La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP FR. LOUIS J. RICHARD, Pastor FR. NEIL PETTIT, Associate Pastor DEACON TAM M. TRAN DEACON RANDY E. HYDE DEACON WILLIAM VINCENT BAPTISMS NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME!! Please call the parish office to register Sunday 12:15 PM Please call the parish office to schedule RECONCILIATION MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese) 5:30 PM Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Before weekday Mass Other times by request WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM MARRIAGE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office to schedule Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date PARISH STAFF Mrs. Eileen Boudoin, Cemetery Manager Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau, Maintenance Mrs. Merle Gary, Receptionist Mr. Tommy Guidry, Director of Music/Organist Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director Mr. Jacob LeBouef, Youth Director Ms. Renella Livers, Christian Formation Director Mr. Sidney Savoie, II, Outreach Evangelization Deacon David Vaughn, Business Manager Mrs. Kim White, Housekeeper Saint Mary Magdalen Church 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 893-0244 Feast of the Dedication of the Latern Basilica November 9, 2014 From the Pastor….. Feast of St. John Lateran This Sunday, November 9th, marks one of the more unusual feasts on the church calendar. It doesn’t commemorate a saint, or a biblical event. It doesn’t honor a theological concept. It celebrates, instead, a building. Specifically, the church in Rome known as the “St. John Lateran Basilica”. It’s the oldest of the four major basilicas in Rome and it serves as the official “home” of the pope—the seat of the Bishop of Rome. Yes, St. Peter’s gets all the attention, but it’s St. John Lateran that is really the “pope’s church.” Right here in Abbeville, we are blessed with a beautiful masterpiece of architecture. Our church building – St. Mary Magdalen - is brick and mortar, wood and glass. But, ultimately, it is supported by the arms and the labor of those who love it. Ultimately, it is people. It is you. It is me. “You are God’s building,” Paul writes to the Corinthians. “You are the temple of God, and ... the Spirit of God dwells in you.” And it is up to us to keep the Spirit—and to spread it—and to help it to dwell in others. Word for the Day: To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion.... In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be a symphony. William Henry Channing Multiple Mass Intentions Being Accepted Due to a change in our Church policy, St. Mary Magdalen is now accepting “multiple” mass intentions for any given day of the week. Previously, only one intention was permitted per mass. The Blessed Mother Devotional Candle this week burns in memory of Michael Detraz, Jr. Page 1 MASS INTENTIONS for the week of November 10th—November 16th, 2014 MONDAY Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6 St. Leo the Great 6:30 A.M. Donald Romero TUESDAY Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10 St. Martin of Tours 6:30 A.M. Emery Toups WEDNESDAY Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19 St. Josaphat 6:30 A.M. Leah Broussard; Prayer Blanket Intentions; Joseph D. Russo; Henry “Potsy” Landry; Dr. & Mrs. P.O. Landry & Fly.; John Vidos; Orphaned Souls; Francisco Ramirez; Alton & Edith Broussard; Laura Broussard; All Souls; Ancestors; Elaine Theriot; Personal Intention; Joseph Hung Nguyen; Kile Griffin; Ryan Hardy; All Souls of the Sea; Blaine Reaux; Phanxicoxavie Doan Van Tang; Gioam Batixita Tran; Maria Nguyen THURSDAY Phlm 7:20; Lk 17:20-25 St. Francis Xavier Cabrini 6:30 A.M. Joseph D. Broussard (Ann.) FRIDAY 2 Jn 4:9; Lk 17:26-37 6:30 A.M. M/M Charles Dill, Sr. (Ann.) SATURDAY 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 St. Albert the Great 6:30 A.M. Maria L.Ramirez VIGIL OF THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 4:00P.M. Sidney Frederick; M/M John Vigneaux; Brooks Faulk; John Vidos; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Mrs. Annie Mae Bourque; Dot Sellers; Jim Bouse; Whitney & Rita Bonin; Othon & Alma Trahan; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; Souls in Purgatory; Elaine Mary Theriot; Ms. Leontine Savoy; M/M Ophe Buford & Fly.; M/M Sevignier Luquette & Fly.; Joseph Tho Nguyen; Joseph Kha Nguyen; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly.; Tony & Enid Guarino; Josephine Guarino; Clyde J. Lequeux; Roger C. Sellers; All Souls; Ray Frederick; M/M Stanley Morton; Joseph Thang Do; Michael B. Faulk; Rita B. Romero; Personal Intention; John Ira LeBlanc; Austin Nguyen Fly.; Elvina Bourque & Fly.; Donald Craig Romero; Orphaned Souls; Nicole LeBlanc; E. J. Adams; Thanksgiving for Family; Blaine Reaux; Joseph Long Bui; Maria Vui Do; Maria Ngot Nguyen; Maria Simma; Michael Jackson; Namase & Marie Dubois & Fly.; Francis & Elydia Dubois & Fly.; Thomas & Nella Bodin & Fly.; Gladu & Lilly Connor & Fly.; Verna & James Chapman & Fly.; Zelma & Eunice Massey & Fly.; Laodis & Monique Broussard & Fly.; L.C. & Lizzie Leese & Fly.; Alphaeus & Una Sellers & Fly.; Laurence & Avery Mouton & Fly.; Sidney & Edith Romero & Fly.; Buddy & Margie Savoy & Fly.; Curley & Vernice Guidry & Fly.; Robert & Anna Belle Brasseaux & Fly.; Artilus Delcambre Fly.; Johnny Percle & Fly.; Stillborn, aborted & murdered children and babies; Souls in purgatory; Savoy Fly.; Sellers Fly.; Broussard Fly.; Mistreated and abused children; Prevention of divorce THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 7:00 A.M. George Veazey Fly. 9:30 A.M. Annie Mae Reed 11:00 A.M. For the Parishioners 3:00 P.M. Maria Hoi Ngo; All Souls; Peter Nguyen 5:30 P.M. Greg Mouledous Spiritual Life and Worship SCHEDULE FOR : November 10, 2014—November 16, 2014 Monday 4:30 p.m. Come Lord Jesus Group 6:30 p.m. Baptism Prep Class Tuesday 4:15 p.m. 1st Communion Class 6:30 p.m. RCIA Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Men of Mary Group Attend Mass/Recite Rosary 5:15 p.m. Children’s Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir Practice Thursday 7:00 a.m. Adoration with Exposition until 10:00 p.m. in the Chapel 7:30 a.m. VC Mass 6:00 p.m. Confirmation Practice 6:30 p.m. Catholic Daughters Friday 7:00 p.m. Old Catholic Cemetery Tour Saturday 7:00 a.m. Lay Carmelite Family Rosary 9:00 a.m. Catholic Daughters Rosary Workshop in the Ministries Building Sunday 4:00 p.m. AMPED Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Young Apostles Youth Group PRIESTS PRAYER CALENDAR Please pray for a priest each day: Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen Monday, November 10th: Rev. Brian Taylor Tuesday, November 11th: Rev. Alphonse Thainese Wednesday, November 12th: Rev. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ Thursday, November 13th: Rev. Paul Thibodeaux Friday, November 14th: Rev. Jude Thierry Saturday, November 15th: Rev. George Thychery Sunday, November 16th: Rev. Thomas Tierney, SJ Banns Garland Noah Trahan and Monique Eula Vice On To Eternal Rest Merline Broussard Leontine Faulk Savoy Baptisms Elise Danielle Trahan child of Joshua Neal Trahan and Brittney Lynn Labone Mending the Torn Fabric Thursday, November 13, 2014 Notre Dame High School Crowley 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Dr. Sarah Brabant, Certified Sociological Practitioner and Author will talk about grieving based on her book Mending the Torn Fabric. Invitation is open to all, no registration is required, no cost to attend. Level III or IV: Parish class or workshop, 3 credits, 2 hours. Repeat of last year’s presentation, may not be repeated for credit hours. For more information, call Janeth at 337-2580073 Confirmation Next Sunday 11:00 AM Mass Here at St. Mary Magdalen we will have the Celebration of Confirmation at our 11:00 AM Mass on November 16. Our Regional Vicar, Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, will preside over this Sacrament. Please pray for the young men and women who will be blessed with the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, a spirit of wisdom and guidance. RETREAT & NIGHT OF PRAYER WITH IMMACUL’EE ILIBAGIZA Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Kibeho Friday, November 28 at Our Lady of Fatima Church Lafayette Beginning at 5:30 p.m. Immacul’ee will pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary immediately followed by Holy Mass. This evening is free for everyone. The Depths of Mary’s Love — Saturday, November 29th A Retreat with Immacul’ee 8:00 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. Registration is required, cost is $57. Registration contact Cathy McLaughlin [email protected] or 215-498-1700 local contact Renee Helmer [email protected] or 337-278-9257. please join us for this powerful retreat. For more information or to register please visit MASS FOR FEASTDAY OF VIETNAMESE MARTYRS The Vietnamese Mass on Sunday, November 16th will be held at 2:00 p.m. for the Feast Day of the Vietnamese Martyrs. THANKSGIVING DAY MASSES Although not a Holy Day of Obligation, perhaps Thanksgiving Day should be. A time for us to pause and give thanks to God as a community of faith, acknowledging our many blessings. We will have two Masses on Thanksgiving morning: 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE—SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15 & 16, 2014 If you cannot serve at your appointed time please find a substitute to fill the spot. Thank you. