The Prime Times The Satie and J. E. Broyhill Phone: 828 758-2883 Caldwell Senior Center, Inc. Fax: 828 758-2348 650-A Pennton Avenue SW, P.O. Box 933 Medication Assistance Center: 828 758-2566 Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 Information and Assistance for Older Adults: 828 757-8635 E-mail: [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NC SENIOR CENTER OF EXCELLENCE February –March 2015 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KARAOKE (Rescheduled) Friday, March 13, 2-4pm Because of the frigid weather in January, Karaoke had to be cancelled. Now we have another chance! Teresa Braswell, our Karaoke Queen, will be here with her microphone and music, ready for you to have a good time! We will have light refreshments to wet your whistle, so come prepared to sing (or watch others sing!) Please call 758-2883 to register. Please bring a contribution to help Teresa with the expense of her equipment and music. Flower Lovers Plant Swap Friday, March 27, 1:30 pm If you have abundance of perennial plants to share with others, please join us at the Plant Swap. We ask that you bring small plants in pots and identify them by variety. The swap will take place in the parking lot. Please call 758-2883 to let us know if you want to bring plants. We think this will be a Win-Win for everyone. INCOME TAX PREPARATION Free tax help is available in Caldwell County February 3 through April 7 Appointments for simple tax returns will be scheduled on Tuesdays at the senior center for low to moderate income seniors. Call 758-2883 for an appointment. For tax preparation, you must bring: • Photo ID for taxpayer and spouse • Birthdate and Social Security card for each person listed on the return • All income information and statements from 2014 from any source-wages, pensions, interest, Social Security, annuities, dividends, unemployment, stock sales, etc. • Amount of personal or property taxes paid • Totaled expenses for doctors, hospitals, health or long term care insurance, and miles driven for medical treatment • Charitable contributions divided by Cash or Goods. Total amount for each. Also miles driven to deliver goods or to volunteer jobs • Amount of interest paid on mortgages for main home, and up to two vacation homes or recreation vehicles that can be used as a home • Education expenses paid • Voided check if direct depositing a refund • Spouse if filing jointly. Tax preparation volunteers will also be in Room 5 on the lower level of the Lenoir Branch of the Caldwell County Library. They will be on duty Thursdays and Fridays, 9:304:30 and will see clients there on a first come, first served basis. “Medicare Basics” Friday, February 27 10:00 am Are you going to be new to Medicare or just need to understand it better? If so, please plan to come to this program. QUALIFICATIONS & BENEFITS OF EXTRA HELP FOR COSTS OF PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLANS Income limits to qualify for Extra Help are: Individual, $17,505 Couple, $23,595 Asset limits: (cash, investments—do not count home) Individual, $13,640 Couple, $27,250 Medicare is divided into Part A (hospitalization), Part B (physician and other services), Part D (prescription drug), and Part C (Advantage plan), which is a combination of A, B, and sometimes D. There are monthly premiums and/or deductibles for Medicare. Services are not always paid 100%, so you may want a Supplement or MediGap policy to pay what Medicare doesn’t. You need to be aware of open enrollment periods. (Asset limits will increase in January, and Income limits will increase in April. Please check to see if your asset and income limits are close, and let us know if we can help with an application.) If you, or your spouse, are still working and plan to continue employee insurance coverage, you have special circumstances. Individuals with employee retirement insurance also have a special circumstance. Retired state employees need to contact the state health plan for guidance. With Extra Help, you save on premium costs, co-pays, deductibles, and you may avoid a coverage gap. Please call 758-2883 for an appointment with application assistance. We will have a packet of information for everyone who attends. Please call 758-2883 to sign up. CRAFT CLASSES -2- Craft Classes sign up will be on the first class of the month (see calendar). The cost for a month of 4 classes will be $20. Oil Painting, Mondays, 10:00-12:00 am Taught by Marilyn Gragg. Lap Quilting and Needlework, Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 Knitting, Mondays 9:30-11:30 Join with the experienced knitters and learn about new projects. Wood Carving, Wednesdays 1:00-3:00, taught by volunteer Larry Roberts. ADAPT Presents…. ALZHEIMERS DISEASE PROGRAMS ADAPT (Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Professional Team) will be with us every Monday in February to provide crucial information on how to recognize the disease symptoms, and how to deal with care when it is needed. They will provide information on the legal aspects of guardianship and how to pay for care. ADAPT is a group of professionals working in fields associated with helping families deal with the challenges of having a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Some have been personally been touched by the tragedy of dementia in their