111 E. Church Street PO Box 86 Richfield, NC 28137 Church - 463-7280 January Disciples in Action 4th – 2nd Sunday of Christmas (white) Reader: Libby Palmer Flowers: Peggy Roseman Communion Assistant: Cindy Misenheimer Communion Prep: Cindy Misenheimer th 11 – Baptism of Our Lord (white) Reader: Cindy Misenheimer Flowers: Revs. Ruth Ann & Ray Sipe Communion Assistant: ? Communion Prep: ? th nd 18 – 2 Sunday after Epiphany (green) Reader: Kay Cosgrove Flowers: Revs. Ruth Ann & Ray Sipe 25th – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (green) Reader: Cynthia Mills Flowers: Revs. Ruth Ann & Ray Sipe Fold Bulletins: ALTAR GUILD: Kay Cosgrove Nancy Huneycutt, Cynthia Mills Cindy Misenheimer Mt. Zion Lutheran Church January 2015 – Glad Tidings **To submit articles to the newsletter contact Chrissy Chandler at 704-463-7543 or 704-984-1761, [email protected] or leave them in the mailbox outside the Pastor’s office. All submissions must be in by the Friday before the last Sunday of the month.** SCCM item for JANUARY: CANNED BEANS & DRY BEANS or any canned food items Community Inn meal for JANUARY: Linda, Angie, Ruth Ann • FEBRUARUY: Cynthia, Carrie ANNIVERSARIES: 2 – Ivan & Tara Barajas – 8 BIRTHDAYS: 5 – Colby Crawford Carl Huneycutt 6 – Micheal Chandler 8 – Cynthia Mills David Poplin 10 – Emily Misenheimer 11 – Tony Wagoner 14 – Chrissy Chandler 16 – Brenda Barringer 20 – Kevin Parker 24 – Pastor Ruth Ann Sipe 25 – Ashley Manus 29 – Andrew Misenheimer BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS: 2 – Taylor Chandler 6 – Treece Barringer 10 – Jordan Smith 21- Seth Almond 23 – Ruby Manus 25 – Anna Smith Thank You: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + to outgoing council members Terry Almond, Wade Barbee, and Lillian Huneycutt for their service the past three years; especially to Terry Almond for his service as council chair this past year. to the members of the Upper Room Sunday School Class and everyone who helped with the Christmas Party! to everyone who “adopted” twelve needy children from Richfield and New London through SCCM’s Helping Hands program, to MaryAnn Fisher for organizing this project, and to Cynthia and Wayne Mills for loading and delivering the gifts! to the children and their families who lit the Advent and Christ candles to help us prepare for and celebrate Christmas! to Rev. & Mrs. Bud Walck for inviting us to tour their Christmas House. to the Misenheimer & Hill families for the delicious chicken dumpling and noodle lunch and to everyone who donated generously to the Building Fund! to the children and their teachers for their Christmas program! to the youth and young adults (LYMZ and YAMZ) of Mt. Zion for sorting and distributing Christmas cards and to those who donated generously to the Heifer Project in memory of Patsy Johnson. to all the Christmas carolers for spreading cheer to members of our congregation and community and to Peg Roseman and her family for hosting all the carolers with wonderful refreshments. to June Almond and Cindy Misenheimer for leading Christmas Eve worship when Pastor Ruth Ann was ill. to Marilyn Robertson and everyone who provided refreshments for our fellowship time on Christmas Eve! to Tyler, Lindsay, and Maddie Gordon, plus Peg Roseman and Jim Barrringer for participating in the gospel reading for our service of Lessons and Carols. to the musicians, decorating and Christmas committees, Altar Guild, and everyone who has helped to make this a festive season for our congregation and community through our worship services, indoor and outdoor decorations, and ministry in the community! to an unnamed donor who has donated over $2000 for roofing repairs to the bell tower. We extend our Christian sympathy: + to Rich and Kay Cosgrove and family following the death of Rich’s mother, Edith Cosgrove. Even though they mourn, may they always trust in the sure and certain promise of the Resurrection. Do you know someone we should thank, congratulate, or offer our sympathy? Please tell Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann, because we don’t want to overlook anyone! Pastor’s Office Hours Pastor Ruth Ann is normally in her office Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please stop by during those hours with any concerns or just to chat. You can also reach Pastor Ruth Ann by e-mail at: [email protected] or on her cell phone: 704/322-0660. If you would like a visit, or know someone who should be visited, please let her know. We continue to update the Prayer List each month. If you have names to add to or remove from the list, please write them in the notebook in the narthex or give them to Pastor Ruth Ann. Check Request Forms… Please help us to create better accounting documentation by completing one of these forms if you request a payment or need to be reimbursed for expenses. Forms are available in the computer room. Talk with Marilyn Robertson or Pastor Ruth Ann for more information. On the Bulletin Board: In case you don't receive Voices, the newsletter from Lutheran Services Carolinas, check out the bulletin board in the fellowship hall for a great article about our God's Work. Our Hands. day of service! Ask the Pastor… January Events: What is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity? (This question is one I imagine you might