St. Francis Xavier CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 XAVIER CIRCLE • BIRMINGHAM, AL 35213 205-871-1153 • Fax: 205-871- 9831 January 25, 2015 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Robert Sullivan, Pastor Rev. John McDonald, Associate Pastor Very Rev. Gregory Bittner, J.C.L., In Residence OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday ............ 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday ................................. 8:00 am to 12 Noon LITURGICAL SCHEDULE MASS TIMES Monday ............................... 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Tuesday ................................................. 8:00 am Wednesday ........... 6:30 am, 8:00 am & 5:30 pm (except Wed/Sept—May/9:00 am) Thursday ............................. 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Friday .................................................... 8:00 am Saturday ................................................ 4:30 pm Sunday................ 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm MISA EN ESPAÑOL Martes ................................................... 7:00 pm Domingo ............................................... 1:00 pm HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Check the bulletin for Mass times. MEMORIAL MASS First Thursday ....................................... 5:30 pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday ............................ 8:30 am–6:00 pm First Tuesday ........ 7:30 pm–8:30 pm in Spanish SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday ......... 3:30–4:15 pm or by appointment BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Contact the parish office to register. MARRIAGE A six month preparation is required. Contact the parish office to speak to the priest to begin the process. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All families and individuals are welcome at St. Francis Xavier Church. Parish registration forms are located in the vestibule of the church, the Parish Office, or on our website. MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith family of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by Prayer, Sacraments and the Word, are pilgrim people striving to become faithful and committed followers of Jesus Christ. In response to our Gospel call, we seek to be a viable and welcoming community which ministers to the People of God through responsible stewardship of our time, talent and treasure. Adopted by the Pastoral Council ~ January 23, 2006 PAGE 2 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA PASTOR’S PAGE A LETTER FROM FATHER THIS WEEK Today the readings are fraught with a sense of urgency and immediacy in regards to our call to conversion. Jonah, having been sent by God to the people of Ninevah, informed its inhabitants that they had forty days to repent of their sins and reorient their lives toward God. In his correspondence with the Corinthians, Paul urged that they make their best possible use of the time they had to bring their words and works into conformity with the ways and will of God. In the gospel, Mark presents Jesus appearing in Galilee to proclaim the imminence of the reign of God and to call the world to repentance and belief. Sunday, January 25 PSR/CLW Catholic Schools Week 9:45 am First Eucharist Workshop/PH 9:45 am Adult Education/MR 10:00 am Choir Warm-up/CP 11:00 am Catecismo/JR-SA 6:30 pm High School Youth/YR In calling the first disciples, Jesus indicated that their response to him would also necessitate a prompt reorientation of their lives. “They immediately abandoned their nets and became his followers…I will make you fishers of men.” We are reminded that God calls each of us to conversion and that this call should be answered promptly and with a willingness to change – to grow and to become more truer images of the God in whose likeness we were created. Monday, January 26 6:30 pm Bible Study/MR 6:30 pm Middle School Youth/PH 7:00 pm HM Prayer Group/CP We, then, must examine the quality of our response to God and the authenticity of our attempts at conversion. In our hearts, how have we responded to the call of God? Have we been willing to reorient our lives in response to His call and His Gospel? Have we sought to conform our lives to the Gospel, or have we conformed the Gospel to our lives? Simon, Andrew, James and John were called away from their families and from their maritime livelihood to follow Christ and they willingly left all to embrace Him and His message. The people of Ninevah were