details. - Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships

For information and application form,
David Sims
[email protected]
Philippines # 0928-693-6854
RM (Australia) 61-2437-41802
Carlos and Elena Romero
[email protected]
Waldensian Center Philippines, is about to enter
its 2nd term. Through the providential leading of the
Lord, the youth in the Philippines have now a precious
opportunity to be educated under God’s principles of
true education.
These principles not only bring knowledge to the
student, but also wisdom to know how to use that
knowledge. It is not about how much the memory can
retain, but gaining wisdom to know how to acquire
knowledge and what to do with it. Development of
character is also an extremely important aspect which
true education aims to ennoble and refine.
The Waldensian Center, in following the blueprint
found in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, is a
modern day school of the prophets. It follows in the
footsteps of Madison College. Ellen White was only
on the board of directors for one institution during
her life, and Madison College was that one. It was a
self-supporting college. Waldensian Center seeks to
prepare the individual for the joy of service in this
world and for the higher joy of wider service in the
world to come. This three fold education – physical, mental and spiritual, trains people for various
positions in God’s work. Through medical missionary work, various trades, academics, self-support and
work in various industries, we seek to help the student
acquire a knowledge that will enable him/her to support himself/herself in a variety of ways. Agriculture
is also an integral part of the program as it was God’s
design for every household to have a knowledge of
agriculture. The program better fits the student for
any lifework; making the service of God supreme.
Upon completion of the one year program, we assist
the student to try to find a place where he/she can
work in the Lord’s vineyard if desired.
True education does not ignore the value of scientific
knowledge or literary acquirements; but above information it values power; above power, goodness; above intellectual acquirements, character. The world does not so much
need men of great intellect as of noble character. It needs
men in whom ability is controlled by steadfast principle.
{Education p. 225.1}
Length and Dates
How many can truthfully answer this question, What is
the essential education for this time? Education means
much more than many suppose. True education embraces
physical, mental, and moral training, in order that all
the powers shall be fitted for the best development, to do
service for God, and to work for the uplifting of humanity. {Fundamentals of Christian Education p. 387.2}
Kagatungan, Daligan, Santa Cruz, Illocos Sur
This is a one year program. New students will
be accepted at the start of each term. Students
should arrive on February 1st, 2015 for the beginning of the second term.
Terms are 3 months.
Carlos, Jessica and Elena Romero, Ray Mendiola
and visiting teachers from overseas, and locally.
This second quarter, of 2015, David Sims, Morgan Polsky, and Christopher Sparks will also be
Cost per quarter/term = P 6,000
Non-refundable Deposit to be paid before beginning the classes. = P500
Total cost for the 1 year program = P 24,500
To make it possible for all to be able to attend,
the Waldensian Center will give students credit
towards their tuition for the work that they do
in the industries of the school. Those who apply
themselves and work hard should be able to pay
for the entire fees.