ask when you read the January calendar!) Confirmation class meets Sunday afternoons January 4 & 18 at 3:30 p.m. and will normally meet the first and third Sunday afternoons of each month through the school year. Everyone is invited to join us this year as we study Luther’s Small Catechism, including the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:20-21 Inspired by Jesus’ prayer for his followers, believers in the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations around the world have for over a hundred years designated a special time to pray together for unity among all Christians. We currently use the eight days between the commemorations of the Confession of Peter on January 18 and the Conversion of Paul on January 25 for this time of prayer. The World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity publish devotional materials for this week each year, prepared by church members in a different country of the world. The materials this year were prepared in Brazil and are based on the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. I hope that you will pick up a copy of these daily devotions this year and join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Brazil and around the world as we pray for unity among all believers! God of all peoples, teach us to go through Samaria to meet our brothers and sisters from other churches. Allow us to go there with an open heart so we may learn from every church and culture. We confess that you are the source of unity. Grant us the unity that Christ wills for us. Amen. Please share your questions with Pastor Ruth Ann so they can be answered here! Members of Mt. Zion will provide the evening meal for Community Inn on January 4. Midweek Prayer meets at noon on Wednesdays. Even if you can’t be here, please join us in prayer at 12:12 p.m., remembering Romans 12:12: Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Bring a bag lunch and stay for a time of fellowship! Our Advent & Christmas Bible Study, a thrill of HOPE, will conclude Wednesday afternoon January 7 and Thursday evening January 8. Congregation council meets Sunday morning January 11. Breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m. and the meeting follows at 7:30 a.m. Handbell practice is at 3:45 p.m. on Sunday afternoons January 11 and 25. Choir practice follows at 4:30 p.m. Women of the ELCA will meet Tuesday, January 13 at 7:30 p.m. at Peg Roseman’s home. The Committee to Appoint Committees will meet Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. During the season of Epiphany, our Bible study will be on the Gospel of Mark. We will meet Wednesday afternoons January 21 & 28 following Midweek Prayer and Thursday evenings January 15 & 22 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to join us as we discuss this year’s lectionary gospel. Other Updates: January Events continued… There is another Give and Take Event planned for indoors on January 17, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Start sorting your things now and be ready to bring them to church after January 7! Thrivent members will meet following worship on Sunday, January 18. Worship & Music Committee will meet Tuesday night, January 20 at 7:00 p.m. to begin plans for Lent and Easter! Join us Friday night January 23 for a special indoor Movie Nite! Beginning at 7:00 p.m. we will show both a children’s movie and a separate movie for the adults to watch and discuss. Soft drinks and popcorn will be provided. Volunteers are needed to supervise the children – please talk with Pastor Ruth Ann if you can help. Please invite your family and friends to join us! Our next book discussion on Where is God When it Hurts, by Philip Yancey, will begin on Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m. We will be discussing the first two sections this month. Copies of the book will be available in from Pastor Ruth Ann in the next few days. The cost is $13.00 each. Our 90 Days of Prayer has drawn to a close, but please continue to pray for the congregation as we look toward the future and support our team’s work as part of the NC Synod initiative, Forward Together. In Christ. In Community. The green Lutheran Book of Worship hymnals are in the archives room, sorted by the donor’s last name. You are invited to take home hymnals that you would like to keep. There are still unclaimed opportunities to serve! Please talk with Pastor Ruth Ann if you are willing to prepare or assist with communion, read the lessons, provide altar flowers, or fold bulletins during the coming year! We will receive a special Second Sunday Offering on January 11 for the Building Fund. Our next Food Lion Produce deliveries to SCCM will be January 20, 22, and 24. Christ in our Home daily devotionals for January, February, and March have been delayed at the printer, but are expected any day. They will be available in the narthex as soon as possible! January calendars for the W3 Walking for Water project are also available in the narthex. Please give your completed calendars to Elizabeth Laughlin. LYMZ/YAMZ News: (Lutheran Youth and Young Adults of Mt. Zion) Thanks to everyone who donated toward the shipping of Operation Christmas Child boxes and the distribution of Christmas cards. We received $209 for Samaritan’s Purse for the OCC boxes and $765 for the Heifer Project in memory of Patsy Johnson for the cards. Please give all information for the February Glad Tidings newsletter to Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann by Friday, January 23. Please give all information for the 2015 Yearbook to Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann by Friday, January 30. Stitches and Scripture will return in February. Council Highlights During the regular December meeting, the congregation council: + Welcomed newly elected council members. + Approved minutes from the November meeting. + Received the treasurer’s report for November. + Received the pastor’s report and reviewed the proposed calendar for January 2015. + Tabled the approval of a mowing contract for 2015 due to questions on workmen’s compensation insurance. + Designated the Christmas Eve offering for the Community Inn. + Approved accepting an anonymous gift of $2000 to be used to pay for repairs to the bell tower roof; and approved the bid for this work to be completed. + Decided to invite other congregations in North Stanly to participate in the next Give and Take event on January 17. + Elected 2015 officers: chair, Angie Robertson; vice-chair, Cynthia Mills; secretary, Mary Manus; and treasurer, Marilyn Robertson. During the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 7, the proposed budget for 2015 was approved; June Almond, Bill Crawley, Jerry Johnson, and Cindy Misenheimer were elected to three year terms on council; Tyler Gordon was elected to a one year term on council; and June Almond and Robert Misenheimer were re-elected as trust fund trustees. A big Thank You to our outgoing council members Terry Almond, Wade Barbee, and Lillian Huneycutt! If you would like to join others across the ELCA in daily prayer for specific concerns, including missionaries and other ministries of the church, pick up a copy of the January Prayer Ventures in the narthex. Tips to lessen your chances of colds, allergies, and sinus problems this winter How many times have you watched the winter weather forecast, and heard the term “bone-dry” humidity? Cold air holds less moisture than warm air, and this can contribute to some health issues. Cold, dry air pulls moisture from your mouth and nose, leaving your nasal passages dried out and your throat dry. Dry nostrils are more likely to crack and give you a nosebleed. Because your nose needs mucus to trap germs, dry nostrils can also make you more vulnerable to colds, sinus infections, and the flu. That's especially a problem in winter, when bacteria and viruses can tend to linger longer in the dry air after someone coughs or sneezes. When you turn up the thermostat in your home, your heating system kicks up clouds of dust, pollen, and other allergens that can inflame your sinuses. Cold, dry air plus those allergens can also irritate your airways. For some people with asthma, cold and dry air can lead to a narrowing of breathing passages and trigger an attack. Persons, especially children, who have eczema will have more flareups during the winter months. The dry, red, itchy skin of eczema can crack and bleed, making it more prone to infection. We can’t avoid winter, but there are some things that will help prevent these problems. Use a cool-mist humidifier in your home— the goal is about 40-50% humidity. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. A long, hot shower is relaxing, but not so good for the skin—and use a moisturizing soap. Apply a moisturizing lotion on wet skin after your shower. There are multiple types of moisturizers, but an ointment will hold the moisture in longer than some of the other types. Keep the nose moisturized with saline nasal spray, followed by a little Vaseline applied with a cotton swab. Moisturize the lips with Vaseline or a lip balm. There are prescription moisturizers available from your health care provider that can help persons with severe dry skin and eczema. Feel free to talk to me about any questions or concerns about health issues. June Almond, RN, FNP Parish Nurse Wishing you the light of faith, the warmth of home, the love of family – all the greatest gifts of Christmas. We miss you all very much. Mt. Zion is always in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a very blessed and safe 2015. God Bless. Sharon & Marty Stefani To the Congregation of Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, On behalf of SCCM, I am writing to thank you for all the generous contributions you have made toward the work of the ministry. Please know, we will always work to be good stewards of all the gifts you bestow upon us. If you ever have any questions about the work at the ministry, please give me a call. Dr. Roger W. Thomas Thank you for your recent gift to the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. This season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are so grateful for the opportunity to share His love and hope with so many around the world who are suffering. Sincerely, Franklin Graham Franklin Graham Dear Mt. Zion Family, There are no words to express our gratitude to you for your love and support during Joe’s illness and since his passing. Your prayers, cards, phone calls, words of encouragement and hugs mean so much. Having June and the choir provide music at the service