2015 Honors Symposium Student Name Paper Title University Alexandra Harris A Study of Existentialism in Literature and Art UNCG Stephanie Cooke Structural Injustice and Political Responsbility: Interpreted Through the Eyes of Women UNCG Taylor Strassburg Jen Nelson Eliminating Structural Injustices in the Future Human Rights, Jus Cogens, and Humanitarian Intervention Nicole Schachter The German Arms Industry and War Profiteering in a Year of Anniversaries Weltschmerz and Sehnsucht: Differences in Perceived Suffering in German and American Cultures Ryan Baggett A New Identity after the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Neue Deutsche Härte Daniel H. Foil William Hueholt Exploring the Epic Side of "The Lives of Others" Time Location Philosophy: Living the Examined Life Dr. Verónica Grossi 9:00-10:30 Cone A Longing and Suffering in German Identity Dr. Carola Dietkus 9:00-10:30 Maple Exploring AfricanAmerican Literature Dr. Tara T. Green 9:00-10:00 Cone B UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG Fredrick Smith Canada UNCG Jessica Matthis Nella Larsen and Black Female Sexuality During the Harlem Renaissance UNCG Cultural Relativism vs Universality Chair UNCG Zora Neale Hurston: A Universal Voice Far Removed From The Orgasms Of Harlem Nisha Umesh Session Title UNCG David Perez-Suarez Software in the Cloud?: Benefits, Security Concerns and Possible Solutions Greater Mobility and Larger Neighborhood Size Inhibit the Evolution of Cooperation Vi Chuong The Silent Epidemic: Female Sexual Dysfunction Dusenge Yves Shannon Neu New Tradition-Bearers: Motivations of Young Adults in North Carolina Old Time Communities Rebel Girl: The Riot Grrrl’s Role in Third Wave Feminism and the Punk Subculture Jessica Quah Lakiesha Nicole White Songs from a Bard Immortal: Examining Three Settings of Shakespearean Text in Late Romantic, 20th Century and Contemporary Art Song Restoring Revolution Mills- Revolution Brewing Holly Riley Lasse S. Palomaki A. Lynn Cochran Jessica Straehle Jazmin Bacilio Jessica Matthis Foreign Direct Investment Profile - Finland The B. Everett Jordan Reservoir: Diseased Lakes, Diseased Policy Survival and Adaptation in Difficult Times: An Analysis of Nature Protection Organizations in North Carolina Criticism of Representation of Latino Deportation: In English vs. Spanish Online News Broadcast The Politics of Disney Guilford College UNCG Durham Technical Community College Modern Slavery: Part of our Nation, Part of our World Dr. Bruce Kirchoff 9:00-10:00 Dogwood UNCG UNCG Greensboro College UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG Where Words Fail, Mary Krautter 9:00-10:00 Music Speaks Business in Practice Environmental Problems and Environmental Action in North Carolina Dr. Ambrose Jones III Cone C 10:10-11:10 Dogwood Dr. William T. 10:10-11:10 Markham Cone B UNCG UNCG Durham Technical Community College Megan Valente Science Potpourri The Many Facets of Justice Dr. James Anderson 11:20-12:20 Cone A Tyra Noelle Callaway Taylor Renee Kane Alison Bean Alyssa Mielock Karys Normansell Markeela Lipscomb Andrew Byrum Heather Alfano Scientific Diplomacy Something Creative: Developing the WellRounded Writer in the High School English Classroom UNCG An Old-Fashioned Power Game Assessment of Psychotic-like Experiences in Daily Life UNCG Negative Interpretation Bias as a Mechanism of the Relationship between Rejection Sensitivity and Depression Working Memory as a Moderator of Schizotypy and Creativity Mapping Inequality: Residential Segregation and Educational Achievement Disparities in the Gateway City The Power and Pervasiveness of Group Identity: A Comparative Analysis of Marxian & Capitalist Consciousness UNCG Dr. Elizabeth Natalle 11:20-12:20 Cone B Psychology: The Brain is Wider than Dr. John Lepri 11:20-12:20 the Sky Cone C UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG Greensboro College Durham Technical Community