Bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Mission Statement
Following the example of our patron, a righteous and just man, we the members of St. Joseph Catholic Church,
in Marion Illinois, a Eucharistic community formed by the Word, embrace as our mission the following goals:
to promote evangelization, stewardship and community building.
Thomas D. Flach, V.F., Pastor Thomas Kadela, Youth Minister Emma Tuthill, Coordinator of Religious Education
Alex Hendrickson, Music Director Patty Lynn, Choir Director LaVerne Williams, Secretary Randy Barton, Maintenance
Celebration of Eucharist
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00 pm (Vigil)
Sunday ..................................... 8:00 & 11:00 am
Weekday Schedule
Monday through Thursday ....... 7:45 Morning Prayer
................................................. 8:00 Mass
Friday ....................................... 11:45 Midday Prayer
................................................. 12:10 Mass
Sacrament of Penance
4:00 to 4:45 pm, or as requested.
Baptism: Both parents must attend a preparation session.
Marriage: Make an appointment with the pastor as soon as
possible. A year ahead of time is preferred. A minimum preparation period of four months is required.
Parish Office
(618) 993-3194 Opt 1
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Fri 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Web Sites:
Youth Ministry
OLMC School
(618) 997-9391
(618) 993-3194 Opt. 4
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hospitalized and Homebound
Please notify the office at 993-3194, opt. 1.
Spiritual Formation
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
A preparation process for individuals interested in the
Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office.
Religious Education for Youth
Preschool-Grade 6
Sunday Night Youth Ministry-Grades 7-12
6:00-7:30 pm
6:00-8:30 pm
Adult Programs and Bible Study
Announcements of programs as they are planned.
New Parishioners: Register in person or call the parish office.
General Information
Pastoral Council
Matt Lees, President
Sam Hood, Vice-President
Sue Humphrey, Secretary
Joann Banwarth
Fernando Castillo
Moy Kilpatrick
Jenny Martin
OLMC School Representative: Mary Belanger
Women’s Guild: 2 Tuesday, 6:30 pm - September through May
Knights of Columbus Ladies’ Auxiliary: 4th Tuesday,
6:30 pm. Contact Joyce Steber at 889-6464.
Knights of Columbus
1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm KC Hall
Fourth Degree, 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm KC Hall
Bingo Monday & Thursday 7 pm. Phone: (618) 997-6210
600 N. Russell Street
Marion, Illinois 62959
February 1, 2015
All were amazed and asked one another,
"What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean
spirits and they obey him." His fame
spread everywhere throughout the
whole region of Galilee. - Mk 1:27-28.
This Week
Feb. 1
Mass Intentions
Pray for the Sick and Homebound
Remember all the sick and homebound of our parish
especially: Debe Amaro, Maria Brooks, Dennis & Kay
Darter, Evan Dubicki, Mary Kay Gibson, Chuck Grant,
Delores Henson, Debbie Hopkins, Randal Houston,
Euline Kimmel, Alex Kloepfer, Pat Lucier, Laura Macier,
John Macier, Janet Maher, Jean & Marc McKim, Paul
Mohr, Richard Mohr, Sharon Oliver, Ron Schuzer, Ken
Sine, Herbert Soberg, Sean Spicer, Terri Stachovic and,
Mary Venturo.
Pray for Those in the Military
We remember in prayer our parishioners, relatives and
friends serving in the military, especially Derek Ian
Horowitz and Daniel Steber. Pray for peace in the world.
8:00 & 11:00 am
YM Baby-Back Ribs Sale
After Masses
Mon. Feb. 2
Jan 31 Vigil: Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-5:00 pm Ed & Edith Humphrey
Feb. 1 Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-8:00 † Rinella, Rupert, Brush & Brown Fam.
