KOLENU - Torah Academy

K olenu
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
3 Shevat 5775
January 23, 2015
Hadlokas Neros 4:49 p.m.
8 Students Participated in our Geography Bee
Good sportsmanship prevailed throughout the exciting event!
Thank you Mr. Bryant and Mrs. Deutschman for coaching
the Geography Club after school for this competition!
Note to Current & Prospective Torah Tot Parents: The enrollment deadline for Torah
Tots two- and three-year old classes for the fall has been extended to next Friday,
January 30. A note with a few changes to the enrollment process will be going out to
you shortly.
Motzei Shabbos Basketball this week! Ten minutes after Avos U’Bonim.
Sunday learning this Sunday.
Pick up your children at 11:45 a.m.
Special trip coming up soon!
Thank you for supporting
Torah Academy!
2800 Joppa Avenue South · St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Telephone [952] 920-6630 · Fax [952] 922-7844 · [email protected]
A partner agency with the Minneapolis Jewish Federation
Volume XVI, Number 14
A Torah Thought from Rabbi Idstein...
The Torah’s description of the plague of darkness
is unique. In regard to each of the plagues, the pasuk
makes it a point to state that the plague did not affect
Klal Yisroel, but in regard to the plague of darkness,
the Torah adds the converse—that there was light in
the dwelling places of the Jews. Why does the Torah
point out that not only was there an absence of the
negative, but also a surplus of the positive?
The Kedushas Levi, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of
Barditchev zt’l, offers a unique interpretation of
the plague of darkness: He explains that the plague
of “darkness” was not darkness at all. In fact, au
contraire! HaShem removed the darkness—the
shades of darkness He created in order to protect
this world from being overwhelmed by the original
Divine Light—so that Egypt was completely exposed
to the Divine Light. For the hedonistic Egyptians,
steeped in the physicality of this world, this light
brought to the forefront the facade of their lives.
A sense of bleakness descended upon them as the
Light of Truth revealed that their entire lives were
futile, and their very existence lacking meaning or
purpose. It was similar to a depression, in which one
loses all of his motivation and drive. His self-doubt
becomes so powerful that he questions everything he
does. The smokescreen of what they had previously
valued was removed. For Klal Yisroel however, it
was a radically different experience. For the nation
anticipating liberation so they can assume their role as
the Chosen People, the revelation of the Divine Light
was a spiritually blissful experience. Hence, the Torah
makes a point of saying, “For all of the B’nai Yisroel
there was light in their dwellings.”
While after the plague of darkness the Divine
Light was once again hidden, glints of it are apparent
in our daily lives. The values of the Torah we learn
and the life lessons of the mitzvos we perform are
flashes of the Divine. They shed light on us, our
families, our communities, and the world at large. As
we relive the time period of the Exodus from Egypt
leading to the revelation at Sinai, where the contrast of
our mission and that of the world around us becomes
evident, it behooves us to take note of the wonderful
value system that HaShem has bestowed upon us. Let
us bask in its glory and spread its light to everyone
through our noble deeds!
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
Rabbi Idstein, Menahel
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
Oneg Shabbos for 7th and 8th grade
boys at the home of Rabbi Idstein
from 8:15-9:00 p.m.
on Friday night!
Good food, great zemiros
and friends!
From the Principal’s Desk
Success for all students
The mission statement for our school is:
“Torah Academy, committed to Torah principles
and values, provides Jewish children with an academic program of excellence in Judaic and General studies, an environment that promotes character
development, and the tools they need to grow into
young men and women imbued with Jewish commitment and pride.”
In addition, there are nine core value statements
that affirm the mission and five goals to work towards
fulfillment of our mission.
So why do you need to know this? MNSAA, our
accrediting association, expects that we articulate the
school’s mission through a variety of means (board
minutes, Kolenu, website, etc.).But we also want you
to be aware of the school’s mission and our foci and
that you hold us accountable. We are passionate about
fulfilling our mission every day. The teachers recently
spent two hours learning and discussing how to ensure
student success for each and every child.
Torah Academy is committed to academic programs of excellence, strong character development,
and Jewish pride! With you as our partners, we can
ensure that all students succeed!
Mr. Ford
Welcome to Mrs. Hindy Frishman who will
be subbing for Mrs. Shifi Mandelbaum.
