January 23 2015 / 3 Shevet 5775 Volume 19 – Number 2 BDS-SA unrepentant over Khaled invite. Jewish community lambasts decision to invite Leila Khaled Page 2, 4, 12 Jewish Report south african www.sajr.co.za Aftermath of Tel Aviv bus terror A 23-year-old knife-wielding Palestinian ran amok on a Tel Aviv bus early Wednesday morning, randomly stabbing the driver and commuters. Seventeen people were wounded, some seriously. The hero was the bus driver, 55-year-old Herzl Biton, who fought with the assailant, despite suffering two deep chest wounds. The attacker tried to flee but was shot in the leg and apprehended by a member of Israel’s Prison Service who was taking a prisoner to court. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the attack was the “direct result of the poisonous incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority towards Jews”. See page 4 17 injured in Tel Aviv bus terror Tension mounts on Israel’s northern border Nisman death: ‘Suicide’ suggestion discounted Muslims themselves must deal with monster Maccabi SA honours 90-year-old Isaac Joffe 23-year-old Palestinian goes on stabbing frenzy. Attack on Hezbollah: Israel blisters its defences. Alberto Nisman’s death no suicide, says ADL’s Foxman. Murder of innocents not a ticket to Paradise. For cheerful Isaac Joffe the glass is always full. 4 6 7 14 16 Downscale but enjoy Upscale Living Only 25 Luxury Apartments in Melrose * Limited Staff accommodation and Storerooms available Artist Impression For more information contact Benjy Pein 083 453 4156 | benjy@firzt.co.za 011 731 0300 www.firzt.co.za Artist Impression Community 2 SA JEWISH REPORT 23 – 30 January 2015 BDS-SA remains unrepentant over Khaled invitation OWN CORRESPONDENT BDS-SA is cocking a snook at the outrage over its invitation to plane hijacker Leila Khaled (pictured) to come on a “fundraising tour” to South Africa - at R500 a ticket. The SA Jewish Board of Deputies in particular, has expressed its fury at the invitation. But a defiant BDS-SA issued a media release “on the forthcoming visit of Palestine liberation struggle icon, comrade Leila Khaled”, stating that “a significant number of South African anti-apartheid activists, church leaders, government officials, trade unions, political parties, as well as civil society organisations have expressed their support for the visit from February 6 - 16. Wendy Kahn, national director of the SAJBD, pointed out: “In their desperation to retain some form of credibility BDS-SA tries to misappropriate the image of Nelson Mandela by comparing him to Khaled, as well as drawing comparisons with Umkhonto we Sizwe. This ignores the fact that neither MK nor Mandela set out to target innocent civilians as a matter of strategy. “Towards the end of the apartheid era, there were a limited number of terrorist attacks, but overwhelmingly the story of the struggle against apartheid was one of peaceful resistance.” She added: “The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, unlike the ANC, systematically targeted civilians. “Poor BDS-SA. Once again they are running for cover now that their intention to host convicted terrorist Leila Khaled... has exposed their true motives. Finding themselves in a corner, they are grasping at every possible straw to get out of it.” She pointed out that Khaled was being positioned by BDS-SA as “the Mother Teresa of hijackers”. But “what they fail to share is that when she was arrested she was carrying two grenades, one of which she had already pulled the pin out of.” SA Jewish Board of Deputies National Chairman Mary Kluk also strongly denounced the invitation. saying that in its pre-publicity campaign BDS-SA “depicts Khaled holding an AK-47 and represents her past hijacking of a US airline... and an attempted hijacking of an Israeli airliner, as something to be admired. “Terrorism, whether carried out for political, religious or any other reasons, is both a crime against humanity and a deadly threat to world peace,” she emphasised. By depicting Leila Khaled as a heroic figure whom South Africans should look up to and identify with, BDS was sending out the worst possible message at a time when South Africa needed to stand with the global community in confronting the scourge of terrorism, she said. But a defiant BDS-SA said the Board “not unexpectedly” had been trying to discredit Khaled’s forthcoming tour. “We do not expect pro-Israeli supporters to understand the reason for hosting someone like Nelson Mandela, the South African Struggle icon and former commander in chief of the MK, or Leila Khaled, the Palestinian struggle icon. “Back in the 1980s the SAJBD and Israel were proud supporters of the apartheid regime that killed our people and today they are proud supporters of the Israeli regime that is killing innocent Palestinians (of which the most recent example was the Israeli killing of over 500 children in Gaza between July and August 2014). “We remind them that Nelson Mandela and South Africa’s ruling party, the ANC, both remained on the US terrorism watch list until as recently as 2008.” Cosas (The Congress of South African Students) echoed BDS’ sentiments and welcomed the invitation to Khaled, “one of our own, a Palestine freedom fighter, against the racist regime of Israel”. Added Cosas: “Through her visit to our country we will show more solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine in their struggle for selfdetermination and the right of return to their country from refugee camps. “We hope comrade Leila will talk to us about the recent Israeli bombing of Palestinian schools in Gaza and how we as young South African schoolchildren can make a difference to ensure that the Israeli killing of Palestinian children stops. “When comrade Leila is in South Africa, we will also share with her our own support for the Palestinian people and our participation in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel campaign.” Kluk pointed out that “BDS-SA was notorious for activities that fostered hatred and division between South Africans so as to further its vendetta against anyone and anything associated with the State of Israel.” The Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association, through its chairman, Kebby Maphatsoe, also got on the bandwagon saying in trying to whitewash Khaled’s terrorist past that “no Israeli or a single passenger was killed in the two airplanes that were hijacked. “This visit by Cde Leila Khaled would further contribute to serve the purpose to bolster solidarity with the Palestine people’s struggle for their birthright, in their country, and expose the wanton murder of Palestinians by the terrorist Israel Defence Forces.” • With Israel Apartheid Week planned in SA for mid-March, a Zionist organiser who asked not to be named told Jewish Report Online: “BDS is filling up its war-chest. They got thrashed last year and need to put on a big performance for 2015.” Gate is always open for the worst of sinners Parshat Bo Rabbi Yossi Baumgarten Principal Rabbinical Supervisor At the start of this week’s Torah portion, Bo, the Torah tells us of the eighth plague, the plague of locusts. G-d commands Moses to warn Pharaoh of the impending plague. However, G-d states that Pharaoh will not heed the warning: “For I have hardened his heart... in order that you tell in the ears of your child and your child’s child that which I have wrought in Egypt.” If the locusts were a punishment for Pharaoh’s refusal to heed G-d’s warning, when his heart had been hardened and he was unable to free the Jews, it would appear to be unjust. How could he be punished for not letting the Jews go if G-d Jewish Report South African removed his free choice to do so? Some commentators say that Pharaoh did have free will during the first five plagues. Had he so chosen, he could have indeed freed the Jewish people from their bitter slavery. However, when Pharaoh brazenly uttered his rebellion by saying: “Who is G-d that I should listen to His voice?” his free will was taken away by G-d. The commentators say this justified the punishment. Pharaoh had strongly questioned G-d’s authority and boasted of his own might, and was therefore shown that he was powerless, and even unable to make his own decisions. Pharaoh was fully subjugated to the will of G-d. This was underscored during the plague of locusts. His servants had had enough, and pleaded with him to free the Jewish people. Pharaoh immediately agreed and declared to Moses and Aaron: “Go worship your G-d.” But at that very instant G-d hardened his heart and Pharaoh changed his mind, and his impotence was revealed to all. But, if Pharaoh did not have a choice, and G-d was completely asserting his will over Pharaoh’s decision making, why would Moses and Aaron bother issuing a warning or requesting the Jews’ freedom? The outcome was predetermined! There are certain transgressions for which Jewish tradition states the transgressor is “not given a means to repent”. There are unforgiveable sins. However, Rabbi Schneur Zalman, the first Chabad Rebbe, explains in his Chassidic work, the Tanya, that even such transgressors can return to G-d. The gate is always open for the worst of sinners to express true regret and return to G-d. Thus even Pharaoh had that opportunity, had he truly desired to repent and do good in the eyes of G-d. If this was true of the wicked Pharaoh, each and every one of us is most certainly able to overcome any and all of our negative character traits. Each Jew has a soul which is a part of G-d. It always remains a part of G-d no matter what transgression we commit. It is merely our external bodies which are transgressing against G-d, but our innermost soul allows us the power to return and become close with G-d once again. Shabbat Times January 23 / 3 Shevat January 24 / 4 Shevat Parshat Bo 18:15 19:37Johannesburg 18:30 20:34 Cape Town 18:15 19:33Durban 18:15 19:51Bloemfontein 18:15 20:05 Port Elizabeth 18:15 19:53 East London General Manager Karen Knowles - 082 855 2131 - [email protected] • Editor Vanessa Valkin - [email protected] • Sub-editor Paul Maree • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Greenblatt - [email protected] • Advertising: Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 - [email protected] • Classified sales: Susan Walunda: [email protected] • Distribution manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – [email protected] • Website: Anthony Katz • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652. Board of Directors: Howard Feldman (Chairman), Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Howard Sackstein. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 430-1980. News 23 – 30 January 2015 SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Kids are split between mom and dad in messy divorce OWN CORRESPONDENT A long-running custody battle between two haredi Israeli parents, ended earlier this month when the Johannesburg High Court ordered that the family be split, with the father being allowed to take two of the family’s four children to Israel, while the mother retained custody of their two younger children The order was granted in time to enable the 12-year-old son to celebrate his barmitzvah in Israel next month. He has gone to Israel with his sister (14). The couple, who cannot be named to protect the children, were married in 1998. They came to South Africa in 2007 to take up teaching posts in a religious school. Their four children arrived in this country with them. They were divorced by Jewish law in 2010, the same year the father went back to Israel when his teaching contract ended. He stated in court papers that he had expected the rest of his family, including his former wife, also to return to live there. The mother, who had obtained permanent residence in South Africa, remained here with the four children. The father came back to South Africa in 2012. In court papers he said the two older children told him then that they did not want to go on living with their mother, accusing her of not looking after them properly. The mother denied these allegations. After the father returned to this country, the two older children spent lengthy periods with him. The father returned to Israel in 2013, alleging he was forced to leave because his life had been threatened. these were not children one expected to find in a children’s home. While the father claimed the two older children had told him they would rather run away than return to their mother, she said the father had become hostile after she had requested him to sign documents to allow her and the children to stay in South Africa. She alleged that he “poisoned the children against me and told them he would take them to Israel”. She said he painted an unrealistic utopian picture of that country. She added that the children