NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS 2014-2015 GAMES TO “ENJOY” NEITHER TO “WIN” NOR TO “DEFEAT” 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI FROM 9th OF FEBRUARY 2015 TO 14th OF FEBRUARY 2015 Page 1 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI Dear Members and Students, It gives us immense pleasure to announce the, “Annual Mega Sports Event 2014-2015” for the CA members, their families and CA students. This event is scheduled from 9th February 2015 to 14th of February 2015 and prize distribution ceremony will be in the last week of February 2015. Following games are included in this event. GAMES TO BE CONDUCTED FOR MEMBERS, FAMILIES AND STUDENTS OUT DOOR GAMES Sr No. 1. 2. Name of Game Members Family Entry Fee Rs. 16* 8* NA Male 4800(M) Male 3600(S) Female 2800 (M) Female 2100 (S) (Fees Per Team) 4 NA 4 NA NA Male 4800(M) Male 3600(S) (Fees Per Team) Members (M) Students (S) M F M F Cricket Maximum No. of Team 8* 2* Football ** Maximum No. of Team (Per Team/ person) 3. Fast Walk (4 kms Apprx.) 50 4. Cycling 200 NA (12 kms Approx. for Male ) (05 kms Approx. for Female ) 5. Tug of War Sack Race 200 Per Team NA ( Max. 10 Member Team) 6. 50 NA 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 2 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI INDOOR GAMES Name of Game Sr No. 1. Chess Maximum No. of Entries 2. Carom (Singles) Maximum No. of Entries 3. Carom ( Doubles) Maximum No. of Entries Members Students Members Family Entry Fee Rs. (Per Team/ person) M F M F 32 32 16 150 32 32 16 150 32 32 16 300 4. Table Tennis ( Singles) 32 32 16 300 5. Table Tennis (Doubles) 32 32 16 600 6. Badminton ( Singles) 32 32 16 300 7. Badminton ( Doubles) 32 32 16 600 * Cricket Tournament will be played on Tennis Ball. Mixed teams can be formed for Female members & female students. ** Rules & Regulations for football team will be as per international standard. Team can be formed with the mix of members & students. Members are requested to participate in the said “Annual Mega Sports Event 2014-2015” whole heartedly along with their families to make the above event grand success. Thanks & Regards, CA Vikrant Kulkarni Chairman (M) 9881880073 CA Ravi Rathi Secretary (M) 9850307893 CA Sarang Dhoke WICASA Chairman (M) 9890488337 Nashik, 21st January, 2015 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 3 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI Rules & Regulations This year also Members are free to form their own Cricket/Football teams with maximum 15 Members per team (no common players will be allowed) and submit their teams on their own to the branch as per following due date. Last date for submission of the entry form (Hardcopy), for the event is 3 rd February 2015- Till 5.00 PM at branch office. Under any circumstances, the entries shall not be accepted after 3rd February, 2015. Team(s) or Player(s) as the case may be, will be enrolled on first come basis. For Cricket/Football, all interested players who are not part of any Submitted Teams, can enroll their names with branch individually till 3 rd February, 2015 till 5.00 PM. Managing Committee will try and coordinate between such members for forming a team within such players so that maximum number of members get opportunity to be part of this event. At the same time Managing Committee do not guarantee or assure formation of such team/s but will only try to be a facilitator for forming such team/s within such members. One player can participate in multiple games but cannot participate in more than one team in the same activity/game. Following Competition of members and members’ families will be taken on age-group basis which is as mentioned below. (Members Family includes Children’s above the age of 6 years, Spouse and Parents.) SPORT Age Group Fast Walk Competition for Male & Female Category Above 6 up to 12 Above 12 up to 20 Above 20 up to 35 Above 35 up to 45 Above 45 Cycling Above 6 up to 12 Above 12 up to 20 Above 20 up to 35 Above 35 up to 45 Above 45 Running Above 6 up to 12 Above 12 up to 20 Above 20 up to 35 Above 35 up to 45 Above 45 Cricket (Male Members) Up to 45 Above 45( Senior Members Teams) In case of competition of Cricket, Chess, Carom, Badminton and Table Tennis the LOTS and Detailed Schedule of all the matches will be declared on 6th February, 2015 by 5.00 pm and same will be displayed at branch office and branch website. The Rules and regulations of individual games shall be declared on 6th February, 2015 by 5.00 pm and same will be available at branch office and branch website. 