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Fr. Louie Dcn. Tran (S) Teesie Landry L Jeannie Cormier L Randal Landry EOM Teesie Landry EOM Jeannie Cormier EOM Michael Lacour AS Sunday 7:00 a.m. Fr. Louie Brandon Gallet L Billy Noegel L Edith Russo (S) Mike Russo (S) Ryan McLain AS Sunday 9:30 a.m. CHILDREN’S CHOIR SINGS Fr. Louie Rebecca Shirley L Diana Broussard L Mark Shirley EOM Cindy Broussard (S) EOM Diana Broussard EOM Allie Ashley AS Sunday 11:00 a.m. CHOIR SINGS sardCONFIRMATION MASS Msgr. DeBlanc Confirmation L Fr. Louie Students Fr. Pettit Fr. Paul Broussard Fr. Matthew Barzare Dcn. Vincent (S) Fr. Pettit Marty Hebert L Dcn. Hyde (S) Sunday 5:30 p.m. Jacob LeBouef EOM MC: William Faulk Crucifer: Zachary BrousThurifer: Link Hebert Aco: Celeste Broussard Aco: Ross Cao Marty Hebert EOM Suzanne Meaux EOM Sid Savoie EOM Emile Hebert AS Luc Hebert AS Seth Viator AS WEDDING: Saturday, November 15, 6:30 p.m. Trahan/Nelms SERVER: Austin Bourque (AS) Altar Server (L) Lector (S) Sacristan (EOM) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Page 2 ns. 0, e d e5. e Community Life & Outreach Vermilion Catholic News BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER MARCH FOR LIFE Vermilion Catholic High School March for Life group is having a bake sale after all Masses the weekend of November 8th & 9th. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help defray the costs of the trip to Washington, D.C. in January. Thank you for your support of the youth of Vermilion Catholic and the most vulnerable… the unborn. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Our St. Mary Magdalen Council #2281 meets every first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The Brother Knights are involved in projects providing for the spiritual and material well-being of those in need. We invite you to join us or call 337867-9719. Always looking for a few good men and new ways to serve! Help Wanted! No Experience Necessary! Children Welcome to Tag Along! Salary: Blessings and Grace Perks: Grace from Stewardship, Camaraderie with Peers, A Feeling of Closeness with Our Lord, At Your Convenience. Children imitate what they see. Bring Them! In the story of Martha and Mary it is said that Mary chose the better way, but the Ladies Altar Society of St. Mary Magdalen will offer you the opportunity to be both a “Mary” and a “Martha” in service to our Lord and his Church. Open to all women, young and not so young. Please consider joining this wonderful form of stewardship. Call Edith at 893-5770 or Teesie at 893-7298 or any member. DIVORCE RECOVERY PROGRAM The Office of Marriage and Family Life offers a 6-week divorce recovery program for those who have suffered from divorce/separation. The Divorce Recovery Program is facilitated by Michelle Hernandez, Licensed Professional Counselor. The six week series will meet on Sundays from 4:00 p.m. —6:00 p.m., Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette starting on January 11, 2015. The cost for the program is $50.00 per person, which covers all six meetings and your materials. Please visit our website divorcerecovery to register or to find out more information. HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR NOVEMBER Lonely People: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of Seminarians & Religious: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Page 3 Volunteers Wanted: Wedding Coordinators Fr. Louie is interested in expanding our ministry of “Wedding Coordinators” to more volunteers. This is a valuable help to the wedding party as well as the parish. A wedding coordinator assists in the rehearsal and wedding ceremony. Our goal would be to have several volunteers trained so that this ministry would not be too time-consuming for any one person. If you would like to learn more about