THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: “Come after me…” Mark 1:14-20 SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 5:30 P.M. Marie & Edward Kulak Jerome Campo Ann Buffalino Betty Barone Antoinette Assidio SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 7:30 A.M. Christopher Dorgan 10:00 A.M. Mary Luciani Maricor Bisnar Gerald Cervino 12:00 P.M. Bela Szabo Violet Landry MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 8:00 A.M. Wanda Nyhuis Evelyn Heller TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 8:00 A.M. Gloria Gaviria THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015 8:00 A.M. Nora Holmes FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015 8:00 A.M. Violet Landry SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5:30 P.M. Marie & Edward Kulak Bern Feeney Nick Spina SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 7:30 A.M. Anna Post Ida Brown Wanda Nyhuis 10:00 A.M. Maricor Bisnar 12:00 P.M. Wanda Nyhuis Doel C. & Doris Matthews Edgar C. Alejado Eleanor Leppin Pray daily for the safety of our servicemen Serving PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS SICK: Flora Assidio Lorraine Daly Rudy Siano Nina Margossian Dorothy Fila Margherita Davis Nick Wolkiewicz Stacey Caropreso Jimmy Bailey Baby Michael Soojian Baby Juliet Sinisi Baby Ryder Sasso Margaret Puzio Tom Caropreso Carmela Fusco Frances De Maria Dorothea King Ron Gajdzis Deacon Charlie Tenga Mary Carton James Meehan Gabe Bellantoni Larry Deerr Evelyn O’Connell DECEASED: Ben Glorioso WEEKLY OFFERING Sunday - $2,952.00 Thank you for your continued support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “In the sacraments of Christian initiation we are freed from the power of darkness and joined to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection” (Christian Initiation, 1). The Book of Jonah most likely was written after the exile of the Israelites, when they were establishing themselves as a nation. Today’s First Reading offers a glimpse of God’s gracious mercy to people who repent of their sinfulness. However, that mercy not a cause for joy on the part of Jonah. In the Book of Jonah, we see a man who is not happy with the way that God deals out justice and mercy to the people of Nineveh. Jonah knows how he would deal with “these people.” Maybe Jonah was not happy that he did not get to deliver his many speeches. After all, the people repented after only one day of Jonah’s original forty-day journey. He had thirty-nine more fiery lectures to give! But, God saw by their actions that the Ninevites had understood the possibility of God’s ways and changed their hearts. How often are we certain we know how to deal with “these people?” We have fiery speeches ready to give about them. We have battles to pick and win. Fortunately, God works in spite of our prejudices, hostility and estrangements to welcome all to the new world of God’s coming reign The old world with its sinful ways is indeed passing away to make room for God’s world. In the psalm for this Sunday, we pray to know God’s ways. May we truly get what we pray for. In the Gospel for this Sunday, we hear Mark’s account of the call of the first disciples. Mark doesn’t use the expressive language heard in the Gospel according to John last week. After announcing his mission and intent to proclaim the Good News, Jesus seeks followers. In Mark, the call is pressing: Jesus calls and they follow. Mark presents Jesus as one who calls followers to change their lives, even radically. Repenting and leaving means changing the direction of one’s life. Asking for forgiveness would be empty words without action to make the changes that repentance calls for in reality. But again, Jesus has an urgent message to convey: the time of fulfillment is at hand. God’s reign is imminent; the current world is passing away. God’s reign is being fulfilled in the very actions of Jesus’ preaching and ministry. The call to the fishing disciples may have surprised some of the religious authorities of the day. The disciples were not considered to be learned holy men. They were not trained to preach or teach about God’s actions in the world. They were not upholders of the Law. Rather they were ordinary people doing ordinary work. And, in the midst of that life, the beloved Son of God called them. In Mark’s account of the Gospel, Jesus will teach them to be witnesses of God’s coming reign. Many Maintenance Matters “Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it’s always something—if it ain’t one thing, it’s another” (Gilda Radner as Roseanne Roseannadanna to Weekend Update co-anchor Jane Curtin on Saturday Night Live). Here is a recap of some maintenance matters for those who could not make it to Mass last weekend due