Od Yosef Chai Purim Campaign
starting soon!
Watch for the details!
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Menachem and
Ayelet Felman on the birth of a son. May the
bris take place b’ito u’vizmano.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avner
and Sema Sela on the birth of a son, Simcha
Binayahu. Mazel Tov to grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Reid and Bonny Wexler and great grandparents
Dr. and Mrs. Harold and Shellie Wexler.
Mazel Tov to Chana Tzirel Pam on being the
finalist in our Geography Bee.
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Shragi and
Basya Smith on birth of a baby boy. May the
bris take place b’ito u’vizmano. Mazel Tov to
grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Meir and Bella
Smith and great-grandmother Mrs. Frances
We apologize if we inadvertently omitted your
simcha or gotten the details wrong!
To share news with the editor please call 952-2858603 or email [email protected]
Note change: First grade parents, please mark your calendars for the annual
First Grade Chumash Kiddush on Wednesday, February 11, at 3:00 p.m.
Brochos Bee
Test #3 is Monday
Yedios Kloliyos
26,335 points so far
Join the excitement!
Congratulations to Yosef Shalom Roberts who is
the 1st student to reach his personal goal
There will be a community-wide Azkara –
Memorial Tribute – to Rabbi Barry Woolf a”h
on Sunday February 1 at
the Sabes JCC from 2 – 4 p.m.
Bais Yisroel will also hold an Azkara on
February 1 at 10 a.m.
5-8 Girls Shabbaton
This week! Shabbos Parshas Bo
(January 23–24) See schedule!
Torah Academy Store
The store at school is OPEN
Thursday evening 8:15-10:30 p.m.
Always be prepared!
Be sure your children
come to school with
warm coats, boots, hats,
gloves or mittens, and
snowpants. The students
go outside for recess
whenever possible!
Our condolences to Mrs. Chaya Zuckman; Mr. Elchanan Zuckman, Rabbi Benyamin Zuckman;
Mr. Melvin Zuckman; and, Mrs. Edith Katz, Mrs. Marleen May, Mr. Evan Zuckman and
Ms. Andrea Zuckman on the passing of their husband, father, son, and brother,
Dr. Michael Zuckman, Mordechai Avraham ben Elimelech a”h
Our condolences to Rabbi Yosef Heisler on the loss of his mother, Chaya Sarah bas Elimelech a”h.
Shiva in Eretz Yisroel: 1410 Mishkilov, Har Nof 011-972-2-651-9954
(please remember time difference to Israel)
May the Omnipresent console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
Midda of the Month...
The Midda for Chodesh Shvat is Savlanus/Patience. What a tremendous midda to teach our children
in so many ways. I wanted to share this famous story that displays patience to a degree that is inspiring.
Please share it with your family and discuss its virtue and small ways that this wonderful attribute can be
added to our daily routine.
The rebbetzin of the Apta Rav, Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel, was busy finishing up the last minute preparations
for the seder when there was a knock on the door. One of the Rebbe’s gabboim, helper, opened the door, and
there stood two charity collectors who were making the rounds gathering matza for the town’s poor. The gabai,
seeing a stack of matzas wrapped in a napkin on the table, took it and innocently gave it to the men.
When, a bit later, the rebbetzin entered the room and noticed the matza missing, her heart fell, for this was
no ordinary matza. They were the meticulously-prepared and guarded matzas which her husband had baked just
before the holiday was ushered in.
She called in her household servants and soon discovered how it happened, but there was nothing to be done
about it. She couldn’t bring herself to disappoint her husband by telling him about the mistake, and so, with a
heavy heart, she wrapped some ordinary matzas in a napkin and placed them on the table and said nothing about
Several days after Passover ended a young couple came to Rabbi Heschel seeking his counsel to settle a
dispute between them. The Apta Rav asked the husband why he was so perturbed. He replied that his wife had
refused to cook the Pesach food without gebrokts - according to the custom which requires that no matza come
into contact with water.
The Rav called over his rebbetzin and asked, “Tell me, what kind of matzas did we use for the Passover
seder?” His wife was startled by the sudden question, and she was afraid to respond. The Rav encouraged
her and calmed her fears, and she went on to explain to her husband the entire episode that had transpired the
afternoon of the holiday.
