January 9, 2015 Shabbat Pareshat Shemot From the Desk of the Rav NO DENIAL IN ISRAEL In Pareshat Shemot, Moshe is instructed by Hashem to inform the Children of Israel that they are going to leave Egypt, and make their way to the Land of Israel. Eretz Yisrael is described to Moshe as a land that is Tova U'rechava - good and broad. We all know that Israel is a good land. Yet the broadness of Israel needs some clarification. Some commentators note that Hashem was impressing upon Moshe the greatness of the Land of Israel vis-a-vis Egypt. The source of water -and thus life -in Egypt was the Nile. At that time all of its population was centered near the Nile. Thus the country was no more than a very narrow strip. Eretz Yisrael on the other hand gets its rain from above. One can live in a variety of climates and regions within the land. Thus it is a land that is not confined geographically but rather good and broad. We must thank Hashem for the gift of a land that is "blessed with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills!" Shabbat Shalom, Yirmiya Milevsky 18 Tevet 5775 Z’manei Tefillah Friday January 9, 2015 Candlelighting ........................................................... 4:40 p.m. Mincha ....................................................................... 4:45 p.m. Saturday, January 10, 2015, Shemot Shacharit ........................................................... 7:30, 8:45 a.m. Latest Shema ............................................................ 10:08 a.m. Daf Yomi ..................................................................... 3:45 p.m. Mincha ....................................................................... 4:35 p.m. Motzei Shabbat .......................................................... 5:45 p.m. Sunday-Friday, January 11-16, 2015 Earliest Talis & Tefillin, Sunday-Friday .................6:51-6:49 a.m. Shacharit, Sunday,................................................... 7:00, 8:00 a.m. Shacharit, Monday, Thursday ............................ 6:45, 7:10 a.m. Shacharit, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, ............. 7:00, 7:20 a.m. Mincha/Maariv, Sunday-Thursday .............................. 4:55 p.m. Friday, January 16, 2015 Candlelighting ............................................................ 4:49 p.m. Mincha ....................................................................... 4:50 p.m. B’nai Torah Shiurim Weekday Daf Yomi, Nir Lifshitz Sunday @ 7:00 a.m., Beit Midrash Monday-Friday @ 6:00 a.m., Beit Midrash <<>> Pareshat HaShavua - Rav Milevsky Men & Women, Tuesdays @ 11:15 a.m., Beit Midrash <<>> Navi – Micha - Rabbi Gemara Men & Women, Tuesdays @ 8:00 p.m., Beit Midrash <<>> Minchas Chinuch, - Rabbi Hochman Men, Tuesdays @ 8:00 p.m., Library <<>> Chumash & Rashi - Yitzchak Deutsch Men, Tuesdays @ 8:00p.m., Beit Midrash <<>> Gemarah In depth - Rabbi Milevsky Analysis of the text and context of the treatises Yoma Men, Thursday @ 8:00 p.m., Library <<>> Congregation B’nai Torah 465 Patricia Avenue Toronto, Ontario M2R 2N1 tel/fax 416.226.3700 HaRav Yirmiya Milevsky, Mara D’Atra Paul Forman, President [email protected] www.bnaitorah.ca B’nai Torah Weekly Bulletin Pareshat Shemot Lifecycle Synagogue Notes Celebrations Mazal Tov to Rivka Karp on the engagement of her granddaughter, Ariela Karp to Gavi Lazan in Israel. Mazal tov to Uncle Oren Karp. Purim Mishloach Manot Fundraising Project. You should receive your Mishloach Manot order forms sometime next week. Please note: Deadline for orders is Friday 30 January. Special notice to our Snowbirds wherever they are in the world. Make a list of the people in the shul to whom you wish to send Mishloach Manot and email the names to [email protected]. Mail your payment to the shul office. Cost $6 per name. Deadline for orders is 30th January. Please be sure to write Purim on the cheque and make it payable to Congregation Bnai Torah. Mazal Tov to Liz and Josh Gordon on the birth of a grandson, Ezra Tzvi, to Tamar and Dovid Charnowitz of Baltimore. Nichum Avaylim Sincere condolences to our member Herman Rubinger, on the loss of his wife, Mrs. Gina Rubinger, z”l. Sincere condolences to daughterin-law, Gabriela Rubinger. The funeral is today, Friday at 1:30 PM from Steeles Memorial College. Interment will be at Pardes Shalom Cemetery, B'nai Torah Synagogue section. Shiva will be observed at 425 Walmer Rd. Apt.7A. Shiva concludes on Thursday morning. For shiva details, consult the Steeles Memorial College website. We Thank Our Sponsors The Foyer Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by: Dvorah Feinstat to commemorate the Yahrzeit of her father, David Ben Abraham HaLevi, z"l. Avi and Symee Citron to commemorate the yahrzeit of Avi’s mother Hitze bat Shlomo HaLevi, z”l. Seudah Shlisheet last week was sponsored by: Eliahu and Leah Levenson to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Eliahu’s father, Leib ben Eliahu HaLevi, z”l. JANUARY PROGRAMS "THE PRACTICAL SHMITA" The second of the three part Shmita lecture series By Rabbi Milevsky Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 8:00 pm. Sponsored by Jack and Susan Kahn To commemorate the Yahrzeit of Susan’s mother, Gittel Tova bat Zvi Dov, z”l. Sponsorship of the third lecture is still available. If interested, contact Paul Forman. <<>> JEWISH HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS: How the Netherlands produced Poskim Presented by former Bnai Torah member, Prof. Danny Frances Sunday Jan 25, after Shacharit – Breakfast will be served. Sponsored by Marty and Ruth Lockshin To commemorate the Yahrzeit of Marty's mother, Sylvia Lockshin, z”l. <<>> AN ISRAELI EXPERIENCE Social committee event Saturday, January 31, 2015 Jewish Music Database Some members showed interest in learning more about Eli Green's Jewish music database project. You can access his music database with the following link to his YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/JewishMusicToronto. Book Discussion. The book chosen for the next Bnai Torah book discussion is Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman. It will be reviewed by Susan Shainhouse. The book discussion will take place when the weather improves. Details to follow. Halacha Corner It is a scriptural Mitzva to recite the Shema twice daily, once in the morning and again in the evening. The third section of the Shema is rabbinical. Nevertheless it contains verses that mention the exodus from Egypt, and by reciting them we fulfill the Mitzvah of mentioning Yetziat Mitzraim daily. Hakarat Hatov On Sunday, the 19th of Shevat - Feb 8, 2015, Bnai Torah will honour Meyer Weinstock at a breakfast in the Sam Ferman Hall. We will present Meyer with a plaque and a scroll to thank him for his many generous contributions to Bnai Torah over the years. If you wish to have your name on the scroll, please contact the Shul office. There will be 3 options available: 1) Gold Greetings with comments - $360 2) Silver Greetings with comments - $180 3) Your name only without comments - $25 Kaylim Mikvah 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, other times by appointment with the Shammos, Joe Epstein. Kaylim Mikvah is not available Erev Shabbos or Yom Tov. Ladies’ Mikvah. Friday nights and Yom Tov nights, by appointment. Call Hanna Katz by Wednesday at 416.225.6483. Sefarim, Elaine Tanenzapf, [email protected] or call 416.665.2182; Tree of Life, Dedications, Memorial Plaques, Howard Kurlandski, [email protected] us at our Donations page at www.bnaitorah.ca Congregation B’nai Torah 465 Patricia Avenue Toronto, Ontario M2R 2N1 tel/fax 416.226.3700 HaRav Yirmiya Milevsky, Mara D’Atra Paul Forman, President [email protected] www.bnaitorah.ca
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