SYLLABUS CALIFORNIA STATE UNTVERSITY LONG BEACH TNTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY, (SOC. 100) Malcolm Potter, Instructor. Telephone: (626) 57 7 -9 164 [email protected], (email address) (web site) ****SPRING SEMESTER Class 2OT Meetings: Section 9: Class #10439 Monday & Wednesday 9:35AM - l1:00AM, PH1-140 Office hours will be 8;45AIVI - 9:25A1VI @ psych 40f (562) 985-22981 Location: TEXTS: SOCIETY. The Basics (l3th edition) CASTOM E\DITION by John J. Macionis. Professor Potter's INTRODUCTO. RY SOCIOLOGY WORKBOOK by Malcolm Potter. What will the student learn? r r o r The impact of Sociology as an academic discipline and its value to the everyday living of students lives. Students will be able to explain and analyze the main theoretical and research perspectives in sociology and apply them to an array ofsocial interests. To critically consider existing and future social policies through the lens of the three main sociological paradigms, Structural-Functionalism, Social Conflict theory, and SlmbolicInteractionism. Students will embody the qualities of an open-minded but critical thinker in the examination of sociological topics and problems, systems, and thinkers. To grasp a novitiate's understanding ofthe essential terms, concepts and theories ofintroductory sociology. Students will develop an appreciation for what C. Wright Mills called the Sociological Imagination; that is the ability to situate his or her life in a social context and to understand the impact of social forces on the individual. To acknowledge the empirical.experience of knowing that, because of Sociology, one's life long learning is now a "given." BASIS FOR EVALUATION: Workbook Assignments ......75Yo Individual Oral Presentation. . . . . ......... ....10% Midterm Exam......... .......30o/o (Multiple choice, 90o/o of the 30o/o) @ssay Question, loyo of the30%o) Paper* Semester Class Semester Final Exam. .. .. ........15o/o ..... .....-.............30o/o (Multiple choice, 9V/o of the 4AYo) @ssay Question, l0o/o of the 40o/o) COURSE GRADES WILL BE: A.............. 8.............. C.............. D...... F...........-.. Total 100% .........90 - l00o/o ....... 80 - 89% ....... 70 - 79o/o .... 60 - 69% ........59 - andbelow * Spring semester class paper will be minimum three-page (3) papea double spaced, size 12 font or smalleq on a question formulated by the instructor for you to demonsfrate your knowledge and application of the Sociology you have Iearned this semester. SPRING '15 SEMESTER READING ASSIGNM-ENTS AS TOLLOWS. \MEEK: l. alnl First day ofclass. Read all ofchapter one. 2. 0l/28 Lecture and/or oral presentation 3. 02102 assignments in class. Read all of chapter two, 4. 02/09 Lecture and/or oral presentation assignments in class. 02116 Read chapter 3, Human Development: Nature And Nurture Understanding Socialization Agents of Socialization Resocialization: Total Institutions 6. 02n3 7. 03102 Complete all oral presentation assignments. ALL SD( WORJ(BOOK ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE DUE MIRCH11. 2OlJ THE DAY OF THE SEMESTER MIDTERM. 8. 03/09 03/11 03/16 9. Lecture and/or oral presentation assignments in class. Review for Midterm, Midterm exam covers chapters 12,3; (50) Multiple choice questions and one essay question FALL MIDTERTVI EXAIVI WEDNESDAY MARCH 12. 2014. Read Chapter 4, Social Structure The Social Construction of Reality Dramaturgical Analysis Language: The Gender Issue Humor: Playing With Reality 10. 03/23 Read Chapter 5, Social Groups Formal Organizations Origins of Bureaucracy Characteristics of Bureaucracy Problems of Bureaucracy McDonaldization of Society tt. 03/30 SPRTNG BREAK MARCH 30,2015 TO APRrL 05, 2015 12. 04106 Read Chapter 7, What is Deviance? The Functions of Deviance Labeling Deviance: Symbolic Interaction Analysis Deviance and Inequality: Social Conflict Analysis *****ANNOUNCE CLASS PAPER QUESTTON. 13. 04113 Read Chapter 8, What Is Social Stratification ? Poverty In The United States 14. 04120 Read Chapterl0 Gender and Inequality Theoretical Analysis of Gender Feminism 15. 04127 Complete all reading and oral presentations. 16. 05104 Review for final exam. 17. OSIII FINALEXAM WEEK. FINAL EXAM FRIDAY MAY 15.2015 8:00 AM - 10:00AM (60) Multiple choice questions and one essay question. CLASS PAPER DUE, NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. ***** CSULB, INSTRUCTOR'S POLICIES Do not be repeatedly latefor class. The Instructar for this class will adhere to the CSULB policy for class excused absences, illness or injury to the student: death or injury or serious illness of an immediatefamily rnember or the like; religious reqsons (CA. Educ. Code Section 89320); jury duty or government obligation; university sqnctioned/ apprwed activities. Tacting in clqss is not permitted qnd is subject to reprimand by the instntctar To be caught cheating daring a test is tofail the qcam. Plagiarism is cheating, the taking of ideas, words of another as one's ownwithout being documented appropfiatety is not allowed. See the CSULB policy on academic inte$ity, as outlined in fhe CSULB University Catalog. Keep cell phones and devices offand out of sight. Make-up acams are subject to the decision of the instructor in keepingwith the explanation of the situation. Anything and everytthing contained in the syllabus is subject to change with timely noticefrom the instructor to the studenl. h is the student's responsibility to drop the course ifyou no longer want to stay enrolled in the class. Introductory Sociology is a fascinating eollege course that brings a heightened intellectual swareness to its students. The course introduces the study of human beings in human society, individual and group behavior and the social self. The instructor most sincerely hopes you enjoy the course.
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