HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Mac Mahon, Pastor 883-4359 Rev. Vincent Bresowar, Associate Pastor 882-1132 Rev. Paul Choi, Administrator of the Korean Catholic Community 690-9951 Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Deacon Michael Sudnik 604-3374 Deacon Larry Sisterman 881-8938 Deacon Bob Becher 479-5361 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO Saturday/Sabado Sunday/Domingo 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:45 AM WEEKDAY/DIA EN SEMANA Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri. @ 7:30 AM Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes Monday/Lunes 12:00 Noon Tuesday/Martes 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 PM Thursday/Jueves 12:00 Noon Friday/Viernes 9:00 AM School Mass (call the office to verify) RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Office (256)881-4781 Fax (256) 881-5510 625 Airport Road SW Huntsville, Alabama 35802 E-mail: hschur ch@holyspir ithsv.com Website: http://www.holyspirithsv.com PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF/OFICINA 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Monday/Lunes-Thursday/Jueves Friday/Viernes 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Administrative Assistant Mar y Walker ext. 0 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Adult Religious Ed. Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Religious Education Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Music Ministry Anne Vasile 881-4781 ext. 219 Lori Lai 882-6483 KOREAN MASS Thursday & Saturday at 9:30 AM, and Tuesday & Friday at 7:30 PM, at the Korean Rectory HISPANIC MINISTRY/MINISTERIO HISPANO The Hispanic Ministry Office is located in the Parish Life Center next to the Nursery. It is open Monday through Friday 10:30am to 3:00 pm. 256-881-2211 or [email protected]. Hispanic Community Mass Sundays 2:00 PM Children/Adult Catechism Sundays 10:15-11:30 AM Baptismal Preparation Classes First Sunday of the Month 4:00 PM Multipurpose Room Nuestra Comunidad Hispana celebra la Santa Misa todos los Domingos a las 2:00 pm. Ninos/Adultos Catecismo cada domingo a las 10:15 am y Clases Bautismo de preparacion son los primeros domingos del mes a las 4 de la tarde en el salon junto a la oficina. 4:00-4:45 PM Saturday & by appointment. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM , 12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM BULLETIN NOTICES Send Bulletin Notices to [email protected] (subject to approval) Deadline for notices Tuesday at Noon. HOLY SPIRIT REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Terrance Golden, Principal 881-4852 ext. 103 BOOKSTORE HOURS POPE JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Vince Aquila, Principal 430-1760 ext. 101 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon January 25, 2015 1 Rest in Peace! WELCOME!... Dallas Lindsey, Uncle of Brandi Simms HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH... ...invites everyone to “...full, conscious, and active participation” in the sacred liturgy. We hope you will join us in lifting our hearts and voices to God! THE VESTIBULE... ...is the place for meeting old friends and greeting visitors! Reverence and quiet are expected in the church! Please turn off cell phones and beepers. Mass Intentions January 26 ~ February 1, 2015 Monday 7:30 AM † Steve Happ 12:00 PM † Thomas Whiteside Tuesday 7:30 AM † Richard Smith 12:00 PM † Adele Eberhardt Wednesday 7:30 AM † Richard Smith 7:00 PM † Kate Prater Thursday 7:30 AM † Virginia Mozian 12:00 PM † Thomas Whiteside Friday 7:30 AM † Ramon Castillo 9:00 AM Doris Castrillo Saturday 5:00 PM † Raymond Trifilo Sunday 7:30 AM † Parishioners 9:00 AM † Lee Senkewich 11:45 AM † Paul & Theresa Choe AT HOLY COMMUNION… … it is appropriate to make a sign of reverence, a bow or a genuflection, before you receive Communion. To maintain the flow of the Communion procession, please make the sign of reverence while the person in front of you receives Communion. If you choose to receive Holy Communion in your hand, please do not reach for the host, but present your palm, flat out and high enough to receive Communion. Intinction is not permitted. INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN… ...are welcome at Mass. Anytime they become restless you may take them to the nursery. Our infant and toddler nurseries are open during the 9:00 AM and 11:45 AM Masses for children 6 mos.