INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ONLINE MGT 301-81D WINTER 2014/SPRING 2015 DATES Session 2 TO READ Week 1: 12/15-12/21 Globalization Ch 1 (in textbook) Cross-cultural business Ch 2 Session 3 Political and legal environment Session 4 Economic systems and development International trade Session 1 Session 5 COURSE TOPICS Week 2: 12/22-12/28 Ch 4 Ch 5 Session 7 Session 8 Regional economic integration Ch 8 Session 9 International financial markets Ch 9 Session 10 Week 4: 01/05-01/11 International monetary systems Ch 10 Midterm exam Session 12 International strategy and organization International marketing research Session 13 Entry modes Session 14 International marketing Session 11 Final exam Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Deadline: 12/21 11:59 PM Ch 3 Business-government trade Ch 6 relations Week 3: 12/29-01/04 Note: If you do not take the exam during the assigned time period, your score will be 0. Foreign direct investment CH 7 Session 6 TO COMPLETE Ch 11 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Deadline: 12/28 11:59 PM Midterm Exam: CH 1-6 Available online From 12/29 10:00 AM To 12/30 10:00 AM Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Deadline: 01/04 11:59 PM Quiz 10 Quiz 11 Quiz 12 Deadline: 01/11 11:59 PM Ch 12 Week 5: 01/12-01/18 Ch 13 Ch 14 Week 6: 01/20-01/21 Note: If you do not take the exam during the assigned time period, your score will be 0. 1 Quiz 13 Quiz 14 Deadline: 01/18 11:59 PM Final exam: CH 7-14 Available online From 01/20 10:00 AM To 01/21 10:00 AM IMPORTANT: This is an intensive course and requires a significant amount of work. We cover the same material that is usually covered in 14 weeks. Thus, you should schedule sufficient time to study every week. If you cannot do this, please take the course during a regular semester. I CONTACT INFORMATION Professor: E-mail: Dr. Sarala [email protected] Please address the professor “Dr. Sarala” in all communication. Please use e-mail or your Canvas Inbox to communicate your professor. If writing an e-mail, Always include the course number and section in the title of your e-mail (MGT 301-81D). II COURSE MATERIAL International Business (The Challenges of Globalization), 7th edition, by Wild and Wild, Prentice Hall, ISBN 13: 978-0-13-306300-4. No access codes or any other extra material from the publisher is needed. All exam questions are based on the 7th edition. If a student decides to use a different edition (earlier edition or the international edition), s/he is taking the risk that an exam question is not covered. III CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the environmental factors which cause businesses to become international. In addition, we analyze the nature of global business and multinational organizations. IV COURSE OBJECTIVES General Education Learning Outcomes for Global (GL) courses: At the completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Find, interpret, and evaluate information on diverse cultures. 2. Describe interconnections among regions of the world. (Must include substantial focus on at least one culture, nation, or sub-nationality beyond Great Britain and North America). 3. Use diverse cultural frames of reference and alternative perspectives to analyze issues. 2 Course-Specific Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 4. Define international business and discuss how it differs from domestic business. 5. Define and discuss key terms and concepts related to international business. 6. Acquire a basic understanding of the structure of the global economy and the perspectives of various actors in the global economy. 7. Make well-reasoned suggestions about how to address many of the challenges and opportunities within an international business setting. 8. Knowledgeably discuss some of the key public policy, ethical and environmental issues that are typically connected to international business. 9. Discuss the challenges that third world countries have in participating in world trade, and the different perspectives that exist with regard to intellectual property rights and the third world. V EVALUATION ITEMS Quizzes: Midterm exam: Final exam: 10% 40% 50% 1 Quizzes: 10% 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the weekly quizzes is to encourage you to study the material consistently throughout the course. The quizzes will also help you to check your own learning. Furthermore, the quizzes provide examples of the types of questions that you will encounter in the exams and familiarize you with taking tests on Canvas. This assures that you will be prepared for the course exams. 1.2 Content Each weekly quiz covers the respective chapter in the textbook. For instance, during session 1, quiz 1 will cover CH1 in the textbook. During session 2, quiz 2 will cover CH 2 in the textbook. Each quiz has 10 questions. Each question carries 1 point. The questions are either true-false questions or multiple choice questions. You can take as long as you need to complete the quiz. 1.3 Availability You will find the quizzes on Canvas. To access Quiz 1, go to “Modules” -> “Session 1”-> “Quiz 1”. Follow a similar procedure for other quizzes. Each weekly quiz is available until Sunday 11:59 PM of the corresponding week unless otherwise noted. 