High Plains Community Schools Monthly Forecast ISSUE 6 VOLUME 12 February 2012 FROM THE DESK OF: Supt. Hendricks Each week I get a number of publications in the mail. Some of these are subscribed to, others come completely unsolicited. In one of the publications I received over the past couple of weeks, I read an interesting article about the importance of reading science related articles aloud to small children. Science based books, even for the very young, tend to be written in a more analytical fashion. While narratives have a story line and use everyday vocabulary, science picture books are more analytical and use more science-related vocabulary. According to the article by Panayota Mantzicopoulos and Helen Patrick of Purdue University, many parents and primary grade teachers shy away from reading science-related books because they assume these books are less interesting to children, especially girls, and are more difficult than fictional narratives. In addition, some teachers are uncomfortable with science content and avoid or gloss over technical material when they encounter it. Actually, say Mantzicopoulos and Patrick, boys and girls as young as kindergarten are highly interested in life and physical science – animal movement, dolphin babies, sunlight, machines, levers, and more. The researchers believe young students need exposure to science material at an early age to gravitate toward embracing concepts of science. Our K-5 will be holding an elementary reading night later this spring. As I was reading the previous research, my own views of reading with my children were reinforced. One of the most beneficial things we can do as parents to help ensure the success of our children in school is to read with them and to them. The ability to read and the willingness to read is the single most important trait that successful students will have as they go through school. Parents of young children can greatly help set their children up for successful school experiences by encouraging and participating in their child’s reading. Later this spring, please participate in our reading night to share the joy of reading with your child. In This Issue: Notes from the Supt. . . . . . . 1 February Birthdays . . . . . . . 2 Notes from the Principals . 2-3 Student/Teacher of Month . . 3 February Calendar/Menu . . . 4 Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 School Board Minutes . . . . . 6 Wellness Update . . . . . . . . . 7 Speaker/Reading Night . . . . 8 Senior Sketches . . . . . . . . 9-13 Honor Rolls . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 FCCLA News . . . . . . . . . . 16 MS Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . 16 Tel-e-Care Program . . . . . . 17 PEP Conference . . . . . . . 18-19 Alumni Basketball Reg. . . 20 Waffleman Coming . . . . . . 20 Parent - Teacher Conferences Thursday, February 9th 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. Visit the High Plains Community School’s home page at: www.hpcstorm.org for the latest school information. Page 2 FEBRUARY Birthdays Happy Birthday to: 2 3 12 16 18 21 23 24 25 26 28 Dylan Rieken - 2nd Steve Meyer - staff Allyah Dietz - 2nd Frankie Hendricks -6th Garrett Sharman - 5th Emily Kuhn - 11th Al L’Heureux - staff Donna Parsons - staff Randy Church - 10th Eric Rieken - 5th Tegan Fritz - 6th Kelly Lesiak - staff Jarrett Parsons - 4th Keith Nielson - staff Upcoming Events Feb. 10-11 WR Districts @ CCC/Columbus Feb. 9 Parent-Teacher Conferences Feb. 16-18 State WR @ Omaha Mar. 1-3 Girls State BB Mar. 2 NO SCHOOL Mar. 8-10 Boys State BB Mar. 8 End 3rd Quarter Mar. 8 NO SCHOOL Mar. 22 Music Dessert Concert April 6 & 9 NO SCHOOL April 8 Easter April 14 Prom May 12 Graduation This newsletter is printed at: Educational Unit # 7 in Columbus February 2012 Monthly Forecast Notes from MR. HUDSON The spring semester is off to a great start with students and teachers working hard in their respective classes. I am pleased to say that our students continue to work hard and seem to take it all in stride. During the past month we have had our Speech team hard at work preparing for their season, basketball teams playing non-stop, wrestling action that started with another successful Storm Invite. It is a very busy time right now for our students and they should be commended for the time and effort they put into their academics and extra-curricular activities. They personify