Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding Opportunities Open Opportunity Calls for Proposals in the Fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport (UK) The European Commission has issued a general call for proposals for 2015 under its Erasmus+ programme. This is the Commission's new programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. Through the programme funding is available to any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. In addition, groups of young people who are active in youth work, but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation, may apply for funding for learning mobility of young people and youth workers as well as for Strategic partnerships in the field of youth. The type of activities funded include: Exchanges with and placements of young people similar organisations within the EU Strategic partnerships between educational institutions such as schools Colleges and Universities; etc Collaborative partnerships in the field of sport; etc. For further information on the specific calls for proposals; including applications deadlines and criteria please click on the link below. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.C_.2014.344.01.0015.01.ENG Urban Community Energy Fund Opens for Applications (England) The Department for Energy and Climate Change has announced that the next closing date for applications to its Community Energy Fund is the end of January 2015. The Urban Community Energy Fund (UCEF) is a £10m fund to kick-start renewable energy generation projects in urban communities across England. Community groups will be able to access grants and loans to support renewable energy developments. Grants of up to £20,000 are available for the early stages of a project. This can include public consultations and preliminary viability studies, etc. UCEF will also provide loans of up to £130,000 to develop planning applications and a robust business case to attract further investment. This will help projects become ‘investment ready', to secure a bank loan or another form of investment. The type of organisations that can apply include: Registered Company (including CICs) Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registered Societies (formerly known as IPS) Parish and Town Councils. There will be further application deadlines are at the end of February and March 2015. From April 2015, the application deadline is likely to be every second month. The same deadlines apply whether organisations are applying for a grant or a loan. https://www.gov.uk/urban-community-energy-fund Green Deal Home Improvement Opens for New Applications (England & Wales) The Department of Energy & Climate Change has announced that the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund is once again open to applications. Households in England and Wales can apply for up to £5,600 to help with the cost of installing energy saving measures such as solid wall insulation, double glazing, boilers, cavity wall and floor insulation. Up to £30 million in vouchers will be available. The £30 million will be split into two categories: Up to £24 million for solid wall insulation Up to £6 million for two measures from a list of home improvements available under the scheme. Once the funding under each category has been committed, no more applications will be taken for that category - though applications will still be taken for the other category if 1 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red funds are still available. Households must have an assessment from a Green Deal Assessor before applying. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/green-deal-home-improvement-fund-details-announced Government Announces Extra Funding for Neighbourhood Planning (England) The Department for Communities and Local Government has made and additional £10.5m available to provide direct support and bridging grants to help more communities in England create neighbourhood plans. Bridging grants are available to qualifying groups who have not previously received a grant or who have received less than the maximum £7000 in grant during 2013-15. Any previous grants from the programme must have been fully spent before applying for a bridging grant. Direct support packages are available to groups who have either still to submit their neighbourhood area or forum application for designation to the local authority, or who have reached (or are within 6 weeks of reaching) the pre-submission consultation of their plan. The final round of Expressions of Interest for Direct Support opened on 4 November and will close for application once capacity has been reached. http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/neighbourhood-planning/#sthash.VbvyaTlo.dpuf New Neighbourhood Planning Workshop Grants Available (England) To help mobilise more communities to get involved in Neighbourhood Planning the Department for Communities and Local Government has made available £100,000 to enable groups to organise workshops in their local area on the subject. The purpose of this short programme is to support approximately 40-60 local workshops designed to increase take up of neighbourhood planning, i.e. more communities applying for designation as neighbourhood areas. Eligible organisations can apply for grants of up to £2000 per workshop. Meetings must take place in areas where the existing take up of neighbourhood planning is low and in locations where you expect to be able to attract at least 10 communities to attend. The applicant and workshop organiser must be a constituted body with experience of or a strong interest in neighbourhood planning. This could include: Local planning authorities Town and parish councils County association of local councils University planning schools. Groups already undertaking a neighbourhood plan, local community organisations and charities can also apply. The activities should be targeted primarily at local communities that have not embarked on preparing a neighbourhood plan (i.e. have not yet applied for designation). The main purpose of the workshops is to encourage such communities to formally embark on neighbourhood planning. Activity funded through this grant programme must take place before 31 March 2015. http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/neighbourhood-planning/apply/#sthash.aYMOiSCy.dpuf The Queen’s Young Leaders Programme (UK / International) The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, in partnership with Comic Relief and the Royal Commonwealth Society has announced a new grants programme to transform the lives of young people in selected countries across the Commonwealth. The Queen's Young Leaders Programme will make grants of between £60,000 and £1 Million to organisations working with young people in the UK, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Jamaica and Solomon Islands. The funding will be available for projects that are led by or focused on young people and provide opportunities for them to learn new skills, secure employment, create enterprises or have a say in decisions affecting their future. Smaller grants will also be provided in each country through the Trust's new Small Grants Fire-starter Initiative which will support smaller youth-led organisations and groups. More information about this Initiative and how organisations can apply will be available soon. http://www.queensyoungleaders.com/grants-scheme/ Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Launched (England, Scotland and Wales) The Government has announced that the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is open for applications. The RHI is a long-term financial support programme for renewable heat, offering homeowners payments to offset the cost of installing low carbon systems in their properties. The scheme is open to everyone - home owners, social and private 2 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red landlords, and people who build their own homes. It is available to households both on and off the gas grid. The technologies currently covered by the scheme are: Biomass heating systems Ground or water source heat pumps Air to water heat pumps Solar thermal panels Homeowners in England, Scotland and Wales can receive quarterly payments over a seven year period to fund the purchase and installation costs of a renewable heat source. For further details about the scheme including eligibility criteria and how to apply please click on the link below. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environmental-programmes/domestic-renewable-heat-incentive First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund (England) Church Care, the Church of England body which supports over 16,000 cathedral and church buildings, has announced that the third, and final, round of applications for the First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund will close on Wednesday 21st January 2015. The fund provides grants of between £10,000 and £250,000: To carry out necessary repair works to the fabric of the listed Anglican and Catholic cathedral churches in England To carry out repairs to prevent further deterioration of the fabric of the listed building To ensure the listed buildings are in a good and safe state of repair in order to host events commemorating WW1. The fund is open to any listed Anglican or Catholic cathedral in England. http://www.churchcare.co.uk/cathedrals/funding-and-grants/fabric-repair-grants-cathedrals Funding for Collaborative R&D to Solve Urban Challenges with Data (UK) Innovate UK, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) have announced that they are to invest up to £7.5million in collaborative R&D projects to solve urban challenge through new ways of combining data. Innovate UK and its partners are seeking proposals for innovative, commercial solutions to increase the resilience, quality of life or economic performance of urban areas by integrating environmental, social and/or economic data with data from other sources. Innovate UK are primarily seeking to fund collaborative research and development and expect projects to range in size from £250k to £1million, although they may consider projects outside this range. Up to £2.5million of the total funding will be available for smallerscale collaborative feasibility studies (or pre-industrial research). Innovate UK expect feasibility studies projects to range in size from £50k to £200k. Up to £0.5m is specifically for projects which use historic or new datasets collected by satellites to develop new services. The competition opens for applications on the 8th December 2014. The deadline for feasibility studies expressions of interest is noon on the 21st January 2015 and the deadline for collaborative R&D expressions of interest is noon on the 28 January 2015. https://interact.innovateuk.org/-/solving-urban-challenges-with-data-collaborative-r-d British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards (UK) The British Academy has announced a new programme of funding to extend support for early career scholars through its Rising Star Engagement Awards. These awards enable established early career scholars to become actively engaged in the work of the Academy and to enhance their own skills and career development through the organisation of events, training, and mentoring activities for a wide range of other early career researchers. Early career scholars within 10 years of the award of their doctorate, and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom can apply for up to £15,000 funding; and must demonstrate their academic credentials to be leaders in research through suitable marks of esteem awarded prior to the submission of the application. Projects must start in March 2015 and the deadline for applications is 21st January 2015. http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/guide/rising-star-engagement-awards.cfm 3 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Sport England Launches Funding Programme to Tackle Physical Inactivity (England) Sport England has announced that round 2 of its "Get Healthy, Get Active" programme is now open for applications. Through the fund a total of £5 million will be available to support projects that tackle physical inactivity. The aim is to reduce the burden of preventable death, disease and disability, and support people and their communities to achieve their potential. The Get Healthy, Get Active fund aims to: Get more inactive people playing sport once a week for at least 30 minutes Achieve a better understanding of sports contribution to improving public health and the prevention, treatment and management of long term conditions Enable sport and physical activity to be regularly commissioned to meet a wider range of agendas but particularly focusing on reducing health and social care costs Achieve a reduction in health inequalities. Organisations / partnerships such as charities, voluntary and community groups, schools and Local Authorities, etc can apply for grants of between £100,000 and £500,000. In exceptional circumstances grants of above £500,000 will be available. Organisations / partnerships applying, will need to contribute about 1/3 to the costs of the project. The application deadline is the 26th January 2015. http://www.sportengland.org/funding/our-different-funds/get-healthy,-get-active/ Sutton Trust 2015 US University Programme Opens for Applications (UK) After three successful years, the Sutton Trust is continuing its flagship US programme to give bright, state school students a taste of life at an American university. The programme, delivered in partnership with the US-UK Fulbright Commission, is centred on a one week summer school in the US (in previous years at either Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University or Harvard) with introductory events and application support in the UK before and after. To be eligible to apply applicants must: Be in Year 12 or equivalent (eg S5 in Scotland) Attend a state school or college Not hold US citizenship Be from a low or middle income family. The Trust in particular welcome applications from students who would be the first in their family to go to university. To apply to the Sutton Trust US Programme, each applicant must complete and submit the student application form and ask their school to complete a reference form to help us assess the student's suitability for the programme. The deadline for student applications is midday on Tuesday, 27th January 2015 and the supporting school references are due by midday on Thursday, 29th January 2015. http://us.suttontrust.com/apply/eligibility-and-selection/ The British & Foreign Schools Society (UK & Worldwide) The British & Foreign Schools Society (BFSS), which supports educational projects in the UK and around the world, has announced that the next meeting for which applications can be accepted is on 28th January 2015; applications should be received at least 4 weeks in advance. The Society supports organisations that reach out to children in remote or impoverished areas, improving inclusivity in education and providing much-needed facilities. The Society normally makes grants for educational projects totalling about £500,000 in any one year. The majority (85% of grants) are made to charities and educational bodies (with charitable status). Previous projects supported include: A grant of £10,000 to the Bloomfield Learning Centre. The Centre assesses and teaches 6 to 16 year olds with specific learning difficulties from areas of socio economic disadvantage in London specially Southwark, Lambeth, Islington, Camden and Greenwich. A grant of £5,000 to the Lyric Hammersmith to support a programme of work for schools in West London to enable disadvantaged children to engage in regular cultural activity http://www.bfss.org.uk/grants/ Commonwealth Foundation - Participatory Governance Grants (UK / International The Commonwealth Foundation has announced that its grants programme is open for applications on the 6th January 2015. The programme provides grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years, to support projects that promote the inclusion of civil society in decision-making processes within 4 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Commonwealth countries, enabling citizens to exercise voice and vote, and engage in policy formation. To be eligible for funding, your organisation needs to be a registered Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and must be based is a Commonwealth Foundation member Country. The deadline for submission of the preliminary application form is 5pm on the 29th January 2015. http://www.commonwealthfoundation.com/grants Youth Music - Grant Making Programmes (England) Youth Music, England's largest children's music charity, which provides funding for music-making projects, is currently open for applications. Through its new funding programmes, Youth Music will focus on: Funding developmental music-making projects for children and young people up to the age of 25 and including early years (0 - 5) As well as projects that support the development of the workforce, organisations and the wider sector. The new funding programme is made up of three separate funds: Fund A offers small grants (up to £30,000) for high quality music-making projects Fund B offers medium-sized grants (30,001 - £100,000 per year) for larger programmes of work Fund C offers grants (of up to £180,000) for strategic programmes to help embed sustainable, inclusive music-making across a local area. The types of organisations that are eligible to apply include charities, not for profit organisations and schools. Schools will however have to justify how to activities to be funded do not duplicate Department of Education funding. The closing dates for applications are the 23rd April for Fund A; the 29th January 2015 for Fund B; and the deadline for Fund C has now passed. http://network.youthmusic.org.uk/Funding/about-youth-musics-grants-programme Tenancy Deposit Scheme Charitable Foundation Launched (UK) The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) has launched a new charity (TDS Charitable Foundation) for the private rented sector with a mission to improve private rented housing standards. Organisations in the UK are invited to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to advance education about housing rights and obligations. Activities must meet one of the following themes for funding: Theme 1 - promoting knowledge of private landlord's obligations when renting homes. Under this theme, the Foundation invites proposals that will help to educate landlords who are inexperienced and do not fully understand the obligations that they have to meet as a landlord. Theme 2 - promoting knowledge of tenants' rights and responsibilities. Under this theme, the Foundation invites proposals which will help educate tenants about their rights and responsibilities. A particular focus of this will be the student market. A total of £105,000 will be allocated in three funding rounds. This year's deadlines for applications are 30 June 2014, 31 October 2014 and 30 January 2015. http://tdsfoundation.org.uk/ Funding for Schools to Develop Their International Partnerships (UK) The British Council has announced that it has re-opened its School Partnerships Grants Programme. Through the programme funding is available for reciprocal study visits between UK schools and their international partners. An annual grant of £1,500 for each school in the partnership is available. The funding offers young people the chance to collaborate directly with their international peers, bringing challenging global issues to life and creating cross-cultural relationships. Schools need to be able to show how the Connecting Classrooms partnership will: Increase global citizenship Enrich education Develop equitable and sustainable partnerships between schools. The grant must be spent on visits from at least one teacher from each of the schools in the partnership. The funding is available to all educational institutions with students aged 5 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red from 3 to 18. The British Council accepts applications for partnerships with schools from across the Middle East, Sub-Saharan and North Africa, South and East Asia, Central and South America, and the UK. For a full list of eligible countries please see the British Council website. The next application deadline is the 30th January 2015. https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/programmes-and-funding/linking-programmes-worldwide/connecting-classrooms/partnerships Funding to Connect Children with the Arts (UK) The Prince's Foundation for Children & the Arts is inviting applications from arts organisations that are interested in being part of their Start programme, and are looking to recruit 8-10 new partners for the 2015/16 academic year supporting each project for at least 3 years. Start seeks to support cultural venues (e.g. theatres, museums, galleries and orchestras) to enable them to build partnerships with selected primary and secondary schools in their local areas, enabling children to experience the very best of the arts. Local authority venues can also apply as can non-venues so long as they can demonstrate a committed partnership with a venue that will last throughout the three years of the project. Children & the Arts will provide financial support to a maximum of £15,000 per project per year in years one and two, and a maximum of £10,500 in year three. The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 30th January 2015. http://www.childrenandarts.org.uk/our-projects/start/ Funding for Sensory Rooms and Equipment (UK) The Lords Taverners, the UK's leading youth cricket and disability sports charity dedicated to giving disadvantaged and disabled young people a sporting chance, has announced that schools catering for children with severe learning and physical disabilities, sensory impairments and autism can now register their interest in their Sensory Rooms and Equipment packages. Sensory Rooms and Equipment will be available to schools that cater for young people under the age of 19 who have a physical/ sensory/ learning disability. The Lords Taverners are unable to support schools that cater for socially disadvantaged children or mainstream schools for children with behavioural problems. Schools will need to make a minimum 25% contribution towards the project. The Lords Taverners will fund up to a maximum of 75% to a maximum of £25,000. The closing date for submitting Expression of Interest forms is the 30th January 2015. http://www.lordstaverners.org/sensory-rooms Funding for Outdoor Play Spaces (UK) Special schools catering for children with severe learning and physical disabilities can apply to the Lords Taverners charity for outdoor play equipment. Play time' is proven to improve children's physical and mental health, help develop emotional responses and learning skills and improving basic numeracy and literacy. Since 2009 the Lord's Taverners has provided outdoor play equipment to 83 special schools, benefiting nearly 8,000 pupils. Special Schools can now register their interest in the Lords Taverners outdoor play space programme and join their waiting list. For further details please contact Charlotte Brooks on 020 7025 0016 or email her. The closing date for Special Schools to submit their expression of interest form and supporting documents is the 30th January 2015. http://www.lordstaverners.org/outdoor-play-spaces-lords-taverners Lord Taverners Minibuses Grant Programme (UK) The Lords Taverners, the UK's leading youth cricket and disability sports charity, has announced that its Minibuses grants programme has re-opened for applications. Applications are being accepted from schools/ organisations that cater for young people under the age of 25 who have a physical/ sensory/ learning disability. Please note that the Lords Taverners are unable to support schools that cater for socially disadvantaged children, or mainstream schools for children with behavioural problems. Last year the Lords Taverners, delivered 32 specially-adapted, wheelchair-accessible minibuses to schools, clubs and youth organisations across the UK. These vehicles give young people with disabilities access to new places and experiences. Lord's Taverners minibuses are based on the current Ford Transit model, with a diesel engine. The average cost to the charity of an accessible minibus is £52,500. The closing date for applications is the 30th January 2015. http://www.lordstaverners.org/minibuses 6 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund (UK) The Government has announced a new £15 million fund for the repair of roofs and rainwater disposal systems on listed church buildings. The Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund will make grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 and will be available to listed places of worship of all faiths and denominations across the UK, where roof and rainwater disposal system repairs are deemed to be urgent and necessary. The deadline for applications is 12 pm on the 30th January 2015, with awards to be allocated by the end of March 2015. The scheme will be administered by the National Heritage Memorial Fund on behalf of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and ChurchCare will be providing support for dioceses and parishes. http://www.nhmf.org.uk/LatestNews/Pages/LPOWRoof.aspx Irish Youth Foundation Opens for Grant Applications (UK) The Irish Youth Foundation, which supports projects that work to improve the lives of Irish children and young people within the UK, has announced its grants programme is open for applications. Organisations in the UK that work to improve the lives of Irish children and young people can apply for funding of up to £12,000 (£5,000 in Northern Ireland). The Foundation provides funding for a wide range of projects including: Training/counselling Drug rehabilitation Advice/advocacy Youth work Family support; etc. Projects funded in the past include: Warwickshire Schools Gaelic Athletic Association to promote the sport to young people living in deprived areas. The Hammersmith Irish Cultural Centre in London which received a grant of £7,500 towards an Irish Saturday school, a 2-week Irish Summer School and after-school Irish education courses. For more information on the type of grants awarded by the Foundation please click here. The closing date for applications is the 30th January 2015. http://www.iyf.org.uk/ New £4m Fund for Search and Rescue Volunteers (UK) The UK's charitable search and rescue organisations (SAR) can now apply for the first round of grants from the government's new £4m fund for training SAR volunteers. There is no lower and upper limit to the size of grant available, though expectations are for support to be from £1,000 upwards depending on need and impact. Funds can be used for costs such as paying for courses, administration costs incurred by providing a training course, the cost of hiring external trainers, travel costs and the costs of training equipment (e.g. dummies or training defibrillators). The deadline for applications is Friday 30th January 2015. https://www.cafonline.org/about-us/our-grant-programmes/uk-sar-volunteer-training-fund.aspx Postcode Community Trust Community Grants Scheme (North of England, Scotland and Wales) The Postcode Community Trust has announced that its new Community Grants Scheme is open for applications. Funding of between £500 and £20,000 is available for innovative and engaging projects (lasting for up to one year) in the north of England, Scotland and Wales that bring a positive impact to local communities. Charities and community groups that support environmental protection, community development, engagement in sport, advancement of health, promotion of human rights and prevention of poverty, can apply. The deadline for applications is Friday 30th January 2015. http://www.postcodecommunitytrust.org.uk/ 7 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Government Launches the 2015 DfE Character Awards (England) In conjunction with the new £3.5 million Character Education Grant Fund, the Department for Education has launched the 2015 DfE Character Awards. Schools and organisations will be able to submit an online application to be recognised as a leader in character education. Applicants should be able to prove their programme develops character traits, attributes and behaviours that underpin success in school and work. Applicants from all 9 English regions will be looked at in order to seek out the most effective practice. Up to 3 winners will be selected from all applicants within each region (North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, East Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West) and awarded £15,000. From amongst the regional winners, 1 national prize winner will be chosen and awarded an additional prize of £20,000. The closing date for applications is the 30th January 2015. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dfe-character-awards-application-window-now-open Funding to Take Geography Teaching out of the Classroom (UK) The Frederick Soddy Trust, with the support of the Geographically Association, runs an annual Award Scheme for schools to support geography based field work and expeditions. The total sum available for awards is £2,500. Normally sums awarded are between £200 and £550. Priority will be given to those applications that have at least a strong element of human geography. The awards are made to teams of pupils between 5 and 18 years of age. Preference will be given to those schools applying for funds for expeditions or field study in the United Kingdom and Ireland as opposed to countries elsewhere in the world. The closing date for submitting an application is the 31st January 2015. http://www.soddy.org/schools.htm The Ernest Cook Trust Grants Programme (UK) Schools, charities and not for profit organisations wishing to encourage young people's interest in the countryside and the environment, the arts or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy can apply for funding to the Ernest Cook Trust (ECT). The Trust operates two grant making programmes. The small grants programme (under £4,000) supports state schools and small registered charities which would like to undertake projects which meet the Trust's objectives and require a small amount of pump-priming in order for such projects to take place and a larger grants programme for grants in excess of £4,000. Meetings to consider applications for the small grants programme take place bi-monthly throughout the year. The full board of Trustees meets twice a year, in April and September, to consider grants in excess of £4,000. Grants in the past have been awarded towards the purchase of IT equipment in schools, clothing and equipment for outdoor learning, using drama to raise learning achievements; etc. Grants are normally awarded for one year only. Applications to the small grants programme can be made at any time. The next closing date for applications for the large grants programme is the 31st January 2015. http://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/grants/ The Radcliffe Trust – Music Grants (UK) The Radcliffe Trust has announced that the next deadline for applications to its Music masking grants programme is the 31st January 2015. Through its grant making programme, the Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. The Trustees respond to applications and also initiate their own projects. Applicants must be a registered charity or an exempt charity. Projects supported in the past include: Friends of Musicfest Aberystwith who received £1,000 for a musicfest The National Autistic Society which received £2,000 for a music room in Glasgow The Birmingham Children's Hospital which received £2,500 for a ‘Singing medicine'. http://www.theradcliffetrust.org/guidelines.php Grants to Enhance the Teaching of Mathematics (UK) The London Mathematical Society has announced that Mathematics Teachers in the UK can apply for grants of up to £400 to attend specific one or two day conferences/events organised by professional mathematical organisations. The aim of the grant is to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to develop their subject knowledge. The grant 8 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red can contribute to the costs of registration for the course and a proportion of the travel and subsistence expenses of attendees. Any application for a grant under this scheme must be made by a teacher of mathematics or ITE provider based in the UK. The grants are open to teachers of mathematics from primary school to A-Level or equivalent (inclusive of STEP/AEA). The next closing date for applications is the 31st January 2015. http://www.lms.ac.uk/grants/teacher-cpd-grants UK-China Connecting Classrooms Grant Scheme (UK) Schools in the UK that want to start a new or develop an existing partnership with school in China can apply for funding through the British Council's UK-China Connecting Classrooms grant scheme. The grant for UK-China partnerships must be spent on visits for at least one teacher from each of the schools in the partnership. Getting official approval in China for an overseas trip by school leaders and teachers can prove difficult. Therefore schools can spend the grant on two other areas if they anticipate their trips will not take place during the project lifecycle. The two areas are: Attendance by school leaders and teachers at professional development activities Collaborative projects. Projects and activities must address the internationalisation agenda for young people in the UK and China, as well as improve academic attainment, international outlook and global competitiveness of young people. The British Council can accept grant applications from UK and China schools, sixth-form colleges and comparable institutions providing full-time general, vocational, technical and special-needs education for pupils aged 3-18 years old. Both private and government institutions are eligible to apply. The eligible partnership composition can include both individual bilateral partnerships (one school in the UK and one school in China) or cluster bilateral partnerships (with a minimum three up to ten schools in the UK and minimum three up to ten paired schools in China). Grants of up to £1,500 per year for each school in the partnership are available. The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2015. https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/programmes-and-funding/linking-programmes-worldwide/connecting-classrooms/partnerships/uk-china Funding to Celebrate UK – German School Partnerships (UK) Schools, FE Colleges and youth organisations that have an established partnership with a similar organisation in Germany can apply for a grant of up to £1,500 to help fund celebrations of their partnership. Grants provided through the Celebratory Fund can be used towards activity-related costs, e.g. materials, resources, dissemination activities; and travel, accommodation and subsistence costs related to the celebratory activity. For example, pupils from Meadow High School, a special educational needs school in Hillingdon visited pupils from HeinrichErnst-Stötzner Schule as part of a project focusing on inclusivity. Once in Hannover, the pupils ventured to the 'Pro Beruf Ausbildungsrestaurant', which provides training to SEN students. The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2015. http://www.ukgermanconnection.org/?location_id=2550&item=5856 Challenge Fund - World Of Work (UK) UK Schools that have partnerships with German Schools can apply for funding of up to £5,000 to undertake work experience and / or enterprise projects as part of their partnership. Suitable themes for joint project work could include topics such as: International business, cross-cultural skills Education and culture Entrepreneurship, etc. The project or work experience activities must take place within the context of a UK-German school partnership where at least 8 pupils from both schools are participating in mutual visits. Grants provided can support costs such as travel and accommodation for reciprocal partner visits, project resources and joint activities and will be a contribution to the overall costs. 