News 25 January 2015 Morning Devotion PIC:Rev. Esther & Amos Date 27/1/2015(Tue) 28/1/2015 (Wed) 29/1/2015 (Thu) 30/1/2015 (Fri) Books Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Chapter 18 19 20 21 Essence of Sunday Sermon Words from Senior Pastor Kindness of God God’s Grace Is By Choice Deuteronomy 7 During lunch, Rev. Nathaniel Chow told us about a pastor enviously asking him why he invariably allowed Rev. Joshua Cheung to be seated next to him. In response, Rev. Chow said to him, “You also can seat yourself next to me!” , and yet when invited, this pastor would choose to be seated at a distance. ◎Rev. Esther Kong 1. God keeps His covenant of love When God wants to show His love to men, He will: A) Cleanse the Land (Deut 7: 1) God called the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, but before that they must first banish the 7 tribes of Canaan. Canaan has its own economy, idols and cultures; therefore they must be banished in order to set it apart as holy. During one of the network Morning Devotion, Rev. Joshua said : “ I believe I am the most favored son of Rev. Chow.” Once Rev. Chow got on the stage, he responded saying : “whoever believes he is the most favored and loved, he is” . So Rev. Chow before the crowd spoke to Rev. Joshua saying, “As you believe I love you the most, then you are my most beloved son!” At the end of the Morning Devotion, Rev. Joshua embraced us saying, “You are also the most beloved.” The seven tribes of Canaan represent the evil forces of the spiritual realm, sexual immorality, the corruption and confusion of pagan religions. The spirits of these seven Canaanite tribes often hook believers, making them lose appetite towards the works of God, turning away their vision onto material objects. For the churches of today, in order to get back the authority to manage the land, we must wage war with the demons that control this dark world and the spiritual realm, in order to banish the 7 Canaanite tribes. This little episode shows me an important truth – whoever confessed before people that he is the most beloved of God and of his superior, he became what he confessed. I realized then that our attitude, whether of positive or negative, will definitely influence us to be or not to be the beloved or favored son. B) No emotional involvement (Deut 7:2-4) If we have emotional soul-ties with the 7 Canaanite tribes, it will cause oneself and his next generations to draw away from God, or to compromise with the tribes. God requires us to be pure in our beliefs, therefore in the Old Testament, the Israelites were not allowed to wed other tribes, to avoid adulteration in their belief in God. God loves each person and each church, yet is there a way of obtaining His kindness? Whoever willing to accept Him, draw near to Him, will all receive His loving kindness, and proportionate to our degree of thankfulness. The theme of the Network conference this year is on Kindness of God. There were touching moments in every meeting. Rev. Joshua and wife spoke about their adopted dog named Kindness. The dog was abandoned by its owner, obviously sick having lost most of its fur. They adopted it and invested much efforts on its restoration of health. Each day they made it a point to pat and show love to it, feed it well. Wherever allowable and possible, they let it go with them. What initially a rather violent dog, “Kindness” became a tame and happy dog. It faithfully kept the company of its owners, as it came to the end of its life, a simple dog actually opened the eyes of many to the ubiquitous nature of God’s kindness around us. A dog recognizes its master, cognizant of his love, and responds by sticking close to the master. When a mere simple dog can be a source of blessing to people, can we not be more so? C) Give no ground (Deut 7: 5) God ordered the Israelites to utterly destroy the seven Canaanite tribes, because they have a multitude of sins. Even though God gave them 400 years to repent, they refused to do so. According to historians, the religions of the Canaanites were very evil, if God did not destroy them, these sins would carry on to the next generations, causing men