what being a student at High Plains Community schools is all about. As we get closer to spring and the schedule gets even busier I would like to remind everyone that it’s important for our students to stay ahead of the game when it comes to their academics. The teachers at High Plains are willing to help their students but proper communication is important. If a student has missed class it is important that they communicate with their teachers and work hard to remain caught up with daily assignments. Also, we encourage each student to communicate with their teachers BEFORE they are going to be gone to find out what work will need to be completed, and to get that homework completed in a timely manner. We have too many students who talk to a teacher the day before they are leaving. I know from experience that this puts the teacher in a bind and does not make a good impression. Encourage your students to take responsibility and communicate with their teachers. A small but recurring problem at our school is the loss of valuables. A majority of the items stolen have been reported to the office and the common theme among these thefts is that valuables were not locked up or were left unattended. Please remind your student that they surely wouldn’t go to the mall and leave their wallet or backpack sitting unattended, so why do this at school? While we make every attempt to locate stolen items, it is extremely difficult to do and is frustrating when a student simply does not take care in protecting their own valuables. Also, students who bring money to school need to take the time to lock gym lockers, secure their wallets, or simply turn their money into the office to be picked up later. As principal, I am happy that our students feel our environment is safe enough to bring items of value to school, but I have always stressed that there is a risk involved with doing this. Please understand the risk! Hopefully as we get closer to spring the weather continues to cooperate with us and we can enjoy the last 4 months of school even more. As always do not hesitate to call the school with any questions you might have. I look forward to the opportunity to visit with you. Monthly Forecast February 2012 February News from Mrs. LeSuer Research has shown that parental involvement is the most important factor in a student’s success in school, especially during elementary and middle school years. As a partner in education, I would like to remind parents of the upcoming parent-teacher conferences on February 9th from 2:00-8:00 and K-5 as scheduled. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to visit with your child’s teachers and learn what students have been studying as well as concerns and successes observed in the classroom. To get the most out of parent-teacher conferences be prepared to listen as well as to talk. During the conference, the teacher should offer specific details about your child’s work and progress. It may be helpful to write down questions ahead of time and visit with your child to see if he or she has any special concerns or questions he/she would like you to discuss or clarify with the teacher. Samples of questions you may want to consider are: • Is my child working up to his/her potential? • Does my child participate in class or group discussions? • How does my child interact with peers? • Does my child turn in his or her homework on time? Students in K-5 continue with the quest of reading to meet goals for the Books…Pop One Open reading incentive program. The 3rd quarter deadline is right around the corner (March 8) so remember to READ so that your child will be recognized for 3rd quarter! Just in case, students not meeting the quarterly goal will still have an opportunity to reach the goal by completing the goal from the previous quarter along with the goal of the current quarter. If you would have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or myself. In closing the cold and flu season is well upon us. I know you have heard this a million times but one more time won’t hurt. Good hand washing is the single number one defender against the spread of germs. The most common way that germs enter our body is through the nose, mouth, or eyes. Usually we get sick because we touch something that has germs on it and then touch our face. Your best defense is to wash your hands as often as possible and keep your hands away from your face. Always