La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP FR. LOUIS J. RICHARD, Pastor FR. NEIL PETTIT, Associate Pastor DEACON TAM M. TRAN DEACON RANDY E. HYDE DEACON WILLIAM VINCENT BAPTISMS NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME!! Please call the parish office to register Sunday 12:15 PM Please call the parish office to schedule RECONCILIATION MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese) 5:30 PM Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Before weekday Mass Other times by request WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM MARRIAGE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office to schedule Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date PARISH STAFF Mrs. Eileen Boudoin, Cemetery Manager Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau, Maintenance Mrs. Merle Gary, Receptionist Mr. Tommy Guidry, Director of Music/Organist Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director Mr. Drew David, Youth Director Ms. Renella Livers, Christian Formation Director Mr. Sidney Savoie, II, Outreach Evangelization Deacon David Vaughn, Business Manager Mrs. Kim White, Housekeeper Saint Mary Magdalen Church 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 893-0244 Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 From the Pastor….. “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Similar to last Sunday’s Gospel story, our scriptures today are about “call” and “vocation”. Today Jesus calls the fishermen Simon and Andrew, inviting them to follow him. The way he explains it, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men”. He relates to them in language they understand: fishing. But he calls them to work with him in a totally new way. What’s important for us to realize is that the “fisher” that Jesus calls them…and us… to be does not require us to cast our nets very far. The wisdom and the values we are able to instill in our children, the help we offer to our neighbors and friends, even strangers, as well as the contributions we are able to make to the life of our community and church: all these help shape the vision Jesus speaks of in the Gospel. Christ wants us to extend to others, in spite of our limits and circumstances, the very love of God to all and to take on God’s work of reconciliation and forgiveness. By such a powerful example, we can “catch” people and bring others to God. Word for the Day The Glory of God is a human being fully alive. St. Irenaeus Flu Season—Refrain from Sign of Peace We have decided for the next several weeks of the height of the Flu Season to discontinue the traditional “Sign of Peace” handshake greeting at Mass. This is a temporary move to help reduce the spread of communicable disease during this intense Flu Season. Fr. Louie Away on Sabbatical during February-May, 2015 As previously announced, Fr. Louie plans to be away on a Sabbatical program during the months of February-May 2015. Different priests will be here to give assistance during his time away. Page 1 MASS INTENTIONS for the week of January 26th—February 1st, 2015 MONDAY 2 Tm 1:1-8; Mk 3:22-30 Sts. Timothy & Titus 6:30 A.M. Leah Broussard; Steve Frederick; Lillian Mouton Hebert (Ann.); Randy Stansbury TUESDAY Heb 10:1-10; Mk 3:31-35 St. Angela Merici 6:30 A.M. Cindy Baudoin & Fly.; Suzanne Noel WEDNESDAY Heb 10:11-18; Mk 4:1-20 St. Thomas Aquinas 6:30 A.M. Nicole LeBlanc (Ann.); Prayer Blanket Intentions; Fr. Donald Theriot; Velma Trahan; Joel Faulk; Lou & George Veazey; John Vidos; Dr. & Mrs. P.O. Landry & Fly.; Joseph Tien Nguyen THURSDAY Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-25 6:30 A. M. Marie Addison FRIDAY Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34 6:30 A.M. Fr. Louie Richard; Valin & Stella Broussard Fly. SATURDAY Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Mk 4:35-41 St. John Bosco 6:30 A.M. Walter Primeaux VIGIL OF THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 4:00P.M. Nicole LeBlanc; Ray Frederick; M/M Stanley Morton; M/M John Vigneaux; Elaine Mary Theriot; Angel & Michael B. Faulk; Loule Faulk & Fly.; John Vidos; Tony & Enid Guarino; Josephine Guarino; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly.; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Donald Romero; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; Heloise Broussard; M/M Dennis LeBlanc (Ann.); John Ira LeBlanc THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 A.M. George Veazey Fly.; Corey Melebeck; Hope Mazzeno 9:30 A.M. S. Wyble Fly.; Wardray & Vargie Landry; Joseph Bui Huy Long; Maria Do Thi Vui; Oscar & Ruby Istre 11:00 A.M. For the Parishioners 3:00 P.M. Peter Nguyen; Mary Nguyen 5:30 P.M. Greg Mouledous Cross International Appeal This Weekend Please welcome Fr. Charley Smiech who will speak at all our masses this weekend to make an appeal for the organization “Cross International”. This is an extremely effective Mission Outreach community offering needed assistance around the globe and doing so in the name of Christ. Spiritual Life and Worship SCHEDULE FOR : January 26, 2015—February 1, 2015 Monday 8:00 a.m. VC/MC Mass 4:30 p.m. Come Lord Jesus Group Cemetery of Innocence These white crosses that are seen on Church lawns throughout Louisiana are a reminder of the yearly anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and stand as a reminder of the millions of children who have been killed in their mother’s womb by abortion. Please keep all affected by this holocaust in your prayers and possibly say a personal rosary for the end to an abortion. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. ~ Jeremiah 1:5 Tuesday 6:30 p.m. RCIA Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Men of Mary Group Attend Mass/Recite Rosary 6:30 pm Adult Choir Baptisms Evelyn Kate Mathers child of Ryan Paul Mathers and Mareesa Renee’ Perrault Thursday 7:00 a.m. Adoration with Exposition until 10:00 p.m. Sunday 6:30 p.m. Young Apostles Youth Group On To Eternal Rest June Trahan Noel and Ena Breaux Lege BULLETIN ADVERTISER OF THE Week PRIESTS PRAYER CALENDAR Please pray for a priest each day: Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen Monday, January 26th: Rev. Nathan Comeaux Tuesday, January 27th: Rev. Gregory Cormier Wed., January 28th: Msgr. Douglas Courville, JCL Thurs., January 29th: Rev. Robert Courville Friday, January 30th: Rev. Angelo Cremaldi Sat., January 31st: Rev. Barry Crochet Sunday, February 1st: Pope Francis RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS,INC LENTEN DAY OF REFLECTION The annual Lenten Retreat at St. Edmond's Catholic Church in Lafayette will be held on Thursday, February 19th, the day after Ash Wednesday. Tickets are $12.00 which includes a delicious lunch. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. with actual retreat beginning at 8:45 a.m. For tickets: Call St. Ed's office or Ranelle Simon, Altar Society, (cell) 832-275-1661. Theresians Lenten Day of Reflection for Women The Roses of Acadiana District of Theresians International is sponsoring a “Lenten Day of Reflection” for women on Saturday, February 21, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at St Pius X Elementary School Theater, 201 East Bayou Parkway, Lafayette. This year’s retreat, entitled “With Every Calling, There’s a Cross”, A light snack and lunch are included. Please go to for information, to register and pay on line. For additional information, please contact Gerry at 337-233-0015 or email her at [email protected]. or [email protected]. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE—SATURDAY & SUNDAY JAN. 31 & FEB. 1, 2015 If you cannot serve at your appointed time please find a substitute to fill the spot. Thank you. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Fr. Pettit Dcn. Hyde (S) Teesie Landry L Jeannie Cormier L Randall Landry EOM Teesie Landry EOM Jeannie Cormier EOM Austin Bourque AS Eileen Garrett AS Sunday 7:00 a.m. Fr. Pettit Francis Cao Francis Cao L Billy Noegel L Mike Russo (S)EOM Edith Russo (S) EOM Ryan McLain AS Aaron Bertrand AS Sunday 9:30 a.m. Fr. Halphen Diana Broussard L Pam Wilkinson L Cindy Broussard (S)EOM Diana Broussard EOM Tammy Cao EOM Jack Henry AS Maria-Elena Desormeaux Ann Catherine Gallet AS Sunday 11:00 a.m. Fr. Halphen Dcn. Vincent Josh LeBlanc (S) Judge Edwards L Calvin Woodruff EOM John Boudoin EOM MC: William Faulk Cruc: Bill Broussard Thur: Zachary Broussard Aco: Ross Cao Aco: Celeste Broussard Sunday 5:30 p.m. Marty Hebert L Anna Edwards L Suzanne Meaux EOM Marty Hebert EOM Sid Savoie EOM Matthew Romero AS Emile Hebert AS Luc Hebert AS Collin Leger AS Fr. Pettit Joan Greco (S) NO WEDDING (AS) Altar Server (L) Lector (S) Sacristan (EOM) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Page 2 Community Life & Outreach YOUNG APOSTLES NEWS AND EVENTS Young Apostles will meet next Sunday, January 25th after the 5:30 p.m. Mass in the St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building. There will be a very important meeting for parents and participants on Sunday, February 8th after the 5:30pm Mass in the Ministries Building for information pertaining to our Mission trip. Magnificat Travel representatives will be in attendance to answer all questions that you may have. SEE THE TRIP FLYER ON PAGE 6 FOR MORE DETAILS On July 26-31, 2015, we are planning to take our high school youth (incoming freshman to outgoing seniors) on a Mission Trip to Puerto Rico, through Magnificat Travel. Our youth will be chaperoned by persons who have been on this same trip several times, and other adults, along with persons within the mission. The magic number we will need to reach for participants is 30 but as with everything, the more persons we have on the trip the lower the cost. Feel free to call or text AN EVENING WITH CHRISTOPHER WEST The Office of Marriage and Family Life is sponsoring An Evening with Christopher West on March 7, 2015. The doors open at 6:15pm with dinner at 6:30pm and talk at 7:30pm. The evening will be held at the St. Pius X Life Center, 201 E. Bayou