Newsletter Queensway Community Junior School Friday 23rd March 2012 School Attendance Actual:

Queensway Community Junior School
Friday 23rd March 2012
School Attendance Actual: 95%
School Target: 96%
Ofsted Update Box:
23rd March
We had a visit from some Department of Education Advisors this week. They were
impressed by our children’s work and behaviour. They loved the quadrangle.
Home work celebration! Homework has been particularly good recently with excellent contributions from Venus, Pluto and Jupiter’s children. Special mentions for
Gabrielle Paulauskaite and Marcos Viera from Pluto, Chloe Hall and Callum Gray
from Venus and Levi Whittred and Tobiasz Szczerbicki from Jupiter.
Governors have been monitoring the school last week. They were impressed with
Art Day. They also talked to children about their literacy and maths lessons, the
Governors were very pleased with how confident our children are about what they
have to do next in their learning.
Attendance - EARTH
Most Hard Working - SATURN
Best Behaved - JUPITER
Please see the 2 fantastic pieces of work
attached to the newsletter - a poignant
short story by Courtney Hubbard in year 6
and a lovely thank you letter to Banham
Zoo from Ellie Paremain.
Well done to both of you.
Reading Café at Thetford Library Monday 2nd April 10.45am-12.00
Tuesday 3rd April 2.15-3.30pm
(See attached flier for more details)
Chewits Premier Sports Football & Street Dance Day Thursday 5th April
Multi sports Activity Days Thursday 12th and
Friday 13th April - 09.30-15.30
(Leaflet sent home last week, copies in office)
Camp Adventure at Breckland Leisure Centre
Monday 2nd, Wednesday 4th, Wednesday 11th,
Friday 13th April - 9.30-11.30am
(See attached flier for details)
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Queensway Sport
Relief Mile and donated money. It was a fantastic turn out and
everyone did very well, look out for pictures in next weeks Bury
Free Press. We will let you know next week how much we raised.
Calling all willing and able volunteers for your ideas!
Staff are busy planning a Grounds Activities week for June 28th. We would like your ideas about developing garden areas as well as future plans for play areas. Please chat with any member of staff or put
ideas in the parents box in the front entrance. If you want to help out please see class teachers.
Well done and thank you to everyone
who took part and helped out in
Queensway’s Got Talent on Tuesday it was a fantastic event.
Congratulations to:
1st place - CHARLIE WILSON
for singing a song from the musical Hairspray
2nd place - Alice Holloway, Courtney Hubbard, Isla Dear,
Shannon Southgate and Leigh Mortimer
for singing the song Perfect
3rd place - Leon Racey
for singing a song by Lincoln Park
Prizes: 1st place £30, 2nd place £10, 3rd place £5
Certificates for everyone.
This was a great success the children had a
fantastic morning and were captivated by the
performance. It was a very informative show
and they have learnt lots about Ancient
Eygpt, Louise Cole was even Mummified!!!
Luckily she’s back to normal now though.
A great time was had by all and the
Snow Leopards seem to be very
popular with the children. The children’s behaviour was impeccable and
they really enjoyed getting up close
and being able to touch the Creepy
Congratulations and well done to some of our children who took part in a regional dance
competition in Peterborough on Sunday. They are part of the Streetvibe Dance Crew. Both
the under 10’s and under 14’s groups came 4th out of 40 teams which is fantastic.
Attendance Award
The class with the best attendance last week was Earth, WELL DONE.
In second place was Jupiter and in third place was Venus.
Last week Year to Date
Last Week Year to Date
JUPITER 98.1% 95.8% ↑
SATURN 92.4%
94.2% ↓
MERCURY - 94.3% 94.0% NEPTUNE 92.6%
95.9% ↓
EARTH 98.3% 95.8% ↑
PLUTO 94.7%
94.6% MARS 94.0% 95.6% VENUS 94.4%
94.7% Do keep your children coming to school so that each class hits at least 96% for the
year! Well done Jupiter and Earth you’re very close to target now, keep up the good
work. Unfortunately Neptune have just slipped under this week, don’t let it go any
(↑ up on last week, ↓ down on last week, - stayed the same as last week)
The following children have
excelled themselves in class this
Mercury Michael Anns
Jupiter Harry Quick
Summer Eccles
Ronaldo Martins
Neptune George Carter
Amy Bohn
William Whur
Callum Gray
Very well done to you all.
School Holiday Dates:
Easter Holidays - 2-13 April 2012
Summer Half Term - 4-8 June 2012
Summer End of Term - 20 July 2012
Autumn Start of Term - Thurs 6th September 2012
Autumn Half Term - 29 October-2November 2012
End of Autumn Term - 21st December 2012
Please ensure holidays are not taken outside of these
Dates for your Diary:
Celebration Assembly - EVERY Friday 2.30pm
(unless special events occur)
Easter Disco - Wednesday 28th March
Year 5 Easter Production - Thurs 29th March 2pm
Staff Development Day - Monday 16th April (school closed to children)
Reading Café - Year 3 Thursday 2-3pm
Year 4 Thursday 3.30-4.30pm
Maths Whizz - All years Mon & Tues
We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following children:
Reece Garrett is 11 on 27th March
Marcos Viera is 11 on 28th March
Katy Winters is 9 on 28th March
Queensway Community Junior School does not endorse any of the organisations featured in our newsletter