was so meaningful. He loved the old hymns. The meal provided for our family was wonderful. The time for fellowship was very helpful. The many trips that Pastor Ruth Ann made to Salisbury to visit, have prayer, and serve communion gave us strength. We love you! Joanna and Libby Palmer God’s Work. Our hands. Here is some updated information on a few of the ministries we have been supporting through our donations and projects. There are boxes for donations to these ministries – and others - in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks for your recent donations of needed items and to those who have recently helped deliver items to various ministries Unused Christmas or all-occasion cards with envelopes are needed for the Kairos Prison Ministry at Southern Correctional Institution. We will be collecting them until mid-November, when they will be delivered to be distributed to the Kairos sisters as a Christmas gift. As you are cleaning out Christmas cards following the holidays, please bring your used cards to be donated to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. They use the fronts of cards to create new greeting cards. They prefer cards smaller than 5 x 7” and cannot accept Hallmark, Disney, or American Greetings cards. We are continuing to provide a monthly meal on the first Sunday of each month at Community Inn. Volunteers are always welcome to help with this ministry! If you would like to help, please talk with Cindy Misenheimer. Reprinted from Leadership Journal. Used with permission. Attendance & Offering for Current Expenses Nov. 30 66 $1477.75 Dec. 7 56 $2965.00 Dec. 14 66 $2096.30 Dec. 21 69 $1795.00 Dec. 24 88 Dec. 28 54 $1421.50 Esther House has recently been at capacity, and continues to need a variety of items, including: diapers, sippy cups, baby bottles, and other baby care items, children’s underwear, pillows, women’s undergarments, and hare care items. (A complete list of needs is posted on the hallway bulletin board.) We recently delivered sleeping mats for the homeless to Rowan Helping Ministry. There are already many donated bags, but help is needed to prepare ‘plarn’ or crochet mats. For more information on how to help with this project, talk with Pastor Ruth Ann, Cynthia Mills, Cindy Misenheimer, or Bonnie Smith! There are also other opportunities to help others through knitting and crocheting prayer shawls, afghan blocks, preemie caps or other items. Come to our next Stitches and Scripture session or talk with Pastor Ruth Ann for more information! Monthly Ministry Focus: Backpack Buddies We will be providing bags for the Backpack Buddies Ministry at North Stanly Middle School three times during the Spring 2015 semester: January 15, March 12, and May 14. Coming Events – Mark your calendar now! Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February18! This ministry is a project of the North Stanly Ministerial Network. It originally began several years ago to serve students at Richfield Elementary School, and grew to over 25 students before the school received a large grant from the Walmart Foundation for a backpack program. We then redirected our energy to help students at NSMS. As our confirmands study the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion during Lent, everyone is invited to study the sacraments through the ELCA resource, The Use of the Means of Grace. Look for more information coming soon! At this time, we are serving 15 students who receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch on school days and are at risk of going hungry each weekend. There are eight churches working together on this project, including: Highland Baptist, Kendall’s Baptist, Bethany UMC, Matton’s Grove UMC, New London UMC, New Mt. Tabor UMC, Wesley Chapel UMC, and Mt. Zion! We provide individual servings of food items to provide meals and snacks for these students each weekend. We have only a few supplies on hand here at Mt. Zion at this time, so donations of all the requested items would help! All items need to be commercially prepared and individually packaged. We try to provide nutritious items and avoid sweets. Here is a list of the needed items: Ramen noodles Pudding cups Fruit or applesauce cups Nut snacks 100% juice boxes Individual serving lunch items (Beanie Weenies or canned spaghetti/ravioli) Fruit snacks Granola bars Cheese or peanut butter crackers Raisins Individual packages of cereal or oatmeal You can place items for this project in the basket in the narthex. Thanks for your help feeding hungry children in our local community! Planning Ahead After recent funerals here at Mt. Zion, we are reminded again that death will come for each of us. We come together as a faith community at the end of someone’s life both in sorrow for our loss and in joy for God’s promise of eternal life. We remember the Resurrection promise best when we worship with prayer, with God’s word, and with singing. It is possible for each of us to plan much of that service in advance, selecting favorite hymns and scripture passages. Funeral planning worksheets are available from Pastor Ruth Ann. Please talk with her if you would like to record your wishes for your own funeral or memorial service. Completed forms can be kept on file in the church office so that they will be available when the time