this, please feel free to call or email Fr. Louie at the church office. Thanks. [email protected] ST. MARY MAGDALEN YOUTH PROGRAMS Young Apostles at the Pere Megret Center Young Apostles high school youth group is held every 1st, 3rd, & 4th Sunday evenings after 5:30 p.m. Mass. AMPED, the Jr. High Youth Group AMPED will now meet each month on the 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. at the Pere Megret Center. Free Breast Cancer Screening Wednesday, November 12, 2014 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Abbeville General Hospital Clinic (Across from ER) Free breast exams will be performed by a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner for women ages 40 to 64. Free screening mammograms will be available for women ages 40 to 64 who have not had a mammogram in the past 12 months. These services are free of charge for women who are without insurance and who meet income requirement. For more information, please call 337-235-7898 ext.476 PILGRIMAGE TO VIEW THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN Fr. Michael Russo, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Lafayette will lead a pilgrimage to view the Holy Shroud of Turin during its rare and unique public exposition in 2015. The pilgrimage is on May 30 through June 10 and also includes stops in Milan, Italy; Avignon and Lourdes, France; Barcelona, Spain. Please contact Fran Boudreaux 888-9483837 or Fatima Parish Office at 337-232-8945. Limited space, inquire now. DICOESAN MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY MASS A Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at St. Landry Church in Opelousas. The 2:00 p.m. Mass will honor those celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years within the year 2015. Please note there will be ONE Mass for all couples celebrating in 2015 instead of two separate Masses as we have done in the past. Preregistration is required and will close on January 30, 2015. For more information or to register please visit our website or call 337-261-5653. Christian Formation Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion The next session for the 2nd grade CCD preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be on Tuesday, November 11, at 4:15 p.m. in the Ministries Building. The Sacrament of Confirmation IMPORTANT DATES: Practice for Confirmation Ceremony: Thursday, November 13th 6:00 p.m., St. MM Church Sponsors and Candidates Confirmation Ceremony: Sunday, November 16th 11:00 a.m. Mass “Love is sufficient of itself; it gives pleasure by itself and because of itself. It is its own merit, its own reward. Love looks for no cause outside itself, no effect beyond itself. Its profit lies in the practice. Of all the movements, sensations and feelings of the soul, love is the only one in which the creature can respond to the Creator and make some sort of similar return however unequal though it may be. For when God loves, all he desires is to be loved in return. The sole purpose of his love is to be loved, in the knowledge that those who love him are made happy by their love of him.” From a sermon by Saint Bernard “Stop making My Father’s House a marketplace.” John 2:13-22 The world is the creation of a loving and self-giving God who gave us all that we are, all that we have, and all that we ever will be. Our response to such a great gift should be acknowledgement and gratitude expressed in generosity and sharing with others. The Israelites repeatedly “forgot their God” but God repeatedly forgave them. Then He sent His Son to save us and to leave for us a memorial of His life, death, resurrection and ascension to return to the Father. Jesus found the Temple full of profiteers that He drove out of “my Father’s house.” Have we turned God’s house– our world– into a marketplace in which the prevailing mentality is “He who dies with the most things wins!” Have we failed to acknowledge and be grateful for all God has given to us by being generous and sharing with others? Do we ask, What’s in it for me? And How much is that going to cost me? Before we do something for others? When we see Jesus face to face, will we feel confident we have used His gifts as He intended for us to? Page 4 Stewardship and Development Weekly Offertory Second Collections November 2, 2014 Collection Regular Collection: $ 11,828.78 Second Collection: Maintenance Fund $ 2,485.49 All Saints Day: $ This Weekend MONTHLY INSURANCE COLLECTION 469.00 