Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 24-25 Masses for the Week SATURDAY, JAN 24 Fm) SUNDAY, JAN 25 MONDAY, JAN 26 TUESDAY, JAN 27 WEDNESDAY, JAN 28 THURSDAY, JAN 29 FRIDAY, JAN 30 SATURDAY, JAN 31 4:00 PM MICHAEL HOLSTEIN, 20TH ANNIV (Holstein 6:00 PM 7:30 AM 10:15 AM NOON 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM PEOPLE OF THE PARISH GEORGE A WILLIAMS, 6TH ANNIV (Family) DOROTHY J SMITH (McNicholas Family) MARYELLEN KLATT (Eileen Gallagher) JOHN W ANDERSON (Michael Glen McGinley) NO MASS NO MASS NO MASS NO MASS NO MASS JENNIFER WEAVER (Bob & Betsy Talone) PEOPLE OF THE PARISH NO CONFESSIONS THIS TUESDAY Fr Canavan will be away from Monday to Friday. John Land, Jr. PRAY FOR OUR SICK, THEIR CARETAKERS, THE ARMED FORCES, POLICE, AND FIRE FIGHTERS OUR SICK: ROSEMARY ADDESSA, JOSE AMARO, KRISTI ANDRZEJCZYK, FREDDIE ARREOSOLA, DEBBIE BABICKI, PETER BACHOWSKY, WILLIAM BARNETT JR, ERIC BASCELLI, ROSEMARY BASELICE, MARIE BEINLICH, JOHN BEINLICH, ANDY BLYTHE, KAREN BOAS, ANNA BOCCELLA, ROSE BORSELLO, BERNIE & KATHERINE BRILL, ISABELLE BROWN, MICHAEL BUCELLA, MAUREEN BUCCI, JAKE BUFFINGTON, RICHARD BURTON, BUTLER FAMILY, CURTIS CAMPBELL, ANNA CAMPIONE, AL CAPOLDI, PATRICK CARROLL, DENISE CARSON, CHARLES CARUSO, MARILYN CARUSO, ROBERT CARUSO, MIKE CHERMAK, PATRICIA CILIBERTO, JOSEPH CIMINERA, DAN CIRMINIELLO, SONJA CLARY, ELIZABETH COLAVITA, RYLIE ANN CONRAN, JOSEPH & CATHERINE COSGROVE, GIOVANNI COSENTINO, KATHERINE & SUZANNE COSKEY, SANDRA COTTA, CHARLES CRANISE, LAWRENCE CREWS, JACKLYN CUOCZ, VINCE & MAUREEN DALIESSIO, JOHN DAMIANI, BRIAN DAVIS, MARY ANN RUNNER DECOSTANZA, LENNY DECURITS, GEORGE DEHART, CHARLES DEMATTO, JOANNE DENNIS, LOUIS DESANTIS, SANDRA DIAZ, LOUIS DICARLO, MARCIE DICARLO, RONALD DIFELICE, ANNE DOUGHERTY, PAUL DOUGHERTY, JOHN DOYLE, NORA DOYLE, ROSEANNE DOYLE, AIDA DRAGONI, BOBBY DUDEK, JACQUELINE EGRIES, BARBARA EIGENBROOD, GRACE ELLIOTT, HARRY ERSEK, MICHAEL EVANGELLISTA, JUDY FLEMING, MARY FLORIO, CATHERINE FOCHT, MARY FOSTER, CATHERINE FRANK, VALERIE NEGRO FREED. JOHN GAFFNEY, DEBORAH GALLAGHER, MANNY GALONE, MARIANN GALONE, THOMAS GARRATY, GRACIE GIANNOTTI, GINA, MICHAEL GIOVANNINI, SEAN GLENN, PAT GLYNN, RITA GOODBREY, PHILOMENA & JOYCE GORGA, CAL H., EDWARD HALL JR, ROBERT & SUSAN HAMSON, SHAWN HARDNAN, THEODORE HARROWER, ANTHONY HARTUNIAN, ALICE HAZEL, BERNABE HERNANDEZ, JUSTN HERTZ, EDWARD HESSER, BILL HOWANSKI, JOAN HOWETH, LINDA JACKSON, EMMA JAMGOCHIAN, KATHLEEN JAMISON, PAT JANNEY, JUDY JEFFERSON, THERESA JOHNSON, JULIE, DONNA KANRAVI, JED KAPPES, CAROL KELLY, PAT KENNEALY, BREANNA KING, NANCY KNIGHT, CATHERINE KOWALSKI, DOMINIC KRAMER, FRED KUBLER, CAREN PAPPANO LADD, MICHAEL LAMEY, BOB & ELLIE LAPPIN, KATHY LAREAU, MARY BETH LEOPOLD, LITTLE JOHN, WILLIAM LEACH, DONNA LONABAUGH, MATTHEW LONBRANA, ANNA MAIER, SHARON MALASCALVA, MATT MALONEY, MARTHA, BILL MARTIN, AIMEE MASISCO, KAREN MATALONI, CHERYL MCBRIDE, PEGGY MCCAREY, KYLEIGH MCCARTHY, MARILYN MCCAULEY, MORGAN MCCORMICK, JAMES MCGARRITY, GLEN MCGINLEY, JILL MCGINN, DOROTHY MCGINNIS, PATRICK MCGOWAN, FR. WILLIAM MCGRATH, JAMES MCLAUGHLIN, JOSIE ANN MCLAUGHLIN, ANNE MELLON, MARK MICHEL, MARGARET MICKLO, LYNETTE MISKEY, JANE MITCHELL, DIANE MOHR, MARY MOLINARIO, FAITH MONTELLA, MARGARET MOORE, DAVID MORGAN, ROSEMARIE MOUNT, SHARON MARIE NEUMANN, WAYNE NEWSOM, ROSEANN NOONAN, DAVE OLINCHAK, DAVID PATERSON, DOROTHY PAULLEY, “BABY” ANTHONY PAVESE, DONNA PERKNER, MARIE PERRY, JOHN PETERS, DENNIS PIERCE, TOM PILSON, THERESA PORTER, BERNICE POWELL, BETTY PRATT, DAN PURDY, HELEN RADEWONUK, DOLLY RAUSHI, LOUISA RECZEUK, BRODY REDDING, WALT REIFFER, JO REMAIZE, PATRICIA REYES, JOHN ROBERTSON, RUSSELL ROBINSON, CORA ROSENSTIEHL, A J ROUX, NANCY