This Week - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
This Week at St. John’s
8:00 am Rosary
Between Masses AFF - Community Room
PSR - Annex Classrooms
YAF - Board Room
6:00 pm Spaghetti Supper
7:00 pm RCIA
Check out our website:
Daily Mass/Offerings
7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group - Community Room
8:30 am MDO - Parish Hall
8:00 am
9:30 am
7:00 pm
8:30 am
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
MDO - Parish Hall
TYM - Parish Hall
Good Cheer - Boure’ on the square
Tuesday Mass 8:30am
Nina Bianco
Sukanek Family
Wednesday Mass 12:10pm
Josephine Barbera
Jack Barbera
8:00 am Rosary
7:00 pm Women of Grace - Community Room
Women of Grace - Community Room
Monday Mass 12:10pm
Bodnar Istvan
Cutler Family
10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry - Community Room
11:00 am Confessions until noon
Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Mon., Wed., at noon; Mon., Wed., Fri., at
5:30pm; Thurs. at 8:30am; Men only, Thurs. at 5:30pm.
Emotions Anonymous meets on Sat. at noon.
Thursday Mass 8:30am
Janie Cardwell
Torma Family
Friday Mass 12:10pm
Annie Jane Sawyer
Betsy Sawyer
This Week’s Readings
MON Sts Timothy and Titus 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5
Ps 96:1-3, 7-8, 10 Mk 3:22-30
TUE Heb 10:1-10 Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 10, 11 Mk 3:31-35
WED St Thomas Aquinas Heb 10:11-18 Ps 110: 1-4
Mk 4:1-20
THURS Heb 10:19-25 Ps 24:1-6 Mk 4:21-25
Heb 10:32-39 Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40 Mk 4:26-34
St John Bosco Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Lk 1:69-75
Mk 4:35-41
SUN Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28
Mass Date &Time
Sun. Feb 1
8:30 am
Comm. Minister
K. Luber (H)
F. Ouzts
M. Stark
D. Sherman
J. Langley
K. McCormick
K. Luber
J. O’Keefe
Sun. Feb. 1
11:00 am
J. Sherman (H)
C. Brown
R. Addy
P. Cassisa
J. Samuels
C. Stinnett
P. Stinnett
L. Schrock
T. Arrington
M. Klingen
If you are unable to serve at your assigned time, it is your responsibility to obtain a substitute. Should you have a question concerning
scheduling, or if you know that you will be unable to serve next month contact Joan Cleary for Communion Ministers & Lectors at 234-9586/
[email protected]; or Nancy Roberts for Altar Servers at 234-4079/[email protected].
E-mail us at:
[email protected]
416 South 5th St. Oxford, MS 38655
Office: 662-234-6073 Fax 662-234-6079
Catholic Campus Ministry At Ole Miss Phone: 662-234-6073
Rev. Joe Tonos, Pastor
Brad Noel, Campus Ministry Advisor
Mary & Scott Leary, TYM Directors
Tara Luber, PSR Director
Ted Klingen, Deacon
Fr. Joe at home: 236-1298
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sunday Masses: Sunday 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm - 403 University Avenue
Daily Mass: Tues, Thurs 8:30 am Mon, Wed, Fri 12:10 pm - 403 University Avenue
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sunday, 7:45am, 10:30am & 4:15pm, or by appointment.
Nursery: Downstairs 8:30am, 11am, 5pm-6pm on Sunday
Parish Center Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30 pm and Friday 8:30am-noon
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 25, 2015
Come After Me
As Lent comes near, the Church begins to pay attention to
the unbaptized and uninitiated who will seek to be brought
into full communion with the Church.
Our parish has been blessed with instructing various
groups of people as they prepare for the Sacraments.
Alongside the preparation for First Holy Communion for
children, we also have several youth stepping forward to
be Confirmed.
We also have nine adults to be baptized, ten adults who
will be Confirmed and receive Holy Eucharist for the first
time and 5 adult Catholics who will be Confirmed in May.
Pray that we may continue to be good examples to those
who want to live the Christian way of life.
Welcome to all our visitors and guests and we hope you enjoy your stay here in Oxford.
Newcomers to our parish please call the parish office at your earliest convenience to be registered.
Matrimony: Couples should call 6 months in advance for required preparation.
Baptism: Parents may call Fr. Joe for preparation.
Parents of all children enrolled in parish programs must be registered in the parish.
Bulletin submissions must be sent to the office by noon on Wednesday in writing via email or in person.
Current laws do not permit the Church to get information on hospitalized patients. If you know of someone in the
hospital or recovering at home, please let the Church know so we can schedule a visit.
Our Congratulations to…
Holly & Matthew Vollor, on the birth of their son William Gabriel, January 7th
Carrie & Dennis Ott, on their 61st Wedding Anniversary, January 30th
Hazel & Jose Velez, on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, January 30th
Julie & Ben Mikell, on their 28th Wedding Anniversary, January 29th
Summer & James Anderson, on their 14th Wedding Anniversary, January 27th
Robin & Titus Queen, on their 6th Wedding Anniversary, January 31st
Survey Says:
The Parish Council is assembling a survey that will be 
“live” online in February and also in hard-copy. The 
survey gives you, the parishioner, an opportunity to
rate the various programs and offices of the Parish. Fr.
Joe and the Council are also interested in the next
step we should take as a parish.