had forgotten much of their Hebrew and that it was not in their interests to go back to Israel. Justice Ruth Mokgoatlheng ordered that the two older children be allowed to travel to Israel this month, but added they should be placed in the care of social services until it could be determined whether their father was fit and capable of looking after them. He did not elaborate on the threats or their source. In her court papers, the mother said his departure amounted to abandoning the children. She said he had also abandoned them on a previous occasion. In the meantime, after his second departure for Israel, the two elder children were placed in the care of the Arcadia Jewish Children’s Home, where they remained until their departure for Israel earlier this month. The court appointed a social worker to take care of the interests of the children. She reported that the father had broken down the relationship between the mother and the two older children, who did not wish to stay with the mother. Photographs of all the children taken on an outing three years ago showed that “none of the children looked at all unhappy”, the social worker said. The photographs showed “a very happy family unit”. According to the social worker, ‘Diversion on main thrust of news’ HELP OUR ARCADIA CHILDREN GET READY FOR SCHOOL Fedler’s cartoon which appeared in The Star newspaper drew no ire from the Jewish community. SUZANNE BELLING “I would like to see all of France marching in Paris with armbands sporting yellow stars and carrying placards saying ‘Je Suis Juif’ [I am a Jew] - coming out against anti-Semitism,” said veteran South African cartoonist Dov Fedler, following the terrorist attacks in Paris on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish kosher supermarket. Fedler said he, personally, adhered to the rule that one was not allowed to draw the prophet Muhammad in any shape or form. While being upset about the Charlie Hebdo attack and the killing of its staff and two policemen, Fedler told Jewish Report: “I feel more upset about the [five] killed in the kosher grocery store - they were innocent people. He added: “I am not that kind of cartoonist,” - to poke fun at religion. If one were, however, to draw a cartoon of Moses holding up iPhones (tablets), “Jews are not going to storm in with machine-guns”. Cartoonists, in Fedler’s opinion, “have no political significance; we are merely a diversion on the main thrust of the news” and had no bearing on the doorstep of history. “I do what I do because change is possible,” but the shapers of history would be the leaders, the people featured in the cartoons, not the cartoons themselves.” Leaders like Robert Mugabe had brought about change - “he is still in power and will still be in power after he is dead”. Julius Malema too - “heaven forbid” - could have a bearing on history. He quoted playwright David Mamet: “the world needs something and we [the Jews] are the approved target of hatred”. “But then, it states in the Torah that in every generation an Amalek would rise to destroy us.” Referring to Paris, Fedler said: “It was a horrible, horrible event, but that is the world in which we live.” Fedler has written a book “Out of Line - A Memoir” which will be on sale from the middle of February. If you’re a parent, you’ll know what it takes to get your child ready for the first day of school. Filled with excitement and preparation for the year ahead, we’d like our Arcadia children to experience the same ‘back to school’ feeling as those of their classmates. Your donations will go towards Stationery and books Uniforms and school shoes School bags Lunch boxes and juice bottles Sports equipment Donate now Online at www.jhbchev.co.za SMS Arcadia to 37613 and we will call you back 3 Banking Details: Arcadia Jewish Children’s Home | Standard Bank JHB | Branch code: 000205 | Account number: 000 139 270 | Kindly use your full name, surname & B2S as a reference and notify us at [email protected] or fax 0867515353 - Donations are tax deductible Thank you for your support! Costs for extra mural activities News 4 SA JEWISH REPORT 23 – 30 January 2015 17 injured, four critically, in Tel Aviv terror attack OWN CORRESPONDENT TEL AVIV Seventeen people were wounded, some seriously, when a Palestinian terrorist boarded a bus in Begin Road near the Beit Maariv Bridge in Tel Aviv and stabbed the bus driver and a number of passengers before fleeing. Four victims, including the driver, remained in serious condition following the Wednesday morning attack. Three were “moderately” injured, six “lightly” and the rest suffered from anxiety. According to a preliminary investigation, the assailant boarded the bus at the Old Central Bus Station, a short distance from the scene of the attack. After the bus passed two stops and more passengers got on, the attacker took out a knife and started stabbing people. The assailant, a 23-year-old Palestinian man from the West Bank city of Tulkarem, who had entered Israel illegally, was shot in the leg by a member of Israel’s Prison Service who was at the scene of the attack. He was apprehended by police. Given that the perpetrator bought the knife in the West Bank, he will be brought before a military court in Ariel. As he is still in hospital with the wound to his leg, he wasn’t taken to court on Wednesday. His detention will be extended by 96 hours. The attack occurred at approximately 07:00 while it stopped at a major intersection. It is the first terror attack in Tel Aviv since an assailant killed a soldier in a stabbing attack at a train station last October. Bus driver Herzl Biton, 55, a bus driver for more than 23 years, fought with the assailant and sprayed him with pepper spray as he was being stabbed twice in the chest. He is in a moderate condition in Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital. Other injured were taken to the Sheba Medical Centre at Tel Hashomer where seven were admitted for treatment and undergoing surgery. Biton reportedly called a friend right after the attack and said: “A terrorist attacked me, I feel like I’m going to die. Please, look after my kids.” Tel Aviv Police Commander Bentzi Sau called the attack a “nationalist incident” and praised Biton for having an “excellent reaction” to the stabbing. “The attack in Tel Aviv is the direct result of the poisonous incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority toward the Jews and their state. The same terror tries to harm us in Paris, Brussels, and everywhere,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement following the attack. The Palestinian man continued to stab other passengers after hurting the driver. He then fled the bus and was chased by a group of Israel Prison Service (IPS) guards who were in the area taking a prisoner to a local court. Benny Butershvilli, the commander of the forces from the IPS Nachshon Unit, said the guards noticed something was wrong after they saw the bus standing at a green light. Shortly afterwards, the terrorist got out of the bus on foot and attempted to flee and the prison guards began to chase him. “At Beit Maariv Bridge we saw people crowding and others calling for help; we immediately understood that something was wrong,” Butershvilli said. “A team of three fighters from the Nachshon unit and I jumped out of our car, spotted the terrorist and began chasing him. We fired at his feet and he collapsed. We then cuffed him and waited for the police to come. “The Nachshon unit fighters operated with professionalism and determination just as is expected of them and of any security officer in uniform,” said Lt Gen Aharon Franco, chief commissioner of the IPS. Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharo- novich praised the driver and forces’ quick and effective response: This is exactly the way people should respond when a terrorist is running rampant and attempting to harm innocent passengers.” Hamas praised the attack as a “heroic and courageous act”. The attack comes amid growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians which has seen violence escalate in recent months. Opinion and Analysis Khaled - a real person or a poster? TAKING ISSUE Geoff Sifrin Political posters like the famous one of Che Guevara, familiar to every leftwing activist in the 1960s and printed on millions of T-shirts worn by hippies and politicos alike, are powerful images to inspire people, but also reduce their subjects to simplistic cardboard cutouts who don’t change over time. Such is the iconic black and white picture of Leila Khaled who has been dubbed “the poster girl of the Palestinian struggle”. Forty-six years ago, 25-year-old Khaled became a “World Revolutionary Heroine” when she hijacked TWA Flight 840 en route from Rome to Athens. She was the first woman to hijack an airplane. It was the same era when women’s libbers were burning their bras in America protesting against gender discrimination. Together with her fellow-hijacker Salim Issawi, Khaled forced the Boeing 707 to fly to Damascus. The passengers were exchanged in Damascus for the release of 13 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The subsequent worldwide publication of that photo of Khaled - portrayed as a sexy, resolute young woman with a checkered keffiyah, holding an AK-47 - defined her era as much as the Che Guevara poster. In recent years this “heroine” or “villain”, depending on who you ask, has visited South Africa to draw attention to the Palestinian people’s suffering, and demand the severing of diplomatic ties between South Africa and Israel. Cosatu and the South African Council of Churches have hosted her. Now BDS is hosting her next month to help raise funds. Amidst all the fuss about BDS bringing her out, it is interesting to note a comment Khaled made in 2006 before coming here for a documentary film festival which included a film about her. Speaking to the Mail & Guardian ahead of her visit, she drew a clear distinction between the political objectives of her actions in 1969 and what she described as today’s “culture of death”. She reportedly said: “We were given very strict instructions not to hurt anyone.” What does Khaled have to say about the jihadist culture of death now sweeping the world? The recent terror attacks in France; the Islamist suicide bombers who regularly blow up whole groups of innocent people in different countries, together with themselves, in acts of “martyrdom”; Syria at war with itself having killed some 200 000 people since 2011. Or the murderous Islamic State proudly broadcasting the beheading of journalists - just this week threatening the beheading of two Japanese journalists if Japan does not pay a ransom of $200m for supporting the Western fight against IS. And what would she say of the Palestinian struggle? Is the sad situation of the Palestinians only the fault of Israel? Or are they themselves to blame? Since 1969, South Africa has got rid of apartheid, which many people thought would never happen without a bloodbath. What qualities did we have that the Palestinians don’t? Surely something must have changed in her thinking. When one meets a famous person, he or she always turns out to be shorter, or fatter, or less intelligent, or somehow less of a hero than the public image suggests. And if someone’s views remain exactly as they were four decades ago, the person’s integrity is immediately suspect, as if the poster image has replaced the real-life person. Is BDS inviting only the poster girl? Or a real person who can reflect honestly on history and her role in it? Would Khaled openly endorse BDS’ oft-touted “non-violent” approach today? If so, she should be asked to say it publicly. If not, why is she their guest? Nearly five decades after her famous 1969 hijacking, Khaled now lives in Jordan, which has a peace treaty with Israel. She says: “I no longer think it’s necessary to prove ourselves as women by imitating men. I have learned that a woman can be a fighter, a freedom fighter, a political activist, and that she can fall in love, and be loved, she can be married, have children, be a mother.” Perhaps she has also learnt that the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not as simplistic as her poster. Geoff Sifrin is former editor of the SAJR. He writes this column in his personal capacity. 