to the ice storm (a pastor’s nightmare) when I addressed some of these issues. Just when we think we have our physical plant maintenance issues under control up pops another maintenance matter. I returned from vacation to find a giant tree limb crushing our chain link fence. Then we dealt with a telephone line problem with the fire alarm system in the Church. At the same time we had to call in an exterminator to set new mouse traps in the Rectory. While walking into the School Library to examine the cracks in the wall with a structural engineer, we were met with the sound of water rushing out of a burst pipe in the baseboard heating. Turns out we had multiple leaks in the Library heating system. The carpet in the Library looks like it can be saved. So on Friday, January 16th, we had the following activities going on around the Parish: Flooring contractor working on the inside Church steps; Roofer finishing work on the School roof; Heating contractor working on the Library boiler; Disaster Recovery company working on the Library floor; Plumber fixing a broken toilet in the Boys Bathroom in the School; Exterminator conducting routine mouse trap maintenance in the School. And, as I write this column, the plumber is working in the Rectory because the kitchen sink is hopelessly clogged! Therefore, I must once again ask everyone to please be as generous as possible when we have the second collection for our Maintenance Fund. Maintaining sixty year old buildings is quite costly. As a wise old prophet once said, “This too shall pass.” Second Readings in Ordinary Time In each of the three cycles of Sunday readings, Ordinary Time begins with selections from 1 Corinthians. In Year B, our readings come from chapters 6-11, and finally from 2 Corinthians. Skipping over some of Paul’s major Eucharistic themes, these selections present Paul’s vision of life in light of the Resurrection. For Paul, this is not a theoretical consideration. The Resurrection has very real impacts on daily life: we are united with Christ and one another, worldly anxieties are transitory, and our only concern should be pleasing the Lord, doing everything in his name. Gospel Readings in Ordinary Time The reading from John’s account of the Gospel on the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, describing John the Baptist’s recognition of Jesus, reflects back to the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, and the revelation of Jesus’ true identity. At the same time, with the invitation to the disciples, it is a fitting introduction to the coming Sundays, which will present the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. From there, we launch into the Gospel according to Mark on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Over the subsequent Sundays, we hear continuous selections from Mark’s account of the Gospel. Here, we are presented with Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom of God in word and deed. Mark 1:14-2:12 paints the portrait of Jesus the preacher, caller of disciples, victor over demons, healer, prayerful person, itinerant missionary, and forgiver of sins. With that whirlwind introductions, we get a good sense of why Jesus’ popularity grew so quickly. With Christmas behind us and Lent coming in a few weeks, this segment of Ordinary Time invites us to focus anew on the person of Jesus and his call to us. Bishop’s Annual Appeal We are approaching the final days of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. I thank everyone who donated or pledged to this year’s Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have not made a pledge or gift yet, please consider how you can help St. Francis of Assisi Church achieve our goal. By making a pledge or gift to the Annual Appeal, you not only help other in the Diocese, you also will help pay for the next time we need to call a plumber, electrician, roofer, exterminator, etc. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. David Pickens Pastor Calendar Raffle Winners! Thank you to all who participated in our Calendar Raffle! It was a complete success! Congratulations to the following winners!! Week 5 Winners Ticket Name of Winner Number 1/18/15 1217 Henry Mendoza Date Amount Won $75.00 1/19/15 0089 Lori Quiazon $25.00 1/20/15 0493 Janice Pyryt $25.00 1/21/15 1205 Janet Sanclementi $25.00 1/22/15 0372 Edith Mahecha $25.00 1/23/15 0081 Neal Corrigan $25.00 1/24/15 1155 Lorraine Urquhart $50.00 St. Anthony's Columbiettes Present: Soup-er Bowl Join the St. Anthony's Columbiettes and help aid the local food pantry on Friday, January 30th 5:30- 8:00 Knights of Columbus Hall 65 Hamburg Turnpike Butler, NJ Enjoy a variety of soups and keep the commemorative as a thankful reminder of your generosity. Tickets are $10.00 each