-4 years. Hospital Care: If you or a member of your family ar e sick or in the hospital and need Deacon Mike Sudnik, please call him at 604-3374. If you need a Priest, you may call Fr. Mike at 883-4359 or Fr. Vincent Bresowar at 882-1132, day or night. INFORMATION… ...please take a bulletin as you leave church. In it you will find all the information you need to be an active Catholic at Holy Spirit Catholic Church… AGAIN WELCOME!... Sue Ellen Adams Willie Albanes Stephanie Anderson Pat Andreoni Christine Baker Nancy Bertrand Zachary Brogdon Rebecca Brunty Shea Butler Doris Cassedy D. James Chambers Lisa Citrano Sam Citrano Mabel Clemons Shirl Cola Brent Crow Pris Dance Bulletin available on the web at holyspirithsv.com PLEASE JOIN US! If you attend Holy Spirit Church on a regular basis and have not registered with the Parish, we invite you to do so. Complete the following information and drop it in the offertory basket and someone will contact you to help with the registration. If you have moved or changed phone numbers, please let us know! NAME_____________________________ Brenda David Greg Denton Elaine Ellingsen Leslie Enright Wil Etbauer Joyce Fontenot Monica Gan DAYTIME PHONE__________________ LECTORS January 24-25 5:00 p (OT) B. Hare — (NT) P. Krakus 7:30 a (OT) O. Fadul — (NT) C. Dithmer 9:00 a Catholic School Week Lectors 11:45 a (OT) C. Adams — (NT) L. Adams LECTORS January 31-February 1 5:00 p (OT) C. Long — (NT) B. Clopp 7:30 a (OT) C. Higgins — (NT) R. Liedel 9:00 a (OT) M. Walker — (NT) K. Frew 11:45 a Youth Lectors Martha Gould Amos Green Beverly Guest Joan Hart Renny Hart Noah Hermosillo Alan Himbaugh Katie Hunt Beverly Hunter Billy Jenkins Stan Johns Holly (Rebman)Johnson Joanna Johnson Colleen Kleiber Moonyean Klueger Rita & Ken Knowles Suzanne Lancaster Vince Lanzillo Carey Link Mark Magnet Caitlyn Manning Tom Moon Patricia Morea Rebecca Morgan Kathryn Neill Estelle Owen Bernie Parr Sandra Phelps Elizabeth Restey Braelyn Richardson Patrick Riley Hazel Rogers Margaret Roth Katie Ofenloch Sanders Tonya Seabrooke Rosemarie Smith Skip Songy Virginia Stitt Sr. Mary Lou Talmon J.D. Tillman Catherina Tjitra Rose Marie Tolley Kristin Etbauer Wiener Elbra Wilthrow Michael Wilks Ellie Yancey Vanessa Young Edward Zielinski January 31 —Altar Duty Ann Carey & Barbara DeHaye Purificator Laundering January 25 — Gayle Baslock February 1 — Sandy Gerac February 8 — Mary Laska 2 Our Week In Review Monday Jan. 26 Tuesday Jan. 27 RCIA 6:15p PLC St. Vincent dePaul Mtg. 9:30a LIB Pastor al Council Mtg. 6:30p Reminder to all sponsors of Haitian kids at the Notre Dame de la Charite Orphanage - please remember to write a short note to your sponsor child. You can include a family photo. Our next mission team is leaving early February for a busy week of projects and will be taking these letters to all the children. Please send letters to Shelley Corbett, 3021 Augusta Trace Hampton Cove, 35763. Thank you! (We know the kids will enjoy these notes!) Wednesday Cenacle Rosar y 9:00a LIB Jan. 28 Bilingual Mass 7:00p Creedal Theology Adult Ed 7p Rm 1 Thursday That Man is You 6:15a PLC Jan. 29 St.Vincent dePaul Mtg. 7:00p MP Friday First Reconciliation Retreat 6-8:30p Jan. 30 Saturday BASH at VBC Jan. 31 Sunday Blessing of thr oats Feb. 1 Rel. Ed. Classes High School Youth Group 1-3:00 Middle School Youth Group 4-5:30 Christ Renews His Parish, or CRHP (pronounced “chirp”) is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in the Holy Spirit parish community. It is a time to relax, pray, reevaluate priorities, and refresh ourselves spiritually. Does your spiritual life need a boost? Would you like to get to know some of your fellow parishioners? Attend the men’s or women’s retreat that will be hosted right here on the campus of Holy Spirit by Holy Spirit parishioners and clergy. The experience is personal, inspirational, and fulfilling. The atmosphere is casual and you will form friendships that can last a lifetime. To learn more about this incredible free gift, contact Christina Spradlin at 256698-8679 or [email protected]. Men’s retreat is planned for February 21-22. Our Parish News PALMS NEEDED! Ash Wednesday is fast -approaching. Please place your dried palms in the box in the vestibule. Thank you! Parish Meals on Wheels Team Coordinator Needed The Team Coordinator is responsible for scheduling and calling parish volunteer drivers who deliver lunch to local Seniors one Friday a month. The job requires a maximum of five hours monthly. Please contact Jon Duerr at 256-527-4345. Family Vocations Day: Celebrating "The Joy of the Gospel" and the Year of Consecrated Life! Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in Birmingham is hosting a Family Vocation Conference on This is a free event! The whole family is invitedchildren and youngsters to grandparents! Bring your friends and extended family. Conference talks and activities will be given by various Religious Orders serving our diocese as well as Diocesan priests and more! There will be a Talent Show and entertainment! The day includes Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Family Lunch, the Rosary, Confessions, and a Question & Answer session. Registration information is available at www.birminghamvocations.com Our Lady of the Valley is located off of Hwy 119 at 5514 Double Oak Lane, Birmingham, AL 35242. Please contact the Office of Vocations (205) 838-2184. Feb. 12 (Thur.) The Widows & Widowers group will meet for lunch at the Red Lobster Restaurant on University Drive at 1:00 PM. Please call Ann at 256881-0863 for information, reservations or cancellations. Newcomers are always welcome. Join us for fellowship and conversation PARISH BREAKFAST! Sunday, January 25 8:30 am —11:00 am Holy Spirit Church Parish Life Center Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Hash-brown Casserole, Bacon, Sausage and Fruit Cocktail Tickets: $6 per person or $25 for the whole family Sponsored by the Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus Council 764. 3 4 January 7, 2015 My dear Brothers in Christ, We have a unique and wonderful opportunity in this diocese at our 12th Annual Strong Men Strong Faith Catholic Men’s Conference. Our confer ence in Huntsville will be on Sunday, February 15th at Holy Spirit Church. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and concludes at 8:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday is February 18, making this an excellent opportunity for men to prepare for Lent 2015. We have the great pleasure to have with us this year Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers from Portland, Oregon, a highly popular speaker, radio host, and frequent guest on EWTN. Deacon Harold will present in two hours what it means to be a strong man of strong faith in the world today. He is a powerful and passionate evangelist and preacher whose no-nonsense approach to living and proclaiming the Catholic faith is sure to challenge and inspire those who hear him. Deacon Harold travels extensively speaking at conferences, workshops, retreats, parish missions, High schools, and young adult events addressing people of all ages and from all walks of life who desire to know Jesus intimately and enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Him. His areas of expertise include marriage and family life, discerning the will of God, the sacraments, the Church’s vocational choices and how they are lived out, male spirituality, pro-life issues, evangelization, prayer, and many others. Deacon Harold holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a Master of Theological Studies degree from the University of Dallas. This will be a special day for Catholic men, who will share with others what it means to answer the “highest call.” Men will be challenged to explore their own spirituality and renew their commitment to Jesus Christ as strong men of strong faith. I am pleased that a portion of the proceeds from this event will go to the St. John Vianney Residence for Priests. I encourage the women of your parish to send their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers to this event. The pre-event online registration fee is only $10 or $15 at the door on the night of the event. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Baker, S.T.D. Bishop of Birmingham in Alabama 5 National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2015 is January 25 - 31. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2015 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation. United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2013-2014: The Annual Statistical Report Enrollment: Total Catholic school student enrollment for the current academic year is 1,974,578. 1,391,793 in elementary/middle schools; 582,785 in secondary schools Student diversity: 19.8% are racial minorities, 15.0% are Hispanic/Latino and 6.4% were reported as unknown in the racial data collection. Non-Catholic enrollment is 323,542 which is 16.4% of the total enrollment. Schools: There are 6,594 Catholic schools: 5,399 elementary; 1,195 secondary. 42 new schools opened; 133 consolidated or closed. 