UNDER THE STEEPLe January 2015 Volume 12, Issue 2 “I don’t make New Years Resolutions,” a friend of mine said a couple of years ago. “I make commitments.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him they’re the same thing. But I understand the sentiment. New Years Resolutions, those oft-forgotten, overly-ambitious traditions that we never really stick to. Here’s the thing: big changes like that seldom work. What works better is small, slow, incremental change. Instead of committing to the “perfect” diet (whatever that may be), start by changing two or three meals a week. Be sure to give yourself “cheat” meals every now and then. Give yourself some grace. You get the idea. Inside this Issue Annual Meeting/Service of Installation 2 Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Notes 3 Homebased Members/ Prayer Concerns 4 Missions 5 Fellowship/Flowers/Praying with the Deacons 6 Volunteer Today! 7 Christmas Poinsettias 8 Church Office Hours Secretary’s Hours Mon, Tues, Wed 8 AM—2PM Thursday—8 AM—12PM Office closed on Fridays Our spiritual lives are similar. If you have never really made a practice of spending time with the Lord in prayer or reading your Bible, starting out with an hour every morning is probably unrealistic. Instead, try to ease into it. Maybe five minutes reading a chapter of the Bible (a gospel—Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John—might be a good place to start) and five minutes praying (consider praying for family members, friends, and asking God to draw you closer to himself, even if you don’t feel like you’re very good at prayer), all while you have your morning coffee. And see if that time eventually doesn’t become fuller and richer. There’s no silver bullet for a healthy spiritual life. It’s long, slow, plodding work. “A long obedience in the same direction,” as one author puts it. But that makes good sense, because we plant seeds, not oak trees. Imagine trying to plant a fully-grown oak tree in your back yard. You would have to tear up your entire yard just to fit all the roots. There would be no guarantee that the tree would take, and imagine all the re-sodding you would have to do after you got the tree in the ground! No, we don’t plant oak trees. We plant seeds, and then we water those seeds and care for the saplings, and over time we get to enjoy the massive, beautiful, shade-giving oak. Which brings us to one simple question: What seed will you plant in 2015? Chris “Inviting the seeker, Guiding the follower, and Empowering the disciple” Under the Steeple Page 2 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–———————–- OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Annual Meeting -- Sunday, January 18, 2015 The Annual Meeting of the membership of Middle Street Baptist Church will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, at 11:30 a.m. or immediately following worship service in Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers, board and committee members, and representatives; to hear annual reports for 2014; and to transact any other business that may properly come before the membership. The meeting is open to everyone and all church members are requested to be present in order to vote. A light lunch will be served after the meeting. If the Annual Meeting cannot be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, due to a snow emergency, it will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 11:30 a.m. or immediately following worship service in Fellowship Hall. A note from the Moderator: After reviewing the lengthy report prepared by the building inspector, the Board of Trustees brought a proposal to the Church Council that our church membership once again consider selling the parsonage. The Council voted that the Trustees present this proposal at the upcoming Annual Meeting. At the Annual Budget Meeting in December our church membership voted to add the proposal to the Annual Meeting agenda. The details of the parsonage proposal will be distributed along with the Annual Report in advance of the meeting. It is vital that church members attend our Annual Meeting. When you receive both documents, please read them carefully and note your thoughts and questions so you will be prepared for any discussion. SERVICE OF INSTALLATION FOR PASTOR CHRIS DUNAWAY SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. 2015 AT 3:00 PM Under the Steeple For February (and beyond) News Deadline—January 20th, 2015 Please be prompt in submitting your articles, notes, dates, and news. E-mail—[email protected]. Fax-(603)431-1839 or Leave in the Box on the Office Door MIDDLE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Reception immediately following the Service Thanks and great appreciation for the wonderful love gifts that were given to us at Christmas. We wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year. Bonnie Orr, Tamara Rozek, Dan & Ben (Custodians) Dear friends, There are no words, really, to express our gratitude to you all over the past several months. We brag about this church and how generous, gracious, and helpful you all have been with our many recent transitions, not least of which included our move to Portsmouth. Now you topped it all off with a generous Christmas gift to us! You have been a sure blessing to us, and we look forward to a long, fruitful friendship with you all. Chris and Jaime Page 3 Volume 12, Issue 2 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–———————–- Notes To My Church Family, This is a continued thank you letter from last month. 