wash your hands after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, playing outdoors or with animals, before eating, and anytime they look, smell or feel dirty. The best way to wash your hands is to use running water and soap. If running water and soap is not available you can use antibiotic hand sanitizer but it is the act of the running water that gets most of the germs off. The High Plains Community Schools are committed in being the best educational institution possible. Our students are the future; in partnership with parents, community and school, it is the responsibility each link to create the best-educated students possible. If you ever have a question about the school or any other issues, feel free to me at (308) 548-2216. Until next month…GO STORM!!! Page 3 Student / Teacher of the Month JANUARY Ethan Fleming Junior Alex Bender Junior Mrs. Dianne L’Heureux 4th Grade Congratulations and Keep up the Good Work! National Honor Society Dance Feb. 4th 8:00 - 12:00 Elementary Gym Polk Admission: 2 cans of food items Page 4 February 2012 Monthly Forecast Monthly Forecast February 2012 Page 5 SCOREBOARD Basketball Varsity Girls 12-13 HPC 24 NE Christian 52 12-16 HPC 24 Exeter-Milligan 78 12-20 HPC 30 Shelby-RC 62 12-29/30 Malcolm Holiday Tourney - 3rd Place HPC 31 Centennial 46 HPC 52 Malcolm 48 1-5 HPC 20 Cross County 57 1-5 HPC 20 Hampton 53 1-10 HPC 18 Palmer 30 JV Girls 12-13 12-16 12-20 1-3 1-5 HPC 10 NE Christian 18 HPC 31 Exeter-Milligan 26 HPC 31 Shelby-Rising City 26 HPC 2 Cross County 16 HPC 21 Hampton 1 1-10 HPC Palmer Varsity Boys 11 20 12-13 HPC 72 NE Christian 28 12-16 12-20 HPC 71 Exeter-Milligan 42 HPC 61 Shelby/Rising City 37 Additional Post Season Honors Volleyball Kendra Samuelson Morgan Van Housen MacKenzie Stevens Katelyn Shoup All-Area Team (York) Academic All-State All-Area Honorable Mention (York) All-Area Honorable Mention (York) Academic All-State Football Derek DeMers Tanner Hannappel Tanner Fate Alex Bender Emily Kuhn Chancy Miller Reva Graves Dylan Shenk All-Area Team (York) All-Area Honorable Mention (York) Academic All-State All-Area Team Co-Captain (York) Academic All-State Softball Play Production 12-29/30 Malcolm Holiday Tourney 1-3 1-5 1-10 HPC 42 Centennial 46 HPC 78 Friend 52 HPC 53 Cross County 46 HPC 73 Hampton 52 HPC 68 Palmer 46 12-13 12-20 12-20 1-3 1-5 1-10 HPC 42 NE Christian 22 HPC 23 Exeter-Milligan 22 HPC 38 Shelby/Rising City 24 HPC 40 Cross County 26 HPC 55 Hampton 16 HPC 44 Palmer 30 JV Boys Academic All-State Academic All-State Academic All-State Academic All-State Wrestling 12-16/17 Flatwater Fracas @ GI Heartland Events Center Team Result: 24th Place HPC 33 Omaha Gross 18 HPC 0 Manhattan 76 HPC 12 Norfolk 63 HPC 18 Adams Central 56 HPC 18 Columbus 57 HPC 27 Gothenburg 33 HPC 30 Lincoln N.S. 51 Individuals Results: Steven (126) 5-1 Trey (132) 1-1 Cale (138) 4-3 Tanner F. (152) 3-3 Tanner H. (170) 5-2 Cole (195) 1-6 Brandon (113) 4-3 Randy (126) 1-4 Kyle (285) 1-0 1-6/7 HPC Invite Team Result: 13th Place Steven Thies (126)-1st Brandon Burress (113)-4th Cale Bolton (138)-6th Tanner Hannappel (170)-6th Page 6 February 2012 School Board Minutes Monthly Forecast M-Motion by, S-Seconded by, F-For, A-Against, AB-Absent, As-Abstain, Mc-Motion Carried. It is noted that the Nebraska Open Meeting Act was on display High Plains Community Schools Speaker system at middle Board of Education Meeting school. January 9 2012 M-Fowler, The regular meeting of the High Plains Community Schools Board of Education was held on January 9 2012, at the school library in Polk. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Kurt Kuhn. Present were Brian Samuelson, Kurt Kuhn, Gregg Fowler, Wendy Hudson and Kathy Klingsporn. Also present were Superintendent Hendricks, Principal Hudson, Principal LeSuer. A.D. Vrbka arrived at 7:03 p.m. There were no visitors. M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to excuse Karen Stevens from the board meeting. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) M-Hudson, S-Klingsporn to approve the agenda as presented. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) M-Fowler, S-Klingsporn to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 12, 2011. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) Items on the Supt. Hendricks’ report: Technology update; Facilities update; Personnel update, New classes offered in high school and middle school. Items on Principal Hudson’s report: Important dates; Educational updates; Facilities updates; Honor roll. Items on Principal LeSuer’s report: Professional update; Educational update; Important dates; Honor Roll students; School improvement. Items on the A.D. Vrbka’s report: Speech meets; Professional update; Scoreboard at middle school; S-Klingsporn to approve the second reading of Board Policy 5.1- Student Admission Requirements. Mc 5-0. (AbStevens) M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to approve the first reading of Board Policy 2.32 – Wellness Policy. Mc 5-0. (AbStevens) Greg Fowler nominated Kathy Klingsporn for board president. M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to cease nominations. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) Kathy Klingsporn was declared board president by acclamation. Brian Samuelson nominated Gregg Fowler for vice president. M-Hudson, S-Klingsporn to cease nominations. Mc 5-0. (AbStevens) Gregg Fowler was declared vice president by acclamation. Kathy Klingsporn nominated Wendy Hudson for board secretary. M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to cease nominations. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) Wendy Hudson was declared secretary by acclamation. Kathy Klingsporn nominated Karen Stevens for board treasurer. M-Fowler, S-Hudson to cease nominations. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) Karen Stevens was declared treasurer by acclamation. M-Hudson, S-Samuelson to change board committees to the following for the 2012 year. Mc 5-0. (AbStevens) Board committees for 2012 are as follows: AMERICANISM-Kathy Klingsporn, Gregg Fowler, Karen Stevens MULTICULTURAL-Brian Samuelson, Wendy Hudson, Kathy Klingsporn WEATHER & TRANSPORTATION-Kurt Kuhn, Wendy Hudson, Brian Samuelson NEGOTIATIONS- Karen Stevens, Kurt Kuhn, Brian Samuelson BUILDING-Kurt Kuhn, Brian Samuelson, Gregg Fowler WELLNESS-Gregg Fowler, Karen Stevens, Wendy Hudson MARKETING-Kathy Klingsporn, Wendy Hudson, Karen Stevens M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to go into closed session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss principal contracts. Mc-5-0. (AbStevens) M-Fowler, S-Hudson to come out of closed session at 7:55 p.m. Mc 5-0. (AbStevens) M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to offer a contract to Principal Cameron Hudson for the 2012/2013 school year. Mc 4-0-1 (As-Hudson, AbStevens). M-Fowler, S-Hudson to offer a contract to Principal Karyee LeSuer for the 2012/2013 school year. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) M-Samuelson, S-Fowler to approve the request to recognize HPCEA as a collective bargaining agent for 2012-13, 2013-14 teacher (continued on page 7) Monthly Forecast (continued from page 6) negotiations. Mc 5-0. (abStevens) Information discussed and requiring no action: NASB Legislative conference; UNK/ UNL Career Fair. The board reviewed the Lunch and Activities accounts. M-Fowler, S-Klingsporn to pay the general fund bills as presented. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) M-Fowler, S-Hudson to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Stevens) Respectfully submitted, Wendy Hudson, Secretary STORM WINDOW STICKERS AVAILABLE Storm Window Stickers are still available. Cost is $8.00, with one name. If you want to personalize them with graphics or multiple names, add 50 cents for each item. Order forms are available at each office, or email Linda Gilson, [email protected]. February 2012 Page 7 Wellness Steps Taken for to a Healthier Lifestyle at HPC Nearly 1/3 of Nebraska’s children are overweight or obese. Facts like this are the reason we need to take steps to establish a healthy lifestyle for our children. The High Plains School Health Committee is taking steps to help students/staff recognize healthy lifestyle choices. The committee has submitted a revised school wellness policy to the school board for approval. The food service director has generated a student survey regarding types of foods served on the school lunch menu. And, we have scheduled an all Box Tops for school “Wellness Day” Education for Friday, March 23. Look for this symbol on Student activities and speakers your food items. are being scheduled for both sites. Cut them out, save them over the summer, and send them to the school. Our goal is to take small steps towards a healthier lifestyle for