3 You can take each quiz only ONE time. There will be no additional test taking opportunities. If you miss a quiz, your score for that particular quiz will be 0. If you know that you cannot take a quiz during a particular week, study ahead and take it in advance. IMPORTANT: Quizzes are activity exercises similar to class attendance. The purpose is to have you reflect on what you have learned during the week and test your knowledge, which is very beneficial for your learning. Therefore, no late work is accepted and will be graded 0. I expect you to treat schoolwork as your priority and to organize your schedule accordingly. The only exception is a serious illness for which you are required to provide official documentation within two weeks from the end of the deadline in question. If you fail to provide this documentation, your score will be 0 for any quiz that is not completed prior to the deadline. Any student asking for an exception for any other reason than for a documented serious illness will be referred to this policy in the syllabus. Technical problems are not acceptable reasons for missing a quiz. If you experience a technical problem, report it to me immediately with accompanying evidence (e.g. a screenshot). Please do not leave taking the quiz to the last minute so that you can solve any technical problems prior to the deadline. Any technical problems reported AFTER the deadline will not be considered. NOTE: AS A STUDENT TAKING AN ONLINE COURSE, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A RELIABLE COMPUTER AND A RELIABLE INTERNET CONNECTION DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE COURSE. INABILITY TO ACCESS A COMPUTER OR INTERNET AT ANY TIME DURING THE COURSE IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE FOR NOT COMPLETING AN EVALUATION ITEM. UNCG HAS SEVERAL COMPUTER LABS AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES OFFER INTERNET ACCESS FREE OF CHARGE. ANY TECHNICAL PROBLEMS REPORTED AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AND ARE NOT VALID EXCUSES FOR NOT COMPLETING AN EVALUATION ITEM. 2 Midterm Exam: 40%, Final Exam: 50% 2.1 Content The midterm exam will cover Chapters 1-6. The final exam will cover Chapters 7-14. All questions will be from the textbook (7th edition). The exams are not cumulative. 2.2 Testing procedures Even though you are taking your exams online, they are still "real" tests. The following are the testing procedures I expect you to follow while taking the exam: 4 You will find the exams in Canvas. Go to “Modules”, then scroll down Week 3 for “MIDTERM EXAM” or Week 6 for “FINAL EXAM”. The tests are available only during the times indicated in the syllabus. An exam is available for 24 hours as indicated in the course schedule on page 1 of the syllabus. You can take each exam only ONE time. You may use your book and notes; however, you are to take the test by yourself, with no group efforts or help from other people. This test has 100 objective questions. The maximum score is 100. You have 120 minutes to complete the exam. A timer will appear, but the test does not automatically stop at 120 minutes. You have to click Submit to end the test and stop the timer. You will lose 1 point for each full minute that you go over the time limit. The time is strictly limited in order test your knowledge of the material; not your ability to search for information during the exam. Important: Extended time is only granted for students with documented disabilities. In my in-class sections (closed book), students complete exam questions at a rate of 100 questions per hour. While it is slightly slower to take the exam on the computer, your inability to complete 100 questions in 2 hours reflects a lack of knowledge of the course material. Remember not to click the Back button in your browser window. You do not have to complete the test questions in order and that you may change the answer to a question that has already been submitted (as long as you have not submitted the entire test). 2.3 Technical problems If you lose your internet connection or the site goes down, get back to the exam when the connection resumes. If you experience any problems, contact me immediately by e-mail ([email protected]) and provide evidence of the problem (for instance, a screenshot). Unverifiable technical problems will not be considered. NOTE: AS A STUDENT TAKING AN ONLINE COURSE, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BE AVAILABLE DURING THE EXAM TIMES REGARDLESS OF YOUR OTHER COMMITMENTS AND TO HAVE ACCESS TO A RELIABLE COMPUTER AND INTERNET CONNECTION DURING THE ENTIRE COURSE, INCLUDING THE EXAM TIMES. INABILITY TO ACCESS INTERNET DURING THE COURSE IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE FOR MISSING AN EXAM OR ANY OTHER EVALUTION ITEM. THE UNCG COMPUTER LABS AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES PROVIDE COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS FREE OF CHARGE. 