family and have a sincere concern for others that are struggling with dementia related diseases. Monday, February 2, 3-4:30pm “Is It Just Aging or Is It Alzheimer’s Disease” Cribbage, Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00pm New players are always welcome. If you need someone to show you how to play, a member of the group will help you. Mah Jongg, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 2-4pm . Mah Jongg players of all levels are invited. Senior Crafters Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00pm. Senior Crafters work on a variety of projects. Share your ideas or come learn new ones! Beginning Bridge Classes Tuesdays, March 3,10,17,24 and 31 1:00-3:00pm Bridge lessons will be offered 4 weeks this spring for beginners or novices. Cost is $25 for printed materials. Barbara Lowman, volunteer and advanced bridge player, will lead the lessons. A minimum of 4 players is needed to have a class. Please call 758-2883 to sign up. GET TO KNOW YOUR TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES - Cost $10 Please call if you need to learn about your IPad, tablet, or how to transfer and organize digital pictures to your computer. Classes are led by Loes Moore. A minimum of three people are needed for a one-hour session. Please call 758-2883 to sign up. We have a beginning iPad class scheduled on Thursday, March 5, 1 pm. Call to sign up for it or to start a list for intermediate iPad. LIVING WILL CLINICS, 1:30pm February 12 and March 12th Do you have a Living Will or a Health Care Power of Attorney? Explanation of these documents will be given on these dates. Notaries and witnesses will be available to help you complete the documents while you are here. You will need to bring a picture ID or drivers license. Please call to sign up, 758-2883. Monday, February 9, 3-4:30pm “Alzheimer’s Disease-Avoiding Financial Disaster” Monday, February 16, 3-4:30pm “Alzheimer’s Disease-Protecting Your Legal Rights” Monday, February 23, 3-4:30pm “Alzheimer’s Disease-Managing Behaviors” All programs are from 3:00-4:30pm. Please, please plan to attend these meetings and help yourself and your loved one. These programs are offered at no cost and open to the public. Please call to register, 758-2883. CPR and AED Training Friday, February 13, 10am Trevor Key from Caldwell County Emergency Services will be here to provide training in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This course is for anyone with limited or no training, or for someone who wants to refresh on their skills. You must register by calling us at 758-2883. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity that might allow you to save someone’s life. Thursday, February 19 and Thursday, March 19 1:00pm In an earlier newsletter we asked that people call if they were interested in joining a book club at the senior center. We have eight people on the list and have scheduled Book Club on Thursdays, February 19 and March 19 at 1:00 pm. Please call 758-2883 if you would like to register for the Book Club, and we will give you a reminder call closer to the time. We enjoy sending you our Prime Times Newsletter and are happy that you have chosen to receive it! However, printing and mailing are expenses. Therefore, if you are able to contribute towards the cost of printing and mailing the newsletter we would greatly appreciate your generosity! We also encourage anyone with an e-mail account to give us your address so we can email you the newsletter. Please send us a note to [email protected] giving us your e-mail address. You may also view our newsletter on our website Thank you! February 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 Income Tax Preparation by appointment Oil Painting, 10-12 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 Alzheimer’s Program 3:00-4:30pm (2 of 4) MAH JONGG, 2-4pm Income Tax Preparation by appointment 16 Senior Crafters 10:30-12:00 Alzheimer’s Program Income Tax Preparation 3:00-4:30pm (3 of 4) by appointment 23 Movin’ & Grooves, 8-9 Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 Oil Painting, 10-12 Alzheimer’s Program 3:00-4:30pm (4 of 4) Movin’ & Groovin 8:00 GetDown&Tone Up 8:30 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 (Cards and socializing) Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 **Lap Quilting and Needlewotk 1:30-3:30 Sign up for February $20 for 4 classes Open 9-5 for Exercise and Socializing Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am Wood Carving Club 1-3 CRIBBAGE, 1-3 11 Senior Crafters 10:30-12:00 Income Tax Preparation by appointment Hearing Loss Seminar at Library See below. 