Refu’ah Sheleimah Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Rivkah bas Nissel Mother of Renee Haas Rachel Chaya bas Alexandra Freyda Daughter of Alyson & Gabe Lembeck Baruch ben Morvarid Mr. Barokh Khalili Rifka bas Gittel Mother of Elaine Brasch Rochel bas Baska Mother of Allan Regenbaum Shlomo Baruch HaKohen ben Tziporah Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Shulamit bas Peril Mother of Dara Grant Chana Tikva bas Miriam Friend of Esther Taratoot Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Miriam Ita bas Shayna Esther Sara bas Ita Leah Mother of Leah Pollock Aharon Yehuda ben Malka Father of Michael Chen Chaim ben Devorah Ettel Friend of Jason and Leanne Kaplan Eliyahu ben Hoda Friend of Allan & Robyn Regenbaum Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Hani bas Sima Friend of Ephraim and Shira Johnson Pinchus Yozef ben Tzila Brother of Murray Siegel Esther Bashi bas Chana Liz Bein Moshe Abba ben Masha Michael Yaschik Mordechai ben Freho Uncle of Angela Davydov Viktor ben Emma Uncle of Mark Davydov Devorah bat Golda Grandmother of Gail Linder Shoshana bat Sarielle Cousin of Marla Medwed Ayala bat Rut Child injured in terrorist attack in Israel Avner ben Rachel Father injured in terrorist attack in Israel Tzivia bas Yehudit Trudy Robbins Yahrtzeits January 10—19 Teves Mr. Bernard Taratoot Baruch ben Dov Ber HaCohen Brother of Louis Taratoot January 11—20 Teves Mr. Julius Iteld Yehuda ben Tzvi HaLevi Husband of Simone Iteld January 12—21 Teves Mr. David Feigenbaum David ben Max Father of Susan Rosenheck Good Shabbos! Shabbos Parshas Shemos 19 Teves 5775 January 9-10, 2015 Torah Reading | Page 292 Haftorah | Page 1146 Brrrrrr...It might be cold outside, but IT’S ALWAYS WARM HERE AT CONGREGATION ARIEL! Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! Mazel Tov to Eric and Marla Medwed and family on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Elijah! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Harve Linder, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director 5237 Tilly Mill Rd ▪ Dunwoody, GA 30338 770-390-9071 ▪ ▪ [email protected] SHABBOS SERVICE TIMES WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Jan 9 - Erev Shabbos (Friday) Sunday Mincha Candle Lighting Jan 10 - Shabbos Sephardi Minyan (Dome) Main Services (Sanctuary) Learners’ Minyan (Dome) Youth Services (Grades 2-8) Kiddush (Social Hall) Mincha (Sanctuary) Havdalah/Shabbos Ends 5:25pm 5:28pm 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 11:45am 5:10pm 6:27pm Shacharis (Dome) 8:00 am Learner’s Minyan (Sanctuary) 8:00 am Women’s Tehillim (Friedmans) 8:45 am Monday—Friday Shacharis—First Minyan Shacharis—Second Minyan 6:45 am 7:50am Sunday–Thursday Mincha/Maariv 5:40pm With Much Appreciation to our Generous Donors! CLASS SCHEDULE: SHABBOS & WEEKDAYS ARIEL GENERAL FUND Asher Schlusselberg in honor of Dan and Kim Cohen's thoughtfulness Aaron & Beth Valenta in memory of Eva Bach, daughter of Levi Novotne Bruce & Diane Barron in honor of Joshua Barron getting his fellowship Bruce & Diane Barron in honor of the engagement of Arnold and Arlene Coleman's granddaughter Bruce & Diane Barron in honor of the birth of Rabbi Avrohom and Malkie Horovitz's grandson Bruce & Diane Barron in honor of Gina Hotz's graduation from nursing school Bruce & Diane Barron in honor of Rose Lubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah Bruce & Diane Barron in memory of Eva Bach, daughter of Levi Novotne Shabbos Daf Yomi (RAH) Parsha Study I (RMF) Parsha Study II (RMF) Women’s Burst (RMF) Weekly Parsha (RYZ) Book of Kings (RBF) Sunday 7:00am 7:30am 8:15am ———— 12:10pm 4:15pm Daf Yomi (RAH) Mishnayos w/T. Tenenbaum Learners Minyan (RAH) Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Hebrew School Hebrew (RYZ) Book of Mishlei (RYZ) Hebrew Crash Course (RDF) 7:00am 7:15am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 6:40pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Ladies’ Class (RYZ) 8:15pm Hebrew School Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Book of Shmuel (RYZ) 4:45pm 7:15pm 7:30pm Talmud (RYZ) 6:45pm Eric and Marla Medwed in honor of their son Elijah’s Bar Mitzvah. In-Depth Halacha (RBF) 13 Beliefs of Judaism (RBF) 8:00pm 9:00pm Mazel Tov! Daf Yomi (RAH) After Maariv Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sun-Thurs Mon-Fri Mishnah (RBF) Talmud (RBF) 6:15am 7:30am *** Kiddush this week is sponsored by: *** ARIEL CHESSED FUND Bernice Pastor in memory of Eva Bach, daughter of Levi Novotne Linda Miller in honor of Bunnie and Louis Taratoot Renee & Steven Haas in honor of Louis and Bunnie Taratoot on a well deserved tribute DUNWOODY MIKVAH FUND Michael & Julie Rice in memory of Iris Siegel ARIEL YOUTH FUND Cory & Randy Shaw in memory of Iris Siegel Kim & Dan Cohen in memory of Jack and Faye Brickman's beloved brother and uncle ARIEL HACHNOSAS ORCHIM FUND Adrienne Litt Bishko in honor of the engagement of Arnold and Arlene Coleman's granddaughter RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Michael Yaschik in honor of Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Happy Birthday! THANK YOU! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS AT WORK Donations to the funds below help keep our membership dues as low as possible by defraying the shul’s operational costs: General Fund: Used to pay common (household) costs such as electric, gas, water, etc. Hachnosas Orchim Fund: These monies are used in our outreach to welcome any and all to our kehilah. Siddur/Machzor Fund: Our seforim have a lifespan and need to be replaced periodically. Kiddush/Shalosh Seudos Fund: We all enjoy eating, and even more so when we can share the experience with our friends after davening. L’Chaim Fund: Some like to raise a glass at Kiddush. In addition to donations, we also accept bottles of alcoholic beverages. Youth Programming Fund: Supports dynamic programming to our youth of all ages: Shabbatons, Shabbos/Yomtov groups, Tot Shabbat, Father/Son learning, Bar/Bat Mitzvah clubs and much more, providing fun, inspiring programs for our youth and keeping them connected to our shul and Judaism. Pushka Fund: Those coins in the can really mount up and are used to cover any special needs that arise. Donations to the following funds do not benefit shul operations. They are passed along for use as follows: Betty Goodfriend Chesed Fund: Administered by Sisterhood to provide family meals for life cycle events such as births, shiva, illness, etc. Besides monetary donations, you may also volunteer to prepare and deliver meals to recipients. Dunwoody Mikvah: Administered by the Dunwoody Mikvah Society to defray costs associated with Mikvah operations. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Used solely at the discretion of the Rabbi for appropriate purposes consistent with the shul’s charitable and tax exempt status to assist individuals, educational purposes and the Greater Atlanta Jewish communal needs. Matthew Grant, Shira Tova, Bobbie Livnat, Moshe Pinkhasov, Victor Sonsino, Ed Stark, Rena Pollock, Nancy Weissmann, Elia Ebrams, Harold Schroeder Happy Anniversary Jonny and Bev Bolnick | Yakov and Julia Sirota Thank You to this week’s Shabbos Greeters: Mitch and Linda Adler WOMEN’S CLASS THIS SHABBOS Women’s Seudat Shlishit and Class will take place this Shabbos afternoon at 4:45pm at the home of Morah Dena Friedman. Our speaker will be Mrs. Nechoma Birnbaum. CASINO NIGHT IS FINALLY HERE! THIS Sunday, January 11 at 7:00pm honoring Louis and Bunnie Taratoot BOOK YOUR TICKETS @ ROSH CHODESH LADIES NIGHT OUT Fruit Carving Party—Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:30pm at the home of Amanda Bunder: 2231 Dartford Drive Bring your own watermelon and a knife. RSVP to [email protected] ASK PRESENTS RABBI PAYSACH KROHN THIS Sunday, January 11, 2015 @1:30pm. Kollel La Vista Beis Midrash. Paying tribute to Mr. Egon Petschek. Topic: Becoming a Person of Bracha (Blessing) ATTENTION EMPTY NESTERS Congregation Ariel is excited to announce the formation of the "Empty Nesters" group! Our first event will be Shabbos Dinner, Friday Night January 16th, at the home of Rabbi Binyomin and Morah Dena Friedman. No charge. RSVP the shul office. Our first assignment will be to pick a "cool" name for our group, so bring your ideas to dinner (or email them to the shul office) DUNWOOODY MIKVAH EVENT IN FEBRUARY “Making Marriage More Meaningful...The Mitzvah of Mikvah” Come and learn the secret formula to keep your marriage fresh and vibrant! Sunday, February 8, 2015—7:30pm. Presented by Reb. Batsheva Gelbtuch Home of Leanne Kaplan—5182 Goodchild Court in Dunwoody RSVP to [email protected] or call 917.494.4499 SEEKING KIDDUSH SPONSORS The following dates are available for kiddush sponsorships: January 17, 24, 31 Just $50 to co-sponsor in honor of a person or an occasion. Contact the shul office at [email protected] if you’d like to sponsor. DEDICATE A SIDDUR, CHUMASH OR MACHZOR We are restocking our supply of books. To dedicate a Siddur ($36), Chumash ($54), Machzor ($54), please contact the shul office. Six Sundays @ 7:00pm beginning Sunday, January 18th. RSVP Rabbi Freitag
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