What! A Newsletter in January !!! Tell us what you think. December Craft Sale 105 people braved the coldest day of the winter to attend our first craft sale. Mission Statement: To provide programs and services that will help seniors maintain and enhance their quality of life. 9350 82 Street NW Edmonton Alberta T6C 2X8 E-mail: [email protected] Phone 780.468.1985 Website: www.seesa.ca 1 BOARD MEMBERS 2014/15 President—SHEILA CLIFFORD-MACKAY 1st Vice President - GORDON BLOCK 2nd Vice President –ERIC SOLASH Past President - JOHN BANNISTER Treasurer - ALLAN THOMAS Secretary - MYRNA REEVES Directors: COLIN CARTER BILL GILLESPIE MARALYNNE HAWKINS WALTER KLEPACHEK TONY POWELL KAREN SHERIDAN FRONT OFFICE HOURS FRIDAY 8:30AM to 4:30PM MONDAY to THURSDAY 8:30AM to 8:30PM SATURDAY 9 AM to NOON (CLOSED ON LONG WEEKENDS) CAFETERIA OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY BREAKFAST 8:45 - 10 AM LUNCH 11:30AM - 1PM WEDNESDAY EVENING DINNER 4:30 - 6PM* *RESERVATION REQUIRED NEWSLETTER CREW Editorial Layout: Celeste Nicholson Elaun Cable Lind Photographers: Elaun Cable Lind Shirley Zygun Proofreaders: Karen Sheridan Roz Schilberg Kim Buehler Kay Klepachek Sherr Wadson boDOODLES: Bob Fuller WECAN Food Basket Dates January order/payment 9th Pick up January 22nd Orders and payments are made at the front desk. STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kim Buehler Personnel & Centre business [email protected] FUND DEVELOPMENT Mary Anne Jaedicke Fundraising, Centre & Rentals [email protected] BOOKKEEPER Sharon Svendsen [email protected] PROGRAM MANAGER Elaun Cable Lind Member Services & Website [email protected] OUTREACH WORKER TBA Counselling, Home Visits & Support Services [email protected] COORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEERS Sherr Wadson [email protected] HOME SERVICE & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Celeste Nicholson [email protected] SPECIAL PROJECTS Shelley Sabo [email protected] KITCHEN COORDINATOR Bev Clarke [email protected] SECOND COOK KITCHEN ASSISTANT Joan Yandeau Jeffery Yamazuki BUILDING ATTENDANT Steve Montague [email protected] WEEKEND BUILDING SETUP ATTENDANT Eric Kadatz Dick Proctor 2 ADVERTISING RATES We accept paid advertising* for the newsletter Rates** are: $20.00 Business card $30.00 1/4 page $60.00 1/2 Page 120.00 Page 1300 circulation * We do not accept political advertising soliciting support for a single candidate. ** a one time set up fee of $30.00 may apply Next Deadline January 19th 2014 Note: paid advertisements may not reflect the views of SEESA. Buyer discretion is advised St Nicholas Mandolin Ensemble Would like to entertain at SEESA in exchange for Casino Volunteers! Help needed at Argyll Casino January 27th & 28th 2015 There will be a sign-up sheet on the Poster bulletin board or call Bonnie at 780 462 1679 The front desk receptionists have taken on many procedure changes in the past month. Thanks to all of them for hanging in there with us as we implement the new payment system and form changes. You are troopers for sure. Thanks also to our membership for their patience as we are all learning these new systems. Annual General Meeting Thursday March 12, 2015—2pm Wine and cheese to follow From the President’s Desk… It’s 2015! In my wildest imagination, I never dreamed I would live to see 2015. I had a neighbour on PEI who was born in 1915. She would tell me that 2015 will be a time that would be very different from when she was born. Actually, the basics haven’t changed. We all vow to lose weight, do more volunteering but most of all, we still pray for Peace. At SEESA, 2015 promises to be a busy, fun year. The Winter Activity Guide contains 23 pages of activities: Arts & Crafts, Computers, Games, Physical Fitness and General Interests. It is important for our Senior Citizens to keep active. According to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology's physical activity