Pr o f e s s i o na lPho t o g r a p he r s As s o c i a t i o no fRho d eI s l a nd I ma g eCo mp e t i t i o n Pho t o g r a p hi cRul e s Mar c h6,2015 Professional Photographers Association of Rhode Island 2015 Image Competition Photographic Rules 1. Eligibility and Closing Date A. Any individual professional photographer who is a member of any State, Regional Association, or a member of PPA may enter.* B. Entries will not be opened if received after 12 PM, Saturday, February 28, 2015. *Out of state members that enter in the state they live or have their business in, will only be eligible for the Out of State Court of Honor and not eligible for any PPARI in state awards. 2. Entries A. A maximum of SIX entries can be entered. One entry may be a digital album. B. Images previously entered in a PPARI Convention and having received a score of 80 or above, or that has been made at a photographic school, or under the supervision of an instructor, or has been awarded a merit in the Professional Photographers of America Exhibition or affiliated association are not eligible. C. If an image is entered in a digital album, it cannot be entered as an individual entry. D. No two images can be of the same subject. E. Any image receiving a PPA Seal of Approval in any regional convention are not eligible. F. PPARI reserves the right to use entries submitted by it’s members for display and/or publication. G. Digital files must be submitted in with the following requirements. A. File size must be sized so the longest dimension is 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi). Each file must contain an embedded color profile of either sRGB or Adobe RGB1998 and be saved as a JPEG quality setting of 10. Total file size should not exceed 3.5 MB. B. Each file should be submitted in the following format. LastName_First Name_ ImageTitle_.jpg. (Use _ for spaces) Ie: Smith_John_See_Spot_Run.jpeg. C. Mark the top of the CD with the makers name and submit in a protective sleeve. H. Digital Wedding/Social/Portrait Album (PPARI Members ONLY) A. All page/spread files must have the longest file dimension at 4,000 pixels (20inches at 200 PPI), have an embedded color profile of either sRGB or Adobe RGB1998 and be saved at a JPEG quality setting of 10. B. Each page/spread file many contain as many images you desire. C. An entry may contain a minimum of 10 page/spread files and a maximum of 36 page/spread files. D. Files are to be numbered in viewing order using two digits (i.e., 01.jpeg, 02.jpeg, 03.jpeg, etc.). E. All individual files must be placed in a folder named: PPARI_Member_Name (Last)_(First)_Album Title (use _ for spaces) e.g., Smith_John_Summer_Wedding. F. Studio Identification or entrant’s name cannot appear on any file within the album entry. G. CD’s must be received by the deadline date of Saturday, February 28, 2015 at Noon. Shipping Prepaid to Justin Frink, 16 Palomino Dr., Cumberland, RI 02864. I. Printed Wedding/Social/Portrait Album (PPARI Members ONLY) A. Album will be counted as one entry. B. All images must be from the same social event. C. Name must not appear on any of the images. D. Only single maker albums can be entered. E. Album size may be any size up to 11x14 F. An entry may contain a minimum of 20 sides and a maximum of 50 sides. G. Album must be listed on the entrance form on line one. Album maybe brought to the convention no later than 8 AM the day of the competition. *****ALL CD’S WILL BE DESTROYED AFTER COMPETITION********** 3. The Judging is open to everyone to view the process. Anyone making any remarks or unnecessary noise that interferes with the judging will be asked to leave the room. Cell Phones and Pagers must be set on silent. Judging will start at 2:00 PM on Friday, March 6, 1015. 4. Classification of Entries A. Classification of the entries must be designated by the entrant in one of the following classifications. 1. Portrait – Photographs of brides or weddings can not be entered in this category. 2. Wedding (Social Event) -‐ All images pertaining to brides, weddings, or social events must be entered in this category. 3. Commercial/Industrial – a tear sheet (if applicable) must be enclosed in an envelope and included with CD. 4. Illustrative – Creative, scenic, photographic art, photojournalism, etc. 5. Wedding/Social/Portrait Album (PPARI Members ONLY) a. Album will be counted as one entry. b. All images must be from the same social event. c. Name must not appear on any of the images. d. Only single maker albums can be entered. 6. Conceptual Imaging/Digital manipulated formally the Digital Classification. This redefined category is judged with the emphasis in the creative use of manipulation through any means of images. It is not intended to be merely images that have been retouched or enhanced, but allowing the creative process to create images that break the rules and go beyond traditional competition criteria. Entrants MUST have created all the images and performed all the digital manipulation for the final image. The Print Committee reserves the right to change the classification of any image entered. 