Holy Rosary Catholic School January 2015 Newsletter 365 S te ve n s o n S t. N . Gu el p h , O N , N1E 5B 7 Ph o n e : 519 -82 4 - 56 20 F ax : 519 -82 4 -1 86 2 Principal’s Message… PRINCIPAL: MS. FACCHINI On behalf of all staff of Holy Rosary School, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2015! SECRETARY: As the new year begins, we reflect upon the year that has just passed and anticipate renewal and purpose for what lies ahead. January is a month of hope, optimism and new beginnings. We look towards new direction and purpose. MRS. A. BOLLIGER Holy Rosary Catholic School Mission Statement Holy Rosary Catholic School is devoted to providing a quality Catholic Education, within a caring environment that fosters life long love of learning; celebrates the uniqueness of each individual in partnership with the family, school, and church. Junior Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 begins on Monday, January 26. We welcome all families to experience a faith-based education. Catholic schools are unique places of learning as everything we do is grounded in the example of Jesus. Students educated within a faith context are given the opportunity to develop a deeper and more meaningful perspective on life and on humanity. Educating within the context of our Catholic faith gives our students a greater advantage as they face challenges from a secular world ever more rooted in technological advancements, materialism and individualism. Catholic social justice teaching provides a unique opportunity to instruct children of all ages about injustices and how we can make the world better for our fellow brothers and sisters. Our students are better equipped to understand injustices, environmental destruction and ethical questions. In times of personal challenges, it will be their faith which will often serve in them best life. Teaching about forgiveness, stewardship and taking care of our earth and others is a cornerstone of our faith. A faith based education where all are welcome to participate, enriches and provides a unique education experience to students. Once again, I thank you for your continued support. We are blessed to have an enthusiastic and positive student body. Students of Holy Rosary consistently display genuine commitment and spirit through many different in-school activities that are offered by our dedicated staff. Through their spiritual formation, our students consistently show Christian charity both at school, in our community and globally. It is in this spirit of generosity that our students live out the words of St. Francis, “For it is in giving that we receive.” This Christmas, our students raised $2500 for Sister Christine’s Drop in Welcome Centre to support families for Christmas! We will continue to develop a positive culture, to nurture faith experience, and to take care of each other as a Christian community and family throughout 2015. I want to thank Ms. Hills and Ms. Krusky, who were instrumental in making our Soccer and Ball Hockey so successful, and as well thank several St. James High School graduates – Nicholas Bombino, Paisely Rissling, Megan Anastasio, Justin Shutsa, Blake Visentin, Will Ceroli, Grace Burke, Caitlyn Krasinski, Marc Charbonneau – who assisted in the afternoon of the Tournament. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and along with staff, we extend to you wishes for a peaceful and joyful New Year! Peace and Love Gabriella Facchini Principal Holy Rosary C.S. Page 2 Classes Resume Monday, January 5, 2015. CSC Meeting Tuesday, January 6 at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. Public Health – Dental Screening – FDK and Gr.2 Monday, January 19 at 9:15 am. Grade 1 & 2 – River Run Tuesday, January 20 at 9:30 am. Grade 7 - CJT Visit School Mass Friday, January 9 at 10:40 am. All are welcome to attend. Grade 8 Girls – HPV Shot #2 JK/SK Registration Week – January 26-30, 2015 JK/SK Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will take place from January 26 to January 30, 2015 at Holy Rosary School. Students already attending Holy Rosary JK Program do not need to register for the SK program. Tuesday, January 13 at 9:15 am. Grade 7 Boys & Girls Menectra Shot #1 Thursday, January 22 at 10:45 am. Tuesday, January 13 at 9:15 am. Grade 5 & 6 – River Run Gr. 7 & 8 - River Run Centre Wednesday, January 14th at 9:30 am. Police Safety – Gr. 2 & 3 Safe Side Thursday, January 15 at 9:15 am Police Safety – Grade 4 & 5 Computer Safety Thursday, January 15 at 10:15 am Grade 2 – Sacrament of Confessions Saturday, January 17 at 10:30 am. St. James Visits Grade 8 Monday, January 19 at 10:45 am. Wednesday, January 27 at 9:15 am Grade 5 & 7 – Guelph Lake Thursday, January 28. All day event. Grade 7 – CJT Visit Thursday, January 28 at 10:45 am. Page 3 Holy Rosary C.S. Street Patrols and Frigid Weather Please note at minus 25 celsius (including the wind chill), safety patrol duty is reduced to the last five minutes of the morning scheduled time and the first five minutes of the afternoon scheduled time. Parents and Patrols should check the local radio stations or internet weather reports for temperature readings. Volunteers in the School Studies show that students perform better in the school if their parents are involved in their education. Parents, therefore, have an important role to play in supporting their child’s learning. Participating in parent conferences, working on CSC, volunteering in the school, and providing encouragement at home for completing assignments are some of the core ways parents can express their interest in their child’s education. There are