to walk towards destruction. After accepting Christ there must be a house cleansing, to deal with any matters or objects from past religions, and to not allow a back land for the enemy to stay in our lives. D) Be sanctified unto God (Deut 7:6-10) Only love, allows men to live in holiness. In a marriage you only love your spouse, that marriage will be holy. When men only love God, then they will be able to stay in God’s holiness. God chose and loved the Israelites, not because of their strengths, but because God is a God of love and keeper of covenants, God wants them to be blessed. Because God loves us, He wants to protect our holiness, so that we can be in the promises forever. Thus, He leads us to live out a righteous life, giving honor and love to Him, as well as destroying anything that causes us to draw away from God. The orphan spirit is often a blockage hindering people from entering God’s kindness. To enter God’s kindness isn’t difficult, it is as mentioned by Rev. Chow, whoever willing to soak in the “Kindness of the heavenly Father” as a son, is able to walk out of the orphan’s life. Mrs. Joshua Chong also contributed with one superb recipe: Only when one first feels life’s poverty, greatly desiring God’s kindness, willing to stick close to God, will realize how real and tangible is God’s kindness upon our lives. 2. Blessings from His promises (Deut 7: 12-15) God wants the people that he chose not to depend on the Canaanites nor on unholy spiritual items, because these will pollute whatever our hands do and it will become a snare, causing men to not have strength. Relying on God is really is lived out through Bible reading, understanding and carrying out the principles of the works of God. Do things that are pleasing to His heart, and you will be blessed. A good relationship is always interactive. As a mother church to several daughter churches, I have much reflections. Though I desire to see them keep on changing and progressing, able to stick close to us and becoming more blessed, yet they may not understand the stand and love of their mother church. As they seemed to drift further away, the mother church begins to feel like the father of the Prodigal Son, constantly pacing by the gate, scanning the horizon, certain that he would see the son. Isn’t that the heart of the Heavenly Father? “kindness” essentially points to God Himself, who often takes initiative to make changes to allow us to receive His Kindness, attracting us by way of His love, acceptance, patience and sacrifices, thus helping us, much deficient in many ways, to enter into His lovingkindness. 3. God casts out your enemies (Deut 7: 16-26) We must take back the authority in our own territory, show no pity to the enemy and not to worship their gods, as well as to thoroughly destroy them. We must remember the works and heart of God, He will destroy our enemies. How God dealt with the Pharaoh in the past, He will likewise deal with the enemies of today. Banishing the enemies, is what God has promised to do. Towards enemies that seem impossible to banish, we will be victorious if we rely on God. We are not only children of God, but also the children and grand children of many of our elders. Therefore we have layers of covering, and this in itself is living in “Kindness”. May we constantly position ourselves to receive the “kindness” of our God and our spiritual elders. ■ We have the authority in our respective sectors, therefore we must take up the authority to banish the enemies in our sectors, conduct house cleansings, destroying accursed items, banishing the influence of the seven Canaanite tribes. ■This sermon message was delivered on Jan 11, 2015. Edited by Sec. of editors】 2 Pastoral Zone — Announcement Announcements 1. GASK Children Church would like to recruit Cell Leaders or Cell Group members who love and desire to learn to minister to children, willing to develop ministry potentials, to be part of the GASK Ministry Team and to serve in the Naioth Wonderland, Saturdays 2.30-5pm, Dataran Hamodal / Kebar. Enquiries: Ps Christina Chu, (012-2009543) GA611 Welcomes You A very warm welcome to our new friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord who are here in GA for the first time. May God personally bless you, fill you greatly with His love, joy and peace, and grant you life abundance. We also welcome brothers and sisters to attend any of our cell groups so that we may grow up together in the Lord. You are cordially invited for a cup of tea at the Reception Hall, which is open every Sunday at 10:30~11:00am. GA611 once welcomes you, FOREVER welcomes you! Pastoral Zone’s Service Schedule 1. Rev. Gabi Soltau Open Night Meeting, 28/1(Wed), 8-10PM, Dataran Hamodal / Hepzibah. Free admission with registration. Enquiry: IP Elijah Ooi. Time 8:30am 8:30am 11:00am 11:00am Sun 2. GA Transformation School Enrolment! Commence on 4/3. The Objective of the School: Restore and equip 300 warriors, to receive the anointing of holistic biblical prophetic, understanding for strategic implementation to the nations. For more details, please refer registration form. Enquiries: IP. Elijah Ooi Tue 10:30am Sat 10:30am 3:00pm 3. Children Benediction, 15/2 (Sun), 11am, Tabernacle. Parents, please fill-in the forms provided at the form counter. Closing date: 8/2 (Sun). Enquiries: Ps. Deborah Soo 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 4. Cell Leaders Gathering, 5/2 (Thurs), 8pm, Dataran Hamodal/ Hepzibah. G leaders, cell leaders and pre-cell leader are invited. 7:00pm 5. Encounter Camp, 31/1 (Sat), 9am-5pm. Dataran Hamodal / Tyrannus 1. Cheras Blessed Land contact details The Encounter Weekend Camp is like the first milestone marking the beginning of a Christian’s new life. Participants in this Camp will get to know the nature of the Heavenly Father, able to touch the heart of the Father, thus experiencing the Father’s embrace through the sacrificial love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Zone Adult Service GA Star kids Adult Service GA Star kids Rose of Sharon (Ladies) Cedar Pastoral Zone (Elders) New Spirit Worship Naoith GA Youth Night Adult Service Cheras Blessed Land Venue Tabernacle D. Hamodal Tabernacle D. Hamodal P.I.C Rev. Esther Kong Ps Christina Chu Rev. Esther Kong Ps Christina Chu MPH IP. Irene Koh Machpelah Ps. Ezra Lee Hephzibah Ps. Joel Chang Machpelah MPH Ps Christina Chu Ps. Ezekiel Chong Hephzibah Rev. Esther Kong Cheras Ps. Deborah Soo Address: 36B, Jln Mutiara Barat Raya, Tmn Mutiara Barat, 56000 KL. Tel: 016-2204071 Advanced Notices Enquiries: sis. Joyce Chan (017-5040052) 6. The 40th Baptism, 8/2 (Sun), 2:15-4:15pm, Tabernacle/Reception Hall. Requirement: Completion of “New Believer” course or completed Encounter Camp. Cell leaders please take note and encourage new believers to register. Closing date: 1/2 (Sun). Enquiries: Ps. Deborah Soo Date Particulars Date 31/1 Encounter Camp 8/2 Particulars Baptism 5/2 Cell Leaders Gathering 3-4/4 Passover 7. Miao Pu 8 Blessings Upon You! Starts on 7/2 (Sat), 3pm, Dataran Hamodal. Enquiries: sis. Cindy Poi (012-2951900) During the new year season, may these 8 layers of blessing come upon us and lead us into abundance. 8. GA611BOL's very first Passover drama is coming soon, and we are now Recruiting Actors, Actresses, and Minister in different position. Target: Baptised church member who attend cell group for 3 months and above. Age: not specified. Enquiries: IP Clement Lee Miao Pu 8 Blessings Upon You 9. 2015 GA611 Sweet Bible Reading Total Mobilization, 13/1-29/9 Honey Bible, Sweet to the heart, Sticky to the soul! “The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. ” (Psa 19: 9-10 ) Enquiries: sis. Catherine Eng (03-79567709) Word of Blessing To bring out two different world’s value, the interactive between spiritual world and physical world. The key to activate is through the words from our mouth. 10. Congratulations to bro. Tony Chong and sis. Caroline Chang (M12 of Rev. Philip Chin and Ps. Deborah Soo) for God’s favour to have be stowed upon them a son, Bennett Chong on the 12 of January. Both the mother and the baby are well. May the love and protection of God always be in the family. Date: 7/2/2015 (Sat) Time: 3pm Venue: Dataran Hamodal / Hepzibah 3 Prayer Focus Obey and Be Blessed Materials for this week’s altar building: However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. (Deut 15:4-6) church. May our brothers and sisters go forth to shepherd and disciple, be fruitful and multiply. Uphold the VIP Luncheon that will take place on 24 January in prayer. May God help the team and speakers that will be preparing for the Luncheon, that they’ll be able to encounter God greatly and receive a great gospel harvest. 