Bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Mission Statement
Following the example of our patron, a righteous and just man, we the members of St. Joseph Catholic Church,
in Marion Illinois, a Eucharistic community formed by the Word, embrace as our mission the following goals:
to promote evangelization, stewardship and community building.
Thomas D. Flach, V.F., Pastor Thomas Kadela, Youth Minister Emma Tuthill, Coordinator of Religious Education
Alex Hendrickson, Music Director Patty Lynn, Choir Director LaVerne Williams, Secretary Randy Barton, Maintenance
Celebration of Eucharist
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00 pm (Vigil)
Sunday ..................................... 8:00 & 11:00 am
Weekday Schedule
Monday through Thursday ....... 7:45 Morning Prayer
................................................. 8:00 Mass
Friday ....................................... 11:45 Midday Prayer
................................................. 12:10 Mass
Sacrament of Penance
4:00 to 4:45 pm, or as requested.
Baptism: Both parents must attend a preparation session.
Marriage: Make an appointment with the pastor as soon as
possible. A year ahead of time is preferred. A minimum preparation period of four months is required.
Parish Office
(618) 993-3194 Opt 1
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Fri 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Web Sites:
Youth Ministry
OLMC School
(618) 997-9391
(618) 993-3194 Opt. 4
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hospitalized and Homebound
Please notify the office at 993-3194, opt. 1.
Spiritual Formation
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
A preparation process for individuals interested in the
Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office.
Religious Education for Youth
Preschool-Grade 6
Sunday Night Youth Ministry-Grades 7-12
6:00-7:30 pm
6:00-8:30 pm
Adult Programs and Bible Study
Announcements of programs as they are planned.
New Parishioners: Register in person or call the parish office.
General Information
Pastoral Council
Matt Lees, President
Sam Hood, Vice-President
Sue Humphrey, Secretary
Joann Banwarth
Fernando Castillo
Moy Kilpatrick
Jenny Martin
OLMC School Representative: Mary Belanger
Women’s Guild: 2 Tuesday, 6:30 pm - September through May
Knights of Columbus Ladies’ Auxiliary: 4th Tuesday,
6:30 pm. Contact Joyce Steber at 889-6464.
Knights of Columbus
1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm KC Hall
Fourth Degree, 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm KC Hall
Bingo Monday & Thursday 7 pm. Phone: (618) 997-6210
600 N. Russell Street
Marion, Illinois 62959
January 25, 2015
As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he
saw Simon and his brother Andrew
casting their nets into the sea; they were
fishermen. Jesus said to them, "Come
after me, and I will make you fishers of
men." - Mk 1:16-17
Mass Intentions
Jan 24 Vigil: Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
-5:00 pm Parish Family
Jan 25 Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
-8:00 † Norma Collins
-11:00 † Bob Warren
Jan 26 Ss. Timothy & Titus
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 3, p. 867)
-8:00 † M/M CW Bagby, Sr.
Tues Jan 27 Weekday
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 3, p. 877)
-8:00 † William & Marie Davidson
Wed Jan 28 St. Thomas Aquinas
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 3, p. 886)
-8:00 † Joseph Lukesh & Terrence Collins
Thurs Jan 29 Weekday
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 3, p. 896)
-8:00 † Gene & Gerald Rogers
Jan 30 Weekday
-11:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 3, p. 906)
-12:10 † Nick & Kay Notto
Jan 31 Vigil: Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-5:00 pm Ed & Edith Humphrey
Feb. 1 Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-8:00 † Rinella, Rupert, Brush & Brown Fam.
-11:00 Parish Family
This Week
Jan. 25
Remember all the sick and homebound of our parish
especially: Debe Amaro, Maria Brooks, Dennis & Kay
Darter, Evan Dubicki, Mary Kay Gibson, Chuck Grant,
Delores Henson, Debbie Hopkins, Randal Houston,
Euline Kimmel, Alex Kloepfer, Pat Lucier, Laura Macier,
John Macier, Janet Maher, Jean & Marc McKim, Paul
Mohr, Richard Mohr, Sharon Oliver, Ron Schuzer, Ken
Sine, Herbert Soberg, Sean Spicer, Terri Stachovic and,
Mary Venturo.
Pray for Those in the Military
We remember in prayer our parishioners, relatives and
friends serving in the military, especially Derek Ian
Horowitz and Daniel Steber. Pray for peace in the world.
8:00 & 11:00 am
Anointing of the
11:00 am
Stewardship Comm. Mtg.
6:00 pm
NO SNYM-Ski Trip
Mon. Jan. 26
Pray for the Sick and Homebound
Tues. Jan. 27
Wed. Jan. 28
Thurs Jan. 29
Jan. 31
Feb. 1
CLBB Practice
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Bingo at KC Hall
7:30 pm
Pastoral Council
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
KC Ladies Aux.
6:30 pm
6:00 pm
4th Degree KC Mtg.