RUSSO, GENEVIEVE RUTCH, JOHN & BARBARA SATMARY, OLIVIA SCALI, TOM SCHILLINGER, KATHERINE SEAMAN, ELEANOR SEITZ, JOANNE SHAIN, BARBARA SMALLWOOD, KENNETH SMITH, BILL SNYDER, MARK STAUFFER, MARY STRATTON, JOHN SWEENEY FAMILY, MRS PATRICIA SWEENEY, TALIA, PAUL TASHJIAN, VIOLET TATASCIORE, ED THOMAS, JACQUELINE THOMPSON, TONY TIBERINI, ELIZABETH TIMAR, PETER TIMKO, DAVE TUROTSY, TRACEY VAN PELT, AVA MARIE VERMEULEN, MARK VOCI, CASSIDY VOLL, CAROLYN WALDOV, DEBBY WALLACE, BEULAH WALSH, CECILIA WALSH, SOPHIA WARING, SHIRLEY WEST, JOEL WHITE, MARY WILEY, ROBERT G WILLIAMS, JAMES WILSON, JANET WORBY, MELISSA WRIGHT, JOEANNA YATES, ANNETTE ZANE, IRENE ZENIS, KYLIE ZIELINSKI JOKE OF THE WEEK A family had the Pastor over for dinner after church. They asked their fiveyear old son if he would say the blessing. “God is great, God is good”, the child began, “thank you for this food. But I would thank you even more if Mommy lets us have ice cream for dessert. And liberty and justice for all!” AMONG FRIENDS These are the words that come from the Spirit of God written especially for you. “No temptation comes to you that is not common to humans. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation God will also provide you the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” When you grow afraid, move your thoughts to Christ, the Risen Christ, see Him in your imagination. As you speak to Him of your fears, be aware you are praying to the victorious Christ. He will help you. He will strengthen you. He is with you. Use your faith to be rescued by God. IT HELPS TO PRAY - FR CANAVAN Collection 01/18 $11,659. Online Giving 01/18 $1,382 . The total collection includes Online Giving. Catholic Relief collection $1,710. DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Fr Doherty will be celebrating the Saturday 4:10 pm Mass in the hall beginning February 7th. The Mass in the church begins at 4. FINANCES OF ST ROSE PARISH The checkbook total as of 01/20 was $270,749. The bills paid were: Archdiocesan Bills - $11,503; Website/Live Stream Maintenance - $338.00; $ Rosaries & Pamphlets - $611.28; . NEXT WEEK’S PREACHERS–JAN 31-FEB 1 Fr Canavan will preach Saturday 4PM and Sunday 7:30 AM and 10:15 AM. Deacon Larry will preach Saturday 6PM. Deacon Anthony will preach Sunday 12 Noon. Fr Casey will preach Sunday 5:30 PM. Fr Canavan will also be on call for Taylor Hospital Jan 31, Feb. 1st and Feb 2nd. JUST A THOUGHT from Sister Katie…. Looking over the readings prior to doing this reflection I found myself seeing a strongconnection in the Old Testament between Elisha’s response to the Prophet Elijah and Jesus, calling of the brothers in today’s Gospel. Elijah came upon Elisha working on his family farm, called him to follow, and Elijah left his mother and father to follow. In the Gospel we see the brothers leave their father, their fishing, to follow after Jesus. Jesus asked them to follow Him to make them “fishers of men”. I am sure they did not fully grasp, nor did Elijah, but in faith they trusted that the call was from God and they responded. When Simon and Andrew and the others followed Jesus they wanted to learn; Jesus wanted to teach them : “to make them fishers of men”. They may have felt unprepared , not capable, but Jesus called and they responded. Same with us. Week after week we come to be fed by the Word of God and blessed to receive His precious Body and Blood, not just for ourselves (even thought that is most important for us to grow daily in our relationship with God) but for others. Jesus is calling us as He called the brothers in our Gospel to reach out and by our prayer and example to encourage others to cme, share our faith, be a part of St. Rose’s