The Rav then turned to the young husband and said in a kind tone, “Listen to me, my son. On the first night
of Passover I ate regular matza, for the first time in decades and I pretended not to notice any difference. Why
did I do this? I didn’t wish to bring about any hard feelings or anger, Heaven forbid. And you wish to cause
strife with your wife over this Pesach custom!!”
The young man immediately recognized his folly and the couple left completely reconciled.
Here in school, we will be working on things like not pushing in line, walking in the hallways, and
simply waiting our turn—all little things that will improve our patience and hopefully give us the strength
and fortitude for when our patience becomes ever so important!
Chodesh Teves
Boys’ Dice game
Alex Geretz
Chezkie Silverberg - Grand Prize
Jackson Berenberg
Girls’ Dice game
Yael Gepner
Adina Gepner
Chasy Idstein - Grand Prize
Scratch Off Card Game Winners
Grand Prize Winners Aaron Ramberg; Raizel Wexler
Second Place Winners
Josh Silverberg
Yehoshua Mayer
Zach Paskoff
Josh Paskoff
Michoel Sklare
Yair Yardley
Sarah Idstein
Chani Smith
Third Place Winners
Moshe Bitterman
Jackson Berenberg
Frank Nussbaum (TWICE!)
Dena Kupfer
Aharon Botnick
Rajel Skapino
Yael Gepner
4th Place Winners
Sara Nava Weiss
Tova Kalatzky
Guita Borenstein
Gitel Pam
Avromi Greenberg
Yosef Shalom Roberts
Ravi Farber (TWICE!)
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
Reminder of our new Nut Sensitive Policy at Torah Academy
We have noticed many nut products in school of late. Please be extra careful!
As we stated in our original communique, we have consulted with other schools and medical professionals and
have come to the conclusion that we will be adapting a “nut sensitive” policy in our school. To this end—
1) All foods that “contain” nuts, both peanut or tree nut, or those that state “may contain nuts”
cannot be brought to school, neither as a snack, lunch, nor as a part of a siyum or class celebration.
There are no exceptions to this rule. Please take the time to read package labels carefully for the
ingredients and any allergen statements.
2) For the safety of our students if these items are brought to school they will be confiscated. We respectfully
ask that all parents and students take this policy seriously and do not “test the waters.”
3) Products that were produced in a facility that contains nuts may be brought to school.
4) We, again, thank you for your partnership and cooperation.
In order to make shopping a little easier, a website offering a list of peanut/tree nut free snacks can be found at
http://snacksafely.com/snacklist.pdf Around Torah Academy
Torah Tots 2-year olds
We are worthwhile people because we are created
B’tzelem Elokim! I am so special because HaShem made
me “me.” Can you guess what unit we have begun in
Torah Tots? “All About Me.” This week we focused on the
amazing eye. Have a great Shabbos.
Mrs. S. Goldberger, Mrs. B. Weinberg, & Ms. R. Segal
Torah Tots 3-year old
We are makkos mavens and we even painted “blood”
around our doorpost. Learning parsha is so exciting. We are
making our own alef-bais matching game to bring home
next week. We also marble painted for Mm, worked on sets
in math, and made beautiful crowns for Rosh Chodesh.
Playing in the snow and building a real snowman were
definite highlights.
Mrs. C. Fishman, Mrs. H. Slager, & Mrs. L. Chodos
Why did the children come to school wearing pajamas
on Tuesday? We enjoyed a pajama party for Sweet Dreams
for Kids! We counted 22 pairs of pajamas for the children in
the hospital. The Berezovsky children each read us a story
while we enjoyed special cookies. Reason number two you
will find in Parshas Bo. Ask any Pre-K student and they will
tell you.
We also celebrated Rosh Chodesh Shevat on
Wednesday. We started learning about Tu B’Shevat. We
planted the most interesting sees. Check the Kolenu for
regular updates.
Mrs. R. Heisler & Mrs. S. Weiss
In Kindergarten, this week the children have been
learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and read the book
called Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. We are busy tracing their
bodies to make a “Flat Me,” so the adventures can continue
when we send Flat Me away. Our Kinder Grocery Store
is fantastic! We enjoy buying groceries and restocking the
shelves. In math, we are working on addition problems with
manipulatives. It is so exciting.