7:30 pm
Bingo at KC Hall
7:30 pm
4:00-4:45 pm
5:00 pm
YM Baby-Back Ribs Sale
After Mass
8:00 & 11:00 am
YM Baby-Back Ribs Sale
After Masses
Readings for the Week of January 25, 2015
Next Sunday:
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30
Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35
Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20
Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25
Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41
Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28
Remember St. Joseph Church
You can have an everlasting influence on the lives of
families in our parish. Please contact your attorney and
instruct him or her to include a bequest for St. Joseph
in you Will.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School will hold Kindergarten Round-up for the 2015-2016 school year on Tuesday, March 24, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Children must be
5 years. old by September 1 to be enrolled in Kindergarten. If you plan to attend, please call Pattie in the
OLMC office at 942-4484 to register.
Sharing God’s Gifts
Donations for January 18, 2015
Weekly Budget Goal
Sunday Offering (150)
E-giving (5)
Children’s Offerings (2)
“For the measure you measure with will be measured back
to you.” Lk 6:38
Church Renovation
Contributions(10) for January 18:
Families for the Advancement of Catholic Education
FACE is sponsoring a Chicken n‟ Dumplings Dinner at the
Murphysboro Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, January 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $9.00 for
adults, $5.00 for children. Dinner includes the dumplings,
potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, dessert and drink.
Notre Dame News - Carly Hopkins and Eduardo Castillo
made Honor Roll for the second grade report period.
OUTREACH-Benevolence Group
The Outreach Committee will be hosting a speaker
from the Southern Illinois Coalition for the Homeless
on Thursday, January 29, at 6:00 p.m. at the Family
Life Center. Outreach is beginning a Benevolence
group to help our parishioners and non-parishioners
facing economic and other hardships. If you are interested in this important work, come and join us on the
January 29.
Marriage Encounter
“If you are called,” reply, “speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” What is God calling you to in your
Sacrament of Marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends is February 6 – 8. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go
online to www.stl-wwme.org.
Blessing of Expectant Mothers
Sunday, February 15, after the 8:00 and
11:00am Masses, a special blessing for
mothers-to-be will be given.
Outreach - Red Cross
On February 21 at 9:00 a.m. the American Red Cross
will conduct training in Management of Emergency
Shelters at St. Joseph Catholic Church. This training
will be held at the Family Life Center. The four hour
session will give training in ice storm shelter management. Volunteers will work in shifts, and transportation will be provided for all shelter workers that reside
in Williamson County. Shelter shift length will be determined at the volunteer‟s discretion. While the facility is in no way prepared to serve as a long-term shelter, the Family Life Center can provide shelter for a
lesser emergency such as an ice storm.
Nevertheless, in the event of a tornado, the FLC could
be prepared and experienced enough to handle emergency food distribution. Our large field and parking
lot could also serve as an easy access for triage and
If you would like to help the Outreach Committee in
this community service project, please call the Parish
Office at 993-3194 opt. 1 and leave your name and
number with LaVerne.
Outreach thanks you and hopes to see you at the training. The outreach team meet the second Wednesday
of the month at 6:00 pm in the FLC Welcome Room.
Please join us!
Spotlight on Our Advertisers
Please support the advertisers of our Sunday Bulletin. This
week we express our thanks to Calcaterra Excavating ○ 618
Nominees for Pastoral Council
To be considered a Candidate for the St. Joseph Pastoral Council, the candidate must be a registered member of the parish and a practicing Catholic.
To nominate a parishioner(s), complete the form below
or call the Parish Office at 993-3194 to nominate a
Respect Life Corner
Carrying Christmas into the New Year – When we
witness suffering in the world around us, we know that
many did not have a carefree, merry Christmas. The
world is broken. There is suffering. And God Himself
comes into that suffering to be with us. This is the true
nature of compassion – to suffer with.
Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: In this new year, how do
we carry the message of Christmas in our hearts? How
do we live its truth in our lives, rather than pack it
away with the ornaments? Let us not forget that we
are called to love one another as Christ loved us, to
heal the brokenhearted and to enter compassionately
into the suffering of others.
Parent’s Night Out
Want to spend a special evening with your Valentine? Need some free time? Need a quiet evening to
yourself? Mark your calendars for Saturday, February
21. PSR will be hosting a „Parent‟s Night Out‟ from
6:00-9:00 pm in the Family Life Center. The cost is
$5/child with a snack and activity provided. Please
feed dinner to your child(ren) before coming! To take
advantage of this great opportunity, please contact
Emma before Friday, February 20 at 993-3194 opt. 4
or [email protected]
Following the Call of Christ
Jesus doesn‟t have call waiting. When Jesus calls you
He needs an answer! How would YOU answer Him?
Join us at the Newman Center beginning Sunday, February 8 at 12:30 p.m. for another Father Robert Barron Video Series. We will spend four Sundays discussing how some famous figures from Scripture answered Jesus‟ call. Light refreshments provided.
Check with Dawn O‟Leary (529-3311) for details.
The Messenger
Renewal Weekend for the paper is February 7-8.
Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The
Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish
envelope. Subscription cost is $25.00 (printed) or Electronic is $25.00 or both for $30.00. The Messenger is
available at www.bellevillemessenger.org.
Women’s Retreat
The King‟s House Retreat for Women will be on April
10-12. This retreat will feature insights from Pope
Francis‟ teachings, including the apostolic exhortation
The Joy of the Gospel, and The Holy Longing by Ron
Rolheiser, OMI, where he reflects on the Four Pillars
of the Spiritual Life.
First evening conference: Taking the First Step
Second day conference: Traveling Light
Final conference: Roadwork
For more information, contact Susan Sena at 889-8931.
Emma's Exposition
In his homily of November 14, Pope Francis said that “We
all have a responsibility to look out for children. We all
have a responsibility to give the best that we have and the
best that we have is the faith. In a world of images” and cell
phones, words are not enough; rather, “Example! Example!”
The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the first teachers of the faith to their children. As many parents may
agree, it is difficult to speak to children when competing
with so much technology and distraction. Parents may also
agree that it is easier said than done to provide an example
to children. However, there are many easy actions parents
can take to be an example of the Catholic faith:
Go to Mass every week and holy days (even on vacation);
Actively participate in Mass (sing, respond, leave after final
song); Bow reverently before receiving the Eucharist;
Genuflect when entering and exiting the pew, and encourage children to do the same; Bless yourself with holy water
at entering and exiting church, and encourage children;
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly; Pray
before meals, at bedtime and in the car; Read from a children‟s Bible and a book about a saint; Use “teachable moments” (holidays, new items…) to talk to the children about
Jesus; Text quotes from the Bible etc. to your child; Look at
the Church calendar and learn something about the Church
seasons and the saint of the day; Leave notes on child‟s pillow or in lunch bag or around the house with quotes from
the Bible, etc.; Buy Catholic books for your children.
These are just a few suggestions. There are countless resources on the internet, Apps for I-phone (many are free)
and printed books to look through.
Ministry Assignments
Saturday January 31 - 5:00 pm Mass
Mike Humphrey
R & A Bordenave, J Fuggiti, S & A Humphrey,
C Neuman, E Tuthill, L Williams
C Bruce, Rami Lincoln, Volunteer
C Ehrhardt, M Kilpatrick, D Lurkins, S Maroscher
Sacristan Dick Heckel
Sunday February 1 - 8:00 am Mass
Harry Mosley
A Arnold, L Gimmy, T Ivastanin, S Phillips, B Wargel
S Arnold, C Arnold, AJ Scola
R Barton, C Gibbons, K McCabe, J Phillips
Sacristan Sheila Dingrando
Sunday February 1 - 11:00 am Mass
James Hopkins
V Anderson, P Greenlee, R Kirschbaum, R Meleth,
T & S Sena, 2 Volunteers
C Hopkins, I Hopkins, C Myers
F Chapman, C Diel, K Martin, M Pardus
CLW Teresa Hopkins
Sacristan Jenny Martin
BBQ Baby Back RIBS
Help support our Youth
Only $20.00 Full Slab or $10.00 for ½ Slab!
Perfect for Super Bowl Sunday!
And a GREAT way to support our kids!
Fully Cooked and Ready to Eat
PLEASE call Michelle Kadela 751-1080 or
Mary Gabby 993-3831 by
Monday Jan. 26th
to order Baby Back Ribs!
Then pick ‘em up at our Parish Life Center
Saturday Jan. 31st after 5:00 Mass or
Sunday February 1st
after 8:00 & 11:00 Masses
Message from TDF
Evangelization, Stewardship &
Community Building
Have you checked out the new St. Joseph
Church website? The website address is:
www.stjosephmarionil.com. You can read the bulletin
on line, connect with St. Joseph Church Youth Ministry and connect with the Diocese of Belleville website
and with the Vatican website. I am so grateful to
Donna Bragee and Mary Belanger who spent many,
many hours preparing the site. In the future, as I have
already written in this column, individual parishioners
will be invited to give a “View the Pew” – a witness
and part of the story of the faith journey. These stories
will be posted on our parish website, with a summary
in the bulletin. Stay tuned.
I would like to direct you attention to the website of
Diocese of Belleville: www.diobelle.org; on which are
links to the document produced at the October 2014
Synod of Bishops, called "Relatio Synodi." There is
also a link to a questionnaire for the upcoming 2015
Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family. As requested by the Bishop, all are invited to respond. I
would like to organize a small group or groups to pray,
reflect and respond to Pope Francis‟ questions. If you
are interested in participating in this process, please
call me or leave a message at the Parish Office. This
process will be conducted during Lent. I know that the
questions are many and will be impossible to address
all of them. I hope that we will be able to meet two or
three times and respond to areas of interest. Please go
to the diocesan website and view the questionnaire.
Also on the diocesan website is Bishop Braxton‟s recent reflection on recent racial issues facing our country, entitled, The Racial Divide in the United States: A
Reflection for the World Day of Peace 2015.
Congratulations to the
young people of our parish
who recently celebrated the
Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time