Next Weekend Thank You for your generosity. HOSPICE OF ACADIANA ANNUAL GARAGE SALE November 22, 2014 Help support Acadiana’s only non-profit and original Hospice program, Hospice of Acadiana. They are having a huge garage sale on November 22. They will take all furniture and household items (not clothing). If you have anything to donate to this good cause, please contact their office on Johnston St. in Lafayette (2321234 or 800-738-2226). Gracious and loving God, as the autumn season continues its transformation and the days become shorter, the earth cooler; as we anticipate joining family and friends in joyful celebration on Thanksgiving Day we pause to give You thanks and praise for the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us: For life and health, safety and comfort, food and nourishment, we are sincerely grateful. Through your Spirit, open our hearts so that we may be even better stewards of these rich and unmerited gifts. Show us how to be a blessing for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer. And help us nurture the gift of faith, revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ, our greatest gift, who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. Page 5 BISHOP’S SERVICES APPEAL Donations for Youth Group Meals Please consider helping to feed our youth group members for one of their Youth Nights. Your donation of $50 will help to cover the expenses of providing food for an evening activity. Just make note of your offering to “Youth Group” and send to the Church office. Thanks so much. Reflection for Sunday, November 9, 2014 In today’s reading from Saint Paul’s letter to the Christian community in Corinth, he suggests that we are all called to be “wise master builders” in the building up of God’s temple, the local Church. Each one of us has been given gifts to offer this building enterprise, and we are called to be good stewards of this project, to build this church together, in communion with one another, according to God’s plan, not ours. Jesus Christ is the solid foundation upon whom we are to build. Saint Paul further suggests that God will judge us according to the quality of our stewardship. Can we see ourselves as “master builders” of God’s church? What gifts are we using to construct this holy place that God will call home? Time, Talent, and Treasure ROSARY MAKING CLASS Taught by the St. Joseph’s Rosary Makers Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:00 AM—12:00 PM St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building Cost is $5.00 per person $1.00 for each additional rosary kit Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters Court St. Mary Magdalene # 801 THANKSGIVING MONTH Very soon Americans will celebrate the Thanksgiving holidays; a time where so much is devoted to sumptuous meals highlighted by turkey and pumpkin pie, traveling to and from the ancestral home, enjoying family, feasting on leftovers, seeing a Thanksgiving Day parade and watching football. For many of us, Thanksgiving Day is so full of activity that these is a tendency to forget what’s at the heart of Thanksgiving, offering our thanks to God for the many gifts that have been bestowed upon us. Although sometimes the reason for the holiday is forgotten in our secular culture today, good stewards of their life and faith recognize that Thanksgiving should be directed primarily in God’s direction. Because the “busyness” of Thanksgiving Day can easily distract us from slowing down to a pace more suitable to adequately expressing our gratitude to God, perhaps this November we might allow Thanksgiving to permeate our lives for more than just a day. How about the entire month? Expressing gratitude is at the heart of good stewardship. So, let’s dedicate a little time each day in November to giving thanks for our blessings. Spend a few minutes each of these days thanking God for all the people in your life who have gone before you and all that they have taught you and shown you. Set aside a few minutes to remember all that God has given you and say “Thank you.” Take part of the day and walk or hike down a woodland path. Express your gratitude for the beauty of God’s autumn creation. Take a minute each day to thank the people in your life who matter to you. Tell them you’re thankful for them. Drop someone a note, place a short phone call or even text them. Telling people you’re thankful for them will enrich your life as well as theirs. Make