9 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Previous partnerships supported include: St. Columb's College Derry, Northern Ireland, and IGS Langenhagen, Hannover for their "Fit for a global world" project. This project involved 24 UK and German students and aimed to raise awareness of the importance of languages for the global economy as well as to allow students to gain experience in the world of work in a foreign country. The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2015. http://www.ukgermanconnection.org/WORLDOFWORK Funding for Financial Literacy Projects (UK) The MSE Charity has announced that its grants programme has re-opened for applications. The MSE Charity provides grants to constituted community based groups (including schools) for projects to help fight financial and consumer illiteracy and to educate and inform adults and children about consumer and debt issues. Under the programme, grants of up to £5,000 are available. Priority will be given to groups with an annual income of less than £300,000. Groups that have received funding in the past include: The Stoke on Trent CAB Bristol Debt Advice Centre Asperger East Anglia The Holy Catholic School Long Eaton School; etc. The closing date for applications will be the 31st January 2015 or when 40 applications have been received. https://www.msecharity.com/Default.aspx?pageid=15 Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund (UK) The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that its Outreach Fund is open for applications. The fund provides financial support to individuals and organisations (this includes, but is not limited to, Society members and member networks, researchers in academia or industry, museums, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, arts groups and libraries) to enable them to run chemistry-based events and activities for public audiences. The Outreach Fund is split into three categories: Small grants up to £2,000 Medium grants of between £2,000 and £10,000 Large grants of between £10,000 and £50,000. Priority will be given to projects that raise awareness of the place of chemistry in people's everyday lives, especially those not already interested in chemistry, and/or develop the science communication skills of people who are already highly trained in chemistry. Previously funded projects include: "Cool chemistry at the seaside" where the Society awarded a grant of £2,000 to volunteers in Ramsgate who transformed an empty town-centre shop into a makeshift theatre in November, delivering free chemistry demonstrations to anyone. The deadlines for applications are 5pm on the 31st January 2015 for its small grants programme and 5pm on the 30th April 2015 for the medium and large grants programme. http://www.rsc.org/awards-funding/funding/outreach-fund/#about Funding to Support Arts Projects (UK) The Fidelio Trust offers grants of up to £5,000 in support of the Arts, in particular the dramatic and operatic arts, music, speech and dance. The Trustees aim to help individuals and groups such as Colleges, Arts Festivals and other arts organisations who would not be able to carry out a project or activity without financial support. Funding is available towards: 10 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Tuition or coaching costs To participate in external competitions To be supported for a specially arranged performance To receive support for a special publication, musical composition or work of art. The next closing date for applications is the 1st February 2015. http://www.fideliocharitabletrust.org.uk/index.php School Grants to Promote Physics (UK) UK schools and colleges can apply for grants of up to £500 from the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council for small-scale projects or events linked to the teaching or promotion of physics. Projects linked to astronomy, space and particle physics are particularly encouraged. The types of activities supported by the grant can include: Running a science week activity Organising a visit to or from a working physicist Supply cover Transport Marketing and publicity Materials/resources. Previous projects to receive funding include: St Clements Danes School for a trip to the JET Fusion Research Facility. St John's High School for a Practical Rocketry workshop to design a water propelled rocket. The closing date is the 1st February 2015. http://www.iop.org/about/grants/school/page_38824.html Schools Grant Scheme to Promote Physics and Engineering (UK) UK schools and colleges can apply for grants of up to £500 from the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council for small-scale projects or events linked to the teaching or promotion of physics and engineering. Projects linked to astronomy, space and particle physics are particularly encouraged, as are those relating to engineering in areas such as: Energy Transport Information and communications Design and production The built environment. The types of activities supported by the grant can include: Running a school/college based science week activity Running extracurricular activities such as a science club Purchasing materials/resources outside of the normal department resources Organising a visit to a science facility or a visit from a working physicist or engineer (This is not an exhaustive list of eligible projects). The scheme is open to all UK educational institutions (schools and colleges) catering for pupils/students in the age range 5-19. Previous projects to receive funding include: St Clements Danes School for a trip to the JET Fusion Research Facility. St John's High School for a Practical Rocketry workshop to design a water propelled rocket. The closing date is the 1st February 2015. http://www.iop.org/about/grants/school/page_38824.html 11 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (UK) The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies has announced the next closing date for applications is the 1st February 2015. The Society makes grants to schools to help promote Latin and Roman studies. Most of the grants are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other books on Roman topics. The Committee also makes awards to groups and schools organising lectures or study days on Roman themes, and has recently made money available for archaeology fieldwork bursaries. Schools that have recently been awarded funding include: Piddle Valley C of E First School, Dorchester Gilberd School, Colchester Gladys Aylward School, London. Hereford Cathedral School that received funding to run weekly Latin masterclasses. Applications from schools planning to start courses in Latin are particularly welcome. Grants usually range from £50 to £500. http://www.romansociety.org/grants-prizes/funding-for-schools.html Unlimited Arts Fund for Disabled Artists (England, Scotland & Wales) Disabled artists and arts organisations with a strong track record in their field can apply for funding from Unlimited to create and present new work, across all art forms. The work may still be at a very early stage of conception, or have already undergone some research and development. The Unlimited commission awards will range between £20,000 - £80,000 depending on scale and ambition (for Wales-based artists this is capped at £60,000). If you're thinking of applying you can book a 30 minute session to talk to the Unlimited team about your plans. They will be able to advise you about the scheme, its criteria and definitions in more depth and talk through your project proposal answering any questions you might have. The deadline for applications is midday on Monday 2nd February 2015. http://weareunlimited.org.uk/apply-to-unlimited/ Rowing Foundation Grants (UK) The Rowing Foundation has announced that it is currently accepting applications to its grants programme. The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the participation in rowing of young people (those under 18 or still in full time education) and the disabled of all ages. The Foundation gives grants of £500-£2,000 to help British rowing organisations and clubs whose requirements may be too small or who may be otherwise ineligible for an approach to the National Lottery or other similar sources of funds. Grants are made to a variety of rowing clubs, centres and schools. Previous clubs and organisations supported include: Mounts Bay Pilot Gig Club for lifejackets for juniors Dorney BC for adaptive seat and pontoons for a sculling boat Royal Albert Dock Trust for a replacement engine for a safety boat; etc. The next closing date for applications is the 2nd February 2015. http://www.therowingfoundation.org.uk/home/ Funding for Schools to Purchase Musical Equipment (UK) Schools, individual students and teachers in the UK, that wish to buy musical instruments and equipment can apply for funding of up to £2,000 through the EMI Music Sound Foundation's Instrument and/or Equipment Awards. The Foundations has made awards to over two thousand schools, individual students and teachers improve their access to music through the buy or upgrade of musical instruments and equipment. Schools need to use the funding for music education that is beyond statutory national curriculum music teaching. The Foundation cannot fund retrospectively and schools are not eligible for financial assistance under this scheme if they have already bought their instruments or if they do so before their application has been approved. In order to apply for financial support you must complete the EMI Music Sound Foundation's application form. The closing date for applications is the 3rd February 2015. http://www.emimusicsoundfoundation.com/index.php/site/awards/ 12 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Social Investment Business Big Venture Challenge (England) Social Investor, the Social Investment Business has announced that its Big Venture Challenge is open for applications. The Big Venture Challenge supports ambitious entrepreneurs with access to business support, powerful connections and match funding to help them raise investment and deliver social impact at scale. The intensive 12 month programme is designed to help entrepreneurs raise external investment (debt or equity) of between £50,000 to £250,000 for innovative projects that address tough social issues. This final year of the lottery funded 3-year programme is looking to support another 40 entrepreneurs. The deadline for applications is 9am on 3rd February 2015. http://www.sibgroup.org.uk/big-venture-challenge/ Funding to Tackle Fuel Poverty (UK) The Scottish Power Energy People Trust has announced that its grants programme is open for applications. The Trust provides grants to registered charities for projects that address fuel poverty. Organisations can apply for grants of up to £50,000 for projects that: Improve home energy efficiency through draught proofing, insulating and or other practical measures Support front line charities that carry out benefits advice to households missing out on financial help that they are entitled to and provide assistance to reduce or cancel debts for household electricity or gas supply, where such assistance is provided as part of a package of measures aimed at providing customers with long-term relief from fuel poverty. Applications are particularly welcome from charities who work with children, young people and families. Previous projects supported include: Regenda Ltd which received a grant of £5,340 to provide energy efficiency and financial advice to households in fuel poverty by inviting households to participate in a 3-month energy challenge, competing against their neighbours to make the largest reductions to their energy bills. The next deadline for applications is the 3rd February 2015. http://www.energypeopletrust.com/content/default.asp?page=home Mobility for Young People and Youth Workers (UK) Young people and organisations in the UK that are active in youth work can apply for youth exchange funding under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme. This is the Commission's new programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. Funding is available for both the exchanges involving young people and Youth Workers. Each project can last between 3 and 24 months. For the mobility of young people activities can include: Youth exchanges for people aged 13 -30 lasting 5 to 21 days, excluding travel time European Voluntary Service (EVS) for people aged 17-30 lasting 2 to 12 months. Youth worker mobility projects can include training and networking for youth workers of any age. Youth Worker mobility activities can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. The closing date for applications is the 4th February 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-1/mobility-for-young-people-and-youth-workers BBSRC Super Follow-On Fund Opens for Applications (UK) The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) has announced that its Super Follow-On Fund is open for applications. The Follow-On Funding programme supports turning research funded by BBSRC into practical application, including commercialisation. The aim is to help researchers maximise the societal and economic benefits of their research. Applications are now being sought for Phase 1 of the Super Follow-on Fund for projects between 12-24 months in duration and valued at between £250,000 and £2 million. The fund is to enable researchers who have a sound understanding of the market opportunity for their intellectual assets to execute a defined programme of work that has clearly defined and complementary technical and business plan development milestones. The deadline for submitting an outline is 4th February 2015. Applicants successful at this stage will be invited to submit a full application by 24th June 2015. http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/business/commercialisation/follow-on.aspx 13 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Call for Proposals for Literary Translation Projects (UK) The EU has put out a call for literary translation projects in order to support cultural and linguistic diversity and promote the transnational circulation of high quality literary works, as well as to improve access to these literary works and reach new audiences. Proposals should prioritise: Supporting the circulation of European literature with a view to ensuring the widest possible accessibility Supporting the promotion of European literature including the appropriate use of digital technologies in both the distribution and promotion of the works Encouraging the translation and promotion of high quality European literature in the long term. Raising the profile of translators will be an additional priority of the support. For that reason, publishers will be required to include a biography of the translator in each translated book. There is €3.7m funding allocated for this call and the deadline for submitting proposals is 4th February 2015. https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/funding/literary-translation-2015_en EU Call for Projects Promoting Union Citizenship (UK) The European Commission is seeking proposals for Action Grants for projects that promote Union citizenship. In particular the Commission wants to fund projects that facilitate the exercise of the right to free movement and the electoral rights deriving from the citizenship. Proposals should raise awareness and improve knowledge about the EU rules on free movement and foster the successful inclusion and participation of mobile EU citizens in the host EU country's civic and political life. Applicants and partners must be legally constituted public or private organisations, or international organisations, in an EU member country or Iceland. The minimum grant is €75,000 but there is no upper limit. The deadline for submitting proposals is 5th February 2015. http://euroalert.net/en/calls.aspx?idc=3072 Funding for Schools Science Projects (UK) The Royal Society has announced that its Partnership Grant scheme has re-opened for applications. Through the scheme grants of up to £3,000 are available for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) projects run at a primary or secondary school or college in partnership with a professional scientist or engineer. The aim is to make the teaching of science more interesting within primary and secondary schools. The Partnership grants scheme forms partnerships to allow teachers to increase their scientific knowledge and to give scientists and engineers the chance to develop their communication skills and engage with enquiring young minds. Any UK primary or secondary school teacher or practicing scientist/engineer can apply as long as the students involved in the project are between 5 and 18. Examples of previously funded projects include: Germoe, Godolphin, Marazion and Sithney Primary Schools in Cornwall, who received a grant of £3,000 for the identification of pests & biological pest controls in indoor salad crops. St Mary's CE Primary School pupils who made a bridge out of newspapers and studied all types of bridges, making models and testing them. The closing date for applications is the 5th February 2015. https://royalsociety.org/education/partnership/ Heritage Enterprise Programme (UK) The Heritage Lottery Fund has announced that its £125 million Heritage Enterprise grants programme is open for applications. The scheme aims to support not-for-profit organisations to help them work in partnership with the private sector in the restoration of unused historic building and sites and unlock their economic potential. The programme is designed to address market failure, where historic buildings have failed to attract enough investment because the cost of their repair has not been commercially viable for private developers. Under the programme two level of grants are available: Grants of between £100,000 and under £2 million Grants of between £2million and £5million. 14 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red For grant requests of over £100,000 and under £2million decisions are made every three months. For grant requests of between £2 million and up to £5 million the next closing date for applications is the 5th February 2015. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/Heritage_Enterprise.aspx Grants to Support the Nation’s Heritage (UK) The Heritage Lottery Fund has announced the next closing date for applications to its Heritage Grants scheme for project of over £2 million and under £5 million is the 5th February 2015. Under the Heritage Grants scheme funding is available for projects that relate to the national, regional or local heritage of the UK. Activities that can be funded include: Historic buildings Archaeological sites Collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives Natural and designed landscapes and gardens People's memories and experiences (often recorded as ‘oral history'); etc. HLF welcome applications from single not for profit organisations and partnerships led by the not for profit sector. In addition, the HLF also makes grants of £100,000 - £2 million and grants in excess of £5 million. These are subject to different application deadlines information on which can be access through the link below. http://www.hlf.org.uk/howtoapply/programmes/pages/heritagegrants.aspx Round 2 - Innovation in Waste Prevention Fund (England) The Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP) has announced that round 2 of its £800,000 Innovation in Waste Prevention Fund is now open for applications. The Fund will run for two years with grants being awarded in three funding rounds. The fund provides grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 to support communities to take forward innovative waste prevention, re-use and repair activities in their local areas. Examples of projects that could be funded include: Textile or electrical repair skills workshops Businesses working with local charities to prevent food waste by distributing surplus food to those who need it Community groups and councils working with businesses to set up local sharing groups for electrical items, furniture, etc. Applications are open from two or more organisations working together. This can include businesses, the public sector including local authorities and educational establishments, trade associations and voluntary groups. The closing date for round 2 applications is the 6th February 2015. http://www.wrap.org.uk/iwp Government Launches New Character Education Grant Fund (England) The Department for Education has announced that schools, colleges, universities, local authorities and voluntary organisations can apply to a new £3.5 million character education grant fund to support projects in character education. The Department want to ensure that more children develop a set of character traits, attributes and behaviours that underpin success in education and work, such as perseverance, resilience and grit; confidence and optimism; motivation, drive and ambition; etc. The funding is available to encourage the expansion of existing projects that demonstrate effective character education. The funding will also support new and innovative projects to develop promising approaches in this area. Up to £3.5 million is available to grant fund projects in the 2015 to 2016 academic year. There is no pre-determined level of grant award, but as a guide grant awards are expected to be in the region of £50,000 to £750,000. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 6th February 2015. https://online.contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/Common/View%20Notice.aspx?site=1000&lang=en&NoticeId=1702192 15 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding for Creative Young People (UK) IdeasTap, a non-for-profit initiative supports young creative people between 16 and 30 years of age, has announced that its Ideas Fund Innovators is open to applications. During this funding round the Ideas Fund Innovators aims to offer 20 projects £500 each (10 for those aged 16 - 22 and 10 for those aged 23 - 30) to help get them off the ground. In the past, Ideas Tap have funded everything from dance and film projects to music videos and photography collectives. Applications from any creative field will be considered. Ideas Tap are looking for projects that are inspiring, original, innovative and that Ideas Tap think you can deliver. This brief closes on the 7th February 2015 at 5pm and is open to IdeasTap members aged 16 to 30 on the closing date. http://www.ideastap.com/Opportunities/Brief/Ideas-Fund-Innovators-16-to-22-070214#Overview Sport England’s Protecting Playing Fields Programme (England) Sport England has announced round 7 of their Protecting Playing Fields Programme (PPF) has opened for applications. PPF supports projects that help communities maximise the sporting benefits of playing field land. In the previous funding rounds, grants of between £10,000 and £65,000 were available to provide new playing fields, bring into use disused playing fields or improve existing playing fields in order to establish and/or host a community club-schools link. Approximately £4 million is available in each funding round. The first six rounds of funding has benefited 399 projects who have been able to either create new natural turf pitches or improve existing ones that needed levelling or drainage works. Applications can be submitted by organisations such as voluntary or community organisations, local authorities, sports clubs, playing field associations, charities and schools. All local authority and school based projects will require a Community Use Agreement with Sport England. The closing date for applications is the 9th February 2015. http://www.sportengland.org/funding/protecting_playing_fields.aspx STEM Enhancement and Enrichment Grant Schemes (UK) The STEM Enhancement and Enrichment (E&E) grant scheme has re-opened for applications. Through the schemes, grants of up to £500 are available to schools and academies to enhance and enrich any subject from the STEM Directories. The scheme is designed to raise awareness and use of enrichment activities and to support the professional of staff whilst enhancing the learning experience of STEM subjects in the school. The STEM Directories provide an easy way to find Enhancement and Enrichment (E&E) opportunities to support science, engineering, design and mathematics teaching. Some schemes bring activities into a school, others can provide a memorable day out for students or a nationwide competition to help motivate a science club. They might involve bringing a real scientist, engineer or mathematician into the classroom, give students access to equipment not readily available or simulate real-life applications of science and technology. Many schemes can provide supporting teaching materials to help get the most of the activity. The STEM E&E activity must take place between March and July 2015 and the closing date for applications is 5pm on the 9th February 2015. http://www.stemdirectories.org.uk/grants/ Teacher Training Scholarships for 2015 (England) The Institute of Physics has announced that the next closing date for applications to its Teacher Training Scholarships is the 9th February 2015. The IOP, in partnership with the Department for Education offers teacher training scholarships, worth £25,000 for people in England who would like to train to teach physics or physics with maths. Scholarships also include a package of benefits such as Institute membership and early career mentoring. 150 scholarships are available each year. To apply applicants will need to have: A physics, engineering or mathematics degree or have a conditional PGCE offer subject to completing a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course in physics An excellent, proven (or predicted) academic record with a first or 2.1 degree or hold a PhD or Masters degree or recognised equivalent By September 2015 secure your training place on an eligible PGCE or School Direct (non-salaried) physics or physics with maths course in England for the 2015/16 academic year Be eligible to apply for a tuition fee loan from the Student Loans Company Meet the bursary eligibility criteria as set out in the National College for Teaching and Leadership's bursary guidance Have an excellent understanding of school-level physics; etc. http://www.iop.org/education/teach/itts/page_52632.html 16 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding for Projects that Support Children and Young People (UK) Registered Charities that work with young people have the opportunity to apply for grants through the Hilton Foundation Central Grants Programme. Registered Charities can apply for grants ranging from a few hundred pounds up to £30,000 per year for up to 2 years that are working in the areas of education or health with one of the Foundation' four chosen focus groups. These are: Children and young people with disabilities Children and young people who are sick in hospital Children and young people who are homeless Children and young people who are life limited (requiring palliative care). There is approximately £150,000 available to distribute each quarter. Grant applications for up to £10,000 can be approved by the Committee, and applications for more than £10,000 are recommended to the Trustees for final approval. There is no limit on the amount of money that a charity can request. However, the Foundation is a small charity and generally will not make awards of over £30,000 (per year). Funding can be requested for up to 2 years for any particular project. The next closing date for applications is the 10th February 2015. https://www.hilton-foundation.org.uk/apply.html Call for Proposals to Support Victims of Violence and Crime (UK) The European Commission has issued a call for proposals to support the rights of victims of violence and crime. This call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2014 annual work programmes1 of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme) and of the Justice Programme. It combines funds of two calls included in these annual work programmes that both concern victims, but each from a different angle. First, it aims to co-fund transnational projects that support the victims of violence in line with the specific objective of REC Programme to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women, as well as violence against other groups at risk, in particular groups at risk of violence in close relationships, and to protect victims of such violence (Daphne strand). Second, it aims to co-fund transnational and national projects that enhance the rights of crime victims in line with the specific objective of the Justice Programme to facilitate effective access to justice for all, including to promote and support the rights of victims of crime (Access to justice strand). The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 10th February 2015. For further information, please click on the link below. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/grants1/calls/just_2014_spob_ag_vict_en.htm Funding for Artists and Bands (England) PRS for Music Foundation and Arts Council England have announced that the next application deadline for the Momentum Music Fund is the 10th February 2015. The Momentum Music Fund is a £500,000 fund to develop the careers of talented artists and bands. It is anticipated that grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 will be awarded to between 50 and 75 artists/bands over the next 2 years. Applications can be submitted by the artists themselves or those who are working on their behalf, e.g. a manager, an independent label or publisher. Priority will be given to those that haven't been funded by PRS for Music Foundation in the previous 12 months. The funding can support: The purchase of a van or car International touring Shortfall/deficit funding not linked to development of a specific artist; etc. For further information on the fund and on how to apply, please click on the link below. http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/Funding/Momentum-Music-Fund Award for Supporting Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Higher and Secondary Education (UK) The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) has announced that it is seeking applications through The Ray Y. Gildea Jr Award. The Ray Y. Gildea Jr Award is the society's first endowed award to support innovation in teaching and learning in both higher and secondary education. RGS offers a single 17 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red annually grant of £1,000. Applications can be made for projects to research, develop and/or pilot innovations in teaching and learning in any field of geography in higher or secondary education. Previous winners have included: Nicola Rowland (John of Gaunt School, Wiltshire). 'A virtual journey across Greenland'. The purpose of the expedition was to send four teachers of different disciplines to carry out scientific experiments, in the harshest of polar conditions, with the aim of encouraging and inspiring their students by creating material and resources that meets the needs of the National Curriculum. The applications deadline is the 15th February 2015. http://www.rgs.org/OURWORK/GRANTS/TEACHING/RAY+Y.