Annual General Meeting - Scarborough Beckett Cricket League

Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League
Annual General Meeting
The Downe Arms, Wykeham
Wednesday 21st January 2015
Chairman, Mr Simon Ridley opened the meeting at 7:35pm with all clubs present.
A minutes silence was held for all Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League connections who have passed away since the last Annual
General Meeting. B Bosomworth, C Chapman, R Crick, M Dale, G Dickson, Mrs D Dring, C Hurd, A Johnson, D Kennedy, Mrs L Lumley, R
Plackett, P Render, R Sadler, W Temple, M Welford and P Winterbottom.
Presentation of Awards
Mr Nick Tubbs of Tubbs & Co presented the Tubbs & Co Spirit of Cricket Award (Premier Division) to Heslerton and the Lullabies Nursery
Shop and Townsend Harrison Chartered Accounts Spirit of Cricket Award (Division A) to Wykeham.
President Mr Mark Evans presented the Paul Cooper Memorial Trophies (Kieran Howard was absent) to David Snowball (Scarborough
3rds) and the John Lockey Memorial Trophy to Dan Jeminson (Kirkbymoorside). Mr Evans also presented the Marissa most improved
ground award to Wykeham.
Apologies were received from FE Bernard, PH Clarkson, J Harrison, K Howard, Mrs K Maw, AJ Moor, P Nutt, C Palmer, JRS Robertson, K
Simpson and MW Summers.
Minutes of the year 2014 Annual General Meeting
These minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting, held on Wednesday 15th January 2014 had been previously circulated and
were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising from the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Secretary’s Report
Secretary Simon Dobson delivered the annual Secretary’s report. The report is listed to these minutes for reference.
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Tim Lazenby delivered the annual Treasurer’s report. There were no questions and the report was accepted.
Honoraria (2014 season)
The committee put forward the recommendation for Honoraria for league officials for the 2014 season.
The committee recommendation was agreed.
Subscriptions 2015 season
The committee recommended that the League entry fee remains at £40.00.
The committee recommendation was agreed.
Election of Officers.
President: Mark Evans
Mr Mark Evans addressed the meeting, thanking the committee for their work throughout the year and John Crossland for his efforts with
the league handbook. He also paid tribute to clubs, acknowledge the current situation with grassroots cricket but wished all clubs well for
the 2015 season.
Vice-Presidents: F E Bernard, Sir Richard Beckett, P H Clarkson, C W Foord, B W Glaves, B Goulding, J Guthrie, J Harrison, D Long, J B
Mitchell, A J Moor, J R S Robertson JP, P Watson and P A Winspear
Management Committee
Three retiring member by rota
Tom Brough, Martin Holmes and John Mancrief
Tom Brough and John Mancrief had both opted not to seek re-election. Martin Holmes was re-elected. The committee had received two
approaches from Ricky Nock and Colin Palmer and were elected onto the committee.
Honorary Secretary
Simon Dobson
Honorary Treasurer
Tim Lazenby
Cayley Cup Secretary
Martin Holmes
Child Welfare Officer
Martin Holmes
Merit Award Secretary
Alan Shepherdson
Grounds Committee Officer
John Fewster
Registration Secretary
Karen Maw
Honorary Solicitor
Nick Tubbs
The Chairman thanked Mr Martin Summers for his involvement over 33 years and welcomed Nick Tubbs into the role of Honorary Solicitor
Honorary Auditor
Keith Simpson A.F.A.
All officers were elected en-bloc.
Proposed Rule Changes
Committee Directive's
Umpires Match Fees
The committee wish to reiterate rule 3c.
At the toss, the captain must hand over in games where umpire panel officials are standing, match ball, team card and match fees. Without
this handover the umpires withhold the right not to start the game.
The Secretary addressed the meeting, stressing the need for clubs to comply with this ruling.
Delete Rule 10.(a)
Each club, shall forward to the League Secretary the names, the names of their umpires, who must understand the rules of the game.
Amend Disciplinary Penalties Page 71 in 2014 League Handbook
Change Captains Behaviour from minimum of 4 League matches suspension to either 2 or 4 weeks
Change Control of players from minimum of 4 League matches suspension to either 2 or 4 weeks
Change Individual Verbal assault from minimum of 4 League matches suspension to either 2 or 4 weeks
Committee Proposed Rule Amendments
All clubs completed their voting papers, collected by Bernard Goulding. These were checked, counted and verified by Bernard Goulding
and John Crossland.