a point to attend at least one Mass outside the regular weekend Masses. Going to Mass on Thanksgiving morning is an excellent way to enrich that holiday. As a community of faith, we know that giving glory to God in this way is an important aspect of our communal life of faith. Transform the month of November into a month of Thanksgiving. If you do, you will find your celebration of Thanksgiving Day a more richer and fuller experience than you could have imagined. In fact, you might just discover that your overall happiness with life improves. May this month of Thanksgiving be a time when we not only say “Thank You” to God, family, and neighbor but a time when our hearts draw us much closer to the Lord. ICSC, 2014 Page 6 Langlinais & Broussard ____________________________________ Certified Public Accountants 2419 Veterans Memorial Dr. 893-6232 209 S. St. Charles Street, Abbeville 893-4661 TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. Therapeutic Optometrist 204 N. St. Charles, Abbeville 337-740-2020 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Berberich and Colby Providing Insurance and Financial Services TERRI LANDRY 893-9122 THOMAS Richard A. Broussard Since 1945 893-5515 312 S. State All Forms of Insurance 500 S. State St. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Agency 893-5183 Wayne Hebert, CLU Agent Bus. 893-7490 Res. 893-6089 400 Corporate Corner EARL’S FURNITURE Phil’s F & R Air Conditioning Inc. Boys & Girls Wear 316 S. State Richard’s Meat Market Nu-Tek ASE Fresh Meats “Best Boudin in Town” 893-1724 Car Service Center, Inc. COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/CONPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 219 W. SUMMERS DR. PH: (337) 898-1955 ABBEVILLE, LA FAX: (337) 898-1953 RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. DAV I D FUNERAL HOMES 893-1243 893-3777 Doré&Company TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 Residential & Commercial 119 S. John M Hardy Dr. 893-5646 St. Mary Magdalen Cemetery Columbarium Units/Cremation Niches St. Paul Cemetery Lots and Mausoleum Crypts Contact St. Mary Magdalen Church 337-893-0244 “Creating peace of mind by building solid spiritual relationships”. In memory of Beverly P. Noel DUHON BROS. OIL CO., INC. “The Security Of Quality Healthcare, The Comfort Of Home” 716 W. Summers Your Convenient Local Service Bank THIS SPACE AVAILABLE! Distributor—Texaco Petroleum Products 1-800-754-6990 Jude Duhon—Pres. Lafayette • Crowley • New Iberia • Opelousas 818 S. Henry 893-0674 Food Allergies? All Natural Certified Organic 893-6304 Prescriptions -Compounding-Medical Equipment Attorney At Law 893-5776 A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants Susan M. Broussard 898-1237 In Memory of Debbie Kite Andy Veazey Attorney at Law 2 Flagg Place, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 234-5350 Fax: (337) 234-5310 Sales & Service 1915 S. State 893-0642 Arabie Construction Excellent References Home & Commercial Improvements 893-3753 MINVIELLE Lumber Co. 1412 South State Street Lumber & Building Material 893-3881 Abbeville Meridional Voice of Vermilion Parish since 1856. 318 N. MAIN ST. 893 -4223 TWO SOUTH MAGDALEN SQUARE • 893-6161 RONALD W. MELEBECK 203 S. Jefferson Street 337-893-5470 The Let us plan your wedding or special event. Compliments of Tiona Broussard [email protected] 337.898.2067 337.207.2322 MARY KAY Magdalen Place Please patronize our advertisers This is the best way to thank them for your bulletin. To place a business advertisement, or a memorial to a loved one or friend, call the parish office at 893-0244. Lance Legé, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 643-7766 JAMES A. NOEL, JR. La. State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #R0638 898-1166 409 E. Lafayette St. EdwardJones ASSISTED LIVING 2309 Richard Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Edie Casselman, Executive Director phone 898-1944 • fax 892-1298 • cell 250-1294 [email protected] EST. 1910 BAbbeville ANK OF ERATH Branch Erath Branch 1309 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337 893 3761 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. Delcambre, LA 70528 105 West Edwards St. Erath, LA 70533 337 937 5816 Kimble Sagrera AAMS, ChFC, CLU Financial Advisor 337-898-2117 In Memory of Justin and “Jay” Broussard Angela Gallet Director 898-2912 899 West Port St.
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