given forty days and they fasted and did penance for their sins. If we were given forty days to reorient our lives, how would we proceed? Some of us might use that time as an extended period of intense introspection and prayer. Some of us could break a few bad habits and adopt a few good ones. Some may use that time to mend those relationships that have “cooled” because of pride, selfishness or stubbornness. Some of us may even be as bold as to jettison an old grudge and to let go of those feelings of anger and resentment that alienate us form each other. Although forty days might not be sufficient time to completely unlearn and uproot a deep-seated prejudice, it should be ample time to honestly admit to the injustice and to begin to do something about it. Some of us might use our forty days of turning back to God by turning our care and attention toward the poor, needy, and neglected of society. Some of us might resolve to become “full-time” Catholics whose every word, work, choice and decision bear living witness to the faith we profess as opposed to “part-time” Catholics whose Sunday experience of prayer and worship does not “spill over” into or affect the rest of the week. As we seek to inculcate the message of the Gospel into our lives, we must recognize the immediate need of conversion. We must be willing to respond to the call of God as the first disciples did and be willing to transform our hearts, our minds and our souls. Unlike the people of Ninevah, we may not have forty days, therefore we must begin today. In Christ’s Love, Tuesday, January 27 8:30 am Women’s Fellowship/JR 10:00 am School Choir/CH 3:30 pm Children’s Choir/CH 5:30 pm ELC Advisory Board/OCR 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus/JR Wednesday, January 28 7:00 am Men’s Fellowship/JR 5:30 pm Children’s Ministry/MPR 7:00 pm Choir Practice/CH 7:00 pm RCIA/JR Thursday, January 29 6:15 pm Bible Study/JR 7:00 pm Xavier Singers/CH Friday, January 30 8:30 am Rosary/CP 6:00 pm Kid’s Night Out/PH Saturday, January 31 Food Drive / Hospitality Weekend 8:30 am Flower Guild/CH 10:00 am Bible Study/MR Sunday, February 1 Food Drive / Hospitality Weekend PSR/CLW 9:45 am Ladies Sodality Meeting/BR 9:45 am Adult Education/MR 10:00 am Choir Warm-up/CP 11:00 am Catecismo/JR-SA 11:00 am HM Baptism Preparation/MR 6:30 pm High School Youth/YR PAGE 3 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • JANUARY 25, 2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER PRAYERS FOR THE SICK MASS INTENTIONS LEGACY GIVING Eneida Brookings, Winifred Butler, Jane Byrne, Maggie Carey, Richard Choat, Ann Coley, Emily Cusimano, Bob Doody, John Douglas, Steven Earwood, Jack Garner, Katie Golden, Claudia Guarino, Mary Jo Hamre, Jim Handerhan, Dewey Hardeman, Celeste Hayden, Matt Hebert, Mimi Heebe, Patricia Hefner, Christopher Johnson, Nathan Krauss, Nicolina Koch, Sherrill Lackey, Marilyn Left, Joe Mangina, Mary Mangina, Matthew Mangina, Jeanette Martinson, Shay McNamee, Mary Nappi, Mary Rogers Owings, Charles Partridge, Bryan Peralta, Bill Perrell, Pat Perrell, Joann Piazza, Sharla Pittman, Millie Ray, Lisa Sanders, Lourdes Santiago, Debbie Sawyer, Rick Schmid, Sarah Shahid, Annie Smeraglia, Fe Smith, Denise Solsrud, Helene Thacker, Peggy Trechsel, Nick Valencia, Joel Welker, Lee Wright, Virginia Zicarelli, Joe Zyne, Mary Zyne Monday, January 26 8:00 am—Sr. Mary Stella Williams, OSB (RIP) 5:30 pm—Evelyn Smiley (RIP) Ensure the future of St. Francis Xavier Church and School. Please remember the church and school in your will and let us know when you do. For more information on Legacy Giving options, please speak with Fr. Bob Sullivan. PRAYERS FOR OUR BELOVED DECEASED Mary Catherine Gustin, sister of Sonny Ferguson James Coiro, brother of Kathy Coiro Mary Evelyn Hunt, mother of Vickey Williams Esther Bulgarella, mother-in-law of Myrna Bulgarella and grandmother of Lisa Bowker and Joe Bulgarella FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR IN MEMORY OF Matt Byrne By His Loving Family Tuesday, January 27 8:00 am—Sam & Lena Vacarella (RIP) 7:00 pm—Brenda Bullock (INT) Wednesday, January 28 6:30 am—Lynn Michalik (RIP) 9:00 am—Ann Olney (RIP) 5:30 pm—Ronald Harris (RIP) Thursday, January 29 8:00 am—Carolyn Robinson (RIP) 5:30 pm—Billie Smith, Sr. (RIP) Friday, January 30 8:00 am—Billie Smith, Jr. (INT) Saturday, January 31 4:30 pm—Agnes Nguyen (INT) Sunday, February 1 8:30 am—Meghan Miranda (RIP) 11:00 am—Arthur Sharbel (RIP) 1:00 pm—For the Parish 5:00 pm—Robert Berdahl (RIP) MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS We will remember our loved ones who died last month and all whose anniversary of death is in January at 5:30pm Mass on Thursday, February 5, in the Chapel. At this monthly Memorial Mass, you are invited to light a candle in memory of your deceased relative or friend, and write their name in the Memorial Book. THE MAGIS FUND In the Spring of 2013, the Magis Fund was established to strengthen the continuance of Catholic education for families at St. Francis Xavier School. The Magis Fund assists those families and students, outside the normal financial aid process, who, due to change in circumstances beyond their control, are presented with an emergency need for financial assistance. The Fund provides financial assistance for students whose circumstances might otherwise force them to leave our school and lose the support of a caring, loving and Christian environment. Interested individuals are encouraged to donate to this important fund by calling the church office at 871-1153. ONLINE GIVING St. Francis Xavier offers Online Giving for parishioners who like to make donations electronically. Online Giving is a secure and personalized way to give to the Parish. Online Giving can stand on its own as a means of donation or can be used in conjunction with your offering envelopes. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at STEWARDSHIP “How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” —Psalm 116 January 18th ~ $17,240 PAGE 4 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA PARISH EVENTS DIOCESAN NEWS FAMILY VOCATIONS DAY Celebrating "The Joy of the Gospel" and the Year of Consecrated Life! Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in Birmingham is hosting a Family Vocation Conference on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9—3pm. It is a free event! The whole family is invited- children, youngsters to grandparents! Conference talks and activities will be given by various Religious Orders serving our diocese as well as Diocesan priests and more! There will be a Talent Show and entertainment! The day includes Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Family Lunch, the Rosary, Confessions, and a Question & Answer session. Registration information is available at Our Lady of the Valley is located off of Hwy 119 at 5514 Double Oak Lane, Birmingham, AL 35242. For more information, call (205) 838-2184. THE BENEDICTINE SISTERS RETREAT PRESENTS A Lenten Journey: Exploring the Writings and Reflections of Pope Francis, February 20 - 22, 2015. This retreat will include reflections on the Pope's life, his writings, and a particular vision which he lives out in a practical way from day to day. How will you be moved during this Lenten season to help transform the face of the worldwide Church? Retreat Director: Fr. Frank Muscolino, Priest of the Diocese of Birmingham Cost: Private Room $210; Shared Room $185/ person (meals, linens, lodging, and program included). For more info: contact the retreat center 256-739-8302. GALA TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND Mardi Gras Gala tickets will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. Tickets are $30 each which includes food, one drink ticket and $500 of play money. New this year is the SFX Sweepstakes. You can buy a $20 Sweepstakes ticket for a chance to win $1500. The winner will be drawn at the end of the Gala and you do not have to be present to win. This is a great way to support this event if you are unable to attend. THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be with us at all the Masses to seek our financial support for their ministry to the elderly poor. The sisters are committed to welcoming the needy elderly, regardless of race, nationality or religion. They welcome the Elderly Poor into their Home as Christ Himself and serve them with love and respect until God calls them to Himself. Our generosity will be deeply appreciated. ST. ANNE’S BAND MINISTRY Calling all families with young children! Please Join us Wednesday, February 4th at 3:30 PM in the Joseph Room. We will be decorating Valentine's Day cards to send to our homebound parishioners. All materials will be provided. Just come with your family & join in the fun & fellowship! Hope to see you there! WORLD DAY OF THE SICK A Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be held on the World Day of the Sick, Wednesday, February 11, at 5:30 p.m. in the Church. Special prayers will be offered for caregivers and all healthcare professionals. Homilist is Father John McDonald, and guest speaker is parishioner