Beamers and Waist High Deliveries
Adopt the ruling ‘Any full pitched ball (regardless of its pace) which passes or would have passed above waist height of the striker standing
upright of the crease shall be called and signalled No ball by either umpire. In addition, if the ball is fast it shall be deemed dangerous and
unfair and the umpire at the bowler’s end will implement the procedures set out in Law 42.7.’
Against 7
The committee proposal was carried.
Submitting of Merit Award Nominations and Club Averages
Amendment to rule 5b – now to state Merit Awards nominations AND club averages, both being mandatory and only relating to the league
programme (exclude Cayley Cup Matches), to be forwarded to the league secretary on or before 30 th September.
Against 2
The committee proposal was carried.
Match Start times
Straight vote for start times in all matches
1:30pm 20
2:00pm 10
All matches will continue with a 1:30pm start.
Bowlers in all divisions will be limited to a maximum of 12 overs
To have the same format of bowling restrictions throughout the league
Against 4
Bowling limits will be enforced in all divisions for the 2015 season.
Failure to Fulfill a Fixture
Amend current rule 3i which currently reads ‘A £20.00 minimum fine may be imposed for failure to fulfill a fixture’ to add ‘and a 10 point
deduction for the offending side will become mandatory’
Against 10
The committee proposal was carried.
Loan Scheme relating to older players
Adult players may transfer on a loan basis in order to assist short-handed clubs. Such players shall not have made more than two
appearances at a level of more than one division above the borrowing team. All adult loans must be sanctioned by the League Secretary in
advance in order to prevent team strengthening. The deadline for each league fixture is 11:00am on the day of the match and the loan
would last 24 hours from 11am. The players club would retain his/her registration.
Against 8
The committee proposal was carried.
Non-Registered Players
Clubs are allowed to field non-registered players (players not registered with any other club) in an effort to fulfil fixtures. The use of these
players must be sanctioned by the league Secretary and the opposing captain informed. The use of these players is subject to the spirit of
cricket and must be formally registered within 3 days following the original fixture.
Against 1
The committee proposal was carried.
Amendment to Rule 6 (f)
After the 14th League fixture, no club shall strengthen its second team with a regular first team player. (Regular meaning, having played
the majority of his League matches for the 1st X1) unless a player is under 17 years old, at the start of the season, whereupon he is not
subject to this rule and may play for any club team at any time of the season.
To replace with…
‘After the 14th League fixture, a second team can play two regular first team player subject to league approval and within the spirit of
cricket. (Regular meaning, having played the majority of his League matches for the 1st X1) unless a player is under 17 years old, at the
start of the season, whereupon he is not subject to this rule and may play for any club team at any time of the season.
Against 15
As the committee had made the proposal, they cast the deciding vote in favour of the proposal.
The committee proposal was carried.
Amendment to Rule 6 (h)
Rule 6.(h) When a game is played on a Sunday, no player may play in that game who played for his club in a higher standard of League
cricket on the previous day (Saturday). Failure to comply will result in the offending team losing all their points gained during that game
plus being deducted a further 15 points. The team who the offence was committed against, if losing the game, shall be given all bonus
points gained by the winning team, including the 10 points for winning.
To replace with…
‘When a game is played on a Sunday, the club requesting the change must not include any player who played for his club in a higher
standard of League cricket on the previous day (Saturday) but the club accepting the change can include two players who played the
previous day (Subject to the Spirit of Cricket). Failure to comply will result in the offending team losing all their points gained during that
game plus being deducted a further 15 points. The team who the offence was committed against, if losing the game, shall be given all
bonus points gained by the winning team, including the 10 points for winning.‘
Against 11
The committee proposal was carried.
Amendment to Rule 3 (c )
In matches without neutral umpires, both captains to mutually agree whether or not to take an early tea. Team captains, or representatives,
must be available to make the toss for choice of innings 15 minutes before the scheduled start of play. Any team representative not
available will forfeit the right to toss and shall be reported to the League Secretary. Any team not being ready to start, by official starting
time, (unless otherwise arranged) shall be fined £20.00 on receipt of umpire’s report.
To add…
A match cannot start until both teams have a minimum of 7 players
Against 3
The committee proposal was carried.
Formation of Divisions for the 2015 Season.
The Secretary addressed the meeting, providing detail to the structure following an emergency committee meeting on 13 th January and the
news of the resignation of Kirkbymoorside.