guidelines , to achieve health benefits, increase mobility and prevent falls, older adults should accumulate a minimum of 150 minutes a week. That should be easy to achieve when we look at the plethora of activities at our Centre. I always reflect on what L.M. Montgomery said about the future, “Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea So, the new year is a clean slate. We start afresh- once again. Happy New Year 2015! That’s all for now. Sheila Clifford- MacKay President SEESA Board of Directors 3 Kim’s Korner WHY SHOULD I VOLUNTEER AT SEESA? Together let us welcome the new year with smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes! 2014 is behind us and the great hope of 2015 is ahead. Will this be the year you try something new? Will this be the year you connect with a long lost friend? Will this be the best year of your life? Take a moment to look through the Winter Program Guide. There is a class for everyone. When I joined SEESA in 2009 one of the questions on the application form was – will you volunteer? I immediately stated “yes”. I believe in volunteering for any organization or association where I am a member. What better way to find out how the association is run. Is it a place where I will feel proud to be a member? Who is making the decisions and do I agree with those decisions? How better to get to know new people who are also members of SEESA. Mark the Date of March 12, 2015 on your calendar—that is the date of our AGM. Valentine Sweetheart Dinner & Dance! Saturday February 14th 2015 Featuring - The Romantics! Tickets on Sale Now— $25.00 per person Cocktails @ 5pm Dinner @ 6pm Dance @ 7:30pm SEESA is a very well run organization, but we strongly depend upon our volunteers. Yes, we do have paid staff but if it weren’t for the volunteers we would have to hire many more paid people, and your Membership Dues would be exorbitant. One of the real perks about volunteering is that you can work as many or as few hours as you wish and if you try one volunteer area and find you aren’t enjoying what you are doing, you can quit that area and try something new. Also you can volunteer once a year if you so wish, or every week. The number of hours you give to YOUR Association is strictly up to you. Some people believe they are “too old” to volunteer. However, there are many jobs where any infirmities you have, will not hinder your performance. As long as we are still breathing we can help our fellow man in some way. So when you fill out your new application for 2015 think about filling out the question - will you volunteer, with a yes answer. If you are hesitant about what you could do to help, give Sherr Wadson a call. I am sure she will find a spot for you to do something you will enjoy. After all, SEESA belongs to you and you can help make it the best Seniors’ Association ever. If you have already renewed your membership and now think you would like to try volunteering call Sherr and ask her for some ideas on where you can lend a hand. I have met many wonderful new friends because I volunteer at SEESA and I have never regretted filling in my first Membership Application with a YES to the question “Will you volunteer?” Heather Baker 4 January 2015 Volunteer Voice Outreach Volunteers Food Services Where the Action is! Several isolated seniors would love to have a visitor. See Celeste about the Friendly Visitor Program. Many hands make light work. Could you do one shift a month? (3-4 hours) Cash or Kitchen shifts are available (we train). Consider training at the Front Desk. Sherr Wadson Coordinator of Volunteers Thanks to all the volunteers at the Gala. Your names were all put in a hat and we randomly drew. Winners as follows: Bernice Pedden Dee Turner Elsa Marie Frazer Ann Marshall Ollie Ried Next Shop Talk session is January 16th at 11 am in the Herb Johnston Workshop President Sheila Clifford-MacKay and Membership Chair Karen Sheridan sign Confidentiality agreement for volunteers. September 2014! Ukrainian Christmas Outreach: Phil Lafon has left SEESA - We wish him well in his future endeavours. Keep watching for an announcement regarding our new Outreach worker. Should you have any issues or concerns please contact Celeste or Kimberly A random draw is done each month for on-line readers only. If your SEESA Membership number appears below you have won a prize: Wednesday, January 7 at noon in the Cafeteria A chance to give away something you got that was, to you, priceless (i.e. no value)!! 