13 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 (Cards and socializing) Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 pm Wood Carving Club 1-3 LIVING WILL CLINIC CRIBBAGE, 1-3 1:30, Sign up please Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 19 20 18 Movin’ & Groovin 8:00 GetDown&Tone Up 8:30 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am Wood Carving Club 1-3 CRIBBAGE, 1-3 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 Book Club YOGA 8:00--9:00 8:00 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am CPR & AED Training 10:00 Please call 758-2883 to sign up Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:3 Organizational Meeting Blood Pressure Check 9-10 1:00, Sign up Please Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 25 Open 9-5 for Exercise and Socializing 26 27 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 Medicare Basics Wood Carving Club 1-3 10:00 am See page 1 for details. CRIBBAGE, 1-3 Please call 758-2883 to sign up. “Hearing Loss and Family Activities” at the Caldwell County Library Tuesday, February 24 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-3:30 The Hard of Hearing Services Specialist, Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, Morganton Regional Center, will offer seminars to help people learn how to communicate better during family gatherings and other group activities. Communicating with someone hard of hearing can sometimes be very difficult, but there are several strategies that can help family members and the hard of hearing person. To register for this program please call 1-800-999-8915 and tell them you want to attend the “Hearing Loss and Family Activities” Program and which time. 12 YOGA 8:008:00-9:00 24 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 MAH JONGG, 2-4pm Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 6 17 Movin’ & Grooves, 8-9 Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Oil Painting, 10-12 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 4 10 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Movin’ & Grooves, 8-9 Senior Crafters Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 10:30-12:00 FRIDAY 5 3 Movin’ & Grooves, 8-9 Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 **Oil Painting 10-12 Sign up for February Senior Crafters $20 for 4 classes 10:30-12:00 Alzheimer’s Program 3:00-4:30pm (1 of 4) 9 THURSDAY FITNESS ROOM Please take advantage of our fitness room, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm! Available for you are a treadmill, cycles, cardio glide and nautilus machine. It’s cold outside so come on over where it is comfortable and get your new year’s resolutions started! Please call for an appointment with Cyndi to get oriented with the machines, 758-2883. Happy Healthy New Year! PLEASE REMEMBER OUR BAD WEATHER POLICY If schools are delayed or closed for bad weather, we follow their schedule. When schools are delayed 1 hour, they open at 9:00. When delayed 2 hours, they open at 10:00. We do also. The senior center phone voice mail will be updated for any change in our schedule. Call 758-2883. March 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 3 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 **Oil Painting 10-12 Sign up for March $20 for 4 classes Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 Senior Crafters, 10:30 Beginning Bridge 1-3, class 1 of 5 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 11 Open 9-5 for Exercise and Socializing 12 13 YOGA 8:008:00-9:00 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 1-3, class 2 of 5 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 KARAOKE 2:00-4:00 MAH JONGG, 2-4pm Wood Carving Club 1-3 Income Tax Preparation by appointment LIVING WILL CLINIC 1:30, Sign up please Please call to sign up and plan to bring a donation. CRIBBAGE, 1-3 19 20 Senior Crafters, 10:30 Beginning Bridge 17 18 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Movin’ & Groovin 8:00 GetDown&Tone Up 8:30 Caldwell Retired School Personnel Senior Crafters, 1-2:30 Beginning Bridge 1-3 Income Tax Preparation by appointment 23 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am Wood Carving Club 1-3 24 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Knitting Class 9:30-11:30 Oil Painting, 10-12 Beginning Bridge 1-3 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am MAH JONGG, 2-4pm 30 31 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Knitting Class 9:30-11:30 Oil Painting, 10-12 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Senior Crafters, 10:30 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 Income Tax Preparation by appointment Beginning Bridge 1-3 , class 5 of 5 Wood Carving Club 1-3 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Blood Pressure Check 9-10 Book Club Meeting, 1:00pm 25 YOGA 8:008:00-9:00 Income Tax Preparation by appointment Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 CRIBBAGE, 1-3 Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Senior Crafters, 10:30 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 Beginning iPad 1:00 pm, $10 **Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 Sign up for March $20 for 4 classes 10:45-12:30 Oil Painting, 10-12 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 CRIBBAGE, 1-3 16 Knitting Class 9:30-11:30 6 Income Tax Preparation by appointment 10 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Line Dance Level 1, 10am Line Dance Level 2, 11am 5 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 (Cards and Socializing) Call 758-2883 to sign up Senior Songbirds, 9:30 Caroliners – 1:30-2:30 4 Movin’ & Groovin 8:00 GetDown&Tone Up 8:30 Wood Carving Club 1-3 9 Oil Painting, 10-12 FRIDAY Cost $25 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Knitting Class, 9:30-11:30 THURSDAY 26 Fun & Friendship Club 9:30-1:00 (Cards and Socializing) AARP Smart Driver Course 10:00-2:30 See Below Sudoku Workshop 1-3, Sign Up Please 27 Movin’ & Groovin’ 8:00 Smooth Moves 8:30 Lap Quilting 1:30-3:30 Flower