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But of course, the library didn’t close down and is still functioning, albeit in a new guise. The SA Zionist Federation, custodian of the library, was rather perplexed about Slier’s broadside, “out of the blue”. But so was Slier. Slier wrote this week: “I was amazed to see a letter written by me to the SAJR about three years ago about the Beyachad Library closing down, in the current paper. It appeared then as a matter of fact. “I believe that when the letter re-appeared in the paper last week, it caused some disquiet in the library as it had not closed down and, in fact, it is thriving in its new form. “Now it seems that my antique computer took it upon itself to send off this letter some time in December (when the Jewish Report was closed for the festive season) and it was printed now (in the paper’s first edition of 2015). “I was amazed and then embarrassed by this and I have no idea how this could have happened. Perhaps some computer geek in our community can explain this. I certainly cannot. In any case I apologise to everyone who was discommoded by this incident.” Isla Feldman, director of the SAZF, promptly replied to Slier. (Her letter refuting his allegations, appears this week on our letters page). A visit this week Tuesday to the revamped library, was a pleasant surprise. It has been taken over by the Zionist Fed and is now primarily a reference library, although, according to volunteer Marcia Parness, who singlehandedly raised money to contribute towards the ongoing functioning of this important public facility, she would like to see books on loan too. This echoes Feldman’s sentiments. “There is no budget for reading, but we would welcome ongoing donations, books from book clubs and other contributions new or from private collections,” Parness said in an appeal to the community. “There is a perception that the Jewish community can afford to buy books and download Kindles, but people still want to borrow and read books - but there is no budget.” The library is now open from 08:30 to 16:30 from Monday to Thursday and on Fridays from 08:30 till 14:00. There is a fulltime librarian, Maxine Fine, the technical fundi, Eric Mathobo and Leon Lever, former principal of King David Victory Park Primary School, who converted videos to DVDs - a mammoth task which he undertook with dedication and purely on a voluntary basis. This exercise was completed by the end of last year. Said Lever: “There are Jewish and antiJewish themes, Christian material, documentaries on the history and lifestyle of Israel and Read the South African Jewish Report online www.sajr.co.za the music of Israel. There are also features on countries where the Jewish people live and the history of Jewish communities around the world. “Where Jews no longer live in these places, there are stories of the destruction of these communities during the Second World War and what happened to them. It is very important that this information is transferred to both parents and children. You cannot teach children just from paper clips - you need a little more.” There are also musicals with a Jewish theme, classic films and films featuring the Jewish actors and singers of yesteryear. Marcia Parness, Leon Lever and Eric Mathobo in the revamped library at Beyachad. ב׳׳ה ITS TIME TO GO KOSHER Opinion and Analysis 6 SA JEWISH REPORT 23 – 30 January 2015 Jewish Report south african Many versions of Islam’s religious authority Two Sundays ago more than 1,5 million people and 44 heads of state marched in the streets of Paris to express their support and commitment in the fight against terrorism. And last Sunday Israeli security forces arrested seven Arab citizens accused of plotting terror attacks in Israel and of planning to join the Salafist jihadi group Islamic State in Syria. What is dawning on us as the threat of radical Islam grows like a tentacled monster, making every Western democracy and every Jewish community vulnerable to the havoc, is that we need to understand it better. The terror of Nazism, rooted in a more sane National Socialism, its leadership, strategies and ultimate goals are now familiar and well understood. But Muslim extremism, with its roots in a more peace loving Islam, is altogether more mysterious. And also mysteriously, while the Western world has stood up to condemn Islamic jihadism and terrorism, the Muslim world has been relatively silent, failing to show the world a united front against terror. Islam itself has no single source of religious authority and there are many versions of it today. Extreme subsets like the Islamic State, al Qaida or Hezbollah are violent and scary but represent only a small minority of the world’s Muslim demographic. While this piece won’t explore all extremist factions, it explores the spread of Wahhabi Islam considered the inspiration for the Islamic State and viewed as the main source of global terrorism today. British historian and commentator Karen Armstrong recently published a very worthwhile history of Wahhabism whose main points follow below. Wahhabism or Salafist Islam - which writer and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman calls “the most puritanical, anti-pluralistic and anti-women version of that faith” was actually born out of a very non-belligerent form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia in the 18th century. Revivalist scholar Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703 - 91) believed that if the Saudis were to recoup some of the power and prestige they had lost at that time, they needed to return to the fundamentals of their faith. This meant ensuring that G-d and the study of the Qur’an - rather than idolatry and materialism - dominated the political order. According to Armstrong: “There was nothing militant about this fundamentalism.” Killing civilians and prisoners of war, or destroying property was not allowed. After Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s death, Wahhabism became increasingly violent and an instrument of state terror. But by the 1930s the official Wahhabism of the Saudi kingdom had abandoned militant jihad and had once again become a religiously conservative movement. With vast wealth created by soaring oil prices in the 70s, the Saudi kingdom had all the petrodollars it needed to export its doctrines. The Saudi-based Muslim World League opened offices wherever Muslims lived across the globe. The Saudi ministry of religion printed and distributed Wahhabi translations of the Qur’ an, Wahhabi doctrinal texts and the writings of modern Wahhabi thinkers. They funded Saudi-style mosques with Wahhabi preachers and provided free education for the poor. According to Armstrong, the Saudis insisted on religious conformity in return for their generosity. Unfortunately the rejection of all other forms of Islam and other faiths undermined Islam’s traditional pluralism. “A whole generation of Muslims, therefore, has grown up with a maverick form of Islam that has given them a negative view of other faiths and an intolerantly sectarian understanding of their own,” she states. “While not extremist per se, this is an outlook in which radicalism can develop.” And although the Saudi government has opposed the jihadists, it’s not a big jump from Wahhabi Islam to the violent jihadism practised by the Islamic State. And interestingly, because Wahhabis focused on the oppression of Muslims worldwide in their teachings and through TV images and other media, many of those Saudis who fought in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya or trained in al-Qaida camps, were inspired by a desire to help their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. They are also not always religious fanatics. Research by MI5 in 2008 found that a significant number of those convicted of terrorism offences since the 9/11 attacks, have been non-observant, or are self-taught. The shooter in last year’s attack on the Canadian parliament was a convert to Islam. What is another commonality among these jihadists is that they are usually born into tough, impoverished, and violent circumstances. France, home to Europe’s biggest Muslim minority, provides a major source of jihadists to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Chérif and Saïd Kouachi, who murdered 12 people at Charlie Hebdo, were orphaned and grew up in foster homes. Amédy Coulibaly, who held up the kosher supermarket was brought up on one of Paris’ worst housing estates and had been in prison for robbery before becoming drawn to radical Islam. According to a piece in the Economist this week, “If there is a common thread among those who become jihadists, it seems to be the quest to transform small, angry lives into powerful ones”. And what does this mean for South African Jewry? Our own Muslim population, estimated at over one million, but growing in the face of refugees arriving from neighbouring countries, has mostly been non-violent. In fact a number of significant South African Islamic organisations have come out in criticism of IS. While we had local groups like Pagad who were responsible for an urban terror campaign in Cape Town in the 1990s and now some reports of South African Muslims being recruited to fight overseas in Iraq and Syria, we are still problem free in comparison. Research conducted by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence at King’s College in London, found that sub-Saharan African countries have not figured significantly in sending fighters to Syria. Nonetheless, in the same week as the Paris tragedy, Boko Haram massacred thousands of people in next door Nigeria. While our own Muslim community has stood up in protest against what they consider Israel’s aggression in the territories, they have been relatively silent on France and Nigeria. In assessing what role we as South African Jews have, it is obvious that we should never be quiet and accepting in the event of injustice or terror. Luckily our own community and its leadership have shown us that they will stand up to incidents they believe threaten our well-being and safety. – Vanessa Valkin, Editor A file photo of Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome anti-missile system. Tensions mount on Israel’s northern border WIRE SERVICES AND JEWISH REPORT STAFF with Lebanon and Syria. “Hezbollah’s leadership cannot accept the blow it received from the Israeli strike Israel has reportedly deployed Iron Dome and the killing of [Hezbollah] officials,” anti-missile defence systems in the coun- a Hezbollah official said, according to Istry’s north out of fear of retaliation fol- rael Hayom. “Hezbollah’s leadership will lowing the alleged Israeli Airforce helicop- choose how and when to respond to this ter strike on Syria on Sunday. criminal Israeli attack.” An Iranian general and at least five HezHezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah bollah members were killed in the strike recently said that his Shi’a Muslim teron a convoy of several cars near the Syr- ror group had more weapons than Israel ian border village of Quneitra. Iran an- could imagine. The organisation reportnounced on Monday that among those edly possesses a large arsenal of rockets, killed in the attack was Mohammad Ali unmanned aerial vehicles, and specialAllahdadi, a general in its Revolutionary ised units, known as the Radawan Force, Guard. Allahdadi was known to be one trained specifically to carry out raids deep of powerful al-Quds Force commander inside Israel. Qasem Soleimani’s closest confidantes. “Hezbollah has weapons that the enemy Allahdadi was in Syria to advise its army can expect and we have ones that they in the country’s nearly aren’t expecting. Our four-year civil war, acresistance has not been cording to Iran’s semidamaged, and Israel is official Fars news agency. mistaken if it thinks it “Hezbollah has Jihad Mughniyeh, son has,” Nasrallah told the of Imad Mughniyeh, a Arabic TV station Alweapons that the top Hezbollah operative Mayadeen. enemy... aren’t assassinated in 2008, was He added: “If Israel expecting. Our also among those killed attacks Lebanon, our resistance has not in the Sunday attack. The resistance is strong and been damaged.” others included Mohamour ability to win is med Issa, the commandgreat.” er of Hezbollah forces in While the Israel-LebIraq and Syria, and Abbas anon border has been Hijazi, whose father Karelatively quiet since the mal was one of Hezbollah’s founders. last war there in 2007, Hezbollah planted Quneitra, near the border with Leba- two bombs along that border last October, non, has been the site of heavy fighting injuring two Israeli soldiers who were on between government forces and rebels patrol. during Syria’s ongoing civil war. Israel Defence Forces’ Chief of Staff Although the Israel Defence Forces has Benny Gantz said on Monday the army neither confirmed nor denied the strikes, was prepared and monitoring security Israel was, according to reports, unaware developments in the region. “The IDF is an Iranian general was travelling in the prepared, tracking all developments, and Hezbollah convoy it targeted. The claim ready to act as needed. This statement is - made by an unnamed senior Israeli se- not simply a speech - it’s a matter of real curity source in an interview with Reuters operational