Parkway, Lafayette, LA 70508. Join us and our speaker Christopher West, author of “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing”. The cost for the evening is $50.00 per couple/ $25 singles which includes your dinner. For more information or to register, please visit our website, HOSPICE OF ACADIANA FUNDRAISER Hospice of Acadiana will be hosting its first sporting clay shoot of the year at GOL Shooting, LLC in Maurice, Louisiana on February 7, 2015, with registration at 8:00, and two flights at 9:00, and 12:00 p.m. All funds raised going to Acadiana’s ONLY non-profit hospice. Shoot to Make a Difference.Registration for the event is available at . CAROUSEL OF ARTS CONCERT SERIES EVENT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 Acadiana Symphony Chamber Orchestra, Abbeville Concert featuring the Voices of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Mary Magdalen Children's Choir. Friday, February 6th @ 7:00 P.M. St. Mary Magdalen Church Supported in part by Abbeville Symphony Committee. This event is an open and free concert. Reception following in the Ministries Building. Page 3 UPCOMING SUPPER SOCIAL A supper-social will be held for the purpose of informing and encouraging young men to attend retreat at Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House in Grand Coteau. As a special attraction ULL Baseball Head Coach Tony Robichaux will be the guest speaker for the evening. Coach Robichaux is a very compelling and motivational speaker. During the supper-social there will be shown a video explaining what the retreat is about, answer any questions, and have testimony of previous retreat attendants. This event will be held on January 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. at St. Cecelia School Gym next to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Broussard. Please RSVP by January 27 so we can prepare the right amount of food. If you would like to attend, contact Tony Meaux by texting or calling 337-523-6190 or email [email protected]. DICOESAN MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY MASS A Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at St. Landry Church in Opelousas. The 2:00 p.m. Mass will honor those celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years within the year 2015. Please note there will be ONE Mass for all couples celebrating in 2015 instead of two separate Masses as we have done in the past. Preregistration is required and will close on January 30, 2015. For more information or to register please visit our website or call 337-261-5653. Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Louie Join Fr. Louie and other pilgrims on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land—April 18-27, 2015. During his Sabbatical, Fr. Louie will be spending time in Israel and is making arrangements to sponsor a group pilgrimage after Easter. Come and walk in the footsteps of our Lord. Please contact Fr. Louie for more information. MOTHER’S DAY OF REFLECTION Our next annual Mother’s Day of Reflection will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, St. Edmond Church Hall from 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Our speaker for the day will be Patty Schneier, who will speak on God, I Really Don’t Have Time for This! And I Always Wanted to be a Princess. Registration for the day in now open. Please visit our website to register, WILLWOODS MARRIED COUPLES RETREAT February 7th & 8th, 2015 Would like to break away with your spouse and spend quality time enriching your marriage? Then join us on our next Married Couples Retreat at the St. Joseph Abbey’s Christian Life Center in Covington, LA. The retreat begins on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. To register or for more information, call Jason Angelette at 504-830-3716 or visit A suggested donation of $275 is requested but not required. Pre-registration deposit, which is part of the donation is $50. Christian Formation Lent Bible Study at St. Mary Magdalen Make plans this Lent preparing for the miracle of Easter in a special way! St. Mary Magdalen is offering a bible study which will lead you through an 8-part introduction to the Bible timeline. This is a wonderful opportunity for those looking to make Scripture a more integral part of their daily walk with the Lord. Our first meeting will be Monday, February 2nd at 6pm, and we will be meeting every Monday at 6pm during the months of February and March. Meetings will take place in the Ministries Building and will be facilitated by Sid Savoie, Director of Outreach & Evangelization. “A Quick Journey Through The Bible: An 8-part Introduction To The Bible Timeline” by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer will be used. Cost is $25 for student workbook and materials. Please contact Sid Savoie at the St. Mary Magdalen office for more information or to sign up. Email [email protected] or call 893-0244 (office). Deadline to sign up is Monday, January 26th. Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion The next session for the 2nd grade CCD preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be on Tuesday, February 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Ministries Building. Safe Environment Program 2015 The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People requires dioceses and parishes to provide education and training for children, youth, parents, ministers, educators, volunteers and others about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children and young people. The Diocese of Lafayette is committed to insuring a safe environment for all children against sexual abuse. All clergy, lay employees, and volunteers, whose work/ministry involves contact with children, shall undergo a criminal background check. Also, there shall be documentation of reference checks for all new employees and ALL volunteers. All clergy, lay employees, and volunteers, whose work/ministry involves contact with children, shall undergo initial education/ training in the diocesan safe environment program. In addition, each calendar year, they will be required to attend a continuing education in-service on child abuse-related issues. Virtus Protecting God’s Children Online Training Continuing Education Continuing Education recertification must be done every calendar year. You may either do the online recertification module through VIRTUS or attend a Continuing Education live session in February 2015 to maintain active status with St. Mary Magdalen Parish activity or ministry To access the Protecting God’s Children Awareness Training simply go to click on the “Registration” link highlighted in yellow and select “Begin the registration process”. Attending a Live Session (see schedule) Please register no later than the day before the training session that you plan to attend For initial training, please be prepared to supply driver’s license and social security numbers on the required paperwork. Initial and Continuing Education Schedule 2015 Tuesday, February 3, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building 1:00—2:00 pm Continuing 1:00— 3:00 pm Initial Call Deacon Vaughn at 893-0244 Thursday, February 12, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building 6:00—7:00 pm Continuing 6:00— 8:00 pm Initial Call Deacon Vaughn at 893-0244 Wednesday , February 25, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building 9:00— 10:00 am Continuing 9:00—11:00 am Initial Call Deacon Vaughn at 893-0244 Page 4 Stewardship and Development Weekly Offertory Second Collections January 18 2015 Collection Regular Collection: $ 10,771.55 Second Collection: Maintenance Fund $ 2,410.00 Thank You for your generosity. LOVE OF GOD AND LOVE OF NEIGHBOR Keep always in mind that we must love God and our neighbor: Love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind, and your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments must be always in your thoughts and in your hearts, treasured, acted on, fulfilled. Love of God is the first to be commanded, but love of neighbor is the first to be put into practice. In giving two commandments of love, Christ would not commend to you first your neighbor and then God but first God and then your neighbor. Since you do not yet see God, you merit the vision of God by loving your neighbor. By loving your neighbor you prepare your eye to see God. Saint John says clearly: If you do not love your brother whom you see, how will you love God whom you do not see! I HAVE ALWAYS LABORED OUT OF LOVE This was the method that Jesus used with the apostles. He put up with their ignorance and roughness and even their infidelity. He treated sinners with a kindness and affection that caused some to be shocked, others to be scandalized, and still others to hope for God's mercy. And so he bade us to be gentle and humble of heart. They are our sons, and so in correcting their mistakes we must lay aside all anger and restrain it so firmly that it is extinguished entirely. There must be no hostility in our minds, no contempt in our eyes, no insult on our lips. We must use mercy for the present and have hope for the future, as is fitting for true fathers who are eager for the real correction and improvement. In serious matters, it is better to beg God humbly, than to send forth a flood of words that will only offend the listeners and have no effect on those who are guilty. ~ St. John Bosco; Memorial: January 31st Page 5 This Weekend VERMILION CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL As we approach Catholic Schools Week, we offer to Vermilion Catholic High School, which is owned and supported by St. Mary Magdalen Church, a financial contribution. We congratulate the faculty and staff on a job well done in this most important work of the parish. Please note that the monthly religious education collection is used for the work of the CCD program and educational departments of the parish other than VC. Next Weekend MONTHLY INSURANCE Reflection for January 25, 2015 The first disciples of Jesus in today’s Gospel