5. Identification A. The official entry form must be filled out and enclosed with your CD. B. No Titles or Names may appear on any image. C. All Entries MUST have a title. No Untitled images are acceptable. 6. Awards A. There will be Master and Non Master Court of Honors awarded in all categories. B. There will be one Out of State Court of Honor Awarded to the highest scoring print in the blue ribbon category if there are more than three entrants or at the discretion of the Judges and Jury Chairperson. C. There will be one Court of Honor awarded to the highest scoring image by a student. D. The Print Chairperson/Judges and Jury Chairperson reserve the right to limit awards in any classification in which entries are limited in quantity and/or quality. E. The maximum number of points an image may receive is 100 points. Images scoring 80 and above will receive a Blue Ribbon and be considered for additional awards. 76-‐79 Red Ribbon 74-‐75 White Ribbon 70-‐73 Corner 7. Entry Fee A. An entry fee of $50 for PPARI Members and must be enclosed with CD. B. Out of State entry fee is $95. C. All checks to be payable to PPARI. The Jury Chairperson, Print Chairperson and Judges will have the authority to decide questions not specifically covered by the rules and their decision will be final. Any entry not following these rules will automatically be disqualified. PPARI 2015 Photographic Competition Entry Form Entrants name and print titles will appear in all publications as written below. Last Name _______________________ First Name___________________________ Studio Name_____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ City____________________________State____________________Zip_____________ Email ____________________________ Cell __________________________________ Check All That Apply PPARI Member Y N PPA Master Y N Out of State Y N ASP Member Y N CPP Y N Student Y N Circle One Category per entry and fill in all other entry spaces that apply: Entry # Categories P=Portrait W=Wedding I/U=Illustrative or Unclassified C Commercial CI=Conceptual Image ALB=Album Only one album can be entered and list it as your first entry. 1. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C -‐ ALB Title:__________________________________________________________Score__________________ 2. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C Title:__________________________________________________________Score__________________ 3. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C Title:__________________________________________________________Score__________________ 4. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C Title:___________________________________________________________Score__________________ 5. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C Title:___________________________________________________________Score__________________ 6. P -‐ W -‐ I/U -‐ CI -‐ C Title:___________________________________________________________Score__________________ Entry Fee $50 for PPARI Members and $95 for Out of State Non-‐ Members. CD’s WILL NOT BE RETURNED Photographic Certification and Liability Limitations This is to certify that I have personally originated the concept behind each entry and that to the best of my recollection images represented by my entries in no way intentionally imitate any other work I am familiar with. I further certify that I have created, composed and captured the original exposures and any process, special effects or manipulations were done under my supervision. I have read and understand PPARI rules of entry. I have obtained all necessary releases and agree to hold PPARI and the Print Committee harmless against all claims and liabilities out of PPARI’s consideration, display, publication and promotion or other use of the image submitted to PPARI. I understand that my images will not be judged if the rules are not met. PPARI assumes no responsibility for damage or loss to entries. Decisions of the Print Exhibition Committee is FINAL. Signature________________________________________________________________________Date_______________________________ Check #___________________________Payable to PPARI Amount $__________________________ Ship CD Prepaid, Entry Form and Check to: Justin Frink, 16 Palomino Dr., Cumberland, RI 02864. Deadline date: Saturday, February 28, 2015 at Noon. OFFICIAL PRINTED WEDDING/SOCIAL/PORTRAIT ALBUM ENTRY FORM PPARI MEMBERS ONLY NAME______________________________________STUDIO__________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________State______________ZC___________________ Album Title__________________________________________________________________________ Description of Album (Color of album, # of pages, imprinting, etc Fold Here and tape to the inside cover to make certain the maker’s name is not visible. OFFICIAL ALBUM SCORING ALBUM #________________________________ TITLE__________________________________________________________ SCORE___________________________________________________________
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