The SBC Voice -

“The SBC Voice”
A Competition for Vocalists
in Downers Grove, IL
Sinfonietta Bel Canto is proud to announce its competition for voice: The SBC Voice.
Singers will compete in four categories.
Little Stars (ages 13 and under)
1st Place Award
Teen Stars ( ages 14-18)
1st Place Award
Collegiate Artist ( ages 19 -24)
1st Place Award
Emerging Artist (ages 25 and up) $200
1st Place Award
Audience Favorite: $100 Award (all categories eligible)
On Sunday April 26th at 3:00 p.m., up to two finalists per category from Teen Stars, Collegiate Artist, and
Emerging Artist, will perform with the Sinfonietta Bel Canto Orchestra--led by Dan D’Andrea--at Immanuel
Lutheran Church in Downers Grove and one winner will be chosen from each category; additionally, the
audience will select an ―Audience Favorite‖ winner. Each 1st place winner and the ―Audience Favorite‖ from
these categories will receive a monetary award.
*In the Little Stars! Category, finalists will perform with piano accompaniment on the final concert.
Application Process:
1. Entrants apply by mail. A completed application includes all signatures and a check or money order.
Application postmark deadline is January 21, 2015
2. All entrants will be invited to a live audition on February 7, 2015. An accompanist will be provided.
3. Up to two finalists from each category will be chosen to compete on the concert on April 26 at 3:00 p.m.
We reserve the right to combine categories.
4. Finalists must be available to rehearse with the orchestra on April 25th from 9:00 am - 3:00 p.m
2014-2015 Sinfonietta Bel Canto
―The SBC Voice‖ Competition Rules
Competition Rules
1. Open to singers of all ages. Singers will compete
in one of four categories; all ages are by the date
of the final concert:
I. Little Stars! (13 and under),
II. Teen Stars (ages 14-18)
III. Collegiate Artist (19-24)
IV. Emerging Artist (25 and up)
Finalists (categories II , III, and IV) are invited to
compete in a live final round with SBC orchestra.
Little Stars! will also be invited and will perform
with piano.
6. Entry fees are non-refundable.
7. Finalists must be available to rehearse
with SBC on Saturday, April 25th, 9:00 am –
3:00 pm, and from 1:30-2:30 pm on Sunday,
April 26th prior to the concert. Specific times will
be given at a later date.
Audition Rules
1. Contestants must sing from memory.
2. Entries must be postmarked by January 21, 2015.
Entries accepted by U.S. mail to SBC Voice, 6831
Church Court, Woodridge, IL 60517.
3. Entrants must select repertoire from approved
lists. Consult the SBC website— for the approved
repertoire list for Little Stars! and Teen Stars.
Collegiate Artist and Emerging Artist can select
any classical repertoire with orchestral
accompaniments available through Luck’s Music
Library, Music must be
for purchase only. Collegiate Artist and
Emerging Artist must also consult the approved
list on the SBC www for guidelines on repertoire choice.
4. Before applying, entrants should consult the
repertoire guidelines on the SBC website. Please
email Angela Korbitz at [email protected],
if you have questions about repertoire.
5. Entries must include the following
items:(incomplete entries are automatically
• Fully completed entry form.
• $30 entry fee in form of a check payable to
Sinfonietta Bel Canto
• Please include a printed, portrait-style photo
or headshot. This does not need to be
2. Please note the following repertoire and time
limits will be used. Singers should select one (1)
approved piece, as described above.
Repertoire should not exceed 6 minutes in length.
3. An accompanist will be provided. Singers must
provide clear, double-sided sheet music in original
form or a binder. Contestants may provide their
own accompanist if desired.
4. Contestants will be assigned a time between 9:00
am. and 4:00 pm. on Saturday, February 7, 2015.
Times are not negotiable. Auditions will take
place at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 5211
Carpenter Street, in Downers Grove, IL 60515.
5. First-round auditions are not open to the public.
6. Contestants must provide three copies of the
music (one of which should be an original) to the
judges at the audition. Judges’ copies need to
have all measures numbered. Failure to bring
copies will disqualify contestant.
7. No flash photography at rehearsals or
2014-2015 SBC Voice Entry Form
Applicant Information:
Name:__________________________________Competition Category___________________Voice Type___________
City: ___________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip:____________________
Email:__________________________Phone:_______________________ Birthdate:__________________________
Parent Information: (if under 18 years of age)
City: ___________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:__________________
Home Phone: _______________________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________________
Private Teacher Information:
Phone:________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________
Printed Name____________________________________
Editor (if applicable)
Parent Name___________________________
Signature _______________________________________
Parent signature_________________________
(if under 18)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMATION RELEASE BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN (or entrant if age 18 or older):
Should this entrant be a finalist, the SBC may use the information on this form--and the entrant’s photograph-- in print, broadcast, and
web advertising and in the concert program.
Printed name___________________________________________
Relationship to entrant:___________________________________
Send the application materials--$30 check (made out to Sinfonietta Bel Canto), entry form, & photo--to:
SBC Voice, 6831 Church Court, Woodridge, IL 60517
(If you would like a copy of the comments from the judges, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope
with your application. Otherwise, judge(s) comments will not be sent out.)