Brad Hawley. TIME AWAY NOTICES Liturgical Ministers, it is time to prepare the schedule for Ash Wednesday 2015 through May 2015. Blank Time Away Notices have been emailed or mailed; extra copies are available in the Lay Sacristy and on the Information Center in the church vestibule. Time Away Notices should be returned to Molly Knerl in the Parish Office no later than February 4th. Thank you. MEALS ON WHEELS Can you give an hour of your time one day each month? We are in need of volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. If you can help and volunteer with this important ministry, please call Marlyss Giles at 868-3607 or email at [email protected] SENIOR ACTIVITY DAY Extra volunteers are needed to assist with our monthly Senior Activity Day in the parish hall. If you can help occasionally or regularly, please contact the parish office (871-1153) or Sister Sara (803-5414). 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • JANUARY 25, 2015 PAGE 5 DIOCESAN NEWS EWTN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Full Time Travel/Administrative Coordinator. Must have HS diploma, prefer undergraduate degree in Business. Minimum 3 years’ office experience; adept with Microsoft Office Suite. Excellent communication & organization skills, detail oriented; basic accounting/budgeting knowledge. Valid AL driver’s license. Candidate will coordinate logistics for guests including travel, transportation, and housing. Serve as a liaison with Finance/Accounting and provide reporting assistance to the COO. Send cover letter & resume to [email protected]. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PRAYER Pope Francis has asked all Catholics worldwide to use the months ahead as a time of preparation & prayer for the World Meeting of Families to be held in Philadelphia, September, 2015: Full Time Custodian / Housekeeping. Must have HS diploma or GED; minimum 1 year experience in custodial, housekeeping maintenance. Ability to operate buffers & lift 25lbs or more. Valid AL driver’s license. Ability and willingness to follow specific instructions. Send cover letter & resume to [email protected]. Full Time HR Generalist. Must have Undergraduate degree in HR, Sociology, Business, or related field. PHR/SPHR preferred. Minimum of 5 years of HR Generalist experience with emphasis on recruiting and employee relations. Prefer 3 years’ experience with ADP HRIS. Assists the VP of HR in executing operational processes in compliance with policies/procedures and local laws and regulations. Duties include talent acquisition, employee relations, performance management, training, and FMLA compliance. Send cover letter & resume to [email protected]. A HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER—COMING TO BIRMINGHAM, AL A parent information meeting to learn about Regina Caeli Academy and a potential resource center for the 2015-16 academic year in the Birmingham area, will be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 2:00 pm. The location is Guadalupe Hall @ EWTN, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35217. Please RSVP to Lisa Bandura at [email protected] or 205-902-1660 Regina Caeli Academy is resource center in which students attend university style classes taught using the Socratic method two days per week and are home schooled the remaining days. Our program is currently accepting applications for PreK3-12th grades at For more information contact Nikki Hand at 470-239-0259. SLOW DOWN, PLEASE! Over the past few weeks, we have received some complaints about cars driving too fast on Beech Street coming to Masses on Sunday. Please slow down and be aware of the children playing in the area!! “God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us Your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May Your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek Your truth and live in Your love. Through Christ our Lord, Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!” COLD AND FLU SEASON During this cold and flu season, please use your good judgment when deciding whether to receive the Precious Blood or hold hands for the Our Father. PAGE 6 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA EDUCATION NEWS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL St Francis Xavier School wishes everyone a great Catholic schools Week. You are welcome to stop by our school to tour our beautiful classrooms and see our academic programs. We love to show everyone our school! Upcoming events: Tuesday, January 27 Middle school holocaust speaker Wednesday, January 