Ms. S. Haase & Mrs. A. Graif
1st Grade
What an exciting time to be in Kita Alef! The air is
charged with enthusiasm over beginning our introduction
to Chumash. The class is working hard at learning the skills
and tools need to begin learning inside a real Chumash and
they are well on their way to becoming Chumash experts.
May their love and excitement for learning follow them
throughout their lives.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.
Mrs. S. Knobloch
This week, in Superkids the first graders worked on
contractions, compound words, and -er and -est endings. In
math, we worked on missing addends and using subtraction
to compare. And in science, we learned about parts of
Mrs. J. Singer
continued on page 6
Two-year olds learning about eyes
Volume XVI, Number 14
2nd Grade
The posuk tells us once again, as we all know
That Lot was with Avrom, you see.
There must be a reason that it is written so.
Why? How come? The answer is as clear as can be:
“   ”
Lot was only worthy of all his benefits because he
walked with Avrom.
We began practicing for the school Brochos Bowl.
Keep up the great work.
Our Rosh Chodesh prize store was very exciting!
Mrs. B. Rothstein
This week in Superkids the second graders worked on
tricky vowel combinations, suffixes, editing marks, and
similes. They read Wagon Wheels in book club. In math, we
are finishing up money skills and starting telling time. In
science, we learned about inherited traits.
Mrs. S. Sen & Mrs. J. Singer
3rd Grade
We learned about Eliezer giving thanks to HaShem
for the kindness He did for Eliezer in finding a wife for
Yitzchok. Please talk to you daughters about “Hashgacha
MAZEL TOV MAZEL TOV! We finished Book 4B in
the Lehavin U’Lhaskil Chumash curriculum.
Have a meaningful Shabbos.
Mrs. T. Prero
The third grade boys are now learning about the
significance of the wells which Avrohom Avinu dug and
which the Pelishtim stuffed up and then Yitzchok Avinu
dug them again. Iy”H, next week, the third graders will be
having a shoresh test on 30 shoroshim. Good luck.
Have a great Shabbos!
Rabbi C. Friedler
We have had a great week in third grade! Enjoy these
pictures of our field trip to the Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum and our A.R. Read-A-Thon! Many thanks to Mr.
Sharon, Mrs. Berezovsky, and Mr. Kvasnik for helping to
make the field trip a success. And, thank you parents, for
sending all kinds of pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, and
BOOKS on Tuesday. I hope to see everyone at the play on
January 29th.
Mrs. L. Halek
4th Grade
Fourth grade is so exciting. This week we got a special
treat for learning the halachos of speaking carefully. Every
day after bentching, Mrs. Idstein reads us a story and on
Friday we have a weekly review on what we learned.
In Navi, we are making a newsletter on a perek that we
learned. The newsletter can be about how Yehoshua became
the leader of Bnai Yisroel or how they crossed the Yardein
River. When we are done, we will present them to the class.
By Tova, Tybie, and Esther for Mrs. N. Idstein
We continue to read the “Stone Fox” in class and are
doing vocabulary and writing activities based on the book.
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
In physical education we have been playing volleyball and
floor hockey as well as some basketball. In Science, the
class has been studying magnets and trains and in social
studies we have been studying land formations and have
done some preliminary studies on United States geography
and states. Spelling, grammar, and daily reading and writing
are also a part of our week.
Mr. A. Tiemann
5th Grade
In the 5th grade boys class, the students have started
to read Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. In
vocabulary, we are working on prefixes that can change
the meaning of the base word. The boys are busy working
on their speeches and costumes for their Wax Museum
presentation of their explorer or Native American Indian
Ms. S. Haase
Fifth grade girls are currently reading Misty of
Chincoteague, a story inspired by a real pony on the island
of Chincoteague, Virginia. We are also continuing our work
on our Academic Fair projects. Many fifth grade girls are
rehearsing their speeches and can’t wait to present for you
on February 12th!
Mrs. A. Graif
continued on page 7
Annual Field Trip to the Arboretum
Photos by Mr. Sharon
Volume XVI, Number 14
6th Grade
The sixth graders earned a trip to Prime Deli for
studying on their own time for their parsha final. They
worked hard and I am proud of the effort they put into this
Mrs. D. Abramczyk
8th Grade
Mazel Tov to the entire eighth grade girls’ class on
scoring above 90 on the Sefer Bereishis parsha final! And
another mazel tov to the entire class for scoring above 90 on
this week’s Bais Hamikdash test!
