7319 W. ATLANTIC AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446 (561) 499-0970 MENACHEM JAROSLAWICZ, RABBI HARRY LAZARUS, PRESIDENT Z’MANIM: PARSHAS BO FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING...…………..5:38PM followed by Kabalas Shabbos and MAARIV.........5:30PM MINCHA SHABBOS: SHACHARIS…..................…….9:00AM MINCHA ...….….......................5:30PM FOLLOWED BY SHALOSH SEUDOS. MAARIV ………..............….……6:30PM HAVDALAH NOT BEFORE…...6:34PM WEEKDAY MINYANIM: SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY SHACHARIS ….......................7:30AM MINCHA, FOLLOWED BY HALACHA, AND MA’ARIV…………………….5:00PM MINCHA on Friday, Jan. 30th is at 5:45PM. This Monday, January 26th at 7:30PM at the Shul, Rabbi Daniel Cohen, senior Rabbi at Congregation Agudath Shalom in Stamford, Conn., will speak on: “What will they say about you when you’re gone?” Rabbi Daniel Cohen posseses a unique blend of authenticity, wisdom and spiritual insight for contemporary society. Rabbi Cohen is the editor of "Mining for Gold: Essays Exploring the Relevancy of Torah in the Modern World" and author of the forthcoming book, "What will they say about you when you’re gone? Seven Principles for Reverse Engineering your Life!” For ERUV STATUS, Call 561-499-0970 AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY Kiddush this Shabbos is being co-sponsored by Jack Levine to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of his mother, Dorothy Levine, Basha Devorah bas Avraham Beinish A"H; by Max & Bernita Feldman in honor of Max's special birthday; and by Moshe & Carole Sorani to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Carole Sorani's father, Michael Englard, Yechiel Mechel ben Eliyahu; the birth of a granddaughter, Miriam Leah, to Rabbi David and Aliza Sorani of Los Angeles, and the Bar Mitzvah of a grandson, Benjamin Mark, whose parents are Dr. Eran and Melanie Shani of Hartford CT. To sponsor a kiddush, contact Alan Graubard at 561-6370307, Milt Blau at 561-499-3579, or Stuart Jacoby at 585469-0746. On Monday, Feb. 2nd, the speaker will be Rabbi Warren Kasztl. The topic will be: ”Understanding the difference between kindness and Chesed”. Rabbi Warren Kasztl received his Rabbinical Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary along with a Masters in Jewish Education and Counseling from Yeshiva University’s Ferkauf Graduate School. He was the founding Rabbi of what is now the Young Israel of Kendall and was appointed as the first Jewish Chaplain in the United States to work full time for Vitas Hospice. He developed a program with the Miami Dade County Medical Examiner’s Office providing Rabbinical oversight for Jewish people in their facility. Rabbi Kasztl has a private practice that focuses on bereavement, marital and family counseling. He has published in conjunction with North Miami Beach Community Kollel, a branch of Bais Medrash Govoah. His ability to interpret Tanach history from a “real time” perspective has delighted many audiences in the South Florida community and beyond. Please make sure that all cell phones are either turned off or put them on vibrate/silent mode during weekday Shul services and classes. PAGE 1 REFUAH SHELAIMAH Judy Mindick (Yehudis bas Devorah) Esther Rosen (Esther bas Mindel) Esther Heller (Esther bas Rivka) Eugene Steinberg (Yisroel HaCohain ben Freida) Jeffrey Kopelman (Edal Mordechai ben Nechi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAHRTZEITS for Jan. 24, 2015 – Jan. 30, 2015 Saturday, January 24, 04 of SHEVAT Mother of JACK LEVINE, Dorothy Levine, Basha Devora bas Avraham Beinish, A"H Mother of MOSES LAUB, Devorah Braindla bas Mordechai, A"H Sister of EVA MURACHVER, Esther bas Yosef, A"H Mother-in-law of RENEE KASTNER, Matilda Kastner, Maitah bas Avraham Yehuda, A"H Monday, January 26, 06 of SHEVAT Mother-in-law of ALVIN SCHWARTZ, Hannah Kornfeld, Chana bas Ari Zvi, A"H Brother of LESLIE FRIEDLANDER, Irwin Friedlander, Eliezar Gedalia ben Shabsai, Z"L Tuesday, January 27, 07 of SHEVAT Father of LOIS GEIGER, Henry Spatz, Chaim Mordechai ben Yehudah Leib, Z"L Grandmother of MARTIN GEIGER, Annie Geiger, Perel Chana bas Moshe, A"H Mother of PHYLLIS DIAMOND, Pesha bas Ovadya Zelig, A"H Son of DOODY CAPLAN, Yehoshua Shemuel ben Yitzchak HaCohain, Z"L Wednesday, January 28, 08 of SHEVAT Mother of ALAN GRAUBARD, Ethel Graubard, Etel bas Rav