HOLY NAME PARISH PASTOR - Fr. Mario Basque 2223 - 34 Street SW Calgary, AB T3E 2W2 Phone: 403 249-7764 Fax: 403 249-9952 Charity No.: 107909939RR0013 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 We should never sit in the house of God as strangers. Did you remember to say hello to someone today? HOLY PEOPLE, HOLY PLACES Call 403 265-1199 for Evan J Strong Zoe’s store Hair Design By 1403 14 Street Sw 403 398-7544 Why shop at Zoe’s ? GOLDIE 1935 37 Street SW Your community denturist, call Curtis at 403 228-5311 1. recycle, re-use, reduce 2. respect the environment 3. Supports our Community Phone : 403 246-2626 Bay 2, 3711 17 Avenue SW Open: Monday - Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM * donations welcome during business hours* WEST FLOORING & RENO LTD. Rent this space for only $10.00 per week! ~Quality First~ ALL KIND OF FLOORING FOR ALL KIND OF BUDGET PLEASE CALL AND VISIT OUR SHOWROOM @ # 13- 4703 BOWNESS ROAD NW CALGARY TONY LANDSCAPING *Power Raking * Aerating *Weekly and Vacation Cutting * Spring and Fall Clean-Ups * Pruning * Fertilizing * Lawn Maintenance Free Estimates * Satisfaction Guaranteed Please call Tony Tieu cell: 560-9136 Ph. 403.288.6300 Cell.403.397.7365 Rent this space for only $10.00 per week! BASEMENT DEVELOPMENT & BATHROOM RENOVATION BY EUOROPIAN KRAFSTMAN ~ LICENCED ~ BONDED ~ INSURED ~ To advertise in this Bulletin please contact the Parish Office. Today the Church celebrates the dedication of the Lateran Basilica – the cathedral church for the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. In celebrating a house of prayer, we are celebrating the place where God wishes to dwell: the people he calls his own, his living temple. As Saint Caesarius of Arles said on this feast long ago, “whenever we come to church, we must prepare our hearts to be as beautiful as we expect this church to be. Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean? Then do not soil your soul with the filth of sins. Do you wish this basilica to be full of light? God too wishes that your soul be not in darkness, but that the light of good works shine in us.” We who believe in Jesus are responsible for being holy places where others will find God. But we are also church, a community of believers who are to offer a collective witness of integrity, justice, mercy and love to all the world. We are a voice that speaks out for what is right, defends the dignity of the poor and disadvantaged, and prays to God for guidance. When he was offering his congregation a vision of the church, Henry Ward Beecher said, “Some churches are like lighthouses, built of stone, so strong that the thunder of the sea cannot move them – with no light at the top. That which is the light of the world in the Church is not its largeness, or its services celebrated with pomp and beauty, nor its music, nor the influences in it that touch the taste or instruct the understanding: it is the Christ likeness of its individual members.” DIOCESE ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Mary’s High School Join us for and Information and Open House on Wednesday, November 19, 7-9 PM. Now accepting applications for all programs: Regular Education, International Baccalaureate and Extended French. Calgary Catholic Charismatic Renewal Society Holy Spirit Vigil on Saturday, November 22, 7:30 PM at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish (1714-14 Avenue NE). For info: 403 276 1689 or 403 667 0637. Catholic Pastoral Centre Library The library is open to everyone. Find books, CDs, DVDs to support your parish, family or individual spiritual journey. Email [email protected]. www.holynameparish.org Pastor - Fr. Mario Basque [email protected] Deacon - Rev. Mr. Danial Plamondon [email protected] Pastoral Assistant - Cindy Senft [email protected] Secretary - Marlene Paley [email protected] Finance - Monica Micallef [email protected] PARISH SCHEDULE Weekday Masses: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 AM Rosary 8:35 AM and Thursday at Sarcee 10:30 AM Sunday Masses: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM FaithLife: Stewardship Forum on Faith Sainthood in the Catholic Church is a description of someone being recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness but what does that mean for us as a Catholic today? To find out, attend FaithLife Session 13, OH, WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN on Friday, November 14, 7-9 PM at St. Cecilia’s Parish. CONTACTS VETERAN’S FOOD DRIVE CWL is asking for non-perishable food to be donated to the Veteran’s Food Bank. Please bring your donations on November 9 or 16 and place in the bin marked “Veterans Food Bank” located in the gathering area. Thank you for your support. Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 PM Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon & 1:00 - 4:00 PM Please submit all items for the bulletin to the Parish Secretary by noon on Wednesday. MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptisms The next Baptism Preparation class is Monday, November 24, 7 PM. All parents who have children up to 12 years old are welcome. Call the Parish Office to register. We welcome into our faith community those who received the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Mateo Bonilla, Lucy Goodwin and Sydnie Houle. Rosary Everyone is invited to pray the rosary Tuesday – Friday at 8:30 AM and join us for Rosary night on Monday, November 17, 7 PM in the church. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration is on Friday, December 5 from 9:30 AM to noon. The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended so we are asking parishioners who can commit some time to sign up on the sheet at the Church entrance. Everyone is most welcome. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS READINGS November 9 – Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ezekiel 47.1-2, 8-9, 12 I saw water flowing from the temple and all to whom that water came were saved. 1 Corinthians 3.9b-11, 16-17 You are God’s temple. John 2.13-22 Jesus was speaking about the temple of his body. November 16 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 31.10-13, 16-18, 20, 26, 28-31 She works with willing hands. 1 Thessalonians 5.1-6 Do not let the day of the Lord surprise you like a thief. Matthew 25.14-30 You have been trustworthy in a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Catholic Women’s League A Memorial Mass for deceased members of the CWL will be held on Remembrance Day, November 11, 9 AM. Breakfast to follow in the Parish Hall. CWL 60th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, November 15 Last chance to attend! A delicious dinner prepared by ROMA Catering will be served after the 5 PM Mass and Installation of Officers. All ladies and their guests are welcome. Tickets cost $40, and can be purchased at the entrance to the Church after each Mass this weekend, or from the Church Office this Monday (the deadline). Sorry, no tickets will be available at the door. The 8th Annual Women's Advent Retreat, sponsored by Diocesan CWL, will take place here on Saturday, November 29, 9 AM to 3:30 PM. The presenter is Fr. Gilles LeBlanc, speaking on “We have seen the Lord!” The cost, including lunch, is $20, payable to CWL Calgary Diocesan Council. Please pick up a registration form from the table near the entrance to the church. This can be dropped off, along with your cheque, in the collection basket. Contact Sheila Godin at 403 242 3739 or [email protected] for further information. All ladies of the diocese are welcome to take advantage of this opportunity for prayer, personal reflection and dialogue. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Those who are in need healing and comfort: Mary Carter Christian Cruz Georgette Djan Krista Dow Myrtle Fletcher Catherine Hemsing Jim Heuberger Bill Jackson Ted Jova Margaret Kampel Neve Knapp Claire Laffin Helen Louisy Rita McNabb And those who have died: Toni Huitema and Theresa Geddes. Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus are selling the new Sunday Missals for $5 each after all weekend Masses. There is also a children’s version available for $5. Knights of Columbus, Holy Name assembly, is hosting a 4th Degree exemplification on Saturday, November 22. Contribution Envelopes The 2015 contribution envelopes will be available for pick up in the next few weeks. If you do not have contribution envelopes, but would like to be assigned a set, please complete the parish registration form. Be sure to indicate contribution envelopes on the form. The completed forms can be dropped into the collection basket. Mady McNulty Victor Mendonsa Ron Semenoff Bill Sierolawski Peggy Simpson Brian & Paquita Skitch Joyce Taylor Andrea Dias Vachon Gerard van der Heiden Oscar & Natalia Viray Moyra Walton OFFERINGS November 2, 2014 Parish Support Building Fund Holy Name Cares Together in Action World Mission Sunday Building Fund - October 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,271.83 6,652.18 427.00 1,165.00 20.00 13,294.10 Each month we require a minimum of $25,000 to be donated to the Building Fund to meet our monthly Line of Credit payment. Welcoming Committee...Newly registered parishioners – please check the table in the Gathering Area for your welcoming package. Book of Life Everyone is encouraged to write the names of deceased family and friends you want prayed in the “Book of Life” and prayers will be offered during the month of November. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION "You know neither the day nor the hour." (Matthew 25.13) Stewardship is not something we do only on Sunday or only in the church. To practice discipleship we must cultivate a disposition of stewardship at all times so that whenever the bridegroom arrives, whether on Wednesday, in a parking lot, while we are at work, or at play, we will be ready to meet Him. Catholic Education Sunday Today we celebrate Catholic Education Sunday, in recognition of the wonderful work taking place throughout the province in our Catholic schools. A special collection will be taken, which provides you with an opportunity to support Catholic education in our community and to ensure the continued success of our Catholic schools. Our Catechism of the Catholic Church states that faith is a gift we receive from family and community, a gift nurtured by those around us and as receivers of faith we are called to hand it on to others. Your generous donation will support students through the Calgary Catholic Education Foundation and St. Mary’s University College as well as the seminarians at Newman College. With almost 52,000 students attending our Catholic schools the needs are many! For each one of these students who have touched your life please consider a donation of $5 per child. On behalf of Calgary Catholic students we thank you in advance for your generosity and support. HOLY MASS INTENTIONS November 8 - 16, 2014 Saturday Nov 8 5 PM RIP Con McGinnis Sunday Nov 9 9 AM RIP Martin Galvon 11 AM RIP Maria Duque Tuesday Nov 11 9 AM RIP CWL Deceased Members Wednesday Nov 12 9 AM RIP Deis Valentine Thursday Nov 13 9 AM RIP Joseph Ewert Friday Nov 14 9 AM RIP Jenny Taverna Saturday Nov 15 5 PM Sunday Nov 16 9 AM RIP Peter Bilnoski Sr. SI CWL 60th Anniversary 11 AM RIP Peggy Murdock HOLY NAME CARES The Diocesan goal for the Together in Action campaign is to raise $2,000,000 and Holy Name’s share is $44,774. To date we have raised $40,911 contributed by 133 parishioners. We have less than $4,000 to go! Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help reach our goal by December 31. Any excess funds received will be allocated to the Holy Name Parish Building Fund. We have begun the Christmas Hamper Program here at Holy Name. The pillars in the Gathering Area are adorned with banners on which the Christmas gift tags are displayed. Gift tags are organized by age category. If you take a tag, please bring a new, unwrapped gift to the church by December 7. A Christmas Hamper Program information sheet is available in the Gathering Area. It offers a variety of suggestions on how you can become involved or contribute to the program. Keep informed through the bulletin, pre-Mass power point or online at www.holynameparish.org! DEVELOPMENT & PEACE What can Canadians do to Address Global Hunger? There are close to one billion – one in eight – people who suffer from hunger in the world. Pope Francis has called this a global scandal and calls us to question the status quo. Development and Peace is continuing to respond to the Pope’s call to action with its new campaign Sow much Love. How can Canadians address Global Hunger? Food experts agree that the solution to hunger is supporting local farmers and their access to seeds. Today more than 50% of the global seed market is controlled by three companies who have been engineering genetically modified (GM) seeds which are patented. Increasing corporate control of seeds is making it difficult for small family farmers to have access to seeds. Our buying habits can have a powerful impact. As part of the one global family we can show our support through how we consume. Here are some simple changes that you can make that will have an impact. 1) Support small family farmers by buying locally grown produce when in season. 2) Purchase fair-trade products. 3) Buy organic foods. They are GMO-free. 4) Signing the D&P Petition that will be available after next Sunday’s Mass. We can make a difference!
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