www.InyaTrust.com SCIENCE MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 2 I. Four Alternatives are provided for each question. .Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided. 10x1=10 1. Conversion of sugars into alcohol to produce Ethane and solid residual fuel in known as _____ a) Biogasification b) Fermentation c) Combustion pyrolysis d) Transesterification 2. The Epithelial tissue known as Endothelium is _______ a) Squamous epithelium b) Columnarepithelium c) Cuboidal epithelium d) Ciliated columnar epithelium 3. The sound waves used in Bloodless surgery is _____ a) ultrasonics b) Infrasonics c) Supersonics d) Audible sound. 4. The Compound of a metal from which the metal can be extracted economically is called _______ a) Mineral b) ore c) Gangue d) Flux 5. The change in the ecological character of an aquatic ecosystem is called ______ a) Eutrophication b) Marine pollution c) Thermal pollution d) Biogasification 6. The device used to produce Radio isotopes is known a ________ a) Breeder reactor b) Power reactor c) Research reactor d) Electric generator 7. The Hydrocarbon used as an insecticide in the form of Moth balls is _ a) Naphthalene b) Toluene c) Benzene d) CycloButene 8. Due to the removal of a particular tissue by Liposection raju has become lean and weak. The tissue responsible for this ______ a) Areolar tissue b) Reticular tissue c) Connective tissue d) Adipose tissue 9. How many Hydrogen atoms when removed from pentane forms pentyne? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 5 10. The technique of bringing about desirable changes in the genetic material of living organisms is known as ___________ a) Genetic engineering b) DNA finger print technology c) Tissue culture d) Cloning 11. Match the names of plants given in column "A" with their structure in Column "B" and characteristic features in Column 'C' 4x1 = 4 A B C 1) Alkane a) CnH2n i) Tetracovalent bond 2) Aromatic Hydro carbons b) CnH2n-2 ii) Triple covalent bond between carbon atom 3) Alkyne c) CnH2n+2 iii) Closed chain catenation 4) Cyclo Alkane d) CnH2n-6y iv) Branched chain catenation e) CnH2n+6y v) Straight chain catenation f) CnH2n+3 vi) alternate single and double covalent bond II. Answer the following questions : 12. What is Transesterification? 13. Why mammals have evolved from oviparity do viviparity? 14. Why thyroxine hormone is known as personality Hormone? 15. Coconut shell charcoal is used in the manufacture of sugar. Give reason. 16. What is meant by conservation of momentum? 17. Why acetic acid is a weak electrolyte? 18. Write the relationship between orbital velocity and escape velocity. 7x1=7 III. Answer the following questions : 19. Why chloroflouro carbons should be avoided in Various human activities? 20. Explain how amorphous silicon is manufactured? 16x2=32 4 www.InyaTrust.com www.InyaTrust.com 21. Sclerenchyma tissue is not only of economic importance but have ecological too. Justify the statement. 22. Write any four applications of simple Harmonic motion. OR Why Meristematic tissue is made up of Embryonic cells? 23. No engine is 100% efficient. Give reason. 24. Draw a neat labeled diagram of parts of a petrol engine. 25. Why Nuclear fission reaction is known as chain reaction? OR How is nuclear wastes disposed off? 26. Give reasons : a) Borosilicate glass is used in Laboratory equipments. b) Lead glass is used to make prism. 27. Fermentation is a chemical decomposition produced by microorganisms. Give reason. 28. An ultra sonic sound sent from a ship travels with the speed of 1530 ms-1 in sea water. How deep is the water if the time delay of the echo from the sea bed is 6 seconds? 29. a) Why sodium is preserved under kerosene? b) Invar steel is used in measuring tapes. Give reason. 30. Write any two applications of Boyles law in our daily life. 31. Write any four objectives of animal breeding. 32. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Electroplating of a brass article with silver. 33. Write any four characteristic features that man shares with other primates. OR List any four characteristic features of Homo erectus man. 34. Draw a neat labeled diagram of single stage Rocket. IV. Answer the following Questions : 5x3=15 35. a) Atomic number is considered to be a more appropriate parameter than atomic mass for classification of elements in a periodic table. Why? b) How does atomic size of elements vary an moving from i) left to right in a period. ii) from top to bottom in a group. 36. Explain the structure of HIV Virus with a neat labeled diagram. 37. a) Write the differences between Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi conductor. b) What is the importance of super conductors. 38. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Blast furnace used in the extraction of Iron from its ore. OR How are metals refined by the Electrolytic process? 39. Explain Mendels Dihybrid cross experiments. OR Explain Watson and Crick model of DNA. V. Answer the following Questions. 3x4=12 40. Draw a neat diagram of vertical section of Human brain and label the following parts. a) Pons b) Thalamus c) Cerebellum d) Medulla oblongata 41. a) Write the molecular formula and structural formula of i) Toluene ii) Cyclo hexane iii) Ethyne b) Why methane is known as Marsh gas? OR a) Differentiate between organic and Inorganic compounds? b) Organic compounds are formed under some vital force. Say true or false. Explain. 42. a) How is alternating current dynamo different from direct current dynamo? b) If an AC source of 250 volts has to be stepped down to 25 volts, what should be the turn ratio of the primary coil and secondary coil? OR 5 www.InyaTrust.com www.InyaTrust.com a) How is a Dynamo different from Motor? b) In a transformer, the primary coil has 25 turns and the secondary coil has 5 turns, then what is such a transformer known as and why? 6 www.InyaTrust.com
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