5-573 5- 041 5-131 5-070 5-448 Wrap it up and bring it here for someone else to cherish forever Please see the Front Desk to claim your prize (...or until the next gift exchange) 5 Upcoming FYI Seminars Register in Advance $2 or $4 Drop in Situation Is Critical - Monday, Jan 12 During the first half of the 21st century, nothing will have as great an impact on our society as the dramatic aging of our Canadian population. We'll look at both the causes of this demgraphic shift and at some of its consequences. As well, reasons that will force us to make dramatic changes to our health care system. It will bring into question the viability of many of our cherished social programs. In addition, we'll look at the social, psychological and physiological factors that have helped to shape Today’s seniors attitudes and thinking. Nutrition & Fitness - Monday January 19 This seminar looks at the benefits associated with good nutrition and a healthy active lifestyle. No one can escape old age, but the quality of our "senior years" is heavily dependent on the decisions we make. The material in this presentation is designed to help you and the people you care about, to choose wisely. We will examine a variety of "keys" to longevity with particular attention paid to diet, nutrition, digestive health, and exercise. Caregiving in Canada - Monday Feb 2 Sweet Soles Will be returning to the cafeteria February 4th, 11am until 2 pm. They will be doing fittings or just come and try on a new pair of shoes!! Tidbits from the Archives Did you know in 1981 - The building was open Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri. from 10:00am to 5 pm.—and in March of that year Wednesday’s hours were changed to 10am –5 pm and 7:30 to 10 pm to accommodate the formation of the Wednesday night Bridge Club. Myrna Reeves Caregiving is one of the most difficult roles that most of us will ever have to assume - and yet, the majority of us are entirely unprepared for the challenges that it presents. This presentation is designed to offer you some perspective on the many hurdles that elders and their caregivers face. In addition, it will offer a variety of helpful hints to assist caregivers in balancing the many demands that will be placed upon them. We will take a high level look at numerous Caregiving issues. We'll discuss such topics as: caregiver requirements, stages, classifications, difficulties and demands. We'll also discuss related topics like: the challenges of the "Sandwich Generation " elder abuse, and the importance of "family meetings." 6 LET’S GO CLUB Floor Curling SEESA Hosted Eighty Floor Curlers from Northern Alberta for their November 22nc Tournament. The tournament was a great success. Lots and lots of complements for the beautiful meal that Bev Clarke and her staff prepared, Roast beef and all the trimmings and how about those Lemon Cream pies. Many thanks for our volunteers— especially Harvey Nordstrom, Walter Klepachek, Dorothy and Steve Bennett, Betty and Neils Jensen, Merv Kowalow, and Garett Banner. The biggest winner of the day goes to Don Jackson who won the 50/50 draw for $141.00. Several of our SEESA teams went home with prize money. First Place winners were Jim & Rosalie Normey, Ollie Marusiak & Rita Kowalow, Third place winners were Don & Maureen Jackson, Cheryl Strain & Carrol Richert. Fourth place winners were