preparedness.” on Tuesday - came as both Hezbollah and In the north, several IDF units deployed Iran threatened to retaliate for the killing along the border that were set to go on and amid growing concern about the secu- leave, were ordered to stay put, Haaretz rity situation on Israel’s northern border reported. More news on our website www.sajr.co.za 23 – 30 January 2015 News SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Nisman death: Hezbollah, Argentine govt fingered URIEL HEILMAN BUENOS AIRES The mysterious death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman (pictured) seems ripped straight out of a crime thriller. Nisman - the indefatigable prosecutor collecting evidence of culpability in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish centre in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people - was found dead in his apartment just hours before he was to present evidence to Argentina’s congress that he said implicated his country’s president and foreign minister in a nefarious cover-up scheme. The charge? That the two agreed to whitewash Tehran’s role in the AMIA bombing in exchange for oil shipments to energyhungry Argentina. Nisman’s body was discovered late Sunday in his 13th-floor apartment with a single gunshot wound to the head. Officials connected to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, quickly said evidence pointed to suicide, noting that a .22-calibre pistol and spent cartridge were found near Nisman’s body. But the suicide theory was dismissed out of hand on the streets of Buenos Aires and among people around the world familiar with Nisman and his work investigating the AMIA attack. Instead, they said Nisman, 51, was the victim of foul play. The suicide theory lost more ground on Tuesday with the revelation by the prosecutor investigating Nisman’s death, Viviana Fein, that no traces of gunpowder were found on Nisman’s hand. There also was no suicide note. “The idea of suicide I think is nonsense,” Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, told JTA. “The Jewish community has lost a stalwart hero, and Argentina and all people who pursue the truth and justice with a passionate zeal have lost a great fighter,” Foxman said. “Throughout the years, all kinds of forces have tried to put him down, to destroy him. Every time he uncovered new stuff or exposed some interests that weren’t happy, they set the courts against him or they set the police against him. And every time they tried to put him down, he fought it, he got up and beat them.” The investigation of the 1994 bombing the deadliest terrorist attack in Argentine history and one of the worst incidents of anti-Jewish violence in the Diaspora since the Second World War - was seen as hopelessly inept and corrupt until Nisman took over the case in 2005. There were no significant arrests for years after the AMIA bombing, which was preceded by the deadly 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires that killed 29. After 20 local men, including 19 police officers, were put on trial in 2001 on charges of involvement in the Jewish centre attack, the investigating judge, Juan Jose Galeano, was caught on video offering one of the men a bribe in return for evidence. The case collapsed, the police were acquitted, and Galeano eventually was removed from the case and impeached. Appointed to take over the case by thenPresident Nestor Kirchner, the late husband of the current Argentine leader who had called the handling of the case a “national disgrace”, Nisman launched a more professional investigation. He traced the links from the Iranian leaders who ordered the attack to the Hezbollah operatives who planned its execution, formally charging Iran and Hezbollah in 2006. Interpol eventually issued arrest warrants for six Iranian officials in connection with the bombing, including Iran’s defence minister at the time, Ahmad Vahidi. The Islamic Republic denied any connection and refused to hand over the suspects. In 2013, when Argentina and Iran signed a joint memorandum of understanding to investigate the bombing, Nisman and Jewish community leaders in Argentina and abroad decried the deal as a farce. Many were particularly incensed that the deal was negotiated by Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman, a prominent Argentine Jew whose father, Jacobo Timerman, had been a well-respected Argentine-Israeli human rights activist. The Israeli governments and the US also denounced the deal. Nisman challenged the arrangement in court as “wrongful interference” by the president in judicial affairs and the probe was never implemented. All the while, Nisman and his investigating team continued to press forward with their effort to bring those responsible to justice. Last week, he filed a 300-page complaint alleging that Kirchner, Timerman and others were seeking to “erase” Iran’s role in the AMIA bombing in exchange for establishing stronger trade relations, including oil sales to Argentina. He was slated to present his evidence on Monday to Argentina’s congress. Among Argentina’s 200 000 Jews - the largest Jewish community in Latin America - Nisman, who also was Jewish, was seen as a crusading hero. So who could have wanted him dead? Many Argentines are pointing the finger at President Kirchner. By Sunday night, thousands had gathered outside the presidential palace to protest Nisman’s death, with some holding aloft signs reading “Cristina murderer”. The hashtag #CFKAsesina - Kirchner’s initials and the Spanish word assassin - was one of the top topics trending on Twitter in Argentina on Monday. In Jewish and Israeli circles, some analysts speculated that Nisman might have been killed by Hezbollah, whose operatives were fingered for carrying out the AMIA bombing on behalf of Iran. Could Hezbollah have pulled off Nisman’s killing so quickly after the airstrike in Syria? It would be uncharacteristic for the Lebanon-based group, which typically has carried out its well-planned reprisals months or years after Israeli attacks. Nisman had been under police protection, including the positioning of police guards outside the luxury high-rise where he was found dead. Nisman had made several prescient references to the possibility of his untimely demise, saying as recently as last Saturday: “I might get out of this dead.” (JTA) (A JTA correspondent in Buenos Aires contributed to this report.) Many young people have all the talent and ability to achieve great things with their lives, but merely lack the finances. 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Terms and Conditions apply. 17789OFyt 23 – 30 January 2015 News SA JEWISH REPORT 9 Generations of yesteryear still remember Betty Misheiker STAFF REPORTER Former South African writer of children’s stories and songs, Betty Misheiker (pictured) died in Jerusalem recently at the age of 96. Born in Pretoria and the youngest of four children, she spent her primary school years in Brits in the present Northwest Province and Johannesburg. When the family moved to a small town in the Bushveld, she remained at home, as unlike her siblings, she was too young to go to school in the nearest main town. Her imaginary companions filled the void in her life, leading to her story writing. When she moved back to Johannesburg, she tried several careers until, many years later, she drew her first giraffe cartoon and developed her writing talent. At the start of the Second World War, she was a volunteer, working part-time as an ambulance driver for the mines. She was married to Ronnie, a former newspaper editor, raising their own family and the children of her sister, who passed away at an early age. Betty sent in her stories for publication, including “Handsome Piggy Wig” and “The Bear who wanted the Mostest”. A very special couple People came from all over the world to meet at Michelstadt. Herman Rothenberg The mediaeval town of Michelstadt, in the Odenwald, about one hour south of Frankfurt in Germany, is certainly no sleepy town when it comes to Otto and Heidi Haag. The Haags live in this town, Otto being a translator with a diploma from Heidelberg University, of a variety of languages, including English and Russian and also a Fulbright scholar from the University of Chicago. Heidi was active in church affairs and also became a local journalist in the Odenwald area. They became interested in the missing part of the history of Michelstadt, namely the Jewish population that had to flee the Nazi regime. Otto was the catalyst for placing “stolpersteine” (remembrance stones or stumbling stones) in front of 59 homes of former Jewish residents of Michelstad. Many of these former residents perished in the Holocaust and others were forced to emigrate to various parts of the world. Otto researched the history and ancestry of these former residents, where they lived, what their professions were and their ultimate fate or future. He and Heidi spent endless hours searching for clues of these people’s whereabouts after they left, where they emigrated to or where they were forced to go to. Otto wrote a book called,” Ich gebe Ihnen einen Namen” (I give them a name). After publishing it, the Haags began to campaign for inviting the close relatives of former residents to a reunion in Michelstadt. This was a very difficult task but with the assistance of the present mayor of the town, it came to fruition in March last year. All 17 of the guests were second generation family members, all of whom had their own stories to tell. Eventually she produced educational material for a children’s programme - radio, TV, children’s theatre and puppet shows. At the end of every year, she produced an hourlong Christmas special. She also produced numerous radio plays, radio musicals and “The Old Kabboly” was commissioned by the Marionette Theatre of the Johannesburg Civic Theatre to celebrate the 80th birthday of Johannesburg . Her stories and songs cover a wide range of topics, especially animals, all dealing with educational subjects pertaining to children’s daily lives. She used to say:”It was an enormous challenge, each week, to make a new song and story about these animals. The songs would rise out of the story and they had to carry the story. The music would just start singing to me. “ She won the coveted Japanese Minister of Education’s prize in a contest in which 69 countries competed. She and Ronnie went on aliyah to Jerusalem in 1979, where she continued her work even as a mother and grandmother, working with Israel TV. The popularity and recognition of Betty’s stories and songs increased over many years and even today has a following among ensuing generations. She was described as “a woman of integrity, strength and a passionate love for Israel”. Letters 10 SA JEWISH REPORT Disclaimer The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a range of views on any given topic to be expressed. Opinions articulated in the letters are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff or directors of the Jewish Report. 