plus your food pantry donation Some suggested items are: Peanutbutter and Jelly, Pasta and Rice, Cereals or Any Canned Goods. For Tickets or More Information please contact Antoinette Moralishvili 201-803-7522 or [email protected] ZUMBA Zumba Classes (BURN up to 1000 calories) - Held in St. Francis School Gym Regular Zumba is Tuesday and Thursday - 7pm to 8pm Zumba Toning Wednesday - 7pm to 8pm- Bring light weights no more than 2 pounds or so. Classes are $7.00 per class or 10 classes for $60.00. Please call or email Theresa Reilly for more information- No class registration needed. [email protected] or call 973.248.0013 or 973.868.4206 CAMP VERITAS 2015: Camp Veritas is a one-week play-and-pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be held at three USA locations in 2015; July 19-25 at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY, July 26-August 1st, 2015 at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, MD and August 16-22, 2015 at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY. Enrollment is now open and the enrollment price for each week is $400 per camper. Early bird rates (if paid in full by 4/1/15) are $370 for all Sites. Mor details can be found at BELIEVE IT OR NOT: LENT!! Yes, Ash Wednesday is Feb. 18th which means we are preparing for our eighth year of our parish Lenten Mission. What is Lenten Mission? Groups gather in parishioners’ homes to prepare for the Sunday liturgies during the six weeks of Lent. We have been doing this for seven years and 60 to 70 of us have been a part of this each year. The groups are fluid; each year there are new faces. In the past, we have used programs from the Paulist fathers to guide us and our focus has been on themes in the Sunday liturgies during lent. This year, however, we are trying something different. Using the “Six Weeks with the Bible” series from the Loyola Press (,) we will concentrate on the gospel of Mark (the gospel for most of the Sunday readings this liturgical year,) and we will focus on selected passages. There will be a bible study element with some background material, but the primary focus will be on our relationship with Jesus as viewed in the light of the gospel selection. For those who are seeking a bible study, this is for you. For those who look forward to Lenten Mission this year, this is for you too. You may sign up this weekend (Jan. 17-18) or next weekend (Jan. 24-25). You may also call the rectory. The box for the sign-up slips is in the narthex. Please consider becoming part of the Lenten Mission this year. St. Francis Lenten Mission: Gospel of Mark Name: ______________________________ Phone #__________________________________________ E-mail address____________________________________ Location Preference: (please circle) Haskell, Wanaque Day of the week: (please indicate first and second preference) Mon.___Tues.___Wed.___Thurs.___ Fri.___ Sat.___Sun___ Time of Day: Morning___Afternoon___ Evening___ SAVE THE DATE St. Francis Parish annual FISH AND CHICKEN FRY DINNER will be held on Saturday, March 14. Mark your calendars! EASTER PALMS Please bring your old palms to church when you attend Mass or drop off at the rectory. We need palm to burn for ashes for Ash Wednesday – February 18th. Thank you! OPEN HOUSES are being held at four motherhouses in the diocese on Sunday, February 8, to celebrate this Year of Consecrated Life. You are invited to join the Sisters at any or all of the times/places indicated below. Plan now to attend! Religious Teachers Filippini 455 Western Avenue, Morristown, NJ 2-4 PM - Vespers at 4 Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth (with the Academy and College of St. Elizabeth) 2 Convent Road, Convent Station, NJ 1-4 PM - Opening Prayer at 1:15 Sisters of Christian Charity 350 Bernardsville Road, Mendham, NJ 2-4 PM - Prayer Service at 3 Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth 499 Park Road, Parsippany, NJ 2-4 PM LAKELAND NURSING HOME SCHEDULE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Margaret Markot & Grace Butler LECTORS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5:30 P.M. Pat Demarest SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 7:30 A.M. Mary Oliveira 10:00 A.M. Mike Durkin 12 NOON Harriet Pairo EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5:30 P.M. Karen Cisco & Lynn Magnini SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 7:30 A.M. Linda & Jim Hartigan 10:00 A.M. Grace Butler & Melissa Rivera 12 NOON Jolene Colsant & Judy Schroeder ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5:30 P.M. Open SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 7:30 A.M. Victoria Sheridan 10:00 A.M. Hubert Bisnar 12 NOON Abigale King & Alana Beshaw
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