Shlomo, A"H Thursday, January 29, 09 of SHEVAT Father of ROBERT RUSH, Benjamin Rush, Binyamin ben Nasan, Z"L Father of SANDRA ROTHSCHILD, Meyer Simon, Meyer ben Laizer, Z"L MAY THEY ALL MERIT AN ALIYAS NESHAMAH th On Mon., Feb. 16 , the speaker will be: Rebbitzin Judi Steinig. The topic will be: “Grandparenting: The Lasting & Loving Legacy”. She currently works at the Orthodox Union, where she serves as Associate Director of Community Services. Previously, she was Director of Programming at National Council of Young Israel for 16 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from Douglass College-Rutgers University and a Master’s in Leadership from Bellevue University. She is an Online Instructor for Bellevue University, teaching Human Services and Civics classes. She also has Certificates in Not-for-Profit Management and Desktop Publishing. She is married to Rabbi Sholom Steinig, Mara D'asra of the Young Israel of Bayside. Miriam Greenberg would like to say: “Many thanks to all my friends who took the time to visit and send me their best wishes for a Refuah Shelamah ” Also, her knee wants to thank you all too. Kosher Store SCRIP and Kosher Restaurant SCRIP now Available!!! We now have scrip available for Winn Dixie and Kosher Marketplace and Glick's. Milt Sabin, Rose Feldman and Estelle Krim will be pleased to sell you scrip for these 3 stores. DO NOT GO SHOPPING WITHOUT YOUR SCRIP! Scrip is now also available for Asia and Century Grill kosher restaurants. See Gary Schlanger or Judith Turkewitz for the kosher restaurants. DO NOT GO DINING WITHOUT YOUR SCRIP! PAGE 2 Since DOS has invested so much into the new website we are asking you to please go to the website at www.delrayorthodox.org and sign in. This will also ask for you to assign a password. Once you have done this you will be able to review your personal information, Yahrzeit information and Billing information. It is very important for us to have your input immediately regarding all of this. If you are having a problem, please send an email to either Sandy Geiger at [email protected] or Alan Graubard at [email protected] . FOR ADDITIONS TO “TREE OF LIFE” MEMORIAL PLAQUES, & SEFORIM DONATIONS, CALL MORTY LEVIN AT (561) 637-4662 Thank you for the care, kindness and comfort you extended to me, during the Shiva and Shloshim morning periods, for my dear brother. I appreciate the numerous memorial cards you sent in his name and also your personal visits. Community support was very important to me during these sorrowful times. Toda Raba, Mona Schoenfeld CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, CALL ROZ FERMAN AT (561) 638-5438. SISTERHOOD UPDATE: We would like to thank all of you who help to set up and clear the Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit each Shabbos. Annual DOS Card Party February 2nd 10:30AM South County Civic Center Send your check for $26.00 per person to Rochelle Rush to confirm your seating. Also call Rochelle with questions about reservations, Rita Levine with questions about a game, and Roz Ferman with any other questions. Seating is limited. Rochelle 201-310-2096, Rita 498-8803, Roz 638- 5438. Sisterhood's meeting on Tuesday, February 3rd at 7:30PM at the Shul, will be a book discussion led by Marcia Mermelstein. The book to be discussed is: "The Guide To The Perplexed " by Dara Horn. The library is holding a number of copies for us. Please contact Paula Winter at 561-637-9828 for DOS Sisterhood events. ALL REQUESTS TO ADD ANY INFORMATION TO THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE MADE TO SANDY GEIGER AT [email protected], OR YOU CAN CONTACT HIM AT (561) 637-2526 BEFORE 6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. ANY ITEMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DEADLINE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED. RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! Raffle checks are starting to come in. The raffle committee thanks those who have already sent in their checks. Please remember to send in your raffle checks and also to sell raffles to your neighbors, relatives, friends. Need more raffles? Please contact Dorri Goldman, Ralph Nussbaum, Florence Schlanger, or Joe Ferman for more tickets. Israel Bond Breakfast; Honoring Helen Weiss; Sunday March 29 at Anshei Emunah Helen will be receiving the Israel Independence Award for her support of