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 4 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI In case of Team games, the information i.e. name of the team, Names of team members with respective Membership/Students Regn. Nos., Contact No., Name of the Captain, sizes of required T-Shirts along with total numbers of required TShirts, etc. shall be furnished along with duly signed entry form. In case of cricket, maximum 5 players can be changed but the same need to be intimated on or before 6th February, 2015 by 5.00 pm subject to fulfillment of other conditions which shall remain final for entire tournament. The students who have EITHER appeared for CA Examination on/ after November 2013 OR has registered for CA course on/after 01st November 2013 shall only be eligible to participate in this event. Necessary documentary evidence shall be produced as and when required. The entry form in case of team game shall be separate for each team game i.e. qua team, and in case of individual games shall be composite i.e. qua participant. In the event of any disputes or issues, the decision made by the Umpires/Managing Committee shall be final and binding. The Umpires/Managing Committee shall not be required to justify the decision so taken. Except cricket/football (Where 12 T-Shirts will be provided per team), the T-Shirts are optional for other games. For other games or for additional T Shirts for any Cricket/Football Team shall be made available @ Rs. 250/- per T-Shirt provided the requisition of the same is made on or before 3rd February, 2015. The status of CA Members shall be considered as on 01.01.2015 for participating in games as a CA Member. Managing Committee of Nashik Branch reserves all rights to modify, change, alter or cancel any of the activity/game including schedule thereof and/or rules and regulations made in respect of this event, in particular or general, without any prior intimation and also without adducing any reason(s) thereof. List of Coordinators Appointed for Specific Sports with contact numbers o o o o o o o o o o o o Cricket/ Cricket (Seniors) Football Badminton Table Tennis Chess Carom Fast Walk Running Tug of War Sack Race Cycling - CA Anand Zawar (9823064632) - CA Paresh Bagrecha (9822080738) - CA Sarang Dhoke ( 9890488337) - CA Milan Lunawat (7588873487) - CA Milan Lunawat (7588873487) - CA Ravi Rathi ( 9850307893) - CA Ravi Rathi ( 9850307893) - CA Vikas Hase ( 9404979677) - CA Ravi Rathi ( 9850307893) - CA Ravi Rathi ( 9850307893) - CA Ravi Rathi ( 9850307893) - CA Sarang Dhoke ( 9890488337) & CA Ulhas Borse (9960050101) & CA Vikas Garud (9823118834) & CA Vikrant Kulkarni ( 9881880073) & CA Vikas Hase ( 9404979677) & CA Vikas Hase ( 9404979677) & CA Rekha Patwardhan ( 9373918831) & CA Rekha Patwardhan ( 9373918831) & CA Ulhas Borse (9960050101) & CA Rekha Patwardhan ( 9373918831) & CA Rekha Patwardhan ( 9373918831) & CA Rekha Patwardhan ( 9373918831) & CA Ravi Rathi (9850307893) For any queries or clarification regarding respective sports get in touch with the coordinators of the sports. 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 5 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI “Annual Mega Sports Event 2014-2015” ENTRY FORM(For Individuals) NAME: ……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………….. Surname First Name Middle Name MEMBER/STUDENT/MEMBERS FAMILY: ……………………………………………………… IF MEMBER, M.NO. : ……………………, IF MEMBERS FAMILY RELATION :…………….. IF MEMBERS FAMILY, RELATED MEMBER REGN. NO. : …………………………………. IF STUDENT, REGN. NO. : ……………………………………………………………………….. AGE: …… CONTACT NO(s).:……………….