Davis Jr., Barbara Becker, Nancy Blue, and Ray Bretzmann Elizabeth Briggs, Ann Busby, Aaron Clinard, and Mike Cook Raven Ash, Afternoon Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Honey Humphrey, Morning Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Sheila Beane, Office Manager, Ext. 32 [email protected] Ashley Beason, Church Secretary, Ext. 21 [email protected] Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries, Ext. 22 [email protected] Judith Millar, Organist, Ext. 28 [email protected] Elizabeth Gulley, Director Of Music, Ext. 29 [email protected] Jeanette Quick Sandlin, Director of Christian Ed., Ext. 24 [email protected] Ken Meeks, Parish Associate [email protected] Erin Kesterson Bowers, Associate Minister, Ext. 25 [email protected] Ken Broman-Fulks, Senior Minister, Ext. 30 [email protected] Staff PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT HIGH POINT, NC USPS (020246) pub. Monthly by First Presbyterian Church, 918 N. Main St., High Point, NC 27262-3989. Postmaster please send address changes to: Presbygram 918 N. Main St., High Point NC 27262-3989. First Presbyterian Church 918 North Main Street High Point, NC 27262 Phone 336-884-2248 Fax 336-884-0953
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