1,986 schools have a waiting list for admission. The student/teacher ratio is 13:1. Professional Staff: Full-time equivalent professional staff numbered 151,351: 96.8%: Laity (Lay women: 75.1% Lay men: 21.7%) 3.2%: Religious/Clergy (Sisters: 2.2%; Brothers: 0.5%; Clergy: 0.5%) Catholic School Trend Data U. S. Catholic school enrollment reached its peak during the early 1960s when there were more than 5.2 million students in almost thirteen thousand schools across the nation. The 1970s and 1980s saw a steep decline in both the number of schools and students. By 1990, there were approximately 2.5 million students in 8,719 schools. From the mid 1990s though 2000, there was a steady enrollment increase (1.3%) despite continued closings of schools. Pray for our Catholic Schools! 6 We would like to send a HUGE “THANK YOU” to our Corporate Sponsors McCurdy Animal Hospital, Pope John Paul II Catholic High, Ryder Law Firm, Classy Nails, Jerry Damson Honda, Nola | VanPeursem Architects and Iberia Bank. A BIG "THANK YOU" to our Auction Patrons Mr. & Mrs. RJ Sollohub, Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Morgan and Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Damson. We truly appreciate your additional support!! If you would like to be an Auction Patron or Corporate Sponsor please contact us! HOLY SPIRIT REGIONAL SCHOOL BASH The countdown is on . . . BASH is less than two weeks away! ATTENTION ALL BIDDERS!!!! We have some great items coming in! Check some of them out on Facebook at Holy Spirit BASH. This will be updated with more of the recent goodies as they come in so check back periodically! Also, we will start placing a working draft of the “Sloppy Copy” catalog on our webpage soon – check it out at www.holyspiritbash.org! Please make sure to look at our Live Auction items ahead of time and start “war gaming” with friends that may want to go in on packages with you! Hint! Hint! Check us out on Facebook at Holy Spirit BASH. Check out the BASH website at www.holyspiritbash.org. Email the BASH Committee at [email protected]. CASH AND CHECKS ARE HIGHLY DESIRED FOR PAYMENT OPTIONS AT CHECKOUT VERSUS CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS, AS WE GET CHARGED FEES FOR THE USE OF CARDS. PLEASE, IF POSSIBLE, TRY TO PAY WITH CASH OR CHECK. HOWEVER, WE CERTAINLY WILL ACCEPT CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS WITH NO ISSUES. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! Knights of Columbus Council 764 Family Game Night Friday, February 13 - 5:30 to 8:00 pm Holy Spirit's Knights of Columbus Council 764 will host a Family Game Night in the Parish Life Center * Reservations – Get your RSVP cards back into the school or make your reservations online at www.holyspiritbash.org. The early bird always gets the worm, but we will gladly accept reservations from the “late-comers”! Come enjoy family time with other families in the Parish. Bring a game to play or play some of ours. All ages are welcome. We will have an arts & crafts table for those not wanting to play. * Donations – Items for the silent and live auctions are being accepted! You may drop them off at the front office or contact us at [email protected] and we will pick them up. All donations are tax deductible and a tax letter will be provided. It is never too late for a donation! Dinner will be served. Please bring your own drinks and a dessert to share. Register at Sign-up Genius by entering http:// bit.ly/1y1u7t4 in your browser. Feeling lucky? For a donation of $25.00 per raffle ticket, you will have a chance at winning $5000, $2500, $1500, $500 and $500. Raffle tickets can be acquired through a Holy Spirit child, in the Holy Spirit School front office, at the Holy Spirit and Good Shepherd Church front offices, after Mass on certain dates and at the BASH. We have sold approximately 900 raffle tickets – help us to sell a few hundred more so we can reach our ultimate goal of 1400!! Fr. Louis Giardino Bir thday: J an. 20 7 Rite of Sending and Rite of Election for the RCIA Class: “Rite of Sending” for the RCIA Class will take place on Sunday, February 15th at the 9:00 AM Mass. Sponsors are needed for this Rite. We will practice for the Rite of Sending in class on Monday, February 9th from 6:30-8:30 pm. “Rite of Election” with Bishop Baker will take place on Saturday, February 21st. The Bishop will give a talk at 12:30 pm in the Parish Hall. The Rite will take place at 2:00 pm in the Church. Sponsors are needed for this Rite. We will practice for the Rite of Election at our class on Monday, February 16th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Religious Education Tracy Finke 881-0345 [email protected] Next Confirmation Session is February 4th: Our