28 School Mass at 9:00 Thursday, January 29 "All our students are Stars" movie event Friday, January 30 Jump Rope for Hearts at 1:30 THE EARLY LEARNING CENTER Catholic Schools Week- January 26-30 "Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service" Canned food drive all week Tuesday- School Spirit Day- Wear red and white to school Wednesday- 3K & 4K go to Mass at 9:00- carpool will begin at 8:30 Thursday- Career Day- Dress as your favorite community helper or what you want to be when you grow up Friday- Special snack to celebrate the food we collected in the canned food drive Early Learning Center Registration begins this week! SFX member registration is January 26-30. Registration forms will be available in the Vestibule of the Church after all Masses this weekend. Registration forms are also available on the ELC website at or by calling the ELC office at 879-5596. We look forward to helping you begin your child's education. We welcome you to call 879-5596 or email [email protected] with any questions or to set up a tour. 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • JANUARY 25, 2015 PAGE 7 EDUCATION NEWS ADULT EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PSR RESUMES THIS SUNDAY After our break for the long MLK, Jr. weekend, PSR classes resume in their normal classrooms at 9:45 AM. We look forward to seeing our students back! FIRST EUCHARIST WORKSHOP THIS SUNDAY Join us for Adult fellowship on Sunday, January 25th, 2015 at 9:45am in the Mary Room. Glenn Waldrop, parishioner, will kick off the New Year with an informative and interesting topic, “Truth & Authority: The Myth of the Cafeteria Catholic”. This Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in the Parish Hall, our First Eucharist candidates will meet for the first in a series of preparatory workshops leading toward their First Eucharist Mass on Saturday, May 2. The girls and boys will play games, work on crafts, and pray using the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary as the basis for our reflections. Please keep our candidates and families in your prayers at this special time! SAINT OF THE WEEK—ST. THOMAS AQUINAS ADULT BIBLE STUDY Join us January – April Saturday mornings @ 10:00 or Monday evenings @ 6:15 in the Mary Room for a bible study based on the Psalms by Jeff Cavins Monday nights and Saturday mornings. "We hear the Psalms read or sung at every Mass between the first and second readings, but do we understand their significance? The Psalms are at the heart of the Bible. They are prayers from God that help us learn to pray. The Holy Spirit inspired them. Israel sang them. Christ himself prayed them, as did our Blessed Mother. These sacred hymns become our heartfelt response to God’s loving and wondrous deeds for us. Their words captivate the imagination and draw us into a deeply personal encounter with God.". Contact Theresa Brown at [email protected] or 205-640-3944 for more information. Coming in February; Part II of the Symbolon series Thursdays @ 6:15pm in the Joseph Room. “Living the Faith” focuses on our encounter with God in the sacraments and moral life. Please watch the bulletin for details. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274) was an Italian monk who was called the "dumb ox" in school because he was big and quiet. He was certainly no dummy! In fact, he was so enlightened by his close life with the Lord and by his studies that so much Catholic theology today is based on his writings. Yet before he died, Thomas said that all he knew was as worthless as straw compared to knowing Jesus. He is the patron saint of students, and his feast day is January 28th. MARK YOUR CALENDARS—VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL COMING JUNE 8—12 Families - please mark your calendars in advance! Our Vacation Bible School program will return June 8-12 this summer. VBS is always a faithfilled fun time - if a parent or young person is interested in helping plan or host our VBS, please contact Daniel McCormick at 803-5422. PAGE 8 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA YOUTH & CHILDREN’S MINISTRY YOUTH NEWS The youth group had a great time at the March for Life on January 17th where they marched and prayed for life! The youth created, and proudly carried a sign saying "A person is a person no matter how small." Our Middle School youth had so much fun at their Lock-In on Friday, January 23rd where they continued supporting the Pro-Life movement by donating baby items to Her Choice women's center. Upcoming Youth Events: CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Join Us! Wednesday, January 28th Jesus’ Love is Stronger High School Youth Youth Night Sunday, January 25th 6:00-8:00 p.m. In the Youth Room Middle School Youth Youth Night Monday, Feb. 2nd 6:00-8:00 p.m. In the Parish Hall 5:30pm Multi-purpose Room Friday, January 30th Pictures from Paintball Activity and March for Life. 6—8pm Multi-purpose Room $5 per child In every age consecrated men and women must continue to be images of Christ the Lord, fostering through prayer a profound communion of mind with him. —Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata, no. 9 PAGE 9 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • JANUARY 25, 2015 HISPANIC MINISTRY INFORMATION ON IMMIGRATION Naturalization Naturalization is the process by which eligible legal immigrants become U.S. citizens. Through the naturalization process, immigrants display a willingness to become full members of our society. The process is not an easy one. It requires that immigrants live in the U.S. for a certain number of years, learn our language, study our history and government, show that they are of “good moral character” and have not committed serious crimes and, finally, swear allegiance to the United States. Over time, most immigrants become citizens. The Naturalization Process Eligibility: An applicant for citizenship must be at least 18 years of age, and must have resided continuously in the U.S. as a Legal Permanent Resident for at least five years prior to filing. Permanent residents who have been married to a U.S. citizen for three years are eligible to apply for citizenship. There are special expedited provisions for immigrants serving in the armed forces during a designated period of armed conflict. Children who are adopted from another country automatically have U.S. citizenship conferred to them as long as one or both parents are U.S. citizens, the child is under 18, and the child is legally residing in the U.S. with the U.S. citizen parent or parents. Immigrants must be of “good moral character,” usually determined by checking with the FBI for any record of a criminal background. A person must also demonstrate an ability to speak, read, and write ordinary English and have a general understanding of U.S. government and history. Long-time older permanent residents are exempt from the English requirement if they are 50 years or older and have been living in the U.S. for at least 20 years, or if they are 55 years or older and have been living in the U.S. for at least 15 years. These immigrants must still demonstrate knowledge of U.S. history and government, but they may do so in their native language. Certain persons with disabilities are exempt from the requirement to demonstrate knowledge of U.S. history and government. Interview: After submitting an application and fee to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an appointment is made with the applicant to take his or her fingerprints, which are checked by the FBI. An interview is then scheduled with the applicant, during which an immigration examiner reviews the application and determines if the applicant meets the requirements for U.S. citizenship. To demonstrate English proficiency and knowledge of U.S. history and government, the applicant must be prepared to answer several history and civics questions. They may also be asked to read a sentence or brief passage from a USCIS textbook, and to write a sentence dictated by the examiner. Oath and Swearing-In: Approved candidates for citizenship must take an Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance, giving up foreign allegiances and titles and swearing to support and defend the Constitution and laws of the U.S. If the person has a severe disability preventing him or her from understanding, or communicating an understanding of, the meaning of the Oath, the person may obtain a waiver of the Oath requirement. The final step in the naturalization process is the swearing-in ceremony, which can take place before a judge or in an administrative ceremony. UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, January 26 7:00 pm Prayer Group/CP Monday, January 27 7:00 pm Spanish Mass/CP Tuesday, January 20 7:00 pm Spanish Mass/CP 8:00 pm Choir Practice/BR Sunday, February 1 11:00 am Catecismo/SA-JR 11:00 am Baptism Prep/JR 11:00 am Family Catequesis/MR 12:30 pm Rosary/CP 1:00 pm Misa Pope Francis says... “The Church is catholic because she is the space, the home in which the faith is proclaimed to us in its entirety, in which the salvation brought to us by Christ is