These are exciting times for Oxford and the OUL
community. It is wise to make decisions today that may
bring positive results in this promising future.
Wedding Banns:
The following weddings are
scheduled for St. John’s.
Miele Stuckey-Brandon Hudspeth
Erin Schroeder-Max Neely
Lauren DeLap-Banks Woodrick
Lindsey Rychlak- Richard Wilkins
April 11
June 6
June 20
July 25
Drawdown 2015:
The parish’s big social event is scheduled for May 1,
2015 at the Oxford Convention Center! The Delta’s
party band, The Krackerjacks, are the featured
performers and expect good food, good drinks,
premium silent auction items and very good time.
Also, take a chance on winning $10,000.00!
Mark the date down and bring a friend!
Spaghetti Supper!
St. John’s spaghetti suppers begins tonight. Cooks,
servers, set up and clean up crews are needed! If you
would like to be a part of this fun ministry, Please
consider signing up to help. You may email
([email protected]) or text (662-801-1008)
Susan for more information or to volunteer.
Welcome Back Rebels!
Adoration Tuesday 7-8pm in the church.
Good Cheer (8pm at Bouré on the Square): This
week we begin a 6-week study of St. Paul’s First
Letter to the Corinthians “Wisdom about
Divisions”. All students are welcome!
Sign up for the Statewide College Retreat (Feb. 20
-22). Details and online signup are on
RCIA: The RCIA ’second semester” is focused on
the Sacraments of the Church and anyone is welcome
to attend. Those who are Catholic but unconfirmed
are encouraged to participate. Call Fr. Joe for more
On Saturday, May 2nd at 11:00am, Bishop Joseph
Kopacz (Jackson) will preside and confer the
Sacrament of Confirmation during a special Mass.
Youth in 9th thru 12th grades are invited to participate.
It is preferable that the youth is a practicing
Catholic and from a registered family. Parents are
requested to contact Fr. Joe if interested
(662-234-6073). Adults who are Baptized Catholic but
not Confirmed may also inquire.
Travel Opportunity
Travel with Fr. Francis J. Cosgrove, Pastor of St.
Patrick Catholic Church, Meridian, MS to the Danube
on the “Waltz Cruise Trip”.
Where: Bratislava, Vienna, Salzburg, Passau, Munich
Trip Dates: July 17-26, 2015
Cost: $6,999.00 Airfare and All-Included
To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508)
340-9370. You can also register online at
Pray for our sick and home-bound:
Fran DeVoe, Ron Knapp, Gladys Baglioni, Steve
Sura, Marie Adams, Candy Gambrell, Joan Lucey,
Sam Provenza, Pat Shields, Robin Lovelady, Noel
Torma, Tiffany Torma, John Robert Phillips
Jeanne Bowen, mother of Peggy Smith; Brenda
Holliday, sister of Judy Graham
Emeritus: Margaret Ferguson, Eileen Kingery, Mattie
Miller, Ruth Hill, Ann Elise Kimbell
Yalobusha Nursing Home: Christienne Acuff
VA: Robert Stack, Raymond Gusmus, Rudy Franck,
Gene Valley, Paul Gowan
Graceland: Fidelioso Reveles, Jeanette Reardon
Hermitage: Glennys White, Bud Gaia
Adult Faith Formation:
AFF is offering a 6-part series using Scott Hahn’s book
The Lamb’s Supper, which explores the mysteries of
the Mass via Sacred Scripture. The series runs
01/04/15 through 02/15/15; books are available;
session four will be on “Heavenly Liturgy, Heaven on
Earth”. All are welcome to join us in the Community
Room between Sunday morning Masses.
Blood Drive
The Knights of Columbus annual blood drive will be
Friday, February 20th. Please watch the bulletin for
more information.
Men’s Prayer Group
The Men’s prayer group meets on Monday mornings
at 7am in the Community Room to discuss the
readings for the week. All men are welcome.
Meet Between the Masses
Join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, February 1 at 9:45
as George Kehoe speaks on the topic "Contemplative
Prayer in Everyday Life." Everyone is welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
February Second Collections
Feb. 8th - Building Fund
Feb. 22nd - Black & Indian Missions
Financial Blessings
Operating Fund:
Anticipated Weekly Operating Expenses
Fiscal Year 2014/2015
$ 9,300.00
Weekly Contribution
$ 5,408.09
OnLine Giving
$ 225.00
$ 5,633.09
Building Fund:
Weekly Contribution
OnLine Giving:
$ 4,745.00
$ 1,394.55
$ 6,139.55
Saltillo Mexico Mission
$ 740.87
Thank you!
Try Online Giving! Log on to “”
TYM: TYM meets 6-7:30, with pizza from 6-6:30. This
semester we are focusing on "Back to the Basics". We
will continue our discussion about the 10
Commandments and how they relate to today's
 Summer Retreat sign up is now going on.
Registration day is February 11. Please email Mary
if you are interested in going. Retreat dates are
either July 10-12 or 17-19.
 Save the Date! TYM will be hosting the annual
Mardi Gras dinner on February 17th.
Pictorial Directory
Starting Wednesday, January 28, and for the next two
weeks Wednesday through Saturday, photographs for
the Pictorial Directory will be taken in the Annex. The
photographers will be located on the first floor,
through the double doors. If you have signed up and
can't remember your time, a roster is located in the
Narthex or contact Gene ([email protected]). If
you haven't yet signed up, there are still time
vacancies available online. (