Church of Saint Ann 289 Arch Road * Avon, Connecticut * 06001 860-673-9858 * fax: 860-675-4350 Rev. John W. McHugh, Pastor WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Joseph P. Cheah, OSM, Ph.D. Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan DEACONS Jeffrey Sutherland and Tim Healy SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Russell Koch: [email protected] COORDINATOR OF SOCIAL MINISTRY Tom McCabe: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR (K - 8) Lisa Stevens: ext. 223 [email protected] RCIA DIRECTOR & LITURGY COORDINATOR Maureen Fiedler: 860-995-4026 CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR Joan Gould: ext. 226 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Tom Stockton: ext. 230 OFFICE MANAGER Kris Martino: ext. 221 [email protected] CEMETERY SUPERINTENDENT Richard Tourville: 860-673-3793 BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT Michael Gould, ext. 225 BAPTISMS (Registered Parishioners): Call the Parish Office MASS SCHEDULE: CONFESSIONS: MARRIAGES Monday - Friday: 9:00 am Saturday: after 4pm Mass First Friday: Before 9:00 AM Mass Other times by appointment Please set the date with the priest or deacon at least six months prior to the wedding. Weddings cannot be scheduled after the Saturday evening Mass or on Sundays. BULLETIN DEADLINE & INSERTS Please submit any bulletin announcements to the Parish Office by 2pm on the Monday prior to the weekend you would like it published. Also, please contact the office to obtain permission to insert fliers into the weekly bulletin. Sunday Vigil (Saturday): 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:00am First Friday: 9:00 am DEVOTIONS: Rosary & Chaplet - Daily: 8:15 am Holy Hour - Thursday: 12:00 Noon First Friday Eucharistic Adoration: 9:30 am till 12:00 Noon First Friday Holy Hour for Life 10:00am till 11:00am January 25, 2015 Page Two 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time M0NDAY, January 26 9:00 Special Intentions TUESDAY, January 27 9:00 Billy Martinez, requested by his mom The 20 As you Schola St. Ann If you are a resident in this area, we hope that you will continue to grace us with your presence and register with our office manager. You may call 860673-9858 or stop by the parish office to register. If you are a visitor, we thank you for participating in worshiping with us and we hope to see you again. This Week at St. Ann’s MONDAY, Janaury 26 Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle: 7:15pm in the church WEDNESDAY, January 28 9:00 Special Intentions TUESDAY, January 27 RCIA: 7pm in Room 3 THURSDAY, January 29 9:00 Special Intentions FRIDAY, January 30 9:00 Special Intention SATURDAY, January 31 Patricia Martucci (1st Ann.), requested by Brian and Ann Beloin 4:00 SUNDAY, February 1 7:30 Gayle Glenn Koffi, requested by Carolyn and Richard Mogielnicki 9:30 Margaret Andrew, requested by Loretta D’Incecco 11:00 Edward Poirier and Dennis Poirier, requested by the family WEDNESDAY, January 28 THURSDAY, January 29 Holy Hour of Reparation this week: 12 noon in the church Children’s Choir: 4:15pm in the Choir Loft Traditional Choir: 2pm in the Choir Loft St. Ann Cares Ministry Meeting: 7pm in Room 2 Folk/Contemporary Choir: 7:30pm in the Choir Loft FRIDAY, January 30 SATURDAY, January 31 Men’s Breakfast Group: 8am in Room 3 in Fr. Bennett Hall SUNDAY, February 1 Our 5th and 6th Grade Faith Formation students will be sponsoring coffee and refreshments after the 9:30am Mass Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Ordinary Income Page Three Religious Education January 18, 2015: $5,103.25 Online Giving (week ending1/21/15): $2,050.00 Next weekend’s second collection: Snow Removal Grades K-8: UPCOMING CLASSES January 25th and February 8th Next Family Mass: Mass February 1st at 9:30am Grades 5 & 6 sponsor Parish Coffee after the Mass Ministering to body, mind and spirit, the Health Ministry offers blood pressure screening, health counseling and referrals to our community of faith. Office hours are the 2nd Sunday of each month from 8:15-11am in the Sacristry (2nd door on the left as you enter the vestibule of the church). No appointment is necessary. Communion For Shut-Ins The Eucharistic ministers would be happy to bring Communion to those in our parish who are unable to come to church. Please call the Parish Office and leave your name and address if you wish to receive Communion 860-673-9858. St. Ann’s Re-Employment Group meets every other Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Activity Room at St. Ann’s. For more information, or if any working member of the parish hears of a job opening, please contact :JOHN DRAKE, 860-989-2377 or email at: [email protected]. Free Rosary Repair Service... Free Rosary Repair Service at St. Ann’s will resume in May. If you should need rosaries repaired from November to April, please send to Betty and Dick Holden, 7930 Estero Blvd. #502, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931. For more information you may call: 239-463-3993 or email them at: [email protected] Marian Movement of Priests -Cenacle of Prayer Monday evenings at St. Ann’s from 7:15 8:15pm The Cenacle format is very simple: 1. Invocation to the Holy Spirit, 2. Recitation of the Holy Rosary, 3. Prayers for our Holy Father, 4. Prayers for our Priests and Seminarians, 5. Reading and meditation on one of the messages given in the book—”To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, 6. Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please visit the official website of the MMP at for additional information. If you are interested in joining us to pray a holy rosary, please come to the church on Monday evenings at 7:15. All are welcome! Come pray with us. It's That Time of Year Again... If you are a registered parishioner using envelopes or online giving, and would like a copy of our records of your weekly envelope contributions, please e-mail Kris in the Parish Office: [email protected] or call 860-673-9858, ext. 221. Please note that if you contributed to the Annual Parish Collection the statements have been mailed out separately from the company that handles those collections for us. Contributions to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal are mailed separately from the Archdiocese. Pray for Vocations Page Four St. Ann Cares Is looking for a project for 2015 Saint Ann Cares, now in its 21st year of serving the community, is accepting proposals for their 2015 project. The Day of Caring will be on May 2nd. If you know of a charitable organization that needs assistance with repairs, painting, demolition &/or construction, please contact Jeff Clarke at 860-693-2869. Also, we are seeking volunteers to assist us in our annual project. If you would like to help with the planning and coordination of this year’s project, please join us at our next meeting on January 22nd. The meeting is at 7pm in Room 2 under Fr. Bennett Hall Is your family interested in becoming involved in more activities here at St. Ann’s? If so, consider participating in our Youth Outreach activities!!! The mission of the St. Ann Youth Outreach is to build our children’s, and our own, relationships with God by living out God’s word as we better the lives of His children, locally and globally. Come to the Youth Outreach meetings (Next one is Tues. Feb. 3rd at 7pm in Rm.2) to learn about the fun, purposeful activities we are planning such as: • • • • • • Monthly Movie Nights for kids K-8 Soup dinner (a dinner that will demonstrate the division of food in the the world) Walk for water on the rails to trails (lessons about clean water) The garden we are creating here at St. Ann’s to serve local food pantries Our parish library And more! Be well and God bless, The Youth Outreach Committee 2015 Vacation Bible Camp… EVEREST! We are looking for volunteers to be on our 2015 Vacation Bible Camp Committee. If you are interested, please contact Lisa Stevens at [email protected] or call 860-673-2137 or 8602-673-9858, x.223 Pray for Vocations Page Five Faith Formation For the Family Sharing the Gospel There's a colorful envelope addressed to you on the kitchen table. You see it's from your friend. You open it and find a party invitation inside. You parents say you can go! When Jesus invited Peter, Andrew, James and John to come along with him, they were just as excited to go. Jesus was the Savior and a good friend. They couldn't wait! Prayer Jesus, I thank you for inviting me to spend time with you. Question of the Week… When have you experienced the Kingdom of God? Something to Draw Draw a picture of Jesus smiling and waving to you. Mission for the Week Jesus wants you to come to his home in heaven. Make a party invitation from Jesus to you. Use this invitation as a bookmark in your Bible. 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Perhaps you've heard the story about the small-town doctor who always bragged about the big fish he caught. It was hard to believe, but no one could catch heavier fish than him; he even had ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 - 1800-950-9952 x2469 - pictures of them hanging from his personal fish scale showing the weight. One day while fishing, he got an emergency call that a woman had gone into labor at home and he needed to get over there. After the Defending Our Religious Liberty baby was born, the family had nothing to weigh it with so It is important that we stay informed regarding the Health and the doctor pulled out his fish scale. The baby came in at Human Services (HHS) mandate and how it will violate our twenty-six pounds, fourteen ounces. His prideful ways religious freedom as Catholics and as Americans. If religious were revealed. liberty is not upheld, all people will suffer and many will be deprived of the social, educational, and human services that they need. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. Readings for the Week of January 25, 2015 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 ©Liturgical Publications Inc "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Has anyone ever made a better offer? As Jesus began his ministry, he made a very conscious decision to surround himself not with disciples who considered themselves religious leaders of the day, but rather with ordinary men, men who worked hard, led simple lives, and whose minds were open to a new way of life in Christ. They abandoned their nets in order to take up a life of evangelization. The "nets" of salvation they will offer will in fact give us freedom from sin. We are all members of the family of God, and Christ stands at the center of this calling. We are taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that the kingdom belongs to the poor and lowly, which means those who have accepted it with humble hearts (CCC 544). Throughout his life, he lived among the poor, the sick, and the sinners. He called his disciples from among them, and promised that the last shall be first. Today, you are invited to put down those things which have no real meaning, and take up the Gospel of Christ into your heart. ©2008 Liturgical Publications Inc Page Six The BULLETIN Board Stolen Lives: A Gospel Response to Human Trafficking Saturday, March 7th 9am - 12 noon St. James Church, Rocky Hill, CT The Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry and the Office of the Diaconate are sponsoring a lecture entitled "Stolen Lives: A Gospel Response to Human Trafficking". This event will take place at St. James Church, 787 Elm Street, Rocky Hill on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9:00am until noon. The speakers at this event will be: • William Rivera, from the Department of Children and Families. William spearheaded the creation of the DCF's human trafficking response system. • Alicia Kinsman, from the International Institute of Connecticut • Opportunities for Action – including the CT Coalition Against Trafficking, the underground, and the Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry Each day more information is being learned regarding Human Trafficking and the sexual abuse and exploitation of minors. I would like to extend and invitation to all of you to attend this workshop. Please feel free to pass this on to those in other ministries that might benefit from learning more about Human Trafficking. This event is recommended for adults only, as there will be sensitive information discussed and shown. Diaconate Inquiry Wisdom House Retre at and Conference Cent er, Litchfield, CT Winter Quiet Days: February 12-16, 2015 . Spend quiet days for prayer, reflection and renewal. Spiritual dir ection is available an can be scheduled. Me d als included. Fee: $1 25 per day. For furthe information contact W r isdom House at: (86 0) 567-3163 or mail: programs@wi or vis it www.wisdomhouse.o rg Open House St. Thomas the Apostle School in W. Hartford Wednesday, January 28th 9amó noon Happy New Year from St. Thomas the Apostle School! As we begin our celebration of Catholic Schools Month, we cordially invite you to attend two upcoming admissions events: Our next Open House for prospective parents will take place on Wednesday, January 28th, 9 a.m. – noon. Please drop by to meet the parents of some of our current students, enjoy a tour of the school and discover our dynamic learning community. For those parents with children entering Kindergarten in the fall, you will definitely want to attend our Kindergarten Breakfast for prospective parents on Tuesday, February 4th at 9 a.m. This informative presentation will provide you with details on the curriculum, daily schedule and overall philosophy of our kindergarten program. A question and answer session will immediately follow. All are welcome, but registration is required. Please contact Diane Klingman in the Admissions office: 860-236-6257 or [email protected]. St. Thomas the Apostle School is currently celebrating 77 years of scholarship, spirituality and service to students in PreK3- grade 5 throughout the Hartford area. 25 Dover Road in West Hartford. Sessions The Archdiocesan Of fice of Diaconate Form ation is now preparin admit a new class of g to candidates for the Dia conate in the fall of 20 Any Catholic man be 15. tween the ages of 35 and 60 who may be in the Diaconate is en interested couraged to speak to his pastor. Two inquiry sessions will be held at St. Th omas Seminary in Blo on Sunday, March 8, omfield 2015 and Sunday, Ma rch 22, 2015 from 2-4 Both sessions must pm. be attended, and spou ses must also attend. call the office at 860-2 Please 42-5573 no later than March 2, 2015 in ord pre-register. er to
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