many dedicated parents who help with countless activities at Holy Rosary. Dates to Remember… P.D. Day Jan 23/15 Family Day Feb 16/15 March Break March 16/2015 to March 20/2015 Good Friday Easter Monday P.D. Day Apr 3/15 Apr 6/15 Apr 24/15 Victoria Day May 18/15 P.D. Day P.D. Day Jun 5/15 Jun 26/15 Last Day of School Jun 25/15 Be Your Best…Choose Kindness Poster Winners! Congratulations to Ella Rimando, Blake Weiler and Ella Holt whose posters were chosen by Intramural Council as the Be Your Best…Choose Kindness poster contest winners! Way to Go! Twelve Days of Christmas The students enjoyed our annual 12 days of Christmas festivities. Students were challenged with Christmas trivia and “Name that Christmas tune” activities. Bingo was heard down the halls as we played Christmas bingo. Thank you for all your continued support of our school activities. Thank you Student Council and Mrs. KeensSherriff for another successful 12 Days of Christmas Oral Communications The Board Oral Communication Festival will be on Wednesday, February 11th at Sacred Heart School. Teachers will be completing units on public speaking in January. It is a good idea for students to begin working on their speeches early. Delivering a speech is stressful; leaving it to the last minute is even more stressful. Our school Oral Communication Festival will take place on Tuesday, February 3 at 9:00 am. All are invited to attend. Snow date for the school Oral Communication Festival is Wednesday, February 4. Holy Rosary C.S. Page 4 Health What a Good Feeling! Bullying: It’s Up to Everyone to Stop It. Bullying is: • Being mean to others, on purpose to hurt them or their feelings • Is about power and control • Occurs every seven minutes on elementary school playground • Most often happens while others watch • It doesn’t stop when children are left to deal with it themselves What to Do If a Child is Being Bullied; • Believe what they say, listen and try to understand their feelings • Involve children in community activities to help them make friends • Contact the school to talk about the problem and get support Communication is important, talk to your child about bullying. Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten Registration 2015-2016 “We welcome all families to experience a faith-based education.” JK/SK Registration for the 2014-2015 school year will take place from January 26th – January 30th, 2015. If you have or know of a family that has a JK/SK child who will be starting JK/SK in September 2015, please call the school and we will mail out the registration forms. Kindly complete the forms and submit them at the time of registration along with the following documentation: • • • • • • Child’s Birth Certificate Child’s Baptismal Certificate Child’s Health Card Custody Papers (if applicable) Child’s Immunization Records Proof of Tax Support for new families to the system. (ie. most recent tax bill) The New Year Holy Father, God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows. We praise You for Your unequaled greatness. Thank You for the year behind us and for the year ahead. Help us in Your new year, Father, to fret less and laugh more. To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them. To teach others to love by loving them. Knowing, when Love came to the stable in Bethlehem, He came for us. So that Love could be with us, and we could know You. That we could share Love with others. Help us, Father, to hear Your love song in every sunrise, in the chirping of sparrows in our backyards, in the stories of our old folks, and the fantasies of our children. Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs, so that we may know You better and better. We rejoice in the world You loved into being. Thank You for another new year and for new chances every day. We pray for peace, for light, and for hope, that we might spread them to others. Forgive us for falling short this past year. We leave the irreparable past in your hands, and step out into the unknown new year knowing You will go with us. We accept Your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what's ahead, depending on You to help us do exactly what You want.. I say it again, we rejoice! In Jesus name, Amen. Holy Rosary C.S. Chess Club Chess Club is up and running. Players from Grades 3-8 meet every Wednesday and Friday. We encourage all students to come out and sharpen their skills. Holy Rosary will organize a tournament within the school in February to determine players who will attend the WCDSB tournament. Chess is good for your brain! It improves concentration, perseverance, and pattern recognition. Page 5 Congratulations! To all the students who were caught doing good deeds to make Santa’s Good Deed List. Three students were picked from this list to win free movie passes to Galaxy Cinemas. Congratulations. Way to go! Pediculosis (Head Lice) Head lice has been around for a long time and over the course of an educational career, there is a good possibility that these unpopular creatures will affect every student. The Wellington-Dufferin Health Unit does NOT view head lice as a health risk. They are, however, unwanted intruders in the home. It is the responsibility of all in the community to see that we are a pediculosis-free. Some general tips: • Returning after holidays, especially summer vacation, is a particularly high risk time for lice infestation. • Check your children’s hair on a daily basis • Inform your child(ren) not to share clothing, especially hats, scarves and jackets. • Inform the school immediately if you detect any sign of lice. For more information, please contact