offered to everyone. The Church is catholic because she is universal, she is spread abroad through every part of the world and she proclaims the Gospel to every man and to every woman. The Church is not a group of elite; she does not only concern the few. The Church has no limits; she is sent to the totality of people, to the totality of the human race. And the one Church is present even in her smallest parts...” Pope Francis, General Audience, October 9, 2013 Hospitality Weekend Next Weekend January 31—February 1 PAGE 10 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA LITURGY HELPFUL INFORMATION Change of Name/Address/ Phone: Please notify the Parish Office at 871-1153 with any change in your membership information. New Parishioners: Welcome! Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the Church or on our website at: Drop them by the reception desk located in the Parish Office or in the collection basket at Mass. Baptismal Preparation Class: Required and held the second Sunday of each month at 6:00pm. Preregistration is required. Contact Molly Knerl at 803-5417 to register for the class. Sacrament of First Eucharist: Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage: A six month preparation is required. Call the Parish Office at 871-1153 for information and to register for the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Held on Saturdays from 3:30—4:15pm or by appointment. Contact the Parish Office 871-1153. JANUARY 31—FEBRUARY 1: 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Date Extraordinary Ministers L. Byrne B. Herlihy January 31 N. Kassouf 4:30 pm P. Scalici C. Sellers M. Sellers K. Tucker* Saturday Sunday February 1 8:30 am Sunday Febraury 1 11:00 am Sunday February 1 5:00 pm Lector Ushers J. Colemn, Jr. P. Maldia C. Herlihy J. Buckley R. Byrne S. Byrne R. Carmody J. Garrett L. Kirk B. Moore* A. Naughton B. Tatarek T. Holt J. Nicholson J. J. Antonio* J. Antonio* S. Curtin P. Deinlein M. Rohling A. Rohling S. Rookis D. Schilleci M. Shows G. Gumina B. Parish C. Aycock M. Giles M. Nurre P. Nurre T. Palladino B. Peterson* J. Walston D. Nanos M. Tassel D. White S. Rookis Greeters Altar Servers M. Anderton K. Collier M. Bacher W. Connery I. Bacher J. Coleman III J. Coleman Jr. J. O’Hagan C. Sellers A. Griffin-SS Is. Maldia-CB Volunteer-AS F. Maldia-AS C. Anthony M. Arnold W. Garrett A. Lessa R. Lorino C. Romei H. Williams Volunteer S. Anthony Volunteer T. Byrne-SS M. M. Byrne.-AS A. E. Byrne-AS R. Kirk-AS D. Deinlein A. Falletta G. Gumina J. Hinnegan M. Keely B. Parish D. Schmalz Volunteer L. Lucas J. Lucas E. Harvey-SS J. Harvey-CB Z. Shunnarah-AS E. Shunnarah-AS Volunteers A. Vaphiades J. Duprat-SS A. Drummond-CB P. Drummond-AS N. Drummond-AS Sacristans K. Beadlecomb S. Anthony M. Cannova J. Biasini HAVE YOU RECENTLY MOVED? Please help keep our parish records current (PLEASE PRINT) NAME:______________________________________________TEL. #________________ OLD ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ NEW ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL:___________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: SFX · 2 XAVIER · CIRCLE · BIRMINGHAM · AL 35213 or drop in our parish office. 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • JANUARY 25, 2015 PAGE 11 DIOCESAN NEWS 12TH ANNUAL STRONG MEN STRONG FAITH CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers from Oregon, will present in two hours what it means to be a strong man of strong faith in the world today. Conferences will be held in Huntsville and Birmingham: Sunday, February 15 in Huntsville at Holy Spirit and Monday, February 16 in Birmingham at St. Peter’s in Hoover. In Huntsville, the event begins at 6pm and concludes at 8pm. In Birmingham, the event will take place from 7pm and concludes at 9pm. Ash Wednesday is February 18, making this an excellent opportunity to men to prepare for Lent 2015. The pre-event online registration fee is only $10 or $15 at the door on the night of the event. Clergy are admitted at no charge. Next weekend January 31—February 1 HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 871-1153 Fax: 871-9831 Pastoral Care: 803-5414 Hispanic Ministry: 803-5421 Finance: 803-5418 Secretary: 803-5426 Music Ministry: 803-5415 Religious Education: 803-5422 Liturgy: 803-5417 Family Life Ministry: 803-5411 Bulletin Editor: 803-5426 Youth Ministry: 803-5402 Children’s Ministry: 803-5425 St. Francis Xavier School: 871-1687 Early Learning Center: 879-5596 Catholic Center of Concern: 786-4388
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