John & Julia Markowski, Emilia & Andy Blais. A big warm SEESA welcome was given to the team from Kinsella attending their first visit to our beautiful centre. Wednesday, January 28th Meet at SEESA 1:05 pm - return 4:30 pm Lunch prior at the Artisan Resto Café Cost: $21 includes admission to ice festival, transportation and club fee. Pay for your own lunch. Register at the SEESA Front Desk by the deadline: Wednesday Jan 21 at 4 pm. For more details see the poster on the Travel Bulletin Board next to the water fountain. Jim Normey - SEESA Floor Curling Director Above - First Place winners with Harvey Nordstrom Left 50/50 winner Don Jackson Above - Third Place winners with John Markowski Right - Fourth place winners with Steve Bennett. 7 December Birthday Party DECEMBER CRIB TOURNAMENT 1ST PLACE MILES & EVELYN POLIAK 2ND PLACE ETHEL REID & MARY FOURNIER 2ND TOO IKE JAZEN & HENRY PETERS BOOBIE PRIZE: AL & JEAN MORRISON DOOR PRIZE: TERRI MARTINEAU, PHYL JACULA, SHEILA NELLES POT 19: STEVE HOLUB We happily enjoyed the Music Makers—a special Christmas treat; all dressed in formal attire singing joyfully! President, Sheila Clifford McKay, presented John Markowski with his lifetime membership! Sheila Bent and Dick O’Connor won the door prizes. Anie Kiel and John Markowski won the lunch gift certificates MONTHLY SUPPER WINNERS DOOR PRIZES HARVEY NORDSTROM & WAYNE ANDERSON 50/50’S EDNA TYLER & ALMA KESSEL JAM DOOR PRIZE ANNETTA LECLERC Busy Bee-ing Fabulous! In the hubbub and chaos of membership Milestones & Celebrations renewals and craft sales the book of December Landmark Birthdays fabulous has wandered away. The Book of Fabulous will be replaced Armand Labossiere, Dora Bilko, Iris Renaud, but for this month here are some 2014 hight- Irene Walker, John Markowski, Kathleen Johnston, lights from the staff jar of WOW! Mac McPhee, Marg McCarthy, Margaret O’Brien, Marlene Bjork, Thanks for the hugs when I came back after Mary Temofychuk, Phyl Jacula, being sick! Ron O’Neill, Sheila Bent, Thank you to the snow angel who swept my Sylvia Adams, Terry Glover, Twila Riopel, car! You made my day! Vicki Schechtl White Chocolate hot chocolate on a crazy Vivian Lungren busy day - Thank you! Yvonne Schopff Ann Marshall always empties the 3 hole punch when she is in - That is so thoughtful Hearing Clinic! I was reminded today that a simple gesture - a wave can change Tuesday January 20th, 2015 some ones day. 9:30 am Personal Care Room Paid advertisement No appointment necessary 8 Still need 48 of 100 people with $100 Donate $100 and we will activate one of our Christmas bulbs on our festive string. The $10,000 will go towards The Show Must Go On project. Have got lit so far! The Melody Singers, Sharon Svendsen, Rick & Judy Pape, Jim & Elsa-Marie Frazer, Sheila Dyck, Sherwood Park Agencies, Judy Ashton, Southgate Lions Club, Josephine Campbell, PSL Contracting Ltd., Connie Misick of Serenity Funeral Service, Roger and Linda Smeland, Dorothy & Steve Bennett, George & Barb Skaley, Maddie Beebe, Tyson & Mary Anne Jaedicke, Edith Howard, Dan & Linda Acheson. Brenda Remin, Sheila Clifford MacKay, Walter and Elaine Butler, Kimberly Buehler, Darlene Bartman,Merle & Jean McKenna, Alberta Smith, Ron & Frieda Cutting,Norma Alton, Cas & Virginia Lukay,In Memory of Michelle Lauber, Very Vocal Group, Angela Morgan, Betty Van Petten, In Memory of Sandy Manning, In Memory of Kevon Smith, Lois Pawl, In Memory of Reid Creller, Bev Clarke, In Memory of Wayne Eaker, TOPS Alberta 1481. The lights will be available until Ukrainian New Years, January 14, Why not let your lovelight shine? In Our Thoughts and Prayers To all our members and friends who have been ill or who have lost a loved one, our thoughts and prayers are with you. The following people have been ill or injured and hopefully will be fit and active in short order: Jean McKenna The following members, past members or family members have passed away: Reid Creller, Vincent Dwyer, and Alex Senio. Thank you To the Craft Ladies for organizing for the Christmas Raffles. The Christmas Basket sold $480 and the winner was Catherine Haiste The MacPanda Lap Quilt netted $352 and Sharon Moffat was the lucky recipient. If you have any news, either good or bad, about members, past or present, and their families, PLEASE write it in the Outreach book located at the front desk. 9 Thanks to the Silent Auction Donors AAA Cheap Junk Removal 780-860-8633 Great Hair Day 780-413-0901 Barb and Ernie’s Restaurant Home style taste. German attitude. 