…………………………………………………… EMAIL ID: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. GAME IN WHICH YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE: (PLEASE MARK (√) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of Game Chess Carom (Singles) Badminton(Singles) Fast Walk Table Tennis (Singles) Running (50/100 & 200 Mtrs) Cycling Sack Race T-Shirt (optional) Size (M/L/XL) Total Rs. (√) Entry fee (Rs.) * Only blood Relatives will be allowed to participate under Family Member Category i.e. Spouse, Parents and children’s of the members. Payment mode Cash/Cheque (subject to realization & to be drawn on ‘Nashik Branch of WIRC of ICAI)), No……………., Drawn on…………………………………………… Declaration: I have read all the Rules & Regulations and I hereby undertake to abide by the same and I also declare that I am physically fit to participate in above games and I shall participate in the same at my own risk. Date: ( ) Name & Signature 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 6 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI “Annual Mega Sports Event 2014-2015” ENTRY FORM(For Team Games) NAME OF THE TEAM : ……………………………………………………………………………… MEMBER/STUDENT/MEMBERS FAMILY: ……………………………………………………… NAME OF THE CAPTAIN :…………………………………………………,M.NO. : …………… IF MEMBERS FAMILY, MEMBER NAME & REGN. NO. :……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. IF STUDENT, REGN. NO. : ……………………………………………………………………….. AGE: …… CONTACT NO(s).:……………….…………………………………………………… EMAIL ID: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. GAME IN WHICH YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE: (PLEASE MARK (√) (√) Sr. No. Name of Game 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cricket (Including T-Shirts) Football (Including T-Shirts) Carom (Double) Table Tennis ( Doubles) Badminton (Doubles) Tug of War ( Maxim Team Size 10 ) T-Shirt (Optional)(M/L/XL) Entry fee (Rs.) Total Rs. Payment mode Cash/Cheque(subject to realization & to be drawn on ‘Nashik Branch of WIRC of ICAI)), No……………., Drawn on……………………………………………Dated........................... Declaration : We have read all the Rules & Regulations and we hereby undertake to abide by the same and we also declare that we are physically fit to participate in above games and we shall participate in the same at our own risk. Date: ( ) (Name of Captain & Signature) Notes:1. Please attach separate sheet containing the list of all the team members along with their respective registration Nos., signatures, contact Nos. with head note that “We have read all the Rules & Regulations and We agree to follow the same”. 2. In case of Cricket/Football, 12 T-Shirts shall be provided to each team. In case of requirement of additional T- Shirt, same shall be provided at additional cost of Rs. 250/- per T-Shirt, provided specific requisition is made for additional TShirts on or before 03/02/2015 in writing. Also mention T-Shirt sizes against individual team member name. 3. The applicant shall accompanied by the list of team members, with required size of T-Shirts which are as under Medium, Large & Extra Large. 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Page 7 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI TEAM MEMBER FORM CRICKET / FOOTBALL MEMBER DECLARATION I hereby declare that I have read all the terms and conditions of the Annual Mega Sports Event circular and agree to abide the same. I also declare that I have enrolled my name with only one team and I will not be playing as a member with more than 1 team. SR. NO NAME CONTACT NO. T-SHIRT 1. (M/L/XL) 2. (M /L /XL) 3. (M /L /XL) 4. (M /L /XL) 5. (M /L /XL) 6. (M /L /XL) 7. (M /L /XL) 8. (M /L /XL) 9. (M /L /XL) 10. (M /L /XL) 11. (M /L /XL) 12. (M /L /XL) 13. (M /L /XL) 14. (M /L /XL) 15. (M /L /XL) SIGNATURE DECLARATION BY CAPTAIN I hereby declare that, I have read all the terms and conditions of the Annual Mega Sports Event circular and agree to abide with the same. I also agree to the fact that in case of any dispute or issues the decisions given by Umpires and Managing Committee will be final and will be accepted by me and my team with any further questions. I also declare that none of my team members have enrolled themselves with any other team and are playing only with my team, in case if any member of my team is found to be member of or playing from any other team as well, we will accept the disqualification of our team from the tournament without any dispute or further questions. Name& Signature of Captain (Email ID) 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS Name & Signature of Vice Captain (Email ID) Page 8 of 9 NASIK BRANCH OF WIRC & NASIK BRANCH OF WICASA OF ICAI 2014-2015 ANNUAL MEGA SPORTS
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