+GILDEA+JR+AWARD.HTM Solutions for an Ageing Society Awards Programme (UK) UnLtd, the charity for social entrepreneurs and the Coutts Foundation have announced that they are starting a new pilot venture which will help deal with the challenges faced by an ageing population including harnessing the experience, expertise and creativity of older people. The Solutions for an Ageing Society Awards Programme will offer support and grants from £5,000 to £20,000 to 19 social entrepreneurs who tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by a growing ageing population. The Solutions for an Ageing Society Awards Programme will help social entrepreneurs to go from idea to business startup, to develop their project further or grow to scale. It will take ideas and projects for issues associated with an ageing society to the next stage of their journey. Three funding stream are available. The Do It awards (up to £5,000); the Build It awards (up to £15,000) awards; and the Fast Growth awards (up to £20,000). The closing dates for applications is the 24th April 2015 for the Do It and Build It Awards and the 16th February 2015 for the Fast Growth Awards. https://unltd.org.uk/2015/01/13/unltd-launches-solutions-for-an-ageing-society-programme-with-support-from-the-coutts-foundation/ Cemex Community Fund Announces New Application Deadline (England, Scotland & Wales) The CEMEX Community Fund has announced that the next deadline for applications the 17th February 2015. The CEMEX Community Fund is a grant-giving fund set up by CEMEX under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. Its aim is to support sustainable local community and environmental projects within 3 miles of a CEMEX operations. Each year Cemex makes available grants of between £1,000 and £15,000 to support a small number of projects in England, Scotland and Wales. The total budget for each spending round is approximately £60,000. Support is available for projects which provide and maintain public parks and amenities when the work protects the social built and/or natural environment and repair, or restore buildings or structures which are of religious, historical or architectural interest. To be eligible for funding applicant organisations need to be enrolled as an Environmental Body with Entrust, the Regulator of the Landfill Community Fund. Previously funded projects have included: Church roof repairs Kitchen extension to a parish hall Playground initiatives Environmental enhancements; etc. http://www.cemexcf.org.uk/ Football Foundation's Grow the Game Funding Programme (England & Wales) The Football Foundation has announced that its "Grow the Game" grant scheme will re-open for applications on the 7th January 2015. Through the programme, funding is available for projects that increase participation by both players and volunteers within the game. Organisations are able to receive a grant of £1,500 per new team created over two or three years with financial support being reduced in the second or third year of the project. Applications are welcome from not for profit organisations that are planning to set up two new football teams over the next two years. The following types of team are eligible for a grant in 2015: Male teams from the Under-14 age bracket and above Female teams 18 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Disability teams. To be eligible for funding organisations must have a signed constitution (with a dissolution clause), child protection policy, equal opportunities policy, bank statement and income/expenditure records. The type of activities that can be funded include (but are not limited to): Facility hire Hire of FA qualified coaches Referees fees CRB checks Affiliation fees and promotion Publicity; etc. The closing date for applications is the 18th February 2015. http://www.footballfoundation.org.uk/apply/grow-the-game/ GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund (UK) Food manufacturer, Mars has announced that they are looking to help small, local community based projects and community minded people through our GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund. Until the 23rd February 2015, the fund will make five awards of £300 per week help people or groups with their community programmes. The Fund is open to individuals aged 18 or over who are resident, and organisations and clubs based, in the UK. One of these awards will go to the application receiving the most votes on the Website in the week in which it was submitted. The other four awards each week will be selected by a panel of judges who will judge each entry on the extent to which the proposed initiative (and use of an award) will help its local community, the extent of the proposed initiative's reach, and the perceived local need for such hobbies, sports or leisure activities. Unsuccessful applications submitted in any week will be carried forward to be re-considered in subsequent weeks whilst the Fund is open, although any votes recorded on the Website in previous weeks will be discarded. http://www.galaxyhotchocolate.com/ Idlewild Trust (UK) The Idlewild Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications to its grant making programme is the 25th February 2015. The Idlewild Trust is a grant making trust that supports registered charities concerned with the encouragement of the performing and fine arts and crafts, the advancement of education within the arts and the preservation for the benefit of the public of lands, buildings and other objects of beauty or historic interest in the United Kingdom. The Trust awards around £120,000 each year in grants and makes grants of up to £5,000. Recent grants awarded include: A grant of £2,500 to the Cotswold Canals Trust towards the reconstruction of Bowbridge Lock. A grants of £3,000 to the Scottish Opera's Emerging Artists Programme to help nurtures exceptionally talented young opera singers into professional performing arts careers. http://www.idlewildtrust.org.uk/ Sky Academy Arts Scholarships (UK) Broadcaster Sky, has announced that IdeasTap members can apply for one of five £30,000 Arts Scholarships from the Sky Academy. These bursaries, which include a programme of expert mentoring, allow each scholar to focus exclusively on their creative practice for an entire year. The scholarships are open to artists aged 18-30 who are working in the fields of the performing arts, dance, music, visual arts, creative producing, and creative writing (not film or TV writers). Applicants must be Ideas Tap members; be a citizen of the UK or Republic of Ireland, or have been resident for five years. Four bursaries will be awarded to UK applicants and one to Ireland. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Thursday 26th February 2015, but judges will be reviewing entries as they come in. http://www.ideastap.com/Opportunities/Brief/14e194fa-534b-4471-83e7-a3e900d57a0a#Overview 19 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Healthy Hearts Grants (UK) Research UK Healthy Heart Grants support innovative projects designed to promote heart health and to prevent or reduce the risks of heart disease in specific groups or communities. Grants of up to £10,000 are available to community groups, voluntary organisations and researchers who are spreading the healthy heart message. Projects supported in the past have included Wanderers Pulse of the Community to educate pupils in Bolton about the heart and heart disease, the importance of exercise for heart health, the dangers of smoking and heart-friendly foods. Empowering Families, London - ‘Babies and Toddlers' to promote good eating habits and playing as exercise at an early age through two Parent Toddlers and Babies groups in Brent's most deprived wards. The closing date for applications will be the 28th February 2015. http://heartresearch.org.uk/grants/apply-hruk-healthy-heart-grants Arts Funding for Libraries (England) The Arts Council England has announced that it has an extra £6 million available to support arts funding for libraries. The Fund will support projects that stimulate ambitious and innovative partnerships between libraries and artists and/or arts organisations, encouraging communities to part in cultural activities. Public libraries can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £100,000 covering activities lasting up to three years. The funding will run from September 2012 until March 2015. www.artscouncil.org.uk Marc Fictch Fund for Publication Grants Open for Applications (UK) Applicants have until 1st March 2015 to request funds from The Marc Fitch Fund, which makes small grants towards the costs of publishing scholarly work in the fields of British and Irish national, regional and local history, archaeology, antiquarian studies, historical geography, the history of art and architecture, heraldry, genealogy and surname studies, archival research, artefact conservation and the broad fields of the heritage, conservation and the historic environment. Four types of grants are available. These are: Publication grants Research grants Special Project grants Journal digitisation. Applicants must explain why a grant is necessary, demonstrate that they have made an effort to secure funding from other sources and show that the work being funded will make a new and significant contribution to knowledge. Funding will not be provided for new/revised editions of already published works. Applications should submit a brief outline of the project by e-mail in the first instance. If it meets the Fund's criteria, then application forms will be provided. http://www.marcfitchfund.org.uk/ Funding to Support Family Based Projects (UK) The Kelly Family Charitable Trust is open to applications from registered charities whose activities involve all or most family members in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members. The overall objective is to reinforce the potential benefit and support that family members as a unit can give to each other. The fund also welcomes applications from sports and health-related charities whose activities comply with the above criteria. Grants are of between £1,000 and £5,000, but higher grants may be considered. Projects supported in the past include: The Hill's Trust Home School Community Project which is a family education support project based in Hill's Trust Primary School in Govan. The Project promotes parental involvement at all levels throughout the school and works directly with parents/carers and pupils. It offers support with issues such as attendance, behaviour and family issues, as well as a range of other services. The School is working with Glasgow City council to share its good practice with the aim of expanding the model to all Glasgow Schools. The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2015. http://www.kfct.org.uk/apply.html 20 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red The Peter Cruddas Foundation (England & Wales) The Peter Cruddas Foundation is a grant making Foundation that aims to support charitable works that benefit disadvantaged and disengaged young people in the UK by ensuring that their funding reaches those most in need. Priorities for funding are: Pathways/support for young disadvantaged or disengaged people in the age range 14 to 30 into education, training or employment Work experience/skills projects for young people aged 16 to 30 Youth work in London particularly evening work for disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 30. To be eligible for funding an organisation must be a registered charity or an organisation / individual supported by a UK charity. There are no minimum or maximum grants and projects can be funded for more than one year. The closing date for application is the 1st March 2015. http://petercruddasfoundation.org.uk/how_to_apply.htm The Kids Fund (UK) The Field Studies Council is an independent educational charity committed to raising awareness about the natural world, has announced that the next closing date for applications to its Kids Fund is the 1st March 2015. The Council works through a network of 17 residential and day Centres in the UK providing courses for schools and colleges at all levels in addition to adult Individuals & Families courses, outreach education, training and consultancy. The Kids Fund aims to bring environmental understanding to disadvantaged young people by attending a course at a Field Studies Council centre. It helps disadvantaged young people to attend a course who may otherwise be excluded due to some form of disadvantage - health, mobility, deprivation or financial. The Kids Fund will pay for up to 80% of the course fee for groups of disadvantaged young people to attend a non-curriculum day or residential course at an FSC Learning Location. This includes all equipment, tuition and waterproof hire costs. Food and accommodation are included for residential courses. http://www.field-studies-council.org/supporting-you/applying-to-fsc-kids-fund.aspx BBC Children in Need Small Grants Programme (UK) The next deadline for applications to the BBC Children in Need Small Grants programme is the 1st March 2014. Through the Small Grants programme, funding up to £10,000 is available for projects that combat disadvantage and improve children and young people's lives. In particular, grants are available for projects that help children and young people experiencing: Illness, distress, abuse or neglect Any kind of disability Behavioural or psychological difficulties And / or living in situations of deprivation. Applications for funding are accepted from not for profit organisations such as: Registered charities Voluntary organisations Schools Churches Community interest groups; etc. Projects supported in the past include: Corley Special School in Coventry which received a grant of £6,000 to provide lunchtime horse riding sessions for children with disabilities. Caldercruix Youth & Community Development Project in Airdrie, which received a grant of £6,333 to help deliver 2 afterschool clubs a week to young people in an isolated village where children from low income families have little access to services. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008dk4b/features/cin-grants-small-index 21 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red The Classical Association Grants (UK) The Classical Association awards grants in the region of £60,000 each year to classical projects and conferences, mainly in the UK. The Association will consider applications for subventions to summer schools and to institutions offering: Extra-mural courses in Greek, Latin and classical civilisation Bursaries for teachers attending courses abroad, notably the British School at Athens Easter Course Support of Greek and Latin reading competitions arranged by CA branches Support of regional Greek or Roman days or of school conferences Subventions to academic conferences, particularly when of broad appeal and held in major centres, with a view especially to assisting students, teachers and East European scholars to attend. The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2015. http://www.classicalassociation.org/grants.html Funding for Town Twinning Projects (UK) The European Commission has announced the second call for proposals under its Town Twinning initiative. Part of its Citizens for Europe programme Town Twinning is supporting projects that bringing together citizens from twinned towns to promote civic participation in the EU policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at EU level. The maximum grant available for a project is €25 000 and the maximum project duration is usually 21 days. The funding is available to towns /municipalities or their twinning committees or other non-profit organisations representing local authorities. A project must involve municipalities from at least 2 eligible countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 1st March 2015 (Brussels time). http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/europe-for-citizens/funding/town-twinning-2015_en Parks for People (UK) Local Authorities as well as not for profit organisations that own public parks and gardens can apply for grants of between £100,000 and £5 million for the regeneration of parks and public gardens (including squares, walks and promenades). To be considered for funding, applicants need to show that the community values: The park as part of their heritage The parks meets local social, economic and environmental needs The park management actively involves local people. Recent awards include: A £1.84 million grant to restore Castle Park in Cheshire back to its original historic landscape and to improve sports facilities, the play area, and cafe and kiosk facilities; A £3.5million grant to restore the historic landscaping and buildings, upgrading footpaths, entrances, Parks for People applications go through a two-round process. This is so that applicants can apply at an early stage of planning their project and get an idea of whether they have a good chance of getting a grant before they submit their proposals in greater detail. The next deadline for submitting stage 1 applications is the 2nd March 2015 for a decision in June 2015. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/parksforpeople.aspx#.VB6VMxawSr2 Fast Growth Programme for Social Entrepreneurs (UK) UnLtd, the charity for Social Entrepreneurs, has announced that its "Fast Growth Accelerator" programme is open to applications. The programme will award funding to 31 UK-based entrepreneurs with the best scalable solutions to social problems. Winners will receive £20,000, 12 months' intensive support to scale up their ventures, a dedicated business adviser, access to workshops and introductions to powerful individuals and networks. The programme, which will run between June 2015 to May 2016, is open to entrepreneurs with a proven solution to a social problem that is ready to scale. Twenty seven awards will go to entrepreneurs with a solution 22 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red to a social problem working in any sector. Four awards are for entrepreneurs who have developed solutions to help support social enterprises as they grow. The deadline for applications is 9am on 2nd March 2015. http://fg.unltd.org.uk/fast-growth2/fast-growth-2015-opens/ Call for Proposals - The Networks of Towns 2015 (UK) The European Commission has launched a new call for proposals under Networks of Towns initiative. This is part of the European Commission's new Citizens for Europe Programme. Through the Networks of Towns initiative grants are available for towns with existing town twinning links to come together in thematic networks that address issues of common concern. This Programme provides financial support for conferences and workshops that address specific themes, involving towns from four eligible countries of which one must be an EU country. These events should be the starting point for future joint initiatives between the twinned towns. The maximum grant to be awarded is €150,000. Applications are accepted from municipalities and twinning committees, local and regional governments and associations representing local authorities. The closing date for applications will be the 2nd March 2015. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/europe-for-citizens/funding/networks-towns-2015_en Funding for Civil Society Projects (UK) The European Commission has launched a new call for proposals under its Civil Society programme. This is part of the European Commission's new Citizens for Europe Programme and supports civil society projects, democratic engagement and civic participation at the EU level. This can include: Debate/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest The gathering of opinions on specific topics Volunteering activities that promote solidarity among Union citizens and beyond. To be eligible for funding, a project must involve organisations from at least 3 eligible countries of which at least one is an EU member state. Eligible organisations that can apply include non profit organisations such as civil society organisations, educational, cultural or research institutions. The maximum grant available per project is €150,000 and the closing date for applications is the 2nd March 2015. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/europe-for-citizens/funding/civil-society-projects-2015_en Funding for Adult Education Training in Europe (UK) UK adult education organisations can apply for staff mobility funding under the European Commission's Erasmus + Programme. This is the Commission's new programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. Adult education organisations can apply for funding to support mobility activities such as: Teaching and training assignments abroad Staff training abroad, including structured courses and training events, job shadowing and observations. The funding can be used to support adult education staff engaged in both teaching and non-teaching roles. Each project can last either 1 or 2 years and staff mobility activities can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. Any UK organisation actively involved in adult education can apply. The closing date for applications is the 4th March 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-1/mobility-for-adult-education-staff Funding for Higher Education Mobility Projects (UK) UK Higher Education Institutions (HEI'S) can apply for student and staff mobility funding under the European Commission's Erasmus + Programme. This is the Commission's new programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. Each project can last either 16 or 24 months and HEIs can apply for funding to support both student and staff mobility projects. Student Mobility can include: 23 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red A studying in a programme country abroad lasting between 3 and 12 months Or a traineeship abroad lasting between 2 and 12 months. Staff mobility projects can include both teaching at another HEI abroad or training (job shadowing/observation/training) in a relevant organisation abroad. Funding can be used to support staff engaged in both HEI teaching and non-teaching roles. Any HEI holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education or a Mobility Consortium with HE Consortium accreditation can apply. The closing date for applications is the 4th March 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-1/mobility-for-higher-education-students-and-staff Funding for Schools Staff to Teach or Train in Europe (UK) The European Commission has launched the next call for proposals under the new Erasmus + Programme. This is the Commission's new programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. Under this call for proposals, schools in the UK can apply for funding to allow education staff to teach or work at a partner within the EU and or to undertake professional development activities within the EU. This can include: The participation in structured courses or training events Or job shadowing in a partner school or another relevant organisation active in the field of school education. Activities can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time and is available to School based education staff (teaching and non-teaching, including school managers, heads, etc). The funding available covers travel and subsistence costs, course fees, organisational costs and any special needs costs. The funding is available to UK schools providing general, vocational or technical education on any level from pre-school to upper secondary education. The closing date for applications is 11am on the 4th March 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-1/mobility-for-school-staff Nuffield Foundation - Research and Innovation Grants (UK) The Nuffield Foundation is inviting applications through its Research and Innovation Grants programme. The Foundation supports charitable and non-profit organisations with creative ideas to identify change or interventions which will have a practical impact for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. There are currently four grant programmes that support research and innovation for beneficial social change. These are: Law in Social Society Education Children and Families Open Door which is for projects that advance social wellbeing, but lie outside the Foundation's main programme areas. Grants are for: Research projects Practical experimental Development projects (often in voluntary sector organisations). Grants normally range between £10,000 and £250,000. The next deadline for submitting outline applications is the 5th March 2015. http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/children-and-families-law-society-education-and-open-door Clore Poetry and Literature Awards (UK) The Clore Duffield Foundation has announced that the seventh funding round under its £1 million programme to fund poetry and literature initiatives for children and young people across the UK is now open for applications. 24 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Through the programme, schools, FE colleges, community groups, libraries and other arts/cultural organisations can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to support participatory learning projects and programmes focused on literature, poetry and creative writing for under 19s. Previous projects that received funding include: First Story for Dixons Allerton School which received a grant of £9,273 for an intensive year-long residency by an established writer. There will be weekly after-school workshops, together with participation in the Young Writers' Festival in Oxford, a writing competition and a week's residential in Somerset. Action Transport Theatre, which received a grant of £7,725 to develop primary school children's appreciation of creative reading and writing through an exploration of traditional European fairy tales, using the power of live theatre performance. The closing date for applications is the 6th March 2015. http://www.cloreduffield.org.uk/Grant_Programmes/Clore_Poetry_and_Literature_Awards.htm Funding to Combat Bullying Against Children At School, In Residential Care Settings And In Detention (UK) The EU has put out a Call for Proposals for transnational projects that address bullying against children at school, in residential care, and in detention. Projects should be activities relating to; mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation activities; and/or training. In particular, they should develop and roll out, or roll out previously developed and piloted comprehensive anti-bullying policy and programmes. Projects may cover social networking sites/cyberbullying as an extension of bullying in schools, residential care and detention. Any training modules developed should be made available and be easily adaptable for use in all EU Member States. Training modules must be piloted and, if necessary, adapted prior to delivery. The total budget available for this call is €1.5 million and eligible organisations can apply for grants of between €75,000 and €300,000. To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be a non-profit organisation and the project must be submitted by a partnership of eligible organisations from at least three different eligible countries. The deadline for applications is the 10th March 2015. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/grants1/calls/just_2014_rdap_ag_bull_en.htm The Law Society Charity Grants (UK) The Law Society Charity has announced that the next application closing date for its grant making programme is the 13th March 2015. The Law Society Charity was set up in 1974 by the Law Society as a charitable fund. The Charity provides grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 to voluntary sector organisations for projects that : Promote human rights Provide access to justice Legal education. Organisations supported in the past include: Youth Net which received funding towards the development of information to young people via alternative communication tools. The Legal Action Group (LAG) which received funding towards the development of LAG's monthly magazine Legal Action. http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/about-us/law-society-charity/apply/ Help the Homeless Grant Scheme (UK) Help the Homeless, a national Charity which aims to help homeless people throughout the United Kingdom has announced that the next deadline for applications is the 15th March 2015. Grants of up to £5,000 are available towards capital costs to support projects that help disadvantaged individuals in their return to mainstream society, through residential or training facilities. Grants to larger charities may be considered if the project is suitable innovative and only possible for a larger organisation to develop it. All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance. Previous projects supported include: 25 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red A grant of £3,000 to the Amber Foundation to enable the Foundation to buy new bedroom furniture for their residential centre in Devon, where every year over 60 unemployed, homeless young people are able to rebuild their lives and gain the motivation, confidence, self-esteem and skills for independent living. Furniture Plus in Fife, a charity based ReUse and Recycling Social Enterprise for Furniture Household and Electrical items, which received a grant of £2,000 towards the construction of a new workshop for training. http://www.help-the-homeless.org.uk/applying-for-funding/ Holiday Grants for Children (UK) The Henry Smith's Charity has announced that the next deadline for its Holiday Grant for Children Programme is the 19th March 2015. Schools, youth groups and not for profit organisations can apply for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who are from deprived areas or have a disability. Applications can be considered for holidays or outings that have the objective of providing children with a break they would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The maximum grant is usually £2,500 for any one trip. Grants are normally limited to a maximum of two-thirds of the total cost of a trip as the charity would expect some local partnership funding to be in place. Recently funded projects include: Berridge Junior School which received £1,000 towards a day trip to the seaside for 160 school children from a disadvantaged area of Nottingham. Gose Green Primary and Nursery School which received £3,000 towards a trip to Hayling Island for 48 pupils from a primary school of inner London. http://www.henrysmithcharity.org.uk/holiday-grants-for-children.html Awards for Young Musicians (UK) Applications are currently being accepted for the Awards for Young Musicians scheme. Grants of between £200 and £2,000 are available to give talented 5-17 year olds the opportunity to experience high-quality music tuition or contribute towards their musical life. The grants are especially focused on young musicians who struggle with the cost of music education. This can include lessons; buying an instrument; travel and specialist courses; weekend music schools; and orchestra fees; etc. For example, the award has helped Norman (17) who plays the saxophone and lives on an island (Shetland) to go to the mainland for the NYJOS [National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland]. It also allowed Isabella (17) who plays the violin to continue her musical education at Wells Cathedral School. Applicants will need to show evidence of financial need; have ideally achieved a distinction in their last music exam or, if they haven't taken exams, show evidence of this level of ability; and be recommended by their music teacher. The next deadline for applications is the 20th March 2015. http://www.a-y-m.org.uk/index.php/awardsfp Hilden Charitable Fund (UK) The Hilden Charitable Fund has announced that the next deadline for submitting applications is the 20th March 2015. Within the UK, the Hilden Charitable Fund makes grants to projects that address disadvantages, notably by supporting causes which are less popular. In particular, the Fund wants to support projects that address: Homelessness Supports asylum seekers and refugees Supports community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people 16 – 25 Penal affairs. The average grant awarded is £5,000 and preference is given to supporting small community organisations with an income of less than £500,000 per year. The Trust will consider funding project as well as core running costs of organisations. The Hilden Charitable Fund also runs a Summer Playscheme Grants Programme. The scheme aims to help community groups run Summer Playschemes for the benefit of children from refugee and ethnic minority families. Funding of between £500 and £1,500 is available for Summer Playschemes for children aged 5 - 18 years lasting for 2 - 6 weeks with strong volunteer support. The funding is available to voluntary agencies with an income of less than £150,000. Some priority will be given to projects which show they are inclusive of children from refugee families, and show BME involvement. The closing date for applications is the 17th May 2015. http://www.hildencharitablefund.org.uk/ 26 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding to Support Education in Impoverished Areas (UK & Worldwide) The British & Foreign Schools Society (BFSS), which supports educational projects in the UK and around the world, has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 25th March 2015. The Society supports organisations within the UK and internationally that reach out to children in remote or impoverished areas, improving inclusivity in education and providing much-needed facilities. The Society normally makes grants for educational projects totalling about £500,000 in any one year. The majority (85% of grants) are made to charities and educational bodies (with charitable status). Previous projects supported include: A grant of £10,000 to the Bloomfield Learning Centre. The Centre assesses and teaches 6 to 16 year olds with specific learning difficulties from areas of socio economic disadvantage in London specially Southwark, Lambeth, Islington, Camden and Greenwich. A grant of £5,000 to the Lyric Hammersmith to support a programme of work for schools in West London to enable disadvantaged children to engage in regular cultural activity. http://www.bfss.org.uk/grants/ British Ecological Society Outreach Grants (UK) Individuals and organisations such as schools, museums, libraries and community groups can apply to the British Ecological Society for grants of up to £2,000 to promote ecological science to a wide audience. The funding is available for projects that: Increase public understanding of, and engagement with, ecology; stimulate discussion about ecology and its implications for society Inspire and enthuse people of all ages about the science of ecology, especially those not previously interested Develop skills in communicating the science of ecology. Applications from museums and schools are welcome but projects must involve significant outreach beyond schools. Projects aimed solely at delivering curriculum to school children will not be considered. The closing date for application is the 27th March 2015. http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/grants-awards/outreach-grants/ The Weavers Company Benevolent Fund (UK) The Weavers' Company, a textile-related, charitable and sociable organisation, has announced that the next closing date for its grants programme is the 30th March 2015. The Weaver's Company Benevolent Fund supports projects working with disadvantaged young people (aged 5 to 30 years) to ensure that they are given every possible chance to meet their full potential and to participate fully in society. The Fund also aims to help young people at risk of criminal involvement to stay out of trouble and assist in the rehabilitation of offenders, particularly young offenders both in prison and after release. Grants are usually no more than £15,000 per annum, and to make sure grants of this size have an impact, we will not fund large organisations. To be eligible for funding, local organisations such as those working in a village, estate or small town should normally have an income of less than £100,000. Those working across the UK should normally have an income of not more than £250,000. http://www.weavers.org.uk/charitable-grants/grant-application-guidelines Association for Industrial Archaeology Grants (UK) The Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA) has announced that it can now make available Restoration Grants for range of historic and industrial archaeology purposes. To be eligible to make an application the project must be for: The restoration of historically, technically, architecturally, and/or archaeologically important industrial buildings, structures, machinery, vehicles and vessels within the UK The heritage asset must be covered by a Conservation Policy and/or Statement The heritage asset must be sustainably managed, displayed and interpreted for the public. The maximum grant available is £20,000 and must be for capital expenditure. The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.industrial-archaeology.org.uk/arestore.htm 27 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red New Funding to Encourage Plug-In Car Use (UK) The next phase of support for plug-in car drivers to recharge their vehicles at home has been announced by the Government. In February 2013 the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) launched a £13.5 million grant subsidy scheme for householders wishing to install technology to recharge ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) at home. The original funding for domestic chargepoints has now been fully allocated and, to ensure continued support for both consumers and the industry, a new grant scheme is to be put in place. Under the new scheme £9 million will be made available to any ULEV owner and also drivers with regular access to one for work who are having a chargepoint installed at their home. The scheme will provide up to 75% of the total cost of the chargepoint and installation, up to a maximum of £900. The new domestic chargepoint scheme will come into effect on 1 September 2014 and will run until 31 March 2015, or until the scheme budget has been exhausted. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-funding-to-encourage-plug-in-car-use Woodward Charitable Trust - Main Grants (UK) The Woodward Charitable Trust, which is one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts has announced that it grant making programme is open for applications. Applications are welcomed from UK registered charities working addressing a wide range of social issues. This includes: Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour Minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders; etc. The fund offers grants of up to £5,000 through their small grants scheme and grants of over £5,000 through their large grants scheme. Grants awarded in the past have included: A grant to SHARP (Support Help and Advice for Relatives of Prisoners) to help fund a helpline and grants towards the running costs of a cyber café for disabled users. The closing date for applications is the 30th November 2014. In addition, the Trust runs a Summer Playscheme Grants Programme. This is open to charities with an income not exceeding £100,000 a year. The next deadline for receipt of applications for the Children's Summer Playschemes Grants for 2015 is the 31st March 2015. http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/index.html Preventive Conservation Grant Scheme for Museums (UK) The Association of Independent Museums (AIM) has announced that the next deadline for applications to its Preventive Conservation Grant Scheme for Museums is the 31st March 2015. The scheme has been set up to help small museums develop a more sustainable approach to the conservation and management of collections through improvements to preventive conservation within their museum. The type of activities considered for funding include: Environmental surveys Training for volunteers Environmental monitoring and control equipment Ultraviolet filters Integrated pest management Display cases and picture framing; etc. Priority will be given to obtaining professional advice in compiling conservation and implementation strategies, and training for volunteers. Eligible AIM members must be registered or accredited, or expect to achieve accreditation within two years, and they must have fewer than 60,000 visitors or a turnover of less than £300,000 per year. Maximum grant will be £10,000 and average grants awarded will be around £5,000. The next deadline for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.aim-museums.co.uk/content/aim_preventive_conservation_grant_scheme/ 28 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding for Links with Japan (UK) The Daiwa Foundation which support closer links between Britain and Japan is seeking applications under its small grants programme. Grants of £3,000-£7,000 are available to individuals, societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or Japan to promote and support interaction between the two countries. Daiwa Foundation Small Grants can cover all fields of activity, including educational and grassroots exchanges, research travel, the organisation of conferences, exhibitions, and other projects and events that fulfil this broad objective. New initiatives are especially encouraged. The next applications deadline is the 31st March 2015. http://www.dajf.org.uk/grants-awards-prizes/daiwa-foundation-small-grants Give it a Go Grants (England) TPAS, the Tenant Empowerment Organisation has announced that the Community Cashback grant programme has been re-launched under the banner of 'Give it a Go'. Under the Give it a Go scheme grants are available for groups of council or housing association tenants who want to have a go at running a local service. This could include maintaining communal spaces and garden areas, or cleaning stairs and lobbies in flats. Under the programme starter grants of up to £3,000 are available to help with the purchase of the things needed to deliver the service. This could include: Advice for the group Training on things like managing money and contracts Set-up costs for the tenant group in order to run the agreement, including any extra equipment, room space or communications with tenants that you may need to pay for before you can run the service Visits to other groups and projects Equipment and materials for the tenant group. To be eligible for funding, the group must consult with the local community to gain support and the total value of providing the service must NOT exceed £170,000. Applications can be submitted at any time until the 31st March 2015. http://www.tenantcentral.org.uk/giveitago/ Early Years Pupil Premium Fund Opens for Applications (England) The Education Endowment Fund has announced that its Early Years Premium Fund is open for applications. Through the fund grants of £300 per child is available to provide extra support for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds in England. EEF is looking to fund and evaluate interventions or approaches that improve the learning and development of children in this age group and will support a small number of early years projects, prioritising those that have the strongest evidence that they are likely to improve the learning and attainment of disadvantaged children and narrow the gap between them and their peers. Projects of particular interest are those that focus on: Early language development and numeracy Parental engagement and the home learning environment Professional development, qualification and leadership. The funding is available to not-for-profit organisation, such as a school, charity, local authority or university. This round of funding closes on the 31st March 2015. http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/news/open-to-applications-narrowing-the-gap-in-early-years/ More Support for Community Pubs (England) A new support package to help communities save their local pub by running it as a co-operative has been launched. Funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government, the £50,000 package will be managed by the Plunkett Foundation to help the growing number of communities across England at risk of losing their local pub. Already operating a specialist advice line for co-operative pubs, the Plunkett Foundation will now be able to extend support even further to include specialist advice, funded study visits, mentoring support and peer-to-peer learning. The co-operative model also allows enterprises to raise 29 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red significant amounts of finance through community shares. Communities wishing to explore this model as a way of saving their local are urged to call the Co-operative Pubs st Advice Line at the Plunkett Foundation on 01993 810730 or email [email protected]. Communities have until 31 March 2015 to apply for this support. http://www.plunkett.co.uk/newsandmedia/news-item.cfm/newsid/792 Funding for Cultural and Educational Exchanges with Japan (UK) Organisations and schools in the UK that wish to develop links with Japan and Japanese schools are able to apply for funding through the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. The Foundation makes small grants to support activities that support the study of the Japanese language and culture, School, Education and Youth exchanges. In the past the Foundation has made grants towards visits the between the UK and Japan between by teachers and young people and the teaching and development of Japanese language and cultural studies in schools. Organisations that have successfully applied to the Foundation include: Haverstock School, London, which received a grant of £3,000 to support a cultural and language exchange with a high school in Tokyo. Truro College which received a grant of £2,000 for a football exchange programme with Tokai Daigo High School in Japan. The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.gbsf.org.uk/ Fuserna Foundation Grants Programme (England & Wales) Charities that have difficulty raising funds can apply for grants of up to £6,500 through the Fuserna Foundation. The Foundation which operates both in the US and England & Wales supports registered charities that: Have difficulty raising funds due to the lack of cash reserves, statutory funding or good contacts and patrons to assist them Have projects that alleviate poverty and financial hardship Relieve sickness and poor health and also support certain "unpopular" causes. Funding is restricted to charities with an income of less than £3 million per year. Grants awarded in the past have ranged from £1,000 - £6,500. Organisations supported in the past include: "CHICKS" national children’s charity which received a grant of £6,500 to provide respite care to 8 young people. City Hearts in Sheffield which received a grant of £3,000 to help provide safe places for women with serious life issues. The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://fusernafoundation.org/what-we-fund/ War Memorials Grant Scheme (England) English Heritage and the Wolfson Foundation, in association with Friends of War Memorials, are providing grants for the repair and conservation of free-standing war memorials in England. These grants are intended to help those who are responsible for the upkeep of war memorials. The grants support the care and preservation of war memorials to a high standard, and to prevent the decay of this important part of our built heritage. Grants will normally be for up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs, with a maximum grant of £30,000. The minimum grant that can be applied for is £3,000. The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.warmemorials.org/grantsforwarmemorials/ Orchard Windfalls Fund 2015 (UK) The Tree Council has announced that its Orchard Windfalls Fund 2015 is open for applications. Through the Fund grants of between £100 and £700 are available to schools and community groups for the planting of apple and pear trees with the condition that children aged sixteen or under with the condition that children aged sixteen or under are involved in the planting or, where the trees are too large to be directly handled by them, related educational activities. 30 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red This educational aspect might be during the design, planning and planting of the orchard or, in schools, it might be part of curriculum related projects that will be enhanced by the preliminary activities or the subsequent availability of fruit trees on or near to the school site. To be eligible planting must take place on publicly accessible land, usually in public or charity ownership. In addition the School or Community Group must be able to raise 25% of planting costs. The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.treecouncil.org.uk/grants/orchard-windfalls Trees for Communities (UK) The Tree Council, the lead tree campaigning charity working to promote the importance of trees within the changing environment, has announced that its Trees for Communities grant making programme is now open for applications. The Tree Council will fund up to 4 fruit trees (but no more than that) on semi-vigorous, vigorous and very vigorous rootstocks. If you wish to plant more than 4 fruit trees, please look at the information about the Orchard Windfalls Fund. Funds are available for community groups within the UK who are able to show that children under the age of 16 will be actively engaged in tree planting projects during National Tree Week 2015 (28th November to 6th December 2015). The Tree Council can fund projects between £100 and £700 and successful applicants will receive up to 75% towards their planting costs. For example, if your project totals £700, The Tree Council would offer up to £525. The remaining 25% will need to be secured by the applicant organisation. The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.treecouncil.org.uk/grants/community-trees Customer Donation Fund (UK) Organisations that bank with the Co-operative Bank using their Community Directplus Bank Account, have the opportunity to apply for funding through the Bank's Customer Donation Fund. The Customer Donation Fund grows directly in relation to customers' deposits. For every £100 increase in collective balance held in Community Directplus accounts, the Cooperative Bank will add 20p to the fund. Then, twice a year, in April and October, the Bank will judge customers' applications for project funding and distribute a minimum of £5,000 amongst those customers that are successful. Every Community Directplus customer is entitled to make an application for funding for up to £1,000. Previously successful projects include Whiston Parish Council, which received a grant of £1,000 to purchase specialist equipment to make the village recreation ground more accessible to children with disabilities. Bradford's Buttershaw Millennium Green Trust, which is a not-for-profit organisation made up of people from the local community received a grant of £500 to launch a new community website, with the aim of promoting local events and encouraging a deeper sense of community. The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk/business/community/community-directplus#customerdonationfund-2 Women Make Music Grant Scheme (UK) The Performing Right Society (PRS) has announced that its Women Make Music grant scheme is now open for applications. Through the programme, financial support of up to £5000 is available to women musicians to create new music in any genre. This can range from classical, jazz and experimental, to urban, electronica and pop. Through the scheme support is available to Individuals and organizations / groups including : Solo performers Solo songwriters or composers Promoters or event producers Bands/ensembles/orchestras Local authorities and schools; etc. The next application deadline is the 1st April 2015. http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/Funding/Women-Make-Music 31 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding to Enhance Pupil Attainment (England) The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has announced that it is seeking applications from schools, charities, local authorities, universities, colleges and social enterprises, etc for projects that raise the attainment of children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. This includes applications focusing on early years. The fund targets pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM). The Foundations do not expect that all projects they fund will work only with pupils eligible for free school meals. However, they do expect projects to have a particular focus on narrowing the attainment gap between FSM-eligible pupils and all other pupils. In the case of projects involving the whole school, rather than targeted interventions, they would expect applicants to be willing to work with schools where the proportion of FSM-eligible pupils is well above the national average and/or with schools where FSM-eligible pupils are under-performing academically. EEF are looking to test interventions at scale and will not fund projects that aim to work in only one school. The Foundations would typically expect their smallest grant to be in the order of £50,000 a year. There is no maximum grant limit. The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 1st April 2015. http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/apply-for-funding/ Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund (UK) The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has announced its Collections Fund is currently open for applications. The Fund provides grants totalling £1 million per year to broaden access to, and use of, museum collections and focuses on time-limited collections work outside the scope of an organisation's core resources. Eligible applications include: Research into Collections Conservation Collections review Initiatives to develop the use of collections. Each individual grant is within the range of £20,000- £100,000. Previous awards include: A grant of £53,000 to Glenside Hospital Museum to research items from Beaufort War Hospital. £65,000 to the Harris Museum and Art Gallery for a project to relate the museum's coin collection to contemporary audiences. Grantees are expected to join an MA run network which encourages shared learning and training. The closing date for applications for this funding round is the 2nd April 2015. http://www.museumsassociation.org/collections/18022011-esmee-fairbairn-collections-fund India-UK Collaborative Industrial R&D Programme (UK) The Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and Innovate UK have announced that funding is available to help build research partnerships and increase India/UK collaboration on R&D projects. The programme will provide grants to help participants build sustainable research partnerships that generate new Intellectual Property (IP) and technology that lead to economic growth and societal benefit. Applications are invited for collaborative industrial R&D projects up to 2 years in duration - with the aim of future commercialisation of the resulting products/services. The programme is open to Indian & UK based businesses of all sizes and research & academic organisations working in collaboration with business partners. The minimum collaboration desired is one business from India working in collaboration with one business from the UK. The joint project has to be led by businesses, with a lead business partner from India and the UK. The deadline for applications is 15th April 2015. https://interact.innovateuk.org/competition-display-page/-/asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/india-uk-collaborative-industrial-r-d-programme?p_p_auth=GyMbw0tE Woodward Charitable Trust - Main Grants (UK) The Woodward Charitable Trust, which is one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts has announced that it grant making programme is open for applications. Applications are welcomed from UK registered charities working addressing a wide range of social issues. This includes: 32 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour Minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders; etc. The fund offers grants of up to £5,000 through their small grants scheme and grants of over £5,000 through their large grants scheme. Grants awarded in the past have included: A grant to SHARP (Support Help and Advice for Relatives of Prisoners) to help fund a helpline Grants towards the running costs of a cyber café for disabled users. The closing date for applications is the 15th May 2015. In addition, the Trust runs a Summer Playscheme Grants Programme. This is open to charities with an income not exceeding £100,000 a year. The next deadline for receipt of applications for the Children's Summer Playschemes Grants for 2015 is the 17th April 2015. Please do not send any applications for the Summer Play Schemes until after the 2nd February 2015. http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/index.html The Leche Trust (UK) The Leche Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 20th April 2015. The Trust makes grants: Towards the furtherance of education or academic research To support the National Trust and the preservation of rural England Help finance the visits of teachers and students abroad. The main focuses of the Trust's grant making activities are: The promotion of good relations between Britain and third world countries Assistance to academic, educational or other organisations concerned with music, drama, dance and the arts The preservation of buildings and their contents and the repair and conservation of church furniture The preservation of the nation's countryside, towns, villages and historic landscapes. Previous grants awarded include: A grant of £6,000 to West Dean College towards the purchase of a specialist3D scanner suite and a grant of £1,400 towards a Storytelling Festival in York. http://www.lechetrust.org/ Women Make Music Grant Scheme (UK) The Performing Right Society (PRS) has announced that its Women Make Music grant scheme is now open for applications. Through the programme, financial support of up to £5000 is available to women musicians to create new music in any genre. This can range from classical, jazz and experimental, to urban, electronica and pop. Through the scheme support is available to Individuals and organizations / groups including: Solo performers Solo songwriters or composers Promoters or event producers Bands/ensembles/orchestras Local authorities and schools; etc. The next application deadline is the 27th April 2015. http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/Funding/Women-Make-Music 33 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Funding for Strategic Adult Education Partnerships (UK) The European Commission has announced that grants of up to €150,000 per year for up to 3 years are available to develop strategic Adult education partnerships. The funding is being made available through Erasmus + Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Programme. The aim is to run collaborative projects aimed at improving adult education provision. Activities can include: Developing, testing and implementing innovative approaches and practices for adult learners, staff and organisations Providing flexible pathways for adult learners including validation of prior learning; improving access to adult education Training, teaching and learning activities such as blended mobility of adult learners, joint staff training events, and teaching and training assignments; etc. Any UK organisation involved in adult education can participate in a Strategic Partnership for adult education, either as the lead or as a partner. One organisation must lead the project and make the application for funding. Partnership must include 3 partners from 3 different Programme Countries, including the applicant organisation. The closing date for applications is 11 am on the 30th April 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-2/strategic-partnerships-for-adult-education Funding for Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education (UK) The European Commission has announced that grants of up to €150,000 per year for up to 3 years are available to develop Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education. The funding is being made available through Erasmus + Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education Programme. The aim is to run collaborative projects aimed at improving VET provision. Activities could include: Developing, testing and implementing innovative approaches and practices for study programmes, students, staff and organisations Facilitating the recognition and certification of skills and competences Training, teaching and learning activities such as intensive study programmes, blended mobility of students, joint staff training events, and teaching and training assignments. Any UK organisation involved in Higher Education can participate in a Strategic Partnership for adult education, either as the lead or as a partner. One organisation must lead the project and make the application for funding. Partnership must include 3 partners from 3 different Programme Countries, including the applicant organisation. The closing date for applications is 11 am on the 30th April 2015. https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-action-2/strategic-partnerships-for-higher-education Music Grants for Older People (England & Wales) The registered charity, Concertina which makes grants to charitable bodies which provide musical entertainment and related activities for the elderly has announced that the next deadline for applications is the 30th April 2015. The charity is particular keen to support smaller organisations which might otherwise find it difficult to gain funding. Since its inception in 2004, Concertina has made grants to a wide range of charitable organisations nationwide in England and Wales. These include funds to many care homes for the elderly to provide musical entertainment for their residents. Some of the charities that have received grants from Concertina include: Golden Oldies, Bath who received funding for the provision of leaders for singing sessions for the elderly throughout the area, culminating in a concert bringing together all the groups in one celebratory concert annually. The pilot project which Concertina helped to fund has now grown and there are "Golden Oldies" in many more areas of England. http://www.concertinamusic.org.uk/Grants.php The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund (UK) The Triangle Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications to its grants programme is noon on the 30th April 2015. During this funding round, the Trust will provides grants to not for profit organisations working with carers, The Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when the grant comes to end the applicant organisation's income will not be reduced. Grants are available for up to £40,000 or 50% of the organisation's current annual income, whichever is lowest, per year for 3 years. The Trust also holds a separate funding round for organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders. This is due to open for applications in October 2014. Previous projects supported include: 34 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red A grant of £20,000 to the Junction 42 Foundation to recruit and train mentors and befrienders to provide effective support for ex-offenders within the community. A grant of £19,606 to Carers Lewisham for a project to help older carers (aged 75 plus) to access the support that they need. http://www.triangletrust.org.uk/ Wellcome Trust – Arts Awards (UK) The Wellcome Trust is inviting organisations and individuals to apply for funding through its Arts Awards. The Arts Awards support projects that engage the public with biomedical science through the arts including: Dance Drama Performance arts Visual arts Music Film Craft Photography Creative writing Digital media. Applications are invited for projects of up to £40,000 through their small grants programme. The aim of the awards is to support arts projects that reach new audiences which may not traditionally be interested in science and provide new ways of thinking about the social, cultural and ethical issues around contemporary science. The scheme is open to a wide range of people including, among others: Artists Scientists Curators Filmmakers Writers Producers Directors Academics Science communicators Teachers Arts workers Education officers. The next application deadline for small projects is the 1st May 2015. http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Funding/Public-engagement/Funding-schemes/Arts-Awards/index.htm?utm_source=Equality+Updates&utm_campaign=3b41879e53Funding_Extra_8th_May_20135_8_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_te New £15m Business Impact Challenge for Social Enterprises (UK) Big Society Capital, the world's first social investment bank, has announced the launch of a new £15 million "Impact Challenge". The aim is to bring the UK's most innovative companies together with community, charitable and social enterprise sectors to generate solutions to some of the most pressing social issues. All ideas must fund and/or support social purpose organisations with an interest in the United Kingdom. The winner will receive between £5 million and £15 million 35 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red match funding from Big Society Capital towards a large investment proposal that can generate strong corporate and social value in the UK and will have a social impact. Entries can come from individual companies or partnerships, which could include voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, but must include at least one private company. The deadline for applications is 1st May 2015. http://businessimpactchallenge.com/ Woodward Charitable Trust - Main Grants (UK) The Woodward Charitable Trust, which is one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts has announced that it grant making programme is open for applications. Applications are welcomed from UK registered charities working addressing a wide range of social issues. This includes: Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour Minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders; etc. The fund offers grants of up to £5,000 through their small grants scheme and grants of over £5,000 through their large grants scheme. Grants awarded in the past have included: A grant to SHARP (Support Help and Advice for Relatives of Prisoners) to help fund a helpline Grants towards the running costs of a cyber café for disabled users. The closing date for applications is the 15th May 2015. In addition, the Trust runs a Summer Playscheme Grants Programme. This is open to charities with an income not exceeding £100,000 a year. The next deadline for receipt of applications for the Children's Summer Playschemes Grants for 2015 is the 17th April 2015. Please do not send any applications for the Summer Play Schemes until after the 2nd February 2015. http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/index.html Youth Music - Grant Making Programmes (England) Youth Music, England's largest children's music charity, which provides funding for music-making projects, has announced major changes to its grant making programmes. Through its new funding programmes, Youth Music will focus on funding developmental music-making projects for children and young people up to the age of 25 and including early years (0 - 5); as well as projects that support the development of the workforce, organisations and the wider sector. The new funding programme is made up of three separate funds: Fund A offers small grants (up to £30,000) for high quality music-making projects Fund B offers medium-sized grants (30,001 - £100,000 per year) for larger programmes of work Fund C offers grants (of up to £180,000) for strategic programmes to help embed sustainable, inclusive music-making across a local area. The types of organisations that are eligible to apply include charities, not for profit organisations and schools. Schools will however have to justify how to activities to be funded do not duplicate Department of Education funding. The initial closing dates for applications are: The 4th December 2014 for Fund A, 21st May 2015 for Fund B and 14th November 2014 for Fund C. http://network.youthmusic.org.uk/Funding/about-youth-musics-grants-programme Landscape Partnerships Grant Programme (UK) st The Heritage Lottery Fund has announced that the next application deadline for round 1 of its Landscape Partnerships Programme is the 1 June 2015. The Landscape Partnerships grant programme supports partnerships of local, regional and national interests which aim to conserve areas of distinctive landscape character throughout the United Kingdom. Grants of between £100,000 and £3,000,000 are available. The fund is open to not-for profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for profit organisations. Prior to submitting an application the applicant must identify an area of land that has a distinctive landscape character, recognised and valued by local people. Each scheme is based round a portfolio of smaller projects, which together provide a varied package of benefits to an area, its communities and visitors. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/landscapepartnerships.aspx#.UVGyv4JFARp 36 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (UK) The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to registered charities in the United Kingdom has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 1st June 2015. During 2015, the Trust is seeking to fund projects that promote Community development and Medical - Research and non-research. Grants are usually between £1,000 and £3,000 and are awarded for one year. Previous grants awarded include: A grant of £3,000 towards 'Street Circus' programme. A grant of £3,000 towards a telephone befriending service. http://www.austin-hope-pilkington.org.uk/what-we-fund/ Global Fund for Women - Women's Fund (UK / International) The Global Fund for Women has announced that its Women's Fund will re-open for applications on the 15th March 2015. The Global Fund for Women is a publicly supported grant-making foundation that advances human rights by investing in women-led organizations worldwide. Its focus is on ending gender based violence, promoting the economic and political empowerment of women and sexual and reproductive health rights. To be eligible for a grant, organisations must be based outside the United States, have as its primary focus advancing women's equality and human rights and women must fill all or most of the leadership roles in the organisation. Grants usually range from $5,000 to $30,000. First-time grant awards generally range from $5,000 to $13,000 per year. The deadline for applications will be the 30th June 2015. http://www.globalfundforwomen.org/apply-for-a-grant Paul Bush Foundation Trust (UK) Individuals and charitable organisations within the UK can apply for grants of up to £10,000 (£5,000 for individuals) to support the needs of adults and children with physical disabilities in England. Funding is available to assist those individuals with a disability to improve their physical, psychological and emotional well-being via the provision of grants to address short term needs. In the case for funding for individuals, applications must be supported and completed by a third party sponsor. A sponsor could be, for example, a health/personal care professional, social worker or charity /support group representative. The Trustees meet twice yearly in April and October with successful applicants being advised by 1st November and 1st May each year. http://www.bushco.co.uk/about/paulbushfoundationtrust.aspx Funding to Enable Disadvantaged Young People Reach their Potential (UK) Registered charities that work with disadvantaged children under the age of 25 can apply for funding of up to £10,000 through the Ironmongers Company's grants programme. In particular the company wants to support projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people to fulfil their potential and educational activities that develop learning, motivation and skills. Projects could, for example, support: Special educational needs Address behavioural problems or promote citizenship Parenting or life skills. Preference will be given to projects piloting new approaches where the outcomes will be disseminated to a wider audience. Although the grants are available within the UK preference is given to projects in inner London. The next deadline for applications is the 31st July 2015. http://www.ironmongers.org/charity_organisations.htm Grants for Would Be Women Engineers (England) The Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE ) has announced that would-be women engineers will get extra financial support next year under a government scheme in England. The bursaries, from the HEFCE, will support more than 2,800 master's students on a total of 20 projects at 40 universities. For example, Brunel University 37 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red will give grants of £1,250 a month to 40 women on postgraduate engineering courses. It's part of a £25m pilot scheme to boost postgraduate study, particularly among underrepresented groups. The scheme aims to test ways of supporting graduates to continue their studies, particularly those who might otherwise be discouraged - or simply priced out. The funding will be available from January 2014 until August 2015. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/news/newsarchive/2013/news85254.html Townscape Heritage Initiative (UK) The next closing date for stage 1 applications to the Heritage Lottery Fund's (HLF) Townscape Heritage Initiative is the 31st August 2015. The Townscape Heritage Initiative is HLF's grant giving programme under which it supports schemes led by partnerships of local, regional and national interests that aim to regenerate the historic environment in towns and cities across the United Kingdom. The programme is designed to address problems in areas of particular social and economic need. The scheme is open to single organisations (such as Local Authorities) or partnerships of not for profit organisations and provides grants of between £100,000 and £2 million. If applicants receive a first-round pass, they will need to develop the scheme further within a 12-month development phase and then send a detailed second-round submission. The second round is not competitive; a grant will be offered to the applicant if it meets the HLF's criteria and priorities. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/Townscape_Heritage.aspx#.VArHA2NAf20 The Philip Henman Trust (UK) The Philip Henman Trust is currently inviting applications from UK based overseas development organisations requiring partnership funding for long term overseas development projects (lasting between three and five years) that will provide a lasting beneficial impact to the people or environment. The trust offers grants between £3,000 and £5,000 per year, with a maximum total of £25,000 to UK registered charity (normally defined as having an income of over £100,000 PA). The Trust only invites applications for funding once a year and the next deadline is the 10th September 2015. Please note that the Trust only has resources to guarantee an average of two new long term grants a year. http://www.djclark.com/pht/apply.html The National Churches Trust – Community Grants Programme (UK) th The National Churches Trust has announced its Community Grants programme and applications can be submitted between now and 30 September 2015. The Community Grants Programme is for grants of £5,000 and above for projects which introduce facilities to enable increased community use of places of worship. Projects must have an estimated cost of at least £25,000 (including VAT and fees) to qualify. For example, St Michael's church in the centre of West Bromwich received a grant of £10,000 towards the cost of a new kitchen extension, the provision of accessible toilet facilities, storage provision, general refurbishment and re-modelling of the lobby and entrance, in order to make it more accessible and usable for the local community http://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/our-grants/community-grants National Churches Trust Repair Grants Programmes (UK) th The National Churches Trust, which supports projects at a wide range of places of Christian worship, has announced that its Repair Grants Scheme is open until the 30 September 2015 for applications. Through the scheme, the Trust is offering the opportunity to apply for a limited number of grants of £10,000 and above towards urgent structural repair projects. The funding is available to Churches, Chapels and Meeting Houses that are regularly used for public worship. In previous years, the Trust concentrated on projects involving urgent repairs to roof and rainwater goods with estimated costs of at least £100,000 (including VAT and fees). In addition, the Trust hopes to be able to provide grants towards installing facilities such as toilets and catering facilities to benefit places of worship and local communities. http://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/our-grants/repair-grants Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Launches New Food Funding Strand (UK) The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, one of the UK’s largest independent charitable foundations, has announced the launch of its new food strand. Esmée will offer total funding of 38 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red £5m over a period of three years and is inviting applications from organisations focused on understanding and investigating the critical role that food plays in wellbeing and the interplay between food, sustainability and poverty. The food strand is open to both large-scale strategic or policy-led interventions and organisations working on innovative local projects. The foundation will support work that delivers high quality, innovative local food projects, particularly those that can become financially sustainable and are : Replicable. Establishes closer links between NGOs, community groups, producers, retailers and industry in order to create more coherent food sector. Improves people’s understanding of the place that food plays in our lives and shows the role that access to good quality food can have on wellbeing. Leads to the prioritisation of sustainable food production and consumption in local and national policy, practice and decision-making. Increases demand for better quality food from sustainable sources, for example, through changes to public procurement. The strand is now open for applications and will operate until at least the end of 2015. http://esmeefairbairn.org.uk/what-we-fund/sectors/food Urban Community-Owned Shops Pilot (UK) The Plunkett Foundation has announced the launch of new initiative, the ‘Urban community-owned shops pilot. ' Working in partnership with Locality and funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the pilot aims to support urban communities to create and benefit from new and sustainable community-owned shops. The shops will offer better access to good food, enhance community cohesion and provide robust retail solutions. The pilot will include a programme of events, enterprise support including specialist advice and resources, and financial help including grants, fundraising guidance and loan-provision. The programme starts in April 2014 and will run for two years. Communities will be able to secure support for their idea at events to be held later this year. For more information please contact Hannah Barrett on 01993 810730 or at [email protected]. http://www.plunkett.co.uk/newsandmedia/news-item.cfm/newsid/747 Rugby Football Foundation (England) The Rugby Football Foundation welcomes applications from all clubs at levels 5 and below in the English Clubs Rugby Championship. The foundations seeks to invest in community rugby facilities, enabling them to finance capital projects which will improve facilities that contribute to the recruitment and retention of community rugby players. There are three different funding streams. The Helping Hands Grant Scheme which provides grants of between £500 and £1,500 for eligible Capital Projects (for example a new set of rugby posts, redecorating the changing rooms etc) with the club matching the grant on a £ for £ basis. The “ Ground Match grant scheme” which provides grants of between £1,500 and £5,000 for capital projects which contribute to the recruitment and retention of community rugby players. The “Interest Free Loan Schemes”, which provides loans up to £100,000 to capital works to clubs at level 4 and below which contribute to the retention and recruitment of community rugby players. For further information on the schemes and how to apply please click on the link below. http://www.rugbyfootballfoundation.org/what-we-do/grants-loans New Programme to Help UK Charities Support People into Employment (UK) Microsoft has announced the launch of Britain Works Initiative, and NGO programme which provides resources and connects UK registered charities working in the employability arena. This initiative is aimed at helping 500,000 people into employment by giving them access to vital IT skills over the next 3 years. By becoming a Britain Works NGO Programme Partner charities will be able to access resources, software, training curriculum and dedicated events and webinars. UK registered charities with an employability programme or who are looking to set up an employability programme in 2010 can register to join the Britain Works NGO Programme free of charge. To register your interest, please email [email protected] . Applications can be submitted at any time. www.microsoft.com Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund (UK) Through this Fund Mars are looking to award 60 grants of £300 to help small, local community based projects and community minded people improve their local community. The applications process is very straight forward. Applicants need to tell Mars what their community could do with £300. http://www.hotgalaxywarmheart.com/fund/ 39 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Small Grants Programme – Sport England The Sport England Small Grants Programme uses Lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-for-profit organizations to help more young people (aged 14+) and adults take and keep a sporting habit for life. Eligible sports must be formally recognised by Sport England and projects completed within 12 months. www.sportengland.org.uk Homelessness Transition Fund Launches Future Ready Fund (England) The aim of the Future Ready Fund is ‘To protect and enhance essential and strategically critical services for single homeless people and support them in the transition to becoming sustainable’. Grants of up to £25,000 are available for projects that /lead: To stronger organisations or test/pilot new approaches that will attract funding; prepare organisations for change. Build their skills and abilities to take advantage of new funding opportunities. Build relationships or partnerships which strengthen organisations and help to attract funding and provide better services. Will make sure organisations can continue to support clients in the best ways possible. www.homeless.org.uk Peoples Health Trust – Active Communities Programme (England, Scotland and Wales) Under Active Communities, local charities and community groups can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 to address health inequalities. The Active Communities Funding Programme aims to close the gap between those communities which experience the worst health in England, Scotland and Wales and the majority of the population. The programme is currently open for applications in some areas. To find more information and if your area is open for applications, please click on the link below. www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk Aid for the Aged in Distress Grants (UK) Aid for the Aged in Distress (AFTAID) welcomes applications from individuals, or their family and neighbours, of state pensionable age (60 years old for women and 65 for men), that are UK citizen and resident, on lower income and have minimal savings. AFTAID aims to help older persons that are financially stretched beyond their means to the point of genuine distress. AFTAID can provide grants for many varied items such as: Mobility scooters. Walk-in showers. Radiators. Cookers. Cleaning. Central heating boiler. Video intercom. 'blind' software for PC. AFTAID do not make grants for ongoing or retrospective payments, nor can they consider repayment of debt. Referrals can also be accepted on behalf of members of the caring professions and voluntary organisations. Applications can be made at any time. www.aftaid.org.uk Funding for Projects that Address Urban and Rural Deprivation (UK) The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation has announced that capital and revenue funding is available to support the work of local and national charities and not-for-profit organisations that address rural and urban deprivation. Within these two main headings, the Trust is interested in helping established projects which work in the fields of: Community Support Arts, Education & Heritage Disability & Health Care. The type of projects the Trust are interested in funding include projects providing transport for the elderly, disabled or disadvantaged; contact networks for the young disabled; projects which encourage a sense of community such as community centres and village halls; employment training schemes especially those promoting local, traditional crafts; projects addressing issues such as drug/alcohol misuse or homelessness. There are three grants schemes. These are: 40 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red The Large Grant Scheme, with grants of between £10,000 and £30,000 to cover capital costs The Small Grant Scheme, grants of between £5,001 and £9,999 to cover capital and revenue costs; The Fast Track Scheme with grants of up to £5,000 to cover capital and revenue costs. In addition, The Foundation also provides funding to support capital projects at hospices throughout the UK; and on local projects providing support for mothers and babies in the first two years of life. The Grants Committee meets quarterly to consider applications at the beginning of February, May, September and November. The deadlines for submitting applications are generally 2 months before the date of a meeting. http://www.trusthousecharitablefoundation.org.uk/ New Parks for People Programme (UK) The new-look Parks for People programme aims to get local people more involved in the management of their parks and, for the first time, will provide funding to conserve historic cemeteries and offer help and advice about long term park maintenance. The programme has also been simplified so that local authorities, community trusts and friends groups will be able to access funding in a more streamlined way. Grants will range from £100,000 to £5million, with HLF committing over £70million and BIG giving £30million between 2013 – 2015. www.biglotteryfund.org.uk Big Assist Programme The £6 Million Big Assist programme, aims to develop the capacity of local infrastructure organisations that support the work of local voluntary and community sectors. Infrastructure organisations will be able to register, start a self-assessment, and apply for funded vouchers which they can use for consultancy, training, e-learning or other forms of support. These will be awarded in categories including: Strategy and planning. Financial sustainability. Developing strategic relationships. Typical awards are expected to be in the region of £2,000 – £ 7,000. Delivered by National Council for Voluntary Organisations under contract to the Big Lottery Fund, the programme will run for an initial period of three years. www.bigassist.org.uk Holiday Grant (UK) The Family Holiday Association (FHA) supports families on a low income, that have not been on holiday for the past four years and have at least one child between three and 18 years of age can obtain financial support for a break during 2013. The FHA can only accept applications from referring agents and not directly from families. The holidays provided are generally in UK holiday parks such as Haven or Butlins. Holiday park breaks include free accommodation, linen rental, entertainment passes and holiday insurance (subject to medical conditions). FHA may also make a contribution towards the family’s holiday expenses. The demand for holidays is usually greater than the funding received so FHA recommend submitting an application as early as possible. www.fhaonline.org.uk Applications Invited for three Arts Council Schemes (England) Arts Council England (ACE) have announced details of how to apply for its Catalyst Arts: Building fundraising capacity, Transforming arts fundraising and Developing resilient leadership grants programmes. The first two schemes are part of the £100 million Catalyst programme which was launched by DCMS, ACE and the Heritage Lottery Fund last year. For further information on each programme and how to apply please click on the link below. www.culture.gov.uk Santander Foundation Grants (UK) The Santander Foundation has two grant programmes to help disadvantaged people in the UK. Community Plus provides grants of up to £5,000. The scheme is open to small local UK charities or local projects of national charities with funding available to cover salaries, equipment or materials. Visit www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/community-plus.aspx to find our more. 41 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Central Fund offers grants of up to £10,000 for organsiations with charitable status. Grants must meet one or both of the Foundations priorities – Education & Training, or Financial Capability. Visit www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/central-fund.aspx to find out more. There are no closing dates and entries will be regularly considered by a panel of staff drawn from across the region. Successful charities will be notified within 2 months of submitting their nomination. You are welcome to apply to both grant programmes, but a grant from one programme will prevent you from getting a grant from the other. www.santanderfoundation.org.uk Funding for Older People in the Community (England, Scotland and Wales) The Barchester Healthcare Foundation, Which is a registered grant making charity that helps older people and other adults with a disability Grants of between £100 and £5,000 are available to both individuals and small community groups. In the case of individuals, all applications need to be supported and completed by a third party sponsor. A sponsor could be, for example, a health/ personal care professional, social worker or charity/ support group representative. Applications can be submitted at any time. www.bhcfoundation.org.uk Non-Turf Cricket Pitch Grants (UK) The Lords Taverners have announced that its non-Turf Pitch Grants scheme has announced that its non-Turf Grants scheme is open for applications. Through the scheme, applications can be made for grants towards the installation of non-turf pitches, practice ends and nets. The awards include grants of up to: £3,000 towards non-turf pitches. £2,000 towards non-turf practice ends. £1,000 towards outdoor nets. Applications will be considered from cricket clubs affiliated to a National Governing Body of Cricket, individual schools or other organisations directly involved in the organisation of youth cricket. www.lordstaverners.org.uk Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Announces New Grants Programme for Gypsy Roma and Traveler Groups (UK) Funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the programme will be delivered by the Travellers Aid Trust. Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 will be awarded to Gypsy Roma and Traveller groups to help skill up young people, improve literacy and work with offenders. The Travellers Aid Trust expects to award between 7 and 10 grants a year. The programme was launched in January 2013 and will run for two years. For more information, please contact Susan Alexander at The Travellers Aid Trust on [email protected] or visit their website www.esmeefairbairn.org.uk Greggs Foundation Breakfast Club Grants (England, Scotland & Wales) Schools that are interested in opening a breakfast club at your school must be able to show that at least 40% of your pupils qualify for free school meals and that the school serves a disadvantaged community. School should able to attract adult volunteers to help run the scheme and attendance at the club must be free for all pupils. The grant can even be used for games and sports equipment to help children play together. Greggs also provides bread donations from the nearest shop. Recently set up breakfast clubs include: “clubs” at Hillside Community Primary School, in Skelmersdale which received funding of £600 for its breakfast club which around 45 young people attend each day. Swalwell Primary School, in Gateshead where nearly 50% of school children are entitle to free meals received a grant of £1,100. Although applications can be made at any time, there is currently a waiting list for funding whilst new sponsorship partners are being identified. www.greggsfoundation.org.uk vInspired Cashpoint (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland) vInspired Cashpoint is offering funding of up to £500 to young people (14 – 25 year olds) who want to set up a local project to help their community. To be eligible for funding, the project should be of benefit to the community where the young people live, or where they spend most of their time, or a group of people that they would like to help. The project should be a new idea or something that applicants have tried before but would like to do differently. Grants need to be used within two months of the project start date and should create a least two more volunteering opportunities for 14-25 year olds (in addition to the applicant). Applications can be submitted at any time. www.vinspired.com 42 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red New Funding for Rural Communities (UK) The Plunkett Foundation has been awarded over £450,000 from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to create a new comprehensive support service for rural communities considering setting up or diversifying community-owned services like shops and pubs. The support service will provide a combination of adviser support, training, feasibility grants, and opportunities for networking with other community enterprises. The support is specifically focused at the early stage of a community’s ideas, and will help them progress to the next stage. Eligibility for support will depend on communities aiming to raise at least £10,000 themselves through community shares and support will be given to ensure communities are creating viable and sustainable businesses that engage the whole community. This new service is now open for applications and Plunkett encourages rural communities who need support for their enterprises to contact them directly for more information via 01993 810730 or by emailing [email protected] www.plunkett.co.uk Funding for Science Education (UK) The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers, which is one of the leading charities in the UK supporting metallurgy and materials science education from primary school to postgraduate levels makes funding available to UK schools for special purposes such as science equipment and projects, or travel to scientific events or institutions. Typically these are up to £600 for primary and to £1000 for secondary schools. Funds are finite and will be allocated on a first come first served basis in each year starting on 1 April. http://www.armourershall.co.uk/cmspage.php?id=101&cmsid=3&parentid=100 Support for Projects Working with Disadvantaged Young People, Offenders & Ex-offenders (UK) The Worshipful Company of Weavers Benevolent Fund is available to small registered charities and seeks to support projects working with disadvantaged young people aged from 5 to 30 years of age. To ensure they are given every possible chance to meet their full potential and to participate fully in society. Projects that addresses the social and economic problems faced by offenders, and ex-offenders and their families, and provide them with support, life skills training and a way back into education, training and/or employment. Grants available are of up to £15,000. The Charitable Grants Committee meets in February, June and October of each year to consider applications. http://www.weavers.org.uk/charitable-grants/grant-application-guidelines Henry Smith's Charity - Holiday Grants for Children (UK) Applications can be made by schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who are from areas of high deprivation, are experiencing disadvantage, or those who have a disability. Applications can be considered for holidays or outings that have the objective of providing children with a break they would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The maximum grant available is £2,500 for any one trip. Grants are normally limited to a maximum of two-thirds of the total cost of a trip as we would expect some local partnership funding to be in place. There are no closing dates and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.henrysmithcharity.org.uk/holiday-grants-for-children.html Theatres Protection Fund (UK) Through the Fund grants of up to £5,000 are available for projects that address urgent building repairs, improve operational viability, introduce environmental improvements, and which enhance physical accessibility. To be eligible, applicants have to own or manage theatres with titles or signed leases of more than 5 years on buildings. Applicants also need to demonstrate that they run a regular theatre programme of professional, community and/or amateur work presenting no less than 30 performances a year. Applicants must have a bona fide UK charitable or not-for-profit legal structure and be able to provide certified or audited accounts for at least two years. Applications can be submitted at any time and the Trust will aim to reply to all applicants within three months. http://www.theatrestrust.org.uk/grants Tudor Trust Grants Tudor particularly want to help smaller, community-led organisations which work directly with people who are at the margins of society: organisations which support positive changes in people’s lives and in their communities. They want to respond flexibly to your ideas and energy, and to fund effective organisations working to high standards. Tudor doesn’t have specific funding programmes. Their focus is on smaller forward-looking groups, led by capable and committed people. Some of the other characteristics 43 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red they are looking for include: Organisations working directly with people who are at the margins of society. A focus on building stronger communities by overcoming isolation and fragmentation and encouraging inclusion, connection and integration. Organisations which are embedded in and have developed out of their community – whether the local area or a ‘community of interest’. High levels of user involvement, and an emphasis on self-help where this is appropriate. Work which addresses complex and multi-stranded problems in unusual or imaginative ways. Organisations which are thoughtful in their use of resources and which foster community resilience in the face of environmental, economic or social change. We are more likely to fund groups with an annual turnover of less than £1 million. However, we sometimes make grants to larger groups, particularly for work which could be influential or which a smaller organisation would not have the capacity to deliver. Please call us on 020 7727 8522 if you are from a larger organisation and would like to discuss making an application. Applications can be made at any time. www.tudortrust.org.uk Funding Available To Help Volunteering (UK) The Alec Dickson Trust provides grants of up to £500 to help young people of up to 30 or small groups of young people run a volunteering project in their local area. The fund seeks to support projects that enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society such as: The homeless Those with drug dependency problems People with disabilities. For further information on how to apply contact [email protected], or call 020 7278 6601. http://www.alecdicksontrust.org.uk/ Funding for Disadvantaged Young People (UK) The Charity, Buttle UK, has announced that its Access to the Future Programme is open for applications. Through the programme financial assistance is available to young people who face multiple barriers to attainment by funding bespoke packages of support put together by themselves and their support worker. Grants of up to £3,000 can be awarded per individual. This could include funding for training courses, activities, residential courses, private tuition, clothing, licences, equipment, business start up costs or anything which removes (or helps remove) a barrier that stands in the way of the applicant returning to employment, education or training (EET). Applications need to be submitted by support professionals working for a suitable referral agency Applications can be made at any time. http://www.buttleuk.org/pages/grant-programmes-access-to-the-future-programme-47.html Young Roots (UK) Young Roots is funding through the Heritage Lottery Fund and organisations can apply for grants of more than £10,000 and up to £50,000. Young Roots aims to involve 11 - 25 year-olds in finding out about their heritage, developing skills, building confidence and promoting community involvement. Projects needs to be related to the heritage of the UK. For example, it could involve young people researching a local archive or doing practical casework on a nature reserve. Projects must also show how young people are managing and participating in the project. Previous projects supported include: Kirkby Stephen Grammer School which received a grant of £15,300 to produce a film about the construction of the Settle-Carlisle Railway which is an important part of the heritage of their area; Villa Real School (which caters specifically for young people with special educational needs) which was awarded a grant of £19,875 to work in partnership with a local museum to explore and gain first hand experience in ancient crafts. Young Roots is a rolling programme, meaning you can apply anytime. Applications will be assessed within 8 weeks. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/youngroots.aspx#.USorp5BFARq 44 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Tap Water Awards The Tap Water Awards are available to schools for projects that help schools replace bottled water with tap water. The funding can be used to pay for things such as mains fed water machines; plumbing work to install machines; and any other items associated with mains drinking water. Schools, colleges or universities wishing to apply are strong advised to contact tapwater.org. beforehand. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.tapwater.org./grants Best Start Breakfast Club Grant ContinYou and Kelloggs are working in partnership to offer FREE training for school staff/parents/group leaders wishing to set up a new breakfast club in a school or other community setting. The training workshop will equip staff with what they need to start up and run a successful breakfast club. Following the training, leaders will be able to apply for a Best Start Breakfast Club grant of £650 to get their new club up and running. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.continyou.org.uk/school/breakfast_club_plus/training Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies The Society aims to help those engaged in Hellenic Studies at all levels, and to this end it makes grants of various kinds to schools, universities and other institutions, undergraduates, graduate students and young researchers. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.hellenicsociety.org.uk/grants/ Connecting Classrooms The School Partnerships fund provides grants for travel to help UK schools work together with an international partner school. In addition it provides free resources for partnership projects and an easy to follow framework for building and developing partnerships. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/programmes-and-funding/linking-programmes-worldwide/connecting-classrooms Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme The Grundtvig programme is part of the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme. It supports individuals and organisations involved in non-vocational adult education to participate in European training activities and projects. 2013 is the last year the the Grundtvig programme will offer funding although programme activities will continue after this date. It will be replaced by a new programme currently known as Erasmus for All from January 2014 onwards. There are a range of different funding opportunities that the Grundtvig programme supports – Small Co-operation Projects – enable organisations to work together with European partners on a shared theme to benefit their staff, learners and volunteers. Partnerships – allow UK organisations to increase knowledge, skills and competencies as well as sharing experiences on specific theme or topic. Senior Volunteering – grants to help UK organisations build collaborative working relationships through the exchange of volunteers over 50. Individual Mobility – focuses on individuals and can help you develop your skills and experience through a European opportunity. In Service Training – provide structured training for UK individuals to develop practical skills in another European country. Visits and Exchanges – offer adult educators the chance to improve their skills either through a European job shadow or though participating in a European conference. Assistantships – enable UK individuals to undertake a work placement in a European adult education organisation. Workshops enable organisations to create and host an interactive training session for a group of European adult educators to develop and share knowledge on the topic of literacy. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.lifelonglearningprogramme.org.uk/programme/grundtvig The Naturesave Trust Naturesave Limited is an ethical insurance company providing funding to support environmental and conservationist projects. It aims to provide financial assistance to projects that deal with the root of a specific environmental and/or conservationist problem and those that encourage the greater commercial adoption of sustainable development. 45 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Financial assistance is available in the form of start up finance to new organisations which seek to promote greater awareness of sustainable development or for existing companies and charities which are seeking funding for a specific project. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.naturesave.co.uk/trust_naturesave.html Wakeham Trust Groups of individuals as well as small community and voluntary groups that want to improve their communities can apply for funding through the Wakeham Trust. The Trust is particularly interested in supporting neighbourhood projects, community arts projects, projects involving community service by your people, or projects set up by those who are socially excluded. It also supports innovative projects to promote excellence in teaching (at any level, from primary schools to universities), though they never support individuals. The Trust usually gives grants to project where an initial £75 to £750 can make a real difference to getting the project up and running. To be eligible, applicants need to be registered charities or have access to a registered charity that will be willing to accept funds on their behalf. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.wakemantrust.org/ Instant Impact Project Fund The Fund supports taster trips and visits to Germany for young people. The scheme is aimed at schools and youth groups that have not previously visited the other country. At least 75% of the time during the visit is spent taking part in interactive and educational joint activity between young people from both countries; the trip includes young people who would otherwise not have the chance to take part. Funding is available for travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for the visit, materials, resources and dissemination activities. Applications must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance of the trip. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.ukgermanconnection.org/?location_id=2215 Japan Society Small Grants Programme The grants are made by the Society to enable small scale projects and events to Japan to take place in the UK. Applications can be made by organisations as well as individuals who are based in the UK for projects and events related to Japan and Japanese culture. The maximum award is £1,000 and should not, in principle, cover more than 50% of the total budget. The Society particularly encourages applications from those who are involved in organising grassroots projects and from schools and educational establishments. Applications can be made at any time. http://www.japansociety.org.uk/grants/ The Jerusalem Trust RE Resource Grant Scheme The Trust makes available to schools a number of grants to support the purchase of resources for teaching Christianity in Religious Education. These can include textbooks, teacher resources, artefacts, videos, tapes and CD-roms for use in RE lessons. The fund is open to all primary and secondary schools in the UK, although priority will be given to non-church state secondary schools. Occasionally grants will be awarded to primary schools who have experienced the loss of resources through critical incidents such as fire or flood. The maximum size of any grant is £500 and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.stapleford-centre.org/resources/re-grants-for-schools Foyle Foundation Schools Library Programme State funded secondary and primary schools as well as dedicated schools catering for those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that do not have or want to improve their libraries can apply for funding through the Foyle Foundation. The Schools Library programme recognises that there is no statutory requirement for schools to have a library and than many school libraries are in a desperate situation through underfunding and underdevelopment. Encouraging children to read widely from an early age will provide a major boost to improving literacy levels, which is a current key educational objective. Priority will be given to funding library books. The Foundation will also consider contributions towards library software, necessary IT equipment and specialist seating/desks. Preference will be given to schools which can clearly demonstrate that their library can be maintained and renewed in the future. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/how-to-apply/state-schools.php 46 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Foyle Foundation Small Grants Programme (UK) The Foyle Foundation is inviting small local charities to apply for funding through its Small Grants programme. Through its Small Grants Programme, grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available to smaller charities in the UK, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Applicants will need to demonstrate that the grant will make a significant difference to their work. Previous charities supported include: The Special Educational Needs Families Support Group, Manchester which received a grant of £7,500 towards the core work of the charity which supports young disadvantaged people with special and complex needs. Firebird Theatre in Clevedon which received a grant of £4,500 towards a 3 month storytelling and theatre development project with disabled school children in Bristol. Applications can be made at any time. http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/small-grants-scheme/ Wooden Spoon Society Grant Wooden Spoon is a children’s charity dedicated to helping underprivileged children and young people to live happier, richer lives. It exists to improve the quality and prospect of life for children and young people who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially. The grants available include capital projects such as medical treatment and recovery centres, sports and activity areas, sensory rooms and gardens, playgrounds and hydrotherapy pools as well as revenue grants to support outreach programmes for children in their communities. Grants range from £20,000 to £100,000 and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.woodenspoon.com/about/index.php British and Foreign School Society Grant The Society offers charitable aid to educational projects. Grants will be made for education or training and priority will be given to projects which widen educational access and opportunity and reduce the barriers to achievement, in keeping with the Society’s vision to maximise educational opportunity for all. Applications are expected to address needs for which resources from the state-sponsored education system are not available or adequate. Priority will be given to projects in areas of deprivation or educational disadvantage. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://bfss.org.uk/grants.shtml Ogden Trust Grant Making Programme The aim of the Trust is to encourage and promote the teaching and learning of science through the sponsorship of talented students studying physics at sixth form and undergraduate level; undertkaing and postgraduate students who wish to become science teachers; and projects and programmes supporting science teaching in primary and secondary schools. The Trust also provides funding to the state secondary school system through the Specialist School Programme. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.ogdentrust.com/ogden-scholars-and-alumni/scholarship-programmes Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust Grant The grant is for third sector organisations undertaking projects that allow people to experience outdoor recreation. It is intended to support charitable organisations, schools and youth groups that offer outdoor recreation opportunities. The Trust is likely to support groups representing those who are disadvantaged or who face particular challenges. The grain aims to support specific projects that encourage young people to further their existing skills and gain new experiences. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.andyfanshawe.org/ Dickie Bird Foundation Grants Founded by former Test Cricket umpire Harold “Dickie” Bird MBE, the Foundation provides grants to assist financially disadvantaged young people under 18 years of age to participate in the sport of their choice irrespective of their social circumstances, culture or ethnicity. The aim of the grant is to help young people, who, through no fault of their own, are, disadvantaged underprivileged, due to the financial situation of their family/guardians or carers and therefore are unable to follow or continue in the sport of their chose. Grants are to help with the cost of clothing and equipment, along with a small contribution towards travel expenses within the UK. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.thedickiebirdfoundation.co.uk/ 47 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red £27.3 Million Grant Fund to Help Low Income Families with Disabled or Seriously Ill Children (UK) Parents of children and young adults who are disabled or seriously ill are able to apply for a share of the £27.3 million Family Fund. Family Fund, the UK’s largest grant giving charity, is designed to make life easier for low-income families with disabled and seriously ill children and young people. The money can be used for days out, garden play equipment, computers, toys and kitchen appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. The fund helped more than 50,000 families in England last year, from a total of £27 million. The fund is now in its 40th year. Applications can be submitted at any time. For more information on how to apply, please click on the link below. http://www.familyfund.org.uk/grants/how-to-apply Support for the Homeless (UK) CRASH, the construction and property industries' charity for homeless people, provides support to organisations in the UK that help homeless people. CRASH does this by supporting improvements to hostels, day centres, night shelters, training centres and move-on accommodation, for frontline homelessness agencies who work directly with homeless people. CRASH seeks to support these organisations by; providing professional expertise such as, architects, quantity surveyors, project managers and specialist engineers; providing cash grants; and /or providing free building materials free of charge from supporting suppliers. To be eligible for support organisations must be registered charities, have legal hold on the building in question, either freehold or lease for at least 3 years, and the building must be used to deliver services to homeless people or a high percentage of people who are homeless or be related to the charity's administrative functions. Applications can be made at any time. http://www.crash.org.uk/apply-for-help/ Baily Thomas Charitable Fund The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is a registered charity which provides funding to voluntary organisations (which are registered charities or are associated with a register charity) and working in the field of learning disability. They consider both capital and revenue projects concerning children or adults with severe learning difficulties, together with autism. They do not give grants for research into or care of those with mental illness or dyslexia. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.bailythomas.org.uk Esmee Fairbairn Foundation – Main Grants Programme The Main Fund is open to applications for support from across our sectors, which are: Arts, Education & Learning, Environment, Social Change. The Foundation supports the cultural life of the UK, education and learning, the natural environment and enabling disadvantaged people to participate more fully in society. The Trust is happy to receive applications for core or project costs, and this includes staff salaries and overheads. Applications can be submitted at any time http://www.esmeefairbairn.org.uk/funding/main-fund.html The Kids Fund (UK) The Field Studies Council is an independent educational charity committed to raising awareness about the natural world. The Council works through a network of 17 residential and day Centres in the UK providing courses for schools and colleges at all levels in addition to adult Individuals & Families courses, outreach education, training and consultancy. The Kids Fund aims to bring environmental understanding to disadvantaged young people by attending a course at a Field Studies Council centre. It helps disadvantaged young people to attend a course who may otherwise be excluded due to some form of disadvantage - health, mobility, deprivation or financial. Funding will normally be up to 80% of the cost of your group’s course to an FSC Field Centre to a maximum of £3000. There are three funding rounds each year which close on 1st March, 1st June and 1st November. Applicants may apply at any time and the application will be held until the next decision round. http://www.field-studies-council.org/supportingyou/applying-to-fsc-kids-fund.aspx 48 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Students Green Fund (England) The National Union of Students (NUS) has been awarded £5 million by HEFCE for a Students’ Green Fund. The funding will help students to engage with their universities and colleges on sustainable development, and to ensure that sustainability remains a priority with institutions. NUS will run a single-round bidding competition in summer 2013, to allocate the funding. The funded projects will then receive the funding over two full academic years (2013-14 and 2014-15). The Students’ Green Fund will encourage local collaborative sustainability initiatives through students’ unions, putting students in the driving seat for sustainability engagement initiatives, as well as supporting them in their role as agents for change. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/news/newsarchive/2013/name,81678,en.html WHSmith Trust The objectives of the WHSmith Trust is to support the local communities in which WHSmith staff and customers live and work and; to support education and lifelong learning, helping people of any age to achieve their educational potential. Grants can be made under the following headings: Grants to local charities in which members of staff are directly involved. . Grants to support education and lifelong learning. Supporting employee volunteering – Volunteering in schools. Supporting employee volunteering – community challenges and supporting employee volunteering. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.whsmithplc.co.uk/corporate_responsibility/whsmith_trust/the_whsmith _charitable_trust/ Happy Days Childrens Charity – Day Trust Grant The Day Trip Grant fund and organize holidays, residential trips, days out and theatre trips for disadvantaged young people with special needs. To apply you must represent a group of young people aged 3-17 with special needs, or represent a special needs school or special needs group. All key carers who will be accompanying children on the trip must be CRB cleared. You must also have a child protection policy in place. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.happydayscharity.org/funding_trips.html Philip Green Memorial Trust Grant The Trust is a charitable organization which helps sick and disabled children. It supports welfare, medical and educational projects as well as helping individual children to lead a normal life. The Trust not only responds to the needs of large projects but to the daily exasperation of individuals and smaller organizations. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.pgmt.org/history.aspx Ethnic Minorities Award Scheme for Environmental Projects This scheme is aimed at schools, community groups and individuals undertaking projects which concern the environment and involve people from ethnic communities. The Scheme for Environmental Projects is a small grant scheme and referral service run by BEN for projects needing up to £500 and an advice and funding referral service for projects which can access funds from larger existing grant schemes elsewhere, or needing over £500. Priority will be given to innovative projects which do not fit into the grant categories of other larger environmental grant schemes. Projects which spur vital development locally are also given priority. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.ben-network.org.uk/grants/emas.html Sport England – Small Grants Programme This grants programme has been set up to support local community sport projects which seek to increase participation, sustain participation or develop opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport. For example, Sport England might provide a grant to a sports club to expand its age range by helping it to buy extra team kit or pay additional coaching fees. Or they may help youth clubs work together with local sports clubs to more people playing sport, Not for profit clubs or associations, statutory bodies or educational establishments can apply for grants of between £300 and £10,000. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://funding.sportengland.org/funding_programmes/small_grants.aspx 49 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Equitable Charitable Trust Grants Programme This educational charity makes grants totaling up to £1m each year towards projects for children and young people under the age of 25 who are from disadvantaged backgrounds or disabled. Trustees have therefore identified three specific priorities for the type of projects they wish to support; Disabled children and young people in the UK, disadvantaged children and young people in the UK and disadvantaged and disabled young people in developing countries. Grants can be made for projects costs, capital expenditure, equipment and/or the salary costs of a post. The size of grants made is typically between £2,500 and £30,000, with most being for sums of between £10,000 and £30,000. Support can be given over a period of 1, 2 or 3 years. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.equitablecharitabletrust.org.uk Youth Cricket Scheme The Lords Taverners Charity helps young people, particularly those with social, environmental, physical or learning disadvantages, to enjoy cricket and other sporting and leisure activities. Through its Youth Cricket Scheme the Lords Taverners provides grants to encourage participation in cricket by young people. Funding is available for equipment, towards the installation of non-turf pitches, practice ends and nets, for the development of girls cricket and to increase youth participation in cricket in a number of different ways. Application deadline – Please see funders website for details. http://lordtaverners.org/ Rayne Foundation Grants Programme The Rayne Foundation offers grants to regierested charities in the areas of the arts, education, health and medicine and social welfare and development. Within each of these sectors the Foundation has an evolving list of areas of special interest. The annual grant making programme is in the region of £1.5m and the maximum grant available is £150,000. Funding is available both for capital and revenue expenditure. Applications can be made at any time. http://www.raynefoundation.org.uk/ Battlefield visits for Schoolchildren to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the First World War (England) The Institute of Education and STS School Travel Service have announced that they have been selected to run the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Project on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The £5.3 million project was announced recently by the Prime Minister, David Cameron and is designed to provide the opportunity for a minimum of two pupils and one teacher from every state funded secondary school in England to visit battlefields on the Western Front between 2014-19. The battlefield tours are a key part of the Government's plans to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. Schools wishing to participate can click on the link below to register their interest. http://www.ststravel.co.uk/get-in-touch/register-your-interest-ioe New Grant to Mark the Centenary of WW I (UK) The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has announced a new £6million small grants programme to help communities mark the Centenary of the First World War. First World War: then and now, will see £1million available per year for six years until 2019 via small grants ranging from £3,000 to £10,000. The awards will enable communities to conserve and share their First World War heritage and develop projects that improve understanding of the conflict. Focusing on: The identification, recording and preservation of local heritage The creation of community archives or collections Exhibitions, trails, smartphone apps and creative material such as plays and music based on heritage sources, the idea is to create an enduring cultural and educational legacy for communities. First World War: then and now is a rolling programme, and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/FirstWorldWarThenandNow.aspx#.UZM78sokBjs 50 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Independence at Home This national charity helps improve independence, comfort, safety, dignity and quality of life for people with long-term illness and disability by helping towards the cost of adaptations, equipment or other things that are not available from public funds. The type of adaptations and equipment funded in the past include the cost of home adaptations for disability, house repairs and other building work, as well as other special equipment for disability such as stair lifts, special beds, riser-recliner chairs etc. as well as help towards the cost of heating their homes across the winter months. To be eligible to apply an individual will need to be referred to Independence at Home by a social worker; occupational therapist; specialist nurses; disability and health advice workers; or key workers from other major charities. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.independenceathome.org.uk/helpforyou.html Reaching Communities Programme The Big Lottery Reaching Communities programme provides grants to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need, including hard to reach communities. There is a small revenue and a capital scheme and a larger buildings only fund. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_reaching-communities?regioncode=- Princes Trust The Princes Trust run the following programmes to help young people who are working less than 16 hours a week, and who want to get their lives working. TEAM - A 12-week course that gives you self-belief, skills, qualifications and more. GET INTO - A short course that prepares you for work with skills, experience and more. GRANTS – Grants to pay for courses and help you get a job GET STARTED – A short course in sport, music or creative arts. If you are bored, low in confidence, and want to get new skills, Get Started could be for you. THE ENTERPRISE PROGRAMME – If you have a business idea, and are aged 18-30 and unemployed, the Business Programme could be for you. FAIRBRIDGE – Ready to do something different with your life? The Fairbridge Programme is fun, free and available to you if you are 13 – 25 unemployed or struggling with education. Interested then fill in an online form at http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/need_help/regions_and_countries/north_west.aspx or phone 0800 842 842 All Churches Trust Grants will be considered for Churches, Church establishments, religious charities, charities preserving UK heritage, theological colleges, schools promoting Christian religion, charities sponsored or recommended by the Church in the United Kingdom. Grants tend to be made for general works, repairs, refurbishment and the renovation of buildings. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.allchurches.org.uk 02 Think Big Community Programme The Telecommunications company 02 provides grants to young people aged 13-25 to launch ideas and programmes that benefit the places where they live. Projects need to be up and running within 3 months and provide real community benefit. Additional support including training and mentoring from 02 advisors is also available. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.02thinkbig.co.uk/ Bridges Social Impact Bond Fund First fund of its type, which provides investment and support to charities and social enterprises to deliver programmes designed to improve social outcomes in areas such as 51 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red education, employment, housing and care for vulnerable young people. These contracts can facilitate the funding of early-stage, preventive interventions which are more effective and cost-efficient than treating social issues after they have arisen.Each investment made by the fund will be up to £3million to deliver an outcomes-funded intervention programme. (Please note that the fund does not offer grants or bank loans). Proposals can be submitted at any time. http://www.bridgesventures.com/bridges-social-impactbond-fund Premier League Community Facility Fund (England and Wales) The Premier League (PL) has committed £18 million over the next three years towards the creation of a new Premier League Community Facility Fund (PLCFF). The fund will be accessed by professional clubs through their community organisations to provide facilities which will serve to increase sports participation and physical activity in deprived, inner city areas. Grants of between £20,000 and £350,000 are available through four strands. These are: Community Cohesion; Education; Health; Sports Participation. Prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI) form you must first make contact with Simon Morgan, Head of Community Development at the Premier League, to discuss your project. Simon can be contacted at [email protected] or on 020 7864 9171. Following receipt of an EOI, the Foundation will send a copy to the Premier League Community Development Team to complete and return with a decision as to whether the project should progress to a full application or not. Decisions will take up to 6-8 week. http://www.footballfoundation.org.uk/apply/plcff/ Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Opens for Applications (England) The Social Investment Business (SIB), the UK’s largest investor in social ventures, has announced that the £10 million Investment and Contract Readiness Fund is now accepting applications. The new fund aims to build the capacity of social enterprises to become investment ready and bid for public service contracts. Through the Fund grants between £50,000 and £150,000 are available on a rolling basis to ambitious social enterprises who will go on to raise at least £500,000 investment, or who want to bid for contracts over £1 million. Grants are awarded primarily to fund revenue costs. SIB will prioritise applications from organisations delivering rehabilitation services and are looking for contract readiness support to help them compete for the new Transforming Rehabilitation contracts. Ventures will be required to apply in partnership with an approved provider. http://www.beinvestmentready.org.uk/about/ Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation Established in the year 2000, the Foundation operates across the UK, supporting charitable causes spanning the length and breadth of their branch network. Donation decisions are made independently of the Society, by a Board of Trustees which comprises of a mixture of Society employees and independent community representatives. Other ways in which the Society plays an active part in our local communities include Community Contribution Awards for community clubs and groups close to our branches and Skipton Head Office. Our branches are also allocated a pot of funding annually, to give to deserving causes in their areas. To find out more visit www.skipton.co.uk Inspiring Youth Enterprise Programme (UK) The Royal Bank of Scotland has announced that the next funding round of its Inspiring Youth Enterprise programme reopened for applications on the 2nd September 2013. The Royal Bank of Scotland are looking to support organisations that help young people (aged 13 to 30 years ) start their own business. This could include: Helping them to set up in business Delivering enterprise education Innovative networking events Developing entrepreneurial knowledge and skills 52 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Something completely new and different. The funding is available to constituted groups in the UK including voluntary and community groups, charities and social enterprises. The maximum grant that can be applied for is £50,000. Inspiring Youth Enterprise will be open to applications twice a year for the annual funding pot of £500,000. http://www.inspiringenterprise.rbs.com/inspiring-youth Comic Relief UK Grants Programme Re-opens for Applications (UK) Following a strategic review of its funding, Comic Relief has announced that its new UK grant making programme is now open for applications. Through its new UK Main Fund, Comic Relief will provide funding for activities that tackle complex problems and create positive social change across the UK. To be eligible for funding projects must address at least of five themes. These are: BETTER FUTURES This theme focuses on supporting young people who have limited opportunities and face significant challenges. This could be because of where they live, family experience, poor mental health, teenage pregnancy, caring responsibilities, homelessness or drug and alcohol use. SAFER LIVES This theme aims to support people who face violence, abuse and exploitation. Comic Relief predominantly fund work with those aged 11 and upwards. There is no upper age limit. HEALTHIER FINANCES This theme aims to support those in severe financial hardship. STRONGER COMMUNITIES - Under this theme, we’ll make small grants to locally-based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community and are working to address them. All applications are managed through the UK Community Foundation. If you wish to apply for a small grant, please visit: http://ukcommunityfoundations.org/community_foundations/looking_for_funding/comic_relief/ FAIRER SOCIETY - This theme aims to empower and give a voice to marginalised groups of people, so that they can challenge injustice and bring about positive changes for those who face discrimination and stigma. The funding will be available to registered charities and other not for profit organistions that operate England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. For further information on the funding themes and how to apply please click on the link below. Although there is no upper limit to the level of funding available, Comic Relief expect most grants to fall between £10,000 and £40,000 (per year for up to three years). Applications can be submitted at any time. http://2013.comicrelief.com/apply-for-a-grant/uk The Percy Bilton Charity The Percy Bilton Charity is a grant-making trust (registered charity number 1094720) and company limited by guarantee founded in 1962. Grants are made to organisations and individuals in need throughout the U.K. Charitable organisations assisting disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities and older people may apply for grants towards furnishings and equipment (excluding office items), building or refurbishment projects. Social Workers, Community Psychiatric Nurses and Occupational Therapists may apply on the behalf of individuals in financial need who have a disability or severe mental health problem, or who are over 65, for grants to purchase basic household furniture, equipment and clothing costing up to £200. An application form may be requested by one of these professionals by telephoning the Charity. Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered at the next appropriate Board meeting. Applications for Small Grants are considered monthly. For further information go to http://www.percybiltoncharity.org.uk/ Sports Wheelchair Sponsorship Scheme The Scheme sponsored by the Hearn Foundation is to assist with the purchase of manual chairs and is aimed at those between 8 and 25 years of age. The scheme helps to 53 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red encourage many young wheelchair athletes in pursuit of their love of sport, whether it be for the sheer enjoyment or the competitive element. Sports clubs, associations and schools can apply to the Lord’s Taverners for funding to assist with the purchase of manual sports wheel chairs. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.lordstaverners.org/sports-wheelchairs Richard Overall Trust The Trust was created in memory of Richard who had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to help other disabled children and young people enjoy and participate in sport. It provides funding for specialist sports equipment, training, sports clothes, transport and tickets top sporting events. To apply download an application form from their website and return with supporting evidence from a suitable professional such as Occupational Therapist, Pysiotherapist, GP or teacher. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.richardoveralltrust.co.uk/index.html LankellyChase Foundation Opens New Grants Programme (UK) The LankellyChase Foundation has announced the launch of a new funding programme. Based on its Theory of Change (which advocates a radical new approach), the Foundations wants to fund new and innovative work to address the needs of individuals facing multiple and severe disadvantage. By this the Foundation mean people who are experiencing a combination of severe social harms such as: Homelessness Substance misuse Mental illness Extreme poverty Violence and abuse. Any organisation can apply as long as the works undertaken is for charitable purposes. The Foundation are especially keen to hear about work led by people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage and are open to funding any sort of work – it does not have to be service delivery and can include things like campaigning, journalism, film making or research. There is a two stage application process. Initially applicants are asked to submit an Expression of Interest. Applicants successful at this stage will then be asked to submit a full proposal. The Foundation's grant committee meets twice a year though they can sometimes make decisions on funding in between meetings. http://www.lankellychase.org.uk/accessing_funding/funding_opportunities New Loan Fund to Turn Farm Waste to Energy (England) The Government has announced that Farmers will be able to obtain funding to set up small anaerobic digestion (AD) plants under a new government-funded loan scheme. The £3 million initiative will allow farmers to apply for up to £400,000 from the AD Loan Fund to help them finance on-site AD technology. The fund, which will be administered by WRAP, is split into two phases. Farmers can apply for grant funding of up to £10,000 to develop a business case to find out if anaerobic digestion is the right solution for them in dealing with waste. They can then apply for a loan of up to £400,000 to fund up to 50 per cent of the overall costs of the AD plant. This is a rolling programme and applications can be made at any time until all the money is allocated. http://www.wrap.org.uk/node/16778 Funding for Projects that Use Sport to Challenge Disability and Disadvantage (UK) BOOST is a UK charity established in 2008 to relieve sickness and protect and preserve good health for people facing cancer, in particular but not exclusively breast cancer. The BOOST Charity provides grants of up to £500 to not for profit organisations and charities for projects use sport to help people to challenge and overcome disadvantage and disability. Since inception in 2005, Boost has supported a number of organisations, with grants totaling in excess of £1 million. The majority has been focused within the United Kingdom. The type of activities and organisations supported in the past have included: Paddlers for Life, a UK charity established in 2008, to relieve sickness and protect and preserve good health for people facing cancer, in particular but not exclusively breast cancer. Members paddle dragon boats on Lake Windermere in the Lake District with the physical activity and team support fostering the wellbeing of the 54 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red members. The Shepshed Dolphin Swimming Group hosts a fun day in Leicestershire each year for over 500 participants with disabilities to 'have a go' at sport. Activities include swimming, kayaking, climbing, boccia and curling. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.boostct.org/index.htm The Community Cashback Initiative (England) The National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations has announced that grants of up to £3,000 and technical support is available to tenants and landlords who are interested in working together to develop a Community Cashback agreement. The Community Cashback initiative gives support for tenant groups who want to help improve their area by being paid for managing local services that the landlord would usually buy in. This could include: Cutting grass Cleaning and looking after shared spaces Repairs of empty properties, etc. By providing the service cheaper, any savings made by the landlord are kept by the tenants to spend on local improvements or community benefits. The Starter grants can be used to pay for essential items to get the Community Cashback scheme set up. This may include: Advice for the group Training on things like managing money and contracts Set-up costs for the tenant group in order to run the agreement Visits to other groups and projects Equipment and materials for the tenant group. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.nftmo.com/cashback/index.html Paul Hamlyn Foundation Education and Learning Programme (UK) The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is currently accepting applications under its Education and Learning Open Grants Programme. In particular, the Foundation is looking to fund projects that address the themes of; tackling school exclusion and truancy, developing speaking and listening skills and supplementary education. Eligible organisations that can apply for funding include charities, local authorities individual pre-schools, schools, out-of-school clubs, supplementary schools, colleges and youth clubs. The costs that can be covered by the Foundation's grants include running costs such as staff salaries and overheads such as stationery, rent, rates and utilities. Recent grants awarded include: The Northamptonshire Association of Supplementary Schools, which received £24,103 over one year for establishing partnerships between supplementary and mainstream schools, incorporating joint study support accreditation and training. King Edward VII school which received a grant of £135,000 for three year project to raise the attainment of bilingual pupils by enabling mainstream and supplementary schools to develop partnerships to support pupils' language learning. There is a two stage application process. First stage applications can be made at any time. Those that are successful will be invited to make a second stage application. http://www.phf.org.uk/landing.asp?id=3 Funding for Projects that Use Sport to Challenge Disability and Disadvantage (UK) BOOST is a UK charity established in 2008 to relieve sickness and protect and preserve good health for people facing cancer, in particular but not exclusively breast cancer. The BOOST Charity provides grants of up to £500 to not for profit organisations and charities for projects use sport to help people to challenge and overcome disadvantage and disability. Since inception in 2005, Boost has supported a number of organisations, with grants totaling in excess of £1 million. The majority has been focused within the United Kingdom. The type of activities and organisations supported in the past have included: Paddlers for Life, a UK charity established in 2008, to relieve sickness and protect and preserve good health for people facing cancer, in particular but not exclusively 55 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red breast cancer. Members paddle dragon boats on Lake Windermere in the Lake District with the physical activity and team support fostering the wellbeing of the members. The Shepshed Dolphin Swimming Group hosts a fun day in Leicestershire each year for over 500 participants with disabilities to 'have a go' at sport. Activities include swimming, kayaking, climbing, boccia and curling. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.boostct.org/index.htm Merger Fund The Merger Fund supports organisations in the early phases of thinking about a merger. Applicants need to be at, or close to, the preliminary stage of discussions with an identified potential merger partner (or partners). The maximum amount that can be requested by an applicant to the Merger Fund is £15,000 in total. Applications requesting funding for the following types of pre-merger feasibility work will be considered including: Consultation with staff/beneficiaries/members/other stakeholders Facilitation of discussions with the potential merger partner/s Governance, planning, financial, legal, HR or communications advice. This is not an exhaustive list and we will consider any reasonable request for work that helps to make the decision whether or not to merge easier. The fund is not intended to meet any costs associated with a merger once a firm decision is made to proceed. It is for organisations uncertain about what the decision might involve or those who need reassurance that a proposed merger makes sense. Please note that the focus of the merging organisations must come under our Main Fund areas of interest: the arts, education and learning, environment and social change. The Foundation’s Main Fund Exclusions apply; if you come under any of these you will not be eligible for funding. Organisations applying to the Fund must also demonstrate that they have unrestricted reserves equivalent to at least 3 months running costs. This applies to all parties involved with the merger feasibility investigations. The fund works on a rolling basis and there are no deadlines. www.esmeefairbairn.org.uk/what-we-fund/sectors/merger-fund Institute of Mathematics Education Grant Scheme (UK) The Institute of Mathematics has announced that individuals working in secondary schools, Colleges of Further Education (FE) and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) can apply for a grant to help with the costs of running or attending an educational activity relating to mathematics. A budget of £6,000 has been earmarked for this scheme and will be split equally between Schools/Further Education and Higher Education. Grants will be made up to a value of £600. The types of activities supported can include: Hosting a mathematics event, e.g. Maths Trails, Maths Competitions Attendance at appropriate conferences, e.g. Mathematics Works Travel expenses to attend appropriate events Supply cover required for the teacher to attend the appropriate event; etc. Applications from primary schools are also welcome, but due to the aims of the Institute, primary schools should work in partnership with a secondary school, FE or HEI. Members and non-members of the Institute working in schools FE and HEIs may apply for a grants; however, weight will be given to submissions that clearly benefit the educational establishments of members of the Institute. If the applicant is not a member of the Institute the name of a co-applicant who is a member must be given. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://ima.org.uk/about_us/support_and_grants/education_grant_scheme.cfm.html#earm Garfield Weston Foundation The Foundation supports a broad range of organisations and activities that share a commitment to making a positive impact to the lives of the communities in which they work, and that are driven by a desire to achieve excellence. We make grants across the UK to organisations in the following categories: Arts Education 56 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Youth Health Community Environment Religion Welfare Mindful of the challenging economic climate, the Foundation has continued to grow its donations (giving almost £50 million in the last year) and the Trustees are especially keen to see applications for core and project costs for charities delivering services directly to beneficiaries, especially in the welfare, youth and community fields, and also in regions of economic disadvantage. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.garfieldweston.org/ Church Urban Fund Grants Programme The Church Urban Fund is a not for profit organization supporting social action in the poorest parts of England. Through their work they support local organisations working to tackle the effects of poverty in their communities and make a real difference to the lives of those around them. The Fund supports local community projects by providing: Funding towards costs incurred by community projects, practical advice and information to help projects to be sustainable and to make a long-lasting difference to their communities and a platform from which to make themselves heard at national level. Grants of up to £5,000 are also available through their Together Grants Programme. Applications to fund short term activities such as one off events or initiatives that only meet people’s immediate needs are considered low priority. Applicants should work in partnership with other organization. This partnering organization does not need to be Christian. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.cuf.org.uk/ Allen Lane Foundation Grants Programme The Allen Lane Foundation makes grants for up to three years, with a total value of £500-£15,000, although the average grant size last year was just over £5,650. The Foundation is interested in funding work which benefits people in the following groups, or generalist work which includes significant numbers from more than one such group: • Asylum-seekers and refugees (but not groups working with a single nationality) • Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender people • Gypsies and Travellers • Migrant workers • Offenders and ex-offenders • Older people • People experiencing mental health problems • People experiencing violence or abuse If the beneficiaries of your work do not include a significant proportion of people from one or more of these groups it is unlikely that your application will be successful. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.allenlane.org.uk/ YAPP Charitable Trust The Trust only offer grants for core funding to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000 who are undertaking work that focuses on one of our priority groups: Elderly people Children and young people aged 5 - 25 People with physical impairments, learning difficulties or mental health challenges Social welfare - people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin (such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse, offending) Education and learning (with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children) They define core funding as the costs associated with regular activities or services that have been ongoing for at least a year. They can not fund new projects, extra services or 57 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red additional delivery costs. This includes creating a paid post for work that is currently undertaken on a voluntary basis or rent for premises that are currently cost free. The Trust only offer grants to registered charities that have been formally established for a minimum of 3 years. Newly registered charities may apply but the organisation must have appointed a management committee and adopted a governing document at least 3 years ago. The Trust will fund running costs for up to three years. Grants are normally for a maximum of £3,000 per year. Most of the grants are for more than one year because the Trust like to fund ongoing needs. They prefer to make a grant when other funding is coming to an end. They prioritise: Work that is unattractive to the general public or unpopular with other funders Services that help to improve the lives of marginalised, disadvantaged or isolated people Applicants that can demonstrate an effective use of volunteers Charities that seek to be preventive and aim to change opinion and behaviour through raising awareness of issues, education and campaigning Applicants that can demonstrate (where feasible) an element of self sustainability by charging subscriptions/fees to service users Applications that don't address at least two of the above are unlikely to receive a grant. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.yappcharitabletrust.org.uk/ Clothworkers’ Foundation Grant Scheme The Clothworkers’ Foundation award capital grants to charities which improve the quality of life for people and communities that face disadvantage. You can apply for a grant under their Main Grants Programme, which is for UK charities of any size, or the Small Grants Programme which is for UK charities with an income of less than £250k. The type of projects supported by the Foundation includes alcohol and substance misuse; disability; disadvantaged young people; domestic and sexual violence; support for the elderly; homelessness; disadvantaged minority communities; helping prisoners and ex-offenders; visual impairment and textiles. Applications can be made at any time. http://foundation.clothworkers.co.uk/Open-grant-programmes/Main-and-Small-Grant-Programmes.aspx Roal Dahls Marvellous Childrens Charity The charity provides grants in the following two areas: neurology and haematology. Within these areas the charity is targeting its support at rare, life-limited, longterm debilitating and underfunded conditions. Applications can be submitted at any time. To find out more visit http://www.roalddahlcharity.org/ The Ashden Awards 2014 (UK) Non-governmental organisations, schools and businesses in the UK and internationally are invited to compete for prizes that reward and recognise practical and innovative sustainable energy schemes through the Ashden Awards 2014. Four Awards will be available. 12 prizes ranging between £5,000 and £40,000 will be available. Separate Awards will be given for UK organisations, UK schools, for Sustainable Travel and for international organisations. Please note that a separate application form is available for schools. Please note that a separate application form is available for schools. Previous winners have ranged from: An enterprise bringing clean stoves to rural Africa to a Cornish school embracing energy-saving across its learning and practice. For further information on the applications process and deadlines for entry, please click on the link below. http://www.ashden.org/2014_awards £9.5 Million Fund to Support Neighbourhood Planning (England) The Localism Act 2011 introduces statutory Neighbourhood Planning in England. It enables communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for their area and is intended to give communities more of a say in the development of their local area. The Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning programme will support groups developing neighbourhood plans in two ways. These are: 58 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Direct support – advice and support, tailored to meet the needs of supported neighbourhoods. Grant payments of up to £7,000 per neighbourhood area, to contribute to costs incurred by the group preparing a neighbourhood plan or order. Support is available to town and parish councils, neighbourhood forums and emerging neighbourhood forums preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The first stage of the application process is to complete the eligibility checker to find out if your group is eligible for direct and/or grant support. If you are eligible, you will be emailed a link to your application form within 24 hours. http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/neighbourhood-planning/ Applications Go Live for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans (England) The Skills Funding Agency has announced that Colleges and Training Organisations have begun to accept applications for the new 24+ Advanced Learning Loans. These loans will help learners aged 24 or above pay the fees charged by colleges and training providers for courses at Level 3 and Level 4, or Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships. Level 3 and Level 4 courses include A levels, Access to Higher Education Diplomas and other Certificates and Diplomas. "The Agency has been working with more than 800 colleges and training organisations to ensure they are ready to offer 24+ Advanced Learning Loans as part of their core training and skills offer to learners. http://skillsfundingagency.bis.gov.uk/providers/programmes/24AdvancedLearningLoans/ Challenge Fund for Historic Buildings at Risk (England) The Architectural Heritage Fund has announced that it is seeking applications through the Challenge Fund for Historic Buildings at Risk in England. The Challenge Fund is funded jointly funded by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation and English Heritage, each of whom is contributing £1million over five years from 2011– 2016. The ‘Challenge Fund’ provides funding to support projects undertaken by charities and voluntary sector organisations tackling Grade I and II* listed buildings at risk in England. Public bodies, private individuals, commercial owners and developers are not eligible. In order to qualify for support projects will involve either two organisations working in partnership, with the more experienced one in a 'mentoring' role to the other; or an organisation bringing in an experienced project organiser to work with them. The maximum grant per project is £200,000 but it is expected that most grants will be for less than this. Projects must involve a sustainable new use for a building which benefits the wider community. It is unlikely that projects which have a wholly commercial or private residential end use will be considered; however, mixed uses including some commercial space will be eligible. Because of the very specialised nature of this Fund, applicants should in the first instance send an expression of interest. Full applications will be assessed on a quarterly basis. http://www.ahfund.org.uk/news.html Creative Employment Programme (England) The Government has announced the launch of its new Creative Employment Programme. The £15 million, National Lottery funded programme is aimed at increasing work and training opportunities for unemployed young people. The programme will provide funding for 6,500 new traineeships, apprenticeships and paid internship opportunities to help young unemployed people aged 16 to 24 enter the arts and cultural workforce. Employment created will be in a wide range of disciplines, from technical to administrative roles, provided they are located in England and fall within the Arts Council England's footprint of: Music. Dance. Theatre. Literature. Visual Arts. Contemporary Craft. Combined Arts. Carnival, Circus. Galleries. Museums. Libraries. The programme will provide part wage grants to employers who create new apprenticeship and internship job opportunities for young unemployed people aged 16-24. Employers will need to make an application for funding in order to access a part wage grant. It is a rolling programme. http://creative-employment.co.uk/the-creativeemployment-programme The Leche Trust (UK) The Leche Trust makes grants for charitable purposes, in particular for the furtherance of education or academic research and the support of the National Trust and the preservation of rural England, and financing the visits of teachers and students abroad. The main focuses of the Trusts grant making activities are: 59 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red The promotion of good relations between Britain and third world countries Assistance to academic, educational or other organisations concerned with music, drama, dance and the arts The preservation of buildings and their contents and the repair and conservation of church furniture The preservation of the nation's countryside, towns, villages and historic landscapes. http://www.lechetrust.org/ Take It Away (UK) Take it away, an initiative from the Arts Council that aims to make musical instruments and tuition more affordable for aspiring musicians, especially younger people and those on lower incomes, has recently been launched across England. The scheme allows individuals to apply for a loan of between £100 and £5,000 for the purchase of any kind of musical instrument completely interest free. The Take it away loans are available through a network of musical instrument retailers across England. All instruments are included in the scheme and, to help musical development and manage costs, equipment and services such as amplifiers, sheet music and tuition can be included within the loan where available. It is also possible to use the scheme via mail order, so this might be an option for you if you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, or if there isn't a participating retailer in your area. The scheme is only open to individuals so schools or organisations cannot use it for multiple purchases. Applications can be made at any time. http://www.takeitaway.org.uk/ Microbiology in Schools Fund (UK) The Society for General Microbiology has announced that its Microbiology in Schools Fund is now open for applications. Through the fund, grants of up to £1,000 are available to schools or individuals that are members of the Society to support microbiology teaching initiatives and events. Grants can be used to support a range of microbiology-related projects. These might include, but are not limited to: Organising a visit to or from a working microbiologist (no more than £200 in expenses may be claimed per visiting microbiologist) Running a school- or college-based science week activity (e.g. hands-on or programme of talks) Supporting microbiology activities in an out-of-school science club Buying materials and equipment outside of normal department resources to support a microbiology activity A class visit to a microbiology laboratory to carry out activities; etc. Applicants can submit more than one application during the year, but no more than a total of £1,000 will be awarded to a single individual / school during a single calendar year. Applications can be submitted at any time until the budget has been exhausted. http://www.sgm.ac.uk/en/grants-prizes/education-outreach-funds.cfm/microbiology-in-schools-fund Capital Grants for Charities (England & Wales) Registered Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs in England and Wales can apply for capital funding through the Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation. The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation is a long-established independent grant-making charity. Unlike many Foundations and Trusts, it solely supports capital projects, such as new builds, refurbishments, equipment and specialised transport, distributing around £2.5 million a year throughout the charity sector. The Foundation offers three different tiers of grants. These are: Small grants of up to and including £5,000 Medium-grants of £5,001 to £25,000 Large grants of £25,000 and over. There are no closing dates and applications can be submitted any time. http://www.bernardsunley.org/funding-policy.html 60 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Community Investment Fund (England) Charities and Social Enterprises can now apply for loan and equity finance of between £250,000 and £1 million through a new Community Investment Fund. The Community Investment Fund is owned and managed by the Social and Sustainable Capital (SASC). It is part financed by the Social Investment Business Foundation and Big Society Capital. The Fund aims to invest in community based, locally led organisations which are providing essential support and services to improve the well-being of local residents, developing the local economy and creating positive social change for all individuals in the community. The Fund aims to improve the quality of life of local individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, and to enhance community engagement and cohesion by empowering people to develop locally-determined solutions to challenges and opportunities. Applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.sibgroup.org.uk/community-investment-fund/ Catalyst Fund for Higher Education (England) The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has a £45 million fund available for the Higher Education (HE) sector to help deliver its strategic aims for research, teaching and knowledge exchange. The aim of the fund is to foster innovation, drive excellence and efficiency, and support innovative solutions in the HE sector. Funded projects should be collaborative and bring together business, universities, colleges and other public agencies. All HE institutions and Further Education Colleges can apply to support projects focused on activities related to providing prescribed HE courses. The application process is ongoing so there is no deadline for submitting proposals, but applications must be made through one of the two strands the fund is focused on: supporting objectives or managing transition. To submit a proposal, institutions should contact their HEFCE institutional team in the first instance. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/whatwedo/invest/funds/catalyst/ Micro Grants for Church Community Projects (England, Scotland and Wales) The Cinnamon Network which supports church community projects across the UK has announced that it has micro grants for churches to start a community project. To date, the Network has supported 21 initiatives such as food banks, community lunches, debt counselling and education projects. Churches in England can apply for £1,500 while churches in both Scotland and Wales can apply for £2,000. The grant amount has to be matched (by £3,000 in England and £2,000 in Scotland and Wales) and this can come from cash, gifts in kind, premises, professional pro-bono services, asset items and salaries. Individual churches or a group of churches working in partnership (which are registered as a charity and have up-to-date accounts) can apply for the grants. There is no deadline and the application process is ongoing. http://www.cinnamonnetwork.co.uk/access-funding/?utm_content=bufferf1cc0&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Funding for Volunteers to Improve their Community (England & Scotland) vInspired, the Volunteering Charity, has announced that its Cashpoint grants scheme is once again open for applications. The Cashpoint grants scheme offers grants of up to £500 to give young people (aged 14-25 ) the opportunity to bring their ideas to improve their local community to life. The funding is available to individual young people (or small groups) who have developed a project idea and will run the project themselves. Projects must be run on a volunteer only basis and the grants are available throughout England as well as the Scottish Cities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. There are no closing dates for applications and grants will be awarded on a continuous basis until all available monies are exhausted. http://vinspired.com/vcashpoint/opportunities/10066-vinspired-cashpoint/activities/157789-funding-for-your-project Big Potential Opens for Applications (England) The Big Lottery Fund has announced that its new £10 million programme to help Voluntary & Community groups and Social Enterprises (VCSEs) access social investment is open for applications. The "Big Potential Fund" which will be managed by the Social Investment Bureau will provide grants of £25,000 - £75,000 to help VCSEs carry out investment readiness work with a small group of approved providers. Big Potential will be targeting not for profit organisations that are both at an early stage of their investment readiness journey and those that are further along that journey, who are seeking to raise up to £500,000 in external investment. Eligible organisations can include registered charities, social enterprises, companies limited by guarantee with charitable aims, Community Interest Companies, mutuals etc.). Before charities apply to the fund they will be able to access support from 61 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Charity Bank, Social Enterprise UK or Locality before submitting an application. They will then be expected to approach an approved provider, and the charity and provider will make a joint bid to the fund. The fund has not appointed any approved providers yet, but organisations can now apply to become one. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. http://www.sibgroup.org.uk/bigpotential/ Prince’s Regeneration Trust Announces New Fund for ‘At-Risk’ Buildings (UK) The Prince's Regeneration Trust (PRT) has been awarded a £200,000 by the Big Lottery Fund to set up a new social enterprise fund to enable deprived communities across the UK reuse locally important at-risk buildings. The fund is aimed at the growing number of investors seeking to use their capital to generate social impact as well as financial return. It will invest in social enterprises based in deprived locations to enable them to acquire empty or neglected important local assets before they fall further into disrepair. These buildings will then be redeveloped in partnership with their local community to once again become relevant, engaging and accessible spaces, restoring a sense of purpose, pride and possibility to an area. In the next six months PRT will develop its concept into a detailed business case for investors, demonstrating the financial viability of the fund, how its social impact will be assessed and how PRT will work in partnership with other organisations to maximise the fund's effectiveness. http://www.princes-regeneration.org/news/prt-awarded-200k-big-lottery-grant-establish-first-of-its-kind-social-enterprise-fund Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund Opens for Applications (England) The Football Foundation has announced that the new £102 million Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund has opened for applications. The Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund, which is available to football clubs, schools, councils and local sports associations, is focused on supporting the development of new or refurbished local football facilities, and replaces the previous Facilities Scheme, Build the Game and the Premier League Community Facility Fund. The Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund gives grants of between £10,000 and £500,000 for projects that improve facilities for football and other sport in local communities; sustain or increase participation amongst children and adults, regardless of background age, or ability; and help children and adults to develop their physical, mental, social and moral capacities through regular participation in sport. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that all available options for match funding have been exhausted and to be able to provide evidence for this. As a guide, projects would normally be expected to secure 50% match funding although each project will be assessed based on individual circumstances. The Football Foundation strongly recommend that applicants use the pre-application advice offered on their behalf by The FA and the network of County FAs around England. http://www.footballfoundation.org.uk/funding-schemes/premier-league-the-fa-facilities-fund/ Community Right to Challenge Grant Programme (England) The Government has announced a new £10 million financial support scheme that will help voluntary organisations take over the running of public services in their communities. The Community Right to Challenge Grant Programme complements the wider Community Assets and Services Programme. Communities which want to take over the running of local services can apply for funding. This includes: A £10,000 pre-feasibility grant to help build the capacity of local organisations to run services Feasibility grants of up to £100,000 to support organisations in preparation for competing in procurement bids Service delivery grants. These grants will not be available by open application but the SIB will invite applications from relevant bodies against a set of criteria which will be published on the SIB website. SIB expect that many of these service delivery grants will include a repayable element. Some examples of community groups already providing local services include: Fresh Horizons - who run an efficient library service in Huddersfield, combining this with advice and credit union services and in the future a cinema. Himmat - which delivers services for young people in Halifax, it has been awarded contracts to run probation services and a Youth Offending Team dealing with kids most at risk. For further information on how to apply, please click on the link below. http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/community-right-to-challenge/grants/ The War Memorial Trust Grants Scheme (UK) The War Memorials Trust has announced that its grants programme is open to applications for the protection and conservation of war memorials in the UK. The Trust currently 62 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red runs a number of different grant schemes, which provide support to projects that aim to repair, conserve and preserve the war memorials in their existing form as well as reinstate the memorial in its original design. The Trust only offers grants to projects that relate to existing war memorials and not for the creation of new war memorials or projects for which work has already started and/or is completed. Graves of any type are not eligible for support under any of the schemes. The grant scheme you will need to apply for will depend on where in the UK the memorial is located and whether it is freestanding or not and what work needs doing. For further information on what scheme is the most appropriate to apply for please click on the link below. http://www.warmemorials.org/index.php?nID=1 Virgin Money Announces National Rollout of its Make £5 Grow Scheme (UK) Virgin Money has announced that it is reaching out to primary schools across the UK with the national roll-out of its successful Make £5 Grow scheme. Make £5 Grow is an enterprise initiative designed to help draw out those important entrepreneurial skills in primary school pupils, combined with some basics of financial education. The Make £5 Grow scheme is very simple. For those schools wishing to take part, Virgin Money will help make this possible by providing an interest-free loan of £5 for every participating pupil, up to a maximum of £250 per school, for 50 pupils. Pupils are then encouraged to form small teams and pool their money to create a small business and develop products or services they can sell. Already a success in the North East and North West regions, Make £5 Grow is now expanding across the country. Teachers have found the programme to be flexible, having used it alongside the National Curriculum in core subjects including English and maths, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), citizenship, design technology and art and design. If you would like to know more about how to get involved in Make £5 Grow, please contact us on 0191 279 4676 or email [email protected]. http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/news-centre/press-releases/2013/virgin-money-helps-grow-the-entrepreneurs-of-the-future.jsp Lancs Foundation Trust The Community Foundation for Lancashire is for donors, for communities and for Lancashire. As an independent registered charity they are part of a national movement of community foundations that undertakes strategic grant making, facilities philanthropy and contributes to achieving positive social change in our local communities. Their website holds useful information on a number of funding opportunities namely: Comic Relief Local Communities Grant – which aims to empower local people, enabling them to create lasting change in the communities. Projects should be run by people directly affected by the issues they are dealing with and priority will be given to small, locally based groups or organization in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community. WO Street Transformation Fund – aims are; to transform activities, enhance capacities and develop the communities’ inline with the wishes of Mr. Street, the found of the Foundation. It aims to encourage the community to take a proactive approach to empower themselves and others to help communities make a social impact, achieve social growth and development as well as make a difference. Garfield Weston Foundation – is a family-founded, grant making trust which has been supporting charities across the UK for over 50 years. From small community groups to large national institutions, their aim is to support organizations that have effective solutions to helping those most in need. The Foundation’s current grant making priorities within Lancashire are: Communities Youth Welfare The Foundation is especially keen to see applications for core and projects costs for charities delivering services directly to beneficiaries. Lancashire Older People’s Fund The fund has been set up to support voluntary and community groups who run projects for older people. The focus of the fund is to reduce the risk of older people becoming socially isolated and lonely. Please note that of the grants listed above only Garfield Weston Foundation and Comic Relief Local Communities Grant are currently open to Blackburn applications. For more information about these opportunities and learn more about the Lancs Foundation visit http://www.lancsfoundation.org.uk/Funds-and--Programme-Information 63 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Our Place Programme Opens for Applications (England) The Government has announced that it’s £4.3 million Our Place programme has opened for applications. Run by Locality and the Local Government Association, the programme will provide funding and support to help local communities within England to design and deliver local services that focus on local priorities and reduce costs. The ‘Our Place’ programme builds on the success of the Neighbourhood Community Budget Pilots that for the past year have been pioneering new ways to improve local services in 12 areas. As well as consultancy and coaching support local areas will be able to apply for funding of up to £20,000 to design, develop and implement new local services. The funding is available to incorporated bodies, parish and town councils, public service providers and local authorities working in partnership with local businesses, the voluntary sector and other partners who are jointly using the Our Place approach to tackle issues in a neighbourhood. Applicants will need to complete an online eligibility checker. If eligible they will be given an online link to the application form (with guidance on how to apply) and will have 30 days to complete and submit online. http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/our-place/ Community Action Fund The Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner is committed to working with local residents and community groups to support them in making where they live a safer and better place. The Community Action Fund of £50,000 is designed to provide small grants to assist groups in tackling local concerns and helping to deliver the Commissioner’s priorities in their areas. The maximum grant that can be applied for is £2,500, although the Commissioner will normally be looking for applications for less than this to ensure that the Fund is available to be used as widely as possible. The Fund is open to all local groups and organizations with a constitution to apply and all applications will be considered within 4 weeks of being received. For more information click on the following link http://www.lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/Partnership/Commissioners-Community-Action-Fund/Application-Form.aspx European Commission Launches New Research Programme (UK) The European Commission has announced the first calls for proposals under its new Horizon 2020 programme. The programme which is worth over €15 billion over the first two years, intends to help boost Europe's knowledge-driven economy, and tackle issues that will make a difference in people's lives. For the first time, the Commission has indicated funding priorities over two years, providing researchers and businesses with more certainty than ever before on the direction of EU research policy. Most calls from the 2014 budget are currently open for submissions, with more to follow over the course of the year. Calls in the 2014 budget alone are worth around €7.8 billion, with funding focused on the three key pillars of Horizon 2020. These are Excellent Science; Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges. For more information on the programme including the current calls for proposals please click on the link below. http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en Funding for Metallurgy and Materials Science Education (UK) The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers, which is one of the leading charities in the UK supporting metallurgy and materials science education from primary school to postgraduate levels makes funding available to UK schools for special purposes such as science equipment and projects, or travel to scientific events or institutions. Typically these are up to £600 for primary and to £1000 for secondary schools. Funds are finite and will be allocated on a first come first served basis in each year starting on 1 April. http://www.armourershall.co.uk/cmspage.php?id=101&cmsid=3&parentid=100 Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches Two New Funding Programmes (England & Wales) The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales has announced the launch of two new grants programmes to replace its flagship "Communities Programme". The aim is to support projects that help people over the age of 17 who are experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life. The funding programmes are "Invest" which is a flexible, long term core funding programme for charities helping disadvantaged people. Grants are up to £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for up to six years in total. "Enable" which is a smaller and shorter grants programme for charities that have identified clear development needs. This funding aims to help the organisations deliver their mission more effectively. These grants are up to a total £15,000 over two years. The funding is available to registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) with an income of between £25,000 and £1 million. To be eligible, organisations are expected to be working with people 17 years or older, experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life. The only exceptions are young people who are under 17 years of age 64 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red and young parents or looked after children and disabled young people moving into independent living. There are no closing dates and applications can be submitted at any time. http://www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/our-programmes/ Alcohol Education and Research Council – Small Grants Programme (UK) Organisations such as community groups, universities and charities, etc are able to apply to the Alcohol Education and Research Council under its Small Grants Programme. Funding of up to £5,000 is available for projects that increase the capacity of individuals and organisations to deal with alcohol issues. Funding is available both for research and pilot projects that address one or more of the Alcohol Education and Research Council’s priority areas. These are: Identification, treatment and recovery. Evaluating the impact of policy on cultural change. The role of media communications in drinking culture Education programmes Broadening the understanding of research methods across the alcohol field. The Alcohol Education and Research Council is very flexible in what is eligible for support and is looking for projects that are innovative and that make a difference. Applications can be submitted at any time. In addition the Council also makes larger grants through its Flagship programme (Grants of up to £300,000; and its Research and Development programme (grants of up to £60,000). These are however currently closed to applications. The Council also supports promising new researchers in the alcohol field through an annual programme of studentships. http://alcoholresearchuk.org/grants/ Funding Available to Improve Sports Facilities (England) Sport England has announced that the Inspired Facilities Fund is now an open programme which means that applicants can submit their application at any time rather than having to send it in by a specific date. The Inspired Facilities Fund is part of the Places People Play programme which aims to deliver a mass participation sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through Inspired Facilities, Sport England will award capital grants to refurbish and improve up to 1,000 community sports clubs. Community and voluntary organisations, including sports clubs, parish and town councils can apply for grants worth between £20,000 and £50,000. At least 70% of the available funding available is set aside for these groups. The remaining money is available to a wider group of organisations, including councils and schools, with grants of up to £150,000 available. If one of the groups benefitting from a planned project is disadvantaged young people aged under 18, applicants can apply for additional capital (to cover building costs) or revenue (day-today operating costs) funding from the Thomas Cook Children's Charity. A case study given is that of an inner-city secondary school that has opened its facilities to the community for many years but wants to do more. The school could apply for funding for improved sports hall lighting, storage unit for archery and BMX equipment as well as floodlighting to BMX area. http://www.sportengland.org/funding/our-different-funds/inspired-facilities/ Open Fund from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation operates a small open fund for projects that gather evidence/test pilot initiatives aimed at increasing knowledge about transitions in later life and securing more appropriate responses to the issues they create for people as they age, particularly in terms of the psychological and emotional challenges faced. The Foundation is look for projects that: Scope a new idea to address a specified need or implement new approaches that are already successfully applied in other sectors or outside the UK; Are relevant to their programme of work and meet one or more of the strategic objectives; Have a clearly articulated vision of how the work will impact beyond the project lifetime; Address and evidence a clearly identified need. 65 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Grants are like to average between £10,000 and £30,000 and for specific activity and not for general core costs. The Foundation only accept proposals from not for profit organisations based in the UK or Republic of Ireland. If you are not a registered charity or a Community Interest Company, you must be able to demonstrate not for profit status and that your constituting document does not allow for any surplus to be distributed to members. For more information go to: http://gulbenkian.org.uk/open-fund/fund.html Co-operative Community Fund Community Fund grants, between £100 and £2,000 are awarded to community, voluntary or self-help groups to run projects that meet the following criteria. To be successful, a group must: Carry out positive work in the community And a project must: Address a community issue Provide a good long term benefit to the community Support co-operative values and principles Ideally be innovative in its approach For further information go to: http://www.co-operative.coop/membership/local-communities/apply-for-funding/ Capital Grants for Hospices (UK) The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation has announced that it is seeking applications for capital projects from UK-based hospices. The type of projects that the Foundation is interested in supporting include: Extensions or alterations to existing premises Refurbishment projects Purchase of new or upgraded equipment which improves the quality of life for resident and day patients Minibuses. The Foundation occasionally make grants towards the building of new hospices, depending on the total cost of the project. Grants requests up to £30,000 are considered. Hospices must have raised at least 50% of the funds required before making an application. Grants are mainly focused on hospices based in low income and/or remote areas. The Grants Committee meets quarterly to consider applications.http://www.trusthousecharitablefoundation.org.uk/hospices.html Arts Council Funding Available for Bridge Organisations (England) To help ensure that every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts, Arts Council England will fund a small number of 'Bridge' organisations. Bridge organisations are primarily facilitators and will use their experience and expertise to connect children and young people, schools and communities with art and culture. Bridge Organisations are not expected to directly deliver arts and cultural opportunities for children and young people. Their role is to provide an environment in which cultural education can flourish both in and out of school. The Bridge role may be undertaken by a museum, an arts organisation or an arts education agency. The minimum grant that must be applied for is £500,000. Potential applicants must have a preliminary conversation with the Arts Council before applying. The application process is ongoing and there are no deadlines. http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/apply-funding/funding-programmes/bridge-organisations-2015-18/ Bright Ideas Research Fund (UK) Nesta, the UK's Innovation Foundation, has announced that its Policy and Research Bright Ideas Research Fund is open for applications. The fund provides grants of up to £10,000 to develop interesting research projects and policy proposals in fields that relate to innovation but where Nesta do not have big programmes already in place. This could include the development of a new idea about how innovation happens, a pamphlet making an interesting and compelling argument relating to innovation, an examination of a new innovation or technology, or a worked-up, evidenced proposal for a policy related to innovation. 66 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red The fund is open to a wide range of people and organisations, including; think tanks; academics; journalists; charities; and businesses, etc. Applications can be submitted at any time. Nesta will review applications in batches. The next batch that Nesta will be reviewing will include all applications that have been submitted up to 12 noon, Friday 6 June. The next review date after this will be on the 24 October 2014. To apply applicants must fill out the online application form by 12 noon on Friday 6 of June 2014. Applicants will need to provide a 100-word summary explaining what you are proposing and why it is original and important. http://www.nesta.org.uk/funding/bright-ideas-research-fund-open-call EU Biodiversity for Life 2014 - 2020 (UK) The European Commission has launched a new programme to protect biodiversity and fight wildlife crime. B4Life is one of EuropeAid's new flagship initiatives, designed to encourage broad, cross-sector partnerships to tackle major development challenges. For B4Life, this means addressing the related challenges of protecting biodiversity and building sustainable livelihoods in a green economy. B4Life aims to respond to both to the growing threat to global ecosystems, including from; land use changes,; unsustainable use of natural resources,; poaching and wildlife crime; pollution and climate change; and to the need of the poorest communities. B4Life will include projects with biodiversity as their main objective. This will include, for example, projects to; support the sustainable management of protected areas’; to develop trade in biodiversity-related products for sustainable livelihoods; to reduce deforestation and degradation of mangroves for the protection of coasts and nursery habitats for fish; and to increase monitoring and information sharing to fight wildlife crime. B4Life will focus on those developing countries most in need and with the greatest potential, by paying particular attention to Least Developed Countries and countries containing "biodiversity hotspots", the places where ecosystems and their services are the richest but also the most threatened, like the Congo Basin, Madagascar, the West African forests, Tropical Andes, Mesoamerica, Indian Western Ghats, Kalimantan; etc. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-373_en.htm Support for Local Authorities to Deliver Locally-Led Garden Cities (England) The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has announced that it is seeking Expressions of Interest from local authorities on how they will develop garden cities. The new locally-led garden cities prospectus has a financial support package available that DCLG will offer to local authorities. The support comes in the form of brokerage between local authorities and delivery partners, planning support and funding though grants and loans. DCLG are seeking ideas from local authorities on how they would develop garden cities and make use of existing central government funding and support. Expressions of interest are invited on an ongoing basis. Each application will be decided upon on a case by case basis taking into account their viability and fit with the criteria outlined in the prospectus. Local authories are also invited to submit their views on the issues and barriers they see in developing Garden City proposals, which will be discussed at a subsequent Local Growth Committee, by Friday 29 August this year. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/locally-led-garden-cities-prospectus 67 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Arts Council England – Exceptional Awards (England) The Arts Council England has announced that organisations with projects that have the potential to make a significant additional contribution to the arts but sit outside its normal funding routes have the opportunity to apply for grants of above £50,000 through its Exceptional Awards. Projects need to help deliver the Arts Council’s ambitions as set out in its Achieving great art for everyone strategic framework. The projects funded will probably have national (and even international) impact in terms of outcomes and it is likely that the Arts Council will make fewer than 25 Exceptional Awards before 31 March 2015., given our limited resources at this time. http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/apply-for-funding/exceptional-awards/ Film Enterprise Fund Opens for Applications (England excl. London) Creative England has announced that its Film Enterprise Fund is open for applications. Through the fund, £2 million will be available over the next four years to improve the growth and sustainability of film-related businesses in England outside of Greater London. Creative England is looking to work with companies on an individual basis and design made-to-measure programmes of business support and funding to help entrepreneurs unlock new opportunities, develop creative strategies, refine their business models and attract increased levels of corporate finance. We are also looking to encourage new business alliances and joint ventures and to help companies enhance their capacity for international trade. Eligible companies can apply for either a Business Planning grant of up to £5,000 or for Business funding. There is no minimum or maximum level of business funding. Applicants are initially advised to submit an Expression of Interest form. There is no closing date and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. http://www.creativeengland.co.uk/index.php/portfolio/funding/ Support for Breakfast Clubs (England) Magic Breakfast, a charity that delivers free, healthy breakfast foods to UK primary schools with more than 35% free school meals has announced that it is seeking more school breakfast clubs to join its network. This follows an announcement that the charity has partnered with Tesco who will supply 40,000 boxes of own-brand cereal to Magic Breakfast for children to eat at the charity's breakfast clubs. The charity aims to expand the number of children it supports from currently 8,500 to 14,500 by Christmas. The charity will also expand its activities from supporting Breakfast clubs at primary schools to reach pupils at secondary and SEN schools. As part of the Magic Breakfast partnership network they will provide breakfast clubs with nutritious breakfast food (bagels, porridge, orange juice and cereals). Support is also available from the charity to help breakfast clubs to become self-sufficient. Applications for Magic Breakfast are accepted throughout the year. http://www.magicbreakfast.com/schools/need-help UK-German Connection Fund for WW1 Projects (UK) The UK-German Connection has launched a new fund designed to bring young people in the UK and Germany together on projects related to World War One. Schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany are eligible for funding and can apply for grants of between £500 and £5,000. Projects can be virtual or include mobility on one or both sides but activities must be joint and bilateral [UK-German], with a high level of relevant interaction between the young people, who must actively engage in an educational learning and thinking process, including discussion, debate and reflection. Applications can be submitted at any time but should be for activities that are at least six weeks ahead. http://www.ukgermanconnection.org/ww1projects New £30 Million Third Sector Loan Fund Launched (UK) The Social Investment Business has announced the launch of a new £30m loan fund for the charity sector. The Third Sector Loan Fund will be run by Social and Sustainable Capital, a social lender set up in 2012. The Fund will make loans of between £250,000 and £3m to social sector organisations, chiefly at rates of between 6 and 12 per cent. The Fund can support organisations across all social sectors, focused on improving the economic and social well-being of individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. To be eligible for investment the applicant organisation must: 68 Updated 20th January 2015 new updates in red Be a registered charity or social enterprise Be based and have operations in the UK Have a clear social mission with significant, measurable, direct outcomes Be led by a strong management with proven capability to deliver Have a robust business plan and financial projections Have a clear demonstration of how investment repayment will be made. Applications to the fund can be made at any time. http://www.sibgroup.org.uk/THIRD-SECTOR-LOAN-FUND/ Genetic Disorder Grants for Families (UK) Genetic Disorders UK has partnered with Newlife Foundation to offer more families affected by genetic disorders the vital support and equipment they need. Through funds raised on Jeans for Genes Day, they can provide grants for essential specialist equipment such as: Pain relieving beds Wheelchairs Car seats Portable hoists. The first step in the application process is to check your eligibility with a Newlife Nurse either on the freephone number, live chat on the website or by sending an email. If you're eligible you'll be asked to complete an application form. http://www.geneticdisordersuk.org/grantprogramme/Grantsforfamilies Bursaries for Post-16 Students to Work with Scientists (UK) Nuffield Research Placements offer up to 1000 bursaries a year, for students to work alongside practising scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. Students in the first year of a post-16 science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) course are eligible to apply for a bursary of £80 per week to support them during their project. The Foundation are particularly interested in encouraging students who don't have a family history of going to university or who attend schools in less well-off areas. Placements are available across the UK, in universities, industry or research institutions. Students doing vocational courses as well as academic ones are also welcome to apply. http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/nuffield-research-placements £10m Social Finance Charity Funding from RBS (UK) The Royal Bank of Scotland has announced that it has £10million available to provide extra Community Business Loans to organisations that find it difficult to access mainstream finance. This new investment into the bank's social finance charity, formerly known as the RBS Micro Finance Funds, coincides with a name change to RBS Social & Community Capital (S&CC). Social enterprises, charities, community interest companies and co-operatives can access loan funding from £30,000 up to £1 million for sustainable projects that deliver real social value. Community Development Finance Institutions that provide finance direct to smaller organisations and social enterprises can also apply. There is no deadline and applications for loan funding are open all year round. http://www.inspiringenterprise.rbs.com/inspiring-social/social-community-capital 69
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