Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Street November 1, 2014 Overland Park, KS SHABBAT SCHEDULE Torah Reading: Bob Gast Lech-Lecha Genesis 12:1-17:27 pg. 54 Haftarah: Jonathan Margolies Isaiah 40:27-41:16 pg. 1133 Intro. to the Haftarah: Joyce Dunivan On the Bimah: Leslee Friedman Senior Gabbai: Trent Daniels 4:50 pm - Rav Shron’s class, “Behind the Scenes” 5:35 pm - Mincha/Seudah/Maariv Seudah is sponsored by Gela Adelman and Jerry & Ronnie Greenbaum honoring the yahrzeit of David Greenbaum. 6:52 pm - Havdalah THIS WEEK AT K.I. SERVICES Shacharit Sunday 9:00 am Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am Mincha/Maariv 5:00 pm Fri. Candle-lighting 4:54 pm Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 5:00 pm CLASSES, ETC. Monday - Talmud Class - Rabbi Mandl teaches his popular, ongoing class on this important Jewish text. 7 pm Wednesday - Jewish Yoga - taught by Robin Jaffe 6 pm (fee) - Qigong - taught by Justin & Sharon Orth 7-9 pm SAVE THE DATE Caviar Family Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbi Bob Alper - the “Comic Rabbi” Friday, Dec.19, 4:50 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by dinner. Reservations required. Rabbi Alper will speak during dinner “Thanks. I Needed That.” Saturday, Dec. 20, 9:00 am Shabbat morning services “Spirituality of Laughter” Kiddush luncheon following services. 7:00 pm “Comedy Club” Adults Only-$10 913.642.1880 lk-lk 8 Cheshvan 5775 Commemorate Veterans Day shabbat, noVember 8 During 9am serViCes guest speaker, mary greenberg, msW, ph.D kiDDush sponsoreD by the k.i. men’s Club Will folloW serViCes. We request that all Veterans attending services please wear their service hat or uniform. Dr. Greenberg will share her research and ideas on the critical topic of anti-Semitism and its relevance to the Jewish people. Dr. Greenberg founded the Holocaust Remembrance Forum in Topeka and has served as the Liaison to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council for the state of Kansas. She has been active in Holocaust related educational projects since 1982. Currently, she serves on the Kansas Holocaust Commission. Dr. Greenberg brings interdisciplinary experience in social behavior to the study of the Jewish people in the Diaspora. She believes that we can enlarge our view of the past and present with an alternative explanation for the long-standing animosity toward Jews. Dr. Greenberg’s message is one of hope for the future of the Jewish people. Please let the office know if you have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. CAVIAR FAMILY JEWISH SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE Remembering Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass. Community-wide Program Dr. Michael Grodin Sunday, Nov. 9, 7 pm Kehilath Israel Synagogue Dr. Grodin is a descendant of four generations of Rabbis and Jewish Educators, is Director of the Medical Ethics and Human Rights Programs at Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, where he is also a Professor of Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights at Boston University. He is Co-Director of the joint project in Jewish Legal Bioethics of the Institute of Jewish Law at the Boston University School of Law. Dr. Grodin is a professor of Health Law, Bioethics and Humans Rights at Boston University and founder and director of the Project on Medicine and the Holocaust at the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies. Dr. Grodin received a special citation from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in recognition of his “profound contributions - through original and creative research - to the cause of Holocaust education and remembrance.” Dr. Grodin is in the process of publishing two new books: Jewish Physicians and Allied Health Professionals in the Ghettos and Camps during the Holocaust and a textbook on Health and Human Rights. Dr. Grodin’s primary areas of interest include: Jewish Law, Medicine and the Holocaust, Bioethics, Human Rights and Integrative Medicine. Finally, Dr. Grodin has been involved through the legislative process in clarifying the proper role of religious traditions in contemporary medical ethical discourse. Co-sponsored by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education and Drs. Marilyn and Kurt Metzl. PRAYER FOR HEALING Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot borei r’fuot. Adonai source of healing bring blessings to those we love, renew their spirit, renew their courage, renew their strength of body and soul. Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot borei r’fuot. Adonai compassionate G-d bring comfort to those we love, Adonai compassionate G-d bring healing from above. Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot borei r’fuot. ISRAEL UPDATE October 31, 2014 Israel to buy second squadron of stealth F-35 jets The U.S. and Israel have tentatively agreed to a deal that would send Israel a second squadron of F-35 fighter jets from the U.S. manufacturer Lockheed Martin, costing upward of $3 billion, roughly one-fifth of Israel’s annual defense budget. The transaction, which is still subject to Israeli government approval, was sealed during meetings in Washington last week between Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Israeli news website Walla reported Tuesday. At its heart, the agreement reflects Israel’s belief in the need to deal with powerful enemies far afield, such as Iran, and in the enduring importance of aerial supremacy, even as most of Israel’s wars are fought against militants and terrorists armed with rockets and rocket-propelled grenades, tunnels and mortars, YouTube channels and Twitter accounts. Come learn with Dr. Marilyn Metzl at K.i.! Tuesday, Nov. 11 - 7 pm “Relationships: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” Gain insight into all of your relationships, whether significant other, family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors! Tuesday, Nov. 18 - 7 pm “Managing Stress in Our Stressful World: How Habits Shape Our Lives and How We Can Shape Our Habits!” Dr. Metzl is a psychologist/psychoanalyst in independent practice treating adults, adolescents, children, couples and families. She holds Diplomatic status from the American Psychological Association (APA) and is a Fellow of APA. Dr. Metzl, who is on the teaching faculty of the Greater Kansas City-Topeka Psychoanalytic Institute, has presented nationally and internationally on issues such as self-esteem, depression, men’s issues, social competence, women’s human rights, attention deficit, anxiety disorders, and narcissism. K.I. partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. Learn more by visiting or contacting AIPAC at 202.639.5200. K.I. Clergy & Staff Rabbi Jeffrey Shron, Senior Rabbi Craig Caplan, President Elizabeth Peden, Executive Director Gevura Davis, Director, K.I. Fred Devinki Eitz Chaim Religious School Rabbi Herbert Mandl, Ph.D., Rabbi Emeritus Sam Devinki, Honorary President for Life Kehilath Israel Synagogue strives to be a warm, welcoming congregation, proud of its traditional values of learning Torah, engaging in meaningful and inspirational prayer and practices, and performing acts of loving kindness. CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE Rabbi Shron’s Joke of the Week Adam had been single for a long time. One day, he excitedly tells his mother that he’s fallen in love at last and he is going to get married. She is obviously overjoyed. He then tells his mother, “Just for fun I’m going to bring over 3 women and you try and guess which one I’m going to marry.” His mother agrees. The next day, Adam brings 3 women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they all chat for a while. Then he turns to his mother and says, “Okay, guess which one I’m going to marry?” She immediately replies, “The redhead in the middle.” “That’s amazing; you’re right. How did you know?” “I don’t like her.”
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