our students and staff. Keep Saving Those Coupons! CRIME DOES NOT PAY - CRIME STOPPERS DOES POLK COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS and the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept. work together to help prevent and solve crime in our communities and schools throughout the county. CASH REWARDS (up to $1,000) could be given to persons providing information leading to the arrest of criminals. When calling to report your tips, the phone does not have caller ID and conversations are not recorded, therefore, you remain anonymous. CALL 1-402-747-2244 Page 8 February 2012 Monthly Forecast Nebraska Humanities Council speaker to appear K-5 Reading Night - March 1, 2012 Speaker Deborah Greenblatt will present a program “James Whitcomb Riley, the Fiddling Children’s Poet” on March 1st at 7:00 pm at the Polk Elementary School Gym. This will be part of our “Reading Night” for student in grades K through 5 and their parents, which will begin at 6:30 pm. (More information to follow at later date) This presentation is made possible by the Nebraska Humanities Council, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and the Title One program at High Plains Community Schools as part of the NHC Speakers Bureau. Deborah Greenblatt has been teaching, performing, composing, recording and writing professionally since 1971. She is a master artist with the Nebraska Arts Council’s Artist in the Schools/Communities Program. Deborah was the first woman to win the Nebraska State Fiddling Championship, the first woman to win the MidAmerica Fiddle Championship and is a member of the Mid-America Old-Time Fiddler’s Hall of Fame. She performs with her husband as Greenblatt & Seay, and with the Greenblatt String Trio. She is a consultant for the Denison School of Strings in Iowa and past president of the Nebraska American String Teachers Association. Using Riley’s own words, Greenblatt weaves a whimsical glimpse into the world of this famous Hoosier poet. This show, performed in character and in costume, features musical settings of Riley’s poems composed by Greenblatt, as well as portions of Riley’s lectures (he toured with Edgar Allan Poe) and letters (he corresponded with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). “James Whitcomb Riley, the Fiddling Children’s Poet” is one of approximately 300 programs offered through the Nebraska Humanities Council Speakers Bureau. The more than 165 available speakers include acclaimed scholars, writers, musicians, storytellers and folklorists on topics ranging from pioneer heritage to ethics and law to international and multicultural issues, making it the largest humanities speakers bureau in the nation. Speakers are available to any non-profit organization in Nebraska. Each program lasts 30 minutes to an hour, plus a question-and-answer period. Order Form for 2012 YEARBOOK Cost: $30 $35 with Name on Cover Can be ordered through the school: get this form to Mrs. Gilson or email your request to: [email protected] or order on-line at: www.jostenyearbooks.com Name: ________________________________ Number of books: ____________ Personalization name: ____________________________ Price good through April 30, 2012 Monthly Forecast February 2012 MEET A SENIOR Page 9 Name: Shala Maree Ostberg Birth date: October 30, 1993 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Height: 5’8” Nickname: Shay, Shay-wa Parent(s) names: Ed & Tina Ostberg Future Plans: Go to college, get married, and have kids. Person(s) most admired: Parents and Grandma Nona Activities: Softball – 4 years Basketball – 3 years FFA – 4 years Track – 4 years Choir – 2 years Your advice to the underclassmen: Starting drama gets you nowhere. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Bus rides to sporting events. What is your pet peeve? When people talk really loud. What is your favorite saying? “That ain’t no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can’t be un-did homeskillet.” If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? A fish, so I could swim across the world. Your Favorites: Color: Blue Food: Spaghetti Restaurant: Applebee’s Vocal Group: Mayday Parade Singer: Luke Bryan Song: Marry the Night by Lady Gaga Movie: Old Disney Movies TV Show: Say Yes to the Dress Actor &/or Actress: Channing Tatum & Rachel McAdams Brand of Clothing: American Eagle Store: Wal-Mart Vacation Spot: Harlan Lake Past time&/ or Hobby: Hanging out with friends and playing sports. Page 10 February 2012 MEET A SENIOR Monthly Forecast Name:Katelyn Alissa Shoup Birth date: May 5, 1994 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Brown Height: 5’7” Nickname: Shouper, K-shizzle, Kate Parent(s) names: Kim & Kris Shoup Future Plans: Attend a 4 year college Person(s) most admired: My sisters Do you have a part time job? No Activities: Volleyball - 4 years Track - 4 years Student Council - 3 years FCA - 1 year NHS - 3 years Flag Corps - 1 year Basketball - 4 years FCCLA - 3 years Band - 4 years Your advice to the underclassmen: Stay out of trouble and have fun. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? When Brittany and I had a kicking contest and Brittany fell..... What is your pet peeve? Dramatic people What is your favorite saying? “Hey girl!” If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Money, so I could make everybody happy. Your Favorites: Color: Blue Food: Pepperoni pizza Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings Vocal Group: Rascal Flatts Singer: Eminem Song: Someone Like You by Adele Movie: Water for Elephants TV Show: Pretty Little Liars Actor&/or Actress: Will Ferrell Cameron Diaz Brand of Clothing: Anything Store: Buckle Vacation Spot: My lake Past time&/ or Hobby: Tetris Monthly Forecast February 2012 MEET A SENIOR Page 11 Name: Joslyn Elizabeth Blase Birth date: June 6, 1994 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Height: 5’6” Nickname: Roslyn, Jos, Rosco, Josy Parent(s) names: Kevin and Jodie Blase Future Plans: Go to college, get a job, marry someone rich, and have kids. Person(s) most admired: Parents and my sister Activities: Softball - 4 years FFA - 1 year Track - 2 years Band - 4 years Yearbook - 1 year Dance Team - 3 years FCCLA - 3 years Band - 4 years Flag Corps - 1 year Student Council - 3 years Your advice to the underclassmen: “Don’t back sass Mr. Pekarek.” What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? When Brittany Martin attacked Emily Kuhn on our band trip & when I tried to jump off the golf cart. What is your pet peeve? Drama queens. What is your favorite saying? “Hey, ya don’t say that!” If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? A sun, so I can light up the world :) Your Favorites: Color: Teal Food: Crab legs Restaurant: Red Lobster Vocal Group: Zac Brown Band Singer: Bruno Mars Song: It Will Rain by Bruno Mars Movie: The Elf TV Show: Secret Life Actor&/or Actress: Channing Taytum & Amanda Seyfreid Brand of Clothing: North Face Store: Forever 21, Charming Charlies Vacation Spot: Turtle Beach Past time&/ or Hobby: Dancing and spending time with friends and family. Page 12 February 2012 Monthly Forecast MEET A SENIOR Name:Derek DeMers Birth date: January 15, 1994 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Height: 6’4” Nickname: Double, Dub, Dubstep, Dooble Parent(s) names: Mike & Jill DeMers Future Plans: College Person(s) most admired: Grandparents Do you have a part time job? Yes, at Monsanto Activities: Football - 4 years Basketball- 4 years Track - 4 years FCA - 2 years FCCLA - 3 years Student Council - 3 years Band - 4 years Yearbook - 1 year FFA - 1 year Your advice to the underclassmen: “Watching the clock doesn’t make it go faster.” What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Football What is your pet peeve? Loud people What is your favorite saying? “Shush your butt.” If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Eraser, so I could erase my mistakes. Your Favorites: Color: Blue Food: Peanut Butter egg sandwich Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings Vocal Group: Breaking Benjamin Singer: Lil Wayne Song: Down With the Sickness by Disturbed Movie: Inception TV Show: Blue Mountain State Brand of Clothing: American Eagle Store: Wal-Mart Vacation Spot: Colorado Past time&/ or Hobby: Chillin Monthly Forecast February 2012 MEET A SENIOR Page 13 Name:Adam Geoffrey Bannister Birth date: August 11, 1993 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Height: 6’1” Nickname: Banny, BanMan Parents names: Dale and Tonya Bannister Future Plans: Attend a four-year college Persons most admired: My grandparents Do you have a part time job? Yes, I work for my dad on the farm Activities: Football – 3 years FCCLA – 3 years Quiz Bowl – 4 years Yearbook – 1 year Actions Day – 2 years FFA – 4 years Basketball – 4 years Track – 4 years FCA – 3 years Band – 4 years National Honors Society– 3 years 4-H – 7 years Student Council – 3 years HPC TV – 2 years Your advice to the underclassmen: Be the first ones to lunch when Ms. Gilson is on duty What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Losing my shoe in a river at State FFA What is your pet peeve? The wrapping paper still on the lockers one month after Christmas is over What is your favorite saying? “Don’t worry about it.” If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Myself, because there is nothing I can do to change that. Your Favorites: Color: Neon Green Food: Tacos Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings Vocal Group: The Lonely Island Singer: Lil Wayne Song: Let’s Roll by Yelawolf Movie: Jumper TV Show: Blue Mountain State Actor&/or Actress: Charlie Sheen & Betty White Brand of Clothing: HPC Apparel Store: Best Buy Vacation Spot: Breckenridge, Colorado Past time&/ or Hobby: Hanging out with my friends Page 14 February 2012 Monthly Forecast High Plains Community Middle School Roll of Honor, 2nd Quarter 6th Grade Honor Roll 7th Grade High Honor Roll 6th Grade 7th Grade Alyse Carlson Kaylee Eberle Cara DeMers Tana Engel Claire Harless Yuridia Rascon Frankie Hendricks Anna Reeves Emily McNaught Thomas Young Tanner Parsons Kaylee VanHousen Madison Young 8th Grade 8th Grade Josh DeMers Chloe Engel Garrett Lesiak Matthew Pekarek Hunter Sharman Kyler VanHousen High Plains Community Middle School Roll of Honor, 1st Semester 6th Grade Honor Roll 7th Grade High Honor Roll 6th Grade 7th Grade Alyse Carlson Kaylee Eberle Cara DeMers Tana Engel Claire Harless Yuridia Rascon Frankie Hendricks Anna Reeves Emily McNaught Thomas Young Tanner Parsons Kaylee VanHousen Madison Young 8th Grade 8th Grade Josh DeMers Chloe Engel Garrett Lesiak Matthew Pekarek Hunter Sharman Kyler VanHousen For a student to be placed on the honor roll, the student must maintain a 90% average or above. Students maintaining a 94% average will be placed on the “High Honors” list. No student will be placed on either list if that student receives a “C” or less in any graded classes, regardless of their total grade point average. Monthly Forecast February 2012 Page 15 HIGH PLAINS COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL – 2nd Quarter/1st Semester 2011-2012 SENIORS - HIGH HONORS HONOR ROLL Adam Bannister (semester) Joslyn Blasé (semester) Joslyn Blasé (quarter) Ashley Morris Colton Flinn Tanner Hannappel (semester) Hilary Kava Brittany Martin Chancy Miller Shala Ostberg Kendra Samuelson Katelyn Shoup MacKenzie Stevens Steven Thies (semester) JUNIORS - HIGH HONORS HONOR ROLL SOPHOMORES - HIGH HONORS HONOR ROLL FRESHMEN - HIGH HONORS HONOR ROLL Alex Bender Kylee Fischer (quarter) Brandon Burruss Megan Fitzgerald (quarter) Tanner Fate Megan Fitzgerald (semester) Eric Goertzen Emily Kuhn Kelley Robinson Morgan VanHousen Randy Church Logan Engel Logan Fleming (quarter) Reva Graves Abigail Letcher Tyler Martin (quarter) Jami Ostberg Dylan Shenk Kendyl Beck (semester) Cale Bolton Logan Fleming (semester) Tyler Martin (semester) Andrew Adelson Allie Hogan (semester) Rachel Beck Cole Klingsporn (semester) Lindy Eberle Amber Scherer Phoebe Edson Trey Engel Cale Harless Cole Klingsporn (quarter) Hannah Person Danielle Shenk Jenna Veburg Jabe Wurtz For a student to be placed on the honor roll, the student must receive no grades Danielle Shenk lower than a B (85.5) and have an average of at least 90%. Jenna Veburg High Honors are those students maintaining a 94% average. Jabe Wurtz High Plains Community would like to recognize and congratulate these students on their scholastic excellence for the 1st Semester of the 2011-2012 school year. Page 16 February 2012 FCCLA NEWS Mall of America - Here We Come Our FCCLA group has planned a shopping day at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME ALONG? We have a 56-passenger chartered bus booked for March 24, 2012. It is full, but if we can fill a second 47-passenger bus I will book it. FCCLA Alumni, Parents, Friends, Anyone can go with us. The plans are to leave from the high school at 1:30 a.m., travel to the mall, shop 10-7, load up and arrive back at the high school at 3 a.m. Sunday morning. Cost is $65/person for transportation. Food and shopping would be additional costs for you. A light breakfast (breakfast bar and juice/water) will be provided on the