780-433-3242 Edmonton Motors Ltd Sandra Verburgt / Parts Manager Professional Parts Managers’ Guild Member 780-482-7823 Bartle and Gibson Plumbing / Heating / Electrical 780-472-2850 Hypnotic Bloom Flowershop Bring in a gift for Santa’s Anonymous and save. 780-466-9111 Baseline Chiropractic and Wellness Centre Dr. Katy Pedden - Chiropractor 780-417-2380 Liquor Depot / Capliano Check out their new store and the Growler Bar. Exquisite selection of wine. Ottewell Registries We’ve moved to Capliano Come see us there! 780-465-8989 Men In Kilts We clean. You enjoy. Just Remember…..No Peeking. 1-800-777-kilt Centennial Foodservice Tom Sipos 780-465-9991 Cactus Flower House 50 Years in this location: 9520-87 street Pearle Vision / Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre 780-465-0201 Paush Shoes / Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre 780-466-1437 Comfort Keepers Comforting Solutions for In-Home Care 780-465-4665 China Marble Restaurant Delicious! 780-461-6233 Dallas Pizza & Steak House In your Neighborhood Take Out or Eat In 780-466-1112 Prana Holistic Your life isn’t meant to be lived in pain. Don’t suffer any longer. 780-454-5299 Edward Jones - Nathan Osterhout Make Sense of Investing 780-472-1688 For Wood's Sake Handcrafted furniture from reclaimed wood. 780-468-3263 Roxx / Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre Jewellery & Gifts Staples That was easy! Holiday Centre. 10 Many Silent Auction Donors continued Bonnies Ruffle Scarves Bonnie Phillips 780-436-6121 Royal LePage-Frank Vanderbleek “Serving you since ‘92” 780-431-5600 Sam Marshall Penny Arcane Foto 780-235-7500 Serenity Funeral Service Connie Misick cares 780-265-4030 Sophia Hair Design New Location 780-705-1005 The Prosthetic and Orthotic Company Inc. 780-448-1281 Waterloo Ford Lincoln The vehicles you want at the prices you want to pay. 1-888-369-5638 More Friends….. Alida Van Braeden AMA Avon-Grace Kenworthy Bernice Pedden Bernie and Judy Prudell Betty Van Petten Bev Clarke Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre Clark Builders Councillor Ben Henderson Darrell Stelt Edith Howard Jean Weekes Judy and Rick Pape Judy Ashton Mary Anne Jaedicke Mary Chesney MLA David Dorward Noel Constantin No Stone Left Alone Sherr Wadson Walter Butler The Melody Singers SEESA Board Table Tennis Club Special Events Committee Hellup Wanted The SeeSaw knews letter edatore is loking 4 peephole to hellup Prove reed the knewsletter. If U thingk U cood Help wit dat call or email –Celeste homeservice@seesa. 11 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Monthly Dinner Menu Ukrainian Feast!! Thu 1 Office Closed $12.00 per person 4 5 18 Jam Session 7pm Dinner Tix on sale 8 12 New Monday Office Hours 8:30-8:30 13 15 16 Newsletter Deadline Crokinole Cafeteria 1:30 19 20 26 14 9 Sat 3 Office Closed Crib Tournament 1 pm 10 WeCan Order Deadline Crokinole Cafeteria 1:30 17 Jam Session 7pm Hearing Clinic 9:30am 25 2 6 7 Ukrainian Lets Go Christmas Travel Re-gift Club Mtg Exchange 11 am Building Closes at 4:30 pm 11 Fri 27 Board Meeting 10am 21 22 23 24 Monthly Birthday Party WeCan Crokinole Food Basket Cafeteria Pickup 1:30 Monthly Dance Diamonds!! 28 29 30 31 Monthly Dinner 5:30 Crokinole Cafeteria 1:30 Military Whist Tournament WeCan Pick-up 12
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