I am so proud of all your hard work.
Wishing you a fantastic Torah Academy shabbaton this
Mrs. A. Cohen
Baruch HaShem, the brachos program is being very
successful! The eighth graders are taking this opportunity
to brush up on their bracha skills, as well as learning new
halachos of brachos. Congratulations to Eli Mandelbaum
upon reaching 1000 points in the Yedios Klaliyos program!
Keep up the good work!
Have a great Shabbos!
Rabbi C. Friedler
Middle School Math
5th grade girls- We completed our test last week and
are now studying inequalities and how to graph them after
solving. The concept itself is similar to solving equations,
but with greater than or less than signs.
6th grade girls- This class took a test on chapter 3,
which is on inequalities and are now studying rational
numbers and how to change from decimals to fractions and
vice versa.
7th grade girls- We finished our patterns and functions
project and are now working on solving two-step equations.
This is an imperative algebraic concept that students will
use again and again in the future. 6th grade boys- We have been reviewing for the
chapter test on the Pythagorean Theorem and the unique
traits of right triangles. We played jeopardy as a review
game and I think it will help the boys do well on the test.
7/8 grade boys (Algebra)- We are studying linear
equations and their graphs and will have a test on it
this week. Linear equations include the study of slopes,
intercepts and how a line can be represented in a multitude
of different equations; fun stuff!
Mr. A. Tiemann
Middle School Science
6th Grade Science- This week we have been learning
about faults and different types of stress that cause them.
We even got to color a model of two tectonic plates and
simulate their movement relative to each other.
7th Grade Science- This week we have been preparing
for our test on heredity. We completed labs looking at how
traits are passed down and flipped coins to learn about
probability of different traits.
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
8th Grade Science- This week we started to learn about
air pressure and how it affects the atmosphere. We even
created our own barometers to measure pressure.
Ms. J. Gerdes
Middle School Language Arts (Literature and Writing)
This week in Language Arts we are taking a break from
our novels to work on Academic Fair projects! I will be
helping the 7th and 8th students sort through their research
and organize the written portion of their work. I am also
heading up the 6th grade girls Academic Fair project, a
Readers Theater production! Next week we will be back to
reading our novels and working on Literature Circles. Mrs. M. Deutschman & Ms. K. Bukowski
Staff Workshop
Sunday Fun-Day!!!
For: 2nd–6th Grade Girls
Where: Torah Academy
When: Jan. 18, Jan. 25, Feb. 1
Time: 1–3 p.m.
Price: $12 per Sunday
$30 for all 3 Sundays
*Dance performance following last session
8th grade fundraiser with parental supervision
Please R.S.V.P. by January 15 to
[email protected] or 952-285-8655
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
GO Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Thank you to Rabbi Lichtman and
Rabbi and Mrs. Rabenstein for covering
Rabbi Heisler’s classes this week.
Look around your house for Torah Academy library books.
We have many that are missing and need to be returned!
6G celebrates at Prime Deli
Learning a new shoresh on
Sunday morning
Volume XVI, Number 14
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
5-8 Girls Shabbaton Schedule
This week! Shabbos Parshas Bo (January 23–24)
Volume XVI, Number 14
Two Essays by our Eighth Grade Girls
The Purpose of Doing Mitzvos by Chaya Silverberg
The purpose of doing mitzvos is to give us a purpose in
life. Mitzvos affect me personally in many ways. For one,
when I do a mitzvah, it shows me that I have a HaShem in
my life because He’s always there and listening. I always
knew we shouldn’t be adding or taking away things in the
Torah, but actually learning the pasuk “   ”
showed me how bad it could be if something was added
and/or subtracted. Rashi says that even Shlomo, one of
the greatest men in the history of Bnei Yisroel, said he can
have more than 18 wives and he won’t sin and that he can
have many horses and won’t want to return to Mitzrayim,
and what happened? If someone as great as Shlomo fell by
subtracting, then even more so, we, who aren’t even close
to the level of Shlomo, are able to sin. When the Torah is
referred to as one mitzvah, it shows that we can’t go pick
and choose between the mitzvos. Because the Torah is
referred to as one, it means that we must to ALL the mitzvos
and not just the ones we want to do. The mitzvos are there
to connect us to HaShem and it’s not up to us to do what
and when we want to do them.