Ninth placed teams in 2014 from the Premier, Division A and Division B, namely Filey, Sherburn and Scarborough 3rds retain their place in
the same division for 2015. Flamborough, Great Habton and Muston have joined from the Derwent Valley League; therefore the league will
consist of forty teams, four divisions of ten teams, playing each other on a home and away basis.
↑Promoted in 2014
Flixton 2nds
Forge Valley
Nawton Grange
↓ Relegated in 2014
Division A
Cayton 2nds
Wold Newton
- No Change
Division B
Bridlington 2nds
Forge Valley 2nds
Scalby 2nds
Scarborough 3rds
Sewerby 2nds
Staxton 2nds
Thornton Dale
Division C
Cloughton 2nds
Ebberston 2nds
Fylingdales 2nds
Great Habton
Heslerton 2nds
Seamer 2nds
Wykeham 2nds
The list of fixtures and Cayley Cup draw was handed out in club packs at the start of the meeting.
Any Other Business
Mr John Jennings, a member of the Yorkshire Cricket Board and Ryedale Strategic Cricket Group addressed the meeting, confirming
dates of important meetings and asking all clubs to participate in these important times for cricket in our area.
There were no further business and the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8:25pm.
Good evening to all of you. I wish to welcome you all to the Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League Annual General Meeting for 2015. Parts
of this report will express my own views and opinions and not those of the management committee. Obviously after only taking on the role as
Honorary Secretary back in October, these views will be brief and I hope not to keep you too long as there’s much to discuss this evening, but after
only three months in the role, some aspects have become apparent in a short space of time. Before I properly begin, I would like to thank my
predecessor, Ashley Winspear for his eight years of sterling commitment in the role of League Secretary and for allowing me to delve into his
knowledge and making himself accessible for any issues I encountered during these early stages. I wish to echo these sentiments to John Crossland
who stepped into Ashley role during the summer ensuring a season where many of you will have noticed little change and the ease of transition
when I took on the role. John’s experience, willingness, enthusiasm and commitment must never been questioned and I’m indebted to him for
helping me during this initial spell. I would also like to pay tribute to the hard working committee who have accepted me with warmth and respect. I
can assure you that the committee take their roles seriously, showing immense commitment and the meetings I have been involved in, discussions
and opinions have been voiced in a positive manner.
I would like to congratulate Staxton Cricket Club on winning the Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League title for the ninth time, and Scalby CC
on winning the Division ‘A’ title, ensuring their first return to the top flight since 1999. Mulgrave enjoyed their first season in the league by comfortably
winning Division ‘B’, whilst Scalby 2nds made it a club double by securing the Division ‘C’ crown. I would like to congratulate all the promoted clubs
and offer commiserations to those who suffered relegation during 2014. The respective divisional Cayley Cups were won by Staxton, Nawton
Grange, Mulgrave and Ravenscar and I would like to thank Flixton and Seamer Cricket Clubs for the use of their excellent facilities for the finals.
Staging two separate finals days seems to work well, mainly due to the hard work of our competition secretary Martin Holmes. I feel there’s the
possibility of enhancing the T20 format further, with the possible introduction of white balls and coloured kits to make it an attractive event for all,
especially the younger generation and families. This is all in the future and we need to liaise with you about potential ideas and changes.
There should be an immense amount of pride when being named the league’s Merit Award winner and I would like to congratulate all this years’
winners, who will now have their name listed in the league records for ever. I hope that in future years, we can re-visit presenting awards to these
winners and express our congratulations in the proper manner. To ensure this, I urge all clubs to submit accurate averages and nominations to us at
the earliest opportunity as per tonight’s committee proposal, so we can establish, announce and promote the deserving winners. I would also like to
congratulate the winners of the John Lockey and Paul Cooper Memorial Awards.
The league has its own Spirit of Cricket Awards, this year won by Heslerton and Wykeham, who also claimed the Most Improved Ground award and
I applaud both clubs on their achievement. Despite excellent feedback from the umpires association, it is regrettable to report one instance of
extremely poor on field behaviour during 2014. This has led to a player being suspended from playing for a period of time. Just one incident is too
many and no one benefits, so I would request all players continue to show respect to the officials and opponents adopting the Spirit of Cricket which
our league endorses. I fully support clubs which follow this practice.