next Confirmation Session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 4th, from 6:00 to 8:30 pm in the school auditorium. Please enter the doors under the veranda in the back parking lot of the school to the left of the gym. Parents, please have your Candidate arrive by 5:50 pm in order to get a drink and a snack and be ready to begin at 6pm. Confirmation Retreat: The Confirmation Retreat will take place the weekend of February 28th/March 1st Saturday and Sunday. The Confirmation Candidates should arrive to the Parish Hall by 6:45 am on Saturday, February 28th. Each Candidate needs to check-in in the Multipurpose Room to the right of the entrance door, turning in all medication at that time. Snacks can be placed in boxes located on the floor of the vestibule. Candidates will return on Sunday, March 1st at approximately 3:00 pm. Please refer to the letter we mailed to parents for more details. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults R C If you are interested in becoming Catholic please contact the Office of Religious EdI ucation and speak with Tracy Finke our A Director 256-881-0345 or email [email protected] “Creedal Theology Adult Ed Class” Wednesday Nights Come discuss the history and theological language behind our Church creeds. Spend 12 sessions moderated by Steve Kirsch with fellow adults discussing the complex historical, philosophical, and theological concepts behind our creeds. We will meet on Wednesday nights (except for holy days) at 7:00 in Mtg. Rm. 1 of the Parish Activity Center (in the school building). There is no cost for this class. This is a follow-up class to the Theological Philosophy given previously and while helpful, it is not required that you to have attended that earlier class. First Reconciliation Retreat: The First Reconciliation Retreat for our second graders is Friday, January 30th from 6:00—8:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. Please arrive to the Parish Hall by about 5:45 in order to sign your child in and help pin his/her name tag on. Leave us a number to contact you if need be and have a fun night! We’ll see you back at 8:30 pm. If you signed up to help with the retreat, we will be in contact very soon. First Reconciliation: First Reconciliation is scheduled for Saturday, February 7th at 10:00 am. Please arrive in the church by 9:50 am and sit wherever you would like (except for any reserved seating). Please remember that we have a First Reconciliation Breakfast for all second gr ader s making First Reconciliation and their families. Be sure that you turn in your ‘Breakfast Reservation Form’ by Sunday, February 1st. Breakfast will begin at 8:30 am and continue until 9:45. You can arrive at whatever time you choose. From the Library… Last month author Scott Hahn (aka Professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH) spoke to a group of Catholics here in Huntsville. His topic concerned Jesus' words, "It is finished." Dr. Hahn explained "it" meant the Passover meal and went on to talk about origins of the Eucharist and beliefs in the early Church. Some of that subject is contained in two of his books, The Lamb's Supper and Consuming the Word - The New Testament and the Eucharist in the Early Church. Both are available for checkout in the Library. So are his book Hail, Holy Queen, and his 80-minute 1994 talk Splendor of the Church on DVD. 8 Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School Youth Activity Lori Lai 256-882-6483 [email protected] 256-881-4852 Website: http://holyspirithsv.com/?page_id=2578 A National BLUE RIBBON School Winner 2013! Applications for 2015-2016 Pre-K class only are now being accepted! Applications are available for Pre-K in the school office. We will need to see and copy your child’s original birth certificate and social security card. We will notify parents when we open re-registration for current students at the beginning of January for grades K-8. If you would like to schedule a tour or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Salvo at [email protected] or 256.881.4852. Thank you. Middle School (6-8th grade): Sundays 4-5:30 PM Jan. 25 (Sun.) No YG due to March for Life Feb. 1 (Sun.) Youth Group High School (9-12th grade): following the 11:45 am Mass from 1 pm to 3pm. Wednesday thru Friday, 3-6:00 PM Youth Room Open to 9th thru 12 graders. Come study or just hang out! Jan. 25 (Sun.) No Youth Group due to March for Life Feb. 1 (Sun.) Youth Group Interested in working with children? Giving back to the school? We are seeking Substitute Teachers! Please call Sondra at 