-11:00 Parish Family
Feb. 2 The Presentation of the Lord
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 4, p. 937)
with Communion Service
Tues Feb. 3 Weekday
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 4, p. 947)
with Communion Service
Wed Feb. 4 Weekday
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 4, p. 958)
with Communion Service
Thurs Feb. 5 St. Agatha
-7:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 4, p. 968)
with Communion Service
Feb. 6 St. Paul Miki
-11:45 Morning Prayer (wk. 4, p. 978)
-12:10 † Kathleen Pulliam
Feb. 7 Vigil: Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-5:00 pm Albert and Rose Berkel
Feb. 8 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
-8:00 † Elmer McCabe
-11:00 Parish Family
Tues. Feb. 3
Wed. Feb. 4
Thurs Feb. 5
Feb. 7
Feb. 8
6:15 pm
6:30 pm
St. Joseph Church
Bingo at KC Hall
7:30 pm
CLBB Games
6:15 & 7:15 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
KC Mtg.
7:30 pm
Youth Commission
6:30 pm
Bingo at KC Hall
7:30 pm
4:00-4:45 pm
5:00 pm
Anniversary Celebration
6:00 pm
8:00 & 11:00 am
Family Mass
11:00 am
Blood Drive at K/C Hall
Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015
Next Sunday:
Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39
† Carol Timson, mother of Laura Gimmy, died on
January 23.
Please remember Carol and her family in your prayers.
Remember St. Joseph Church
Name Us Last. In your Will, after you have taken care
of family and friends, name St. Joseph as a recipient of
the residuary (the amount that is left).
Sharing God’s Gifts
Donations for January 25, 2015
Weekly Budget Goal
Sunday Offering (145)
E-giving (5)
Children’s Offerings (2)
“For the measure you measure with will be measured back
to you.” Lk 6:38
Church Renovation
Contributions(8) for January 25:
Notre Dame High School News
Carly Hopkins was inducted into the National Art
Honor Society on January 28.
Spotlight on Our Advertisers
Please support the advertisers of our Sunday Bulletin. This
week we express our thanks to Jeff Landis ○ Wall & Ceiling Construction ○ Harrisburg ○ 618-252-1892.
Following the Call of Christ
Jesus doesn‟t have call waiting. When Jesus calls you
He needs an answer! How would YOU answer Him?
Join us at the Newman Center beginning Sunday, February 8 at 12:30 p.m. for another Father Robert Barron Video Series. We will spend four Sundays discussing how some famous figures from Scripture answered Jesus‟ call. Light refreshments provided.
Check with Dawn O‟Leary (529-3311) for details.
Respect Life Corner
Perseverance is the Key – The brutal statistic of around 57
million children being denied the right to life in the over 40
years since abortion was legalized in the U.S. is not only
overwhelming, but there is the temptation to despair and
wonder whether the struggle is winnable.
Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: The answer is a resounding
“yes” providing we are prepared to make some sacrifice,
commit ourselves and persevere. Young adults and high
school students are increasingly more pro-life than ever before. Pray for all who do not embrace the rights of the unborn that they come to know and treasure the value of every
Stewardship Reflection
My church is composed of people like me. I help
make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. Its pews
will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work,
if I work. It will make generous gifts to many causes,
if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into
its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them.
It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness
and faith, and a church with a noble spirit, if I, who
make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my
church to be.
Women’s Retreat
The King‟s House Retreat for Women will be on April
10-12. This retreat will feature insights from Pope
Francis‟ teachings, including the apostolic exhortation
The Joy of the Gospel, and The Holy Longing by Ron
Rolheiser, OMI, where he reflects on the Four Pillars
of the Spiritual Life.
First evening conference: Taking the First Step
Second day conference: Traveling Light
Final conference: Roadwork
For more information, contact Susan Sena at 889-8931.