23 – 30 January 2015 Guidelines for letters Letters up to 400 words get preference. Provide your full name, place of residence, and daytime contact phone number. We do not publish letters under noms de plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters may be edited or shortened. The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected] Woolworths protests: It seems history is repeating itself History repeats itself: first time as tragedy, second time as dangerous farce. Compare the attached old photo of 1933, with resent photographs of protests against Woolworths in South Africa by BDS-SA, Cosatu, Cosas etc. As the actions in 1933 by the Nazis against a German Woolworths shop, the actions of BDS-SA are no longer political, but nakedly anti-Jewish. After all, it was BDS-SA and Cosas who chanted “Shoot the Jew” during a concert by an Israeli jazz group at Wits University. I’m not talking about ordinary criticism of Israel; I’m speaking of a hatred that permits itself no boundaries in the lies and myths it pours out, thus Israel being referred to as a “Nazi” state. In what sense is this true, even as a metaphor? Where are the Israeli concentration camps, the Nuremberg laws, the “Final Solution”? None of these things nor anything remotely resembling them, exist in Israel. Likewise calling Israel an apartheid state: For those who believe this, a weekend in any part of Israel would be enough to show them how ridiculous the claim is. Israeli hospitals not only treat Jews and Arabs alike, they also treat Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank - in the same wards, in the same operating theatres. Israel can only be democratic without Arabs and Muslims Can one imagine what would happen if Jews were I’m almost positive that the terrorist attack in Paris responsible for these attacks? recently, came as no surprise to the world. Anyone Mind you, there have been reports of virulent antifollowing European politics will tell you that the Semites suggesting that these attacks were by Jews, rightwing parties in Europe are becoming increasingly masquerading as Muslims! vociferous and dare I say, powerful. The fact of the matter is that despite these idiotic The problem is immigration and the lack of jobs suggestions by the lunatic fringe, Islam has spawned available to citizens in European countries .The Muslim these killers - Not only in France, but in Iraq, Gaza, population also have not endeared themselves to the Lebanon, Syria, Libya and many other countries. Europeans. How is it that the Qur’an can be interpreted by its There is another issue and that is the rise of radical followers in so many different ways? Islam. The world is currently embroiled in a fight against We, as Jews, are by nature a democratic people. Can what was previously known as ISIS. The savagery of Israel afford to be democratic? radical Islamists has been well-documented. The answer is yes, but without the Arabs and Muslims In Israel, women (in contrast with As much as the moderate Muslims condemn the as citizens. most Muslim countries) have the attacks on innocent people by radical Islamists, it is not It is clear that there is no democracy in the Islamic same rights as men: there is no gender enough. The radicals emanate from within a close-knit world and therefore there can be no place in Israel for apartheid. Gay men and women face no Muslim society. them. restrictions. An example of this are the two brothers who carried In any event, the Law of Return applies only to Under Israeli law, Arab Israelis have out the killings in Paris. It is not reasonably possible to the same rights as Jews or Christians; believe that their families were unaware of this. How can Jews and if you consider the events that took place in Germany during the last century, the Land of Israel is Baha’is, severely persecuted in Iran, one have a rocket grenade launcher and conceal such a the only haven where Jews can be safe. flourish in Israel where they have their huge weapon from anyone? world centre; Ahmadi Muslims, severely It can’t be done and therefore ordinary Muslims Nathan Cheiman persecuted in Pakistan and elsewhere, cannot just pay lip service to these heinous acts by Northcliff, Johannesburg are kept safe by Israel; the holy places condemning them. of all religions are protected under a specific Israeli law. Remember that blood is Guilty Wits students get merely slap on a wrist Arabs make up 20 per cent of the thicker than ink Israeli university population (an exact investigation and disciplinary Professor Adam Habib, vicedemographic echo of their percentage meetings the miscreants were chancellor of Wits, in a newspaper Apropos Je suis Charlie: Blood in the general population). sentenced to community service article and in a radio interview, is thicker than ink. We have no It seems bizarre to me that BDS “of a nature to be determined”. made many valid points especially right to spill blood because of groups call for a boycott of Israel but The students involved treated his when related to the quality of the Qu’ran or any other creed. say nothing about countries like Iran, ruling with contempt and virtually leadership in South Africa. How How can any entity as sublime where gay men are hanged or stoned to as the Creator be insulted by ironic, however, coming from a man laughed in his face. I doubt that death; Russia, which recently occupied mere mortals? any of them did even a minute of who could seemingly not enforce a part of Ukraine; Syria, where hundreds community service ruling he made last year. This was The very idea is an insult to of thousands (including women and Did he employ his leadership in respect of Mohammed Desai the Deity! children) have already been killed. qualities in allowing these students of BDS-SA, members of the Wits BDS groups are trying to trick to totally disregard him without Student Representative Council Don Krausz South Africans into anti-Semitism by recourse as far as I am currently and Muslim students who forcibly Killarney, Johannesburg punishing one country among all the aware? disrupted a musical recital by an countries of the world - which happens This is a magnificent exhibition of Israeli pianist at Wits, threw an Read the South African to be the only Jewish state. leadership. elderly lady to the floor and who Jewish Report online caused destruction of university Val Schneiderman Jack Miller property. www.sajr.co.za Greenside, Johannesburg Gresswold, Johannesburg After almost a year of INVITATION TO CONSIGN Consigning now for the JOHANNESBURG April Auction closing 30 January 2015 AUCTION 21 & 22 APRIL 2015 Contact 011 880 3125 for more details François Krige (South African 1913-1994) BLUE CRANES SOLD R 363 776 25 & 26 November 2014 www.stephanwelzandco.co.za Letters 23 – 30 January 2015 SA JEWISH REPORT 11 Peace with treacherous Palestinians a big no Kol hakavod to Chaim Hillel Myerson on his brilliant letter of December 5 (Meeting with Abbas: Leadership has let us down). Personally, why should South African Jewry be persuaded to participate in the dismantling of the settlements according to the wants of Mahmoud Abbas for “so called peace”? How many times have we lost our beloved men, women and children, not forgetting our brave and courageous soldiers who have fought too many wars for our young country? Where will Abbas have peace with our people? How many times has he openly announced that Israel and its people must be destroyed? Whether we live in South Africa, New York or Australia, we are part and parcel of these people; we are Jews and our love should lie in the State of Israel. A two-state solution in my book is definitely a no, as once this takes place the Palestinians will want the whole of Israel, the country Hashem gave to our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This cannot be denied as it is written in the Torah. I am shocked to know that the Jewish Board of Deputies and the Zionist Federation shook hands with a terrorist who has no humanity even to his own people as their education is to “kill the Jew”. Always remember: Hashem is watching. Read the South African Jewish Report online www.sajr.co.za JEWISH ACCOMMODATION FOR FELLOW AGED RETIRE TO PRETORIA Noreen Merle Olshewsky Cape Town I’m waiting for Zapiro’s cartoon on French massacre Our most famous cartoonist is never afraid to stand back and use his satirical skills to press home his point in the face of controversy, be it political, social, or whatever. He has specialised in using his art form most effectively to demonise Israel - and Israel is where the Jews are - so he disguises his anti-Jewish sentiments using the façade of Israel. I draw your attention specifically to the cartoon depicting the barmitzvah of Justice Richard Goldstone’s grandson. See just how he caricatures the rabbi and other shul officials! Yet, I have never seen a Zapiro cartoon depicting any Islam-related issue. I wonder why? Is it okay to demonise the Jews because he himself is a Jew? Perhaps he can well argue this point, namely that he is mocking himself? But this is very questionable. But let’s see those satirical skills he uses so effectively in the aftermath of the murder of his 12 French colleagues in Paris. There’s a test for his mettle! Allan Wolman Rosebank, Johannesburg Shortened letter did not convey original intention It was with deep dismay, disbelief and, yes, anger that I read the bowdlerised version of my letter which you printed in last week’s Jewish Report (Who was the ‘real’ Nazis in this?). Your editing managed to turn my letter on its head, conveying the opposite of what I intended to convey, namely a dislike and aversion of organisations such as JVFP for the aid they are giving the people who wish to destroy us in the same way those misguided souls of the Judenrat helped the Nazis. Even your heading was misleading. Leslie Hotz Johannesburg Due to space constraints, your letter unfortunately had to be cut - definitely not “bowdlerised”. We are comfortable that your message, as you put in the above explanation, did come across in last week’s letter, but we are more than happy to print your explanation for sake of clarity. Space was the only issue in shortening your letter, which was very insightful. - Editor Slier got it wrong on the Beyachad Library I wish to correct certain inaccuracies in the letter written by Lionel Slier in the SA Jewish Report of January 16. The South African Zionist Federation library was housed at De Villiers Street (in the Johannesburg CBD) for many decades. When Beyachad, an administrative organisation, was established and under whose aegis all the Jewish organisations were amalgamated, it was Beyachad that took over the running of the library for the community. Inevitably, however, the library ceased to be user-friendly and lost much of its patina, as Beyachad lacked the capacity to promote and successfully run it. Members of a committee endeavoured to raise funds for its upkeep, but were not successful and in order to preserve the historic documentation, books and South African Zionist history, the SAZF was requested to finance and run the library. It was unanimously decided that the SAZF library would become instead a reference library, housing 115 years of local Zionist material. Without the involvement of the SAZF in preserving the intellectual and historical documentation, the library would be closed and the documentation lost. The SAZF has invested a considerable amount of money in refitting the library. A qualified librarian has been employed and the library now superbly upgraded, is available to the community and other interested parties for research purposes. While it is no longer a lending library, it welcomes community members who seek to research documents and books on the premises. It also houses a very comprehensive audiovisual section; and there are a number of novels available for lending purposes. The SAZF takes exception to Slier’s sarcastic comment about our becoming a laughing stock and having no intellectual standing. Almost all research today, both locally and internationally, can be accessed on the Internet. The SAZF Isie Maisels Reference Library exists to preserve our rich Zionist history for future generations. Isla Feldman Director MODERN, JEWISH RETIREMENT HOME IN THE TRANQUIL LEAFY SUBURBS OF PRETORIA. FACILITIES INCLUDE: • Independent living • Daily housekeeping service • Activities • Jewish traditional and cultural events • 3 delicious kosher meals daily • Full laundry service • Occupational therapist SEMI FRAIL & • Nursing CARE UNITS • Social worker FRAIL ALSO AVAILABLE Call Mark today for more information 012-346 2006/7 advertorial Lorraine Srage new head of KDHL The King David Community takes pride in the appointment of Lorraine Srage as the new Principal of KDHL as of January 2015. Lorraine has been a dedicated member of staff for the past 32 years. During this time she proved to be an excellent History teacher and was appointed head of History in 2002. The school recognised her leadership and managerial ability by appointing her to the position of Vice Principal in 1995. In 2008 she was made Academic Head of the school; in this capacity she led the school to unprecidented academic success. She has been involved in every conceivable aspect of school life, and she is one of those rare leaders who is as comfortable on the sports field as in the classroom. Lorraine is certainly a people’s person; she communicates with flare in both formal and informal situations. She can defend Manchester United with the same passion and intensity with which she can discuss intricate political manoeuvrings in world politics. Yet, her most impressive quality is her unprecedented love, enthusiasm and dedication to Israel, Jewish education and to King David, Linksfield. She is admired and liked by the staff, parents and students of the school who were thrilled at her appointment. Past students commented that Lorraine was the ideal appointee and that the school could only flourish and excel under her leadership. On the announcement of her appointment, the new Head said “I am grateful to have the opportunity to lead a school of distinction and for the energy that exudes from the school. I am also grateful to be part of a Community that places value on Judaism, Zionism and the ideals of integrity, belonging and unity.” We wish Lorraine everything of the best in this position. 