256-881-4852. Saint John Paul II Catholic High School 256-430-1760 www.jp2falcons.org Contact Mrs. Kathleen Tetzlaff, Admissions Dir., to schedule a tour. www.jp2falcons.org/admissions February 13-15: H.S. Retreat - register NOW July 10-12 - (High School) Stuebenville Atlanta July 18 - (High School) Sacred Heart Youth Rally (with Matt Maher!) Youth Mass Dates thru May 2015: Sunday 11:45 AM Masses: February 1, February 15, March 1, March 15, April 19, and May 17 (which is Baccalaureate Mass with luncheon to follow) Interested in being a part of the Mass?? Email us! Catholic TV Mass Time Change Announcement Heart of the Nation's TV Mass for the homebound has moved to 5:30 a.m. on WPXH (ION) channel 44. For cable/satellite channels, check your TV listings for WPXH (ION). Video of the TV Mass available online at www.HeartoftheNation.org. Peer Leadership Meetings: February 12th LISTENING TO JESUS New Parishioners Our Lord said once to St. Teresa: "I would willingly speak to many souls, but the world makes so much noise in their hearts that My Voice Cannot Be Heard." Gustavo & Flor Andrea Gordillo-Garcia 3517 Beaty Rd. 35805 Damaris Antonella Ricardo & Maria Santos-Burgos 845 River Landing Blvd. 35756 Cristobal, Gabriel "Be Silent and Hear Jesus" 9 COMMUNITY NEWS Natural Family Planning Class The Couple to Couple League (CCL) will teach a class in Natural Family Planning (NFP) in a 3-part series February 5, March 5, and April 9 at 5:15pm at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison in the All-purpose Room. CCL teaches the SymptoThermal Method of NFP, which relies on each woman’s day-to-day observations of her own body and is 99.6% effective in postponing pregnancy. Register online at www.ccli.org. For more information, contact Chris & Alison Protz, CCL Teaching Couple, at [email protected] or 256-520-3874. Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country” AHG Mission American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character development scouting program for girls ages 5 - 18. Our troop, AL7361, meets on Sunday afternoons twice a month. For more information: [email protected] | http://www.ahg-al7361.org http://www.ahgonline.org Expecting or recently had a baby? Natural Family Planning is still effective postpartum! The Couple to Couple League (CCL) will offer a postpartum class on May 7, 2015 at 5:15pm at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison in the All-purpose Room. Register online at www.ccli.org. A main-series NFP class is a pre-requisite for the postpartum class. Registration for the main-series class in Feb/Mar/Apr is also currently available. For more information, contact Chris & Alison Protz, CCL Teaching Couple, at [email protected] or 256-520-3874. “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” Cub Scout Pack 361 Cub Scouting is for boys in the 1st – 5th grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Meets every 1st Tuesday evening at 6:30pm Holy Spirit School Auditorium http://hspack361.com/ POC Desir ee Walker , Cubmaster (256)-797-4088 [email protected] Catholic Family Services 1010 Church Street, Huntsville offers quality Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy to all ages in a Christian setting. Sliding scale, affordable rates without insurance filing. Free pregnancy counseling. Licensed therapists with 30 years’ experience. Contact Michele Rivard, LCSW, PIP, Regional Director, [email protected], (256) 536-0073. Perpetual Adoration Chapel The following hours are open: Thursday: 1 am Friday: 1 pm Saturday: 3 am and 10 pm For more information, to schedule an hour, or to obtain the keypad code for late night/ early morning entry, contact one of the following Chapel Committee members: Bob Dineen, 256-880-0221, Pete Robert, 256-882-0033, Malen Colberg, (Spanish) 256-650-5194 or Maritza Holland (Spanish) 808-551-2901. Princess Cruises 2015 Annunciation of the Lord parish in Decatur is forming a group interested in cruising the Panama Canal in November 2015. If you are interested in receiving more information, please call Sister Teresa Walsh at 256-353-2667 or email [email protected] Did you find the needle? Jan. 18— pg. 3 in the Ladies’ Auxiliary logo Somewhere in this Bulletin a needle is hiding. It could be in any orientation, on any page, anywhere. See if you can find it! 10 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. his Summa Theologiae. When asked why he did not complete it, he replied, “I cannot go on.... All that I have written seems to me like so much straw compared to what I have seen and what has been