Parent’s Night Out
Want to spend a special evening with your Valentine? Need some free time? Need a quiet evening to
yourself? Mark your calendars for Saturday, February
21. PSR will be hosting a „Parent‟s Night Out‟ from
6:00-9:00 pm in the Family Life Center. The cost is
$5/child with a snack and activity provided. Please
feed dinner to your child(ren) before coming! To take
advantage of this great opportunity, please contact
Emma before Friday, February 20 at 993-3194 opt. 4
or [email protected]
Outreach - Red Cross
On February 21 at 9:00 a.m. the American Red Cross will
conduct training in Management of Emergency Shelters at
St. Joseph Catholic Church in the Family Life Center. The
four hour session will give training in ice storm shelter management.
If you would like to help the Outreach Committee in this
community service project, please call the Parish Office at
993-3194 opt. 1 and leave your name and number with
For any St. Joseph students who are in the 4 – 12 grade,
training will be on Sunday, February 8, in church immediately after 11:00 am Mass and/or on Saturday, February
14, in church immediately after 5:00 pm Mass for approximately. 30-40 minutes. It is not necessary to pre-register.
Any questions contact Sheila Dingrando, at 751-1835.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School will hold Kindergarten Round-up for the 2015-2016 school year on Tuesday, March 24, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Children must be
5 years. old by September 1 to be enrolled in Kindergarten. If you plan to attend, please call Pattie in the
OLMC office at 942-4484 to register.
View from the Pew
Dancing in the Devil’s Face
By Lori Power
I have been a parishioner at St. Joseph Church since 1987, when my husband, John, and I and our
first son, John Patrick, returned to Marion after finishing college and living near Houston, Texas, for
a year. We began our optometry practice in November 1987 and our second son, Matt, was born in
1991. John Patrick is married to our beloved daughter-in-law, Andrea, and they are the parents of our
first grandchild, Kate Renee. Matt is in his first year of medical school at SIU. God has richly blessed
In 2003, I began to experience some odd symptoms that were finally diagnosed as MS. I was devastated. I experienced deep depression and literally cried for a year. I was broken, but God blessed me
with a stubborn, determined spirit (much to my husband's frequent frustration) and I came to realize
that I could either surrender to this diagnosis or strap on my God-given armor and fight. I began to
make significant diet and lifestyle changes and to speak healing scriptures over myself daily.
In January 2005, our dear friends, John and Lisa Sanders, invited us to attend a ballroom dancing
class. I had been interested in this especially since all forms of musical expression are a major focus
of my life. And I felt that my time might be limited; I didn't know how much longer I'd be walking
much less dancing. John agreed and we headed off to class. We loved dancing and continued with our class. I can
remember having vertigo so badly at times that I could hardly sit straight on a chair, but somehow I was able to
get on the dance floor and dance. One particular evening, dancing in Paducah, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me
that I was dancing in the devil's face every time I went out on that dance floor. I continued dancing despite symptoms that made it very difficult at times. At a Mass in the gym one Sunday morning in November 2010, I heard
God speak to me as clearly as if He were standing right behind me; "To those whom much is given, much is expected". He repeated it three times. I had no idea what it meant.......stay tuned.....
In February 2011, our dance instructor asked if I would be interested in competing at the St. Louis Star Ball. Let
me tell you, this made absolutely no sense...the competition was in 4 weeks, I had no appropriate dresses or dance
shoes, and had never had a private lesson of any kind with my instructor. But I felt so very compelled to go and
wasn't sure why. John encouraged me and for some crazy reason, I decided to go.
When I arrived at the Star Ball and had some time to absorb everything and figure out how it all worked, I knew I
did not belong there. This really was a crazy idea and if I'd had my own car, I would have turned around and gone
home. But I felt God telling me to dance in the devil's face!
On this large stage, it took all the courage I could muster to put my foot out on that huge floor in front of all those
amazing dancers, but I did it. For some reason, the judges even liked my dancing. It was incredible!
Four years have passed and my symptoms have completely disappeared. I am a walking, dancing testimony to
God's power, grace, mercy, kindness, joy, peace, and LOVE. As I prepare for my fifth Star Ball in March, I am
certain why I dance and for Whom I dance.