Lovers Plant Swap 1:30 See page 1 for details CRIBBAGE, 1-3 Beginning iPad Class Thursday, March 5, 1:00 Loes Moore will teach this class for Beginners. We need at least 3 people for a 1 hour class or 6 people for a 2 hour class. The cost is $10 per person. Please call 758-2883 to sign up. AARP Smart Driver Class Friday, March 20, 10:00am-2:30pm This special class will address the needs and concerns of drivers, particularly those who are older. It covers age-related physical changes, declining perceptual skills, rules of the road, local driving problems, and license renewal requirements. You must have a current valid driver’s license to enroll. You must also attend the entire session to be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Please call 758-2883 to pre-register by March 13. Give us your name as it appears on your driver’s license so it will be accurate on your certificate. The cost is $15 (AARP members) - $20 (non AARP members) Please bring or mail your check to Caldwell Senior Center, P.O. Box 933, Lenoir 28645. The AARP Driver Safety course is also available online at THANK YOU -5- New Members We greatly appreciate the donations from: Mildred Rader Pat Carlton Lois Glines Betty Gentry Lynn Hennessee Mildred Jo Cline Janet Williams Sheila Barlow Betty Sue Teague Billy and Gerri Walker Tony Antonelli Carolyn Lingle Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Barbara Lowman Gail Reid Sandy and Bud Leopard Rosa Miller Merrium Throneburg Mildred Rader Sarah Moropoulos Best Value Hearing Care Horry & Mary W. Kent William & Thelma Hood Phillip Carter Margaret Jenkins Movers & Groovers Line Dancers Louise Taylor in honor of Cleo Justice Dora Lee Caudle in honor of Steve Branch Charlie and Fran Scheil in honor of Sharon Berry Best Value Hearing Care in memory of Leona Lomax Helen Dickson in memory of Mary Woods Bob and Sandra Lisk in memory of Mary Woods Louise Taylor in memory of Mary Woods W.H. Maynard, Jr. in memory of George Reighard Jimmy and Lee Davis in memory of Jeanette Bailey Lois Dula in memory of Rosa F. Dula William G. Byrd in memory of Mary Woods Nancy Madison in memory of Mary Woods Mary Bellinger in memory of Mary Woods Mary Bellinger in memory of Lorraine Collins Caroline Stelljes in memory of Mary Woods Danny and Adrian Kincaid in memory of Mary Woods Rachel Hartley in memory of Grady Hartley and Patsy Burke Robert & Patricia Gibbons in memory of Robert Sr. & Emily Gibbons Linda Barber Vicy Morgan-Todd Mary Childress Judy Patterson Brenda Earp Paula Smith Teresa Hollar Barbara Spann Michael D. McCoy Clarence Spann Kenneth Talbert Michael E. Triplett Marlene Triplett Shirley Young DO YOU HAVE A REFELECTIVE SIGN IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME? Responding to emergency calls at night and even during the day can sometimes be difficult, when responders are trying to find which residence dialed 911 in an emergency. House numbers and mailboxes become difficult to read especially from a vehicle. Solving this issue may be as simple as having your address properly displayed at the end of your driveway or at your mailbox. Sawmills Fire Department has adopted a sign program that will dramatically help emergency personnel find you in your time of need. They make signs at a cost of $15 each. Other Fire Departments promote easy-to-read signs, and you can call your closest station to see if they can provide signs. Signs have reflective lettering in either blue or green. Lettering can also be either vertical or horizontal. SPONSOR A DAY AT THE SENIOR CENTERA donation of $30 will sponsor a day at the Senior Center! Donations may be made in honor or in memory of someone on a day of your choice. Your gift may also be made to support the cost of printing and mailing of your newsletter, “The Prime Times.” The operation of the center depends on contributions and we sincerely thank you for any and all support! CONTINUING ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS Senior Fun and Friendship Club – The Fun and Friendship Club meets every Thursday between 9:15-9:30 for socializing and card playing. Card games begin at 9:30, and played regularly are Bridge, Canasta, Skip-Bo, and Phase 10. Join one of these games or start one of your own. Bring light refreshments to share. A covered-dish lunch is scheduled on fifth Thursdays. Club dues are $15 a year. Caldwell Senior Songbirds – The Senior Songbirds meet from September-May at 9:30 every Tuesday morning. They practice singing together and then go to one of the area nursing homes to entertain the residents. If you enjoy singing with a group, come join the chorus. Movin’ & Groovin’ – 8:00-8:30. Low-moderate impact aerobics, great music and moves every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Smooth Moves – 8:30-9:00. Class using hand weights and stretch bands to increase strength and flexibility, every Monday and Friday. Get Down & Tone Up – 8:30-9:00. Floor exercises designed to tone and stretch - 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays. Yoga– 8:00-9:00am. Beginner-intermediate Yoga for Seniors, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Line Dancing – Classes are offered in three levels of pace and difficulty – Level 1, beginners to moderate; Level 2, intermediate to advanced (both on Wednesdays); Caroliners, Level 3 