For more information please contact: Tel: +44 1892 839200 e-mail

Day One: 29th June 2015
Day Two - 30th June 2015
0730 - 0930 Registration & breakfast in Sheraton Skyline Hotel,
London Heathrow
0800 - 0930 Breakfast in Sheraton Skyline Hotel
0930 - 0945 Chairman’s welcome
0945 - 1045 Conference Presentations, open debate & Q & A
• Learning from other industries
0930 - 0940 Chairman’s introduction to day two
0940 - 1000 Aircraft Ground Damage Data Analysis
What we already know or what we need to know more of?
• Human Factors
1000 - 1115 Open debate and discussion based on the ramp
turnaround film and demonstrations
1045 - 1130 Coffee break & networking
1115 - 1140 Coffee break & networking
• The real world on the ramp – understanding the work and the
• Interactive open debate on current working conditions on the
ramp and how to improve them
1140 - 1205 Open debate and discussion based on the ramp
turnaround film and demonstrations - Conclusions
1230 - 1245 Morning wrap-up
• Q & A and morning wrap-up
1245 - 1400 Lunch & networking
1300 - 1400 Lunch & networking
1400 - 1600 Visit to London Heathrow Airport
1400 - 1430 Bus transfer to airside, London Heathrow airport
1600 Close of the event. Bus transfer to LHR Terminals
1400 - 1700 Live turnaround filming and safety
demonstrations on the ramp
1730 - 1745 Bus transfer to Sheraton Skyline Hotel
1745 - 1930 At delegates’ leisure
1930 - 2200 Delegate Gala Dinner
For more information please contact:
Tel: +44 1892 839200 e-mail: [email protected]