College UNCG Anna Gabrielle Warner Revenge of the Alpha Nerd: the Recreation of Hegemonic Masculinities within "Geek" Culture The Gods and Man Which Justice is Moral? Psychosocial elements of the vengence and anger as portrayed in Sophocles' Electra Katya Davis The Will of the Gods in the Trojan War and Helen UNCG Meghan Kuder The Trojan War in Troilus and Criseyde : Love as War UNCG Lois Triplett Alison Bean Liberal Arts Potpourri Sociology: Revealing That Which is Hidden Dr. Sarah Daynes 11:20-12:20 Maple Trojan War Narratives Dr. Rebecca Muich 12:30-2:00 Maple UNCG Emily Diane Wallace An Overview of Urushiol in the Toxicodendron Genus Juan Emmanuel Collazo The Role of Osteopontin in the Pathogenesis of Age-related Macular Degeneration Tyra Noelle Callaway Annie Walker Metallodrugs for Anti-Cancer Therapy Application of Temperature-Word Use to Illustrate Power Dynamics in Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy Jen Nelson An Analysis of the Inversion of Western Poetry’s Values Associated with Spring in T.S Eliot's The Waste Land Caroline Stamm Conflict Through the Lens of Literature and Film: Experimental Representations of Witnessing and Humanity Baekja: The Last Korean Pottery Red in the Morning: A Costume Research and Design for Moliere's "Tartuffe" Emily Van Haneghan Women And Peace: Assessing the Hypothesis That Gender Equality Leads to Peace Jessica Matthis Sexual Violence in South Africa: Protecting the Nation's Women and Children Jessica Matthis Camille Knudsen Rebecca Oden Rose Kim William England William Reingold Villancicos: A Reflection of Religion and Racism Musical Innovation in the Twelfth Century: The Troubadours and the Trobairitz Bright is the Ring of Words: Anglo-Saxons Live on in Music Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony and Mendelssohn: A Study in Reception UNCG UNCG Wonder is the Seed of Science Dr. Bruce Kirchoff 12:30-1:30 Cone A Literature: Adding to Reality Prof. Eloise Hassell 12:30-1:30 Cone B 1:40 -2:40 Cone A 1:40-2:40 Cone B 2:15-3:45 Maple UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG Guilford College Viewing the World Dr. Elizabeth with an Artist's Perrill Eye From the Margin to the Center Prof. Beth Walker UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG UNCG Music: A Higher Dr. Elizabeth L. Relevation Keathley Greensboro College Sharon Dei-Tumi Life or Death: Organ Donation Makes the Difference The Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease in the U.S. compared to India A Review of Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fast Food Consumption as a Factor in Ghanaian Cardiac Health Decline Eli David Cloonan How the Schuman Plan Affected British Opinions of European Integration: 1947-1959 Guilford College Melanie A. Smith Fear and Science: A Comparison of the Works of Giambattista Vico and Theodor Adorno Randi Thompson Mary Lincoln and Elizabeth Keckly: Friendship Despite Adversity Greensboro College Durham Technical Community College Bonnie Widenhouse Krishnaveni Balakrishnan Madison Peregoy UNCG Greensboro College Greensboro College Those Who Have Health Have Hope Dr. SeungHyun Lee 2:15-3:45 Cone C Learning from History Joseph Ross 2:50-3:50 Cone A New Dr. Roy Interpretations on Schwartzman the Holocaust 2:50-3:50 Cone B New Approaches to Ancient Dr. Omar H. Ali Religions 2:50-3:50 Dogwood The Polish Perpetrators of the Jedwabne Pogrom UNCG Carolyn McClure John W. Ruggiero Siera Schubach Andrew J. McCrae Katie Fullerton Ednah Chapman The Memory of Jedwabne: A Challenge to Holocaust Narratives Living Resistance: The Reality of Jewish Rebellion During the Holocaust The Impact of the Discovery and Research of the Dead Sea Scrolls Neoshamanism and Empiricism: An Uneasy Relationship I Am Not A God: Secularism in the Byzantine Empire UNCG UNCG Durham Technical Community College Guilford College UNCG
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