News and Views of Torah Academy
January 23, 2015
The Purpose of Doing Mitzvos by Bas-Sheva Heisler
We do the mitzvos and follow the Torah for the sole
purpose of coming closer to HaShem. When I do a mitavah, it
fills me with a sense of accomplishment. This brings me one
step closer to HaShem. The topic in Chumahs really taught
me to practice what is preached, don’t just learn and take a
test. I’ll always hold it with me to learn, review, and then
actually do the mitzvos properly.
“   ”—The Seforno explains that when
one removes the reason for the prohibition, he will soon lose
the entire Torah. I learned that making excuses will not help
you in the long run. While we may not think something will
affect us as a result of doing an aveira, you just never know!
HaShem does what’s best for us; if there’s no reason given
for a mitzvah , it’s obviously not meant for us to question.
“”—The Torah is whole in its entirety. This
showed me that we can’t pick and choose which mitzvos
work for us. We must do    , to fulfill His
. This also can mean, don’t underestimate the power
of one mitzvah. I learned that I can’t just brush away
opportunities to do mitzvos. If a mitzvah comes our way,
no matter how small it may seem, it still has the power of a
seemingly larger mitzvah. Each mitzvah has power!
Weekly Masmidei Torah Academy!
Torah Academy is so proud of the following 1st–8th grade students who had
perfect attendance from Jan. 8-14.
Jacob Baker
Leah Baker
Jackson Berenberg
Julian Berenberg
Chaya Dalya Berezovsky
Eliana Berezovsky
Reuven Berezovsky
Chanoch Borenstein
Moshe Borenstein
Aharon Botnick
Bracha Engelson
Chaya Sara Engelson
Frumie Engelson
Rivka Engelson
Naomi Farber
Rena Chana Feldman
Binyomin Friedler
Naftali Friedler
Shulamis Friedler
Adina Gepner
Yael Gepner
Alexander Geretz
Aharon Goldberg
Chaim Goldberg
Sora Leah Goldberg
Meyer Goldberger
Ariella Greenberg
Avraham Greenberg
Bas-Sheva Heisler
Dovid Heisler
Yehuda Heisler
Sarah Idstein
Miki Jaffa
Tybie Jaffa
Shaya Kahan
Moshe Kalatsky
Tova Kalatsky
David Klatzko
Shimshy Knobloch
Avital Krebs
Dena Kupfer
Moshe Kutoff
Nachum Kutoff
Yakov Kutoff
Yechiel Kutoff
Akiva Zev Kvasnik
Hannah Lyubeznik
Eli Mandelbaum
Yisroel Isser Mayer
Ari Moffatt
Toby Nussbaum
Ari Oman
Esther Pam
Gitel Pam
Joshua Paskoff
Zachary Paskoff
Netanya Paxton
Ayelet Pitterman
Chaya Prero
Yisochor Dov Prero
Aaron Ramberg
Shabsie Roberts
Yosef Roberts
Michal Runge
Mordechai Schulman
Rivka Schulman
Sarah Schulman
Joshua Silverberg
Lipa Silverberg
Yechezkel Silverberg
Yechiel Silverberg
Asher Silverman
Bracha Freide Skapino
Malka Sklare
Michoel Sklare
Zalman Sklare
Daphne Shulamith Slager
Chloe Solomon
Silas Solomon
Brocha Spar
Chaya Stern
Esther Stern
Michelle Teyvel
Adina Tirado
Sarah Tirado
Roi Tsadok
Aida Weiss
Freddie Weiss
Sara Weiss
Asher Yardley
Yair Yardley
Amanda Zucker
Olivia Zucker
Sophia Zucker
Keep it up and be entered in the monthly dice game!
Save the Date! Sunday, March 15
Clay pinch pots made at
the Friday after-school
First grade students got to help local
sofer, Mr. Silver, with a “shailas tinok.”
Computer activities in Kindergarten
and the Computer Lab
Parents: Please encourage your 4th-7th grade
children to submit their entries to the office!