How to use SmartCare®/PS For Software Revision 2.n A short introduction Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare/PS 5. Ending SmartCare/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions This presentation is an introduction into the usage of SmartCare/PS SW 2.n Before using it on a patient, make sure you have read and understood the instructions for use. 2 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare/PS in a nutshell Option for Evita V500/Evita V300 SW. 2.n The SmartCare/PS system is an automated clinical protocol, designed to – stabilize the patient's spontaneous breathing in a comfortable zone of normal ventilation and – to automatically reduce the inspiratory support – to perform an automatic spontaneous breathing trial SmartCare/PS can be used for weaning intubated or tracheotomised patients with a body weight above 15 kg. The patients should be ready for weaning, i.e., haemodynamically stable with adequate oxygenation and spontaneous breathing. 3 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare/PS Requirements In addition to standard criteria [1] for starting to wean, the following conditions have to be met: – The decision to wean was made. – The decision to wean in SPN-CPAP/PS was made. – The decision to wean automatically through SmartCare/PS was made. – The treating physician and/or person responsible for the treatment has deemed the patient to be hemodynamically stable. – The patient's spontaneous respiratory rate is stable. – The patient does not suffer from a severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). – The patient does not suffer from any major neurologic disorders that influence the respiratory center. – The patient has a body weight between 15 kg and 200 kg. References: [1] MacIntyre NR and the writing committee and Task force of the American College of Chest Physicians. Evidence-Based Guidelines for weaning and discontinuing Ventilatory support. Chest 2001;120:375S-395S. 4 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare/PS 5. Ending SmartCare/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 5 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Before using SmartCare/PS Device is in the patient category adult or pediatric patients and in ventilation mode SPN-CPAP/PS Patient is invasively ventilated (intubated or tracheotomized) The following settings are required for patients with an ideal body weight of ≥36 kg: Image H 4 cm x W 6 cm – Endotracheal or tracheotomy tube – Active humidifier or HME filter. Patient's body weight between 15 kg and 200 kg. Leakage compensation on. CO2 sensor applied and CO2 monitoring on. Flow monitoring on Alarm limits appropriately set 6 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Before using SmartCare/PS: Set ATC (Automatic Tube Compensation) For patients with a body weight ≤ 35 kg, deactivate ATC in the »Ventilation settings« menu For patients with a body weight > 35 kg, ATC can be used with 100 % compensation 7 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Before using SmartCare/PS: Activate Apnea ventilation In the »Ventilation settings« menu – Touch the keys »Additional settings« Apnea Ventilation...« – Evita V500 displays the menu for setting the apnea ventilation – Touch the screen key »On«, and press the rotary knob to confirm – The status of apnea ventilation is displayed by Evita V500 on the main screen 8 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare/PS 5. Ending SmartCare/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 9 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Set SmartCare/PS Easy setup in just six steps In the »Ventilation settings« menu select »SPN/CPAP/PS« and then »SmartCare« The current settings are displayed Subsequently follow the 6 tabs and enter the patient related values Step 6 will activate SmartCare/PS For body weight ≤ 35 kg, only the menu options »Patient«, »Night rest« and »Patient Session« are displayed 10 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set SmartCare/PS Step 1: Set Patient Weight Touch the screen key »Patient« and use the rotary knob to set the patient‘s height IBW (Ideal body weight) of the patient will be calculated. In the pediatric patient mode the body weight is limited to 35 kg 11 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 1 Set SmartCare/PS Step 2: Set Airway access Touch the screen key »Airway access« SmartCare/PS compensates for the dead space and resistances added by different humidification and intubation types by adapting the PS goal Set the intubation type either to “ET” or “Trach.” Set the tube diameter 12 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 2 Set SmartCare/PS Step 3: Set Medical history Touch the screen key »Medical history« SmartCare/PS’s weaning protocol can adapt to the medical history of the patient Set neurological disorder to “Yes” when treating patients with slightly increased breathing frequency up to 34 bpm due to neurological disorders Set COPD to „Yes“ when treating patients with increased levels of etCO2 due to COPD 13 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 3 Set SmartCare/PS Step 4: Night rest Touch the screen key »Night rest« When »Night rest« is activated, SmartCare/PS will not actively reduce the PS for weaning purposes during the set period of time Nevertheless, even during night rest the SmartCare/PS protocol will keep the patient stable, i.e. react accordingly to any of the 8 diagnoses The time period can be modified at any time, including during night rest 14 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 4 Set SmartCare/PS Step 5: Change guideline Touch the screen key »Change guideline« Change »RRspon«, »VT/kg«, and »etCO2« when necessary Changes will be active