revealed to me.” Aquinas’ modesty offers a good example to the rest of us. Our greatest accomplishments pale in comparison to the majesty of God. TODAY’S READINGS: Hebrews 10:11-18; Mark 4:1-20 (319). “How will you understand any of the parables?” THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 Today’s lesson is character Some skills can be developed later in life. You can take a course or read a book and open doors to new ideas. But building character starts on the ground floor in childhood. Early American bishops noted that the three great educational arenas are the home, the church, and the school— all of which shape souls and societies. If “the principles of religion animate and direct” the young, they will be prepared to launch out “on the dangerous sea of life,” an 1884 U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter declared. Give financial and volunteer support to Catholic education. TODAY’S READINGS: Hebrews 10:19-25; Mark 4:21 -25 (320). “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket . . . and not to be placed on a lamp stand?” FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 Free up some space for God It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of life. There are so many places to be and things to do. Sometimes you just need to pause and reevaluate what’s most important. In some cases, this means giving up the worries and anxieties that add to the frenetic pace of life, making space so you can cherish all that you’ve been given. Faith flourishes when you make room for it. How are you being invited to make space for God in your life today? There’s no end to the goodness God offers, you simply need to be free to receive it. TODAY’S READINGS: Hebrews 10:32-39; Mark 4:26 -34 (321). “To what shall we compare the Kingdom of God?” SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 FEAST OF JOHN BOSCO, PRIEST, RELIGIOUS FOUNDER More honey, less vinegar Saint John Bosco believed in the potential of young people, especially ones at risk, and he was ahead of his time when it came to educating them. He believed love, not punishment, was the way to help. Ordained in Italy in 1841, he worked with juvenile delinquents and other disadvantaged kids and developed a revolutionary teaching method. “Everything and everyone is won by the sweetness of our words and works,” he said. It’s easy to forget this advice when young people test your patience, but wise to remember if you want to effectively get through to them. TODAY’S READINGS: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19; Mark 4:35-41 (322). “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK BEGINS Catholics schools, our legacy of love It’s easy to undervalue what you’ve always had. Take Catholic schools: We hardly remember the 19th-century U.S. bishops who fought to open schools, one diocese at a time. “First, the school; then the church,” advised a bishop to his priests breaking ground in a new parish. The school manifesto arrived in the U.S. Bishops’ 1884 Pastoral Letter: “Popular education has always been a chief object of the Church’s care; in fact, it is not too much to say that the history of civilization and education is the history of the Church’s work.” Celebrate Catholic Schools Week! TODAY’S READINGS: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-32; Mark 1:14-20 (68). “Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ ” MONDAY, JANUARY 26 FEAST OF TIMOTHY AND TITUS, BISHOPS Good leaders share the wealth When learning is the property of the elite, the center doesn’t hold. Wise leaders take care to distribute the educational advantage. Nineteenth-century leaders of the American church realized it wasn’t enough to build seminaries to educate clergy. “In days like ours . . . everyone needs to be as completely armed as possible with sound knowledge, not only the clergy, but the people also,” an 1884 Pastoral Letter counseled. “In the great coming battle between . . . faith and agnosticism, an important part of the fray must be borne by the laity.” Our children are the church’s future. TODAY’S READINGS: 2 Timothy 1:1-8 OR Titus 1:15; Mark 3:22-30 (317; Gospel 520). “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 FEAST OF ANGELA MERICI, VIRGIN, RELIGIOUS FOUNDER Thrive and shine! Angela Merici was a woman of faith and action. In 1535, she established a company of women devoted to serving Christ. Although it was customary at the time for consecrated women to be in the cloister, separated from the world, these women remained in the world. This new way of life lived by the Company of Saint Ursula thrived. Angela didn’t set out to be a pioneer but to follow God’s calling, wherever it led. In the spirit of Saint Angela, how will you respond to God’s call? TODAY’S READINGS: Hebrews 10:1-10; Mark 3:3135 (318). “Behold, I come to do your will, O God.” WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 FEAST OF THOMAS AQUINAS, PRIEST, RELIGIOUS, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH Theology is a humbling experience Though Thomas Aquinas is considered the greatest of theologians, he himself had a more modest appraisal of his work. Shortly before his death he stopped working on ©2014 by TrueQuest Communications. 