Israel and Israel Bonds as well as her leadership at Delray Orthodox Synagogue. We owe a debt of gratitude to this wonderful woman for the fine example she sets for all of us in being such a stalwart member and leader of our Shul . Mazal Tov and Thank you so much Helen. We now offer Members and anyone else the opportunity to donate online at our website by going to this address: www.delrayorthodox.org/payment.php We encourage all of you to take advantage of this very convenient opportunity. Fd PAGE 3 Rabbi’s Message While I am committed to sit down and write this week’s Rabbi’s message, I keep stalling. Why, you ask? Quite frankly, I am still intoxicated with the beautiful Shabbos we had last week . . . and I find myself refusing to write about it as a “memory.” What an amazing Shabbos and weekend! It started early with the anticipation of “Yeshiva Week” and all that comes with that. And then, the slow trickle of incoming children and grandchildren, turning into a flood and filling the Shul. When I arrived for Shacharis on Friday morning, the room was so full that I checked my calendar to make sure that it wasn’t Shabbos morning already -- and that I had accidently driven to Shul thinking it was Friday. And that was just the beginning. Kabbolas Shabbos ... Packed! Shabbos morning... Standing room only! There were over 170 people in Shul at the same time. WOW!! How beautiful is that? And do you know what was even more amazing? The Davening itself! True decorum, singing, Davening, and little-to-no talking. What a beautiful example we exhibited to our visitors! I heard compliments from out-of-towners about how impressed they were that, when Davening began, almost everybody was already “IN” Shul. Practically no one arrived late to Davening. What a Kiddush Hashem we made as a congregation to our visitors and to the next generation of synagogue attendees. The icing on the cake was the grandchildren’s participation in leading our services, singing Adon Olam, and even speaking at Shalosh Seudos. Nachas, nachas and, then, even more nachas. Alas, we must move on and approach this coming Shabbos, hopefully still retaining much of the Splendor that we basked in last week. Parshas Bo begins with Hashem telling Moshe: “Bo el Pharaoh, ki ani hichbadity es libo v’es leiv avadov,” [Come to Pharaoh for I have made his heart and the hearts of his servants stubborn...]. Rashi comments on “Bo el Pharaoh,” ‘Vehasrah Bo,’ [And warn him]. At first glance, Rashi’s comment seems almost superfluous, but deeper examination reveals that Rashi is teaching us a very important life lesson on how Hashem operates. One of the most common questions asked -- throughout all of the plagues inflicted on Pharaoh and his people – is, “How can G-d punish Pharaoh for his stubbornness when G-d Himself keeps on ‘hardening Pharaoh’s heart?’ It would seem that Pharaoh had ‘no choice’ but to be stubborn?” In reality, the way G-d operates never deprives you of your “free will.” Even when He occasionally “hardens” an individual’s heart, He always leaves enough room for that person’s “free will” to dictate ultimate actions and allows one to choose right over wrong and good over evil, if one so chooses. Out of His sheer goodness, G-d not only commands you to chose “good” over “evil,” but He also itemizes the punishments that you will receive if you do not choose to listen. This additional verbalization of all of the negative implications that accompany a misdeed are meant to kick start the Yeitzer Tov, the Good Inclination, and to help it activate additional strength needed to overpower the Yeitzer Harah, the Negative Inclination. It’s kind of a booster shot to allow the person’s “free will” to choose wisely. This is what Rashi is teaching us when he defines, “Come to Pharaoh” as meaning, “And warn him.” G-d was attempting to boost Pharaoh’s Yeitzer Tov to override his Yeitzer Harah and make a POSITIVE “free will” choice. Pharaoh chose otherwise, and we know the end of his story. The lesson that we can learn from this Rashi is that, even when things look bleak and impossible to control, or it seems too hard to observe a particular commandment, remember the punishment. It is not there to scare us. It is there to help us make the right choices and to empower our Yeitzer Tov to fight harder. Have a Great Shabbos PAGE 4
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