12 SA JEWISH REPORT Community Columns A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Mind boggles over BDS-SA’s ‘poster girl’, Leila Khaled Over the past week, the Board continued to be much involved in responding to the imminent visit of Leila Khaled to South Africa as a guest of BDS-SA. Above Board In a variety of media forums (including NaMary Kluk tional Director Wendy National Chairman Kahn’s being interviewed by SABC TV news), we have consistently reiterated why we find the bringing out of this individual to be so abhorrent, and why South Africans as a whole should share this view. BDS has sought to promote Khaled as a heroic freedom fighter in the mould of Nelson Mandela whom South Africans should admire and look up to. A substantial part of what we have done is to systematically explode that obnoxious conception by informing the public exactly who she is, what she has done and what her affiliations continue to be. Khaled is a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Over nearly five decades, this organisation has systematically aimed at harming civilians as a matter of strategy. Recent atrocities carried out by the organisation include the murder of the Fogel family in 2011 and last year’s hacking to death of four rabbis in a Har Nof synagogue. Khaled herself is best known for having hijacked a US airline and thereafter attempting unsuccessfully to hijack an Israeli one. While it has been necessary to expose the real Leila Khaled, our main concern has been to deal with why BDS-SA invited her in the first place. What does it say about the motives of this group that it should not only have selected such an individual to act as the poster girl for its campaigns but have overtly played up her terrorist affiliations as a publicity tactic? The Khaled invitation has simply reconfirmed our worst fears about what BDS is all about. It is not a human rights lobby, nor does it really wish to help to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Instead, in furthering its extremist agenda, it fosters hatred, division and confrontation in our society. One hope that as a result of its latest propaganda stunt, particularly in its having come at a time of heightened concerns about terrorism the world over, the penny will begin to drop even among those who previously might have been inclined to support the organisation. As South Africa’s representative on the World Jewish Congress executive, I am involved in ongoing discussions on current security threats facing global Jewry. On the local front, we likewise need to constantly maintain a high level of vigilance. Here, the CSO plays a crucial role, and as always, its members - whether professionals or volunteers - carry out its mission with unfailing dedication and professionalism. We thank all those who devote so much time and effort to ensuring our safety, and urge community members to support them in every way that they can. New school term started The new school term has resumed, which with the great majority of Jewish schoolgoers means attending one or other of the many Jewish day schools around the country. I cannot emphasise enough how crucial it is to provide a sound Jewish education if we are to continue to have a thriving community in the future. Here, we can proudly say that the standard is not merely good, but excellent. Nor does the provision of a strong Judaic component in the syllabus come at the expense of secular learning. On the contrary, the consistently outstanding matric results in all our schools show that it is possible to have the best of both worlds. I congratulate our recent successful crop of matriculants and wish our current learners all success in the year ahead. • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday 12:0013:00. This column is paid for by SA Jewish Board of Deputies News 23 – 30 January 2015 Gender equality a golden thread in panel discussion SACRED’s Chairman, Leah Livni, with Reeva Forman, deputy chairman of the South African Zionist Federation; and Bet David’s Rabbi Julia Margolis. ROBYN SASSEN Women in religious leadership came under the loupe in a panel discussion towards the end of last year at Hillbrow’s historical Women’s Jail, hosted by the SA Centre for Religious Equality and Diversity (SACRED). Community stalwart and deputy chairman of the SAZF Reeva Forman, was MC. It featured Zaakirah Akram of Cape Town’s Open Mosque; Reverend Lutz Ackerman of the Lutheran Church of Peace in Hillbrow; Rabbi Julia Margolis from Bet David, Sandton; and Ba’hai representative Khwezi Fudu Cenenda Rabbi Margolis said: “Why do we need women rabbis? What does it say about the community in which a female is encouraged to hold such an office? If we ask such a question, we need to ask why we need women doctors - remembering that only a hundred years ago in England, Parliament considered it absolutely a breach of professionalism. Cenenda, diplomatic liaison for the Ba’hai community added: “G-d created all of mankind with no distinction between male and female. G-d judges human actions, not actions as they are performed by a man or by a woman. “When women are suppressed there is injustice. Until the world realises this, there will not be peace. I pray for the time where it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman when you achieve things. I pray for the time when it doesn’t matter when you are ‘the first black’, ‘the first woman’. I pray for the time when humanity can identify itself as humanity.” Reverend Ackerman is proactive in projects between his community and the Union of Jewish Women. In South Africa since 2001, he was ordained in Bavaria. With affiliation credentials in Lutheran and Anglican dogma, he said: “Transformation of theological thinking is nowhere near complete.” He itemised the growing number of women in Anglican and Lutheran church leadership as he interrogated Roman Catholic canonical principles. “What is religious leadership based on? Education? A divine calling? And what’s the laity’s role? Sometimes it’s not only a question of legality but one of citizens making decisions.” Akram, a lawyer, said: “When you think of a Muslim woman, what do you expect? Someone like me?” Dressed in a tailored suit, she grinned at the audience’s perplexity. “The current stereotype for Islam is not about non-judging. It’s about terror. We, at the Open Mosque officially celebrate our second month,” she alluded to threats the establishment has weathered, before proceeding to examine the Qur’an’s exegesis regarding women. “At the Open Mosque, women are treated as equals to men and access the mosque through the main entrance. We pray in the same area as our fathers, sons and brothers. We encourage women to empower and educate themselves through teachings in the Qur’an and by extension, teaching their male and female offspring they are equals. “Women are actively involved in the Open Mosque, where they are encouraged to participate in a formerly male-dominated society. Gender equality cannot be achieved without active participation. We need to focus on not drawing attention to ourselves,” she emphasised. 23 – 30 January 2015 Youth SA JEWISH REPORT 13 VIVIENNE MOFSOWITZ Bloemfontein celebrated Shabbat Channukah in style when Adam Kroll, son of Debra Kroll, from London, celebrated his barmitzvah in the Bloemfontein Shul. Some 50 guests from London, New York, Melbourne, Cape Town and Johannesburg spent the weekend with the Krolls and the Bloemfontein community for this simcha. Adam’s grandparents, Solly and Shirley are prominent members of this vibrant yet small community. Solly is the chairman of the United Hebrew Institutions, while Shirley was the founding member of the David Davidson Nursery School. The Bloemfontein Shul was packed to capacity, giving a taste of Bloem in its heyday! Not having many kosher facilities in Bloemfontein, Friday night supper was prepared in Johan- nesburg by Solly’s sister Freda Meltz and niece Nanette Lewinstein and delivered to the Krolls in time for Shabbat. Gary Lewinstein conducted the service and being an old friend of the community his davening, sermons and wise words to Adam went down exceptionally well. Debra and Adam’s friends contributed to the leining. The community plus guests were treated to a delicious lunch catered for by Yvonne Wasserman and her daughter-in-law, Heidi Wasserman. Lauren Keir, also an old Bloemfonteiner, did the décor. Of course, in true Bloemfontein style, almost every member helped in some way to pull off this amazing event. In lieu of gifts, Adam had asked guests to make donations to The Sunflower Children’s Home, a hospice for mostly Aids-afflicted children. Photo: Dr Fred Barbakow Small Bloem community shows how things are done ‘Israel Encounter’ boys return to SA enriched by the experience KDL Preprimary to rise this year in a new guise SHEVA MESSIAS Photo supplied Photo supplied King David Linksfield Preprimary School is rebuilding this year, demolishing the old school and building a magnificent, modern new one. The school has moved into temporary classrooms and set up an entire school on the high school hockey field. SUZANNE BELLING Grade 11 learners from Torah Academy Boys’ High School, Shaarei Torah, Hirsch Lyons, Yeshiva Maharsha, Yeshiva College and King David Linksfield, led by TA Boys’ High principal, Rabbi Yossi Chaikin, recently returned to Johannesburg from their “Encounter” tour to Israel, an annual event organised by the Israel Centre. “It was an Israel Encounter but, more than that, they encountered the land and people of Israel and its history. “The learners came away connected with Torah and their heritage. Most significant about the ‘Encounter’, was that 31 boys from different Jewish day schools came on the tour as strangers but left as friends,” Rabbi Chaikin said. The boys visited the four holy sites - Jerusalem, Tiberias, Safed and Hebron. “We went from north to south and east to west,” said Rabbi Chaikin. “The boys climbed Masada, swam in the Dead Sea, were hosted by Bedouins in the south, shopped at a shuk, davened at the Kotel a number of times and visited the tunnels in Jerusalem.” The boys are pictured with Rabbi Chaikin at the Talmudic village of Kfar Kedem in the north, dressed in the garb of Talmud students in historical times. ‘This is your land,’ Netanyahu tells Birthright participants Sandton Sinai Primary School starts with a bang With an incredible growth in numbers, Sandton Sinai Primary School learners started their school year on Tuesday January 13. The school was abuzz with new and smiling faces. From grade R to grade 2, the school was a hive of activity as learners navigated their first day. Pictured are the grade Rs, grade 1s and grade 2s who are embarking on their first day of the school year. Photo: Yael Benjamin AMY JAFFE The Taglit-Birthright Israel programme on Wednesday evening celebrated 15 years of bringing young Jews (ages 18 - 26) on free 10-day trips to Israel. Birthright has sent almost half a million Jewish youth from 66 countries to Israel. The speakers and crowd at the event in Jerusalem, observed a moment of silence in remembrance of the 17 people killed in three terrorist attacks in Paris last week. One of the victims, Yoav Hattab, had visited Israel on a Birthright trip just two weeks before he was killed. “In Israel, every Jew can say: ‘I am a Jew, Je suis Juif,’ out loud and proudly, without fear,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the Birthright event. He told the attendees: “Come to Israel. Come visit Israel. Come stay in Israel. Come make aliyah to Israel. This is your land.” (JNS.org) Opinion and Analysis 14 SA JEWISH REPORT 23 – 30 January 2015 Muslims themselves must deal with this monster BARBARIC YAWP David Saks If there was a defining moment in the escalating kulturkampf between secular democracy and fundamentalist Islam in Europe, it took place already 10 years ago, when filmmaker Theo van Gogh was gunned down and butchered in an Amsterdam street by a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim Mohammed Bouveri. Van Gogh was adjudged to have committed blasphemy on account of a documentary he had made on women in Islam. His last words, before he was shot again and decapitated were: “We can still talk about it! Don’t do it!” Pathetically, in his final moments Van Gogh invoked the principles of dialogue and debate that underpin that which nurtured him. So far as Bouveri was concerned, there was nothing to debate; Van Gogh had committed blasphemy and had to be punished. The incident highlighted what would seem to be an unbridgeable gulf between two widely contrasting world views, the most recent consequences of which was the massacre of Charlie Hebdo employees in Paris. Millions of people took to the streets in France to protest against the attacks, which included the killing of four people in a kosher supermarket. That was all well and good, but curbing jihadi terrorism will depend on what practical action is taken, of attention these events had been accorded not