Despite not having used the online results and marking system implemented last year myself, something I need to look at urgently, I believe this has
been of significant benefit to both the league and the clubs, providing instant results and match coverage. Whilst it is appreciated the summaries of
the results are sent straight in, requests for match reports and further information went largely unheard. Providing additional detail can boost your
players, promote them in their best light and if this e-mailed through to me, this will be published on the website the following day.
I’d like to thank the following people…
Mr Mark Evans, our League President for his continued involvement, enthusiasm and commitment over many years and to all our vice presidents for
their generous support.
Mr Bernard Goulding, secretary of the Derwent Valley Cricket League and the Andy Hire Scarborough & District Evening League for his help,
support, interest and understanding for our league.
Mr Chris Rawson, secretary of the Scarborough Umpire’s and Scorers Association for his endeavours in allocating officials for the top two divisions,
plus competition semi-finals and finals. Chris had to deal with a shortage of umpires during the season, so when you go back to your club, please
ask anyone who is interested in donning the white coat to contact him. The course is informative and enjoyable and I speak from personal
experience during last winter.
To all club secretaries, groundsmen, scorers, officials, players, tea ladies, supporters and volunteers, thank you for your efforts during the past
twelve months.
My thanks must go to the following local newspapers, The Scarborough News, Malton Gazette and Herald, Bridlington Free Press, Whitby Gazette
and Yorkshire Post for publishing the results and league tables. Their support in promoting the league is essential and I trust this will continue over
the forthcoming campaign.
I would urge you all to visit the new-look website where new features will be available during the season and the league now has Facebook and
Twitter accounts as it tries to embrace the new way of instantly offering information, communication and interaction. I would also add that whilst it is
great to see cricket chat on social media, please do not overstep the mark by moving from clean, good natured banter into trolling and sheer
It’s increasingly evident that participation in our beloved sport has decreased. As a league and member clubs, we must try to reverse this trend. I
appreciate this is easier said than done, but the onus is on us all to provide and promote cricket that appeals to all. It is disappointing to report that
ten games were affected by teams not able to fulfil the fixture during the season and I hope the clubs involved will be trying their upmost to rectify
this and ensuring a full season can be played. Just two weeks ago I was shocked to receive an e-mail from Kirkbymoorside, who following their own
Annual General Meeting, decided to resign from the league. The recent improvements to their facilities, along with a group of talented players who
had enjoyed Cayley Cup successes together did leave me slightly perplexed as to why they made this call. Following discussions and the willingness
of many individuals, parties and potentially involved clubs, the committee met, surveyed the options available and reached a decision for the
formation of the league for the summer. It is just hoped no more clubs elect to take the same drastic action as Kirkbymoorside in the run up to the
However, I’m very pleased to report the return of Flamborough after two seasons away, Great Habton who return to the league for the first time since
2001 and now Muston who last played in our league back in 2010. I wish all three clubs every enjoyment and success during the season and for
future years.
The committee recognised the need for numbers in our league and as it stands at present, the league will have four divisions of ten teams and a total
of sixty Saturday league teams across our area including the ones playing in the Derwent Valley League. In the light of this, the decision was made
to relax the previously desired facility requirements for clubs who wish to seek entry into Division C. To me this was a common sense decision and in
the best interests of local cricket. The committee will continue to monitor all grounds within the league as although we are playing grassroots cricket,
the acceptable requirements put in by the league several years ago, have served well to help improve member clubs grounds and facilities, which
improves the image and ability to promote the league.
My appreciation goes to our sponsor Readers Kookaburra Ltd who continues to supply us with cricket balls at affordable prices, Staxton Cricket Club
for the use of their pavilion for committee meetings and The Downe Arms, Wykeham for tonight’s Annual General Meeting.
I’d like to announce this evening that the league are looking at introducing new awards and player rewards for 2015. Discussions have been ongoing
with Readers Kookaburra Ltd, Owzat Cricket of North Marine Road Scarborough and Scarborough Cricket Club, I should be able to provide you with
more detail in the run up to the season.
My aim once the Annual General Meeting is completed is to provide a platform for the season, working alongside you and being able to keep you
fully informed in the run up to the season. If we all work together, show increased enthusiasm, renewed vigour and offer opportunity and participation
to everyone, I see no reason why 2015 cannot be rich in the heritage of the Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League, a league we all should be
proud of.
Play well and thank you for listening.
Yours in Sport,
Simon Dobson
Honorary Secretary
Readers Scarborough Beckett Cricket League