SUN St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church This Week at St. John’s 8:00 am Rosary Between Masses MBM - Parish Hall PSR - Annex Classrooms 6:00 pm Spaghetti Supper 7:00 pm RCIA Daily Mass/Offerings MON 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group - Community Room 8:30 am MDO - Parish Hall 3:00 pm Leap Frog TUE 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm Adoration until 8pm WED 8:30 am MDO - Parish Hall 3:00 pm Leap Frog THUR 8:00 am Rosary FRI 7:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Monday Mass 12:10pm Souls in Purgatory Anonymous Tuesday Mass 8:30am Frank Soldevila Yates Family Wednesday Mass 12:10pm Damaris Foping Laura Schrock Adoration until noon Prayer Shawl Ministry - Community Room Confessions until noon Stations Fish Fry Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Mon., Wed., at noon; Mon., Wed., Fri., at 5:30pm; Thurs. at 8:30am; Men only, Thurs. at 5:30pm. Emotions Anonymous meets on Sat. at noon. Thursday Mass 8:30am Christine Wenger Laura Schrock Friday Mass 6:45am Mass 12:10pm Maxine Nelson Lee Family Saturday Emeritus Mass 10:00am This Week’s Readings MON Dn 9:4-10 Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13 Lk 6:36-38 TUE Is 1:10, 16-20 Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23 Mt 23:1-12 WED Jer 18:18-20 Ps 31:5-6, 14-16 Mt 20:17-28 THURS Jer 17:5-10 Ps 1:1-4, 6 Lk 16:19-31 FRI Gn 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28 Ps 105:16-21 Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 SAT Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Ps 103:1-4, 9-12 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 SUN Third Sunday of Lent Ex 20:1-17 or Ex 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 Ps 19:8-11 1 Cor 1:22-25 Jn 2:13-25 Mass Date &Time Sun. March 8 8:30 am Comm. Minister A. Mullen (H) Lectors J. Roux Ushers B. Newman J. Townsend D. Sharpe P. Lee Servers D. Bianco S. Bianco Sun. March 8 11:00 am M. Davis (H) J. Sherman D. Clinton M. Smidebush G. Read J. Lindbeck C. Stinnett P. Stinnett CM/Sick P. Smith B. Smith B. Sawyer If you are unable to serve at your assigned time, it is your responsibility to obtain a substitute. Should you have a question concerning scheduling, or if you know that you will be unable to serve next month contact Joan Cleary for Communion Ministers & Lectors at 234-9586/ [email protected]; or Nancy Roberts for Altar Servers at 234-4079/[email protected]. 416 South 5th St. Oxford, MS 38655 Check out our website: E-mail us at: [email protected] Office: 662-234-6073 Fax 662-234-6079 Catholic Campus Ministry At Ole Miss Phone: 662-234-6073 Rev. Joe Tonos, Pastor Brad Noel, Campus Ministry Advisor Mary & Scott Leary, TYM Directors Tara Luber, PSR Director Ted Klingen, Deacon Fr. Joe at home: 236-1298 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Masses: Sunday 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm - 403 University Avenue Daily Mass: Tues, Thurs 8:30 am Mon, Wed, Fri 12:10 pm - 403 University Avenue Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sunday, 7:45am, 10:30am & 4:15pm, or by appointment. Nursery: Downstairs 8:30am, 11am, 5pm-6pm on Sunday Parish Center Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30 pm and Friday 8:30am-noon Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 How are we doing? Starting Monday, March 2 through Sunday, March 8, you will have an opportunity to participate in a parish survey. Fr. Joe and the Parish Council are interested in YOUR thoughts concerning our parish, our outreach and what direction we need to take for the future. Go to and follow the instructions. A hard-copy of the survey will be available for people to fill out next Sunday March, 8. Welcome to all our visitors and guests and we hope you enjoy your stay here in Oxford. Newcomers to our parish please call the parish office at your earliest convenience to be registered. Matrimony: Couples should call 6 months in advance for required preparation. Baptism: Parents may call Fr. Joe for preparation. Parents of all children enrolled in parish programs must be registered in the parish. Bulletin submissions must be sent to the office by noon on Wednesday in writing via email or in person. Current laws do not permit the Church to get information on hospitalized patients. If you know of someone in the hospital or recovering at home, please let the Church know so we can schedule a visit. Our Congratulations to… Jane & Paul Cassisa, on their 33rd Wedding Anniversary, February 27th Christine & Jeremiah Grant, on their 7th Wedding Anniversary, February 23rd First Friday: On Friday, March 6, we will have Campus Ministry Adoration Tuesday 7-8pm in the church. Women’s Book Study (Tues, 8:15pm in the St. John's Community Room) Good Cheer This Wed (8pm @ Bouré): : "Examples From the Past" (1 Cor 10) with special Emeritus Mass: We will have Mass on Saturday, guest Jacob Whelan. March 7 with the Anointing of the Sick at 