left their work and their daily routines to follow him. They abandoned their livelihoods, familiar surroundings and the lives to which they had become accustomed to be closer to him. The good steward finds ways to be removed from what may be a comfortable existence or daily routine in order to serve the Lord more faithfully. All too often, out of fear, insecurity or even selfishness, we refuse to leave the safe cocoon of existence we have created for ourselves in order to hear the Lord’s call and be challenged by his Gospel. Perhaps we should reflect on what comforts we need to sacrifice in order to be better stewards of God’s compassionate life. Time, Talent, and Treasure NEW MAUSOLEUM AT ST. PAUL CEMETERY St. Mary Magdalen is pleased to announce the completion of its newest mausoleum at St. Paul Cemetery located on Jacqulyn Street. This beautiful structure, dedicated to the crucifixion of Jesus Cross, is complemented with a bronze and wood crucifix and is marked by sections designated as Our Lady of Sorrows Walk, St. Joseph Corridor, St. Veronica Walk and St. Joseph of Arimathea Walk. The building contains crypts for single and double burials as well as niches for single cremation burials. For questions and sales information, please contact the Cemetery Office at 337/893-0244. Page 6 Langlinais & Broussard ____________________________________ Certified Public Accountants 2419 Veterans Memorial Dr. 893-6232 209 S. St. Charles Street, Abbeville 893-4661 TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. Therapeutic Optometrist 204 N. St. Charles, Abbeville 337-740-2020 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Berberich and Colby Providing Insurance and Financial Services TERRI LANDRY 893-9122 THOMAS Richard A. Broussard Since 1945 893-5515 312 S. State All Forms of Insurance 500 S. State St. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Agency 893-5183 Wayne Hebert, CLU Agent Bus. 893-7490 Res. 893-6089 400 Corporate Corner EARL’S FURNITURE Phil’s F & R Air Conditioning Inc. Boys & Girls Wear 316 S. State Richard’s Meat Market Nu-Tek ASE Fresh Meats “Best Boudin in Town” 893-1724 Car Service Center, Inc. COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/CONPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 219 W. SUMMERS DR. PH: (337) 898-1955 ABBEVILLE, LA FAX: (337) 898-1953 RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. DAV I D FUNERAL HOMES 893-1243 893-3777 Doré&Company TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 Residential & Commercial 119 S. John M Hardy Dr. 893-5646 St. Mary Magdalen Cemetery Columbarium Units/Cremation Niches St. Paul Cemetery Lots and Mausoleum Crypts Contact St. Mary Magdalen Church 337-893-0244 “Creating peace of mind by building solid spiritual relationships”. In memory of Beverly P. Noel DUHON BROS. OIL CO., INC. “The Security Of Quality Healthcare, The Comfort Of Home” 716 W. Summers Your Convenient Local Service Bank THIS SPACE AVAILABLE! Distributor—Texaco Petroleum Products 1-800-754-6990 Jude Duhon—Pres. Lafayette • Crowley • New Iberia • Opelousas 818 S. Henry 893-0674 Food Allergies? All Natural Certified Organic 893-6304 Prescriptions -Compounding-Medical Equipment Attorney At Law 893-5776 A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants Susan M. Broussard 898-1237 In Memory of Debbie Kite Andy Veazey Attorney at Law 2 Flagg Place, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 234-5350 Fax: (337) 234-5310 Sales & Service 1915 S. State 893-0642 Arabie Construction Excellent References Home & Commercial Improvements 893-3753 MINVIELLE Lumber Co. 1412 South State Street Lumber & Building Material 893-3881 Abbeville Meridional Voice of Vermilion Parish since 1856. 318 N. MAIN ST. 893 -4223 TWO SOUTH MAGDALEN SQUARE • 893-6161 RONALD W. MELEBECK 203 S. Jefferson Street 337-893-5470 The Let us plan your wedding or special event. Compliments of Tiona Broussard [email protected] 337.898.2067 337.207.2322 MARY KAY Magdalen Place Please patronize our advertisers This is the best way to thank them for your bulletin. To place a business advertisement, or a memorial to a loved one or friend, call the parish office at 893-0244. Lance Legé, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 643-7766 JAMES A. NOEL, JR. La. State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #R0638 898-1166 409 E. Lafayette St. EdwardJones ASSISTED LIVING 2309 Richard Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Edie Casselman, Executive Director phone 898-1944 • fax 892-1298 • cell 250-1294 [email protected] EST. 1910 BAbbeville ANK OF ERATH Branch Erath Branch 1309 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337 893 3761 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. Delcambre, LA 70528 105 West Edwards St. Erath, LA 70533 337 937 5816 Kimble Sagrera AAMS, ChFC, CLU Financial Advisor 337-898-2117 In Memory of Justin and “Jay” Broussard Angela Gallet Director 898-2912 899 West Port St.
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