by confirming with »Yes« Note: these changes will “overwrite” all settings, done before 15 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 5 Set SmartCare/PS Step 6: Activate SmartCare/PS Touch »Patient Session« screen key SmartCare/PS is now ready for weaning To start a patient weaning session with SmartCare/PS press »On« and confirm with the rotary knob 16 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 6 SmartCare/PS is now active »SmartCare« and the symbol » « appears in the upper part of the screen. The following settings cannot be changed when SmartCare/PS is active: – Airway access – Medical history – ATC on/off – Apnea ventilation on/off – Date/time – »Tube« mode PS can be changed by the user at any time. 17 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Typical sequence of a patient session SmartCare/PS first attempts to stabilize the patient's spontaneous breathing by adjusting the pressure support “Adapt”: Pressure support is regularly adapted to the patient's respiratory profile “Observe”: When pressure support reaches a minimum value SmartCare/PS starts a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) “Maintain”: When the SBT concluded successfully, the system displays a recommendation to disconnect the patient from Evita V500 and continues to keep the patient stable 18 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare/PS 5. Ending SmartCare/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 19 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare/PS Monitoring Full transparency Evita V500 / Evita V300 displays the actions taken by the SmartCare/PS protocol fully transparent to the user Separate views can be used and configured, like: Values, Logbook, Trend pages 20 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare®/PS Monitoring Displaying 1-hr trend 1 3 2 der Screen fehlt mir Display 1 hr trend Touch »Main« »Trends« screen key EvitaXL displays the menu for selecting parameters for trend display If SmartCare®/PS is available, EvitaXL will additionally offer the parameters »Diagnosis« and »SC-PSupp.« Touch the parameter key »Diagnosis« Evita V500 displays the trend profile for the last hour 21 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 1 SmartCare®/PS Monitoring Displaying 1-hr trend Inspiratory support is maintained or increased. The patient is being weaned. The patient is hyperventilated, inspiratory support is being reduced. der Screen fehlt mir To display the diagnosis for a particular moment in time: Turn the rotary knob to position the cross-hair cursor over the required point. EvitaXL displays the diagnosis at the top of the trend display. The cross-hair cursor cannot be moved if the trend has been frozen via 22 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare/PS Monitoring Displaying Measured Values and Settings Touch »Data...« »SmartCare« key The status of the current patient session and the set patient data are displayed 1 The values for SC-RRspon, SC-VT and SC-etCO2 are mean values between the individual ventilation classes 23 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 2 der Screen fehlt mir SmartCare/PS Monitoring Displaying Logbook Touch the keys »Logbook« »SmartCare«. Changes, events and alarms in the patient session are listed in a table with the date and time of occurrence. If PS was modified by the user, Evita V500 displays the new value with the symbol » * « When changing to the trend or basic page, the same point in time is displayed with the corresponding data. Logbook data are retained until the next patient session starts. 24 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use SmartCare/PS Monitoring Displaying Trends Select »Trends« »SmartCare« Evita V500 displays the trends for »Diagnosis« and »SC-ΔPS« The possible diagnoses are listed beside the scale on the right. The current ventilation diagnosis is highlighted in color Select time scale in increments of 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 hours, 1 day, 7 days Displaying trend values at a specific point in time, turn the rotary knob to position the cursor on the point in time or touch the point in time. 25 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare/PS 5. Ending SmartCare/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 26 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Ending SmartCare/PS SmartCare/PS indicates successful weaning with » SC: SBT successful « and the symbol » « Following the decision made by the treating physician and/or person responsible for the treatment, disconnection of the patient from the device may be considered. 27 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Ending SmartCare/PS Ending a patient session in the »Ventilation settings« menu – Touch keys »SmartCare« »Patient Session« »Off« – Press rotary knob to confirm 2 – The patient session is ended – After a patient session has been manually ended, Evita V500 continues ventilation with the last ΔPsupp setting – After a patient session has been terminated, the course data (e.g. SC trend and SC logbook) is retained until a new patient is entered 28 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 1 3 Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare®/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare®/PS 5. Ending SmartCare®/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and Messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 29 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Configuration Configure displayed values The display of measured values can be configured to show SmartCare®/PS related values – Press the keys »System Setup« »Screen« »Values...