comes. From the Pastor: Team Update Our team members (June Almond, Kay Cosgrove, Rick Gordon, Cynthia Mills, Mike Misenheimer, Laura Smith, and Pastor Ruth Ann) met again with our synod companion, Rev. Laura Wind, on December 16. During this meeting, we discussed challenges facing the congregation and our dreams for the future including: brainstorming ideas for reducing or sharing expenses; increasing membership, giving to the congregation, and members’ involvement in the ministry of the congregation. We discussed how we could set measurable goals for these items. Our next meeting will be Sunday afternoon, February 15. We agreed to continue to pray for discernment of God’s will for what the congregation is to do and to be until we meet again, and we invite the entire congregation to pray for guidance with us! We continue to welcome input from others in the congregation about this process. Please talk with a team member if you have questions or suggestions! Through Jesus we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ! Romans 1:5-6 (The Message) Advent, the season of preparation, is barely behind us, as we continue to celebrate the season of Christmas, but Epiphany will come quickly! This passage from Paul’s Letter to the Romans fits this rapid transition of seasons as it reminds us that all believers have received the gift of Jesus Christ and are called to the urgent task of passing the Good News on to others. Throughout this year’s short season of Epiphany (Lent and Easter come fairly early this year), we will hear call stories in worship. Stories from the Old and New Testaments of Saul and Jonah and the rest of the prophets being called to serve God; and of Peter and Paul, James and John, and the rest of the twelve disciples being called to follow Jesus. We will also spend time in our weekly Bible study learning more about the Gospel of Mark, which is marked by this same sense of urgency. (the word ‘immediately’ appears 27 times in Mark in the NRSV!) I invite you to spend this time immersing yourself in the word, in both worship and in study, as we continue to celebrate the gift of life we have received through Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection and as we continue to prepare ourselves for the urgent task of sharing the Good News with others! Come, live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord! We are called to be light for the kingdom, to live in the freedom of the city of God. Come, open your heart! Show your mercy to all those in fear! We are called to be hope for the hopeless so hatred and blindness will be no more. We are Called (Hymn #720) Evangelical Lutheran Worship Gifted and called together, + Pastor Ruth Ann ~ Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Sun Mon Tue January 2015 ~ Wed Food Lion Produce delivery to SCCM will be January 20th, 22nd, and 24th. Thu 1 Name of Jesus Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 Next date for Backpack Buddies at NSMS January 15 4 2nd Sunday of Christmas 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship w/ Holy Communion 3:30 pm Confirmation Class 6:30 pm Community Inn Meal 5 Pastor’s Day Off 6 Epiphany 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 7 8 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 12:00 noon Midweek Prayer 1:00 pm Advent Bible Study 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Advent Bible Study 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours Fellowship Hall Reserved 11 Baptism of our Lord 7:00 am Council Breakfast 7:30 am Council Meeting 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship w/ Holy Communion 3:45 pm Handbells 4:30 pm Choir 12 Pastor’s Day Off 13 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 7:30 pm Women of the ELCA Second Sunday Building Fund Offering 18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Confession of Peter 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Thrivent Mtg 3:30 pm Confirmation Class 19 Pastor’s Day Off 20 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 7:00 pm Worship & Music 14 15 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 12:00 noon Midweek Prayer NO Bible Study 3:00 pm Pack Backpack Buddies Bags 7:00 pm Appointing Committee 21 16 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Study 22 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 12:00 noon Midweek Prayer 1:00 pm Bible Study 25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Conversion of Paul 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 3:45 pm Handbells 4:30 pm Choir 26 Pastor’s Day Off 27 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 7:00 pm Book Discussion for Christian Unity 28 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 12:00 noon Midweek Prayer 1:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Civitans Bd Mtg 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 23 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Study Fellowship Hall Reserved ~~~ Week of Prayer 17 (January 18-25) ~~~ 29 24 10:00 am Pastor’s Office Hours 7:00 pm Movie Nite February Newsletter Information Due 30 6:00 pm Girl Scouts NO Bible Study Forward Together 8:00 am Give & Take 31 2015 Yearbook Information Due Conference at Christ Lutheran/CLT
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