bus. Contract Mrs. Gilson ([email protected]) if interested. You will be put on a waiting list. If someone backs out, or I get 38 more people wanting to go for a second bus, you will be able to catch a ride with us. STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) was held January 25th at Howells High School. Kelley Robinson gave an Illustrated Talk presentation on Divorce, MacKenzie Stevens entered the Recycle and Redesign category, and Josiah Dixon entered Entrepreneurship. Results will be given next month. Chancy Miller and Jeri Gray were event evaluators and 10 other members helped as room consultants; Abigail Letcher, Katie VanHousen, Hannah Person, Austyn Beck, Jenna Veburg, Lindy Eberle, Morgan VanHousen, Megan Fitzgerald, and Danielle Shenk. We will celebrate FCCLA Week February 12-18. Monthly Forecast Middle School Basketball SCOREBOARD Girls 12-1 HPC 20 Osceola 52 12-5/6 Chapman/ St. Libory Tourney HPC 24 Northwest 14 HPC 29 GICC 37 12-12 HPC 19 Chap/St. Lib 14 12-15 HPC 20 Hampton 30 1-5 HPC 20 Giltner 13 1-12 HPC 0 Shelby/RC 8 1-17 HPC 10 NE Christian 21 Final Record 3-5 Boys 12-1 HPC 34 Osceola 22 12-15 HPC 39 Hampton 28 1-9 HPC 44 East Butler 9 1-12 HPC 34 Shelby/RC 27 1-17 HPC 39 NE Christian 22 1-21 CRC Playoff game @ York score next month Monthly Forecast February 2012 Page 17 Tele-Care Program A Tradition at HPC Each morning 3rd and 4th grade students start their day by making a call to a senior citizen to check on them. Mrs. Lindburg began the Tele-Care program in 1993 at the Clarks site to create a bond between the youth and the elderly in the Clarks area community. The idea for the service came from her Aunt, Mrs. Wurst, who had started Tele-Care in Polk several years prior. Mrs. L’Heureux continued it at the Polk site when the districts consolidated. This is truly a tradition here at HPC. We are estimating that it was started in the early 80’s by Mrs. Diane Wurst. Mr. Gray remembers it being a successful program in 1987 when Polk-Hordville merged, and in 1990 this program was awarded President Bush’s “Points of Light” award. Mr. Gray, Mrs. Wurst, and the class of 2000 (as 3rd graders) traveled to Washington DC to receive the award. Tele-Care is a telephone check-in program for the children to call elderly people each school day to check in on them. The children read the following script: “This is ---- calling for TeleCare. Are you all right? Do you need anything? I will call you about the same time tomorrow. Have a good day!” The 4th grade students get to meet their calling partners in the fall and spring. In the fall they traveled to the senior center to play Bingo and in the spring they are treated to sundaes. Alexandra Wostrel making her daily call. Griffin Hendricks making a call with Lindsi Hughes waiting her turn. The 3rd graders enjoy sending holiday cards and Christmas caroling. Thank you to all Tele-Care friends for helping the children learn telephone manners and responsibility to care for others. The children enjoy the friendships they have developed! Bingo at the Senior Center Page 18 February 2012 Monthly Forecast Monthly Forecast February 2012 Page 19 Page 20 February 2012 Monthly Forecast POLK – HORDVILLE – CLARKS ALUMNI BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT MARCH 30th and 31st, 2012 HIGH PLAINS ACTIVITIES FUNDRAISER $15 per player IF YOUR INTERESTED IN PLAYING IN THE 1 ANNUAL TOURNAMENT PLEASE EMAIL MR. HUDSON AT: [email protected] ST ONCE WE HAVE A LIST OF PLAYERS WE WILL DESIGNATE THE TEAMS AND MAKE THIS HAPPEN! and you can also Have Breakfast with The Waffleman When: March 31, 2012 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Where: Polk Elementary Gym Cost: $6.00 All You Can Eat Tickets available from any Junior or the high school. Sponsored By: Junior Class What You Will Get: PLUS: ALL YOU CAN EAT BIG 9” Belgian Waffles (Hot & fresh off the iron) 5 Different Syrup Flavors plus sugar free if you desire it “Scrumptious” Specially Made for The Waffleman™ Pork Sausage Links Butter & Whipped Cream Monthly Forecast February 2012 Page 21 Page 22 February 2012 Monthly Forecast High Plains Community Schools 345 South Pine P.O. Box 29 Polk, NE 68654 U.S. Postage Paid STC Rate Non-Profit Organization Polk, NE 68654 Permit No. 1 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED POSTAL PATRON February 2012 Monthly Forecast Page 23
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