« – Select the desired group of values – Evita V500 displays the menu for selecting the parameter 3 – Specific parameters can be selected for SmartCare/PS 1 – These parameters can only be displayed as individual values 30 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use 2 der Screen fehlt mir Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare®/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare®/PS 5. Ending SmartCare®/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 31 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Alarms and messages Priority of alarms Different background colors indicate the priority levels of the alarms. The priority of the alarm messages is also indicated in the tables for Current alarms and Alarm history by exclamation points. !!! Warning High-priority alarm message !! Caution Medium-priority alarm message ! Note 32 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Immediate action is required to avert acute danger Prompt action is required to avert danger Low-priority alarm message Attention is required, delayed response is sufficient Messages and Related Actions Suspension of a Patient Session "Running patient session suspended. SmartCare/PS waiting for the end of the condition that caused the suspension." » SmartCare« is displayed in the header bar of the screen SmartCare/PS waits for the end of the condition that causes the suspension and does not change the pressure support level during this time. When the condition ends, SmartCare/PS starts to collect data again and resumes classification and control of the pressure support level "Deactivates the patient session and Evita V500 continues ventilation“ Cannot be influenced by the user 33 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Messages and related actions Suspending conditions 34 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Troubleshooting I 35 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Troubleshooting II 36 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Table of contents 1. What is SmartCare®/PS 2. Preparation 3. Operation 4. Monitoring SmartCare®/PS 5. Ending SmartCare®/PS 6. Configuration 7. Alarms and messages 8. Frequently Asked Questions 37 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ Is SmartCare/PS failsafe, because it alters the pressure on its own? – SmartCare/PS is an independent add-on to Evita V500/V300 and does not alter the safety mechanisms built into the ventilator. All alarm limits reactions based on the severity of alarms remain untouched. – Therefore, we recommend setting the following alarm limits before starting a patient session: Parameter Alarm limit MV low –25 % of current MV MV high 25 % of current MV RRspon high 40/min with body weight ≥ 36 kg 60/min with body weight ≤ 35 kg VT low 4 mL/kg body weight VT high 12 mL/kg body weight Paw 42 mbar with body weight ≥ 36 kg etCO2 low 29 mbar with body weight ≤ 35 kg etCO2 high 18 mmHg etCO2 high 57 mmHg (without COPD) 67 mmHg (with COPD) 38 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ What if my patient goes apneic? – The Evita V500 ventilator’s apnea ventilation will kick in as backup ventilation in case of an apnea episode with the tidal volume and frequency you have set. – In this case the caregiver is notified and the patient session is ended. 39 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ Can I use any humidifier? – For patients with body weights >35 kg, any active humidifier or passive heat-moistureexchanger (HME) can be used – For patients with body weights <= 35 kg, only active humidification can be used 40 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ Can I use SmartCare/PS at night to keep the patient stable, but not to wean? – SmartCare/PS comes with the function “Night rest” – You can set a time period during which the patient will be kept stable by the system in the comfortable zone of normal ventilation, but with no weaning off the ventilatory support – If necessary, the system will increase the Pressure Support during night rest – Weaning will automatically commence after the night rest period has ended 41 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ What if SmartCare/PS recommends “SC: SBT successful”, but no decision maker is available? – SmartCare/PS will enter the „Maintain” phase and keep the patient ventilated on the lowest level of Pressure Support – Should the patient develop instabilities or require higher levels of support pressure SmartCare/PS will stabilize the patient according to the protocol – Should instabilities persist, SmartCare/PS will switch back to the “Adapt” phase 42 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ Is SmartCare/PS affected by the usage of nebulized drugs? – As long as the etCO2 and flow sensors are not rendered inoperable by excessive amounts of nebulized drugs, SmartCare/PS is not affected. 43 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ What happens during bronchial suctioning? – Endotracheal suctioning can be performed as often as necessary without having to activate any special procedure. – However, it is highly recommended that the suction function of Evita V500 will be used with pre- and post-oxygenation. – This allows SmartCare/PS to detect reactions to suctioning, so that respiratory changes are not considered as instabilities with subsequent actions based on the protocol. 44 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use FAQ Can I change the Pressure Support level during a SmartCare/PS patient session? – Yes – The Pressure Support level can be altered manually at any time – SmartCare/PS will continue with the current phase with the new Pressure Support level 45 | 46 2014 08 SmartCare/PS (SW 2.n) - How-to-use Thank you for your attention.
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