11 MARRIAGE Arrangements for weddings must be made six months in advance with our priests. A Marriage Preparation Class is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick and/or the Eucharist please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Contact parish office prior to hospitalization, surgery or during illness. Baptism Preparation Class For parents and godparents, February 11 —7:00 PM in the Multi Purpose Room of the Parish Life Center. Please call the parish office to make a reservation so we can plan for you! 256-881-4781 “0” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #764 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Brian Lagasse Tim Karigan 650-5515 883-4325 Parish Ministries & Contact Persons ADMINISTRATIVE Adopt-A-Plot Communications Data Entry Money Counters Pastoral Council Print Shop & Mailing Ava Joly Michael Rafferty Joe Hodges Pat Carrigan Jon Hollihan Hugo Jenrath PARISH LIFE 883-0016 539-2165 880-0211 882-1911 882-2666 881-4781 Bookstore Jeanne King 881-1385 Holy Spirit Travel Club Sandy Wells ext. 3661 880-9140 Hospitality Committee Debra Kibler 714-3468 Nursery Beth Jerman 270-4645 Parish Life Center Library Dexter Nilsson 881-6366 Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist Bob Dineen 880-0221 Pete Robert 882-0033 Malen Colberg (Spanish) 650-5194 Maritza Holland(Spanish) 808-551-2901 Jason Poyer 881-1526 Widowed Group Hugo Jenrath 682-1694 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Ann Digesu 881-0863 Pat Scroggins 881-9228 COMMUNITY Beginning Experience Voice Mail 837-8375 Catholic Family Services 1010 Church Street 536-0073 Catholic Women of the Diocese of Birmingham Carol Chapuran 882-0655 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Christina Spradlin 698-8679 Cursillo in Christianity Bob McCoy 532-1991 Interfaith Mission Service Ken Knowles 533-5913 KAIROS Prison Ministry Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Knights of Columbus #764 http:/www.kofc764.com Ladies’ Auxiliary Cindy Adams 682-7508 Meals on Wheels Jonathan Duerr 489-9469 Our Lady’s Prayer Group Debbie Cvitan 881-3874 Pro-Life Gisela Dyer 885-1786 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult Education & Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA Tracy Finke 881-0345 Faith Formation - Ages 3 thru grade 12 Tracy Finke 881-0345 Focus Kyle Becher ext. 220 881-4781 Vacation Bible School Tracy Finke 881-0345 HISPANIC OFFICE Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Maria Jose Bonilla 881-4781 ext. 225 Secretary Martha Barragan 881-2211 SOCIAL JUSTICE Haiti Parish Twinning Program Bob McCoy Habitat for Humanity Marianne Higgins MUSIC Adult Choirs St. Cecilia Choir and St. Gregory Youth Choir St. Nicholas Choir Youth Mass Ensemble Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Dr. Rebecca Whited 1-256-620-7925 [email protected] Joni Boulet 519-2993 Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Michael Sudnik 604-3374 [email protected] Society of St.Vincent DePaul Jason Poyer 881-1526 Stephen Ministry Kathy Heckman 489-7389 LITURGY Altar Guild Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Linens Sacristans Wedding Coordinator Helen McBride Tracy Finke Lynne Greco Vicki Pape Connie Beveridge Pat Osborn Mary Walker ext. 0 361-0473 881-0345 882-0888 883-0835 882-3414 880-9765 881-4781 YOUTH Boy Scouts Cub Scouts American Heritage Girls Youth Ministry HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Fr. Michael Mac Mahon Fr. Vincent Bresowar Anne Vasile Tracy Finke Religious Ed (School) 216 217 219 223 249 532-1991 653-1843 Deacon Mike Sudnik Kyle Becher Judy Rebman Hugo Jenrath Disaster Relief 12 212 220 224 211 232 Pat Tobbe Desiree Walker Anella Brolliar Lori Lai 883-9045 797-4088 [email protected] 882-6483 881-4781 + extension Nursery Bookstore Martha Barragan Maria Jose Bonilla 235 215 251 225
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