feel-good gestures. in the international media. Here, not only France but all democratic Evidently, a dozen or so deaths in a nations are confronted with what appears Western white-majority country are more to be an insoluble problem, which is: Can newsworthy than the killing of thousands democracy be defended without resorting of black Africans. That we knew already, of to methods that are fundamentally uncourse, as shown when hundreds of thoudemocratic? sands of non-Muslims were dying in Sudan. Faced with an enemy that recognises no South Africa has hardly been unaffected, law or boundaries, the West finds itself as shown by the murders of Pierre Korkie hamstrung by the multiple checks and baland of Pastor Werner Groenewald and his ances that are necessary for maintaining a two teenage children in Yemen and Affree society. It is a weakness that jihadists ghanistan respectively. Like so many other are exploiting to the hilt. incidents (who remembers, So frequent have terfor instance, the 60-plus rorist atrocities become, ...the coldvictims of the Westgate and so global, that it is Mall, Kenya, attack in becoming all but imposblooded murder September 2013?), these sible to keep up with them. of innocents in tragedies are now all but No sooner has one outrage the name of Islam forgotten by the public. been committed than is not a ticket to We ourselves are fortuanother occurs somewhere Paradise but to an nate that while there are else. Thus, as people were altogether different strong pockets of extremist getting to grips with the sentiment in the Muslim first terrorist attack on place. community, this has not for Australian soil, the seizure many years led to serious of hostages in a Sidney deli acts of violence against other South Afriby an Iranian immigrant and subsequent cans. That anti-Israel hate groups threaten death of two of them - news was received to change that situation by inviting known of 140 children murdered in a school in terrorists to speak in this country, speaks Pakistan. volumes about their true motives. Sometimes, incidents take place simulOne of the common responses to the taneously, resulting in some being nojihadist threat that isn’t working, is that of ticed and others not. Serious as the Paris emphasising how moderate most Muslims incidents were, they should have been completely overshadowed by the concurrent are, and how the overwhelming majority of them abhor the acts carried out in their Boko Haram atrocities in Nigeria, where, name by extremists every time a particularly according to reports, over 2 000 people appalling atrocity is committed by the latter. were massacred. Quite rightly, Nigeria Certainly, it is crucial to make this point, complained bitterly about the relative lack Reason says: admire the difference. Instinct says: cherish the individual. At Grant Thornton, we recruit people with a passion for business, who combine reason and instinct to give the kind of advice that makes a real difference to the organisations they work with. They know it’s about more than just the numbers, it’s about enjoying tough challenges, seeking out opportunities and adding real value to our clients by unlocking their potential for growth. News Darren Sevitz to head up Hatzolah Darren Sevitz (pictured) has been appointed Executive General Manager of the Hatzolah Jewish Ambulance Service as of February 1. Sevitz left the Union of Orthodox Synagogues (UOS) in December after serving as its executive director for 14 years. Hatzolah director Lance Abramson, made the announcement at a breakfast of Hatzolah staffers on Tuesday. Sevitz told Jewish Report that Abramson had approached him in December. He had a few preliminary discussions with the Hatzolah board, they did some e-mailing over the holidays and “signed and sealed” everything last week. Since the announcement, says Sevitz, “I have had an outpouring of support. People have been calling me and posting greetings and good wishes on social media”. • See full story on www.sajr.co.za World News in Brief South African Professional Services Awards (SAPSA) Grant Thornton awarded Best Accounting/ Auditing Firm of the year 2014 www.gt.co.za 2014 Grant Thornton South Africa. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton South Africa is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIl and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see www.gt.co.za for further details. Jewish Report_SAPSA_award.indd 1 given the danger that innocent Muslims might be targeted in random revenge attacks. Jews, for one, know only too well the consequences can be once the pernicious notion of collective guilt takes hold. However, by continually qualifying any condemnation of Islamic extremism with careful assertions about the greatness of Islamic civilisation and of how a few unrepresentative criminals should not be allowed to besmirch its good name, is the so-called “moderate majority” not, to some extent, being let off the hook? It remains undeniable that, however unrepresentative they and their actions may be of mainstream Islam, those committing murder and mayhem in its name are a product of Muslim society as a whole. Aberration it may be, but having produced this monster, is it not ultimately up to Muslims themselves to deal with it? Here, the broader religious leadership, which, as regular assurances would have it, is moderate and tolerant, have a decisive role to play. Jihadists believe that they are justified in killing infidels, heretic and other enemies of the “True Faith” and that they will receive their reward in Paradise for doing so. The message that mainstream imams, educators and academics within the Muslim world surely need to instil in their followers - and from an early age - is that the coldblooded murder of innocents in the name of Islam is not a ticket to Paradise but to an altogether different place. From what I can see, this is not happening, or at least, it is not happening nearly enough. 2014/11/07 8:13 AM ICC opens ‘war crimes’ inquiry at Palestinians’ request THE HAGUE - The International Criminal Court (ICC) has opened a preliminary inquiry into possible Israeli “war crimes” in the disputed territories following a request by the Palestinians. According to ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, the inquiry is not an investigation, but rather “a process of examining the information available in order to reach a fully informed determination on whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation pursuant to the criteria established by the Rome Statute.” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently signed the Rome Statute in order to join the ICC after failing to get a UN Security Council resolution passed that called for Israel’s withdrawal from the disputed territories. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Hamas war criminals fired thousands of rockets at Israeli citizens [during Operation Protective Edge]. Unfortunately, [this inquiry] renders [the ICC] part of the problem, and not part of the solution.” (JNS.org) More news on our website www.sajr.co.za Classifieds 23 – 30 January 2015 What’s On To book your classified notice or advert contact: Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected] SERVICES NOTICES Hawley Marble and Granite Works Est. 1948. Monumental masons. We are proud to have served the Johannesburg Jewish community for many decades. Your support is much appreciated. Collen Hawley Tel: (011) 828- 9010 Chaim Silver (011) 485-3005 LIFTS OFFERED HOME SERVICES HOME SERVICES Lift service Doctor’s app, OR Tambo, Pretoria, gym. Reasonable rates! Ivan 082-962-5007 HANDYMAN CAN Household chores & minor repairs; pool & plumbing problems; house- sitting with pet care; including throughout festive/ holiday season. Call Stephen 082 881 2730 or 011 440 7383 Appliance repairs on-site Fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers. Free quotations. Call Jason 082-401-8239 / 076-210-6532 COMMUNITY The winners of the 6 draws in the WIZO South Africa Jackpot 2014 competition are: Herb Lewis Sally Codron Ronin Aires Gertie Feinstein Leah Lurie Elena Libhaber WIZO would like to thank the community for their contribution to the Jackpot and strongly advise getting tickets now for 2015! WANTED SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS A reliable lift service. Specialising in lifts to and from airports, shops, appointments, casinos and courier. Charna 083-391-6612 LIFTS OFFERED A TAXI SERVICE Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur you to your destination in Johannesburg and back. OR Tambo from R170. Mercedes Benz Tel: 082-399-6187 Sun City & Game Reserve Experienced, reliable driver able to lift you anywhere/ anytime 24 hours. Courier work undertaken. Please call Paul 083-542-6480 All household furniture, linen, kitchenware, clothing & more. All size beds & bases. Call Terry: 076-533-1440 TUITION Deceased estate house clearances Entire households cleared, professionally and confidentially. I’ll take the burden off your shoulders and pay you for it. Please contact Ladislav Miklas 079-810-8837 for a trusted and professional service. Also clear garages, cellars, storage rooms and storage facilities. Highly experienced teacher seeks position as a primary school facilitator or home schooling. Also extra lessons and high school Afrikaans. Phone: (011) 788-9610 EXTRA LESSONS HEBREW Experienced Hebrew teacher. Grade 1 – Grade 7. Available for extra lessons. Monday – Thursday afternoons. Contact Denise: 083-257-2713 Alex’s Lift Service Experienced, reliable driver specialising in lifts to shops, appointments and wherever you need to go. Contact Alex: 083-409-4378 AIRPORT SHUTTLE SAM (011) 728-5219 083-627-8516 FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP Lithuanian / Polish / German citizenship Many South African Jews are eligible for EU citizenship. If you are interested, please contact me. I specialise in obtaining Lithuanian, Polish and German citizenship. I am able to obtain the required documents from archives in Europe. Rael Cynkin CA (SA) [email protected] 083-346-4627 MISCELLANEOUS Sephorim by Rabbi Moses Romm z’l Phone (011) 640-5927 or 078-298-1531 All your old photos scanned to the cloud. Mail us on memoriesdigitised @gmail.com for enquiries JEWISH REPORT CLASSIFIEDS To place your classified advert here, call Susan on (011) 430-1982 Today Friday (January 23) SA JEWISH REPORT 15 Monday (January 26) • UZLC hosts motivational speaker Judy Jaye on “Conflict is an Inevitable Part of Life”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 – 14:00. Contact: Gloria (011) 485-4851 or 072-127-9421. Sunday (January 25) • U JW hosts Stephen Sack, CEO of the Origins Centre at Wits, on “Story of the Origins”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Cost: R35. Contact: (011) 648-1053. Wednesday (January 28) • RCHCC rescreens by public demand “The Jewish Cardinal”, based on the true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation: R70 (incl refreshments). Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728-8088/8378; after hours (011) 728-8378; e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or www.greatpark.co.za • Second Innings hosts Kate Turkington on “More Magical Journeys With Kate”. Venue: Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, visitors R30 (incl tea and light refreshments). Contact: Hylton Marks: (011) 532-9616. • U JW hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former lecturer in the Dept of English at Wits, on “Contemporary Poetry”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Cost: R35. Contact: (011) 648-1053. • T emple Israel in PE hosts a “Bingo Evening” at 19:00. Cost: R60 (incl tea or coffee and cake). Information: Yolanda Yonah Blackman, (041) 373-6642 (08:00 - 13:00). Thursday (January 29) • J H & GC and partners host a talk by Yiftach Ashkenazy (Yad Vashem) on “Liberated But Not Free: 70 Years Since the Liberation of Auschwitz”. Venue: Ditsong Museum of Military History, Saxonwold. Time: 19:30 (admission free). Contact: RSVP to shirley@ jhbholocaust.co.za or (011) 640-3100/2148. Only on the web this week BREAKING NEWS Israel Awareness Week - all Israel supporters can help students turn IAW on its head in March. See what you can offer, wherever you are in SA - or even overseas - all on our website! ‘Blood Libel’ Hamas leader was keynote speaker in Pretoria on Monday. He has made some famously silly statements about Jews in the past. Leila Khaled - the stink around the visiting terrorist to help BDS raise funds (at R500 a ticket) just keeps growing. JR Online was the first to break the story. COMMUNITY NEWS The SAZF’s national elective conference - all the details of conference, speakers, bookings, etc. Israel Expo will blow you away - with hundreds of exhibitors and hundreds of thousands in prizes (car, air tickets, 5-star holidays, etc) and much fun for the kids. Israeli consular services are coming to Cape Town - read what the Embassy has planned. CONTRIBUTORS Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein: Jews are the canary in the coal mine. “If France is not safe for Jews, then the very future of Europe - and indeed the civilised world - is in real danger…” Bev Goldman’s back with her top Zionism reads from around the globe. See www.sajr.co.za - fresh content six days a week, and all the user-chirps! HOME SERVICES ANGEL ASSIST To OR Tambo from R170. To Lanseria from R220. Reasonable rates to all other areas. Drive, shop, cook & iron! Please call Tracy: 076-645-8349 E-mail: erinelectrical@ telkomsa.net BEST SERVICE DIAL A LIFT Comfortable 7 seater. 