Ministries of Forest BapƟst

Ministries of Forest BapƟst
Sunday School and Nursery
9:40 a.m.
Worship Service
Nursery and Junior Church
10:50 a.m.
Evening Service and Nursery
6:00 p.m.
Senior’s Lunch - ‘Golden Days’
3rd Monday
North Lambton Lodge
3rd Wednesday
3:00 p.m.
Ladies Bible Study
9:15 a.m.
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
7:30 p.m.
Baptist Women
‘Willing Hands’ (Quilting time)
10:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m.
Age 3 - grade 8
6:25 p.m.
Men’s Prayer Meeting
6:30 a.m.
Unashamed Youth Group
8:00 p.m.
Guest Workers Service
Neighbourlink Ministry - Contact
Silvia Burgin
The Mission of Forest Baptist Church is to be a
community of believers in North Lambton growing in
depth of Christian life and outreach of ministry that is
founded in Scripture following the Holy Spirit’s direction.
We will do this by connecting with the people that God
has placed in our path and by helping them discover the
gospel of Jesus Christ and how to be effective disciples
of the Lord Jesus Christ as God transforms their lives
for His glory and purposes. creatively proclaiming
without compromise
Pastor: Laurie Morris, B.A., M.Div.
Pastor: Tyler Strickler, B.A., M.Div.
[email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: prayer requests for the prayer chain can be sent to either
[email protected]
[email protected]
or by phone: Dorothy Sparling 899-4783
Please forward your prayer request to any of the above
and it will be sent out.
prayer chain that binds
us together
19 Prince Street, Forest Ontario
[email protected]
[email protected]
Member of the
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Sunday October 26th 2014
Welcome, greeting, church notices
Pulpit duty to-day
Paul Montgomery, Caleb Campbell
Pulpit duty next week Graeme Wallace, Eugen Burgin
Call to Worship
Invocation Prayer
Nursery is available for babies and toddlers age 0 - 36 months
during the morning service.
Children ages 3-6 may leave for junior church during the singing
of the children’s hymn.
Your children are welcome
You may accompany your children to their classroom, so you know where to
pick them up after the service.
Praise Time
Brethren We Are Here to Worship
Because He Lives
Mission Moment - Missionfest
Songs of Testimony
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Tis so Sweet
It Is Well With My Soul
Sunday School Nursery
Next Week:
Bette Gordon
Harrietta Campbell
Church Nursery - Toddlers & Babies
Time of Corporate Prayer
Tithes and Offerings
Offertory Prayer
Hymn of Preparation: Agnus Dei
Children go to Junior Church and Mission Band
1 Corinthians 16: 5 - 12
Local Churches and World Missions
Hymn of Response
He Is Lord
Coffee and juice will be served after the morning service. in the multi-purpose
room. Please join us for a time of refreshment and fellowship.
Next Week:
Jody Ferguson, Bethany Ferguson, Veronika Willsie
Kim Aitken, Emily Mosier, Kathleen Gordon, Carol Cates
Junior Church - ages 3 - 6 years
Next Week:
Crystal Karr, Lydia Wallace
Becky Gordon/Marion Swain, Morgan Elliott
Evening Service
Next Week:
Naomi Burgin
Lydia Wallace
Next Week
Sharon & John Ferwerda
Marnie & Paul Montgomery
Welcome to our Visitors
We are delighted you have chosen to worship here today! May you experience a sincere
welcome and a sense of God's love for you. We gather as a community of faith to share
the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We encourage you to return again and again ... and bring others with you.
Prayer Concerns
North Lambton Lodge:
Maxine Kernohan
Maxine Core
Karen Wilcocks
Health Concerns:
Fred Walz - physical strength:
Kim Campbell - physical strength
Melba Morehouse - physical strength:
Lola & Murray Wilcocks - daily strength
Dale Brophy - after surgery
Lenore Cates - eyesight concerns
George & Lois Eizenga - physical strength
Maxine Core - physical strength
Judy Jamieson - return of Lyme's Disease
Give ‘Thanks and Praise’ for answered prayer
General Items:
Pastor Laurie & Anne Morris
Pastor Tyler & Salome Strickler, Ben, Titus
Elders: Paul Campbell, Alex Craig, Blair Murray, Bryon Sparling
In Ministry:
Bonita Sparling - CrossWorld Haiti - on assignment with Lemuel
Deborah & Kyrk Baker & family - Baptist Haiti Mission
Jenneka [Szmiett] & James Lundeen - Pioneer Bible Translators
Partners in Mission:
(C.B.M .)
Aaron & Erica Kenny, Tristan, Emma, Ava (Kenya)
Conrad & Fiona Kwok (Northern Thailand)
Rupen & Mamta Das (Middle East)
Families of the Week:
Erin & Aaron Coulbeck, Emma, Jackson
Alex & Wyn Craig
Noel Dagg,
Ronnie & Elizabeth Dagg
This week at Forest Bap st
9:40 a.m. Sunday School
10:50 a.m. Worship Service
6:00 p.m. ‘Obedience and the Christian’
Matthew 7: 21 - 23 (Pastor Laurie)
9:15 a.m. Ladies Bible Studies
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
9:30 a.m.— 2:30 p.m. Willing Hands
Ladies Quilting Time
6:25 p.m. AWANA
for kids age 3 to grade 8
8:00 p.m. Unashamed meet at the Church
[high school age kids]
6:30 a.m. Men’s Prayer Time
Sunday School Corner
Golden Days Senior’s Lunch
[age 55 plus]
Monday October 27th 2014 at Noon
Good food & Good fellowship
Mission Project
for the month of October
Missionfest - Arab Baptist Theological Seminary
(Rupen Das - Our Partner in Mission)
(short programme following)
(donations may be made through the Sunday School or
Church clearly designated for the mission project)
R.S.V.P. by Friday October 24th
October offering to date: $3,966.50
Keith or Lynda Karr 519-786-2788 or e-mail:
[email protected]
Sunday School attendance last Sunday:
Total offering for September: $1,382.50
Samaritan’s Purse - Liberia
Sunday School Electives
Beginning September 14 - end of November
Missiosnfest ‐ Goal $5,000
November 8th 2014 - Strathroy Baptist Church
Ladies Only with Lynda Wright in the Cubbies Room
For Everyone with Paul Montgomery in the Fellowship Hall
Interested Others with Pastor Tyler - in the Fireside Room
Project: Arab Baptist Theological Seminary,
Donations may be made through the Sunday School
or Church envelopes clearly marked ‘Missionfest’
Received to date: $3,966.50
52.8 books of the Bible
Dinner tickets $12 each available today from
Graeme Wallace or during the week from Wyn Craig
Dinner at 5.00 p.m.~ Programme 6.30 p.m.
Sarah and Nathan
We will be serving as part of the East DRC program
Democratic Republic of the Congo but will be living
in Kampala, Uganda where the heavy maintenance is done for
the East DRC program.
We have raised 105% of our outgoing funding and 65% of our
monthly support. Please continue to pray with us for the needed
support and then we are OFF!!!