10:00am at Join us for "Rosary in the Grove" (NEW!) Emeritus. Anyone is welcome to join us. Thursdays, 6:30pm at the Grove stage! Mission Mississippi meets | @CCMOleMiss on Tuesday, March 3 at 6:45am at North Oxford Baptist Church. Please consider joining other Christians in Jane Cassisa S’ship for High School Seniors: prayer for solidarity and racial reconciliation. The annual Jane Cassisa Scholarship applications for graduating Catholic High School seniors from St. John’s will be posted online or available through the parish Lenten Fish Fry: The Oxford Knights of Columbus Council 10901 will office beginning Monday, February 16. The scholarship is a $3,500.00 award to a Mississippi University (or be holding their annual Lenten Fish Fry every Friday LSU) given to the outstanding young man or woman during Lent at the Parish Hall 5:30-7:00pm. Catfish who lives out their Catholic virtues in the public dinners will be served as dine-in or take-out. forum. Please vote for the Knights of Mass at 6:45am with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to follow until noon. Confessions will be heard from 11:00am until noon. Mass at 12:10pm. Columbus Fish Fry as THE BEST IN OXFORD by going to and clicking on the BEST OF OXFORD icon. Frances Breaux Smith S’ship for HS Seniors: The Frances Breaux Smith Award applications for graduating Catholic High School seniors from St. John’s will be posted online or available through the parish Stations of the Cross: office beginning Monday, February 16. The scholarship Stations are at 5:00pm in the church each Friday during is a $3,000.00 award to any U.S. university given to the Lent. Please make an effort to join fellow parishioners outstanding young man or woman who lives out their in this journey each week. Catholic virtues in the public forum. This is a NEED BASED scholarship. Families participating must provide Thanks! a Certificate of Need. Thanks to everyone who donated blood during our blood drive. They collected 19 units of blood! Daylight Savings Time: The Knights of Columbus will cook breakfast between the morning Masses on March 8th. Please come down after Mass and join fellow parishioners for a good southern breakfast for $3. Remember to set your clocks one hour forward next Saturday night for Daylight Savings Time. Pray for our sick and home-bound: Marcie DeRuyscher, Fran DeVoe, Ron Knapp, Gladys Baglioni, Steve Sura, Marie Adams, Candy Gambrell, Joan Lucey, Sam Provenza, Pat Shields, Robin Lovelady, Noel Torma, Tiffany Torma, John Robert Phillips Edith Mabry, mother of Forrest Hinton; Jeanne Bowen, mother of Peggy Smith; Brenda Holliday, sister of Judy Graham Emeritus: Margaret Ferguson, Eileen Kingery, Mattie Miller, Ruth Hill, Ann Elise Kimbell Yalobusha Nursing Home: Christienne Acuff VA: Robert Stack, Rudy Franck, Gene Valley, Paul Gowan Oxford Rehab: Fidelioso Reveles, Jeanette Reardon, Justo Gonzales Hermitage: Glennys White, Bud Gaia Rest in Peace: May God receive the soul of Raymond Gusmus, resident of the VA, who died February 20th. Please keep his family in your prayers. Drawdown 2015: The parish’s big social event is scheduled for May 1, 2015 at the Oxford Convention Center! The Delta’s party band, The Krackerjacks, are the featured performers and expect good food, good drinks, premium silent auction items and very good time. Also, take a chance on winning $10,000.00! Mark the date down and bring a friend! Adult Faith Formation: AFF will join Meet Between the Masses this morning. The prayer shawl ministry group meets on Fridays at 10am in the Community Room. Anyone interested in knitting or crocheting a prayer shawl for the sick or grieving or a blanket for a newborn, please join us. Call Terry at the office for more information. Financial Blessings Operating Fund: Anticipated Weekly Operating Expenses Fiscal Year 2014/2015 $ 9,300.00 Weekly Contribution $ 8,521.18 OnLine Giving $ 4,387.00 Total $12,908.18 Building Fund: Weekly Contribution OnLine Giving: Total $ 553.71 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,953.71 Black & Indian Mission $ 342.01 Thank you! Try Online Giving! Log on to “” PSR/TYM TYM: NO CLASS the next week, March 11. Happy Spring Break! TYM Summer Retreat: July 17-19. Limitless; Jn. 10:10. " The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it ABUNDANTLY." PSR: There will be no PSR March 8th or March 15th. Hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break! Baptism for Older Children: Children over the age of 7 can be fully initiated into the Church (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Fr. Joe will offer a short course for these children concomitant with the PSR time (9:45 am Sundays). Please let Tara Luber or Mindy Sawyer know if you are interested. The course will precede Easter Sunday. Women’s Rosary The ladies of St. John will meet on Monday, March 2, at 11:30 a.m., in the Cry Room at church to pray the rosary.
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