Ministry Assignments
Saturday February 7 - 5:00 pm Mass
Teresa Hopkins
M Gabby, T Kadela, L Lurkins, V McGlashen
J & ME Pickar, K Saffelder, S Tuthill
D Groh, M Groh, B Hines
M Kilpatrick, D Lurkins, S Maroscher, Volunteer
Sacristan Dick Heckel
Sunday February 8 - 8:00 am Mass
Mary Thomason
A Arnold, R & A Bordenave, J Mayer, S Phillips
D Fletcher, H Millette, E Rinella
H Dahmer, J Eckert, C Gibbons, J Phillips
Sacristan Sheila Dingrando
Sunday February 8 - 11:00 am Mass
Michelle Schuzer
M Durr, A Lees, J Martin, R Meleth, R Schuzer,
T Shively, G & M Wiggins
A Frugé, K Frugé, K King
C Diel, M Mangan, M Pardus, M Wright
Sacristan Dan Frugé
The Messenger
Renewal Weekend for the paper is February 7-8.
Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope.
Subscription cost is $25.00 (printed) or Electronic is $25.00
or both for $30.00. The Messenger is available at
Synod of Bishops
Marriage and Family Questionnaire
Bishop Edward K. Braxton and the Vicars Forane invite
you to respond to the questionnaire for the upcoming 2015
Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family. The questions sent by the Holy See to each Diocese in the world are
available at the Diocese of Belleville web site at
diobelle.org. Please click on the link on the home page for
the questions, then enter your prayerful and thoughtful responses.
Your answers will be submitted to the Bishop's Office. The
purpose of the questionnaire is not to debate the teachings
of our Catholic Faith, but to determine how those teachings
may be 1) more fully shared among Catholics and with
modern society and 2) more effectively applied in the pastoral settings of our parishes and institutions. Your vicar
forane and your pastor may also be planning group discussions of these questions in your parish or vicariate. Please
consider participating in those sessions.
Message from TDF
Evangelization, Stewardship,
& Community Building
On February 4, 1954, Marion Jo (Mitzi)
Flach, my youngest sister, was born to Paul E. and Zita
M. Flach, the sixth of six children. This was the day
after my ninth birthday! For the past ten years or so
(except for last year, when Mitzi took a month-long
holiday in New Zealand) we have gotten together for
our birthdays. This year I will join my sister in Tampa
for a celebration. I can‟t believe my sister is 61!
In this weekend bulletin I want to introduce two new
features: View from the Pew and Stewardship Reflections. (Both of these features are also available to read
on the parish website, www.stjosephmarionil.com.) In
the future I hope that periodically we have other Views
from the Pews. This feature spotlights the faith witness of one of our parishioners. After my years in
serving as pastor at St. Joseph Church and other parishes, I have come to a better appreciation of deep faith
and commitment that the folks in the pews have. I am
very pleased that Lori Power has shared part of her
story with us. Lori is the keyboardist for our choir and
with her husband, John, chairs our Liturgy Committee.
The Stewardship Reflection is a thought to ponder in
regards to our call to be stewards, disciples of the
Lord, sharing the gifts of time, talent and treasure.
I am very pleased that next Saturday, our first annual
Valentine Wedding Anniversary Celebration will
honor 20 couples, celebrating one year anniversary to
60 plus years. I am so grateful to the committee of
Reitha and Gary Butson, Angela and Matt Lees, Patty
and Dick Heckel, Keith Kern and Carmi Hill for all the
planning and work they are putting into this event.
Did you know that the profits
of the Monday evening bingo
at the KC Hall comes to St.
Joseph Church? If you are
looking to have an exciting
Monday evening, play bingo at
the KC Hall.--G51--BINGO!
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reverend Monsignor Thomas D. Flach will be
70 on February 3, 2015!
Happy Birthday!