Travelling by car If you are travelling along the motorway A1 from the south in the direction of Gdańsk, you can take the ring road S6 - (in the direction of Gdańsk, Szczecin). In Reda you should turn right (in the direction of Władysławowo, Hel). In Władysławowo at the roundabout you should turn towards Karwia, Jastrzębia Góra. Travelling along the seaside boulevard on the right side you will pass the lighthouse in Rozewie, and next the bus stop PKS and the bus stop of the BUS Lisi Jar. Shortly after the bus stop crossing the road to the left side you will see our hotel resorts: ‘Jurysta’ and 150 meters further hotel ‘Astor’. Jastrzębia Góra 38 Rozewska Street INVITATION 35 years of Al-Anon in Poland 4-6.09.2015 PKP, PKS, BUS You can go to Gdynia by PKP or PKS. It is the best option to use the direct connections of PKS and BUS from Gdynia to Jastrzębia Góra. The link to the PKS and PKP and BUS timetable from Gdynia is : http://www.rozkł In Gdynia the PKS bus station is next to the PKP railway station with convenient connections to Jastrzębia Góra. From Gdynia the bus 650 PKS: html,18011,45850, rozklad-jazdy-pks-gdynia-jastrzebia-gora.html Jastrzębia Góra is situated in the most beautiful place of the Polish seaside. 35 lat Al-Anon w Polsce Serving I love, loving I serve. Dear Al-Anon Friends, We are honoured to invite you to our Convention to celebrate 35 years of existence of Al-Anon in Poland, which will be held in Jastrzębia Góra from 4th to 6th September 2015 We would like our meeting to become a real celebration of joy and serenity During the Convention there are supposed to be the meetings of Al-Anon, Alateen, AA, S.L.A.A (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous), AŻ (Overeaters Anonymous) as well as other events like: v the evening with poetry v a walk around Jastrzębia Góra with a tour guide v an excursion to Władysławowo and around it v a dancing party vgames v a meeting with a professional v and others Association of Al-Anon Service PO BOX 14 60-980 Poznan 13, Poland tel. +48 61 828 93 07 [email protected] 35th AL-ANON CONVENTION The main events of the program Friday, 4th September 2015 v 09:00 - the beginning of registration of participants v 14:00 - 16:00 - meeting v 16:30 - the opening of the Convention v 18:45 - 20:30 - supper v 20:30 - other events Saturday, 5th September 2015 v 08:00 - 9:15 - breakfast v 10:00 - 13:00 - meetings v 13:30 - 15:00 - dinner v 15:30 - 17:30 - meetings v 18:00 - 19:15 - supper v 20:00 - a dancing party v 21:00 - a night meeting Sunday, 6th September 2015 v 08:00 - 09:15 - breakfast v 10:00 - 12:15 - a farewell meeting v 12:30 - 14:30 - dinner 35th AL-ANON CONVENTION INFORMATION You can book the rooms and the board on the phone: tel. +48 514 051 037 from 10a.m. to12p.m. and from 3p.m. to 5p.m. tel. +48 514 051 047 from 8a.m. to10a.m. and from 5p.m. to 8p.m. or using the e-mail: [email protected] The costs of organization: vregistration feet - adults PLN 25, on the spot PLN 30 vyoung people from 10 to 18 – PLN 5 vchildren up to 10 – free of charge Board and accommodation: The price of the full set (2 nights, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 2 suppers) PLN 220 and PLN 200 In the hotel resort “JURYSTA” there are rooms for 2 or 3 people and for 4 or 5 people. In the hotel “ASTOR” there are rooms for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 people, in this also family rooms. Bookings of the stay: from 5th January 2015 to 15th April 2015 Payment: (stay + registration fee) 7 days from the date of the booking. Payment to the account: Stowarzyszenie Służb Grup Rodzinnych Al-Anon PKO BP S.A. I O/Poznań nr 64 1020 4027 0000 1802 0381 8358 IBAN PL 64 1020 4027 0000 1802 0381 8358 Kod BIC (SWIFT): BPKOPLPW On your postal order write precisely the number of your bookings, please.
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