5 ANY TECHNICAL PROBLEMS REPORTED AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE EXAM PERIOD WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AND ARE NOT VALID EXCUSES FOR NOT COMPLETING THE EXAM. 2.4 Rules for not taking an exam during the assigned testing times IMPORTANT To accommodate for multiple commitments of students, the exams are available for an extended period of time (24 hours). The exam dates and times are given in the beginning of the course to allow plenty of time for planning. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be available during the scheduled exam times and to take the exams promptly. If you have a scheduling conflict, please take a different section of the course during the regular spring semester. I expect you to treat schoolwork as priority and to organize your schedule accordingly. Do not leave taking the exam to the last minute to avoid any last minute technical problems. An exam cannot be taken before or after the scheduled exam time. There are no make-up exams. If for any reason, you do not take the test, your score will be 0. The only exception is a serious illness for which you are required to provide official, written documentation by e-mail within one week from the end of the exam period. If you fail to provide this documentation, your score will be 0. These rules will be strictly enforced in order to be fair towards those students who do make the effort to take the tests at the assigned testing times regardless of their personal and professional circumstances and time constraints. It is important that all students have the same amount of time to prepare for the exams. There will be no exceptions for this rule. Any student seeking an exception will be referred to this policy in the syllabus. Note: It is not unusual that students fail this online course because they, for instance, “forget” to take the exam, are “travelling without an internet connection”, or are otherwise “occupied” for a number of unverifiable personal and professional reasons. Make sure that you are not one of these students because missing one exam is likely to result in failing the course. VI SCORING SYSTEM FOR THE FINAL GRADE A+ = 98-100 A = 94-97.999 B+ = 88-89.999 B = 84-87.999 C+ = 78-79.999 C = 74-77.999 D+ = 68-69.999 D = 64-67.999 F = 59.999 and below A- = 90-93.999 B- = 80-83.999 C- = 70-73.999 D- = 60-63.999 Please note that grades are NOT rounded up but the above system is used in all circumstances. Also, to be fair towards ALL students, grades are strictly based on your objective performance in the course elements. Grades are NOT adjusted upwards on a ‘need’ basis, for instance, because a student needs ‘at least a C’ to graduate. I use the same standards to evaluate each and every student. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Any student seeking an exception will be referred to this policy in the syllabus. 6 VII AVAILABILITY OF THE PROFESSOR Please address the professor as Dr. Sarala in all communication. If you have a question about the course, please email the professor ([email protected]) or contact the professor through the Canvas Inbox. If you are using e-mail, in the subject of the e-mail write “Winter MGT 301” and the topic of your e-mail. For instance, if you have a question about the syllabus, use the following subject: “Winter MGT 301 syllabus”. This is important because I teach multiple courses and course sections. Identifying your course will facilitate a faster response to your message. During weekdays, I will make every attempt to answer to your email within 48 hours. However, I do not check my email after 5 PM, during weekends, Dec 24th, Dec 25th, and Jan 1st. I will post weekly announcements on Canvas (usually on Mondays). Additional announcements are posted on Canvas as needed. It is your responsibility to check Canvas regularly for any updates or changes in the course schedule. VIII OTHER INFORMATION Academic Integrity Policy The students are expected to complete all requirements of this course in conformity with UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy ( ). Any detected violations of any aspect of the Policy will be fully pursued in accordance with the provisions therein. Students with Disabilities If you have a documented disability for which you need special arrangements, please contact the Student Disability Services Office ( Any requests for a documented disability for which you need special arrangements, must come through Student Disability Services Office with the appropriate paperwork at least one week prior to the exam. This includes requests for extended time in the exam. Extra Credit No extra credit assignments will be provided based on individual requests. This policy is in place to be fair towards all students. ! THE PROFESSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES TO THIS DOCUMENTS AS NEEDED. ALL CHANGES WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON CANVAS. 7 8
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