the school or call your pharmacist . School Visitors Parents, guardians and special guests are always welcome to participate in our many school activities. With safety in mind, all visitors are asked to report to the main office to sign the visitor book when arriving at the school. Please use the Stevenson Street entrance. Thank you! Parenting Tip of the Month In the Christmas carol O Holy Night we hear these words: “Long lay the world in sin and error pining. Till He appeared and the Soul felt its worth.” The words are a beautiful reminder that we are loved by God and that Christ’s birth reminds us of our inherent value. In a world that can, at times, be hurtful, our children can seek refuge in loving families and through a personal relationship with Jesus. Christmas is a lovely time to remind our children that when Jesus was born he came to live among us and that he still wants to be with each of us today. Through prayer, attending Mass and simply talking to God about the highs and lows of their day, children can develop a friendship with Jesus who loves them deeply. This Christmas, give your children a powerful gift by helping them develop a friendship with our Saviour. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) Page 6 Holy Rosary C.S. Tax Support It remains important that all Catholic school supporters are listed as “separate school supporters” on the municipal assessment rolls. This applies to those who own or rent property in the City of Guelph or County of Wellington. You need to do so each time that you move, otherwise, the listing will revert back to “public school supporter” by default. Please call the WCDSB at 519-821-4640 for verification of your status if you require clarity. Thank you for your continuing support of Catholic Education with Wellington Catholic District School Board. Reminders from the office… In case of inclement weather please listen to 1460 CJOY AM or Magic 106.1 FM for bus cancellations or school closure instructions. If buses are cancelled, and your child is not a bus student but wish to keep him or her home, please call the school to advise us of your child’s absence. Please inform the office if your emergency information has changed. This includes your place of employment, emergency contacts and phone numbers. Also, please remember to call the school when your child is absent from school at 519-824-5620. If your child is leaving the school early for an appointment, or is not taking the bus home please send him/her to school with a note or write it in their school agenda. Basketball Training Camp Basketball team tryouts will begin on January 7th. All students in grade 7 and 8 are asked to come out. Students are encouraged to stay in shape over the holidays. Go for runs, try wind sprints in the snow and be active! All practices will involve a lot of running. If you are well prepared you will enjoy success! Happy New Year to You! Happy New Year to you! May every great new day Bring you sweet surprisesA happiness buffet. Happy New Year to you, And when the new year’s done, May the next year be even better, Full of pleasure, joy and fun. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH Christmas is a time of joy in families, but also a time of stress as we do too much, eat too much and spend too much! This year make Christmas truly special by slowing things down just a little. Spend some time together, just the two of you; tell your spouse why you see them as a gift all year long. Express your love to your spouse – knowing how you feel about them and why you feel that way may be the greatest gift they will receive. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) Holy Rosary C.S. Food Bank Soccer/Road Hockey Tournament On Friday, November 28th, students in Grades 1-8 participated in the second annual Food Bank Soccer/Road Hockey Tournament. Holy Rosary School took on the challenge of assisting families in need of support through Sister Christine’s Drop In Centre. The tournament was a way to get students active and have fun while also attempting to raise money to help those in need. All students were encouraged to raise $10, and we had an incredible result raising over $2500. The Grade 8 students travelled to Wal-Mart to purchase Christmas gifts. This was an excellent opportunity for students to give to others and remember the importance of helping those in need during the Christmas season. We thank all in the Holy Rosary community for their support of this endeavor. Page 7 Homework Helper In the fall of 2010, The Ontario Ministry of Education and the Independent Learning Centre launched a new project called Homework Help in an number of boards in Ontario. Our board took advantage of this pilot project. Again this year, all students taking Mathematics in Gr. 7-10 have access to this resource. Students simply log to Homework Help and using an interactive chat room, they can obtain personalized tutoring from a certified Ontario mathematics teacher. Chats take place Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Homework Help is free, live and anonymous. Students will also have 24/7 access to both guided and independent learning in a unique environment that combines technology and personal interaction. Go to http://www.homeworkhelp.ilc.org THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! I wish to thank the Holy Rosary Catholic School community who have devoted themselves to helping others this Christmas season. Thank you to Father Boyd, Celebrating Jesus Team, Holy Rosary Parents, Staff and students of Holy Rosary School.
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