and feel the peace God is waiting to give them. In today’s gospel we hear the word “repent” – which means change, perhaps change our way of thinking and living, turn from evil if needed, see each day as a Gift from God, and help all those we interact with each day to know God’s love and feel God’s peace. Christ is calling you and me, all of us to ‘be fishers of men”, to seek out those who may be hurting, no longer attend any church and invite them to “Come and See”. We prayed this weekend in our Responsorial Psalm: “Teach me your ways, O Lord.” Jesus invites us to build up His Church. “Good and upright is the Lord thus He shows sinners the way.” He will give you the words to touch hearts. He will teach you to see the need to pray for those around you, whether in church, at work, within family. As Jesus called His followers those many generations ago, Jesus is calling you and me to follow Him and build up His Church right here in Eddystone. We can do it! God is with us and He will show us the way and give us the words all we have to do is “Follow”. God bless you and yours. (P.S. Thank you for your kind greetings on my Anniversary. You are truly special.) NEXT BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT MINISTRY With Sr. Katie will be held Monday, February 9th at 7PM. All are welcome. 125th ANNIVERSARY DINNER TICKETS Are in. For January and February Only – Cost: $25.00. Cost After March 1st - $35.00. No reserved tickets. No tickets set aside. Tickets must be paid for when you come to buy them. They will be available at the rectory Monday to Friday from 10AM to 3PM each day. If you work and this time is not good for you, you can leave an envelope with the number of tickets you wish, the cost of the tickets and the names of those getting the tickets and address it to “Sister Katie’s Attention”. Place the envelope in the collection basket or the Rectory mail slot at the front door of the Rectory. The date for the dinner is Friday, April 10th 6 to 9pm. Open Bar. 125TH ANNIVERSARY PICTORIAL DIRECTORY PHOTOGRAPHY EVENT REMINDER: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR YOUR PICTURE FOR OUR PICTORIAL DIRECTORY. February 10th - 14th & February 17th -21st Tuesdays thru Fridays 2 to 9pm, Saturdays 10 to 2:30 pm. Photography will be done in the Church Hall. We encourage everyone who is single or married person to make an appointment Online: or register after masses in January & February. LIVE STREAM VIDEO Click into and then click the icon Live Stream Video. Use a computer, i-Pad or i-Phone. ST JAMES REGIONAL SCHOOL New registrations for St James regional school will be on January 25 from 12 noon to 2pm in the school office. There will be an open house on that day. Please call the school office for more info 610-583-3662 or go to our website: ONLINE GIVING Type in and then type the icon online giving. There will be instructions on how to sign up. FACEBOOK PAGE To join, the Web Address for the Page is Rose of Lima. SUGGESTIONS BY FR CANAVAN It is a noble thing to pray for our dead that they be with God in Heaven. Mary, our Mother, each time she appeared on earth asked that we pray the Rosary for salvation of souls and peace in this world. ASH WEDNESDAY SNEAKING UP ON US Masses will be at 8am, 12 noon, 4pm, 5:30pm and 7pm. The date is February 18th. Stations of the Cross will be on Friday nights of Lent at 7pm. Fr Doherty will say Mass the first four Mondays of Lent. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK LYONS ROOFING Thomas Lyons All Types of Roofing, Siding & Windows Licensed & Insured ~ Free Estimates 33 Jefferson St., Clifton Heights, PA 19018 610-623-8505
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