083-267-3281 Pip Friedman www. dialalift.co.za Social Worker – Chevrah Kadisha Community Social Services Chevrah Kadisha Community Social Services has a vacancy for a fulltime social worker. The successful candidate requires skills in counselling, case management, family services work, group work and community work. Statutory work experience and supervisory experience would be an advantage. It is an opportunity to contribute to a dynamic organisation, and to work with a very committed and supportive team. Registration with the SACSSP, knowledge of Jewish culture and religion, and own transport, are essential requirements of this position. Only short-listed applicants will be responded to. Closing date January 30, 2015 Please submit applications in writing to: The Human Resources Department email [email protected] • fax (011) 640-7069 VEHICLES WANTED IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A VEHICLE SPEND & WIN Contact: Solly Kramer 082-922-3597 MISCELLANEOUS All your old photographs scanned to the cloud. Mail us on memoriesdigitised @gmail.com for enquiries 011 646 4657 | killarneymall.co.za | GPS: 26º09’57”S 28º03’11”E Sport Sport 16 SA SA JEWISH JEWISH REPORT REPORT 16 523 – 12 December 2014 – 30 January 2015 Billie Jean helps Women’s Benevolent fundraiser Isaac Joffe, tennis player of note and mensch JACK MILNER JACK MILNER One of the greatest tennis players of all time, It is said that for some people the glass is Billie Jean King, has donated memorabilia to always half empty but for others, it is half the Johannesburg Jewish Women’s Benevolent full. When you meet someone like Isaac Society to help them raise funds. Joffe, you wonder whether the glass has Marlene Bethlehem, herself a tennis player of lost any water. Isaac turned 90 last month note has participated international and awho brocha was held at on thethe Greenside Shul platform, used her contacts to ask Billie Jean for in his honour. a signed thatprior theyto could e. MaccaI first racquet met Isaac theraffl 2005 “Billie-Jean is wellofknown for herteam generosity biah. He was part the tennis which and not only did sheseniors send us and a racquet, but also contained juniors, masters. a signed edition ofteam her book as well as poster,” That year the SA chartered anaSAA said Marlene. Jean and was also plane to fly us“Billie to Israel I satinvolved next to in a concerttravelling to raise funds for an Aids concert with Isaac, in both directions. Those Elton John. two flights meposter to getalong to know this Both haveenabled signed the with eight interesting man. tennis players, including Grand Slam winners When we arrived in Israel we all went Andy Roddick, Steffi Graf, Martina Naratilova off to our respective accommodation and and Andre Agassi. I heard the next day there had been a mix“We held a raffle and the winner was Rael up into which hotels the tennis players Berelowitz,” said Marlene. were booked. While much of the tennis Asplayed the winner lives in London, the memorawas in Jerusalem, the older crowd bilia were handed over to JJ van der Linde were slated to play in Tel Aviv. Isaac andat Capital, thecountrymen firm with which Berelowitz aGlobal number of his arrived at is associated. their Jerusalem hotel only to discover they Marlene, of the in organisation, should havepresident been staying Tel Aviv. and her vice-president, Angel, have donated The complaints Annette were endless. I heard how manyhad years their to time the Women’s they tooftravel TeltoAviv in the middle Benevolent. fact, between two ofthere them of the nightIn and when theythe arrived they have been active for 99 years. The organisathe were old, not having ready. served They were forced tionrooms is 121 years the Jewish to sleep in the lobby that night and they people of Johannesburg continuously. could only get into their allocated rooms Those who know Billie Jean cannot help but the following day. be affected by her determination and charm. Isaac’s version of events was a lot differShe is outspoken and does not mince her ent. “There was a bit of a mix-up, but they words. In 2002 she was in South Africa for the were quick to sort us out and everything Nikefine. Junior Tourwasn’t International Masters which was There a problem.” That on that occasion joined forces with World story epitomises Isaac Joffe. TeamTennis, by Billie He went onthe toorganisation play in two owned more Maccabi Jean and Ilana and Kloss, at Sun City. Games (2009 2013) and won a bronze Speaking tomen’s the youngsters aged between 11 medal in the senior doubles in 2009. andhas 14, also Billieplayed Jean was by howevents many of He in amazed senior tennis theover players not know the names of some of all thedid world. the tennis greats from their respective countries. “If you don’t know where you come from, Onknow his 90th how do you where birthday, you are going” she Maccabi SA presented asked them. him a special Perhaps mywith favourite quote from her best puts Billie Jean King into perspective. “A chamaward. pion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.” On December 17 last year, Maccabi SA Vice-Chairman Desmond Hyman and Sports Director Alain Nathan presented Isaac with a special award on the occasion Jewish Report’s website, www.sajr.co.za of his 90th birthday, at his home in Victory will be throughout the holidays. Park in updated Johannesburg. The print edition a break for “Isaac Joffe is a will verytake talented, dedicated four weeks over the holidays, but the website will continue publishing news throughout. If you simply add your e-mail address on the right hand side JACK MILNER of any page, you will receive our weekly newsletter and ePaper Who was to blame for Tokelo Rantieon pickWednesday evenings. It also ing up the ball and deciding to tells take readers the fatal what’s popular and what’smatch reported at penalty in Bafana Bafana’s against greaterin length. Thefirst weekly newsletters, Algeria Monday’s round match at the sans the will continue be sent Africa CupePaper, Of Nations? It is cleartothere was outprescribed throughout the holidays. no penalty taker, so did everybody whoa are and on holiday justUsers breathe sighatofleisure relief when Rantie put away from his hand up.their busy everyday lives - spend more time onSouth the website andleading visit more At the time Africa was 1-0 pages during the holidays. Forhave all of and a converted penalty would allyou but we will run to themissed most popular stories sealed it. links But Rantie spectacularly and that events the year, based wind on what and gaveofAlgeria a second and our they readers reading most. went on enjoyed to win 3-1. We will beShakes running a regularfirst series This was also coach Mashaba’s deof articles on how toperhaps get the his bestlackadaisical from the feat in 10 games, but JJ vanJoffe der Linde (centre) South accepts the Vice Isaac with Maccabi Africa Billie JeanDesmond King memorabilia from and Jewish Chairman Hyman (right) sports Benevolent Society President Marlene director Alain Nathan. Bethlehem (left) Vice-President sportsman, and and to be participatingAnnette in the Angel on behalf of winner Rael Maccabi Games at 88 years oldBerelowitz. is a truly remarkable achievement,” said Maccabi SA Chairman Cliff Garrun at the function. JR will be available throughout holidays “Isaac is a testament to sport and exercise website - and how find things prolonging and increasing yourtoquality of fast. Of course there is a life.” search tab... Isaac Joffe is truly a mensch. The most people on the website in a single day: 12 241, 15 441 times: The most read single story this yearand - average read time over six confident player I’m sure he’ll be there minutes. It had with his hand up to take the184 nextcomments one. over 15 000 “Listen,representing these things happen. We’re disapis completely pointed words. becauseSAJR.CO.ZA that would have put us 2-0 interactive andgood allows users but to comment up, into a very position, it wasn’t on every post. to be and we have to keep our heads up. We Over 100 unique users from 175 maintain we 000 played very well tonight... just countries around the world (66 per cent disappointed we didn’t react when they got fromfirst SA, goal followed their back.by Israel, US, Australia, UK and Canada) havethe visited overover 8 000 “We played against top sides the content itemsand on we thehave website. last few years to be Users able tohave comalso posted thousands of comments and pete; one of the things that maybe changed hundreds blogs on the site. the game inoftheir favour was when they Overtothe past 12 months users have moved a 4-4-2. spent 1,5-millon minutes “Theyover went a little more direct,on upwww.sajr. to the co.za pop inup and see why. Sign up something for the two strikers front. I think that’s newsletter and at get themaybe real news, first.a bit we have to look and deal with Shakes must let Dean lead Bafana For all your Kosher needs this Shabbos approach to the captain’s role could be part of better.” On Bafana’s next game is against Senegal and the problem. Dean Furman, as expected,What’s led Dean optimistic they can still pull off the team, but perhaps if Mashaba took the SUNDAY (DECEMBER remains 7) a win and progress to the stage. captain’s leadership role more seriously Dean • JFilm at Bet Emanuel’s Slome Auditorium, shows the Israeli film, “Bethlehem”. Time: 18:00. Cost: R40 (incl tea andquarter-finals snacks). “We had worked hard for maximum points, could have been in a position to make that Enquiries: (011) 646-6170. so the next two games are very crucial for us. decision. • Majestic Societyabout and Radiothis Todayside’s present feelings a matinee screening, of atonews documenting to South WeKlass, have liftreelour heads “The andFirst goRoyal forTour a win and WhenFilm asked re- by Selwyn Africa in 1947”, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s return to theallCommonwealth. Ditsong thing Museum is of Military History that’s we need. Venue: The good that we garding Rantie’s penalty miss, the Doncaster Auditorium, Saxonwold. Time: 14:30. Cost: R100. Bookings: (011) 486-3648 or [email protected] played some outstanding football out there Rovers midfielder said: “We won the pendid not ourBay chances, alty, TK (Rantie) picked up the ball, he’s our • Big Band Music Appreciation Society meets at St John’s College Auditorium,but Houghton. Harry convert Fidler from Ballito will presentsomething a tribute to Glenn we will have to rectify before next match.” striker, he was confident, we had 100 per cent Miller featuring previously unheard material and recordings. Time: 14:15 sharp. Enquiries: Marilyn, 072-243-7436 or Jack,our 082-450-7622. The next two games are make or break for confidence in him, he went for the top corner, • Jaffa’sitmorning market takes 42 Mackie Street, Baileys Muckleneuk Pretoria. be second-hand clothing, Bafana. They have to There winwill both to remain in sadly hit the top ofplace thefrom bar08:30 and- 12:00 wentataway. tombola, a delicatessen, tea garden, books, personalised printing cards and much more. the mix. I’m sure if the next penalty arises, TK is a MANY E IN-STOARLS SPECI MANGO PIECES 500g For all your Kosher 54 99 MANY E IN-STOARLS SPECI needs this to these great deals 99 Shabbos 99 4999 33 48 COOLDRINKS 340ml Cans 6 PACK VARIOUS FLAVOURS per 6 pack Offers valid till 28th January ‘15 CLOVER Tussers Cheese 450g CHICKEN BRAAI PACK /kg CLOVER Tussers Cheese 240g 2999 R DEER RD OR E O N I L NLINE ON O LONG AVENUE AVENUE CNR CNR RIDGE RIDGE AND AND SUMMERWAY SUMMERWAY GLENHAZEL GLENHAZEL || CALL: CALL: 011 011 440 440 9517 9517 || [email protected] [email protected] || www.kosherworld.co.za www.kosherworld.co.za 11 LONG | FRI: 7AM-4PM || SAT:1/2 HOUR AFTER SHABBOS -10PM || SUN: 8AM - 10PM TRADING HOURS: MON-THURS 7AM-10PM | TRADING HOURS: MON-THURS 7AM-10PM FRI: 7AM-4PM SAT:1/2 HOUR AFTER SHABBOS -10PM SUN: 8AM - 10PM SPACEWORX_1129_JR ELEMENTS_1126_JR say WHILE STOCKS LAST
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