fastest paced and most difficult (on Monday). New beginner basics are taught in the Level 1 class during the months of September and January. Billiards – A table is ready to use 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday. Make your own games with old friends or come meet new ones. Fitness Equipment – A variety of exercise equipment is available for your use in the Fitness Room of the senior center. Staff will provide training on your first visit; then you can work out at your convenience between 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday. Puzzle Table– A table is ready with a picture puzzle to put together between 9:00-5:00, Monday-Friday. Senior Crafters— Crafters The group meets each Tuesday, usually at 10:30. Crafters teach and learn from each other. Mah Jongg– Jongg Players meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoon from 2:00-4:00. New players are welcome to come and learn. Cribbage— Players meet on Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-3:00. New players are welcome to come and learn.. Wood Carving—Classes are on Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-3:00 NORTH CAROLINA SENIOR CENTER OF EXCELLENCE Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid Permit #3 Lenoir NC Return Service Requested has ress d d e a leas our If y ged, p e can g n cha us so w mailin r l l u a o 883. c ect corr 758-2 list— Post Office Box 933, Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Caldwell Senior Center is to provide services and activities which enhance the lives of older adults, encouraging their involvement in the community, and providing advocacy. OFFICE HOURS—9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday PHONE 758-2883 Prescription Assistance Center Phone—758-2566 Information and Assistance for Older Adults—757-8635 Fax—758-2348 ***Email—[email protected] Staff: Sharon Berry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director Cyndi Akins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Director Barbara Hart . . . . . . . . . . Prescription Assistance Specialist Nancy Holmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receptionist A Caldwell County Provided by Senior Community Service Employment Program SERVICES S.H.I.I.P. (Seniors Health Insurance Information Program) Volunteers Staff and volunteers are trained by the S.H.I.I.P. division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance to answer questions about Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Prescription Drug coverage. Also, Medicare Supplement policies, and Long Term Care Insurance. Please call for information or an appointment with a counselor – 758-2883. Blood Pressure Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volunteer RN A volunteer will be at the senior center on the 3rd Friday of each month from 9:15-10:00 to check blood pressures. Legal Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal Aid of North Carolina Morganton Office Staff from Legal Aid of N. C. Morganton Office comes one or two times a year (as long as annual funding lasts) to make simple wills for persons over age 60 and their spouses. An appointment is necessary. Legal services for civil matters are provided by the Morganton office for seniors who qualify financially. Call us for information 758-2883. Notary Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Center Staff We notarize documents such as Living Wills. Please call for an appointment – 758-2883. Computer/Internet – Computers are available for your use Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00. One-on-one tutoring is arranged by appointment. Senior Tar Heel Cards – For people over 60, these cards may be picked up at the senior center to identify you as a senior citizen. Many businesses give discounts to seniors. Good for free entry to county school sporting events. Senior Meal Sites – There are four congregate meal sites in the County: Koinonia and Martin Luther King Recreation Center in Lenoir, Kings Creek Baptist Church, and Shuford Recreation Center in Granite Falls. Nutrition Services Director for Blue Ridge Community Action is Mary Wright, who can be reached at 754-9085, Ext. 226. Transportation— Transportation is provided by Greenway Transit. Call 757-8679 to schedule a ride. After the message, a customer service agent will come on the line. Medication Assistance Program – This program is funded by a grant from the NC Office of Rural Health and provides assistance with Medicare Prescription Drug plans and applications to pharmaceutical manufacturers programs. Call 758-2566 for information. Additional support is provided by United Way of Caldwell County Information and Assistance for Older Adults- Call us at 757-8635 for information about services or resources in Caldwell County. Income Tax Preparation— AARP Tax Volunteer Program, simple tax returns for people age 60 and better by appointment. The Satie and J. E. Broyhill Caldwell Senior Center is open to all Caldwell County residents age 60 and better and their spouses. A full schedule of activities is offered five days a week. There are no membership fees, but donations are accepted to support the programs. For more information about any of the activities, classes or programs, give us a call at 758-2883.
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