1 2 3 9 11 12 14 17 20 26 31 Jay Wendell Warren Jones Patricia Malone Norma Lang Louise Dusto Elaine Jousset John Folland James Davis Colton McNall Barbara Brown Ray Fernald Andrea St Jean Kathleen Pearl Jamie Moynihan Rod Powers Because of being in so much pain and unable to put any weight on my left foot I wasn’t able to attend church on November 9th. It was a very difficult morning for me and I missed worshipping with my Church family. Pastor Chris called me at the beginning of the week and I told him about my mini-prayers that Sunday. He asked me to write and share my experience in the Newsletter. I explained to Chris I had made three mini-prayer requests. 1. A telephone call from some one from church. (By Monday I had received two). 2. A meal (our son called and said he made soup for us and our daughter-in- law would bring it on Monday). 3. A telephone call from our kids. (That evening Kim and Mark called). You never know when you will be an answer to someone's prayer. Thank you for holding me in your prayers. I am doing much better after two cortisone shots and several weeks of physical therapy I was even able to be the Angel of the Lord and climb a ladder in the Living Nativity. That was an answer to prayer also. Love, Audrey Foster January 30th Rosalie and Evan Churchill ♥ Celebrating their Golden Anniversary 50 years together Dear Friends at Middle Street I have great appreciation for your love, thoughts, caring, notes, and cards. ThankYou. Love, Becky Beard Thank You for your prayers, cards, your love and support. Thank You Ann Judson for the plant. Love, Lisa Beard Sunday Coffee Hour Servers : Thank you for the Christmas plant. It is so bright! I also enjoyed the visit from Lou Dow. January—Christian Education Board God Bless the Church Family, February Marjorie Little To Middle Street Baptist Church—Everyone! Many thanks for the plant at Christmas—blessed me, more than words can say! Jack Foster brought it by, it was a joy to visit together in the Lord. A Blessed New Year in Christ, Prayers and Love, Wilbert Gough Under the Steeple Page 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOMEBASED MEMBERS Our Friends and Members Based at Home This list includes individuals and their family members whose mobility may be temporarily or permanently restricted. This may include long- term recuperation, a limiting physical or emotional condition, long term assisted living, or caretaking. At Home Rebecca Beard 204 Wildrose Lane, Box 127, New Castle, NH 03854 603-436-7857 Ray and Carlotta Fernald 25 Field AVE, York, ME 03909 (207) 363-4372 Martha Jones 33 Hannah Lane, Newington, NH 03805 (603) 294-0995 Norma Lang 30 Summer ST, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 436-1587 Assisted Living Mark Wentworth Home, 346 Pleasant ST, Portsmouth, NH 03801 Carolyn Harvey, Norma Lang, Marjorie Little Edgewood Centre, 928 South ST, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 436-0099 Mildred Johnson —(603) 766-2425, Marion Schroeder Marjorie Caldwell Oceanside Skilled Nursing, 22 Tuck Rd., Room 306, Hampton, 03842 (603)758-5062 Al Coyle Maple Suites, 30 Holiday DR #118, Dover, NH 03820 (603) 343-1079 Marge Hoefle The Lodge at Otter Creek, 350 Lodge RD, #336, Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 388-1220 Phyllis Jackson The Inn at Village Square, 123 School ST, Room 216, Gorham, ME 04038 Viola Wilson St Andre Health Care, 407 Poole St, Biddeford, ME 04005 (207)282-5171 PRAYER CONCERNS Updated December 29, 2014 Cards and notes of encouragement are especially important at times of major transition in people’s lives – Just go ahead and send a word even if you do not know someone well. If you need an address check the church family directory or feel free to call or e-mail the church office. Continuing Concerns Carolyn Harvey now at Mark Wentworth Home Audrey Foster treatment for sciatic nerve pain Cathy Davis continued prayers for healing Norma Lang Currently at Mark Wentworth Home Lisa Beard Still receiving chemo, Dec. 26th—Bone Marrow Biopsy and testing at Dana Farber; Jan. 16th—long dose of strong chemo; Jan. 26th—procedure to insert line into artery followed by 3 to 3 days of stem cell collection Lyle Webb Health Concerns Bill Perkins Health Concerns Our Soldiers in Service Lt. Joe Freda, Jr., Navy Eli Sewell, Navy LncCpl. Andew Hussey, Marines Maj. Becky Resendes, Army PFC Peter Clark, Army, PFC Logan Lewis, Marines Friends and Family Flora Goddard sister of Dottie Steere-Doyle, recovering at Rockingham Rehab after hip replacement surgery Mark Wise brother of Tara Wise Dana Wise brother of Tara Wise Praise and Thanksgiving Spencer Davis Brother-in-law of Roxanne Ferrin, at home recuperating from kidney transplant surgery Volume 12, Issue 2 Page 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January Communion Offering—The Deacons Fund The Deacons Fund receives offerings for those ‘close to home’ - our neighbors and church members who need support during times of crises, illness, and life’s unexpected difficulties. What a blessing for each of us to be a part of a church family that cares for one another. “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor ‘come back later; I’ll give tomorrow’ when you now have it with you.” ~Proverbs 4:27, 28 *Please use the Deacon’s Fund envelopes provided in this newsletter or in the pews at church and make check out to “Middle Street Baptist Church”. December was a busy month filled with mission happenings. We sent to The Place, our American Baptist Special Interest Home Mission in Norwich, NY, all the hats, scarves, and gloves that you so generously donated for the 33 children and teens at risk who are enrolled in programs at this Neighborhood Christian Action Center. Also, because of your generosity, we were able to send a check for $194 to them so the staff can purchase a small gift for each of the kids. We have received a thank you for our support from Rebecca Sands, the executive director of The Place. Thank you to all who gave to this holiday mission outreach. On December 5th several folks from MSBC gave their time to be Bell Ringer volunteers for the Salvation Army. Thank you to Pastor Chris, Jack Foster, Barbara Kirkham, Jeanne Finnemore, Tom and Janet Hand, Dick and Elaine Wilder, Dick and Janice Clark, Tom, Deirdre, and Olivia Hammer, Doran and Julie Morford, Louis Dow, Gary Sama, Sharon Hartford, Melodie Chapman, and C.J. Lisi. Also, thank you to our December volunteers in the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen… Al Gillette, Gary Sama and Peter Gustafson. Last spring several MSBC women were involved in a White Cross mission project of tearing sheets into strips, stitching the strips into designated lengths, and rolling them into bandages to be used by our missionary doctors in Congo hospitals. We have received a thank you from Katherine Niles, one of our missionaries serving in the Congo, saying the bandages had arrived as part of a shipment of 35,000 pounds of bandages and other White Cross supplies from American Baptist churches throughout the country. Katherine is the White Cross coordinator in charge of dispersing the rolled bandage ansd supplies to all the Congo hospitals. During December, American Baptists honored our Retired Ministers and Missionaries with a special offering to say thank you for their love and service. As of December 21st, $397 had been received toward MSBC’s goal of $1,000. Please remember to keep all our missionaries in your prayers, and may 2015 be a year of passionate mission outreach for us at MSBC. Until next month, Your Board of Missions, Marilyn Gustafson, Barbara Brown, Lynn Hart, and Matthew Spencer Under the Steeple Page 6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daughters of Eve A Women’s Bible Study Group Praying With The Deacons The Last Sunday of every month you can ask for prayer from the Deacons. We invite all women to come and find out how a group of women connect with their daily walk with Christ, learn more about one another, and have a great time together! After the Worship Service, two Deacons will be in the chapel (across from the church office) for about a half hour. If you desire prayer you can enter and we will pray for you or with you. Your prayer request can be very specific or it can just be something like, “I need prayer, but I am not able to say what the problem is.” We will lift you up into God’s presence. Tuesday, January 20th —Chapter 6 Lynn Hart leading Tuesday, Februay 17th—Chapter 7 Linda Leading We will be meeting in the Dorcas Room at the church from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. We are currently doing a study of the book of Proverbs using the book, “A woman’s WISDOM” by Lydia Brownback. If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Lynn Hart (207) 676-2115 Your prayer requests will be kept confidential, unless you request otherwise. If we are praying with someone, please come in and have a seat on one of the pews and open you heart and soul to prayer. We will pray with you as soon as we can. Please join us. One of our greatest roles as Christians is to pray for one another ANN JUDSON FELLOWSHIP The Ann Judson Ladies Group will meet for lunch and fellowship on Monday, January 12th, 12:45 PM at Nostimo’s on Mirona RD in Portsmouth. All ladies of the church are invited to attend. Sign up sheet will be on the podium right outside the en door. Any questions, call Jan Witham…. (603) 436-7252 kitch- The Flower Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who donated flowers in the past months. There are many openings in the winter months ahead, so if you would like to donate flowers in memory/honor of someone, please sign up on the calendar downstairs or speak to a member of the flower committee. Ellie Hayes—(603)964-6587, Beverly Dow—(603) 436-7182, Jan Witham—(603) 436-7252 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE At Middle St Baptist Church Friday, January 2nd 12 Noon—5:00 PM Volume 12, Issue 2 Page 7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Opportunities In Our Community Cross Roads House Operation Blessing Operation Blessing has been around since 1987 and was founded by Rick and Rachel Sparkowich. The ministry began because Rachel saw a need to be filled and she did something about it. This is reflected in our vision—”Find a need and fill it. See a hurt and heal it.” We accept many different kind of donations from food, furniture, clothes, and household items that are in reusable condition. Everything that is donated is sorted, cleaned, or fixed and then given away free of charge to those that are in need. We strive to provide our clients with an atmosphere of hope and love while providing the crucial assistance they need. Monetary donations are also a blessing and are tax deductible because Operation Blessing is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-denominational Christian ministry. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities at OB center. New Directions for the Homeless The success at Cross Roads House would not be possible without the help of volunteers. Whether you can give a couple of hours a week or a couple hours a month, we would appreciate your time and energy. We typically need help in this area: Soup Kitchen Dinner is served seven nights a week at our shelter. Volunteers are needed to prepare and cook meals; serve dinner to residents; and assist with organization of food donations. Find out how you can become a volunteer by attending Volunteer Orientation on Tuesday, January 6, from 5:30—6:30 PM at the shelter. Orientation includes a shelter tour, an overview of kitchen operations, and volunteer expectations. If you have any questions about volunteering or about our orientation program email JoAnn Rohde at [email protected] or call (603)436-2218, ext. 107. Wednesday-Fri day: 10am-4pm Answering Phones Sorting Donations Repair Shop Drivers Delivering Furniture Cooking Lunch for the Volunteers Food pantry workers Seacoast Adopt-A-Block Another one of our outreach ministries who help the elderly, disabled, widowed and single parent homes. Adopt-A-Block is here to help people any way we can. Over the past several years our volunteers have painted, raked, shoveled, trimmed bushes, cut down trees, cleaned gutters, mowed grass, planted flowers, cleaned houses, grocery shopped, delivered gifts, made crafts, sang Christas carols, moved furniture, delivered food and medicine, provided bedding & clothing, cleaned up the city streets, helped in our city housing projects, and many other countless projects. Whether it is a college class requirement, a court ordered mandate, a business community outreach, or just someone wanting to serve their fellow man, people can find a place of service through Seacoast Adopt-A-Block. For more information on our volunteer programs please call Tammy Joslyn at 603-988-2671. YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH CEN TER Families First Health & Support Center is a leader in integrated care, offering high-quality health care, dental care and parent & family programs, all in one location. Families First's services are for everyone — infants to seniors, single people and families, insured or uninsured, all income levels. Opportunities for volunteers at Families First include: Assisting the Families First children's services staff in providing child care while parents are in parenting groups or medical appointments. If you have music, art, storytelling or other talents, this is a great place to share them with kids. Sharing technical, writing or other office skills. Helping with large mailing projects. Helping out at our bimonthly senior luncheons. What else would you like to do? Make us an offer! To find out more about getting involved at Families First, e-mail Julia Provoznik, or call her at (603) 422-8208 ext. 126. Under the Steeple Page 8 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS GIVEN BY Bill and Vickie Walters Bob and Kathy Pearl and Family Erdine Ramsdell Dick and Janice Clark Bill Poor Barbara Hodgdon Janet and David Splaine Robin and Chris McKenna Beverly Splaine Eleanor Hayes Loving Family Member Jeri Palmer Audrey and Jack Foster Martha Petruzzi Louie and Bev Dow Martha McGovern Bill Keech Family Martha Jones Olivia F. Phipps Dottie Steere-Doyle Barbara Brown Peter and Marilyn Gustafson Ruth Mouton, Ellen, and Gail Martha N. DeStefano Susan Anderson Bob and Jan Witham Helen and Victor Tine Melodie Chapman Alan and Suzanne (Wilder) Cleveland and Family Tom and Janet Hand and Irene IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Our Parents In memory of our son, Jason T. Pearl and parents Arthur and Gladys Pearl and Lloyd and Beverly Jordan My Husband, Bernard Ramsdell Richard M. Clark, Sr., Jim Clark, Kenneth and Geneva King; Kenny King In memory of Priscilla Poor Stephen and Louise Perham from the family, George and Winifred Strickland from the family and Paul A. Hodgdon, Sr. from his family Arthur E. Splaine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Perham Mr. and Mrs. George Strickland My husband, John Hayes, and Our Parents In memory of Harold and Lillian Leonard Loved Ones Audrey’s sister, June Brower Loved Ones Our Parents My Dad, Richard Jurkowski In memory of Bill Keech Loved Ones Harold and Millicent Phipps, and Donald S. Phipps Steere Doyle Family and Flora Goddard Loved Ones Our Parents Richard P. Moulton Parents, Edith and Freeman Norris and Husband, Skip DeStefano In memory of my mother, Kathleen Anderson and Grandmother Mary Cohee and In Honor of my father, Verne S. Anderson, Sr. In Honor of our two daughters, Heidi and Amy and their families Loved Ones In Honor of Timothy and Lucyana Chapman Earl and Mildred Wilder Our Parents, Parker and Olive Hand, George Lippincott, and our Aunt Nancy F. Fleming
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