1. Israel 3. Daughter Churches As Israel prepares for the elections in March, pray for a clean and Pray that God will help all our daughter churches to follow Reverend smooth electoral process. May God bless the chosen leaders, that they’ll Esther and Reverend Amos closely. Through the power of the Holy Spirknow how to deal with national security and diplomatic issues. it, may the strongholds of cultural diversity be broken, and may each and every one of them be submissive, and be able to receive the Pray that the Iran nuclear scam will be exposed completely. May God anointing and spiritual inheritance of GA611. urge the Western powers to stand firm on their demand that Iran dismantle its nuclear program. 4. Nation 2. Church Pray that God’s mighty hand will shake all churches, so that each and Pray that God will grant us a humble and gentle heart, so that we may every one of us will be mindful that this is the time to pray and watch pay attention to His words and receive His great blessings for us in this over God’s land that has been entrusted upon us. brand new year. 5. Individual Pray for the works of evangelising, shepherding and discipline in our Pray for the Holy Spirit to help us understand the word of God better Weekly Prayer Time 12 - 18/1/2015 Attendance & Offering Report Attd S e r v i c e Cell RM Attd Sun Adults (8:30am) 252 Fri Devotion 215 Tithe 53,265.30 Sun Adults (11am) 318 Prayer for last week 82 Cash 7,512.70 10,500.00 2,805.00 Sat Night Service 70 MG12 5 49 Tabernacle Cedar Service 82 302 Israel 43 Open Cell New Spirit Worship 114 No. of salvation in this week 81 Rose of Sharon 30 Accumulated no. of Salvation in 2015 9 Cheras Blessed Land 31 Accumulated no. of baptiser in 2015 - GA Youth 47 GA Star Kids (8:30am) GA Star Kids (11am) Naoith ThanksO giving f f Mission e r Others i 1,060.00 Date 26/1 (Mon) 29/1 (Thu) 9:15am 11:00am 3:00pm 30/1 (Fri) 3:00pm MG12 Prayer Dept Ps. Sarah Chang 1/2 (Sun) 9:00pm 11:00pm 7:30am Nation and Churches Nazarite Altar Morning Prayer Sis. Lim Kha Been IP. Elijah Ooi Bro. David Cheah 27/1 (Tue) 28/1 (Wed) - 2:00pm n g 91 28 18 Total 1,088 Total Time 7:30am 3:00pm 3:00pm 8:00pm 9:00am 11:00am Evening Devotion: 3 - 4:30pm Prayer Slot Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Evening Prayer Praise & Worship Nations Church & Families Healing & Deliverance Dept GATI Israel GASK 15.00 46 Happy Olive P.I.C. : Ps Sarah Chang 03-79550611 Morning Devotion: 7:30-9am P. I. C. Bro. David Chang Bro. Asaph Wong Bro. Samuel Khor IP. Helen Fung Ps. George Sis. Grace Tang Co-worker Ruth Chen Bro. Stephen Ong IP. Irene Koh Ps. Christina Chu 75,158.00 GA611 Education & Equipping Dept PIC : sis. Donna Chen Venue: D. Hamodal Only for bro & sis of GA611 BOL. Courses Date of Class Fees Time Condition 12th <Army of Christ> 11, 18, 25/1 ; 1 & 8/2 (Every Sun) RM10 (5 Class) 9:15am10.30am Completed <Grow> *Note: <Grow> : Growing Toward Matured, <Army> : Army Of Christ Mission Fund Target RM280,000 Expenses RM160,747.74 Offering Received RM57,708.05 Cheque payable to: GA611 Bread of Life Centre. For those who wish to get the offerings receipt, kindly get it from the reception counter on the 2nd week of the month with Sis Hoon Lin. The followings are the various accounts with their purposes:1. Public Bank 3-13317-3103 : Offerings, Tithes, Bread Of Life Station & Miscellaneous 2. Public Bank 3-13317-3334 : Only for Land, Building Project & Tabernacle 3. Maybank 5-12334-30127-6 : GA Education & Equipping Dept & GATI Online Fund Transfer Steps: 1. Indicate your offering number and type of offering in the “recipient reference”. 2. Please provide the receipt to us by using the ready envelope and offer into the offering bag.
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